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Engineering Encyclopedia

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards


Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional
Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services.
Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi
Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramco’s employees.
Any material contained in this document which is not already in the public
domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given, or disclosed to third
parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part, without the written permission
of the Vice President, Engineering Services, Saudi Aramco.

Chapter : Corrosion For additional information on this subject, contact

File Reference: COE-103.01 PEDD Coordinator on 874-6556
Engineering Encyclopedia Inspection for Corrosion

Corrosion Inspection Program

Section Page

CORROSION INSPECTION PROGRAM....................................................................... 3

Reasons For Inspection........................................................................................... 3
Safety........................................................................................................ 3
Damage Detection and Control................................................................. 5
Time and Money ....................................................................................... 8
The Economic Factors in Corrosion Inspection ........................................ 8
Components of a Comprehensive Corrosion Inspection Program......................... 10
Responsible Financial Plan..................................................................... 10
Acceptable Inspection Frequency ........................................................... 10
Accurate Record Keeping and Data Analysis ......................................... 10
Proper Inspection Equipment Selection .................................................. 10
Common Inspection Techniques ........................................................................... 11
Visual Inspection..................................................................................... 11
Nondestructive Testing ........................................................................... 12
Instrumented Scrapers............................................................................ 14
Downhole Corrosion Survey Tools.......................................................... 16
Underwater NDT ..................................................................................... 18
Other Techniques ................................................................................... 20

SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION PROCEDURES......................................................... 22

Inspection of Plant Facility and Associated Equipment.......................................... 23
Inspection Intervals................................................................................................ 25
Corrosion Rate Variations....................................................................... 30
T&I History .............................................................................................. 30
On-stream Inspection (OSI) Performance .............................................. 30
Parallel Equipment.................................................................................. 31

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Responsibilities of Inspectors ................................................................................ 31

Reporting and Evaluating Inspection Results ........................................................ 32
Interface Between Inspectors and Corrosion Engineers........................................ 34

GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................. 35


OF A CORROSION INSPECTION PROGRAM .................................. 39


OF A SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION PROCEDURE ........................ 44

BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................................... 45

List of Figures

Figure 1. Causes of Gas Distribution Line Failures ....................................................... 5

Figure 2. Causes of Liquid Line Failures ....................................................................... 6

Figure 3. The Classic “Bathtub” Failure Distribution ...................................................... 7

Figure 4. OSPAS Approval.......................................................................................... 24

Figure 5. Equipment Inspection Schedule (EIS) Form ................................................ 33

List of Tables

Table 1. The Annual Report on Pipeline Safety (1988) .................................................. 4

Table 2. Downhole corrosion survey tools................................................................... 16

Table 3. Maximum T&I Intervals Versus Corrosion Service ........................................ 27

Table 4. Specific T&I Intervals..................................................................................... 29

Table 5. Corrosion Detection Method and Primary Uses ............................................ 39

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Corrosion Inspection Program


Adherence to accepted construction codes and standards and
the selection of quality materials will help ensure that the
pipeline is free of significant defects upon installation.
Unfortunately, despite the use of good materials and the
implementation of an effective prevention program, deterioration
of in-service pipelines still occurs. Many factors contribute to
the rate and extent of deterioration. Unfortunately, corrosion
damage is unavoidable.

A comprehensive corrosion inspection program, working in

conjunction with preventive techniques, is the recommended
method for protecting Saudi Aramco’s valuable assets.

Reasons For Inspection

There are three reasons for implementing a corrosion

prevention program:

• Safety

• Damage detection and control

• Time and money

Control of corrosion plays a major role in maintaining good
safety standards. Not only should equipment be designed
properly, it must also be kept in good condition and protected
against the effects of corrosion. As seen by the examples
below, an effective inspection program must identify defects and
also ensure that they are repaired.

In 1985, two platforms collapsed during a violent hurricane that

hit the coast of the United States. Five people were washed
overboard when a platform collapsed. Also, a nearby
unmanned header platform and a three-pile, single-well
protector collapsed.

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Corrosion Inspection Program

After conducting an inspection, the Minerals Management

Service (MMS) reported gross corrosion-related structural
damage in 15 places on the platform. Seven of the fifteen
corrosion sites were above water and eight were below.
Several were in or directly adjacent to leg/joint welds and
member intersections. According to the report, crew members
were aware that the structure had deteriorated.

An analysis of the header platform revealed that it had also

deteriorated. The three-pile, single-well protector adjacent to
the platform was in very good structural condition, but its piles
were bent and flattened at the mudline from overload. The
report went on to say that using mechanical clamps to repair
broken joints and failing to maintain an adequate cathodic
protection system probably contributed to the failure of the
header platform.

