Patient Safety PDF
Patient Safety PDF
Patient Safety PDF
active error active error : an error associated with the performance of the ‘front-line’ operator of Synonym : sharp-end error
X X a complex system and whose effects are felt almost immediately. (Reason, 1990, This definition has been slightly modified by the Institute of Medicine : “an
French : erreur active
Spanish : error activo p.173) error that occurs at the level of the frontline operator and whose effects are
felt almost immediately.” (Kohn, 2000)
German : aktiver Fehler
Italiano : errore attivo
Slovene : neposredna napaka
see also : error
active failure active failures : actions or processes during the provision of direct patient care that Since failure is a term not defined in the glossary, its use is not
X fail to achieve their expected aims, for example, errors of omission or commission. recommended. A different meaning exists for active failure : “an error which
French : défaillance active is precipitated by the commission of errors and violations. These are difficult
Spanish : fallo activo While some active failures may contribute to patient injury, not all do. (Wade, 2002;
to anticipate and have an immediate adverse impact on safety by
German : aktives Versagen Davies,2003) breaching, bypassing, or disabling existing defenses.” (JCAHO, 2002)
Italiano : fallimento attivo
Slovene : aktivna napaka
see also : active error
administration error administration error : whatever type of medication error, of omission or A process error taking place in the medication use system: definition and
X commission, that occurs in the administration stage when the medication has to be type to be refined with the taxonomy of medication errors.
French : erreur d’admnistration
Spanish : error de administración given by a nurse, or the own patient, or a caregiver.
German : Anwendungsfehler
Italiano : errore di somministrazione
Slovene : napaka pri dajanju
see also : medication error
adverse drug event adverse drug event : any injury occurring during the patient’s drug therapy and “Adverse drug events may have resulted from medication errors or from
X resulting either from appropriate care, or from unsuitable or suboptimal care. adverse drug reactions in which no error was involved.” (Gurwitz, 2000)
French : événement indésirable médicamenteux
Adverse drug events include: the adverse drug reactions during normal use of the “An injury, large or small, caused by the use (including non-use) of a drug.
Spanish : acontecimiento adverso por There are two types of adverse drug events (ADEs) : those caused by
medicamentos medicine, and any harm secondary to a medication error, both errors of omission or
errors and those that occur despite proper usage. If an adverse drug event
German : unerwünschtes Arzneimittelereignis commission. is caused by an error it is, by definition, preventable. Nonpreventable
Italiano : evento avverso legato all’uso di farmaci An adverse drug event can result in different outcomes, notably: in the worsening of adverse drug events (injury, but no error) are called adverse drug reactions
Slovene : neželeni dogodek pri uporabi zdravila an existing pathology, in the lack of any expected health status improvement, in the (ADRs) ” (Leape et al 1998).
see also : adverse drug event trigger, potential outbreak of a new or to be prevented pathology, in the change of an organic
adverse drug event, preventable adverse drug function, or in a noxious response due to the medicine taken.
event, unpreventable adverse drug event
Terms : A – approved term ; R – regulatory term ; P – patient safety term ; B - term to be banned : not to be used
Uptated on 20 October 2005 (Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices meeting 4 May 2005) -1-
Committee of Experts on Management of Safety and Quality in Health Care (SP-SQS)
Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
cause cause : an antecedent factor that contributes to an event, effect, result or outcome.
X A cause may be proximate in that it immediately precedes the outcome, such as an
French : cause
Spanish : causa action. A cause may also be remote, such as an underlying structural factor that
German : Ursache influences the action, thus contributing to the outcome. Outcomes never have single
Italiano : causa causes. (Wade, 2002)
Slovene : vzrok
see also : root cause analysis
causation causation : the act by which an effect is produced ; the causal relationship between Synonym: causality.
