Testing Nutritional Status
Testing Nutritional Status
Testing Nutritional Status
● All of the lab testing required for comprehensive nutritional screening is reduced to a
single page, with hyperlinks making ordering any of the tests just one click away.
● In just five pages, I provide full instructions for lab testing, blood pressure, and dietary
analysis, as well as an algorithm for quick decisions on what to do next for each marker
that may be off.
● Over 70 pages list the signs and symptoms associated with all the possible nutrient
imbalances, the potential causes of nutrient imbalances, and an action plan for
correcting each imbalance.
While you can read the more than 75 pages assembled here straight through if it tickles your
fancy, this guide is not meant to be used that way. It retains its “cheat sheet” status by making
only the parts that are relevant to you one click away as you move through the findings of your
initial nutritional screening.
To make the best use of this guide, please read the disclaimer and the instructions for use
before beginning.
Important Disclaimer
This cheat sheet is meant for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for or a
component of a comprehensive training in medicine or dietetics, nor does it constitute medical
or nutritional advice or act as a substitute for seeking such advice from a qualified health
professional. If you are a health care practitioner, always do your due diligence to research
alternative explanations for the information herein and ensure that any actions you take are
consistent with the legal and ethical frameworks governing your practice. If you are an individual
seeking to improve your own health, always ask your doctor about taking any health-related
measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained
herein. As the author of this educational product I am not responsible or liable for the results of
taking any actions on the basis of this information.
In order to make the cheat sheet easier to read, I have used a conversational tone in many
places with personal pronouns, such as “I” and “you.” This is meant only to make it more
pleasant to read, and is not meant to imply that the guide constitutes any form of advice,
whether personal or general.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
How to Use This Cheat Sheet
If you are a health care practitioner, you can use this cheat sheet to more quickly find
information related to nutritional testing that could help your patients and clients. It is important
to always cross-reference information in this guide with your own knowledge from your training,
current research and treatment guidelines, and information about tests provided by the
laboratories that offer those tests.
If you are an individual reading this for your own private benefit, it will help you better
understand the tests your doctor may order for you, and provide ideas for testing or nutritional
strategies that you could discuss with your doctor. Depending on where you live, you may be
able to legally order tests through a direct-to-consumer service such as directlabs.com. If you do
so, it is important to discuss all results with your doctor, because these tests might provide
evidence of medical conditions that are not discussed in this guide, and your doctor can provide
important input on the safety of any nutritional strategies you choose to use.
There are three ways you can use this cheat sheet, depending on your resources and priorities:
● Option 1: The Comprehensive Approach. This is the right option if money is not an
issue for you, or if your medical insurance will cover all of the testing. In option 1, you
order all of the lab tests listed in the comprehensive screening. While waiting for the test
results, you conduct your own dietary analysis and measure your blood pressure. You
then search through the index of the signs and symptoms of nutritional imbalances for
any that apply to you. When all of the data is in, you read the full sections of the guide
that are flagged as relevant to determine which nutritional imbalances are most likely to
be affecting you and what the right course of action is.
● Option 2: The Time-Saving Approach. This is the right option if your time is severely
constrained, making the dietary analysis infeasible. In this case, complete all aspects of
option 1, but skip the initial dietary analysis. Only resort to dietary analysis when
troubleshooting a specific nutritional imbalance proves difficult.
● Option 3: The Cost-Saving Approach. This is the right option if you want to be
conservative about lab testing for any reason, including financial costs. Skip the lab tests
and begin with the dietary analysis and blood pressure measurement. Browse through
the index of the signs and symptoms of nutritional imbalances. Read through the full
sections of the guide that are flagged as relevant by any of your data. Use the
suggestions for lab testing only when needed to help clarify the appropriate nutritional
strategy to implement.
If at any point you need help, head to the ask me for help section.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Table of Contents
Comprehensive Nutritional Screening
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Comprehensive Nutritional Screening
Lab Tests
The lab tests listed below are sufficient for a comprehensive nutritional screening.
They do not need to be measured all at once, but blood should be drawn for the ION panel,
parathyroid hormone, and 1,25(OH)2D at the same time if possible. Fasting is required for many
of these tests, but not all. Always consult the instructions for the test regarding fasting and follow
them strictly.
Many tests will advise removing nutritional supplements. I do not agree with this. My
recommendation is to get the tests when your supplement regime has been stable for at least
four weeks, and to avoid supplements the day of the test and during any longer period of fasting
that might be recommended. This way, the results reflect what you normally do.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Interpreting Lab Tests
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
● If the GSH ox+red test shows that reduced glutathione is low or oxidized glutathione is
high, see the glutathione section. Additionally, you can plug the numbers into this
calculator. If the output of the calculator is less negative than -140 mV (for example, -137
is less negative, while -143 is more negative), see the glutathione section.
LabCorp/Quest Tests
● On the complete blood count (CBC), if the hemoglobin, MCH, MCV, or RDW are
altered, see the sections on iron, m ethylation, and copper.
● On the comprehensive metabolic panel, if the sodium, potassium, or chloride are
altered, see the section on electrolytes.
● If parathyroid hormone (PTH) is above 30 pg/mL, see the section on vitamin D,
calcium, and phosphorus.
● If serum magnesium is out of range, see the magnesium section.
● If whole blood vitamin B1 is out of range, see the thiamin section.
● If whole blood vitamin B2 is out of range, see the riboflavin section.
● If vitamin B5 is out of range, or in the lower half of the normal range, see the
pantothenic acid section.
● If plasma vitamin B6 is out of range, see the vitamin B6 section.
● If vitamin B7 is out of range, see the biotin section.
● If serum folate, RBC folate, o
r serum B12 a re out of range, see the methylation
● If uric acid is low, see the molybdenum section.
● If plasma ascorbate is low, see the vitamin C section.
● If manganese is low, see the manganese section.
● If plasma selenium is below 90 or above 140, see the selenium section.
● On the iron panel, if i ron saturation is below 30% or above 40%, or if ferritin is below
60 ng/mL or higher than 150 ng/mL, see the iron section. Divide the serum iron from
this panel by the serum transferrin measured separately and multiply by 70.9%. If this
number is below 30% or above 40%, see the iron section.
● If the LabCorp total glutathione is low, see the glutathione section.
● If there are any alterations found in plasma ascorbate, manganese, selenium, iron, or
glutathione as described above, see also the introduction to the antioxidant vitamins and
● If 24-hour urine iodine is out of range, see the iodine section.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Blood Pressure
Measure blood pressure at home, following the instructions of the blood pressure monitor
carefully. Take at least three measurements per session and measure it on at least three
different occasions. If blood pressure is consistently higher than 130/80, see the electrolyte
Dietary Analysis
There are many ways to conduct a dietary analysis. In its simplest form, you can record what
you eat and look up the nutritional contents in the USDA Database or N utritionData.Com. There
are many software applications available that will track and calculate the nutritional value of the
foods you eat, dramatically reducing the amount of work required. I recommend using the
Cronometer smartphone app.
● Tracking has to be comprehensive. It is better to track every last thing for a short
period of time such as three days or a week than to track 80% of what you eat and
ignore the 20% when it is least convenient. If eating out, search the database for the
closest approximation to your meal. At home, track everything down to the milligrams of
salt you use.
● Tracking has to be representative. If your diet changes often, you’ll have to take more
data so that the different trends in your diet are all reflected in the analysis.
● Most foods need to be weighed with a food scale. The exceptions are processed
foods and prepared meals that have their own entry in the Cronometer database and
that you consume completely in one sitting, and foods like flour that pack well and can
be accurately measured in volume. For most foods, precision requires weighing. For
example, 256 grams of potato is much more precise than “one large potato” or “two cups
of diced potatoes.”
● If you cook food in batches, or in large recipes where only a portion is for yourself, you
will have to account for changes in water weight during cooking. For example, let’s
say that you want to cook lentils, rice, and potatoes together. Create a recipe in
Cronometer, and record the weight of the each individual ingredient before cooking.
After cooking, measure the full weight of the entire dish. Take the weight in grams and
divide it by 100. Take this number and enter it in Cronometer as the number of servings
for the recipe. When you eat the food, weigh the portion you consume, and count each
100 grams as one serving.
● Screen the entries for false zeros. Many entries in Cronometer are missing data for
individual nutrients. You need to look at the entry you use to make sure it is not missing
data (usually a 0.0 value indicates missing data, especially if you know a food of that
nature should have more than zero of that nutrient). If data is missing, use the closest
approximation where the data is present. The entries that are most likely to be
complete are those that list USDA or NCCDB as their source. For example, when I
was tracking the potassium content of my food, I would eat Farmers Market pureed
pumpkin. The entry for this specific product in Cronometer says it has zero potassium.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
This is clearly false, because pumpkin is very high in potassium. So I instead used the
“canned pumpkin” entry from NCCDB that had full data for potassium to ensure I had a
reasonably accurate estimate.
Tracking nutrients has several limitations that must always be kept in mind:
Track your food for at least three days. If your diet changes a lot, take more data until you are
confident you have a representative sample. For nutrients where you consistently attain less
than 100% of the DRI, review their respective sections within this guide to determine whether
your current health challenges line up with the signs and symptoms of deficiency and what
follow-up testing may be needed.
If you take vitamin supplements at doses higher than 100% of the DRI, review the full section for
each of those nutrients to check for indicators of toxicity. If you consume more than two 100
gram servings of liver per week, review the sections on vitamin A and copper for indicators of
toxicity of those nutrients. Toxicity is not likely at these intakes, but it is good to be familiar with
the toxicity information for any nutrients that you consume large amounts of.
Vitamins A, D, E, and K are all fat-soluble. Dietary fat enhances their absorption, but we never
absorb as little as zero or as much as 100% no matter how much fat we eat. For example, we
will absorb about 10% of the vitamin E from a fat-free meal, and we will absorb 33% from a meal
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
containing 21% of calories as fat. There is not enough data to justify an algorithm such as “x%
will be absorbed for every gram of dietary fat.” However, the effect can be large, so we should
assume that deficiencies are more likely on low-fat diets than on moderate- or high-fat diets.
Nevertheless, if we eat a low-fat diet, we can still obtain enough fat-soluble vitamins simply by
eating foods with a larger amount of vitamins to compensate for a lower rate of absorption.
Because these vitamins are absorbed along with fats, disorders that cause fat malabsorption
can cause deficiencies of all four vitamins.
Fat malabsorption can also cause deficiencies of saponifiable minerals. Saponification is the
process of a mineral binding to a fatty acid. Fatty acids are negatively charged, and they can be
saponified by minerals that form positively charged ions. This is only nutritionally relevant if
those ions are formed in large quantities in the digestive tract. The most relevant minerals
include sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, and to some extent iron, zinc, copper,
and manganese may also be affected.
Diagnosing and treating disorders of fat malabsorption is beyond the scope of this guide, but
they include abetalipoproteinemia, hypobetalipoproteinemia, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease,
cystic fibrosis, and a rather large collection of disorders of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, bile
ducts, and small intestine.
There are three hints of such disorders that might be uncovered during the course of nutritional
● Low levels of all four fat-soluble vitamins, rather than low levels of only one. You can use
Genova’s fat-soluble vitamin panel for this, and the Genova ION Profile + 40 amino
acids, frequently recommended in this guide, has markers of A, D, and E, but not K..
Alternatively, you can look at each vitamin individually: vitamin A, LabCorp, Quest;
25(OH)D, LabCorp, Q
uest; vitamin E, Labcorp, Quest; and vitamin K, LabCorp, Quest.
Of these, vitamin D the most likely to be normal because it can be made in the skin
during sun exposure without the need to absorb it from the diet.
● A standard lipid panel (LabCorp, Q uest) showing cholesterol and other blood lipids
below the reference range.
● High levels of fecal fat (LabCorp, Quest). Fecal fat is often a component of more stool
panels as well.
While the nutritional deficiencies themselves deserve specific attention and management
according to the general framework for each vitamin listed below, anyone with signs of a
malabsorption disorder should be referred to the appropriate specialist for treatment of that
Vitamin A
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency: Well established signs and symptoms of vitamin A
deficiency include the following: poor night vision; dry eyes; hyperkeratosis around hair follicles,
or appearing as bumps on the skin that can be mistaken for goosebumps or acne, or on the
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
surface of the conjunctiva (Bitot’s spots); poor immunity to infectious diseases. Less well
established but plausible signs and symptoms of deficiency include the following: kidney stones;
disrupted circadian rhythm and an inability to use light therapy to entrain a healthy circadian
rhythm; autoimmune disorders; asthma and allergies; food intolerances; low sex hormones; and
delayed puberty.
Risk Factors for Deficiency: Diets that do not contain at least one of the following: a weekly
serving of liver; regular use of cod liver oil, a multivitamin, or another supplement providing
100% of the US RDA for vitamin A as retinol. If the diet is also poor in dairy products and eggs,
and does not contain several servings per day of red, orange, yellow, or green vegetables,
vitamin A deficiency becomes very plausible. Diets where fats come from polyunsaturated
vegetable oils are more likely to produce vitamin A deficiency than diets where the fat is mostly
saturated or monounsaturated. A low-fat diet will not intrinsically produce vitamin A deficiency,
but it will increase its likelihood by leading to lower absorption of vitamin A from food. Long-term
use of glucocorticoids, high-protein diets, and high-dose vitamin D may contribute to vitamin A
deficiency in combination with poor dietary intake.
Signs and Symptoms of Toxicity: Most commonly, nausea, vomiting, and headache. In
extremes, anorexia, blurred vision, scaling skin, hair loss (alopecia), organ damage, death.
Osteopenia and osteoporosis can be worsened by vitamin A at non-toxic levels when vitamin D
and calcium are deficient. It is prudent to keep vitamin A below 10,000 IU per day during the first
eight weeks of pregnancy due to a possible risk of birth defects unless blood measurements,
signs, and symptoms justify higher intakes to prevent deficiency.
Risk Factors for Toxicity: Months or years of consistently taking at least 165 IU per kilogram
body weight per day, and in the majority of cases greater than 2300 IU per kilogram body weight
per day. For a person weighing 70 kilograms (154 pounds), this is a minimum of 11,550 IU and
higher than 161,000 IU per day in the majority of cases. These figures apply to cases where
vitamin D was not supplemented alongside it. When vitamin D is taken alongside vitamin A, the
majority of vitamin A toxicity cases involve months or years of consistently taking more than
4620 IU vitamin A per kilogram body weight per day, which for a person weighing 70 kilograms
is 323,400 IU per day. Almost all vitamin A is prepared in oil; however, vitamin A preparations
that are water-soluble, emulsified, or solid may cause toxicity in weeks rather than months and
at ten times lower doses.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Testing for Vitamin A Toxicity:
Testing Caveats: Zinc is necessary for virtually every step in vitamin A metabolism, including
its transport in the blood. Zinc deficiency should always be considered as an explanation for an
apparent case of vitamin A deficiency that does not respond well to dietary and supplemental
strategies, regardless of whether serum vitamin A is altered. Adiposity may cause cellular
vitamin A deficiency without lowering serum levels. Fatty liver disease compromises the liver’s
ability to store vitamin A and may raise serum levels. Drugs that are vitamin A derivatives
(known as retinoids; e.g., isotretinoin, marketed as Accutane) may cause vitamin A deficiency
signs by hurting the body’s utilization of natural vitamin A. Chronic alcohol abuse and protein
deficiency also hurt vitamin A utilization.
Correcting Vitamin A Deficiency: The strategy to fix the deficiency should be determined by
the cause. If the cause is a dietary deficiency, the first step is to reverse the dietary risk factors
listed above. Supplements providing 25,000-50,000 IU per day appear to be well within the
margin of safety for short-term use (several weeks) in an adult, and may help resolve a
deficiency more quickly, but should not be used without close monitoring of serum vitamin A to
ensure it stays within the normal range. Someone who develops vitamin A deficiency on an
apparently adequate diet may need higher doses long-term (months, years, or indefinitely), but
again, you should only use high doses if you consistently monitor serum levels. You may often
need trial and error to find the right dose. You should rule out deficiencies of other nutrients,
especially vitamin D, before initiating high-dose vitamin A. If malabsorption is the cause of
deficiency, the solutions listed under “General Considerations for Fat-Soluble Vitamins” should
be followed. If factors listed under “testing caveats” are responsible for deficiency signs, these
should be resolved independently and vitamin A supplementation should not be used to
compensate for them.
Correcting Vitamin A Toxicity: The only well established treatment for vitamin A toxicity is the
removal of the toxic dose of vitamin A. Many of the secondary effects of vitamin A toxicity, such
as organ damage and hypercalcemia, require medical care that is beyond the scope of this
guide. I recommend testing for deficiencies of the other fat-soluble vitamins and correcting any
that exist.
Vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus are intimately related with one another and we must
consider them together to make proper sense of them. As a result, I have organized this section
differently than the others in this guide. Each subsection leads with a clinical sign or a laboratory
test and then describes how it is impacted by each of the three nutrients.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Osteopenia and Osteoporosis: Of the disorders listed in this section, these are the most
common. Osteopenia is a less severe form of osteoporosis and both involve decreased bone
mineral density and increased risk of fracture. A DXA scan is required for early diagnosis and
without one signs and symptoms may not be apparent. Elevated parathyroid hormone (PTH) is
a major factor in these conditions, and it is raised by deficiencies of vitamin D or calcium, or by
excess phosphorus. Therefore, these disorders are caused by deficiencies of calcium or
vitamin D, or an excess of phosphorus.
Tetany: Tetany is a neuromuscular condition resulting from hypocalcemia. It can involve muscle
twitching, tremors, or spasms; confusion; and in extreme cases seizures, coma, and death.
Most scientists and clinicians consider it the rarest of the diseases in this section, and to require
a more extreme degree of deficiency than rickets and osteomalacia. However, some people
may have genetics that favor giving priority to the skeletal system over the nervous system and
may develop tetany without developing rickets or osteomalacia. Since tetany is driven by
hypocalcemia, deficiencies of vitamin D or calcium cause it. A large excess of phosphorus
may also contribute to tetany by depleting blood levels of calcium. It is low ionized calcium
rather than low total calcium that drives the condition, and alkalosis or high albumin may
decrease ionized calcium even when total calcium is normal.
Soft Tissue Calcification: Deposits of calcium in tissues other than the bones and teeth can
take many forms, including kidney stones and cardiovascular disease. In children, early
calcification of cartilage interferes with growth. Soft tissue calcification can be caused by
hypercalcemia or hyperphosphatemia. In the urinary system, it may be caused by high levels of
calcium or phosphorus in the urine, known as hypercalciuria and hyperphosphaturia. Excesses
of all three nutrients -- vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus -- can cause it. Nevertheless,
calcium at healthy intakes protects against kidney stones because it prevents excess
phosphorus absorption and favors net movement of phosphorus into bone rather than kidney.
Hypercalcemia: High levels of ionized calcium in the blood can be caused by excess calcium
or vitamin D, but not phosphorus. They are usually driven by a high amount of total calcium, but
acidosis or low albumin may increase ionized calcium even when total calcium is normal.
Chronic excess of vitamin D will cause more persistent hypercalcemia than chronic excess of
calcium when either are present on their own. However, excess calcium can cause persistent
hypercalcemia in the presence of alkalosis and impaired kidney function. In addition to soft
tissue calcification as described above, hypercalcemia can lead to frequent thirst and urination,
confusion, lethargy, fatigue, depression, bradycardia (slow heart rate), arrhythmia, palpitations,
or fainting. Hypercalcemia may be driven in part by calcium moving from bone to blood,
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
especially in response to vitamin D toxicity, in which case it will be accompanied by lower bone
mineral density.
Hyperphosphatemia: Phosphate binds to calcium, causing the calcium phosphate to leave the
blood as it deposits in other tissues, both in healthy ways (e.g., bone) and unhealthy ways (e.g.
kidney stones). Thus, hyperphosphatemia can cause tetany (deficient calcium available to the
nervous and muscular systems) and soft tissue calcification (excess calcium phosphate
deposited in soft tissues) but not osteomalacia (deficient calcium phosphate available to bone).
Symptoms will primarily be those associated with tetany.
Less Well Established But Plausible Signs of Vitamin D and Calcium Deficiency: These
include the following: high blood pressure, poor immunity to infectious diseases, autoimmune
conditions (especially psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes), asthma and allergies,
certain cancers (estrogen-responsive breast cancer, and cancers of the prostate, colon, rectum,
ovary, and endometrium), low sex hormones, high androgens in women, insomnia, and
cardiovascular disease. These possibilities are largely driven by research on vitamin D, but due
to its intimate relationship with calcium, we should see them as possible indicators of calcium
deficiency as well. Some of these conditions, particularly cardiovascular disease, asthma,
allergies, and cancer, may be associated with excesses of vitamin D as well as deficiencies.
Less Well Established But Plausible Signs of Phosphorus Deficiency: These include
fatigue, weakness, and carbohydrate intolerance.
We synthesize vitamin D in response to sunshine and also obtain it from food and supplements.
I have chosen to use its primary marker of nutritional status, 25(OH)D, when referring to vitamin
D exposure rather than the amount of dietary vitamin D in IU because the 25(OH)D reflects the
total exposure from all sources.
