Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati: Renigunta Road, Settipalli Post, Chittoor District, Tirupati - 517506

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भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी सं स्थान गतरुपगत

Renigunta Road, Settipalli Post, Chittoor District, Tirupati – 517506

No: IITTP/Staff RMT-01/2019 July 03, 2019

IIT Tirupati an Institute of national importance declared as such under the Institute of
Technology Act, 1961, invites applications from the candidates for the following regular staff positions.

Post Post Upper Qualification/Experience Pay Level in the 7th No. of

No. Age Pay Matrix posts
1 Executive 50 BE/B. Tech in Civil Engineering Level 11 (Rs 67,700 1 (UR)
Engineer (Civil) years with atleast 55% marks or – 2,08,700-).
equivalent CGPA from
recognised University
/Institution with 8 years
experience in the grade of
Assistant Executive Engineer/
Engineer in PB-3 with GP
Rs.5400/- (PR) from,, CPWD/
State PWD/ Centrally funded
Institutions, or similar
organised services/PSU,
Statutory or Autonomous
Organisations/ Universities/
reputed organisations under
Centre/State Government or
equivalent in reputed private

2 Assistant 45 B.E/B. Tech in Civil Engineering Level 10 (Rs.56100 01

Executive years branch with 55% marks or – 177500/-) (UR)
Engineer (Civil) equivalent CGPA from a
recognised University/
Institution with 8 years
experience or ME/M. Tech in
Civil Engineering branch with
55% marks or equivalent CGPA
from a recognised University/
Institution with 5 years
3 Assistant 45 B.E/B. Tech in Electrical Level 10 (Rs.56100 01
Executive years Engineering branch with 55% – 177500/-) (UR)
Engineer marks or equivalent CGPA from
(Electrical) a recognised University/
Institution with 8 years
experience or ME/M. Tech in
Electrical Engineering branch
with 55% marks or equivalent
CGPA from a recognised
University/ Institution with 5
years experience
4 Safety Officer 45 Degree or Higher in Safety Level 11 (Rs 67,700 01
years Engineering with atleast 60% – 2,08,700-). (UR)
marks or equivalent CGPA from
a recognised University/
Institution and Advanced
Diploma in Occupational Safety,
Health and Environment, with
15 years of service in the
relevant field in any State/
Central Government
Organisations/ Organisations of
high repute.
Multi-disciplinary experience of
15 years as safety officer in
handling workplace safety and
accident prevention in large
industry or research
organisation, with expertise in
handling hazardous chemicals,
electrical safety. Knowledge of
safety standards and ISO
regulations as applicable to
safety and compliance with
safety regulations.
5 Junior 32 B.E/B. Tech in Chemical Level 6 (Rs.35400 – 01
Technical years Engineering with at least 60% 112400/-) (UR)
Superintendent marks or equivalent CGPA from
a recognised University/
Institution with 5 years
relevant experience in Chemical
Engineering Lab.
6 Junior 32 BE/B. Tech in CSE/IT or M. Sc in Level 6 (Rs.35400-
Technical years Computer Science or MCA with 112400 1 (UR)
Superintendent 60% marks or an equivalent 1(EWS)
CGPA with 5 years relevant 1(OBC)
experience in Computer
administration OR Linux/Unix
Desirable: Experience in the
development of web/client-
server/ database applications,
and working with open source
software. Certificate in any one
of the following:
IBM/ VMware/ or equivalent.
7 Junior 32 BE/B.Tech in Electrical/ Level 6 (Rs.35400- 1 UR
Technical years Instrumentation/Electronics & 112400 1 ST
Superintendent Communications Engineering 1 OBC
with at least 60% marks or
equivalent CGPA from a
recognised University/
Institution with 5 years relevant
experience in Electrical Lab.
Desirable: Teaching experience
with predominant Lab
component or Industrial
experience either in design/
manufacturing/ process
8 Staff Nurse 32 B.Sc in Nursing with at least Level 6 (Rs.35400- 01
years 60% marks with 2 years 112400 (UR)
experience or Diploma (3 years
duration) with at least 60%
marks in Nursing & Midwifery
with 5 years experience
9 Senior 32 Post SSLC/SSC with 2 years ITI Level 5 (Rs.29,200 – 1 UR
Technician years course in Electrician Trade with 92300/-)
8 years relevant experience
10 Junior 27 3 years Diploma in Chemical Level 3 (Rs.21700- 01 UR
Technician years Engineering with atleast 60% 69100)
marks or equivalent CGPA from
a recognised University/
11 Junior 27 Bachelor’s Degree in Physics Level 3 (Rs.21700- 01
Technician years with atleast 60% marks or 69100) OBC
equivalent CGPA from a
recognised University/
12 Junior 27 Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry Level 3 (Rs.21700- 01 (
Technician years with atleast 60% marks or 69100) ST
equivalent CGPA from a )
recognised University/
13 Junior 27 B. Sc (CS)/ BCA/ 3 years Diploma Level 3 (Rs.21700- 01
Technician years in Computer Engineering/ 69100) (UR)
(Systems) Computer Network
Technology/ Information
Technology with atleast 60%
marks or equivalent CGPA from
a recognised University/
Institution with 2 years relevant
14 Junior 27 Post SSLC/SSC with 2 years ITI Level 3 (Rs.21700- 01
Technician years course in Plumber Trade with 69100) OBC)
60% marks with 2 years
relevant experience
15 Junior 27 Post SSLC/SSC with 2 years ITI Level 3 (Rs.21700- 01
Technician years course in Electrician Trade with 69100) (UR)
60% marks with 2 years
relevant experience
16 Junior Library 27 Bachelor’s Degree in any Level 3 (Rs.21700- 01 (SC)
Technician years discipline with M.Lib.Sc/M.L.I.S 69100)
with 60% marks or equivalent
CGPA from a recognised
17 Deputy 50 A Postgraduate degree with at Level 12 (Rs.78800- 02
Registrar years least 55% marks or its 209200) (UR)
equivalent. Five years
administrative experience in a
post carrying PB-3 with GP
Rs.5400 (PR) or equivalent in
Government/ Government
Research Establishments/
Universities/ Statutory
Organisations/ Private
Organisation of high repute.
The eligibility condition may be
relaxed at the discretion of the
competent authority in respect
of candidates who have
considerable working
experience at higher level in
ERP enabled Finance &
Accounts Area and having
professional qualification such
as CA/ICWA. Desirable:
Candidates should have
leadership qualities and
requisite experience in one
more of the following areas:
Accounting, Auditing and
financial procedures OR
administrative matters
including legal, recruitment,
establishment or Academic
matters such as conduct of
examination, maintenance of
students records, award of
scholarships, degree, etc OR
material Management,
18 Assistant 45 A Postgraduate degree with at Level 10 (Rs.56100- 03
Registrar years least 55% marks or its 177500) (UR)
equivalent with excellent 1
Academic record. (OBC)
Eight years relevant experience 1 (SC)
in a responsible supervisory
position of which atleast 3 years
in the lower grade pay of
Rs.4600 (PR) in PB-2 or
Desirable: Knowledge of
Government rules and
experience of working at
supervisory level in
Government funded Academic
Institution. Candidates should
have a desirable leadership
quality and requisite
experience in one or more of
the following areas:

