(1).Sociology-The Discipline
1. "The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the
relationship between the two in society" C.W.mills.Explain.(18/1/8a/20)
2. The focal point of Sociology tests on interactionism. How do you distinguish it from
common sense.(18/1/1a/10)
3. Explain how sociology has emerged as a distinct discipline based on rationality and
scientific temper.(17/1/1a/10)
4. Discuss the changing equations of discipline of sociology with other social sciences.
5. "Sociology is pre-eminently study of modem societies." Discuss. (16/1/1a/10)
6. ls sociology common sense ? Give reasons in support of your argument.(16/1/2c/l0)
7. How had enlightenment contributed to the emergence of Sociology ?(15/1/3c/10)
8. Write short answer of the following in about 1 50 words : How did the emergence of
industrial society change the family life in Western Europe ?(14/1/1b/10)
9. Write short answer of the following in about 150 words : How is sociological
approach to human actions different from that of psychological approach (14/1/lc/10)
10. "Sociology emerged in Europe and flourished to begin with on social reformist
orientation in the U.S.A." - Comment. (150 words)(13/1/la/10)
11. Compare and contrast Sociology with Anthropology.(150 words)(13/1/lb/10)
(2).Sociooogy as science
1. Does the scientific method make Sociology a science ? Illustrate your answer with
Durkhim's method(18/1/5c/10)
2. Is non-positivistic methodology is scientific ? Illustrate (18/1/2a/20)
3. Examine ethnomethodology ical and phenomenological perspectives as critique of
4. Examine the basic postulates of positivism and post-positivism.(17/1/lb/10)
5. Elaborate the main tenets of interpretative perspective in sociology(17/I/2C/10)
6. What is 'value-free sociology' ? Clarify. (16/1/lb/10)
7. Describe the basic postulates of scientific method. How far are these followed in
sociological research ?(16/l/3b/20)
8. Is Sociology a Science ? Give reasons for your answer.(15/1/la/10)
9. Discuss the relevance of historical method in the study of society ?(17/1/lb/10)
10. "Non-positivistic methodology is essential for understanding human behaviour."
Discuss. (15/l/4a/20)
Bharat R. Patil 1
11. Write short answer of the following in about 150 words :How is objectivity different
from value neutrality ? Discuss with reference to Weber was on methodology.
12. In What way 'interpretative' method is different from 'positivist' approach in the study
of social phenomena ?(14/1/4b/20)
13. Critically examine positivistic approach in sociological studies (150words)
(4).Sociological Thinkers :
(4a).Karl Marx
1. According to Marx, how are human being alienated from their human potential and
what does he suggest to change this ?(18/1/4a/20)
Bharat R. Patil 2
2. Does collapse of funtionalism and bankruptcy of Marxism coincide with rupture of
modernity ? Discuss(18/1/3a/20)
3. Analyse Marxian conception of historical materialism as a critique of Hegelian
dialectics. (17/1/3b/20)
4. Evaluate Marx's ideas on mode of production. (16/1/ld/1O)
5. Identify the similarities and differences be Marx's theory of 'alienation' and
Durkheim's theory of 'anomie'. (14/1/2b/20)
6. According to Marx, capitalism transforms even the personal relationships between
men and women. Critically examine with illustrations from the contemporary Ind ian
context. (14/1/7c/10)
7. Analyse the salient features of historical materialism.(13/1/2c/10)
( 4b).Emile Durkheim
1. In what way did Durkheim perceive religion as a functional to society?(18/1/8c/10)
2. Explain Durkheim's basic arguments on suicide. Can you analyze high suicide rates
of contemporary Indian society with durkheim's theory(18/1/2b/20)
3. Discuss distinct sociological method adopted by Emile Durkheim in his study of
'suicide'. (17/l/3a/20)