To avoid future disasters such as this one, the MMS report

recommended that Gulf of Mexico operators submit reports
detailing when they last inspected their platforms, the type of
inspection performed, the areas inspected, the condition of the
structure, and cathodic protection readings.

The Annual Report on Pipeline Safety (1988), published by the

U.S. Department of Transportation, revealed the statistics
shown in Table 1 on failure-related deaths and injuries in the oil
and gas industry.

Table 1. The Annual Report on Pipeline Safety (1988)

Type of Equipment Failures Fatalities Injuries

Gas Distribution Lines 170 15 76

Gas Transmission/Gathering Lines 8 3 11

Liquid Pipe Lines 196 2 19

Total 374 20 106

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Additional support for the establishment of an inspection

program is found in a philosophy known as Suitability-For-
Service Evaluation. The purpose of these evaluations is to
ensure that components can continue to operate safely and

Damage Detection
and Control
Corrosion plays a major role in failures and damage to
equipment. Establishing an inspection program that is designed
to detect and control corrosion is one way to significantly reduce
corrosion as a factor in these types of incidents. The reports
below show the role of corrosion in pipeline failures.

The Annual Report of Pipeline Safety listed causes for gas

distribution line failures as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Causes of Gas Distribution Line Failures

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Corrosion Inspection Program

In the same report, the causes for liquid line failures were
documented (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Causes of Liquid Line Failures

Inspection is also recommended for controlling a similar

problem in a wet hydrogen sulfide environment. Damage to
pressure vessels, such as sulfide stress corrosion, hydrogen
blistering, or stress-oriented hydrogen induced cracking, can be
caused by hydrogen generated from corrosion reactions in this
type of environment. Similar problems can also be present in
hydrofluoric acid environments.

The following incidents indicate the need for nondestructive

examination (NDE) programs to detect and diagnose corrosion-
related damage:

• A hydrogen-assisted cracking problem led to the Lemont

refinery catastrophe in Chicago (USA), which killed 15 and
seriously injured 22 people.

• In a report published in 1988, cracks deeper than the

corrosion allowance were reported in 20% of 189 vessels
inspected by a major oil company. Extensive cracking was
observed in approximately one-third of the LPG storage
vessels examined.

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Corrosion Inspection Program

The classic bathtub failure distribution graph illustrates a

principle upon which this philosophy is built. As shown in
Figure 3, equipment will have high failure rate during the burn-in
phase. These failures are caused by poor material quality
and/or poor workmanship. As these initial problems get fixed,
the failure rate decreases. As the operating life of the
equipment increases, the rate of failures will increase due to
corrosion, fatigue, or abrasion. This period is known as the
wear-out phase.

Figure 3. The Classic “Bathtub” Failure Distribution

Damage inspection is important in applying this concept. In

fact, the detection of an unacceptable flaw or an operational
deficiency is one of the factors used to determine when a
suitability-for-service evaluation should be performed.

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Time and Money

Time and money are the final two reasons for establishing a
corrosion inspection program. A corrosion inspection program
can assist a company by reducing downtime and cutting
operating costs.

When planning an inspection program, a company should

realize that an inadequate or poorly implemented program will
result in equipment failures. Such failures increase repair time
and costs. They can also lead to unscheduled shutdowns,
usually causing a loss in production.

In addition to reducing the chances for unscheduled shutdowns,

a good corrosion inspection program should also decrease the
number of scheduled shutdowns. The period between
scheduled shutdowns can be lengthened after the equipment in
critical service has passed a thorough inspection.

Reducing downtime saves time and money, but an inspection

also saves money by reducing operating costs. Before
introducing or expanding a program, a company examines the
economic factors. In the area of corrosion inspection, the
equation in Figure 4 relates two important economic factors:

• Prevention treatment cost Vs. inspection costs

The Economic
Factors in
A “blanket coverage” approach to corrosion prevention can cost
millions of dollars for a single field. For example, according to
an article in Offshore Economics magazine entitled “Platform
Probes Monitor Corrosion”, Phillips Petroleum Co. performed
124 well squeeze treatments in 1980 for a total cost of
$9,000,000. Phillips estimated that 65% of the 120 wells in the
field did not require treatment. The question was which 78 out
of the 120 wells were not in immediate danger of corrosion

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Corrosion Inspection Program

The best way to find the answer is to use corrosion monitoring

and inspection equipment. Through analysis of the data from
this equipment, an inspector can determine which wells have
corrosive tendencies and which do not. An inspection and
prevention program can then be planned based on current
corrosion data. Implementing this type of program saves money
two ways.