● Deficiency: An indoor lifestyle combined with a low or absent intake of fatty fish,
pasture-raised egg yolks, cod liver oil, and vitamin D supplements is the primary risk
factor. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you may still develop deficiency if you use
sunscreen and sunblock, clothing that covers most or all of your skin, or if environmental
factors such as clouds, pollution, atmospheric ozone, and tall buildings block your
exposure to UV-B rays. Inflammation (from infection or from recovery from injury or
surgery), excess phosphorus or vitamin A, and calcium deficiency can all deplete vitamin
D levels. Disorders of fat malabsorption hurt the ability to absorb vitamin D in the diet,
but do not hurt the ability to obtain it from sunlight.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
● Excess: Although controversial, I consider vitamin D supplementation that raises your
25(OH)D (see blood markers below) higher than 50, and especially 60, ng/mL present
an increased risk of soft tissue calcification even if you have no evidence of
hypercalcemia. I recommend you avoid these levels unless unless signs, symptoms, and
blood markers justify achieving them to prevent deficiency.
● Toxicity: Hypercalcemia is the hallmark of frank vitamin D toxicity. Case reports have
associated it with 25(OH)D levels as low as 56 ng/mL, but most cases are associated
with levels higher than 200 ng/mL. I believe it is prudent to completely avoid levels that
exceed the typical laboratory reference range of 100 ng/mL, and, as stated above, to
keep levels under 50-60 ng/mL without a clear justification for doing otherwise.
● Deficiency: A diet low in dairy products, edible bones (e.g., those in canned fish), green
vegetables, calcium-containing multivitamins, or calcium supplements is the primary risk
factor. Excess phosphorus inhibits calcium absorption and may aggravate a dietary
deficiency. This is primarily a risk from phosphorus additives in processed foods, which
are often unlabeled.
● Excess: The tolerable upper intake limit (TUIL) set by the Institute of Medicine for
calcium is 2.5 grams per day for adults under the age of 50 and 2 grams per day for
adults over this age. This is based on the risk of calcium-alkali syndrome, where
hypercalcemia occurs alongside alkalosis and impaired renal function. This requires
causes of alkalosis and impaired renal function in addition to high calcium intakes.
Populations at risk for this syndrome are pregnant women, elderly women, and bulimics.
In these populations, calcium supplementation contributes to the syndrome when it takes
the form of calcium oxide, hydroxide, or carbonate, or when it is accompanied by
antacids, diuretics, ACE inhibitors, or NSAIDs. Since the TUIL was established, more
recent reports have shown the syndrome to occur with calcium intakes as little as one
gram per day, well within the needs of most people, emphasizing that factors other than
calcium supplementation are required. If you fit the criteria for a high risk of
calcium-alkali syndrome, you should discuss this information and any calcium
supplementation with your doctor. Outside of these predisposing risk factors, I consider it
prudent to keep the sum of diet and supplements under two grams per day, especially if
there are any signs of soft tissue calcification or abnormally high bone mineral density,
and to use calcium citrate as a supplement rather than calcium oxide, hydroxide, or
Two syndromes lower blood phosphorus to dangerous levels by moving it into other
tissues. Hungry bone syndrome involves the movement of phosphorus into bone when
bone mineral content starts increasing suddenly after the correction of a bone resorption
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
disorder, for example by surgical removal of the parathyroid gland. Hypocalcemia and
low levels of magnesium (hypomagnesemia) also develop during hungry bone
syndrome. Refeeding syndrome occurs after aggressive correction of starvation or of
chronic malnutrition, as might occur in alcoholism, eating disorders, or illnesses that
impact food intake. During these conditions, dietary phosphorus drops to low levels or
even zero, the loss of lean mass causes loss of phosphorus stores, and the drop in
carbohydrate metabolism causes the loss of the phosphorus needed for that process.
Serum phosphate tends to remain stable during malnutrition. During refeeding, however,
insulin and the rise in carbohydrate metabolism bring phosphate into cells, causing
hypophosphatemia to develop. This is aggravated by the large demand for cellular repair
and rebuilding of phosphorus stores. Hypomagnesemia and low levels of potassium
(hypokalemia) also occur during refeeeding syndrome.
● Calcitonin (LabCorp, Quest) and FGF23 (LabCorp, Quest) are, in my opinion, generally
not necessary but could theoretically be helpful. Excess calcium will raise calcitonin, and
excess phosphorus will raise FGF23.
● Total calcium (LabCorp, Q uest), ionized calcium (LabCorp, Quest), and phosphorus
(LabCorp, Quest). Changes in these markers always require more severe nutritional
imbalances than those that alter the markers above. Serum calcium declines in
deficiencies of vitamin D or calcium that are severe enough to cause rickets. It rises in
clinical hypercalcemia caused by excesses of these two nutrients.Only ionized calcium is
biologically relevant. Total calcium usually faithfully reflects ionized calcium, and we
usually use it because it is easier to collect the blood and cheaper. Nevertheless, total
calcium will underestimate ionized calcium during acidosis or in the presence of low
albumin, and it will overestimate it during alkalosis or in the presence of high albumin.
Phosphorus levels decline in phosphorus deficiency and rise in phosphorus excess.
Testing Caveats:
● Pregnancy. Pregnancy lowers 25(OH)D, calcium, and PTH, and raises calcitriol. These
are probably adaptations to supply calcium to the fetus while minimizing the risk of bone
loss to the mother. Total calcium may drop as low as 8.2 mg/dL, which is below the
typical bottom of the reference range. Whether ionized calcium also drops is unclear,
and pregnancy may induce a mild acidosis that keeps ionized calcium normal while total
calcium drops. PTH is typically between 10 and 25 pg/mL. Alterations to 25(OH)D and
calcitriol mainly occur in the second and third trimesters, where 25(OH)D is cut in half
and calcitriol is doubled.
● Kidney Disease. In chronic kidney disease, the excretion of phosphate declines, which
causes calcium levels to fall. The hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia elicit a rise in
PTH. Although kidney disease requires nutritional management, this is a component of
medical treatment that is beyond the scope of this guide.
● Tumors and Genetic Disorders. There are a significant number of tumors and rare
genetic disorders that alter the metabolism of the nutrients in this section. This is more
likely the case when there is a constellation of blood markers that otherwise do not seem
to make sense. For example, a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium will cause a rise in
PTH that brings calcium levels up to normal. High PTH should therefore be associated
with normal or low calcium. If high PTH is associated with high calcium, PTH is being
overproduced, raising calcium higher than normal, and this is likely the result of a
medical condition outside the scope of nutrition. As another example, excess
phosphorus will raise FGF-23 and this will bring phosphorus levels down to normal. High
FGF-23 should be associated with normal or high phosphorus. If high FGF-23 is
associated with low phosphorus, FGF-23 is being overproduced, causing
hypophosphatemia, and this is another likely case of a medical condition outside the
scope of nutrition. Additionally, some cases may appear nutritional in nature at first, but if
they do not respond to nutritional strategies appropriately, this could be a sign of an
underlying medical condition. These possibilities reinforce the importance of having all of
your blood work reviewed by a physician even if you are able to obtain it from a
direct-to-consumer testing company.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Correcting Nutritional Imbalances in Vitamin D, Calcium, and Phosphorus
Most scientists and clinicians use 25(OH)D as the principle marker of vitamin D status, and do
not routinely monitor the nutritional status of calcium are phosphorus in an analogous way. I use
these markers differently. I see the principal sign that this system is in balance as a PTH
suppressed to near or below 30 pg/mL. If PTH is significantly higher than this, I use the other
markers as well as diet and lifestyle to determine the most likely cause. For example, here are
some common clusters that may be encountered:
● Low 25(OH)D, indoor lifestyle, low dietary vitamin D, normal calcium intake, low hs-CRP,
and middle-of-the-range calcitriol. Vitamin D deficiency is most likely.
● Low 25(OH)D, outdoor lifestyle, adequate dietary vitamin D, low calcium intake, low
hs-CRP, and calcitriol on the high end of the range. Calcium deficiency is most likely.
● Low 25(OH)D, outdoor lifestyle, adequate dietary vitamin D, adequate calcium, high
hs-CRP, and calcitriol on the high end of the range. Inflammation is most likely.
● Low or normal 25(OH)D, outdoor lifestyle, adequate dietary vitamin D, adequate calcium,
high intake of processed foods, calcitriol normal or low, calcium normal or low,
phosphorus normal or high, and high FGF-23. Excessive intake of phosphorus is most
Alternatively, PTH may be normal or low in a case of excess vitamin D, and the earliest sign
may be an elevated 25(OH)D. Very elevated 25(OH)D and hypercalcemia would be the
principle markers of frank vitamin D toxicity.
After identifying the principal imbalance, I would correct it by reversing the most likely causes
and would use the blood markers to monitor the efficacy of the approach. Reasonable daily
targets are as follows: a half hour a day of outdoor sun exposure with at least the hands and
face, if not more, exposed; vitamin D intake in the range of 600-2000 IU; 800 to 1200 milligrams
of calcium; minimal processed foods. Due to the large variation in endogenous vitamin D
synthesis with lifestyle and environment, the vitamin D intake target may have to be modified
substantially according to blood work.
If inflammation is the cause of low vitamin D in a person with frequent or chronic infections, I
would still try to improve the 25(OH)D level with vitamin D supplementation because more
vitamin D may be needed to support the immune system. In other cases, however, transient and
self-limiting inflammation may resolve on its own.
A variety of medical conditions discussed above can act as both causes and consequences of
imbalances in these nutrients, and it is imperative that they be managed by the appropriate
medical professional.
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency: The following are signs and symptoms of frank clinical
deficiency: cardiac arrhythmia, palpitations, weakness and fatigue, ataxia (loss of full control
over body movements), muscle twitches and spasms, low blood levels of calcium
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
(hypocalcemia) and related disorders such as tetany and osteomalacia, low blood levels of
potassium (hypokalemia), apparent vitamin D deficiency and resistance to standard treatment.
More moderate magnesium deficits may contribute to the following disorders: osteopenia and
osteoporosis, soft tissue calcification (such as kidney stones), high blood pressure
(hypertension), preeclampsia and eclampsia, migraines, and many aspects of cardiovascular
disease. Hypothetically magnesium protects against muscle cramps, though evidence for this is
limited mainly to cramps at rest during pregnancy. Magnesium is needed for all uses of ATP and
for the production of all proteins, so its deficiency could plausibly play a role in many other
health problems.
Risk Factors for Deficiency: A diet low in plant foods or high in refined foods is the principal
dietary pattern that would cause a nutritional magnesium deficiency. The following cause
malabsorption of magnesium: proton pump inhibitors and other antacids, vomiting and diarrhea,
ulcerative colitis, pancreatitis, and any disorders that cause fat malabsorption. Urinary
magnesium excretion is proportional to urinary volume and is increased by anything that causes
increased urination, such as diabetes or diuretics. A number of other pharmaceutical drugs
including epidermal growth factor blockers and some antibiotics and antifungal medications
increase urinary magnesium loss. Chronic alcohol abuse causes both malabsorption and
urinary wasting of magnesium. Sweating and burn injury cause loss of magnesium through the
skin. The importance of sweating means that athletes and sauna users have higher magnesium
Two syndromes lower blood magnesium to dangerous levels by moving it into other tissues.
Hungry bone syndrome involves the movement of magnesium into bone when bone mineral
content starts increasing suddenly after the correction of a bone resorption disorder, for
example by surgical removal of the parathyroid gland. Low levels of calcium (hypocalcemia) and
phosphorus (hypophosphatemia) also develop during hungry bone syndrome. Refeeding
syndrome results from the aggressive correction of starvation or chronic malnutrition, as might
occur in alcoholism, eating disorders, or illnesses that impact food intake. During these
conditions, dietary magnesium drops to low levels and possibly zero, and loss of lean mass
causes loss of magnesium stores. During refeeding, insulin brings magnesium into cells,
causing hypomagnesemia to develop. This is aggravated by the large demand for cellular repair
and rebuilding of magnesium stores. Low levels of hypophosphatemia and low levels of
potassium (hypokalemia) also occur during refeeeding syndrome.
Hypermagnesemia (especially when blood levels are near or above twice the top of the
reference range) can lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. Both bradycardia (slow heart
rate) and tachycardia (fast heart rate) may occur. Paradoxically, hypermagnesemia can cause
hypocalcemia, one of the major features of clinical magnesium deficiency. Thus, many of the
signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency are also signs of magnesium toxicity.
Excessive supplementation with magnesium can cause diarrhea, and clinicians take advantage
of this to use it as a laxative. The Institute of Medicine set the tolerable upper intake limit for
supplemental magnesium at 350 mg/d to avoid loosening stools, but the form of magnesium
and an individual’s bowel tolerance can cause large variation in the amount needed for this
effect. Supplements are unlikely to cause worse problems than this if you have healthy kidneys.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
In those with poor kidney function, however, the use of high doses of magnesium for medical
purposes can cause hypermagnesemia. One example of this is administration of magnesium to
prevent convulsions in preeclampsia and eclampsia. Another example is excessive use of
over-the-counter magnesium-containing medications, such as the 2 grams per day you could
obtain by using milk of magnesia as an antacid at the maximal dose prescribed on the label. For
magnesium as a nutritional supplement, the upper limit of 350 mg/d should be used as a rough
indicator of potential risk in the context of poor kidney function. If you choose to consistently use
higher doses than this, I recommend discussing this with your doctor so you can review your
kidney function and magnesium levels to ensure your use of the supplement is safe.
Serum magnesium declines in deficiency and rises in toxicity, but it is less sensitive than red
blood cell and urine to changes in magnesium status. Red blood cell magnesium may be low
when serum is not, and while this could indicate an early deficiency, it could also indicate a
deficiency in factors needed for bringing magnesium into cells, such insulin signaling, energy
production, and sodium. Urine magnesium will be low in nutritional deficiency, but high in
deficiencies caused by urinary loss.
The interpretation of magnesium markers is best facilitated by taking all three measurements. A
nutritional magnesium deficiency is likely to produce low values across all three measurements.
Low blood values coupled to high urine values reveal urinary magnesium wasting. A large
discrepancy between serum and red blood cell magnesium could suggest a problem with
magnesium transport.
Testing Caveats: Since red blood cells are higher in magnesium than serum, hemolysis will
falsely elevate serum magnesium. Hemolysis can occur inside your body if you have certain
medical disorders, but it can also occur during blood collection due to poor positioning of the
needle or other technical difficulties. If serum is implausibly high, especially when urine and red
blood cell are normal, the serum measurement may have been falsely elevated from hemolysis
and should be repeated from a new blood draw. There is a collection of rare genetic disorders
that cause poor magnesium absorption, urinary magnesium loss, or both. Many of the signs and
symptoms of magnesium deficiency are results of hypocalcemia or disordered calcium handling,
and many result from hypokalemia. Therefore, I recommend consulting the section on vitamin D,
calcium, and phosphorus as well as the section on electrolytes when interpreting altered
magnesium status.
Vitamin K
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency: Severe vitamin K deficiency involves defective blood
clotting. Easy bruising or blood accumulating at the surface of the skin may be most apparent,
but widespread internal bleeding and hemorrhage are possible. It is far more likely to encounter
moderate deficiencies of vitamin K. These deficiencies are less well established and are an
active area of research. They may contribute to osteopenia, osteoporosis, short stature in
children, soft tissue calcification (e.g., calcified atherosclerotic plaque; calcification of the
vascular media that occurs in diabetes, kidney disease, and with age; kidney stones). Even less
well established but plausible signs and symptoms include insulin resistance, inadequate insulin
and hyperglycemia, low testosterone and fertility in men, high androgens in women, poor
exercise performance or tolerance, and cancers of the liver, lung, and prostate.
Risk Factors for Deficiency: Vitamin K refers to a collection of compounds that have different
distributions in foods and have different tissue distributions within the body. Vitamin K1 occurs
mainly in greens. Vitamin K2 refers to a collection of compounds known as menaquinones that
are individually designated menaquinone-n, abbreviated MK-n, where n is a number between 4
and 13. MK-4 is found primarily in animal products, and MK-7 through MK-13 are found primarily
in fermented foods. A severe vitamin K deficiency of dietary origin is rare, and would require a
diet devoid of green plants, animal foods, and fermented foods. However, far less vitamin K2 is
present in the diet than K1, and K2 is more effective at supporting most functions of vitamin K
besides clotting. Most diets contain inadequate K2 to support these functions and in this sense
moderate vitamin K deficiency may be the norm.
Humans are able to convert other forms of vitamin K into MK-4, but cholesterol-lowering statins
decrease this conversion and presumably make it more important to obtain MK-4 in the diet.
High-dose vitamin E supplementation increases the breakdown of vitamin K and may contribute
to deficiency. Vitamin D, chronic kidney disease, and anything else that causes soft tissue
calcification raises the need for vitamin K. Any disorders leading to fat malabsorption may
induce deficiency. The vitamin K status of newborns is often deficient because of inadequate
intake by the mother during pregnancy.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Special Note on Anticoagulant Medication: 4-hydroxycoumarins require dietary and
supplemental vitamin K to be maintained very stably over time because the dose of the
medication must be adjusted to handle the vitamin K load of the diet. These drugs introduce a
state of partial vitamin K deficiency to manage the risk of a fatal blood clot from forming. It is not
possible to eliminate this aspect of the treatment. However, since vitamin K2 better supports the
non-clotting functions of vitamin K than K1 does, and since it is present in the diet in much lower
quantities than K1, low-dose K2 supplementation (e.g. 45 micrograms per day of MK-7) may be a
safe way of supporting these other functions. If you choose to use this approach, you must do
so with the knowledge and strict supervision of the prescribing physician. Doing so without the
knowledge of the physician is dangerous because it could alter the dose of the medication
Excess and Toxicity: Vitamin K has no clearly established syndrome of toxicity. In fact, 45
milligrams per day of MK-4, which is 375 times the RDA, has been used as a pharmaceutical
drug to treat osteoporosis and to reduce the risk of liver cancer associated with viral cirrhosis,
with no clearly established adverse effects. Nevertheless, high-dose vitamin K stimulates the
breakdown of vitamin E and has the potential to deplete glutathione, both of which are critical
components of the antioxidant system (see the antioxidant system). High doses also inhibit
bone resorption, which may help preserve bone mass but may also interfere with blood sugar
control, sex hormone balance, and energy utilization during exercise. I recommend keeping
vitamin K supplements under one milligram per day unless there is strong justification to do
otherwise, such as in kidney disease, or in the use of pharmacological doses of MK-4 for
osteoporosis or cancer prevention, all of which should be done under medical supervision.
● Serum vitamin K (LabCorp, Quest, Genova fat-soluble vitamin panel) is not a good
marker of vitamin K nutritional status because it only reflects recent intake. However, it
will be low even after normal intake or supplementation if a deficiency is caused by
● Prothrombin time (LabCorp, Quest) is a functional marker of blood clotting. It is used to
calculate the international normalized ratio (INR), a value used to adjust the dose of
anticoagulant medication. In the absence of 4-hydroxycoumarin treatment, it could reflect
vitamin K deficiency, but could also reflect many other factors that interfere with blood
● Des-γ-carboxy Prothrombin (LabCorp, Quest), also known as DCP or protein induced
by vitamin K absence or antagonism-II (PIVKA-II) rises when the vitamin K status of the
liver is inadequate to support blood clotting. In the absence of 4-hydroxycoumarin
treatment, high PIVKA-II strengthens the interpretation that prothrombin time is elevated
because of vitamin K deficiency. PIVKA-II will rise during treatment with
4-hydroxycoumarins and this is expected. In the absence of 4-hydroxycoumarin
treatment, elevated PIVKA-II suggests a relatively severe deficiency of vitamin K.
● The vitamin K status of extrahepatic tissues (tissues other than the liver) will be the
ideal tests of vitamin K status for routine screening and disease prevention. Adequate
tests of this nature are not yet available. LabCorp and Quest both offer osteocalcin, and
Genova offers undercarboxylated osteocalcin (ucOCN). The ratio of undercarboxylated
to total osteocalcin would be ideal to assess the vitamin K status of bone, but dividing
the Genova value by the LabCorp or Quest values would produce potentially spurious
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
results since the values come from different blood draws and the labs have not
calibrated the assays to be used together. Immunodiagnostic systems has produced an
assay for uncarboxylated MGP, which is a very good marker of the vitamin K status of
blood vessels, but it is not yet available clinically. I will update this guide when it is.
At the present time, there are no available markers of marginal vitamin K status, and I did not
include any markers of vitamin K status in the comprehensive screening. I included
recommendations for preventative supplementation in the “Correcting Vitamin K Deficiency”
section below.
Caveats: Thiamin is required for the recycling of vitamin K and should be considered if
strategies to correct vitamin K status listed in this section do not work, or if there are other
reasons to suspect thiamin deficiency. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
(LabCorp and Quest) can also impair vitamin K recycling.
All B vitamins are water-soluble. As a result, excessive fluid loss, as in the frequent urination
that accompanies diabetes, can be a source of deficiency. Additionally, cooking foods in water
that is then discarded will cause some loss of most B vitamins.
Because these vitamins play so many roles in the metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrate
for energy, the signs and symptoms of their deficiencies overlap and present many similarities.