4. Elaborate the views of Durkheim on "The Elementary Forms of Religious Life".
5. According to Durkheim, the essence of religion in modern society is the same as
religion in primitive society." Comment. (in about 150 words)(14/l/5e/10)
6. Compare Karl Marx with Emile Durkheim with reference to the framework of
'division of labour'.(13/1/33/20)
(4c).Max Weber
1. Distinguish between fact and value in weber's perspective Ethic and spirit of
2. Examine Max Weber's method of maintaining objectivity in social research
3. discuss the role of Calvinist ethic in the development of Capitalism ?(15/l/2a/20)
4. Which concept did Weber use to analyse the forms of legitimate domination ?
5. How does Weber use the notion of 'ideal types' in his theory of bureaucracy ?
6. Examine the salient features of Weberian bureaucracy.(13/l/3c/10)
( 4d).Talcott parsons
1. How can Parsons' AGIL,framework be used to analyse key problem in a society ?
Bharat R. Patil 3
2. Critically analyse Talcott Parsons' conception of 'Pattern Variables'. system. I
3. Describes the functional prerequisites of social system as given by Talcott Parsons.
Examine in the context of university as a social system (16/1/2b/20)
4. How is social equilibrium maintained in Parsonian framework ?(15/1/4b/20)
5. Examine the relevance of Parsonian Social system in the present society.(13/1/6c/10)
(4e).Robert K. Merton
1. What's is the difference between anomie in Merton and Durtheim ? Explain
2. Analyze the manifest and latent functions of 'Security of tenure of the bureaucrats' in
light of Merton's Theory(16/1/3a/20)
3. "Anomie is rooted in social structure." Explain with reference to R.K. Merton's
contribution (15/1/4c/10)
4. How can we use reference group theory to understand fashion in society ?(14/1/1e/10)
5. How could one use Merton's concept of deviance to understand the traffic problem in
urban india?(14/1/2c/10)
6. Using Merton's concepts of 'manifest' and 'latent' functions, explain the persistence of
corruption in Indian society.(14/1/3c/10)
1. Do you think 'I' and 'Me' are central terms in mead's works ? (18/l/31c/10)
2. "Self and Society are twin - born". Examine the statement of Mead.(15/l/2c/10)
3. Using Mead's theory of symbolic interactionism, discuss the stages in the formation of
gender identity. (14/1/4c/10)
4. Critically analyse the contributions of G.H. Mead to 'symbolic interactionism'.
Bharat R. Patil 4
8. Elucidate the basic premises of Davis' structural-functional theory of social
stratification. How far is it relevant in understanding contemporary Indian society ?
9. Discuss the relationship between poverty and social exclusion.(16/1/4c/10)
10. "No society can either be absolutely open or absolutely closed." Comment.
11. Differentiate between Marxian and Weberian 8. theories of Social Stratification?
12. What do you understand by gender ? How does it shape 'male identity' ? (14/1/3a/20)
13. "According to Max Weber, 'class' and 'status' are two different dimensions of power.
Discuss (14/1/3b/20)
14. For Marx, class divisions are outcomes of exploitation'. Discuss. (in about 150 words)
15. Critically examine the functionalist tradition in Sociology.(13/1/2b/20)
16. How are open and closed systems of stratification undergoing transformation in the
emergence of new hierarchical social order in societies? (13/1/4a/20)
17. Distinguish between people being socially excluded and people excluding themselves
socially in societies. (150 words) (13/1/5a/10)
18. Analyse the gender bias in the present society with examples.(150 words)(13/1/5e/10)
19. How does Karl Marx and Max Weber differ in terms of their analysis of social
stratification? (13/1/6a/20)
Bharat R. Patil 5
( 7).Politics and Society
1. What, according to Pareto, are the basic characteristics of elites ? Discuss(18/1/7c/10)
2. Are the social movements primordial in means and progressive in agenda ? Explain
3. Discuss the changing interface between state and civil society in post-independent
4. Examine the dynamics of pressure groups in multi-party political system.(17/1/6c/20)
5. What is new in 'new social movements' ?Elaborate your answer with special reference
to India.(17/U6b/20)