• Scheduling overhauls or workovers before failures or

extensive corrosion damage occur

• Drastically reducing chemical costs by eliminating

unnecessary treatments

To illustrate this point, by implementing a limited monitoring

system, Phillips was able to eliminate treatments for 24 wells
and save $2 million in chemical costs during the test period
alone. According to Phillips, the total monitoring equipment
costs, estimated at $2 million, have been defrayed completely
by the initial savings in chemical costs.

An inspection program also reduces production equipment

costs. Studies have shown that early detection and diagnosis of
a problem reduces the damage to a piece of equipment and
prolongs its operating life. Keeping a piece of equipment in
operation longer reduces the need to purchase replacement

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Components of a Comprehensive Corrosion Inspection Program

There are four basic components of a comprehensive corrosion

inspection program as follows:

• Responsible financial plan

• Acceptable inspection frequency
• Accurate record keeping and data analysis

• Proper inspection equipment selection

Financial Plan
Enough money must be allocated to ensure that the inspection
program meets Saudi Aramco’s needs.

Inspection Frequency
The inspection plan should incorporate enough techniques to
give a complete coverage of the facility being inspected. The
plan must also establish an effective inspection frequency which
does not waste manpower and finances on excessive
inspection, nor result in an insufficient amount of inspection.

Accurate Record
Keeping and Data
Accurate record keeping is necessary to evaluate over time both
the specific system being inspected and any corrective
measures taken as a result of previous inspections. All data
must be analyzed by trained personnel and the results
portrayed in a manner that is logical and easy to interpret.

Proper Inspection
Equipment Selection
The right inspection equipment must be selected for the specific
inspection. Each particular inspection technique has its own
advantages and limitations. These must be considered when
selecting the equipment and technique for use in the inspection

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Common Inspection Techniques

The basic corrosion inspection techniques are as follows:

• Visual inspection
• Nondestructive testing (NDT
• Instrumented scrapers
• Downhole Corrosion Survey Tools
• Underwater NDT
• Other Techniques

Note: In broad terms all of these methods are


Visual Inspection
In the literal sense, the term visual inspection only includes
inspection by eyesight. In a broader sense, this term can also
include using other senses such as touching, listening, and
smelling, along with vision-enhancing tools.

In the oil and gas industry, visual inspection can be defined as

nondestructive testing (NDT) methods involving visual
examination, enhanced or assisted by simple inspection tools
such as fiber optics, mirrors, and magnets.

Visual inspection provides a simple and effective means of

determining the location and severity of corrosion-related
damage. Common applications for visual inspection includes a
determination of the presence of the following:

• General or localized corrosion

• Shallow or intense pitting
• Ruptures or cracks
• Erosion and deformities
• Significant changes in deposits on surfaces

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Common tools and techniques used for visual inspection


• Fiber optics that uses an optical instrument to visually

inspect the interior surfaces of pipes or other hard-to-reach

• Pit gauges that are inspection devices used to measure the

depth and width of a depression or cavity in a metal

• Camera such as the downhole cameras, provide

photographs of the inside surface of a well casing or
production tubing. The photographs confirm any
suspected internal casing or tubing damage or check the
wellbore condition.

• Mirrors can be used to inspect the bottomside of pipes or

equipment that are difficult to see because of their
inaccessible location.

• Magnets can be used to check the magnetic properties of a


Visual inspection is a vital part of a successful inspection

program. It is the simplest of inspection techniques and offers
the greatest economic potential. In addition, visual inspections
offer scheduling flexibility. Inspections can be performed while
the equipment or system is on-stream or during planned
downtimes or work stoppages. A visual inspection for internal
or external damage or corrosion can be performed any time a
piece of equipment is out of service.

Nondestructive testing (NDT) is an inspection technique that
detects defects in a test object without requiring post-inspection
repairs. This technique primarily involves looking at (or through)
a piece of equipment or measuring something about the
equipment as a means of locating and evaluating surface or
interior irregularities, discontinuities, or flaws. Nondestructive
evaluation (NDE) and nondestructive inspection (NDI) are other
terms associated with this type of inspection.

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NDT inspection techniques can be used to:

• Detect, locate, and evaluate defects

• Measure and evaluate dimensions (wall thicknesses)

• Determine the chemical composition of alloys

Common NDT tools and techniques include:

• Ultrasonic testing techniques such as pulse echo that uses

sound waves to penetrate an object and generate
reflections or echoes that detect irregularities within the
object, or changes in the object’s material properties.

