Poetry Poem: 4. Rhyme Scheme
Poetry Poem: 4. Rhyme Scheme
Poetry Poem: 4. Rhyme Scheme
Poem Example:
- a thought or feeling expressed in rhythmic “In mist or cloud, on mast or shroud.”
and colorful language. - Coleridge
- appeals to our imagination “Whiles all the night through fog-smoke
- can be structured or free-verse white.”
- lines and stanzas - The Ancient Manner
Stanzas are a series of lines grouped together and - Eye Rhymes, also
separated by an empty line from other stanzas. called sight or spelling rhymes, refer to words
- couplet (2 lines) having the same spelling but different sounds.
- tercet (3 lines) Examples are: move and love, cough and
- quatrain (4 lines) bough, food and good, death and wreath.
- cinquain (5 lines)
- sestet (6 lines)
- septet (7 lines) 4. Rhyme Scheme is the pattern of rhyme
- octave (8 lines) that comes at the end of each stanza or line in