Cyber Law and Ethics
Cyber Law and Ethics
Cyber Law and Ethics
Topic Name: Cyber Law & Ethics Chapter no 2
Determination of right and wrong and follows right behaviour using moral is called ethics
A set of moral principles which systematically link moral belief to each other is called as moral
A set of moral principles which systematically link moral belief to each other is called as ethical
Laws are rules in written format and governed by soverign authority
Cyber ethics refers to the code of responsible behaviour one has to demonstrate while using
The word cyber law refers to the code of responsilble behaviour one has to demonstrate while
using internet
Software piracy is copyright violation
Software piracy include duplicating and selling copyrighted programs
Software piracy is the copyright violation of software created originally by individual or institution
Piracy is duplication of original licence copy
Software piracy include installing and selling unauthorized copies of software
Gaining access without permission is known as unauthorized access
authorized access includes hacking financial account information
unauthorized access includes hacking bank account information
Software piracy includes hacking bank account information
unauthorized access include illegal use of login and password of other user
Software piracy include illegal use of login and password of other user
Firewall prevent unauthorized access
According to software ethics any user is allowed to access data of another user with authorisation
According to software ethics any user is allowed to access data of another user with
Accessing of data without permission is called as authorized access
Accessing of data without permission is called as unauthorized access
In information services, information provided should be complete without ambiguity
User should respect the privacy of other user while using internet
User should keep confidentiality while using internet
Cyber law deals with issues generated by the use of computer and internet
A computer professional should always maintain the data confedentiality
A computer professional should always access unauthorized information
A computer professional should always use pirated software
IT Act 2010 is an IT Act to provide legal recognisation for transaction carried out by means of
electronic data interchange
Cipher text is unreadable to human
Plain text is readable to human
IT Act 2000 is an IT Act to provide legal recognisation for transaction carried out by means of
electronic data interchange
IT Act 2000 provide legal recognition for transaction carried out by E-commerce
Addressee is a person who is intended by the originator to send the electronic record
Addressee is a person who is intended by the originator to receive the electronic record
Data means a representation of information, knowledge,facts and concepts
Information includes text, image and sound
The official gazatte published in electronic form is called electronic gazette
Private key is used to create a digital signature
Public key is used to create a digital signature
Public key is used to verify a digital signature
Private key is used to verify a digital signature
Digital signature provide authenticity to user for information
IT Act2000 has provided a legal recognisation to digital signature
Digital signature uses public key cryptography
Coded signature uses public key cryptography
Private key is used for encryption
Antivirus helps the user to access information from other computer
Digital signature certificate is issued to subscriber
Person using public key of the subscriber can verify the electronic record
Person using private key of the subscriber can verify the electronic record
E-mail is the electronic gazette which is published in electronic form
Rules of computing are called commandments
Computer user should not snoop around the other peoples computer file
Computer user should snoop around the other peoples computer file
Computer user should not interfere with other peoples computer work
Computer user should not copy or use the software for which they had not paid
Privacy is the quality or state of being protected from unauthorized access
Security is the quality or state of being protected from unauthorized access
Intellectual Property Right consists of copyright, trademark, patent, design and geographical
Intellectual Property Right refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of internet.