• Radiography which detects material irregularities by using

an X-ray machine or radioactive isotope to produce the X
or gamma radiation that penetrates the test object.
Possible irregularities appear on shadowgraphs (the
developed film) as dark spots or density changes in the

• Magnetic particle inspection which uses an induced

magnetic field to detect and locate surface irregularities.
To detect flaws, iron particles (either dry or suspended in a
liquid) are dusted on the surface of a ferro-magnetic
material. Irregularities in the materials surface create
distortions in the magnetic field.

• Magnetic flux which is a special type of magnetic leak field

examination used to check loss of metal.

• Dye penetrant which are probably the most widely used

NDT method because they are easy to use and relatively
inexpensive. In this method, the dye solution is placed on
the cleaned surface of the test object or piece of
equipment. After the excess dye has been removed, a
developer is added to draw the penetrant out of
irregularities that open to the object’s surface. Penetrants
can be either dry or liquid, dyed, or fluorescent.

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• Thermography which is an infrared inspection technique

that is primarily used to check temperature variations over
the surface of an object. Detecting hot spots in heaters is
a typical application of thermography.

The data gathered by using NDT assists inspectors in

evaluating the severity of a flaw or determining the life span of a
piece of equipment. Such determinations improve operating
safety and lower maintenance and operating costs.

A primary advantage of NDT inspection is that, in many

instances, nondestructive testing can be performed while the
equipment is in use or online, thus avoiding costly shutdowns.
NDT also has the ability, through its recorded data, to direct any
required internal inspection to a specific problem area.
Additionally, the NDT method detects and monitors active and
growing defects while ignoring dormant fabrication defects.

Instrumented or intelligent scrapers are sophisticated pipeline
inspection tools used to detect and evaluate the deterioration of
buried and subsea pipelines. These scrapers are
nondestructive devices that use some type of inspection

There are two basic types of instrumented scrapers: fluid

propelled and umbilical (crawler).

• Fluid propelled scrapers moves with the flow of the

pipeline’s product (crude, natural gas, refined products, or
water). Most intelligent scrapers are fluid propelled.

• Umbilical (crawler) inspects specific parts of a pipeline

such as risers with heavy-wall or varying-wall thickness.
The umbilical scraper inspects within a limited distance.

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Instrumented scrapers, operationally proven and commercially

available, are classified according to inspection method. Typical
instrumented scrapers include:

• Ultrasonic scrapers use ultrasound and are capable of

qualifying and quantifying external and internal corrosion.
They provide a direct measurement of the wall thickness
and can be used for checking cracks. The most frequent
use of ultrasonic scrapers is to inspect pipes with heavy or
varying wall thickness.

• Camera scraper uses a camera to check the internal

condition of a pipeline. The photographs from this tool are
used to look for corrosion, confirm suspected internal
pipeline damage, and inspect girth welds. Other uses
include determining pipe cleaning efficiency and checking
the quality of internal coatings of a rehabilitated old

• Caliper scraper uses a caliper to detect dents or buckles,

pipe out of roundness (ovality), and abrupt changes in wall
thickness. A typical use of calipers is to inspect pipelines
after construction and prior to operation to detect any
damage resulting from construction.

• Magnetic flux leakage scraper uses the magnetic flux

leakage method to detect corrosion pits and general
corrosion in pipelines ranging in diameter from 4 to 48
inches. Although limited in their ability to detect certain
types of irregularities, magnetic flux leakage scrapers are
the tools most frequently used by pipeline operators to
detect corrosion.

• Eddy current scraper uses eddy current and are very

effective in detecting internal defects. They are also used
to detect severe general corrosion, parted or split pipe,
weight change, bends, crimped pipe, and lateral cracks.

In general, data gathered by instrumented scrapers assists in

preventing pipeline leaks, which are dangerous, potentially
polluting to the environment, and expensive to clean up and
repair. After buried and subsea pipelines have been in service
for several years, inspection of their condition becomes
important. Instrumented scrapers perform this vital function.

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Corrosion Survey
Downhole corrosion survey tools are wireline logging
instruments that are used to evaluate downhole casing and
tubing. They predict and detect various types of corrosion, both
internal and external. This technique is also nondestructive.

Downhole corrosion survey tools have the following categories.