This is augmented by the fact that some B vitamins are often needed for the endogenous
synthesis or metabolic activation of other B vitamins, so deficiencies of one often cause
deficiencies of another.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
The signs and symptoms in this category frequently impact the nervous system, the skin, the
hair and nails, and the gastrointestinal tract.
The best markers of nutritional status are often intermediates in the metabolic pathways that
stop working when they are deficient and that can be found on plasma amino acid profiles and
urinary organic acid profiles. Plasma amino acid profiles can be obtained from LabCorp,
Quest, Great Plains, the Genova ION Profile + 40 amino acids, and the NutrEval. Urinary
organic acid profiles can be obtained from LabCorp, Quest, Great Plains, the Genova ION
Profile + 40 amino acids, and the NutrEval. Of these, only LabCorp’s urinary organic acids
profile does not have its analytes listed on the web site. For this reason, although it may include
many or all of the markers that the others do, I do not list it below as a way to obtain any
markers. My preference is to use the Genova ION Profile + 40 amino acids for plasma amino
acid and urinary organic acids because it contains the largest number of important nutritional
markers, and I included the ION in the comprehensive screening.
With the exception of vitamin B6, these vitamins have no known toxicity syndromes. Sections on
B6 toxicity and concerns about niacin excess are included, but toxicity and excess sections are
otherwise excluded for these vitamins.
There are three classical syndromes of thiamin deficiency, each with distinct but overlapping
clusters of signs and symptoms:
● Beriberi. Peripheral neuropathy (weakness, numbness, pain, or tingling in the hands and
feet), impairment of reflexes, with or without cardiovascular signs that include enlarged
heart, elevated heart rate (tachycardia) and cardiac output, and congestive heart failure.
● Wernicke’s Encephalopathy. Weakness, paralysis, or disordered movement in the
muscles around the muscles of the eye (ocular palsies, ophthalmoplegia, nystagmus)
ataxia (loss of full control over body movements), confusion, often with peripheral
● Korsakoff’s Psychosis. Amnesia, confabulation (fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted
memories), decreased spontaneity and initiative. This is often but not always a
progression of Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Prompt treatment of Wernicke’s
encephalopathy with with high-dose intravenous thiamin as part of emergency medical
care prevents its progression to Korskoff’s psychosis.
Very severe thiamin deficiency may cause seizures, paralysis, and death. Tragically, severe
thiamin deficiency is underdiagnosed in emergency medicine and often diagnosed at autopsy.
Poor glucose tolerance may occur in less severe thiamin deficits. Less well established but
plausible signs and symptoms include improvements in energy or neurological health on a
low-carbohydrate diet, low levels of neurotransmitters, and apparent deficiencies of folate and
vitamin K that do not respond well to dietary or supplemental corrections.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Risk Factors for Deficiency: Dietary thiamin deficiency occurs when the diet does not contain
several 100 gram servings per day of meat, legumes, whole grains, or enriched grains (e.g., a
diet based mostly on fat, or on refined foods that are not fortified with thiamin) and does not
contain thiamin supplements or thiamin-containing multivitamins. Other well established causes
of thiamin deficiency include persistent vomiting, alcoholism, gastrointestinal diseases that
cause malabsorption, liver diseases that impair hepatic thiamin storage, and HIV/AIDS.
Diabetes increases the need for thiamin. Less common but well established causes of thiamin
deficiency include thiamin antagonists that occur in raw fish and shellfish, seasonally in ferns,
and in the edible larvae of the African silkworm Anaphe venata. Less well established but
plausible causes include sulfite accumulation, which may be driven by molybdenum deficiency
and high intake of animal protein or sulfite used as a food additive; thiamin-destroying bacteria
and fungi in the human gut; thiamin-destroying amoebas that may pollute water; and perhaps
thiamin antagonists produced during infections or from exposure to toxic indoor molds.
From among those listed below, I recommend using whole blood thiamin pyrophosphate
(LabCorp) and Genova ION Profile + 40 amino acids to assess thiamin status, which are
included in the comprehensive screening.
Testing Caveats: Transketolase activity is subject to genetic polymorphisms that may impact its
activity, and alcoholism may cause epigenetic decreases in its activity; these caveats do not rule
out the sensibility of supplementing thiamin when transketolase activity is low, since it may be
responsive to extra thiamin, but they complicate a straightforward interpretation of thiamin
deficiency. The pattern of metabolites that rises in thiamin deficiency is best interpreted as a
complete pattern. If only one or two metabolites are high, the interpretation is less clear. Most
thiamin-dependent enzymes also depend on lipoic acid and are subject to inhibition by oxidative
stress and heavy metals, which may mimic the metabolite pattern of thiamin deficiency.
Correcting Thiamin Deficiency: Thiamin deficiency that is severe enough to cause the signs
and symptoms of the classical syndromes described above requires emergency medical
attention, which may involve high-dose intravenous thiamin according to protocols that are
beyond the scope of this guide. In the cases of more moderate thiamin deficiencies, they should
be addressed according to the root cause. If the diet is poor in thiamin, thiamin-rich foods
should be introduced. Many disease states cause thiamin deficiency that must be addressed
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
independently with appropriate medical care. Thiamin supplementation is safe even at high
doses and may help resolve a dietary deficiency more quickly or compensate for poor
absorption or a high rate of urinary loss. If deficiencies of other B vitamins have not been
adequately screened for, it would be prudent to include a B complex alongside thiamin. Thiamin
hydrochloride is likely adequate in most cases. Benfotiamine may be beneficial for the
neuropathy of diabetes and alcoholism but its superiority over thiamin hydrochloride has not
been clearly demonstrated. Thiamin pyrophosphate (thiamin diphosphate) is the active form of
thiamin, and supplements of this form could plausibly overcome impairments in thiamin
activation, which are known to occur in alcoholism.
Risk Factors for Deficiency: Riboflavin is most abundant in yeast and organ meats but is
otherwise widely spread across the food supply, present in the water-soluble fractions of food.
Diets that contain mostly fat or refined foods that are not fortified with riboflavin, and do not
include riboflavin supplements or riboflavin-containing multivitamins, may induce a riboflavin
deficiency. Diabetes, trauma, stress, and oral contraceptives increase the excretion of riboflavin
and can contribute to deficiency. Riboflavin is very sensitive to light, so consumption of foods
that have not been properly protected from light at home or during transport and distribution
could theoretically contribute to deficiency.
● Whole blood total riboflavin (LabCorp), which is mainly intracellular riboflavin in its
active form, is low in deficiency.
● Erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity (available from HDRI as “EGR” on their
requisition form) is low in deficiency.
Testing Caveats: Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common
enzymatic defect in the world. LabCorp and Q uest both offer tests for it. G6PD deficiency
increases the binding of riboflavin to glutathione reductase, which can mask riboflavin deficiency
by elevating glutathione reductase activity. Low thyroid or adrenal activity compromises the
activation of riboflavin to flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN).
This may result in signs and symptoms of riboflavin deficiency when the underlying problem is
hormonal rather than nutritional. Rare genetic disorders in fatty acid oxidation or riboflavin
metabolism may induce signs of riboflavin deficiency but require highly specialized diagnosis
and medical treatment outside the scope of this guide. Some of the signs and symptoms of
riboflavin deficiency, especially the skin lesions, are due to deficient metabolic activation of the
form of vitamin B6 found in plant foods, and are seen in vitamin B6 deficiency as well.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Correcting Riboflavin Deficiency: In a dietary deficiency, riboflavin-rich foods should be
introduced into the diet. Nutritional yeast and organ meats will be particularly useful. To correct
a deficiency more quickly or compensate for increased excretion, riboflavin supplements may be
used according to the label, but if other deficiencies have not been properly screened it is
prudent to include a B complex in place of or alongside riboflavin. Although standard riboflavin
supplements should be sufficient in most cases, Source Naturals flavin mononucleotide may be
more effective in hypothyroidism and adrenal insufficiency, where activation of riboflavin is
impaired. The rare genetic defects in fatty acid oxidation may respond well to extremely high
doses of riboflavin, such as 10-50 milligrams per kilogram body weight per day. Although
riboflavin has no established syndrome of toxicity, doses this high should not be used outside of
medical supervision. They are unnecessary except in these disorders, and the disorders
themselves require close medical attention.
Risk Factors for Niacin Deficiency: Niacin is obtained in the diet and also synthesized
endogenously from the amino acid tryptophan in a process requiring vitamin B6 and iron. Frank
niacin deficiency requires deficiencies of niacin and one of the following: protein, vitamin B6, or
iron. Historically, pellagra epidemics occurred in the United States when the standard diet of
many regions was low in protein and high in corn that had not been treated with nixtamalization,
the traditional process whereby lye was used to render the niacin within the corn bioavailable. In
the modern era, niacin deficiency could be caused by diets based mainly on fat or on unrefined
foods that are not fortified with niacin, in the absence of niacin supplements or niacin-containing
multivitamins. DNA repair consumes niacin, so any conditions causing damage to DNA may
contribute to niacin deficiency. Serotonin production taxes the supply of tryptophan, so
serotonin-producing tumors can cause niacin deficiency. Hartnup disease is a rare genetic
disorder in the absorption of tryptophan that can cause deficiency. Alcoholism, HIV/AIDS,
malabsorption disorders affecting the small intestine, kidney disease, and cancer all increase
the risk of niacin deficiency.
Niacin Excess: Niacin is well known to cause flushing, itching, and blistering of skin at doses
used medically to lower blood lipids, and this may be accompanied by elevated glucose, liver
enzymes, and uric acid. This occurs with the nicotinic acid form of niacin but not niacinamide or
nicotinamide. This is a well characterized acute reaction, and there is no established syndrome
of chronic niacin toxicity. However, excess niacin is excreted in the urine largely as methylated
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
metabolites, regardless of the form of niacin used. This drains methyl groups and may cause
deficiency signs or symptoms of the B vitamins involved in methylation. Methylation status
should be monitored carefully if using high-dose niacin in any form.
Testing for Niacin Deficiency: Niacin is a component of two major substrates for energy
metabolism, NAD(H) and NADP(H). In deficiency, NADP(H) stays constant while NAD(H) falls.
The “niacin number” can be calculated by dividing the concentration of NAD(H) by NADP(H)
and multiplying by 100. Healthy adults not taking niacin supplements have a niacin number
close to 175. Niacin supplementation can raise this over 600, while 5 weeks of moderate,
experimental niacin deficiency drops it to 60. This can be obtained from HDRI as
“NADH/NADPH” on their requisition form. As the niacin number declines under 175, deficiency
should be considered progressively more likely, and this can be used as a target for correcting
Risk Factors for Deficiency: Pantothenate is named after the Greek word pantos for
“everywhere” or “everything,” reflecting its ubiquity in the diet and the low likelihood of
deficiency. Pantothenate is also produced by gut microbes, which may protect against frank
deficiency on low-pantothenate diets. Clinical deficiency has only been observed in
experimental studies and in prisoners of war during World War II. Nevertheless, yeast, liver,
eggs, and mushrooms stand out as excellent sources. Refining of grains removes most of the
pantothenate, and it is not added to enriched grains. Therefore, diets high in refined grains and
devoid of pantothenate-rich foods will be low in pantothenate and this may contribute to
moderate deficits when pantothenate supplements or pantothenate-containing multiviamins are
not used. The contribution of gut pantothenate production to nutritional status is not well
characterized, but gut dysbiosis might be seen as a plausible contributor to deficiency.
Testing for Pantothenate Status: Plasma levels of pantothenate (LabCorp, Quest) decline in
nutritional status. References range are extremely wide, and since deficiency is poorly
characterized, I believe it makes sense to target the middle or upper half of the range, especially
if this can be achieved through pantothenate-rich foods alone.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Correcting Pantothenate Deficiency: If your blood levels are low or in the bottom half of the
range and any potential signs or symptoms exist, I recommend placing more emphasis on
pantothenate-rich foods and considering the use of a supplement. If other B vitamin deficiencies
have not been ruled out, supplementation is best as a component of a B complex. Nevertheless,
there is no known toxicity and supplements of one gram per day of calcium pantothenate have
shown promise in rheumatoid arthritis. Calcium pantothenate is about half pantothenate and
one gram of it provides approximately 50 times the RDA.
Vitamin B6
Signs and Symptoms of B6 Deficiency: In its most severe form, vitamin B6 deficiency causes
convulsive seizures; cognitive symptoms such as irritability, depression, and confusion;
vulnerability to infection, lesions similar to those of riboflavin deficiency (cheilosis, angular
stomatitis, glossitis, oral hyperemia and edema), and sideroblastic anemia (normal hemoglobin
concentrations that accumulate around the edges of red blood cells, seen under a microscope).
More moderate deficits of B6 elevate homocysteine, contribute to cardiovascular disease, and
contribute to chronic low-level inflammation. Less well established but plausible signs and
symptoms of moderate B6 deficits include cognitive decline, depression, anxiety, insomnia,
hypoglycemia, oxalate kidney stones, and the morning sickness of pregnancy.
Vitamin B6 is needed for the endogenous synthesis of niacin, and may contribute to niacin
deficiency in the presence of other predisposing factors. It is also needed for the metabolic
activation of essential fatty acids, and may contribute to essential fatty acid deficiency in the
presence of other predisposing factors.
Risk Factors for B6 Deficiency: Deficiency severe enough to produce seizures has only been
observed historically because of errors in the manufacture of infant formula. However, there are
rare genetic defects that cause dramatic increases in the need for vitamin B6 to prevent either
seizures or sideroblastic anemia. Moderate deficits of B6 may have many common causes.
Diets low in animal foods, low in riboflavin, low in raw foods, or dominated by overcooked foods
may contribute to deficiency. Gut flora and the enzyme pyridoxine 5’-phosphate oxidase
(PNPO) are important for deriving B6 from plant foods, and variations in these factors may
contribute to deficiency. Inflammation raises the need for B6 and also increases its degradation.
Oral contraceptives, high estrogen levels, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and
drugs used to treat tuberculosis and Parkinson’s increase the need for B6. Sulfite accumulation,
which may be driven by molybdenum deficiency and a high intake of animal protein or sulfite
used as a food additive, contributes to B6 deficiency. Pyroluria, a disorder proposed decades
ago but never adequately followed up, was thought to contribute to B6 deficiency, and Great
Plains currently offers a test for it.
Vitamin B6 Toxicity: Long-term use of doses above 500 miligrams per day of pyridoxine may
cause ataxia (loss of full control over body movements), and sensory neuropathy, with
symptoms such as numbness to touch or temperature change, tingling, burning, or pain in the
extremities. To provide a window of safety, the Institute of Medicine set the tolerable upper
intake level (TUIL) at 100 milligrams per day, which is over 50 times the RDA. I consider it
important to stay below the TUIL unless there is strong justification to do otherwise. If you are
not trying to correct a deficiency, I consider it wise to stay under 10 milligrams per day.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Testing for B6 Status:
Testing Caveats: Oral contraceptives, and presumably high estrogen, may cause the signs of
B6 deficiency to appear on an organic acid profile, but it is not clear whether higher doses of B6
will correct them. It is therefore unclear whether this should be regarded as B6 deficiency.
Nevertheless, anecdotally, 100 mg/d of pyridoxal 5’-phosphate seems to mitigate the insomnia
that sometimes accompanies high estrogen levels.
Correcting B6 Deficiency: Increasing the proportion of animal foods in the diet, using more
gentle cooking techniques, and including more raw foods may all help improve B6 status.
Among plant foods, bananas are an excellent source of B6 because it is easy to eat them raw
and because their B6 is absorbed more effectively than the B6 in most other plant foods.
Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate is the ideal supplement because it does not require riboflavin-dependent
metabolic activation in the liver. 5 milligrams per day should be adequate to correct a deficiency
that results from poor dietary intake. Nevertheless, there are many factors that disrupt B6
metabolism, and doses between 30-100 milligrams per day may be needed to reverse signs of
deficiency in some individuals. Because of the risk of toxicity, doses this high should be used
with care and only when there is clear justification. Higher doses are only needed in the context
of professional medical care for rare genetic disorders.
Risk Factors for Biotin Deficiency: The principal determinants of biotin status are egg yolks
and liver, which are far more abundant in biotin than any other foods; egg whites, which contain
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
a heat-sensitive compound known as avidin that impairs biotin absorption; and pregnancy,
which raises the need for biotin. The overwhelming risk factor for biotin deficiency is the
consumption of egg white, especially raw and when consumed without equal numbers of egg
yolks and without biotin supplements or biotin-containing multivitamins. Although cooking
degrades avidin, substantial proportions remain in cooked egg white. Whole eggs do not not
pose a risk of deficiency, and this is probably true even if raw. On the other hand, egg whites
should not be consumed without the yolks unless biotin supplements are also used. The same
is true for egg white protein powders. Pregnancy raises the need for biotin, and about one-third
of mothers become temporarily biotin deficient during pregnancy.
Correcting Biotin Deficiency: If the deficiency can be plausibly attributed to egg whites, the
potential source of avidin should be removed by more thoroughly cooking egg whites or
consuming fewer of them. Liver and egg yolks are the best food sources of biotin. Liver can be
consumed up to two 3.5-ounce servings per week, and 3-4 egg yolks per day can be used for
most people, but may need to be moderated for individuals with elevated blood cholesterol.
Biotin supplements can be safely used according to the label with no known concerns of toxicity.
A methyl group, CH3, is the simplest way to add a carbon atom to an organic
(carbon-containing) molecule. All of the molecules within the human body are organic, and
methylation is often used to synthesize them or to alter them for the purposes of regulation.
The B vitamins most centrally involved in methylation include folate (vitamin B9), vitamin B12,
choline, and betaine. Then amino acids methionine, serine, and glycine are also central to
the system. Finally, the system of energy metabolism directly supports the methylation system,
with especially prominent roles for thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6.
Most of the nutrients in this pathway act as methyl donors: folate, B12, choline, betaine,
methionine, and serine. However, glycine acts as a methyl buffer, removing excess methyl
groups from the system to prevent overmethylation. Methylation remains adequate and in
balance when all parts of the system are optimized.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
When reviewing the list of signs and symptoms of methylation imbalances below, it is important
to realize that there are many genetic polymorphisms and other factors that will alter the
prioritization of methyl groups. It is possible to have some indications of overmethylation
coinciding with some of undermethylation. It is also possible to have the buffering system poorly
supported so that one swings between indications of undermethylation and indications of
overmethylation. With that said, generally undermethylation can be seen as a sign of deficient
methyl donors and overmethylation as a sign of deficient glycine. Notably, while the relationship
between methylation and cancer is controversial, it may be the case that both deficiencies of
methyl donors and glycine contribute to cancer.
Signs and Symptoms Specific to B12 and Folate Deficiencies: Both B12 and folate
deficiencies lead to macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia. This is independent of their role in
methylation. This may be asymptomatic, or may make you feel tired, weak, short of breath on
exertion, and cause heart palpitations and paleness.
Signs and Symptoms Specific to B12 Deficiency: Vitamin B12 deficiency causes
neurological degeneration that is largely independent of its role in methylation and does not
involve folate. Mental changes include memory loss, changes of personality or mood, and in the
most severe cases delirium and psychosis. Outside the brain, changes generally begin in the
feet and work their way upwards with lost sense of position and vibration and paresthesia
(tingling, numbness, or a feeling of something crawling on the skin), possibly progressing to
ataxia (loss of full control over the muscles), spacticity (constant contraction) and gait
abnormalities (difficulty walking correctly). Other signs and symptoms include optic neuritis,
visual disturbances, and autonomic dysfunction, which may manifest as dizziness or faintness
upon standing in the case of orthostatic hypotension, or exercise intolerance if the heart rate
does not appropriately adjust to exercise.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Folate Deficiency: The principal cause of inadequate folate status is poor food selection
combined with lack of supplementation and exclusion of enriched grains. Meeting the folate
requirement requires two to three 100-gram servings of liver, legumes, or greens per day. Liver
should not be used more than twice a week in most cases and legumes and greens can be
used to meet the remainder of the requirement. Folate is stable in liver when frozen and in
legumes when dried, but not in frozen vegetables. To prevent neural tube defects, most refined
grains are fortified with folic acid, a synthetic form of folate. Folic acid is also present in
multivitamins and in many breakfast cereals. Prior to the fortification of refined grains with folic
acid, the average American consumed hardly more than half the RDA of folate. Removing
refined grains from the diet could be well intentioned and is highly desirable in many respects,
but could nevertheless make a major contribution to folate deficiency if the foods that replace
them are not selected properly. Mistaken reliance on frozen vegetables as a source of folate
without realizing that most of the natural folate in these foods has degraded before consumption
may also be a major contributor. Folate is stable in liver during cooking. In plant foods, however,
cooking causes loss of up to half the folate, with about half recoverable in the cooking water.
Thus, preventing deficiency may take 3-5 servings of these foods rather than 2-3 if they are
cooked and the cooking water is discarded. There are a number of genetic polymorphisms that
impact folate requirements and these are discussed in a separate section below. There is also a
rare genetic defect in the primary intestinal folate transporter known as hereditary folate
Folate Excess: Although there is no well characterized syndrome of folate toxicity, excess
folate can have several undesirable effects. First, it can mask B12 deficiency by preventing the
associated anemia without doing anything to prevent the degeneration of the nervous system.