6. Examine the role of protest. movements in changing the status of Dalits in India.
7. To what extend revolution replaces the existing order of society ? Discuss.
8. Discuss the importance of 'power elite ' in democracy.(16/1/5b/10)
9. "Ideology is crucial for social transformation in a democracy." Discuss.(15/1/5b/10)
10. Explain the conditions under which a collective action transforms into a social
movement. (15/1/6b/20)
11. Caste ideology appears to have strengthened democracy. Comment.(15/1/7c/10)
12. "Globalization involves deterritorialization." Examine with reference to the
nation-state. (15/1/8a/20)
13. Discuss T. H. Marshall's views on citizenship.(in about 150 words) (14/U5d10)
14. Distinguish between Political Parties and Pressure Groups. (in about 150 words)
15. "Power is not a zero-sum game". Discuss with reference to Weber's and Parsons's
views. (14/1/6a/20)
16. What do you understand by social movement ?How has the mobilization by
Scheduled Castes helped them in constructing a new identity ? (14/1/8c/10)
17. Define social movement. Elucidate the role of reformist movements in social change.
(150 words) (13/1/5b/10)
18. Examine the role of pressure groups in parliamentary democracy ? (13/1/4d10)
19. Evaluate how do civil society and democracy mutually reinforce each other.
20. Critically examine the role of civil society in democracy.(13/1/7C/10)
Bharat R. Patil 6
3. Give an assessment of Durkheimian notion of 'sacred ' and 'profane ' in sociology of
religion. (17/1/5c/10)
4. Problematize the concept of secularism in the present context.(17/1/7a/10)
5. Elaborate on various types of religious practices prevalent in Indian society.
6. Is religion playing an important role in increasing fundamentalism ? Give reasons for
your answer.(16/1/5c/10)
7. How is Durkheim's theory of religion different from Max Weber's theory of religion ?
8. "Religious pluralism is the order of present-day societies." Explain by giving suitable
9. Distinguish between sects and cults with illustrations.(15/1/5c/10)
10. Define Secularisation. What are its major dimensions in the modem world?
11. How is religious revivalism different flom communalism? Elaborate with suitable
examples from the Indian context. (14/1/7a/20)
12. "Science has empirical means to logical ends and religion has non-empirical means to
logical ends." - Comment.(150 words) (13/1/5d/10)
13. Is religion antithetical to science ? Comment.(13/1/8c/10)
(9).Systems of Kinship
1. Distinguish between family and household with reference to the concept of
development of the household.(18/1/6b/20)
2. What are the new forms of family in developed societies ? Discuss(18/1/1e/10)
3. Define patriarchy. How does patriarchy manifest in interpersonal relations ?
4. Examine 'patriarchal bargain' gendered division of work in contemporary India.
5. Examine the relationship between the contemporary trends in marriage and changing
forms of family (17/1/7a/20)
6. Discuss the regional variations of kinship system in Indian society.(17/1/7b/20)
7. To what extent is patriarchy problems of women? Discuss. (16/1/5d/10)
8. Discuss the contemporary trends in family as a response to social change in modern
society. (16/1/7b/20)
9. Distinguish between family and household as sociological concepts (16/1/8c/10)
10. Is male authority absent in matrilineal society? Discuss (15/1/5d/10)
11. How do the rules of descent and alliance in kinship differ from each other? Illustrate
12. Critically examine the functionalist views the institution of family. How do those help
us in understanding family in the present times?(14/1/6b/20)
13. What do you understand by institutionalization of 'live-in-relationship'?(14/1/6c/10)
14. Analyse the contemporary trends in family with examples.(150 words)(13/1/1e/10)
Bharat R. Patil 7
15. Is patriarchy a universal phenomenon? Critically examine how does patriarchy affect
sexual division of labour in societies.(13/1/4b/20)
16. Examine the emerging trends in marriage and family and social order as a response to
the charges in economic and social order.(13/1/7b/20)
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Bharat R. Patil 9
(2).Caste System
1. Has caste system hindered democracy and adult franchise in India ? Discuss.
2. What do you understand by discrete castes and muddled hierarchies ? substantiate
your answer with suitable illustrations.(18/2/3a/20)