Fair use does not allow copying of limited amount of material without permission
Fair use does allow copying of limited amount of material without permission
Attribution is related to the originator who sends the product to the other person
Attribution is related to the originator who receives the product to the other person
Acknowledgment is related to the originator who receives the product to the other person
Acknowledgment is related to the originator who sends the product to the other person
Shareware programs can be freely distributed and freely tested
A trial period is given to test shareware program
Freeware program is offered at no cost
Linux is an example of freeware
Public domain software is software that is not copyrighted
Public domain software is a software that can be copyrighted
Knowledge(K) Difficulty level
Understanding(U) Easy(1)
Application(A) Moderate(2)
Skill(S) Difficult(3)
0 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
0 Understanding(U) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
0 Understanding(U) 2
1 Understanding(U) 1
1 Understanding(U) 2
1 Understanding(U) 1
1 Understanding(U) 1
1 Understanding(U) 2
1 Knowledge(K) 1
0 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Understanding(U) 2
0 Understanding(U) 2
1 Knowledge(K)
0 Understanding(U) 2
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
0 Knowledge(K) 1
0 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Understanding(U) 2
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
0 Understanding(U) 1
0 Understanding(U) 1
0 Understanding(U) 1
1 Understanding(U) 1
1 Understanding(U) 1
1 Understanding(U) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
0 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 2
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Understanding(U) 1
1 u 1
1 k 1
0 u 1
1 k 1
0 k 1
1 k 1
1 k 1
1 k 1
0 u 1
0 u 1
0 u 1
1 k 1
1 k 1
0 u 1
0 u 2
1 k 1
1 k 1
0 Understanding(U) 2
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
0 Understanding(U) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Understanding(U) 1
0 Understanding(U) 1
0 Understanding(U) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
0 Understanding(U) 2
1 Knowledge(K) 1
0 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Understanding(U)
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
1 Knowledge(K) 1
0 Understanding(U) 1
Fill in the blanks
Sr. No Question
2 ---------------refers to genrally accepted standerds of right and wrong in a society
3 Determination of right and wrong and follows right behaviour using moral is called ----------------
A set of moral principles which systematically link moral belief to each other is called as ---------------
5 --------------are rules in written format and governed by soverign authority
7 To decide what is right and wrong and then doing right thing is called as ………………….
6 Unauthorized written CDs/DVDs for music is an example of …………….
8 …………….. is copyright violation of software created originally individual or institution
9 ……………….. include borrowing and installing a copy of a software application from a person
………………. include installing and selling authorize copies of software while purchasing new computer
11 …………………. include downloading software illegally from internet
12 ……………… include duplicating and selling copyrighted programs
13 Gaining access without user permission is known as ………………..
14 Unauthorized duplication and use of software is called as …………….
15 Hacking financial information from bank account is an example of ………………..
16 Accessing of data without permission is called as ………….. Access
17 ………………. means illegal use of login and password of other users
18 …………………….key is used to verify digital signature
19 …………………….key is used to create digital signature
21 ………………. provide authenticity to user for information
22 ……………….. secure our data by encoding
23 Digital signature uses …………… key cryptography
24 ……………….. uses public key cryptography
25 ………….. means a person in whose name the digital signature certificate is issued
26 …………….. text is unreadable to human
27 ……………. deals with issues generated by the use of computer and internet
28 ……………… examine the technological aspects of law
29 …………….is a person who is intended by the originator to receive the electronic record
……………. means the interconnection of one or more computer through communication media
32 ………... means a representation of information, knowledge,facts and concepts
33 The official gazatte published in electronic form is called …………..
34 …………….. key is used to create a digital signature
35 ………….key is used to verify a digital signature
36 Digital signature uses …………….key cryptography
47 Digital signature certificate is issued to ………………………
37 Rules of computing are called …………………..
38 Linux is an example of ……………….
39 ……………………………. programs can be freely distributed and freely tested
40 ………………...program is offered at no cost
41 ……………….. is software that is not copyrighted
42 …………………….. is related to the receiver who receives the product from the originator
43 ……………………. does allow copying of limited amount of material without permission
44 …………………. programs can be freely distributed and freely tested
45 A trial period is given to test ……………….. program
46 ……………………. is the quality or state of being protected from unauthorized access
47 …………………….. is related to the sender who sends the products to the other person
Knowledge(K) Difficulty level
moral theory K 1
Laws K 1
Ethics K 1
software piracy U 2
software piracy U 2
software piracy U 2
software piracy U 2
software piracy U 2
software piracy U 2
Unauthorized access K 1
software piracy U 2
Unauthorized access U 2
Unauthorized K 1
Unauthorized access K 1
public K 1
private K 1
digital signature U 3
digital signature U 3
public K 1
Digital signature K 1
subscriber U 2
cipher U 2
cyber law K 1
cyber law K 1
Addressee K 1
computer network K 1
Data K 1
electronic gazette K 1
Private K 1
Public K 1
public U 2
subscriber U 1
commandments U 2
freeware U 2
Shareware U 1
Freeware U 2
Public domain software U 1
Acknowledgment K 1
Fairuse K 1
Shareware U 2
shareware U 2
Security U 1
Topic Name: Cyber Law & Ethics Chapter no 2
Knowledge(K) Application(AUnderstandiSkill(S)
Multiple Choice Question (Single Correct Ansewr) Difficulty level Easy(1) Moderate(2)Difficult(3)
sr no Ouestion Distractor(1) Distractor(2)Distractor(3)
Distractor(4)Answers K/U/A/S
Difficulty level
1 1 The determination right and wrong and following the right behavior using morals is called as …………….. Ethics law moral theorycyber lawEthics Knowledge(K) 1
2 2 ………….. refers to standerd of right conduct and judgment of perticular actions ethics law moral cultural v law Knowledge(K) 1
3 3 ………… includes any at of parliament or state legislature, ordinance promulgated law principle moral ethics law Knowledge(K) 1
by President or a governer and includes, regulations and order issued their under.