X the act and the effect. In epidemiology, the doctrine of causation is used to relate certain factors
French : causalité
(predisposing, enabling, precipitating, or reinforcing factors) to disease
Spanish : causalidad, inferencia causal occurrence. The doctrine of causation is also important in the fields of
German : Kausalität negligence and criminal law.(JCAHO)
Italiano : causazione
Slovene : vzročnost
see also : root cause analysis
Terms : A – approved term ; R – regulatory term ; P – patient safety term ; B - term to be banned : not to be used
Uptated on 20 October 2005 (Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices meeting 4 May 2005) -2-
Committee of Experts on Management of Safety and Quality in Health Care (SP-SQS)
Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
Terms : A – approved term ; R – regulatory term ; P – patient safety term ; B - term to be banned : not to be used
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Committee of Experts on Management of Safety and Quality in Health Care (SP-SQS)
Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
error error : a generic term to encompass all those occaions in wich a planned sequence “The failure of a planned action to be completed as intended (i.e., error of
X X of mental or physical activities fails to achieve its intended outcome, and when these execution) or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim (i.e., an error of
French : erreur humaine planning)” (Kohn 2000) ; “and also the failure of an unplanned action that
Spanish : error failures cannot attributed to the intervention of some change agency. (Reason, 1990,
should have been completed”. (Aspden, 2004) “Errors can include problems
German : Fehler p.9) ; failure of planned actions to achieve their desired ends-whithout the in practice, products, procedures, and systems.” (QuIC, 2000)
Italiano : errore intervention of some unforeseeable event (Reason, 1997, p.71)
Slovene : napaka
see also : mistake, slip, lapse
error of commission error of commission : an error which occurs as a result of an action taken. Examples include when a drug is administered at the wrong time, in the
X X (JCAHO, 2002) wrong dosage, or using the wrong route;
French : erreur par commission
Spanish : error de comisión
German : Ausführungsfehler
Italiano : errore di esecuzione
Slovene :napaka izvršitve
see also : error, mistake, slip, lapse
error of omission error of omission : an error which occurs as a result of an action not taken For example, when a nurse omits a dose of a medication that should be
X X (JCAHO, 2002) administered (JCAHO, 2002) ; failing to prescribe a medication from which
French : erreur par omission the patient would likely have benefited. (Aspden, 2004)
Spanish : error por omisión
German : Unterlassungsfehler
Italiano : errore di omissione
Slovene : napaka opustitve
evidence-based guidelines evidence-based guidelines : consensus approaches for handling recurring health
French : recommandations fondées sur des management problems aimed at reducing practice variability and improving health
preuves outcomes. Guideline development emphasizes using clear evidence from the
Spanish : recomendaciones basadas en la existing literature, rather than expert opinion alone, as the basis for advisory
evidencia materials (Aspden, 2004)
German : Evidenz-basierte Leitlinien
Italiano : linee guida basate sull’ evidence-based
Slovene : na dokazih temelječe smernice
Terms : A – approved term ; R – regulatory term ; P – patient safety term ; B - term to be banned : not to be used
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Committee of Experts on Management of Safety and Quality in Health Care (SP-SQS)
Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
human factors human factors : the study of the interrelationships between humans, the tools they
X X use, the environment in which they live and work, and the design of efficient, human
French : facteur humain
Spanish : factores humanos centred processes to improve reliability and safety. (RFM, Wade, 2002)
German : menschliche Faktoren
Italiano : fattore umano
Slovene : človeški dejavniki
Terms : A – approved term ; R – regulatory term ; P – patient safety term ; B - term to be banned : not to be used
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Committee of Experts on Management of Safety and Quality in Health Care (SP-SQS)
Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
Terms : A – approved term ; R – regulatory term ; P – patient safety term ; B - term to be banned : not to be used
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Committee of Experts on Management of Safety and Quality in Health Care (SP-SQS)
Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
medication safety medication safety : freedom from accidental injury during the course of medication
X use; activities to avoid, prevent, or correct adverse drug events which may result
French : sécurité des soins médicamenteux
Spanish : seguridad en el uso de los from the use of medications. (AHA&HRET&ISMP, 2002)
German : Arzneimittelsicherheit
Italiano : sicurezza dei farmaci
Slovene : varnost pri ravnanju z zdravili
see also : patient safety, pharmacovigilance
medication use system medication use system : a combination of interdependent processes that share the “Medication use within a healtcare organisation can be viewed as a system,
X common goal of safe, effective, appropriate, and efficient provision of drug therapy to with several components and processes, inputs (patient and drug theray
French : circuit du médicament information, and outputs (effective, efficient, and safe treatment). The
Spanish : sistema de utilización de los patients. Major processes in the medication use system are : selecting and
provision of medications to patients, regardless of the setting, depends on a
medicamentos procuring; storage; prescribing; transcribing and verifying/reviewing; preparing and set of processes…” (Nadzam, 1998)
German : Arzneimittelanwendungssystem dispensing; administering and monitoring. (Cohen, 1999; AHA&HRET&ISMP, 2002; “Each major process in the medication system- ordering, dispensing, and
Italiano : sistema di utilizzo dei farmaci JCAHO, 2003; Otero 2003). administration – has its own unique opportunities for error.” (Leape 1998)
Slovene : sistem ravnanja z zdravili For flowcharts describing the medication use system, see these references.