3. Discuss the concept of constitutional morality As given but by B.R. Ambedkar.
4. Which is more significant, the principle of 'hierarchy ' or the principle of 'difference in
intercaste relations in the present day ? (17/2/lb/10)
5. How have the struggles against untouchability changed their forms and perspectives
from Gandhian to Ambedkarite positions ? (17/2/1d/10)
6. What are the changes in the cultural and structural aspects of the caste system since
independence ? (17/2/2c/10)
7. How has B.R. Ambedkar identified the features of caste system ? How is it different
from the mainstream treatment of caste features ? (16/2/2a/20)
8. Discuss Andre Beteille's account of the relationship between caste, class and power as
a change flom symmetrical to asymmetrical one. (16/2/2b/20)
9. Write short note with a sociological perspective :
Louis Dumont's perspective on Indian caste system. (15/2/1c/10)
10. Write short nate with a sociological perspective :
How far Gandhi was trusted by the untouchables. (15/2/1d/10)
11. Is caste system changing, weakening or disintegrating in India ? (15/2/2a/20)
Bharat R. Patil
12. Write short note with a sociological Perspective :How far Srinivas's Sanskritization is
modernizing force or traditionalizing force in understanding the changes in caste
system ?(15/2/5e/10)
13. Discuss B.R. Ambedkar as a wise democrat.(15/2/7a/20)
14. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150words:
Features of caste system. (14/2/1a/10)
15. Write some of the important social reforms in India for the removal of untouchability.
16. How do caste and class come together in creating the category of extreme poor ?
17. What are the main features of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's views on annihilation of caste
18. Critically evaluate Louis Dumont's Homo Hilda rchicus.(13/2/3b/20)
19. What are the features of M.N. Srinivas' concept of dominant caste ? How effective is
it in understanding today's reality ? (13/2/3b/10)
Bharat R. Patil
2. write a note on the changing roles of middle-class women in India.(18/2/1d/10)
3. What accounts for the growth and consolidation of middle classes in modern India.
Elucidate. (16/2/4c/10)
4. Discuss the status of women among the emerging urban middle class. (14/2/4a/20)
5. Write short note with a sociological perspective :
Classes in agrarian society in India.(150 words) (13/2/1d/10)
6. Write short note with a sociological perspective :Other Backward Classes.(150 words)
7. Discuss the salient features of Indian middle class. (13/2/4c/15)
Bharat R. Patil
5. What are the basic tenets of Hindu religion ? Is Hinduism based on
monotheism or polytheism ? (15/2/4b/20)
6. What are the major concerns of ethnic identity and religious identity in India ?
7. Discuss the problems of religious minorities in India. (14/2/3b/20)
Bharat R. Patil
(3)Industrialization and Urbanisation in India
1. Write a note on Basic services of to the Urban poor (BSUP) and integrated housing
and slum development (IHSD) programmes provided for the urban poor.(18/2/6b/10)
2. Compare the pressing problems of a dalit poor family living in an urban slum with a
similar type of family living in a rural setting. (17/2/4c/10)
3. Do you agree that the issue of child labour raises questions about and beyond the
informal sector ? Give reasons. (17/2/5d/10)
4. Examine the impact of heritage tourism on urban socio-spatial patterns in India.
5. Write a detailed note on the effects of growing slums in urban areas. (16/2/7a/20)
6. Discuss the changing nature of the problems of working class in the infomial sector of
the economy. (16/2/7b/20)
7. Examine the impact of industrialization and urbanization on family structure.
8. Write short note with a sociological Perspective :
Issues relating to the infomial labour market n urban India. (15/2/5d/10)
9. Human development approach affirms that education and health - care growth are
more important than economic growth. Discuss this issue in the light of
post-liberalized Indian society. (15/2/8b/20)