Second, although the mechanism is poorly understood, folate supplementation has been
associated with the onset of nervous system degeneration in B12-deficient patients and could
be the factor that provoked the degeneration. Third, although rare, supplementation with as low
as 1 milligram per day of folate has provoked hypersensitivity reactions in some individuals. The
Institute of Medicine set the tolerable upper intake level for supplemental folate at 1 milligram
per day to provide a window of safety for provoking neurodegeneration in B12-deficient patients.
I do not see any justification for using doses higher than 1 milligram in any circumstances, so I
find it prudent to keep supplemental folate under this level.
In the general population, the major cause of vitamin B12 deficiency is poor absorption.
Pernicious anemia occurs in 0.1% of the general population and close to 2% of the elderly. It
consists of an autoimmune attack on components of the digestive system specific to B12
absorption. Chronic gastritis, on the other hand, is usually caused by H. pylori, may affect half or
more of the population, begins in childhood, and advances with age. In the elderly, gastritis may
be severe enough to cause vitamin B12 deficiency in 10-15% of the population.
Signs of B12 deficiency are found in over 70% of vegetarians and 90% of vegans, due to low
intake without supplementation. B12 is found almost exclusively in animal products, and the
bioavailability in eggs is low, making milk the only food source for most lacto-ovo-vegetarians.
Some research indicates that there is B12 in a small selection of vegan foods: shiitake,
chanterelle, and black trumpet mushroom; and chlorella and green or purple nori (laver).
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Nevertheless most mushrooms and edible bacteria or algae do not contain B12 and the levels
found in chlorella have been shown to be extremely inconsistent. Therefore, it is prudent for
vegetarians and vegans to supplement with B12 and proactively monitor B12 status.
It is important to realize that even animal products rarely have more than a third of the daily
requirement of B12, meaning most require consistent consumption of three servings per day to
meet the RDA. Some animal products, such as liver and clams, have far more than the RDA for
B12, but you can only absorb one day’s worth of B12 in each meal. If you eat one large serving
of clams, your data may indicate that you’ve eaten enough for at least the week and maybe
even the month, but you’ve only absorbed enough for the day. Thus, a diet that does not
contain, on average, at least seven B12-rich meals per week and meet the RDA for an average
intake, is at risk of suboptimal B12 status.
Within the methylation system, choline is converted to betaine, and betaine acts as the direct
methyl donor. Therefore, we must be consider them as a single requirement. The principal
cause of inadequacy is poor food selection without supplementation. Choline is much more
abundant in liver and egg yolks than in any other foods. Meeting the requirement for choline
requires 2-3 egg yolks per day if obtained exclusively from egg yolks. One 100-gram serving of
liver provides the equivalent of two egg yolks, and one 100-gram serving of most cruciferous
vegetables or nuts provides the equivalent of half an egg yolk.
I would not use betaine alone to meet this requirement because choline fulfills other functions
outside of methylation that betaine cannot fulfill. However, I consider it reasonable to obtain up
to half of this requirement from betaine, which can only be done with three foods. One egg
yolk’s worth of choline can be obtained in betaine using any of the following: 100 grams of
spinach (measured raw), 100 grams of raw beets or 50 grams of cooked or canned beets, or 25
grams of wheat germ.
Diets that do not emphasize the foods described above do not provide enough choline. Indeed,
the average choline intake in the United States provides about half the DRI, and 90% of
Americans consume less than the DRI. Many multivitamins do not provide any choline at all, so
an individual eating a standard diet without intentionally supplementing choline will most likely
not be consuming enough. There are a number of genetic polymorphisms that impact choline
requirements and these are discussed in a separate section below.
Choline Excess: Although controversial, excess choline may be converted in the colon to
trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), which may contribute to cardiovascular disease. This can be
minimized by 1) spreading choline out across meals rather than taking it all at once, and 2)
getting choline mainly from food, and if using supplemental choline to use phosphatidylcholine
(see the correcting imbalances section for important dosing information). The Institute of
Medicine set the upper limit for choline at 3.5 grams per day to avoid a risk of low blood
pressure (hypotension) and fishy body odor. I do not see a reason for anyone to use more than
1200 milligrams per day, which is well under this level.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Serine and glycine can be synthesized by the body, while methionine cannot. Nevertheless,
endogenous synthesis of any amino acids only occurs adequately when total protein
requirements are met. These requirements are at least 0.8-1.2 grams protein per kilogram
bodyweight for most people and arguably higher for athletic populations. As long as the protein
comes from animal products or from plant products that are well diversified (for example, does
not come exclusively from legumes), methionine and serine needs will be met. Falling below this
intake or failing to diversify protein sources on a vegan diet could cause amino acid deficiencies.
Although glycine is not an essential amino acid and there is no “deficiency” syndrome, typical
needs for optimal health may include up to 5-10 grams of glycine over and above what would be
obtained from meeting total protein requirements. Methionine, present in all proteins and
especially rich in animal protein, increases the need for glycine. Therefore, this extra glycine
requirement is best fulfilled by the inclusion of collagen in the diet, which is much higher in
glycine than other proteins and quite low in methionine. 5 grams of glycine could be obtained
from ⅔ of an ounce of bone meal, or with one to two servings of hydrolyzed collagen.
Excess protein generates ammonia, which is toxic if it accumulates but is usually safely
converted to urea. Rare genetic disorders or urea-degrading microbes in the gut may impair the
disposal of ammonia but for most people the ability to dispose of ammonia is not overwhelmed
until protein intakes reach 8 grams per kilogram body weight, which cannot be obtained from
food and would be extremely difficult to achieve even with protein supplements.
Nevertheless, some hypothetical concerns apply to lower intakes of the amino acids described
here. Methionine increases the need for glycine, and high intakes of animal protein or
supplementation with S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) may deplete glycine to suboptimal levels.
Unfortunately, there is inadequate data to define the optimal ratio or range of acceptable ratios,
but care should be taken to include extra sources of glycine on high-protein diets and glycine
status should be monitored carefully if signs, symptoms, or blood work described herein suggest
they may be out of balance. Collagen supplementation has the potential to increase oxalate
accumulation and could pose a risk of kidney stones. Individuals at risk of kidney stones should
be careful with collagen and preferably monitor oxalate levels. Oxalate excretion in response to
collagen is more likely to occur if you are deficient in B6 (see the vitamin B6 section). The
oxalate is produced mainly from the hydroxyproline in collagen, not the glycine, so if you cannot
resolve increased oxalate excretion in response to collagen supplementation, you should try
supplemental glycine as an alternative. To test this, I would collect 24-hour urine oxalate
(LabCorp) while consuming the amount of collagen you usually consume or random urine
oxalate (Quest) after a collagen-rich meal.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
From among these genes, only MTHFR has been well studied for its impact on nutritional
requirements. Nevertheless, I will cover those I believe likely to be most relevant.
MTHFR enables the production of methylfolate, which allows folate to support the methylation
process. Methylfolate is also the off switch for the glycine buffer system, so low methylfolate
levels cause increased wasting of glycine as methylated metabolites. This depletes glycine and
methyl groups, even if there is an inadequate supply of methyl groups. There are two common
polymorphisms: A1298C and C677T. One A1298C allele decreases MTHFR activity by 17%.
One C677T decreases it 33%. Two A1298C decrease it by 39%. One of each decreases it 53%.
Two C677T decrease it by 75%. The homozygous C677T genotype is best studied, and it is
used as the reference point for the nutritional recommendations below. Less severe genotypes
are still affected in proportion to the decrease in MTHFR activity.
A 75% decrease in MTHFR activity has several important impacts on nutritional requirements:
● The choline requirement is doubled to about 900-1200 mg/d, which is the equivalent of
4-5 egg yolks.
● Methylfolate production is lower. This can not be compensated for proportionally with
methylfolate supplements. A typical folate molecule is recycled 18,000 times per day,
and it is not safe to take 18,000 times the RDA for folate. Nevertheless, it is important to
maintain enough methylfolate to switch off the glycine buffer system and using between
400 and 1000 micrograms of supplemental methylfolate may be helpful.
● Since almost half of methylation is used to synthesize creatine, 3-5 grams per day of
supplemental creatine may cut the methylation demand in half and help to better
conserve methylfolate to more effectively stop glycine wasting. The best form to use is
anything made from Creapure. Ideally the dose is taken with meals spread throughout
the day but usually it is more practical to take it with a single meal per day. The full
effects take 4-6 weeks to set in.
● Glycine requirements are presumably higher. Putting more emphasis on obtaining
dietary sources of collagen makes sense, and you may try supplements providing 3-10
grams of glycine (such as one to three servings of hydrolyzed collagen).
● Excess methionine from high animal protein intake or from S-adenosylmethionine
(SAMe) supplementation will exacerbate glycine wasting. Unless there are specific
athletic goals requiring higher protein intakes, you should keep your protein intake below
2 grams per kilogram body weight and diversify it among animal and plant proteins. Only
use SAMe if you have good justification based on blood work or signs and symptoms. If
you do have a high protein intake or use SAMe, monitor your glycine status carefully.
SLC19A1 is needed to transport folate into cells and MTHFD1 is an enzyme that produces
methylenefolate, a precursor to methylfolate and the form of folate that is required to prevent
anemia. Unlike MTHFR, which plays no role in preventing macrocytic anemia, both of these
could increase the risk of anemia because they can both impair the intracellular supply of
methylenefolate. Homozygosity for the G80A allele of SLC19A1 decreases its activity 50%, and
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
homozygosity for the of the G1958A allele of MTHFD1 decreases its activity by 34%.
Presumably heterozygosity causes half the effect although this has not been clearly studied.
Although no research has documented the exact effect of combinations of these polymorphisms
on methylfolate production, one can presumably guestimate the effect by multiplying the
residual activities. For example, let’s consider homozygosity for SLC19A1, MTHFD1, and the
A1298C mutation in MTHFR. If 50% of folate enters the cell and 66% is converted to
methylenefolate, from which 61% is converted to methylfolate, presumably this lowers
methylfolate production to 0.5*0.66*0.61= 20% of normal. I would use these estimates only as
as best guesses. Nevertheless, I would use these best guesses to gauge the strictness with
which you observe the above recommendations for MTHFR.
Since these polymorphisms also impact the supply of methylenefolate, folate supplements, if
they are used, should be a mix of folinic acid (formylfolate) and methylfolate, since folinic acid
will be more easily converted into methylenefolate.
MTRR: MTRR is an enzyme that repairs vitamin B12 when it has been damaged by oxidative
stress. Homozygosity for A66G or C524T lowers the activity of the enzyme 3-4-fold. This may
cause no problems at all if oxidative stress is minimal. Under conditions of oxidative stress,
however, individuals with these polymorphisms may become more vulnerable to vitamin B12
deficiency. These mutations do not directly impact nutritional requirements, but reinforce the
need to be proactive about measuring B12 status.
PEMT: PEMT is an enzyme that uses the methylation system to produce phosphatidylcholine. If
you follow my nutrition recommendations in this section, I do not believe this will impact your
choline requirement. Rather, if you have decreased PEMT activity, you will have a higher risk
specifically of fatty liver and liver damage when you do not follow the choline recommendations.
I believe the choline recommendations I’ve made should be followed regardless of the PEMT
genetics inadequate dietary choline will still compromise methylation and potentially
acetylcholine levels in someone with high PEMT activity.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
to deficiencies of magnesium or ATP, and it would be a good reason to try SAMe
supplementation at doses ranging from one tablet or up to 1600 milligrams per day.
● Glycine and sarcosine on an amino acid profile (preferred: the Genova ION Profile +
40 amino acids, also: LabCorp, Quest, Great Plains, and the NutrEval) Ideally glycine
should be toward the middle or higher end of the normal range, and sarcosine should be
close to zero. If glycine is low, it suggests that more glycine is needed. However, if
sarcosine is elevated, even toward the middle or higher end of the normal range, it
suggests that low methylfolate levels are causing glycine wasting, which calls for strict
implementation of the MTHFR-specific recommendations above (these should be tried
even in the absence of MTHFR polymorphisms if sarcosine is elevated).
● Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) on a complete blood count (CBC) (LabCorp,
Quest) High MCV is a sign of macrocytic anemia and suggests a deficiency of folate or
vitamin B12. Deficiencies of other nutrients may elevate MCV, such as copper, thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6, but folate and B12 are much more common, especially
if there are no independent indications that these other nutrients may be deficient.
Choline/betaine should not impact MCV. It is, therefore, more specific to folate and B12
than the alterations of homocysteine and methionine listed above. Rare mutations in
dihydroflate reductase (DHFR), and possibly common polymorphisms may increase
MCV. Unfortunately, common DHFR polymorphisms are not characterized well enough
to be included in the section above on common polymorphisms.
● Serum and RBC Folate (single test: LabCorp, Quest only offers serum and R BC
separately) Folate in red blood cells reflects total folate status, while folate in plasma or
serum reflects almost exclusively methylfolate. If total folate status is low, it suggests a
general folate deficiency. If only serum (or plasma) folate is low, it suggests a specific
deficiency of methylfolate due to impaired MTHFR activity, or a deficiency of any of the B
vitamins that enable the production of methylfolate (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6).
Excess intake of methionine or supplementation with S-adenosylmethionine will inhibit
MTHFR activity and may also contribute to low methylfolate levels.
● Urinary FIGlu on a urinary organic acid profile (preferred: Genova ION Profile + 40
amino acids; also: the NutrEval) Formiminoglutamate (FIGlu) is a functional marker
specific to folate that is independent of the methylation process and other
methylation-related nutrients and rises in folate deficiency.
● Serum B12 (LabCorp, Q uest) If serum B12 is low, it shows B12 is deficient. Serum B12
should not be used as the only marker of B12 status, however, because adequate serum
levels do not show that B12 is getting into cells and fulfilling its function, and a suitable
functional marker, methylmalonic acid, is described below.
● Methylmalonic acid in urine (in organic acid panels: preferred: Genova ION Profile +
40 amino acids; also: Quest, Great Plains, the NutrEval; as a single test: LabCorp,
Quest;) or in blood (LabCorp, Q uest). Methylmalonic acid (MMA) is a functional marker
specific to B12 that is independent of the methylation process and other
methylation-related nutrients and rises in B12 deficiency. If the increase is moderate and
the kidneys are healthy, it is more likely to be found in the urine, but an impairment in
kidney function could make it more apparent in the blood, so it is better to measure both.
Although generally a very specific indicator of B12 deficiency, a biotin deficiency could
blunt the production of MMA and thereby make this marker appear falsely normal.
Further, there are two rare genetic disorders that could affect its levels independent of
B12 status: methylmalonic acidemia will increase it and propionic acidemia will decrease
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Testing Caveats
Numerous reactions in the methylation pathway require magnesium and ATP. Magnesium
deficiency or metabolic disruptions that affect ATP production such as hypothyroidism, diabetes,
insulin resistance could contribute to methylation imbalances, and this becomes more likely if no
nutrient deficiencies can be supported. Extra niacin is excreted in methylated form, and
high-dose niacin supplements (in any form: niacin, niacinamide, or nicotinamide) may be the
cause of an apparent deficiency in methylation.
Regardless of the fate of cysteine, the amino acid serine and vitamin B6 are needed for its
production from homocysteine. The conversion always generates alpha-ketobutyrate as a
byproduct, which is the major source of methylmalonic acid, discussed above as a marker of
vitamin B12 status. The methylmalonic acid requires biotin to be produced, and vitamin B12 to
be eliminated. The synthesis of glutathione from cysteine requires glycine, magnesium, and
ATP. On its way to sulfate, cysteine first generates sulfite. Sulfite is toxic and its accumulation
can cause deficiencies of thiamin and vitamin B6. The conversion of sulfite to sulfate requires
molybdenum, an essential mineral.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Of the many nutrients that make an appearance in sulfur catabolism, only molybdenum is
unique to the pathway. Therefore, this section is devoted specifically to molybdenum.
Risk Factors for Molybdenum Deficiency: Molybdenum is very rich in legumes. The need for
molybdenum increases with high intakes protein, especially of animal proteins, as a result of
their high methionine content. Thus, a diet rich in animal proteins and low in legumes is likely to
lead to significantly lower molybdenum status than the opposite pattern. The need for
molybdenum appears to also increase during pregnancy, where the production of hydrogen
sulfide, essential to the growth of the placenta and embryo, provides an additional source of
sulfite. The morning sickness of pregnancy may result from sulfite-induced B6 deficiency that
occurs on the background of low molybdenum intakes.
● Serum or Whole Blood Molybdenum (HDRI) Many blood tests of molybdenum levels
are designed to only look for excess and only report whether molybdenum is below the
range of excess. HDRI, by contrast, reports an exact value within a normal range. Either
test will work, but ideally it should be tested along with one or more of the functional
markers listed below.
● Uric Acid (LabCorp, Quest) In addition to converting sulfite to sulfate, molybdenum is
also necessary to make uric acid. Uric acid is low in molybdenum deficiency.
● Urinary Sulfite and Sulfate (available from HDRI as part of the “sulphur panel” on their
requisition form) High urinary sulfite and low urinary sulfate indicates a molybdenum
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
● Serum Sulfate and the Cysteine-to-Sulfate Ratio (Genova Oxidative Stress 2.0 Blood
Panel) Although not a direct measure of sulfite accumulation, low serum sulfate and a
high cysteine-to-sulfate ratio may indicate molybdenum deficiency.
While vitamins E and C are best known as antioxidants, the antioxidant system also depends
on the following minerals: zinc, copper, manganese, iron, and selenium. Glutathione is not a
nutrient, but it is the master antioxidant and serves as the interface between the antioxidant
system and the system of energy metabolism, allowing glucose to act as the ultimate
antioxidant. Glutathione synthesis also interacts with the methylation system through the
transsulfuration pathway.
Useful markers include lipid peroxides, a measure of oxidative damage to lipids, and
8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine, a marker of oxidative damage to DNA. Additionally, in panels
that include citric acid cycle metabolites, the following can be seen as indicating oxidative
Vitamin E
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency: Vitamin E deficiency is best understood from
malabsorption disorders impacting all fat-soluble vitamins and from a rare genetic disorder
known as alpha-tocopherol transfer protein deficiency that causes a specific disruption of
vitamin E supply to all tissues except the liver. These result in ataxia (loss of full control over
body movements), peripheral neuropathy (weakness, numbness, pain, or tingling in the hands
and feet), retinopathy (damage to the eye’s retina). The ataxia of vitamin E is often mistaken for
Friedrich’s ataxia, a genetic disorder in iron metabolism. Vitamin E derives its name from the
Greek words for bringing a pregnancy to term and bearing a child because early animal
experiments showed it was necessary for fertility. Currently, the only well established role of
vitamin E is as an antioxidant, so moderate deficits are likely to increase the risk of a broad
range of degenerative diseases without causing more specific signs.
Risk Factors for Deficiency: Vitamin E’s only well established role is to protect
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) from a process known as lipid peroxidation, which is a form
of oxidative damage. Moderate vitamin E deficiency has been produced experimentally in
humans by feeding rancid corn oil. This oil is high in PUFAs, stripped of vitamin E, and high in
lipid peroxidation byproducts, which raise the need for vitamin E. Moderate deficits of vitamin E
are most likely to occur on diets that cause tissue concentrations of PUFA to increase without a
proportionate increase in vitamin E. Most high-PUFA oils are rich in vitamin E. However, years
of consuming them can cause tissue concentrations of PUFA to remain elevated for up to four
years after one stops consuming them. By contrast, vitamin E levels drop very soon after
discontinuing these oils. This may cause an extended period where dietary vitamin E is
inadequate to protect tissue concentrations. As an example, someone who eats sunflower oil
(high in PUFA and vitamin E) for years and then switches to coconut oil (low in PUFA and low in
vitamin E) may spend up to four years in a moderate vitamin E deficit because coconut oil does
not provide enough vitamin E to protect the fatty acids that came from the sunflower oil.
Excess Vitamin E: Excess vitamin E is broken down and excreted in the urine, so there is no
toxicity syndrome associated with it. However, vitamins E and K share the same catabolic
pathway, and excess vitamin E may cause a vitamin K deficiency and thin the blood.
Additionally, while alpha-tocopherol is the most important form of vitamin E and is the most
effective antioxidant, there are seven other forms of vitamin E that may also have importance.
High doses of alpha-tocopherol lower the levels of the other seven forms. To protect against
these effects, I recommend limiting supplemental alpha-tocopherol to 20 IU per day and
providing it in the context of a blend of vitamin E forms. I recommend Jarrow Tocosorb to meet
these criteria. Higher doses should only be used with strong justification.
Testing for Vitamin E: Plasma vitamin E is the best marker of vitamin E status (preferred:
Genova ION Panel With 40 Amino Acids; also: LabCorp, Quest, Genova Fat-Soluble Vitamin
Panel). It is low in deficiency.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Testing Caveats: Since vitamin E is carried in lipoproteins, hypolipoproteinemias may cause
vitamin E status to appear lower than it is and hyperlipoproteinemias may have the opposite
Correcting Vitamin E Deficiency: Frank vitamin E deficiency only occurs with malabsorption
disorders or defects in alpha-tocopherol transfer protein, and these must be managed with
appropriate medical treatment. I recommend one Jarrow Tocosorb per day with the largest or
highest-fat meal to correct more moderate deficits. If you are transitioning from years of
high-PUFA oils, I recommend using this proactively for four years.