see also : process, system
mistake mistake : deficiency or failure in the judgemental and/or inferential processes “The actions may conform exactly to the plan, but the plan is inadequate to
X X involved in the selection of an objective or in the specification of the means to achieve its intended outcome.” (Reason, 1997, p.71)
French : erreur de jugement
Spanish : equivocación achieve it, irrespective whether or not the actions directed by this decision-scheme
German : Beurteilungsfehler, Irrtum run according to plan (Reason, 1990, p.9) ; errors of concious though including rule-
Italiano : mistake based errors that occur during problem solving when a wrong rule is chosen, and
Slovene : zmota knowledge-based errors that arise because of lack of knowledge or misinpretation of
the problem (Leape, 1994).
see also : error, slip, lapse
monitoring error monitoring error : failure to review a prescribed regimen for appropriateness and A process error taking place in the medication use system: definition and
X detection of problems, or failure to use appropriate clinical or laboratory data for type to be refined with the taxonomy of medication errors.
French : erreur de suvi thérapeutique
Spanish : error de seguimiento adequate assessment of patient response to prescribed therapy. (Leape, 1998)
German : Überwachungsfehler
Italiano : monitoraggio degli errori
Slovene : napaka pri sledenju
Terms : A – approved term ; R – regulatory term ; P – patient safety term ; B - term to be banned : not to be used
Uptated on 20 October 2005 (Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices meeting 4 May 2005) -7-
Committee of Experts on Management of Safety and Quality in Health Care (SP-SQS)
Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
Terms : A – approved term ; R – regulatory term ; P – patient safety term ; B - term to be banned : not to be used
Uptated on 20 October 2005 (Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices meeting 4 May 2005) -8-
Committee of Experts on Management of Safety and Quality in Health Care (SP-SQS)
Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
Terms : A – approved term ; R – regulatory term ; P – patient safety term ; B - term to be banned : not to be used
Uptated on 20 October 2005 (Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices meeting 4 May 2005) -9-
Committee of Experts on Management of Safety and Quality in Health Care (SP-SQS)
Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
Terms : A – approved term ; R – regulatory term ; P – patient safety term ; B - term to be banned : not to be used
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Committee of Experts on Management of Safety and Quality in Health Care (SP-SQS)
Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
root cause analysis root cause analysis : a systematic investigation technique that looks beyond the Typically, the analysis focuses primarily on systems and processes, not
X X individuals concerned and seeks to understand the underlying causes and individual performance. (Aspden, 2004)
French : analyse des causes profondes
Spanish : análisis de causas raíz environmental context in which the incident happened. (NPSA, 2004) The analysis
German : Ursachenanalyse focuses on identifying the latent conditions that underlie variation in performance and
Slovene : analiza porekla vzrokov on developing recommendations for improvements to decrease the likelihood of a
recurrence. (Wade, 2002, Davies, 2003)
see also : cause, latent conditions
sentinel event sentinel event : an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or
X X psychological injury, or the risk thereof. Serious injury specifically includes loss of
French : événement sentinelle
Spanish : acontecimiento o suceso centinela limb or function. The phrase, "or the risk thereof" includes any process variation for
German : Sentinel-Ereignis, Signal-Ereignis which a recurrence would carry a significant chance of a serious adverse outcome.
Italiano : evento sentinella Such events are called "sentinel" because they signal the need for immediate
Slovene : opozorilni nevarni dogodek investigation and response. (JCAHO, 2002)
slip slip : error which result from some failure in the execution and/or storage stage of an “They are errors of execution that occurs when there is a break in the
X action sequence, (…) potentially observable as actions-not-as-planned (slips of the routine while attention is diverted.” (Leape, 1994)
French : lapsus, erreur d’attention
Spanish : distracción, desliz, error de atención tongue, slips of the pen, slips of action). (Reason, 1990, p.9). Slips relate to
German : Ausrutscher observable actions and are commonly associated with attentional or perceptual
Slovene : spodrsljaj failures (Reason, 1997, p.71)
see also : error, mistake, lapse
system system : a set of interdependent elements interacting to achieve a common aim.
X These elements may be both human and non-human (equipment, technologies,
French : système
Spanish : sistema etc.). (Kohn, 2000)
German : System
Italiano : sistema
Slovene : sistem
see also : medication use system, process
Terms : A – approved term ; R – regulatory term ; P – patient safety term ; B - term to be banned : not to be used
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Committee of Experts on Management of Safety and Quality in Health Care (SP-SQS)
Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
voluntary reporting voluntary reporting : those reporting systems for which the reporting of patient
X X safety events is voluntary (not mandatory). Generally, reports on all types of events
French : notification spontanée
Spanish : notificación voluntaria are accepted. (Aspden, 2004)
German : freiwilliges Meldesystem
Italiano : reporting volontario
Slovene: prostovoljno poročanje
List of references
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Expert Group on Safe Medication Practices
Glossary of terms related to patient and medication safety
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