10. Give a sociological analysis of the problems of migrant urban poor. (14/2/3a/20)
11. Discuss the impact of globalisation on the workers in the Infomtal sector.(14/2/6c/10)
12. Distinguish between formal and informal sectors in India. (13/2/4a/20)
13. Examine the influence of industrialisation on caste. (13/2/4b/15)
14. Write short note with a sociological perspective :Child Labour. (150 words)
15. Write an analytical note on slums in cities. (200 words) (13/2/7a/15)
Bharat R. Patil
(5)Social Movements in Modern India
1. Elaborate the 'Me Too' movement and its impact in India.(18/2/5e/10)
2. Explain the Dynamics of neo-farmers movement in contemporary India.(18/2/2b/20)
3. Examine socialogical dynamics of Champaran present movement in colonial India.
4. Despite gains from the women's movement and state policy of women empowerment,
gender equality is far from achieved. Identify & two major challgnes that prevent this
goal from being reached.(17/2/7a/20)
5. Write short notes with a sociological perspective : Different fomis of Dalit assertion.
6. Discuss the various forms of environmental movements started in India. (16/2/6C/10)
7. Discuss rhe impact of post-1970 feminist movement on Indian middle class.
8. Discuss the main features of farmcrs' movements in independent India.(15/2/7b/20)
9. Write short notes with a sociological erspective on the following in about 150 words:
Dynamics of Contemporary Dalit movements.(14/2/5c/10)
10. What are the main features of the second wave of Women's movement in the Indian
context ? (14/2/6a/20)
11. Discuss the 'Chipko movement ' as an example of eco-feminism.(14/2/6b/20)
12. Write short note with a sociological perspective :
Satya Sodhak movement of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule. (150 words) (13/2/1c/1o)
13. Bring out the main features of farmers' movements in Modern India. (200 words)
14. Discuss the sociological aspects of movements for separate States. (200 words)
15. What is the Dalit Movement ? Examine the issues highlighted by it. (200 words)
(6)Popullation Dynamics
1. What are the issues relating to male migration and its impact on birthrate ? Does it
necessarily result in skewed sex ratio?(18/2/8a/20)
2. What are the emerging concerns on women's reproductive health ? (17/11/5e/1O)
3. What, according to you, are the two fundamental axes of social discrimination in
Indian society ? Are they changing ? (17/2/8b/20)
4. What are the causes and solutions for the low female sex-ratio in the DEMARU States
of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal and Gujarat? (17/2/6d/10)
5. Write short notes with a sociological perspectives Differential sex-ratio and its
implications. (16/2/5e/10)
Bharat R. Patil
6. How is ageing becoming an emerging issue in Indian society? (16/2/8c/10)
7. Discuss the problems of elderly in India. What are the different perspectives to solve
their problems ! (15/2/3c/1o)
8. Why is it necessary to implement PCPNDT Act in India ? (15/2/4c/10)
9. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150 words:
Trends of Infant Mortality Rate among females.(14/2/5a/10)
10. What are the demographic projections for the ageing population (60+) for the next
decade ? What are the implications for formulating policy for them ? (14/2/7a/20)
11. Write short note wiki a sociological perspective :Sex Ratio.(150 words) (13/2/5e/10)
12. What are the main causes of female mortality in India. (200 words) (13/2/7c/15)
Bharat R. Patil
16. How serious is the problem of trafficking against women and children in India ?
17. To what extent the Muslim Personal Law Board is in agreement with Islamic feminist
agenda ? (15/2/7c/10)
18. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150words:
Domestic Violence Act, 2005.(14/2/5b/10)
19. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150 words:
Rural landless labourers and development induced displacement.(14/2/5e/10)
20. What are the possible underlying causes of the spurt of increased violence against
women in public spaces in the last decade ? (14/2/7b/20)
21. ' Many caste conflicts are between castes which are close to each other on the
hierarchical scale.' Give a sociological explanation for this phenomenon.(14/2/8a/20)
22. ''Tribal conflicts based on ethnic differences often camouflage a struggle for political
and economic advantage.' Substantiate with examples. (14/2/8b/20)
23. Explain the inter-linkages between poverty, deprivation aitd inequality. (200 words)
24. Discuss the problems of working women in India. (200 words) (13/2/7b/20)
25. Analyse the role of comunalism in undermining democracy in India. (200 words)
Bharat R. Patil