1. Rules and regulations

concerning all matters
pertaining to Academic
activities, Time table
preparation of Grading,
maintenance of
students academic
records, senate records
and implementation of
senate decisions,
award of scholarships
2. Financial procedures/
Accounting/ Auditing
3. Administrative matters
including recruitment,
establishment rules,
handling of disciplinary
and legal matters
4. Procurement of
instruments, furniture
etc and regulations
relating to stores
purchase, stores

19 Junior 32 First class Bachelor’s Degree in Level 6 (Rs.35400- 03

Superintendent years Arts/ Science or Humanities 112400) (UR)
including Commerce with 6
years experience in
administrative areas.
Desirable: Proficiency in use of
computer office applications
such as MS word, MS Excel etc.

20 Junior 27 First class Bachelor’s Degree Level 3 (Rs.21700- 2 (UR)

Assistant years with knowledge of computer 69100/-) 1 UR –
operations. ESM
1 (SC)
21 Junior Hindi 27 Bachelor’s degree in Hindi with Level 5 (Rs.29,200 – 1 UR
Assistant Gr.I years English as a compulsory or 92,300/-)
elective subject or as a medium
of examination at Degree level
with at least 60% marks or
equivalent CGPA and at least 3
years of relevant translation
experience from Hindi to
English and vice-versa in any
University/ Government/
Government organisations.
Knowledge of English and Hindi
22 Assistant 32 Bachelor’s degree with atleast Level 6 (Rs.35400- 01
Security Officer years 60% marks or equivalent CGPA 112400) (UR)
from a recognised University/
Institute with Military/Police/
NCC / Fire Fighting Training and
6 years relevant experience and
able to ride light vehicle/ Motor

1. How to apply: Candidates possessing the requisite qualification and experience may apply
online only ( The online application portal will be opened on
3rd July 2019 for filing online applications and the last date for closing the online application
interface is 31-07-2019. The candidates shall upload only the following relevant documents
in the following sequence in a single file in PDF Format (not exceeding the size of 2 MB):
i. Certificates Educational qualifications in chronological order ie., SSC/10th,
Intermediate,/12th, Diploma, UG Degree, PG, PhD, All the years Marks lists of the
minimum educational qualification prescribed for the post applied.
ii. Certificate of Date of Birth (issued by Municipality etc or Matriculation/High
School/SSC certificate.
iii. Category certificate (SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD/Ex-servicemen etc).
iv. The applicants for the post of Assistant Security Officer are required to upload
certificates towards Military, Police, NCC, Fire Fighting Training certificates.
v. NOC from current employer if applicable.
vi. Certificates of experiences in the relevant field, which makes the candidate eligible
for applying for the said post if required (from the present employment to first

There is no need to send the hard copy of the application by post. The online applications
with out uploading the above certificates (PDF) will be treated as incomplete ones and such
applications will not be considered for further process.