Vitamin C
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency: Scurvy is the classical vitamin C deficiency disease. The
most widespread visible signs are defects in collagen synthesis that cause bleeding at or
underneath the surface of the skin and oral cavity. The skin may appear to bruise without
requiring any physical trauma. Hairs may become more kinky and appear in a “corkscrew”
shape. Fatigue and shortness of breath on exertion also occur. Plausible signs of more
moderate deficits include decreased immunity (especially more frequent colds), faster aging
skin, low bone mineral density and an increased risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis. Vitamin C
recycles vitamin E, and its deficiency lowers vitamin E status. It is also possible that moderate
deficits might cause low noradrenaline production resulting in lethargy and trouble focusing, and
low oxytocin, compromising the sense of affection and bonding in response to physical intimacy.
Risk Factors for Deficiency: A diet low in fresh foods, especially fruits and vegetables, that
does not contain vitamin C supplements or vitamin C-containing multivitamins is most likely to
produce scurvy. Diets poor enough to cause scurvy can sometimes be found among chronic
alcoholics. There are opposed claims that carbohydrates increase and decrease the vitamin C
requirement but at the present time neither high nor low carbohydrate intake should be
considered a direct cause of vitamin C deficiency. High levels of physical activity, illness, and
exposure to toxins including ethanol and especially cigarette smoke, increase the need for
vitamin C.
Vitamin C Excess: Vitamin C is not toxic, but when consumed above the rate of intestinal
absorption it may cause diarrhea. Bowel tolerance occasionally occurs as low as 4 grams per
day but often takes more than 10 grams per day. The Institute of Medicine used a large window
of safety to set the upper limit at 2 grams per day. Diarrhea is only an acute effect, and will
cease upon withdrawal of the high dose, so vitamin C above the upper limit does not seem
dangerous in most cases. Excess vitamin C may cause some problems in vulnerable
individuals: it increases iron absorption and possibly iron-induced oxidative damage in
individuals with hemochromatosis; it increases the risk of oxalate stones in individuals with
kidney disease; it increases the risk of hemolysis in newborns with glucose 6-phosphate
dehydrogenase deficiency, a genetic disorder. Care should be exercised with vitamin C
supplementation in these vulnerable populations but otherwise high doses appear safe.
Testing for Vitamin C: Fasting plasma ascorbate (LabCorp, Quest) is the best marker of
vitamin C status. It is very important that it be fasting and that vitamin C supplementation be
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
avoided the evening prior because vitamin C will transiently rise to high levels after acute intake
even in deficiency.
Correcting Vitamin C Deficiency: If a dietary pattern can be identified that would cause
vitamin C deficiency, the diet alone should be corrected. If this is infeasible or insufficient,
supplementation with 200 milligrams per day of ascorbic acid is adequate in most cases.
Athletes, smokers who cannot quit, and individuals with frequent illness or who otherwise
appear to have a high need may raise this dose to two grams. Many people believe that
food-source vitamin C is superior. It is always ideal to use foods to supply nutrients because
they have a complex array of beneficial characteristics, but there is no evidence that other
components in food are needed for vitamin C to fulfill its function or to prevent vitamin C
deficiency specifically. As such, it is perfectly acceptable and perhaps beneficial to use
food-source vitamin C supplements for the other components, but this should not be regarded
as necessary to obtain the benefits of the vitamin C.
Signs and Symptoms of Manganese Deficiency: Manganese deficiency can cause miliaria
crystallina, a form of dermatitis resulting from blocked sweat glands that appear as tiny clear
bubbles on the skin. This can also result from excessive sweating, sunburn, or fever. It may also
cause bone irregularities, low bone mineral density, low cholesterol, slow hair and nail growth,
and reddening of beard hair. Moderate deficits of manganese may accelerate atherosclerosis.
Risk Factors for Deficiency: Manganese is particularly rich in whole grains, legumes, nuts,
seeds, coffee, tea, spices, and mussels. Diets low in plant products are likely to be considerably
lower in manganese than diets rich in plant products. Clinical manganese deficiency is not
documented in humans outside of errors in infant formula or research diets, and in one study of
experimental manganese deficiency. Nevertheless, the higher concentrations in the foregoing
foods may help protect against oxidative stress and offer independent protection against heart
Manganese Toxicity: Industrial exposure to manganese through coal mining or the inhalation
of gasoline vapors when manganese additives are used can cause manganese to deposit in the
brain and cause a variety of neurological problems including headaches, dopamine depletion,
and Parkinson-like symptoms. Drinking water is sometimes contaminated with toxic levels of
manganese. Manganese toxicity from food is very unlikely. Manganese intakes may reach up to
11 milligrams per day in vegetarian diets, with no known adverse effects, and the upper five
percent of intakes in the general population at large is about 6 milligrams per day. It is prudent
to avoid supplements of manganese with more than 5 milligrams per day and for vegetarians to
avoid manganese supplements so that the total manganese intake remains within 11 milligrams,
which is the upper end of the intakes that have a track record of safety. Chelation therapy is
used for clinical manganese toxicity, but this requires close medical supervision and is beyond
the scope of this guide. Chelation poses a risk of other mineral deficiencies, so anyone using
chelation therapy should monitor the status of other minerals.
Testing Manganese Status: Manganese should be measured in whole blood (LabCorp) or red
blood cells (Quest) and not in plasma or serum.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Testing Caveats: It is very easy for a technical error to occur in laboratory measurements of
manganese levels. The syringe used to draw the blood can contaminate the blood with
manganese and the first draw should be discarded so the second draw can be used for the
measurement. If heparin is used as an anticoagulant in the blood tube rather than EDTA, the
heparin can provide manganese contamination. The water used for dilutions in the laboratory
analysis must be properly purified because it also can be contaminated. Red blood cell or whole
blood measurements are ideal bause red blood cells contain 25 times as much manganese as
plasma or serum. This brings the concentration far away from the limit of detection and makes
the possibility of contamination less threatening to the interpretation. It also eliminates the
possibility that hemolysis could release manganese to contaminate the serum or plasma. Little
can be done to ensure proper laboratory techniques by anyone ordering a test, but the
possibility of contamination should be kept in mind if levels appear implausibly high.
Signs and Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency: The earliest sign of zinc deficiency is usually
patches of dry skin. These often progress to acne, blisters, or pustules. Infection risk increases,
resulting in sore throat or diarrhea. Poor glucose tolerance, impaired wound healing, low or
dysregulated sex hormones, and hair loss (alopecia) also may occur. Lower appetite and
increased caloric needs often result in weight loss, especially of lean mass. In children, zinc
deficiency delays puberty. Zinc deficiency may cause resistance to vitamin A, vitamin D, thyroid
hormone, sex hormones, cortisol, and pharmaceutical glucocorticoids. Zinc is involved in
virtually every aspect of vitamin A metabolism, and an apparent vitamin A deficiency that cannot
be corrected with vitamin A should be seen as a major indicator of zinc deficiency. Zinc
deficiency may also impair acid-base balance and increase the vulnerability to heavy metal
Risk Factors for Zinc Deficiency: Zinc is most abundant in oysters, red meat, and cheese,
and the its principal inhibitor of absorption is phytate. Phytate is found in whole grains, nuts,
seeds, and legumes, and is especially high if these foods have not been prepared through
soaking, sprouting, or fermentation. The overwhelming risk factor for zinc deficiency is a diet low
in animal products and high in phytate. Chronic diarrhea, persistent vomiting of bile (giving the
vomit a green color), malabsorption disorders, impaired methylation (see methylation section),
and rare genetics in zinc transporters can all cause zinc deficiency as well. A collection of
disorders in the production of heme, known as porphyrias, can cause zinc deficiency. If this is
the cause of zinc deficiency, zinc protoporphyrin (LabCorp) should be elevated. A related
disorder, pyroluria, was proposed decades ago to cause zinc deficiency but has never been
adequately followed up. Great Plains currently offers a test for it.
Zinc Excess and Toxicity: Acutely, zinc toxicity can cause gastric distress, such as nausea
and vomiting, and dizziness. A high-dose zinc supplement of 50 mg or more on an empty
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
stomach can cause mild nausea (lower doses can also impact some individuals), but dangerous
levels of toxicity are generally found only in rare cases of people eating pennies. One death has
been attributed to an accidental intravenous infusion of seven grams of zinc over a 60-hour
period. Chronically, excess zinc can impair immune function and lead to copper deficiency, and
perhaps deficiencies of other poorly studied minerals like molybdenum and chromium. To
prevent this, zinc should supplements should not be used at doses higher than 45 milligrams
per day unless there is strong justification to do so, and the ratio to copper should be kept
between 2:1 and 15:1, preferably toward the middle of that range. If you use doses higher than
45 milligrams per day, I would include a broad-spectrum trace mineral supplement or use this
guide to closely monitor status for the other minerals.
Testing Zinc Status: Plasma zinc (preferred: Genova ION Profile + 40 amino acids; also:
LabCorp, Quest) is the best marker of zinc status. It is very important to measure it in plasma
rather than serum, and if the order says “serum or plasma” explicit instructions should be put in
the order to use plasma and not serum, and the phlebotomist should be verbally reminded of
this at the time of the blood draw. Most ranges are too broad, with the lower end at 50-60
micrograms per deciliter. Measured in micrograms per liter, as on the LabCorp and Quest tests,
plasma zinc should be at least 70 in females and 74 in males, and the sweet spot is likely
between 100-120. Measured in parts per billion, as on the ION panel, zinc should be above 700
in females and 740 in females, with the sweet spot likely to be between 1000 and 1200.
Testing Caveats: Inflammation lowers plasma zinc, but this might simply reflect increased
needs during inflammation. Plasma zinc modestly declines during pregnancy, but this also might
indicate increased needs during pregnancy. Hemolysis can release zinc from red blood cells
and cause falsely high zinc levels. Hemolysis can occur inside your body if you have certain
medical disorders, but it can also occur during blood collection due to poor positioning of the
needle or other technical difficulties. Plasma zinc in significant excess of 130 micrograms per
liter or 1300 parts per billion is implausible in the absence of outright zinc poisoning and the
measurement should be repeated.
Correcting Zinc Deficiency: If the cause is a dietary pattern with a low zinc-to-phytate ratio,
the ideal strategy is to alter the dietary pattern to one with a higher zinc-to-phytate ratio. If the
cause is malabsorption, the malabsorption should be addressed as the root cause.
Nevertheless, you may choose to supplement in either case. Supplements are very helpful in
overcoming poor absorption, especially if the causes of the malabsorption are difficult to identify
or fix. Zinc acetate, gluconate, sulfate, citrate, or methionine should be used, and not zinc oxide
or zinc picolinate. Ideally the zinc should be taken on an empty stomach, but if this causes
nausea it should be taken with some food and should at least be taken far away from
phytate-rich meals. The zinc should be spread out as much as possible to ensure better
absorption. For example, 15 milligrams three times per day five hours apart is much better than
taking 45 milligrams once per day.
The goal should be correction of the plasma zinc and any signs and symptoms of deficiency. It
is important to realize, however, that normalizing the plasma zinc means the deficiency is being
fixed, not that it has been fixed. A zinc deficiency that has been sustained over months may
take months to correct. Resolution of signs and symptoms is an important benchmark, and
being able to cut down the dose of the supplement without plasma zinc falling back into the
deficient range is the other key benchmark to reach before considering the deficiency fixed.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Correcting Zinc Excess: In acute zinc poisoning, medical treatment beyond the scope of this
guide is required. Cases of zinc-induced copper deficiency should be corrected by removing the
supplemental zinc and following the instructions for correcting a copper deficiency in that
section. Screening for other mineral deficiencies is highly advised in this context because the
ability of zinc to induce deficiencies in other positively charged minerals is very plausible and
has not been well studied.
Signs and Symptoms of Copper Deficiency: Anemia that may mimic iron deficiency or
B12/folate deficiency, malabsorption of iron causing actual iron deficiency, leukopenia,
neutropenia, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, histamine intolerance, hypopigmentation of skin
and hair, neurotransmitter imbalances such as low adrenaline or high serotonin.
Risk Factors for Copper Deficiency: The best food sources of copper are liver, oysters,
shiitake mushrooms, pure chocolate, and spirulina. Other good sources are most shellfish,
whole grains, legumes, and potatoes. Diets low in these foods will predispose an individual
toward copper deficiency. Soil variation is large, and low soil copper is another major factor
predisposing toward deficiency. Improperly formulated infant formula and total parenteral
nutrition have resulted in copper deficiency. Zinc supplementation can cause copper deficiency,
especially if the dose is over 45 milligrams or if the ratio of zinc to copper is greater than 15.
Impaired methylation (see methylation section), antacids, proton pump inhibitors, gastric bypass
surgery, and any digestive problems affecting the stomach or upper intestine can cause copper
malabsorption. High doses of vitamin C may impair copper metabolism but evidence for this is
limited. Menkes disease is a very rare defect in copper metabolism that causes copper
accumulation in some tissues but overall presents as systemic copper deficiency.
Copper Toxicity: In theory excess copper may cause oxidative stress and contribute to
Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. However, the only well established
syndrome of copper toxicity is Wilson’s disease, which is a genetic defect in the ability to excrete
copper into the bile. This results in unregulated copper absorption, impaired transport into some
tissues causing local deficiency, but net copper overload and deposition of excess copper in the
liver, brain, and cornea, where it causes oxidative damage. Wilson’s disease affects one in
30,000 people and is treated with chelation therapy, which requires close medical supervision
and is beyond the scope of this guide. There is a single case of someone developing liver failure
and requiring a transplant after taking 30 milligrams of copper per day for two years and 60
milligrams per day for a poorly defined period of up to a year. The Institute of Medicine set the
tolerable upper intake level for copper in adults at 10 milligrams per day. Copper-rich diets are
unlikely to meet the upper limit, and they are also rich in zinc, which protects against copper
toxicity. Supplemental copper should be kept under 10 milligrams per day, and ideally should be
kept under 3 milligrams per day unless higher doses are needed to correct a deficiency or to
prevent the zinc-to-copper ratio from exceeding 15. Copper may contaminate water at doses
that exceed the upper limit, but this will make you nauseated and turn your laundry, sinks,
toilets, and bathtubs light blue or green, giving a clear warning signal. Filtering the water or
running it for a minute before consumption will eliminate a large amount of contaminating
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
copper. Infants cannot regulate their copper absorption and should not be given copper
● Serum Copper (LabCorp, Quest) Serum copper declines in deficiency and is more
sensitive and perhaps more specific than ceruloplasmin. Serum is preferable, but plasma
is also acceptable. The Genova ION Profile + 40 amino acids, frequently recommended
throughout this guide and used in the comprehensive screening, contains a plasma
copper measurement. Despite the overall picture of copper toxicity, serum copper is
normal or low in Wilson’s disease. Based on anecdotal experience, I believe the bottom
of the reference range is too low and that one should aim to be mid-range.
● Ceruloplasmin (LabCorp, Quest) Ceruloplasmin declines in deficiency but is less
sensitive and perhaps less specific than serum copper. Despite the overall picture of
copper toxicity, ceruloplasmin is usually low in Wilson’s disease.
● Urinary Copper (LabCorp, Q uest) This is increased in Wilson’s disease.
Testing Caveats: Ceruloplasmin is increased by inflammation and estrogen. Since most copper
within serum is bound to ceruloplasmin, this tends to elevate serum copper as well, but to a
lesser degree. Pregnancy nearly doubles the levels of these markers. Lactation has a significant
but weaker effect. Supplemental estrogen increases copper by 30 to 90%. Whether these
markers remain suitable for assessing copper deficiency during these conditions and how the
ranges should be altered has not been studied. These should be kept in mind as confounding
factors, and the total picture including signs and symptoms and the response to dietary or
supplemental copper should be used to assess the likelihood of deficiency or excess.
Correcting Copper Deficiency: 7 milligrams of supplemental copper per day for two months
has been shown to fully correct anemia and neutropenia associated with celiac-induced copper
deficiency. Ideally copper-rich foods should be emphasized, but this can serve as a general
strategy for supplementation. The aim should be to normalize blood markers and resolve any
related signs and symptoms. If the cause is zinc supplementation, the zinc should be removed
until the deficiency is fixed, and the dose should be lowered or its ratio to copper should be
improved if the supplement is reintroduced. If the cause is antacids or proton pump inhibitors,
alternative strategies for improving these symptoms should be sought if possible. Malabsorption
disorders require medical treatment beyond the scope of this guide.
Correcting Copper Toxicity: Wilson’s disease requires chelation therapy that is beyond the
scope of this guide. However, chelation therapy may cause deficiencies of other minerals, so
screening for other deficiencies is advised. The rare cases of outright copper poisoning require
close medical attention. Other potential harms of excess copper are speculative and if
suspicions are raised, improving zinc status is likely the best protection.
General Note on Selenium: Due to the extremely wide variation of soil selenium and the fact
that hardly anyone knows exactly where all of their food comes from, I assume everyone is at
approximately equal risk of having too much or too little selenium, and believe everyone should
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
measure their plasma selenium to confirm their actual selenium status. Deficiency and toxicity
look very similar to one another, underscoring the need to measure selenium status even
Signs and Symptoms of Selenium Deficiency: Keshan disease is the classical deficiency
disorder. It includes hepatic cirrhosis, white nail beds and fingernails falling out, and cardiac
insufficiency with fibrosis and necrosis. Generally, selenium deficiency increases the
vulnerability to infections, toxins, and other nutrient imbalances, especially to those that cause
oxidative stress, such as vitamin E deficiency and iron overload. Less well established but
plausible signs of selenium deficiency include the following: poor production of T3, the active
thyroid hormone, from its precursor, T4; Hashimoto’s thyroiditis; and cancer, especially prostate,
colorectal, and lung cancers. While not clearly documented, white spots and streaks in the
fingernails might occur in deficiency; however, these are more clearly documented in toxicity.
Risk Factors for Selenium Deficiency: Selenium content is richest in organ meats and
seafoods. Brazil nuts are rich in selenium but more variable than animal foods. Diets lower in
these foods are more likely to produce selenium deficiency than diets high in them. However,
the overwhelming risk factor for selenium deficiency is deficient levels of selenium within the
soils where most of the foods are grown. Deficient methylation should not lower blood levels of
selenium but might impair the utilization of selenium for biological functions (see the methylation
Signs and Symptoms of Selenium Toxicity: In cases due to extremely high soil levels, the
following have been observed: hepatic cirrhosis, hair loss (alopecia), and nails that are brittle
with white spots and streaks and may fall out. In cases of acute poisoning due to errors in
formulating supplements, the following have been observed: muscle cramps, nausea, diarrhea,
irritability, fatigue, loss of the hair and nails, and peripheral neuropathy (weakness, numbness,
pain, or tingling in the hands and feet). More moderate excesses of selenium may increase the
risk of diabetes.
Risk Factors for Selenium Toxicity: High soil levels are the main cause of toxicity, but in the
past, poisoning has occurred from mistakes in the formulation of supplements. Deficient
methylation may impair the ability to excrete excess selenium (see methylation section).
Testing for Selenium Status: Plasma selenium (LabCorp) is the ideal marker of selenium
status. Serum and whole blood are likely to be equivalent, but plasma selenium is better studied
and preferred. Plasma selenium should be kept between 90 and 140 μg/L, with the possible
sweet spot being 120. For units, μg/L and ng/mL are interchangeable. The Genova ION panel
measures selenium in whole blood and reports the results in parts per million, which must be
multiplied by 1000 to yield the values discussed herein. Converted to μg/L, the ION lists a range
of 130 to 320, which is inconsistent with studies showing deficiency is completely avoided above
90 and the risk of diabetes increases above 140. I recommend not using the whole blood
measurement from the ION panel and instead measuring plasma selenium separately.
Correcting a Selenium Deficiency: Organ meats, seafood, and Brazil nuts can be used in the
diet to increase selenium intakes, but it must be kept in mind that Brazil nuts are extremely
variable in their selenium content. Some sources may advocate using mushrooms, but selenium
is poorly bioavailable from mushrooms. For supplements, selenomethionine should be used.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Selenite and selenate are acceptable but not preferable. Methylselenocysteine should be
avoided. 100 micrograms per day is fully adequate to correct a deficiency, but 200 micrograms
per day could be used for 3-4 weeks if faster progress is desired. Regardless, five months
should be given to see the full effect. If plasma levels cannot be sustained in the optimal range
with diet alone, the long-term maintenance dose of a supplement should be 100 micrograms per
day for adults, or 1-1.5 micrograms per kilogram body weight per day for children. It is important
to follow up plasma selenium to ensure the target range has been reached and not exceeded. If
the deficiency is severe enough to result in organ damage, medical care is needed.
Correcting Selenium Toxicity: In the case of frank toxicity, liver damage and other
complications will require close medical care. For less severe excesses of selenium, the source
of excess selenium, whether supplements or foods, should be removed. Since excess selenium
causes oxidative stress, the other nutrients in the antioxidant section should be examined and
Signs and Symptoms of Iron Deficiency: Iron deficiency leads to anemia, which may be
asymptomatic early on, but which can cause declining work performance, fatigue, weakness,
pale skin, arrhythmia, palpitations, dizziness or lightheadedness, and muscle cramps. During
anemia, blood is rerouted to supply the brain and heart at the expense of most other tissues,
which causes a decline in many other bodily functions, such as digestion and skin health. Iron
deficiency also causes hypothyroidism, leading to signs such as cold hands and feet, increased
sensitivity to cold in general, hair loss, and swelling (edema) in the face. In children, iron
deficiency causes short stature and permanent decrements in brain function manifesting as low
IQ, and it is especially critical to catch it and correct it early. Iron deficiency also delays puberty.