4 4 Downloading software illegaly from internet auction or blogs is ………… unauthorised asoftware piragaining accestealling softwareUnderstanding 2
5 5 Duplicating and selling copyrighted programs is …………….. unauthorised asoftware piragaining accestealling softwareUnderstanding 2
6 6 Borrowing and installing a copy of software application from a person is include in ……….. unauthorised asoftware piracopyright fair use softwareUnderstanding 2
7 7 …………….installing more number of copies of the software than authorized number of licenses copies availablecopyright software piraunauthorisedfair use softwareUnderstanding 2
8 8 Gaining access without user permission is known as ……….. unauthorised aauthorised acsoftware pir fair use unauthorKnowledge(K) 2
10 9 Installing and selling unauthorized copies of software while purchasing new computer is …………. authorised accfair use software pir unauthorisoftwareUnderstanding 1
11 10 Hacking bank account related information is an example of ………….. software pirac unauthorisedcyber law fair use unauthorUnderstanding 1
12 11 Illegal use of login and password of other users is an example of ……….. fair use software piraunauthorisedauthoriseunauthorUnderstanding 2
13 12 Choose definition given in IT Act 2000…………… Ethics moral computer addressincomputeKnowledge(K) 2
14 13 Choose definition given in IT Act 2000…………… computer netwpersonal key professonali ethics computeKnowledge(K) 1
15 14 Choose definition given in IT Act 2000…………… honesty confidentialitdata addressindata Knowledge(K) 1
16 15 Choose definition given in IT Act 2000…………… computer resou data source cipher recor private recomputer Knowledge(K) 1
17 16 Unauthorized access can be overcome by ……….. making illegal updating instaupdating insUsers vig Users vi Understanding 2
18 17 Unauthorized access can be overcome by ……….. updating insta making illega updating instInstalling Installi Understanding 2
19 18 Unauthorized access can be overcome by ……….. updating insta updating installed softwarmaking illupdatingUnderstanding 1
20 19 ………. refers generally accepted standerds of right and wrong in a society ethics law moral cyber lawmoral Knowledge(K) 1
21 20 Stealling of codes/programs illegally is ………… software creat software piraauthorized aethics softwareKnowledge(K) 1
22 21 One of the ethics for information services is …………….. Ensuring accurusers vigilancuninstalling uninstalli EnsuringUnderstanding 2
23 22 One of the ethics for information services is …………….. uninstalling pausers vigilancProperly desuninstalli ProperlyUnderstanding 2
24 23 One of the ethics for information services is …………….. uninstalling hoInformation puninstalling users vigi InformatUnderstanding 2
25 24 One of the ethics for information services is …………….. Providing propuninstalling users vigilanuninstalli ProvidinUnderstanding 2
26 25 Responsibility of computer professional is …………….. design productuninstalling software pir uninstalli design pUnderstanding 2
27 26 ……………… technology used to manage access and prevent unauthorized access firewall virus acknowldge private kefirewall Knowledge(K) 1
28 27 The purpose of….. is to provide authenticity to user for information digital signaturfair use copyright antivirus digital s Application 3
29 28 …………………. can be freely incorporated into new works without paying royalties for the original. Freeware Public DomaiShareware All progr Public DKnowledge(K) 1
30 29 …………………. uses public key cryptography freeware shareware electronic gacopyright Digital s Knowledge(K) 1
31 30 ____ means a key of a key pair used to create digital signature. private key public key primary key License K private Knowledge(K) 1
32 31 __________ uses public key cryptography Direct signaturDigital signat Simple signaCoded sigdigital s Knowledge(K) 1
33 32 ____ means a key of a key pair used to create digital signature. public key foreign key primary key License K private Knowledge(K) 1
34 33 ____ means a key of a key pair used to verify digital signature. private key public key primary key License K public k Knowledge(K) 1
35 34 The text converted into unreadable text during encryption process is called _________. random text Cipher text encrypted tePlain text Cipher t Understanding 2
