On The Cohen-Macaulayness of The Fiber Cone of An Ideal
On The Cohen-Macaulayness of The Fiber Cone of An Ideal
On The Cohen-Macaulayness of The Fiber Cone of An Ideal
On the Cohen-Macaulayness of
the Fiber Cone of an Ideal
We shall list some relevant properties of F(Z) which serve also to reveal
its nature. The statements are either referenced or left as easy exercises.
Now, let x be any minimal reduction of ideal I. By ~(1) we mean the mini-
mum number of generators for Z. We say that Z is equimultiple if dim F(Z)
equals the height of Z. We shall always assume throughout that R/M is
(1) If x form a regular sequencethen F(s) is a polynomial ring over
R/M in &x) variables.
(2) Z is generated by x iff F(Z) is a polynomial ring over R/M in p(Z)
(3) F(Z) is Cohen-Macaulay need not imply R is Cohen-Macaulay.
(4) F(Z) is integral over F(X).
(5) Suppose Z is integral over J with F(J) a domain. Then F(J) is a
subring of F(Z).
Proof: Let xi, x2, .... xd minimally generate J. Extend xi, x2, .... xd to
a minimal generating set xi, x2, .... xd, y,, .... y, of Z. F(Z) is generated as
a module over F(x) by T, jl, .... p,, where 7 is 1 modulo M, and each j?,
is yi modulo ZM. Here 1 is the identity of R. We may assume that Z does
not equal (x). We shall show that 1, pi, .... J,, are free over F(x). We need
only show the following: If YE x’+ ‘/sr+ ‘44 and if Si E x’/x’M for i = 1, .... n
and if
Since x1, x2, .... xd form a regular sequence in R, we obtain [ 15, p. 273,
Ex. 91 that Vcc
under the assumption that t > 0. The case t = 0 is too easy. Thus F(Z) is free
over F(x).
Now, let Jf be the unique graded irrelevant maximal ideal of F(Z). Of
course, JV” n F(x) is the unique graded irrelevant maximal ideal of F(x).
Also, nilradical of (J+” n F(x)) F(Z) is JV. Hence if W= F(x) - JV n F(x)
then E;(Z), = F(Z),n-. Therefore F(Z) is free over F(x) implies that F(Z),- is
free over F(x). +/n nrj. Our situation is this: F(x),,+-,~(~) is a regular local
ring which is a subring of F(Z),.-. Moreover F(Z), +Ais -a finitely generated
free module over F(x),,. n F(Xj. By Hironaka’s freeness lemma [ 13, 15.161
we deduce that F(Z),,,- is a-Cohen-Macaulay local ring. Finally by [ 12,
p. 125 J, we deduce that F(Z) itself is Cohen-Macaulay. This completes the
proof of Theorem 1.
Za.X.+~,(~h.,x,)Yi+~~(~c,x.)ei~I’+’M. (7-I
Since I* +’ M= (Z’$)M= (Z2M)x’ we obtain
Since xi, x2, .... xd form a regular sequencein R, (4) implies that Va
n m
a,+ c b,y;+ c c,e,-d,E&nZ2=Z~. (5)
i= I i= 1
Since a, E x2 and b, E3, the inclusion (5) implies
Since the images of e, in 1*/(1x + Z’ti) form a basis, (6) implies that
cia EM, Vi Var. So hi EZ’M. This shows that Ej = 0, Vi. Let xB denote a
general degree t + 1 monomial in x,, x2, .... xd. Write f= & raxg, where
rp E x. Write g, = & tipxB, where tig E R. Thus (1) reduces to
Since (4) holds for all n > m and since e(I) = e(x) = l(R/x) iff R is Cohen
Macaulay, our assertion (a) follows.
Consider (b). Since R 2 I? IM and R 2 x 2 TM we obtain that
QUESTION 3(d). Consider 3(c) above. When are each of the summation
terms non-negative? (It can be conjectured that if F(M) is Cohen-
Macaulay then every summation term is non-negative.)
=l(R/Z)+ f [l(Z”/Z”+‘)-l(xP-‘+I”+‘/Z”+‘)].
Simplifying this equation we obtain that G(Z) is Cohen-Macaulay iff
f. l(xZ’-‘/xl”)= f l(xZ”-‘/xl”-InI”+‘).
.s= 1 s=l
Since 1(&Z”- ‘/xZS) > 1(&Z”- ‘/xl”- ’ n I”+‘) for all s > 1 we deduce that R
is Cohen-Macaulay iff xZ” ~ ’ n I” + ’ = xl” for all sB 1. This proves (a) is
equivalent to (c). On the other hand (b) is easily seen to be equivalent to
(c). This completes the proof of the theorem.
COROLLARY 4(a) (Sally [16, Th. 21). Assume further that I= M and
M2 = Mx. Then G(M) is Cohen-Macaulay.
1+ 5 [~(Is)-Z@-ix)] = 1+ f [~(Z~)-~(Z~~l~+Z~M/ZSM)].
s=l S=l
Since p(ZsP ‘x) 3 Z(P+ ‘x/Z’-‘x n Z”M) for all .sa 1 we deduce that R is
Cohen-Macaulay iff &ZsP1 n Z”M=xZ”-‘A4 for all s > 1. Hence (a) and
(b) are equivalent. Assume (a). Then
But the latter expression is simply 1 + C,“= i Z[p(Z”) - E(xZ”- ‘/xZYP1 n Z”M)].
Hence we obtain that f(Z) = 1 + I,“= i Z[p(Zs) - p(xZ’+ ‘)I iff xZ’+ ‘Mn
Z”M= xl”- ‘M for all s > 1. It follows that (b) and (c) are equivalent. This
completes the proof of Theorem 5.
COROLLARY 5(a) (Sally [ 16, Th. 23). Assume further that R is Cohen-
Macaulay, and Z= M, and M2 = Mx. Then F(M) is Cohen-Macaulay.
f(Z)= 1+ f [~(z3)-/L(&z~-1)].
= G
(xZ”-‘nMl”)/~Z”. (1)
It follows that xl”- ‘M= xl”+ ’ n MI” for all s >, 1. From Theorem 5 we
deduce our assertion (b).
H(n)= c [/@I”)+#+‘)] VnBO.
d-l >’
COROLLARY 6(b). Assume further that I= M. Then
e(R)= f [p(M”)-p(xM”-‘)I.
s= 0
QUESTION 6(d). Consider the biliber cone F(I, .I). Set f(r, s) =
p(I’J”/I’J”M). It can be shown that f(r, s) is actually a polynomial in r, s
for all large r, s. Assume now that F(Z, J) is Cohen-Macaulay. Describe the
bitiber function f(r, s). Perhaps a multidimensional analogue of Noether
Normalisation would help analyse questions concerning the bifiber.
Conjecture 6(e). The converse of Theorem 6 holds.
= p(I’) - I( P/I’ n I”M) = 0, t/s 3 3.
Thus (2) in the proof of Theorem 6 reduces to the assertion in our theorem.
This completes the proof of our theorem.
COROLLARY 7(c) (Sally [ 18, Th. 11). Assume further that I= M. Then
the Hilbert function h(n) of the ring R is
II(n)=e(I)(n+~-l)+l(R/I)(n+dd~l), Vn>O
It follow that R is normally flat along I iff e(Z) = l(R/Z) . (1 + ~(1) - d). This
completes the proof of our theorem.
It is a pleasure to thank Bill Heinzer, Craig Huneke, Jack Ratliff, and Dave Rush for their
help at various times.