Risk Factors for Iron Deficiency: Loss of blood during menstruation and increased needs
during childhood and pregnancy are the major risk factors for iron deficiency. Additionally, the
absorption of iron is more reliable from animal foods than from plant foods, and the phytate
found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes (especially abundant when these foods are not
processed by fermentation, soaking, or sprouting) is a major inhibitor of iron absorption.
Polyphenols, found generally in plants, and especially rich in fruits and vegetables, are also
inhibitors of iron absorption. Thus, a dietary pattern low in animal foods and rich in plant foods is
an additional risk factor for iron deficiency, especially when iron-containing supplements and
iron-fortified foods such as enriched flour are not used.
Signs and Symptoms of Iron Overload: Clinical iron overload is known as hemochromatosis.
Classically, it is understood as causing four manifestations, known as a tetrad: hepatic cirrhosis,
diabetes, hyperpigmentation of the skin, and cardiac failure. The hyperpigmentation increases in
response to sun exposure and generally consists of brown, bronze, or gray coloring. It can be
driven by iron deposits or increased melanin; however, iron overload is a major risk factor for a
collection of disorders known as porphyrias, where intermediates in heme synthesis known as
porphyrins may also accumulate in skin and generate brown or red coloration in response to
sun exposure. The hyperpigmentation may also affect the teeth and be accompanied by enamel
loss. In addition to the classic tetrad, patients also report fatigue, joint pain, depression and
mood swings, hair loss (sometimes manifesting as alopecia), chest pain, dizziness, impaired
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
sexual function, menstrual problems, and abdominal pain. Iron overload appears to raise blood
cholesterol and to contribute to Alzheimer’s, and possibly to Parkinson’s. Iron overload causes
oxidative stress, so general wear and tear on the tissues, problems associated with the
deficiencies of other antioxidant nutrients, and aggravation of most chronic disease risk, should
be expected.
Risk Factors for Iron Overload: The overwhelming risk factors for iron overload are genetic
impairments in iron homeostasis. In the HFE gene, there are two notable variants, C282Y and
H63D. Globally, for C282Y, 7.5% are heterozygous and 0.5% are homozygous; for H63D, 17%
are heterozygous and 2% are homozygous. Conventionally, homozygosity for C282Y is
considered the major risk factor for hemochromatosis. However, clinical hemochromatosis does
occur in patients homozygous for H63D. Moreover, if one considers the oxidative stress of more
moderate iron overload, then having any of these genotypes is a very significant risk factor.
Although most hemochromatosis results from these mutations in the HFE gene, there are at
least other six rarer genes in which mutations can be the cause, and tests for these genes are
not accessible. It is therefore imperative to use blood tests as the major means of assessing
iron status and to only use genetic tests as a means of explaining the results and determining
what to do about them. Blood transfusions, hemodialysis, and liver diseases may also contribute
to iron overload. Iron-rich diets, iron-containing supplements, and foods fortified with iron such
as enriched flour, may make a contribution to iron overload but are unlikely to cause even
moderate iron overload if there are not additional risk factors present.
● On a complete blood count (CBC) (LabCorp, Quest) low hemoglobin, low mean
corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and high red blood cell distribution width (RDW)
are indicators of iron deficiency anemia. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is likely to
be low (making the anemia microcytic), unless a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folate also
exists. Iron deficiency anemia should be confirmed with the other markers of iron status
below and subject to the testing caveats in the next section.
● Spectra Labs offers a reticulocyte hemoglobin test. Reticulocyte hemoglobin (CHr) may
decrease earlier than the other markers and may be particularly useful in children, where
catching anemia early is critical to preserving the brain from irreversible decrements in
function. (Download the test menu and search for “reticulocyte.”)
● Iron saturation can be found on an iron panel (LabCorp, Quest) and is an estimate of
transferrin saturation. Transferrin saturation can be calculated directly by getting the
iron panel and serum transferrin (LabCorp, Quest) at the same time. To calculate it,
divide the serum iron from the iron panel by the serum transferrin and multiply by
70.9%. It is always preferable to use transferrin saturation over iron saturation because
iron saturation often underestimates transferrin saturation and sometimes the gap is
large. At a minimum, test both one or two times to determine whether iron saturation is a
good proxy for transferrin saturation in your specific case and only substitute the former
if it appears reliable for you. Ideally your transferrin saturation is between 30 and 40%.
Consistent deviations from these percentages, even in the normal range, should be
considered potential early signs of deficiency (under 30%) or overload (over 40%).
Deviations out of the normal range should be considered very clear indicators of a
current problem.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
● Ferritin is found on the iron panels linked to above. Ferritin is a good indicator of
long-term iron stores when oxidative stress and inflammation are not present. However,
oxidative stress and inflammation both increase ferritin levels independently of iron
status and can create the false impression of iron overload. Oxidative stress and
inflammation may also keep ferritin normal when it would otherwise drop, masking cases
of iron deficiency. When ferritin is normal or high and all other signs suggest iron
deficiency anemia, this indicates anemia of chronic disease. It is harmful and
potentially fatal to treat this as a case of iron deficiency and requires medical care
beyond the scope of this guide. When there are no signs of oxidative stress or
inflammation, low ferritin should be taken as a sign of iron deficiency and high ferritin as
a sign of iron overload, especially when corroborated by transferrin saturation.
● High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (LabCorp, Quest), abbreviated hs-CRP. hs-CRP
is a marker of systemic inflammation. Inflammation may drive up ferritin but make all
other markers look like iron deficiency. When ferritin is critical to the interpretation,
hs-CRP should be measured to rule out a contribution of inflammation to the ferritin
measurement. If hs-CRP is high, ferritin is normal or high, and all other markers look like
iron deficiency, anemia of chronic disease should be considered and any nutritional
treatment should pend proper medical diagnosis and care.
● The markers of oxidative stress discussed in the beginning of this section should be
evaluated whenever ferritin is critical to the interpretation. While iron overload will itself
cause oxidative stress, if the transferrin saturation does not confirm iron overload,
markers of oxidative stress combined with elevated ferritin suggest that oxidative stress
is driving the high ferritin and that there is no iron overload.
● When iron overload is suspected, I recommend assessing HFE genetics by obtaining a
23andMe analysis and running the raw data file through StrateGene. This is not a
complete picture of iron genetics, but no complete picture is available, and this report is
also used in the methylation section of this guide.
Testing Caveats: The anemia of other nutrient deficiencies, especially copper but possibly
vitamin B6, may cause similar alterations to hemoglobin levels. Macrocytic anemia caused by
vitamin B12 or folate deficiencies could coexist with iron deficiency and make the red blood cell
measurements more difficult to interpret, especially the MCV. Anemia can have other causes
such as kidney disease, bone marrow disease, thalassemia minor, sickle cell anemia,
autoimmune disorders and exposure to certain toxic chemicals. As noted above, the anemia of
chronic disease may masquerade as iron deficiency but is usually accompanied by normal or
high ferritin. Due to the many different causes of anemia, and the possibility that serious medical
treatment may be needed, it is critical to discuss any signs of anemia with your doctor.
Friedrich’s ataxia is a genetic disorder of iron distribution that causes some manifestations of
deficiency and others of iron overload, but with normal iron markers. The ataxia (loss of full
control over body movements) resembles that seen in vitamin E deficiency and the latter is often
mistaken for the former.
Correcting an Iron Deficiency: Correcting an iron deficiency with food is best achieved by
temporarily reducing plant foods across the board and using iron-rich foods such as clams, liver,
and red meat multiple times a day. For vegetarians, sprouted legumes, greens, seaweed, and
potatoes are the best food sources, and the iron will be best absorbed if accompanied by
500-1000 mg of vitamin C per meal. Individuals who are not vegetarian for ethical reasons
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
should take the first approach over the second because it will be much more effective.
Supplements that promote detoxification, such as sulforaphane or milk thistle, should be
avoided until the deficiency is corrected.
Iron supplements may often be needed. Ferrous sulfate is the most common, but it contributes
to oxidative stress and bacterial dysbiosis in the intestines and causes constipation and other
undesirable side effects. The supplements I recommend to avoid the risk of these side effects
are Iron Smart liposomal iron and Proferrin ES heme iron. A meal of clams can provide 10-20
milligrams of iron per meal. This alone meets the RDA for everyone except pregnant women,
who require 27 milligrams per day. I recommend using the above iron supplements at one dose
three times per day with a meal. They provide 10-15 milligrams per dose, which is 30-45
milligrams per day. This is similar to what you can get from eating clams twice a day and is
within the tolerable upper intake level set by the Institute of Medicine on the basis of the
gastrointestinal side effects of ferrous sulfate. I would maintain this high dose and retest monthly
until the markers are in range. These can be dropped to once per day as a maintenance dose
thereafter, except for pregnant women the appropriate maintenance dose is twice a day. Iron
supplements should not be given to infants under the age of six months.
The goals for correcting the deficiency, whether with foods or supplements, are to bring all
anemia markers into the normal range, bring transferrin saturation between 30 and 40%, and
bring ferritin up to at least 60 ng/mL and preferably 100-150 ng/mL.
Correcting Iron Overload: Clinical hemochromatosis can cause organ failure and it is
imperative to achieve a proper diagnosis and medical treatment, which may involve chelation or
phlebotomy. When correcting more moderate iron overload, I recommend using blood donation
as the primary approach. This removes iron with little risk of causing deficiencies in other
nutrients, and it is far more simple than trying to manage the iron overload with diet.
Organizations that collect blood donations such as Red Cross generally allow you to donate
once every two months or 56 days. They will check your iron levels prior to donation and will not
let you donate if you are at risk of deficiency. I believe the best approach is to donate once
every two months two or three times, and then recheck the iron markers four weeks after the
last blood donation. The primary goal is to bring transferrin saturation under 40%, but not lower
than the bottom of the reference range and not consistently under 30%. The secondary goal is
to bring ferritin below 60 ng/mL, and as low as 20 mg/mL if it improves signs, symptoms,
oxidative stress markers, or the individual’s subjective sense of well being. If you do not qualify
for blood donation, I recommend you discuss the possibility of phlebotomy treatments with your
Consuming 300 miligrams of calcium per meal and including sources of phytate such as whole
grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds can help reduce iron absorption from food. If taking this
approach -- or if using chelation treatment -- it is important to assess the status of zinc and the
other minerals in this guide, since their absorption could be hurt as well.
Excess iron causes oxidative stress, and it makes sense to accompany the correction of iron
overload with other strategies to protect against that oxidative stress. The most important thing
to do for this is to evaluate the status of all other nutrients in the antioxidant section and follow
the steps to optimize them. Additionally, detoxification-promoting supplements such as milk
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
thistle or sulforaphane will help shuttle iron into ferritin, which is protective (see the section on
iodine when using sulforaphane).
Signs and Symptoms of Poor Glutathione Status: Glutathione is the central cellular
antioxidant, and should always be considered when markers of oxidative stress are elevated,
especially when they cannot be explained by the other nutrient imbalances covered in the
antioxidant section or when they disproportionately affect the thyroid gland or the lungs. Other
signs of inadequate glutathione include poor immune function, asthma, respiratory congestion,
and in severe cases liver failure.
Risk Factors for Poor Glutathione Status: Acetaminophen (Tylenol) depletes glutathione,
which is the mechanism by which it causes liver failure when overdosed. Glutathione levels
decrease during fasting, and diets that are low in protein or carbohydrate decrease its synthesis.
Glutathione is is made from three amino acids: glutamate, cysteine, and glycine. Glutamate is
rarely limiting except in disease states that consume it, such as cancer. Cysteine is often
limiting, especially in the fasting state. Glycine is often limiting, especially after a meal rich in
animal protein. Magnesium deficiency or metabolic disruptions that affect ATP production or
insulin sensitivity such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, and insulin resistance decrease the
synthesis of glutathione. Diets low in plant polyphenols also decrease the synthesis of
glutathione. Deficiencies of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin
compromise the recycling of glutathione. Diets low in meat and in low-calorie fruits and
vegetables provide less exogenous glutathione than diets high in these foods. Rare genetic
defects can impair glutathione synthesis.
● Total Glutathione (LabCorp) If low, this test suggests low glutathione synthesis or loss
of glutathione from the body due to detoxification processes. This test may miss having
an oxidized glutathione pool due to oxidative stress or a poor rate of recycling.
● Oxidized and Reduced Glutathione (available from HDRI as “GSH ox+red” on their
requisition form). If the reduced glutathione is low, the oxidized glutathione is high, or
both, this indicates that the glutathione pool is being oxidized faster than it can be
recycled. The causes could be excess oxidative stress, poor recycling, or both. A low
rate of synthesis also makes the glutathione pool become oxidized more easily, so this
should also be considered. At present, my confidence that HDRI conducts this test
properly is decreasing. Pending further investigation of the blood collection procedures, I
may remove my recommendation to use this test. At present, I include it because it is the
only test I know of that measures glutathione in its reduced and oxidized forms.
● Pyroglutamate (preferred: Genova ION Profile + 40 amino acids; also: NutrEval) Also
known as oxoproline, when elevated, pyroglutamate indicates that glycine is limiting for
glutathione synthesis. When normal or low, and the other tests suggest a low rate of
glutathione synthesis, cysteine is more likely to be limiting.
Further Testing:
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
If the testing in the previous section suggests that glutathione synthesis is compromised and
pyroglutamate is not elevated, then the following possibilities should be given the most weight:
● Low total protein intake. Conduct a dietary analysis and ensure that daily protein
meets at least one gram per kilogram body weight.
● Low conversion of methionine to cysteine. Consult the methylation, sulfur catabolism,
and vitamin B6 sections. The combination of high methionine and low homocysteine
supports this, as does the combination of high homocysteine and signs of vitamin B6
● Low insulin signaling. Fasting insulin (LabCorp, Quest) is optimally 2-6 uIU/mL. If
elevated above this range, insulin resistance could be compromising glutathione
synthesis. Optimizing body composition, increasing physical activity, and fixing any
nutrient deficiencies determined through other testing are the strategies most likely to
help improve insulin sensitivity. A dietary analysis can be conducted to examine
carbohydrate intake. There are a wide range of carbohydrate intakes compatible with
health, but anything under 200 grams per day should be considered as a possible cause
of low glutathione synthesis from inadequate insulin.
● Magnesium deficiency. Consult the magnesium section.
● Low ATP. Insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, or diabetes could compromise the supply
of ATP. For insulin resistance, see the bullet point above on low insulin signaling. For
hypothyroidism, consult the iron, iodine, and selenium sections and discuss diagnosis
and treatment with your doctor. For diabetes, discuss diagnosis and treatment with your
● Low intake of fruits and vegetables. A dietary analysis can be conducted to examine
fruit and vegetable intake. If lower than five to nine servings per day, there may be
inadequate polyphenol stimulation of glutathione synthesis.
If the testing in the previous section suggests that glutathione synthesis is compromised and
pyroglutamate is elevated, then the following possibility should be given the most weight:
If the testing in the previous section shows that the glutathione pool is oxidized (low reduced
glutathione, elevated oxidized glutathione, or both), then the following possibilities should be
given the most weight:
Testing Caveats: Many infections and serious illnesses requiring medical care may deplete
glutathione and their diagnosis and treatment are beyond the scope of this guide.
Correcting Poor Glutathione Status: Ideally, the most likely causes are identified with the
testing above and specifically corrected. Exhaustive testing of all the possibilities may be
cost-prohibitive and time-consuming, however, and some of the strategies are low-cost and
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
low-risk and can be implemented all at once. For example, consuming at least one gram per
kilogram body weight of protein, consuming >200 grams of carbohydrate per day (for someone
without digestive or blood sugar issues prohibiting this), supplementing with one or two servings
of hydrolyzed collagen, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, implementing a good physical
activity routine, and optimizing body composition are all good strategies to improve glutathione
status that are safe to implement without exhaustive testing.
Apart from correcting specific issues revealed through testing as described above, several
strategies to boost glutathione status deserve special comment:
● N-acetyl-cysteine at up to 1600 milligrams per day in divided doses has been used to
increase glutathione status. This is most likely to be effective when glycine is not limiting,
as in the fasting state or after a collagen-supplemented meal, and in individuals who do
not show elevated pyroglutamate.
● Unpasteurized milk, raw egg white, and whey protein supplements all contain
glutamylcysteine bonds that overcome the first step of glutathione synthesis. Consuming
these foods to provide 30 grams or more of protein per day may be particularly
advantageous if low insulin signaling, low polyphenol stimulation of glutathione
synthesis, or genetic impairments in the first step of glutathione synthesis are at issue.
Unpasteurized milk is considered a foodborne illness risk by the CDC and FDA, though
all available data indicates that it is much safer than other foods commonly consumed,
such as deli meats and hot dogs. Raw egg whites will cause a biotin deficiency (see the
biotin section) if not accompanied by supplemental biotin and their protein is less
bioavailable than from cooked egg white.
● Supplements designed to upregulate detoxification, such as milk thistle or sulforaphane,
increase glutathione synthesis. These may be especially helpful if a diet rich in fruits and
vegetables in infeasible, or to compensate for low insulin signaling. See the iodine
section when using sulforaphane.
● Glutathione supplements at 500-1000 milligrams per day overcome all possible
problems in glutathione synthesis and may compensate to some degree for poor
glutathione recycling. Non-liposomal glutathione is less expensive than liposomal. If cost
is an issue, I recommend trying non-liposomal first, and only using liposomal glutathione
if markers of glutathione status, or certain signs and symptoms that you suspect are
related to glutathione status, fail to improve. If speed of results is more important, I
recommend starting with liposomal glutathione since there is a chance it will be more
effective than regular glutathione.
Iodine is given its own section because its principle and only well-established role is to become
part of thyroid hormone, and it is the only mineral that becomes part of thyroid hormone. The
thyroid gland has the highest need for antioxidant protection in the body, however. Thyroid
hormone also regulates the rate of ATP production, and ATP is needed to support the
antioxidant system through the synthesis of glutathione. For these reasons, the iodine section
could be seen as a natural extension of the antioxidant section.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Signs and Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency: The only well established sign of iodine deficiency
is hypothyroidism. When iodine deficiency occurs during pregnancy and the first year of life, it
results in cretinism. This causes a general stunting of physical and neurological development
with a lifelong decrease in IQ. Hypothyroidism at any age during development will slow growth,
and will prevent the development or maintenance of fertility. More generally, hypothyroidism
causes signs such as fatigue, brain fog, cold hands and feet, increased sensitivity to cold in
general, hair loss, and swelling (edema), especially in the face. Iodine deficiency hypothyroidism
may be accompanied by goiter, which manifests as a swelling in the neck due to an
enlargement of the thyroid gland, and may feel like a lump in the throat. Hypothyroidism
compromises immune function, and iodine itself is antimicrobial; either of these may account for
increased vulnerability to infections. Poor digestive function, including constipation, small
intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and fat malabsorption may could be considered plausible
results of hypothyroidism due to a slowing of gastric motility. Fibrocystic breast disease may
also be a manifestation of iodine deficiency.
Risk factors for iodine deficiency include consuming foods grown in low-iodine soil, not
consuming many seafoods, not using iodized salt, and not using iodine supplements or
iodine-containing multivitamins. Women who are pregnant or lactating, and probably women
with large breasts, have increased iodine needs.
Low iodine intakes are aggravated by high exposure to thiocyanate, a compound that inhibits
the transport of iodine into the thyroid and mammary glands. Thiocyanate is produced during
the detoxification of cyanide from cigarette smoke or from the cyanogenic glycosides in many
plant foods, and is produced from glucosinolates found in cruciferous vegetables. The most
important sources of cyanogenic glycosides are cassava (from which tapioca is derived, also
known as manioc and yucca), lima beans, sorghum sprouts, flax, the seeds of apples and
pears, and the leaves, fruit and seeds of black cherries, cherries, almonds, plums, peaches and
apricots. The most widely used cruciferous vegetables belong to the genus Brassica and
include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, mustard,
rutabaga, turnip, and bok choy. Other crucifers include arugula, horseradish, radish, wasabi,
watercress, and maca. Sulforaphane, used as a supplement to promote detoxification,
generates isothiocyanate.
Isoflavones derived from soy also bind to iodine and prevent its utilization for the production of
thyroid hormone. Fluoride and bromine compete with iodine for transport and utilization.
Fluoride is found mainly in toothpaste and fluoridated water. Bromine is put to a multitude of
uses, such as flame retardants, dyes, insecticides, furniture foam, gasoline, and the casings of
electronics, and is thus ubiquitous in the modern environment.