2. Application Fee: There will be an application fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees two hundred only). After
registration of application on-line, the candidates have to be pay the fee through the payment
GATEWAY (SBI collect) by online Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit (link: The candidates
are requested to fill up the correct full application number while making payment through SBI
collect, failing which the payment cannot be linked with the concerned candidate’s
application. All women candidates, candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC),
Scheduled Tribes (ST) Ex-servicemen and persons with disabilities (PwD) are exempted from
payment of Application Fee provided they upload the proof such as SC/ST/PwD/Aadhar Card/
PPO/Discharge certificates etc along with other document in our website at the time of filling
up of online application.
3. No.of posts indicated are tentative. Vacancies falling vacant as on the date of preparing panels
will also be taken into account for filling.
4. Those applying for more than one post should apply separately for each post online along with
payment of application fee of Rs.200/-
5. The candidates who are already employed under Central/State Govt/PSU/Autonomous
Bodies have to upload the NOC in PDF format under applications. If they anticipate any delay
in getting NOC, such candidates can submit a “No Objection Certificate” from the employer
concerned at the time of interview/written test/trade test failing which the candidate will not
be allowed for interview/written test/trade test and no TA will be paid.
6. Selection process: The qualification and experience prescribed is the MINIMUM requirement
and the same does not automatically make candidates eligible for written test/Trade Test/
Practical test etc. Based on the academic performance, experience, bio-data, initial screening/
shortlisting will be conducted. The Institute reserves the right to hold written test, trade
test/practical test, presentation and / or interview (for certain categories only) for selection,
wherever circumstances so warrant. The Institute reserve the right to withdraw any
advertised post(s) at any time without giving any reasons. Also, any consequential vacancies
arising at the time of selection process may be filled up from the available candidates.
7. Pay & Allowances:
Besides pay in the Pay Matrix, each post carries allowances at par with Central Government
employees wherever applicable posted at Tirupati. The employees will be governed by the
New Pension Scheme.
8. Other conditions/instructions:
a. All the correspondence (call letter for trade test, screening test etc) will made through
Email only. Therefore, all the candidates are advised to provide correct Email address and
regularly check their Emails for any updates from this Institute and also check our web
site ( for any updates.
b. SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ESM candidates need not apply once against for general post. One
application is enough for General and other reserved posts. Their candidature will be
considered to general post also if they meet the candidature of the General post. No need
to apply in duplicate.
c. The vacancies advertised under EWS category is as per the instructions issued by DoPT
vide OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res), dated 31-01-2019. EWS vacancies are tentative and
subject to further directives of GoI and outcome of any litigation. The appointment against
EWS category shall be provisional and is subject to the Income and Asset certificate being
verified through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that the claim of
belonging to EWS is fake/False, the services will be terminated forthwith without
assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be
taken under provisions of the Indian Penal Code for production of fake/false certificate.
The Income and Asset Certificate issued by any of the authorities mentioned in the
prescribed format shall only be accepted as proof of the candidate’s claim as belonging to
d. Incomplete applications without uploading the self attested copies of experience and all
educational qualifications, without the application fee etc will be rejected.
e. Relaxation in upper age limit by 05 years for SC/ST candidates and 03 years for OBC
candidates, against the posts reserved for these categories would be admissible.
Relaxation of age would be admissible for Ex-servicemen, PwD candidates as per Central
Government Rules. For employees of IITs who are educationally qualified and
found eligible otherwise can be considered for direct recruitment across the
whole IIT System upto a maximum of 50 years of age.
f. No TA will be paid for attending the written test/trade test/skill test.
g. IIT Tirupati reserves the right not to fill up all or any of the posts, if it so desires.
h. For persons recruited for the post of Staff Nurse, Assistant Security Officer, Safety Officer
are expected to attend the general duties including night shift/emergency duties.
i. Only Indian Nationals need apply.
j. No interim correspondence will be entertained.
k. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification for the post.
l. In case of any clarifications candidates can send email to
m. Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women
candidates are encouraged to apply.
n. It is for the candidates to ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria and complied
with the requirements adhered to the instructions contained in this advertisement as well
as in the application form. Candidates are, therefore, urged to carefully read the
advertisement and complete the application form and submit the same as per the
instructions given in this regard. The application fee shall not be refunded in any
o. Important Dates.
I Opening date for on-line registration: 03-07-2019
Ii Closing date for on-line registration: 31-07-2019


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