36 35 ______ is text gets created after encryption of plain text random text Cipher text encrypted tePure text Cipher t Understanding 2
37 36 The mechanism of converting plain text into cipher text is called as ________ encryption decryption decoding programmencryptiUnderstanding 2
38 37 The mechanism of converting cipher text into plain text is called as ________ modulation demodulatio decryption encoding decryptiUnderstanding 2
39 38 ________ signifies that the message is received electronically. attribution acknowlegemencryption encoding acknowlUnderstanding 2
40 39 _________is concerned with the publication of true account of private life of individual, Intellectual pr privacy security intellectu privacy Knowledge(K) 1
medical confidentialty, privacy in electronic communication, etc
41 40 Digital signature certificate is issued to ……………………… subscriber originator haker programmsubscribKnowledge(K) 1
42 41 …….………means gaining entry into computer resources ,computer system ,computer netwcopyright acknowldgemaccess addressinaccess Knowledge(K) 1
43 42 …………….is a person
……………. means the who is intended by
interconnection the originator
of one to receivethrough
or more computer the electronic record
communication copyright acknowldgemaccess addresseeaddress Knowledge(K) 1
44 43 media like satellite, microwave ,terrestrial line. topology acknowldgemcomputer neattributio computeKnowledge(K) 1
50 49 ___________means the Official Gazette published in the electronic form. Electronic Gazedata attribution addresseeElectroniKnowledge(K) 1
51 50 Choose correct commandment of computing for computer users and professional. Thou shalt in Thou shalt noThou shalt uThou shaltThou shaUnderstanding 2
52 51 Choose correct commanment of computing for computer users and professional. Thou shalt notThou shalt n Thou shalt apThou shaltThou shaUnderstanding 2
53 52 Choose correct commanment of computing for computer users and professional. Thou shalt no Thou shall u Thou shalt uThou shaltThou shaUnderstanding 2
54 53 Choose correct commandment of computing for computer users and professional. Thou shalt notThou shalt noThou shalt uThou shaltThou shaUnderstanding 2
55 54 Choose correct commandment of computing for computer users and professional. Thou shalt copyThou shalt usThou shalt nThou shaltThou shaUnderstanding 2
56 55 Choose correct commandment of computing for computer users and professional. Thou shalt us Thou shalt noThou shalt hou shalt Thou shaUnderstanding 2
57 56 Choose correct commandment of computing for computer users and professional. Thou shalt useThou shalt s Thou shalt Thou shaltThou shaUnderstanding 2
58 57 Choose correct commandment of computing for computer users and professional. Thou shalt sn Thou shalt usThou shalt t Thou shaltThou shaUnderstanding 2
59 58 Choose correct commandment of computing for computer users and professional. Thou shalt copThou shalt al Thou shalt Thou shaltThou shaUnderstanding 2
59 Choose correct commandment of computing for computer users and professional. Thou shalt not Thou shalt noThou shalt Thou shaltThou shaUnderstanding 2
60 60 Linux is an example of ………………. freeware shareware public domaliveware freewar Application 1
61 61 __________consists of copyright, trademark, patent, design and geographical indications digital signaturIntellectual P Electronic reattributio IntellectUnderstanding 2
__________ is an Intellectual Property Right attached to original works in which the right exists with
62 62 originator or creator copyright Attribution Fair use digital si copyrighKnowledge(K) 1
_______ allows copying of limited amount of materials in certain cases without permission of the copyright
63 63 owner attribution copyright Fair use attributio Fair use Understanding 2
64 64 _______ term is related to the originator who sends the products to the other person Acknowledgmefair use copyright attributio Attribut Knowledge(K) 1
65 65 _______ term is related to the receiver who receives the products from the originator AcknowledgmeAttribution Fair use copyright acknowlKnowledge(K) 1
Short note
Difficulty level