The exact quantitative effect of any of these iodine antagonists on iodine status is not well
characterized, but it is clear that iodine deficiency is more harmful when exacerbated by iodine
Signs and Symptoms of Iodine Excess: While goiter is considered primarily a manifestation
of iodine deficiency, its risk also increases with chronic iodine intakes above 18 milligrams per
day. Some authors argue that the risk of autoimmune thyroid conditions such as Hashimoto’s
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
thyroiditis and Graves’ disease increase above intakes of 200 micrograms per day, but the
evidence for this is weak. Acute administration of iodine to individuals with underlying thyroid
diseases, especially those resulting from iodine deficiency, may cause transient
hyperthyroidism. Iodine supplementation above 1 milligram per day increases TSH over the
course of two weeks, with no established clinical consequences. While a theoretical risk,
prolonged elevation of TSH could contribute to goiter or thyroid cancer. Exposure to grams of
iodine at once causes acute poisoning. This is extremely rare, but results in abdominal pain,
fever, nausea, vomiting, and possibly coma. Allergies to iodine are possible, but very rare.
Iodermia is a rare reaction to iodine that causes skin eruptions that appear as acne, itching
(pruritis), and hives (urticaria).
Risk Factors for Iodine Excess: While the clinical risk of increased TSH from more than one
milligram per day is theoretical, I consider it prudent to keep iodine intakes lasting longer than
two weeks below an average of 1 milligram per day unless done under medical supervision to
ensure the long-term health of the thyroid gland. Consumption of very iodine-rich seaweeds in
their raw state (mainly kelp, which is also known as kombu, haidai, or by various scientific
names beginning with Laminariales) could lead to iodine excess. Boiling for 15-30 minutes
removes the iodine risk. Consuming one gram per day of raw kelp provides more than 1
milligram per day of iodine, and consuming 8 grams per day provides more than 20 milligrams.
Use of iodine supplements or topical use of iodine could also provide excess. Iodine is often
used in medicine as a sterilization agent or as a contrast dye for imaging procedures. Many
people supplement with doses of iodine ranging from 6 to 50 milligrams per day, which should
be done under medical supervision.
Testing for Iodine Status: The best marker of iodine status is urinary iodine excretion. Iodine is
excreted in the urine when the body perceives that dietary iodine exceeds the body’s needs.
This makes it more reliable than blood levels of iodine. Nevertheless, urinary iodine will fluctuate
widely according to recent dietary intake. I recommend using 24-hour urine iodine (LabCorp,
Quest) and taking it as reflective of the iodine status produced by the diet consumed on the day
of and the day before the test, providing that the individual has not recently made a dramatic
change to their iodine intake. The reason this is useful is that land foods can be rich in iodine
but are extremely variable based on the soil the food is grown in. If urinary iodine appears
adequate on a given diet, it suggests that maintenance of that diet over time will ensure iodine
adequacy in that individual.
Testing Caveats: Urinary iodine assesses iodine intake, but it cannot assess whether iodine
intake is sufficient to overcome iodine antagonists. If these antagonists stop iodine from getting
into the thyroid gland, this does not necessarily stop it from being excreted in the urine (nor
would it decrease iodine concentrations in the blood). Therefore, signs and symptoms are
important to take into account when assessing the likelihood that you should reduce the iodine
antagonists in your diet.
Correcting Iodine Deficiency: The simplest way to correct an iodine deficiency is to take a
kelp supplement providing 2-300 micrograms per day. Maine Coast Sea Seasonings also sells
shakers of kelp granules or of salt and spices with added seaweed that can be used in foods to
ensure adequate iodine. While you are correcting an iodine deficiency, it is best to strictly
moderate or eliminate the foods listed under “Risk Factors for Iodine Deficiency” as containing
iodine antagonists. Over the long term, it is wise for anyone predisposed to poor thyroid health
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
to keep these foods to a maximum of 2-3 servings per day in total, and 1-2 servings per day
from each category (where the “categories” are cyanogenic glycosides, crucifers, and soy).
Correcting Iodine Excess: If adverse effects on thyroid health accompany the use of
high-dose iodine, the main nutritional strategy is to remove the source of iodine. Since the
thyroid gland has the highest antioxidant needs in the body, optimizing the nutrients in the
antioxidant section can be used to augment this strategy. Nevertheless, attention to all other
nutrients is important because these systems are interconnected, with the most notable
example that the antioxidant system is fully dependent on the system of energy metabolism for
its function. It is important that thyroid health be fully evaluated by a physician.
Well established effects of low-sodium diets include insulin resistance and elevated total
cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. Less well established but plausible effects
include overactivation of the sympathetic nervous system and increased vulnerability to
developing anxiety, dehydration and weakness, and poor intestinal absorption of many
nutrients. The nutrients most likely to be affected are glucose, vitamin C, biotin, pantothenic
acid, phosphorus, magnesium, and iodine. Calcium, niacin, and thiamin could also be affected.
Chloride is required for the secretion of stomach acid (which is hydrochloric acid, made from
hydrogen and chloride) and low chloride intakes presumably compromise digestion by causing
hypochloridia (low stomach acid).
Hyponatremia refers to low blood levels of sodium and should be seen as distinct from
inadequate dietary sodium. Signs and symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headache,
confusion, weakness and fatigue, cramping, muscle spasms, ataxia (loss of full control over
body movements) restlessness, irritability, and in extreme cases seizures or coma.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Hypochloremia refers to low blood levels of chloride. It is far rarer than hyponatremia and very
rarely occurs to a clinically important extent on its own. It causes metabolic alkalosis, especially
if produced from loss of stomach acid during extended vomiting. This can mimic the symptoms
of hypocalcemia by decreasing the concentration of ionized calcium in the blood and can cause
hypokalemia (see below) by driving potassium from the serum into cells. Possible signs and
symptoms of hypocalcemia and hypokalemia include muscle spasms, twitching, tremors,
cardiac arrhythmia, palpitations, bradycardia (slow heart rate), and confusion. In severe cases
seizures, coma, and death could result but this has never been documented from isolated
hypochloremia. Isolated chloride deficiency has only been produced from errors in the
production of infant formula, where it produced growth failure, irritability, anorexia,
gastrointestinal distress, and weakness, and in some cases metabolic alkalosis and
hypokalemia. None of the infants died and the only sign that persisted after correction of the diet
was delayed speech development and language skills.
Sodium and chloride are primarily consumed in table salt, where they occur together, or in the
salt added to processed foods (not only industrially processed foods but also traditionally
processed foods, such as cheese, fermented vegetables and meats, and brines). Sodium and
chloride are also found in fresh foods in roughly equal proportions, although meat, fish, and
eggs are somewhat richer in sodium, while nuts, vegetables, fruits, and grains are somewhat
richer in chloride. A mix of natural foods that is diversified among plant and animal foods and
among land and sea foods may provide sufficient sodium and chloride for many individuals, but
it is also possible that chronic stress increases the need for salt beyond what natural,
unprocessed foods can provide. The amount of salt recommended as sufficient for adults by the
Institute of Medicine translates to two thirds of a teaspoon of regular table salt per day. This
includes the sodium and chloride found in foods and is met by the DASH diet, a low-salt diet
designed to reduce blood pressure. My personal opinion is that anyone who does not suffer
from high blood pressure or a high risk of kidney stones or osteoporosis should be liberal with
salt and salt their food to taste, while also trying to eat a potassium-rich diet for balance.
All electrolytes, especially sodium, chloride, and potassium, are lost in vomit, diarrhea, sweat,
and urine. Common causes of fluid loss are foodborne illnesses, gastrointestinal infections,
diuretics, diabetes, sauna use, and intense physical activity. Persistent vomiting will
disproportionately cause alkalosis and loss of chloride because of the expulsion of stomach
acid. Untrained individuals will lose large amounts of sodium when engaging in exercise that
causes intense sweating. As individuals train, especially in hyperthermic conditions, they adapt
by excreting less sodium into sweat. Mixing some electrolytes into water as a workout fuel, such
as 1/16th teaspoon of salt and the juice of one quarter lemon per bottle of water, and consuming
a diet that is salted to taste, should protect against this.
Hyponatremia is not usually caused by low sodium intake, though low sodium intake may
aggravate the risk in the presence of more direct causes. Hyponatremia always requires
medical attention and is usually caused by factors that are not nutritional in nature. The one
nutritional cause of hyponatremia is consuming water at a faster rate than the kidneys can
excrete it. This usually occurs either because an altered mental state interferes with an
individual’s sense of thirst, or because intense exercise drives an excessive thirst response. An
athlete who performs in hyperthermic conditions for the first time without training under those
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
conditions, who loses excessive sodium in the sweat, and who is driven by thirst to drink water
beyond the capacity for urine formation, is a prime candidate for hyponatremia.
Isolated hypochloremia is rare and most likely would occur from persistent vomiting. As with
hyponatremia medical attention should be sought.
The effects of excess sodium and chloride are best seen as resulting from too much sodium and
chloride relative to potassium. A high salt-to-potassium ratio increases blood pressure and may
also increase extracellular fluid in general, contributing to edema (swelling). It also contributes to
a chronic acid burden, which lowers bone mineral density and increases the risk of osteopenia,
osteoporosis, and kidney stones.
Risk Factors for Excess Sodium and Chloride: In theory, the salt content of processed foods
and the practice of salting foods during cooking and while eating contributes to risk of excess
sodium and chloride. In the United States, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the
National Blood Pressure Education Program recommend limiting salt intake to 2300 mg/d of
sodium (one teaspoon of salt) for the general public and 1500 mg/d (⅔ teaspoon of salt) for
those with hypertension (high blood pressure). The Institute of Medicine set the tolerable upper
intake limit at one teaspoon of salt as well, though acknowledging that increased sweating may
increase needs. The value of salt restriction is hotly contested in the scientific literature,
however, and both known physiology and clinical evidence suggest that consuming adequate
potassium is far more important than restricting salt for blood pressure. My personal opinion is
that anyone who does not suffer from high blood pressure or a high risk of osteoporosis or
kidney stones should be liberal with salt and salt their food to taste, while also trying to eat a
potassium-rich diet for balance.
Hypernatremia never occurs from excess salt intake by mouth alone. Errors or complications in
the use of hypertonic saline infusions during medical procedures are the most common cause. It
also occurs in individuals with a severe deficit in water intake. Possible causes of the water
deficit include coma or other incapacitation, having no access to water (especially if losing water
at an unusually fast rate, as with vomiting), having a mechanical obstruction impairing water
intake such as an esophageal tumor, or having an impaired sense of thirst, usually due to an
altered mental state. Water loss in diabetes or in the use of diuretics could contribute to
hypernatremia when combined with excess salt intake.
Hypokalemia refers to low blood levels of potassium. Low-potassium diets can contribute to
hypokalemia, but are rarely the cause all on their own. Hypokalemia leads to a slower heart rate
(bradycardia); cardiac arrhythmia or palpitations; reduced intestinal motility (which could lead to
constipation and theoretically to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, SIBO); muscle spasms
and twitches; lower levels of insulin secretion, leading to hyperglycemia; low blood pressure
(hypotension) and in severe cases, hypokalemia can result in skeletal muscle necrosis (cell
death), rhabdomyolysis (damaged muscles spilling their contents into the blood), and
life-threatening changes in heart function. Hypokalemia always warrants medical attention.
Risk Factors for Potassium Deficiency: The Institute of Medicine recommended in 2005 that
Americans consume 4.7 grams of potassium per day to lower the risk of kidney stones and high
blood pressure, and this will be revised in 2018. Some authors have estimated that
preagricultural diets contained over 12 grams of potassium per day. I consider 4.7 grams a
reasonable target for a minimum. However, less than two percent of Americans meet this goal. I
therefore consider it reasonable to say that inadequate potassium resulting from poor food
selection is almost universal.
The primary dietary risk factors are a low intake of fruits and vegetables, high intake of added
fats and oils and of refined carbohydrates, and discarding the juices of meat and the cooking
water used for plant foods. Additionally, foods prepared in brines reduce the potassium content
of the diet because brines exchange sodium for potassium. See the section below on correcting
electrolyte imbalances for specific dietary recommendations.
Diarrhea and vomiting both cause direct loss of potassium. Vomiting also causes alkalosis from
the loss of stomach acid, and alkalosis drives potassium into cells and increases its excretion in
the urine, both of which lower its concentration in the serum. During illnesses that cause
vomiting and diarrhea, dietary potassium is usually low, making it difficult to replenish serum
levels. Thus, illnesses that cause vomiting and diarrhea are a major cause of hypokalemia, with
the vomiting making the most important contribution.
Signs and Symptoms of Excess Potassium: In the context of a low-salt diet, high intakes of
potassium could theoretically aggravate the signs and symptoms of sodium deficiency.
Supplemental potassium on an empty stomach could stimulate insulin secretion and lower blood
sugar, contributing to hypoglycemia. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include hunger, fatigue,
shakiness, irritability, anxiety, sweating, and in extreme cases confusion, visual disturbances,
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
seizures, and loss of consciousness. Extreme hypoglycemia causing seizures has not been
documented from potassium supplementation, however.
Hyperkalemia refers to high blood levels of potassium and should be seen as distinct from
excess dietary potassium because it will not occur in response to potassium-rich foods alone. It
always warrants medical attention. Hyperkalemia can cause fast heart rate (tachycardia) and
cardiac arrhythmia, and palpitations. Confusion, paresthesia (tingling, numbness, or a feeling of
something crawling on the skin) may also occur. In severe cases, hyperkalemia causes
weakness, paralysis, and cardiac arrest, and can be fatal.
Few individuals meet the recommended intakes for potassium, let alone the levels found in
preagricultural diets. In theory, someone could aggravate a sodium deficiency by intentionally
eating an extremely low-salt, high-potassium diet. If this occurs it should be seen as a sodium
deficiency because it can easily be corrected by salting food to taste.
Potassium supplements are generally safe for healthy adults. Potassium chloride supplements
have caused gastrointestinal distress when provided in a wax matrix or microencapsulated
gelatin capsule, but not as a powder mixed with water. Supplemental potassium has been used
in amounts as high as 15.6 grams per day in healthy adults without causing any instances of
Dietary potassium may contribute to hyperkalemia in diabetes or insulin resistance, where the
insulin response to potassium is inadequate. It may also contribute to hyperkalemia in cases of
drugs or medical conditions that impair the excretion of potassium into the urine, which include
Addison’s disease, a selective deficiency in adrenal production of aldosterone, and therapy with
heparin, ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In
these cases, supplemental potassium is more dangerous than food potassium because it raises
blood levels of potassium faster. Acidosis, cellular damage, low ATP production from
hypothyroidism or diabetes, and digitalis overdose can all shift potassium from the cells into the
blood, causing hyperkalemia.
The FDA limits the content of potassium supplements to less than 100 milligrams per serving to
avoid the small risk of hyperkalemia when used by individuals vulnerable to this disorder.
However, potassium supplements can be taken in multiple servings, and bulk powders can
make it easy to do so. 15 grams per day have been used safely in trials, potassium-rich foods
may provide 5 to 15 grams per day, and a healthy adult has the capacity to excrete up to 33
grams of potassium per day. On an empty stomach, high-dose potassium supplements may
cause hypoglycemia. Taken with a meal and spread evenly through the day, however, they are
safe for healthy individuals. Nevertheless, the conditions that impair potassium excretion are
numerous, and some of them -- insulin resistance and NSAID usage -- are common. If you are
using potassium supplements that provide more than a gram per day spread evenly across
meals, I recommend you consult with your physician to ensure healthy insulin secretion and
sensitivity, healthy kidney function, and that you are not taking drugs that contraindicate the use
of potassium supplements.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Testing for Electrolytes
Sodium, chloride, and potassium are routinely measured on a metabolic panel (either basic:
LabCorp, Quest; or comprehensive: LabCorp, Quest).
These are not measures of nutritional status. Deviations from the normal range are usually
caused by non-nutritional factors. Medical attention should always be sought so that the many
non-nutritional causes may be considered. Nevertheless, nutrition may make a partial
contribution and should not be ignored. Consideration of the nutritional factors should be given
as follows. For alterations in sodium concentration, too much or too little water should be
considered first, and extremes in sodium intake should be considered second. For low
potassium, loss of body fluids should be considered first and low dietary intake second. For high
potassium, use of supplements should be considered first and high dietary intake second.
Electrolytes being in the normal range does not rule out nutritional imbalances. Rather, dietary
analysis, blood pressure, and edema should be considered the primary nutritional markers:
● Dietary Analysis. (Instructions) Intake of potassium should be higher than 4.7 grams
per day and may safely reach double or triple this. Intake of sodium should be at least
1.5 grams per day. Intake of sodium above 2.3 grams per day may pose a risk when
potassium is deficient, but is unlikely to pose a risk when potassium is adequate.
Chloride follows sodium closely enough that it can be ignored.
● Blood Pressure. Taking blood pressure at home can remove the anxiety of white coat
syndrome and provide you with a large amount of objective data. You should follow the
instructions that come with the monitor closely, take the measurements when you are
calm, repeat the measurement three times per session, and measure it on at least three
different occasions. Repeated measurements showing blood pressure higher than
130/80 suggest the need for dietary strategies to reduce the salt-to-potassium ratio.
The perception that one is retaining water, especially in the eyes and face, may indicate edema
and is another possible indicator of an excessive salt-to-potassium ratio.
Testing Caveats
Maintaining healthy blood pressure also requires maintaining healthy body composition, a good
physical activity routine, avoiding excess alcohol, proper stress management, and adequate
intake of other minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. Blood pressure elevations are not
specific indications of the salt-to-potassium ratio and are not necessarily related to diet or
lifestyle. For these reasons, you should always discuss your blood pressure with your doctor.
Nevertheless, decreasing the salt-to-potassium ratio is very likely to improve blood pressure,
and if it does, this alone confirms that the salt-to-potassium ratio was a contributor to the high
blood pressure. Edema may have many other causes, most notably hypothyroidism (especially
when affecting the face) or diabetes (especially when affecting the lower legs). You should
always discuss signs of edema with your doctor. Toxic levels of barium and thallium may mimic
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
potassium deficiency (see the other minerals section for detoxification suggestions if this
I recommend that healthy individuals who do not have high blood pressure or a high risk of
kidney stones or osteoporosis salt their food to taste. It is unlikely that anyone would self-select
a diet and salt to taste yet still consume under 1.5 grams of sodium. In such a case, I
recommend increasing the sodium content to at least 1.5 grams, especially if any signs of
sodium or chloride deficiency are present.
For individuals with high blood pressure, a high risk of kidney stones (having had a kidney stone
in the past, or signs of high risk discovered on a urinalysis, such as a high presence of calcium
oxalate crystals), or a high risk of osteoporosis (postmenopausal women, anyone with low bone
mineral density), I recommend first following the recommendations below to construct a
potassium-rich diet. After that, I recommend working with a qualified health care practitioner to
monitor blood pressure, kidney stone risk, and bone mineral density to provide a safe context
for increasing salt intake to the point where salt cravings are lowest, there are no signs of
sodium or chloride deficiency, and subjective sense of wellbeing and resilience to stress is
In the case of high blood pressure or edema, the first nutritional effort should be to raise the
dietary potassium. This interpretation is especially strong if dietary potassium is under 4.7
grams, but could be plausible at almost any level. Salt should be restricted gradually if raising
dietary potassium does not work.
Three options for constructing a potassium-rich diet are provided below: 1) a diet very rich in
fruits and vegetables, 2) a low-fat diet that is low in grains and free of refined carbohydrates,
and 3) a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that emphasizes vegetables with high ratios of
potassium to net carbs.
For all the foods below, it is important to consume them raw or to consume the cooking water
and juices. Otherwise, significant amounts of potassium will be lost.
Fruits generally provide 100-500 mg of potassium per 100 gram serving, and vegetables
generally provide 200-1000 mg per 100 gram serving. When adjusted per calorie, vegetables
are extremely rich in potassium. For example, 300 Calories of spinach provides over 7 grams of
potassium. Following the official recommendations to consume five to nine servings of fruits and
vegetables per day and selecting them for their potassium content can easily provide the
recommended amount of potassium, regardless of the rest of the diet.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Diets Low in Fat, Moderate in Grains, and Free of Refined Carbohydrates
Alternatively, reducing the fat content of the diet, moderating grains, and eliminating refined
carbohydrates can allow the broad selection of alternative foods to fulfill the potassium
requirement. 300 Calories of butter contains only 10 milligrams of potassium. 300 Calories of
enriched white flour contains 91 milligrams of potassium. While much better than butter, this is
only a quarter as potassium-rich as whole wheat flour, which at the same caloric load provides
358 milligrams of potassium. Nevertheless, 300 Calories worth of beans or potatoes provides
close to 1.5 grams of potassium each, which is about quadruple that provided by whole wheat.
300 Calories of fat-free milk provides 1.4 grams of potassium, whereas the same caloric load of
whole milk provides only 715 milligrams, about half as much. 300 Calories of sirloin steak with
all the fat trimmed off provides 700 mg of potassium. By contrast, beef tallow does not contain
any potassium. In a single large egg, there are 67 mg of potassium, 80% of which is in the
white. For each 300 Calories, egg whites provide over 1 gram of potassium, while whole eggs
provide only 281 milligrams and egg yolks provide a dismal 103 milligrams.
It is possible to eat a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet with adequate potassium, but it requires
much more attention to food selection. 75 grams of protein obtained from meat will provide
about 750-1000 milligrams of potassium. 150 grams of protein from meat will provide about
1.5-2 grams of potassium. The following is a list of mg potassium per gram net carb (total
carbohydrate minus fiber) in some of the best choices for vegetables: watercress, 431; spinach,
399; purslane, 329; mustard greens, 221; bamboo shoots, 178; arugula, 176; red leaf lettuce,
170; celery, 144; white mushrooms, 138; green leaf lettuce, 129; zucchini, 119; Chinese
cabbage, 119; asparagus, 106; common cabbage, 79; iceberg lettuce, 71; tomatoes, 66. If one
were to eat 100 grams of each of these vegetables per day, this would yield 4.9 grams of
potassium and less than 32 grams of net carbs. The lean portion of the protein would bring the
total to anywhere from 5.6 to 6.9 grams of potassium and the remainder of the diet could be fat.
I do not recommend high-fat ketogenic diets unless there is a demonstrated medical purpose for
this diet or trial and error has proven it useful to increase well being or resolve health problems
that have not been resolvable through other means. I do not recommend using egg whites
without the yolks unless one also supplements with biotin, monitors biotin status, and ensures
an adequate intake of choline through other foods. I do not recommend foods that have their
natural fats removed, including yolk-free egg whites, unless one is using them temporarily to
meet a body composition goal or one has demonstrated difficulties digesting or metabolizing
fats. Nevertheless, many people practice these dietary restrictions and the information in this
section can be used to meet the potassium requirement in any of those contexts.
In summary:
● Consuming foods raw or consuming the cooking water and juices always helps improve
potassium intake.
● Avoiding refined carbohydrates always helps improve potassium intake.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
● The lean portions of meat, eggs, and dairy always make a significant contribution to
potassium intake.
● If you are focusing on cutting calories, a high volume of fruits and especially vegetables
is the best way to improve potassium intake.
● If you have difficulty eating high volumes of low-calorie foods due to time constraints,
digestive difficulties, or difficulty meeting caloric requirements, then a diet with moderate
amounts of whole grains and larger amounts of potatoes and legumes is the best way to
improve potassium intake.
● If you have trouble digesting or metabolizing fats, or need to temporarily reduce fat to
extreme levels for body composition goals, then consuming fat-free dairy products, lean
cuts of meat, and egg whites supplemented with biotin and alternative sources of choline
is the best way to improve potassium intake.
● If you are eating a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, selecting the foods with the highest
potassium-to-net carb ratios and eating them in large volumes is the best way to improve
potassium intake.
● Depending on your goals, any of the above strategies can be mixed and matched.
Potassium Supplements
Vomiting and diarrhea may indicate a serious illness. Severe pain, loss of blood in the vomit or
stool, confusion or other cognitive symptoms, fever, and the inability to keep down even clear
fluids are grounds for seeking emergency medical attention. Calling your doctor is wise if you
are unsure whether the condition could be serious. In cases of moderate, self-limiting illness, it
makes sense to replete electrolytes once fluids can be kept down. ¼ teaspoon each of table
salt, baking soda, and potassium bicarbonate, along with some juice containing natural sugars
to balance the potassium, will replace the major electrolytes lost. If the fluid loss was
overwhelmingly from vomiting rather than diarrhea, doubling the table salt and taking out the
baking soda will help replete the lost chloride better, and apple cider vinegar can help replete
the lost acid.
Extended fluid loss may cause the loss of other electrolytes, such as calcium, magnesium, and
phosphorus. Loss of bile in vomit or diarrhea can deplete zinc and copper, and thiamin
deficiency is also found in persistent vomiting. Illness causing vomiting and diarrhea for an
extended period of time warrant medical attention as well as an evaluation or repletion strategy
for these other nutrients.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Altered Electrolyte Concentrations
Signs and symptoms of altered electrolyte concentrations or deviations from the normal range
on serum tests always warrant medical attention. Nutritional strategies to alter water, salt, and
potassium intake may be sensible adjuncts to medical treatment but should be discussed with a
physician, because altered electrolyte concentrations almost always indicate deeper problems
that are not nutritional in nature.
Other Minerals
There are several minerals that appear to have essential roles that are not listed in other
Boron appears to support executive brain function, to improve testosterone in men, and to
protect against prostate cancer in men and lung cancer and cervical dysplasia in women.
Chromium appears to support glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and to raise
● Strontium has shown benefits to bone mineral density in osteoporotic women when
supplemented as 2 grams per day of strontium ranelate, which provides about 340
milligrams of elemental strontium. There is no evidence on which to consider this a
nutritional effect rather than a pharmacological effect, however, and it is not clear that
strontium has an essential role in human biology.
● There are observational studies associating low-dose lithium in drinking water with
benefits such as lower risks of dementia, homicide, and suicide, but also studies
associating it with harms, such as impaired calcium metabolism. There is no basis on
which to make recommendations around lithium intakes or supplements.
● Silicon might support bone health and nickel might support reproductive function and
liver health, but the evidence for this is limited to animal experiments and there is no
evidence supporting these roles in humans. Harms of silicon to humans are only well
demonstrated in the case of inhalation of silica particles in industrial settings. Harms of
nickel are shown only in animals, like its benefits.
● Vanadium supplementation has improved insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes, but
it is not clear that it has any role as an essential nutrient and animal experiments suggest
that it has a very narrow therapeutic window, causing harms at doses that are not much
higher than the doses that cause benefits.
● While there is some evidence that arsenic deprivation in animals can produce deficiency
signs, there is no evidence of this in humans, no known essential roles of arsenic in
animal biology, and clear evidence of its toxicity.
Out of all of these, only boron and chromium have strong support as nutrients. Nevertheless,
much less is known about them compared to the other nutrients discussed in this guide, and
there are no good markers of nutritional status.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Boron is widely distributed among plants, and the major food sources in a diet depend mainly on
which plant foods dominate the diet. Food selection is an unlikely cause of inadequate boron,
but low plant food intake could contribute. Low accumulation in the food chain can be caused by
low soil boron, low soil organic matter, or soil pH below 5.0 or above 6.5. Taking boron
supplements does not eliminate the harms of eating low-boron foods, because low boron uptake
into plant tissues also compromises their content of chlorophyll and fat-soluble vitamins.
Nevertheless, supplemental boron at 3 milligrams per day has shown some promise for
increasing testosterone levels in men.
Chromium is found in the highest concentrations in whole grains, unrefined sugars, and
brewer’s yeast (but not other edible yeasts), and in lesser amounts in fruits and vegetables.
Needs for chromium are probably proportional to carbohydrate intake. The refining of grains and
sugars removes chromium and this may contribute to poor glucose tolerance on diets high in
refined carbohydrates. It may be that choosing unrefined grains and unrefined sugars over their
refined counterparts is adequate. Nevertheless, soil chromium varies and this influences the
chromium stores of plants. Supplementation of 200 micrograms per day of chromium has shown
some promise for improving glucose metabolism.
● For those who wish to err on the side of supplementing with what shows the most
promise, or who wish to improve functions described above for these minerals, take one
to two capsules per day of Pure Encapsulations Boron Glycinate and one capsule per
day of Jarrow Chromium GTF with a meal.
● For those who wish to monitor nutritional status and use targeted supplementation, the
only sensible option available is to get a hair mineral analysis (for example, Drs. Data)
and supplement with the minerals that are low. If this approach is taken, I recommend
following up all minerals outside this section with the recommended tests. Boron and
chromium should be taken using the doses and forms recommended above if they are
low. Strontium and lithium are probably safe to take in the lowest doses available if they
are low, but the benefits are less clear. I do not recommend making any attempts to
increase exposure to silicon, nickel, vanadium, or arsenic even if they appear low.
● While this guide is not meant to for dealing with heavy metal toxicity, three nutritional
factors are notable. Zinc promotes the production of the endogenous metal chelator,
metallothionein, even when provided over and above the levels needed to support all
other aspects of zinc nutritional status. If hair mineral analysis shows elevated levels of
heavy metals, zinc supplementation, along with careful evaluation of the status of zinc,
copper, and the other positively charged minerals, may help promote detoxification (see
the zinc section). Arsenic is specifically detoxified using methylation, and if arsenic is
elevated, nutritional support for the methylation process may promote its clearance (see
the methylation section). Barium is most effectively detoxified with sulfate, so support for
sulfur amino acids, vitamin B6, and molybdenum may help promote its clearance (see
the sections on methylation and sulfur catabolism). Comprehensive handling of heavy
metal toxicity is beyond the scope of this guide, and a knowledgeable health care
practitioner should be consulted for any concerns on this topic and before commencing
any nutritional strategies described here.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Essential Fatty Acids
There are two fatty acids for which the evidence of essential roles in animals and humans is
strong: arachidonic acid (AA) and d ocosahexaenoic acid (DHA). A third fatty acid,
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), has demonstrated benefits at high doses for lowering extremely
high triglyceride levels, but this is a pharmacological action, not a nutritional one. There is some
evidence suggesting it improves mental health outcomes more effectively than DHA.
Nevertheless, EPA can interfere with the function of AA and there is no clear evidence that it
has essential roles in human nutrition.
Other fatty acids, such as linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) are defined
conventionally as “essential fatty acids” because we cannot synthesize them. By contrast, we
synthesize AA from LA, and we synthesize EPA and DHA from ALA, so AA, EPA, and DHA are
not considered essential. Nevertheless, there is no clear evidence that we require LA or ALA to
be present in our bodies to support our health, and there is clear evidence that we require AA
and DHA.
Signs and Symptoms of Arachidonic Acid Deficiency: The only well established deficiency
sign for arachidonic acid in humans is eczema. In laboratory animals, the eczema presents as
irritated, sore, scaly skin and is accompanied by dandruff and hair loss. Lab animals subject to
severe deficiency also develop bleeding at the surface of the skin, internal bleeding and
infertility. Females develop anovulation and if the deficiency develops during pregnancy they
have extended labor and increased risk of death during labor. Males lose interest in sex, stop
producing sperm, and their testicles degenerate. Mechanistic evidence suggests that
arachidonic acid deficiency also increases the risk of food intolerances, infectious diseases,
autoimmune disorders, and chronic, low-grade inflammation. Drugs that interfere with AA
metabolism cause gastrointestinal distress. The blood thinning effect of fish oil results from EPA
interfering with AA metabolism.
Risk Factors for AA Deficiency: AA is abundant in egg yolks and liver. It can be made from
LA, which is found in small amounts in animal products and olive oil, and in larger amounts in
vegetable oils, but the conversion depends on genetics, insulin sensitivity, protein, calories,
calcium, zinc, biotin, and vitamin B6. Thus, a diet that lacks egg yolks and liver does not
necessarily lead to AA deficiency but increases its risk due to the many difficulties synthesizing
AA from LA. Oxidative stress (see the antioxidant section) and chronic inflammation deplete AA.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) interfere AA metabolism and may contribute to
deficiency signs regardless of AA levels. High-dose EPA, as would be found in high-dose fish oil
or used pharmacologically to lower triglycerides, causes a similar effect as NSAIDs. AA needs
are highest during childhood growth, bodybuilding, pregnancy, lactation, and recovery from
Signs and Symptoms of DHA Deficiency: DHA deficiency predisposes to low-grade, chronic
inflammation, poor visual acuity, slower mental processing, learning deficits, and possibly
Alzheimer’s disease and psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, and attention deficit
and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
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about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Risk Factors for DHA Deficiency: DHA is found in large amounts in seafoods (mainly fish,
also some crustaceans and certain algae used in supplements) and in smaller amounts in egg
yolks when chickens are raised on pasture. A diet low in seafood and based on grain-fed animal
products is the major risk factor for low DHA levels. DHA can be made from EPA in fish oil and
from ALA in plant oils but the conversion depends on genetics, insulin sensitivity, protein,
calories, calcium, zinc, biotin, and vitamin B6. Oxidative stress (see the antioxidant section) and
chronic inflammation deplete DHA. High intakes of LA from vegetable oils aggravate the effect
of low DHA intakes by replacing DHA in tissues with an different fatty acid, docosapentaenoic
acid (DPA).
The Genova ION Profile + 40 amino acids and NutrEval offer comprehensive fatty acid
analyses, and Quest offers one more narrowly focused on EPA, DHA, and AA.
If ordering the test specifically for this purpose, I consider the Quest test sufficient. However, the
Genova ION + 40 is used in the comprehensive screening because it contains so many other
analytes discussed in this guide.
Testing Caveats: Low essential fatty acids across the board may indicate oxidative stress (see
the antioxidant section). If this is the case, optimizing the antioxidant nutrients should take
precedence over repleting the fatty acids. If AA, and perhaps DHA, are specifically low, and
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP, LabCorp, Quest) is high, inflammation may be
driving the utilization of these fatty acids. In this case the source of inflammation deserves
independent attention, but dietary strategies to replete the fatty acids still deserve central
importance because deficiencies of AA and DHA can be the cause of chronic inflammation.
If AA is low, I recommend increasing AA intakes by consuming one 100 gram serving of liver per
week and up to 3-4 whole eggs or egg yolks per day. If this is not feasible, an arachidonic acid
supplement can be used at 250 milligrams per day with a meal.
If the AA/EPA ratio is low as a result of high or high-normal EPA, I would first try reducing or
removing EPA supplements. If the EPA is needed for pharmacological management of high
triglycerides, or if it is proving useful for management of a psychiatric condition, then I
recommend working with a health care practitioner to find the minimum effective dose, and
utilizing the strategies described above for boosting AA intake to see if the ratio can be
If DHA is low, I would increase the intake from natural foods by using 3-4 whole eggs or egg
yolks per day from chickens raised on pasture, consuming 2-3 100 gram servings of fatty fish
per week, or using ½ teaspoon of cod liver oil per day. There is some evidence supporting the
use of krill oil to improve the brain content of DHA more rapidly, which may be helpful for
psychiatric conditions.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Further Reading
If you would like to take a deep dive into managing each individual nutrient in the style found
here, but in much more detail, my podcast series on managing nutritional status begins with this
episode: W hat Makes a Good Marker of Nutritional Status? The episode list contains a running list of
all the episodes in the series. Each episode contains a transcript and a list of scientific
references. The full series will be rolled out over the course of 2018.
To learn more about nutrition more generally, I would start with one of the following textbooks:
Beginner: Gropper, Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. 7th edition. 2017.
Advanced: Ross, Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. 11th edition. 2012.
If you are a clinician, I recommend keeping chapter 57 of Modern Nutrition in Health and
Disease, “Clinical Manifestations of Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities” handy because it
contains a condensed summary of all such manifestations with technical language and pictures.
The Linus Pauling Micronutrient Information Center has an excellent list of articles on each
nutrient that is regularly updated and fairly comprehensive.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Anemia, microcytic deficiencies of iron or copper
Angular stomatitis deficiencies of riboflavin or vitamin B6
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Cardiac arrhythmia or palpitations hypercalcemia, hypochloremia, hypokalemia and hyperkalemia,
magnesium deficiency, anemia due to deficiencies of iron, copper, B6,
B12, or folate; methylation imbalances
Cardiovascular disease atherosclerosis and heart disease risk: oxidative stress, deficient or
excess calcium and vitamin D, excess phosphorus, and deficiencies of
methylation, magnesium, molybdenum, vitamin B6, or manganese;
enlarged heart and elevated cardiac output in thiamin deficiency;
cardiac insufficiency in selenium deficiency; cardiac failure in iron
Cheilosis deficiencies of riboflavin or vitamin B6
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Eyes, dry vitamin A deficiency
Fatigue and weakness deficient methylation, folate and B12 deficiency, hypochloremia,
hyperkalemia, hypernatremia, iodine deficiency, iron deficiency and
overload, magnesium deficiency, pantothenic acid deficiency, biotin
deficiency, phosphorus deficiency, selenium toxicity, sodium and
chloride deficiency
Fatty liver disease deficient methylation, oxidative stress
Fertility and Sex Hormones deficiencies of vitamin A, vitamin D and calcium, vitamin K, zinc, vitamin
E, iodine, or arachidonic acid; iron deficiency and overload
Fibrocystic breast disease See breast, fibrocystic disease.
Fingernails, white spots, streaks, selenium deficiency or toxicity
brittle, falling out
Food intolerances deficiencies of vitamin A or arachidonic acid
Gait abnormalities (difficulty walking See ataxia.
Glossitis Deficiencies of riboflavin or vitamin B6.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
calcium, niacin, vitamin B5, vitamin B6.
Insulin See blood sugar problems and diabetes.
Itching (pruritis) and hives (urticaria) flushing reactions to niacin, rare reactions to iodine, allergy-like
reactions to sulfites that result from molybdenum deficiency; histamine
intolerance from deficient copper or methylation
IQ, low deficiencies of iron or iodine during childhood
Irritability and restlessness Deficiencies of vitamin B5 or vitamin B6, selenium poisoning,
hypochloremia, hyponatremia, acute hypoglycemia in response to
potassium on an empty stomach
Joint pain iron overload
Kidney stones a high salt-to-potassium ratio; deficiencies of vitamin A, vitamin B6, or
magnesium; both deficiencies and excesses of calcium; excess vitamin
D and phosphorus; excess collagen supplementation and vitamin C
Lethargy See fatigue and weakness.
Leukopenia copper deficiency
Lightheadedness See dizziness and lightheadedness
Light therapy, inability to benefit from vitamin A deficiency
Lips, lesions on the outside of deficiencies of riboflavin or vitamin B6
Liver failure glutathione depletion
Low-Fat and Low-Carb Improved health on low-fat diets, deficiencies of riboflavin or
pantothenic acid; improved health on low-carbohydrate diets, thiamin
Malabsorption from an autoimmune condition, deficient vitamin A or arachidonic acid;
generalized, from pellagra, niacin deficiency; of many water-soluble
nutrients with no intestinal damage, deficient salt
Menstrual problems See fertility and sex hormones.
Mental and cognitive health imbalances of methylation and deficiencies of related nutrients,
electrolyte imbalances, hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia, deficiencies
of thiamin, niacin, and vitamin B6
Miliaria crystallina (a form of manganese deficiency
dermatitis resulting from blocked
sweat glands that appear as tiny
clear bubbles on the skin)
Mouth, lesions in and around deficiencies of riboflavin or vitamin B6 in cases of cheilosis (lips),
angular stomatitis (corners of mouth), glossitis (inflamed tongue),
hyperemia and edema of the oral cavity (red, swollen, and bloody inside
the mouth); biotin for dermatitis around the mouth; vitamin C deficiency
for bleeding gums and other bleeding inside the mouth
Muscle spasms and twitching Magnesium deficiency, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia and
Nails See fingernails, white spots, streaks, brittle, falling out.
Nausea vitamin A toxicity, too much zinc on an empty stomach, excess copper
in drinking water, hyponatremia and hypernatremia, poisoning with
iodine or selenium
Neural tube birth defects deficient methylation
Neutropenia copper deficiency
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Night vision, poor vitamin A deficiency
Numbness pantothenic acid deficiency
Nutrient imbalances, vulnerability to selenium deficiency
Obsessive compulsive disorder deficient methylation
Optic neuritis deficiency of thiamin or vitamin B12
Osteomalacia deficiencies of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, or magnesium
Osteopenia See bone mineral content, low.
Osteopetrosis See bone mineral content, high.
Osteoporosis See bone mineral content, low.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.
Serotonin, high copper deficiency
Shortness of breath on exertion vitamin C deficiency, or anemia due to deficiencies of iron, copper, B6,
B12, or folate
Skin aging, faster Deficient vitamin C or glycine, oxidative stress
Skin and hair, hypopigmentation copper deficiency
Skin, dermatitis See dermatitis.
Skin, itching or hives See itching (pruritis) and hives (urticaria).
Skin, dry patches zinc deficiency
Skin, hyperpigmentation iron overload
Skin, scaling vitamin A toxicity, arachidonic acid deficiency
Sleeping problems See insomnia and circadian rhythm.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth Hypothyroidism from deficiencies of iodine or iron (see also selenium),
(SIBO) hypokalemia
Soft tissue calcification Deficiencies of magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin K, deficient or
excess calcium, excess phosphorus or vitamin D
Sore throat zinc deficiency
Spasticity (constant muscle vitamin B12 deficiency
Spasms See muscle spasms and twitching.
Substance abuse Excess methylation
Swelling in the face Hypothyroidism from iron or iodine deficiency (see also selenium)
Tachycardia (fast heart rate) thiamin deficiency, hypermagnesemia, hyperkalemia
Tetany Deficiency of calcium and vitamin D, or magnesium; excess phosphorus
Thirst high salt-to-potassium ratio, hypernatremia
Thyroid hormone, resistance to zinc deficiency
Toxins, vulnerability to Vulnerability to tissue damage from a wide variety of toxins, selenium
deficiency; vulnerability to toxic metal accumulation, zinc deficiency
Tongue, inflammation See glossitis.
Tremors hypocalcemia
Triglycerides, elevated deficient salt
Twitching See muscle spasms and twitching.
Urticaria See itching (pruritis) and hives (urticaria).
Visual disturbances vitamin B12 deficiency, vitamin A toxicity
Wound healing, impaired. zinc deficiency
If you would like to discuss your own case with me or the cases of others you are helping, you
may sign up for a single consultation or a consulting package using this link.
Copyright © Chris Masterjohn, 2018. This is an educational resource and is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always a
sk your doctor
about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.