Table 2. Downhole corrosion survey tools

Category Tool

Mechanical Calipers

Electromagnetic Pipe Analysis Log (PAL)

Electromagnetic Thickness Tool


Corrosion Protection Evaluation

Tool (CPET)

Ultrasonic Acoustic Casing Evaluation


Borehole Televiewer (BHTV)

Cement Evaluation Tool (CET)

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Following are the most common downhole corrosion survey


• Mechanical tools represent the traditional inspection

technology. In fact, the mechanical multifinger caliper is
one of the oldest and simplest tools available for
measuring changes in casing and tubing internal diameter.
By using spring-loaded feelers, these tools directly
measure general corrosion, pitting attack, or wear.
Unfortunately, even with recent improvements, the caliper’s
fingers may damage protective scale or internal coating
and possibly score the tubing wall in the process.
Corrosion inhibitors are usually used to prevent corrosion
at these locations.

• Electromagnetic tools use nondestructive, noncontact

methods to evaluate casings, both internally and externally,
and provide a log of corroded areas.

− Pipe analysis log (PAL) uses an electromagnetic flux

to locate pits and holes and an eddy current to
estimate the size (internal diameter only).

− The electromagnetic thickness tool (ETT), using the

eddy current method, is best at detecting areas of
generalized thinning, holes larger than 2 inches, and
vertical splits. The ETT is also the only tool available
for detecting casing flaws in the outer casing of
multiple strings.

− The corrosion protection evaluation tool (CPET)

records a potential or profile survey by using a
microvolt and resistance measurement to calculate
the amount and direction of current flowing in the

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• Ultrasonic survey tools use nondestructive methods to

measure casing ID, geometry, and thickness. This type of
tool is often used in combination with other downhole
inspection methods.

− The acoustic casing evaluation (ACE) tool detects

metal loss, casing deformation, internal roughness,
and evaluates cement. This tool is most effective in
the detection of large scale corrosion such as general
thinning and holes greater than 1 inch.

− The borehole televiewer (BHTV) is an acoustic

logging tool that produces a 360 degree image of the
inner casing wall to locate defects such as holes, pits,
splits, and general pipe geometry. This tool usually
evaluates short sections of deformed casing identified
by primary corrosion measurements as being
corroded or damaged.

Downhole corrosion survey tools accurately evaluate downhole

casing and tubing and provide a log of corroded areas. By
monitoring test procedures and interpreting the results,
inspectors emphasize the preventive aspects of a corrosion
inspection program.

Underwater NDT
Underwater inspection is used to investigate the following
• Gross damage
• Cracks
• Corrosion
• Cathodic protection potential levels
• Anode condition and percent depletion
• Debris
• Marine growth
• Scour depth and area

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Common underwater NDT tools and techniques include:

• Visual (diver or ROV) inspection is always the first

underwater inspection method used for conditions such as
general or localized corrosion and shallow or intense
pitting. Tape measures and pit gauges are generally used
to measure and monitor corrosion.

• Magnetic particle inspection is the most common

underwater NDT technique for investigating cracks.
Defects in the inspected material disrupt the magnetic flux
running through the material. Small ferromagnetic particles
applied to the surface are attracted to areas of high flux
activity. These particles can be dyed or made fluorescent
to provide maximum contrast.

• Flooded member detection is an ultrasonic technique that

determines if a normally dry platform member has water in
it. The presence of water indicates that the member has a
pit or crack in it.

• Radiography has been used for underwater inspection of

welds and detection of pitting on risers.

• Stereo photography, also a visual method, measures

corrosion pit depth.

• Ultrasonic wall thickness reading is an underwater

application of ultrasonic testing to measure wall thickness
of exposed risers. This testing method also checks for
internal scour and pitting.

• Cathodic protection potential can also be measured

underwater. These potential readings indicate the general
level of protection of platform members.

• AC potential drop (ACPD). is one of the newest

underwater inspection techniques. In this technique, a
high-frequency, alternating current passes through the
surface of the piece to be tested. The AC electrical field
generated follows the surface of the material, including the
sides of any surface-breaking defects. Potential drops
across any of these defects are then used to calculate
crack depths.

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The advantages of using underwater NDT techniques include

the ability to verify actual integrity of offshore structures.
Underwater NDT techniques make it possible to determine if a
repair is needed or if the repairs made underwater are

Other Techniques
Other inspection techniques are used to determine the chemical
compositions of alloys, determine the mechanical properties of a
metal, or listen to cracks grow in a metal.

Other inspection techniques include the following:

• Eddy current testing uses interruptions in the flow of

electrical currents (eddy currents) to detect irregularities or
changes in a material’s properties. Using an electronic
caliper, electromagnetic waves are sent through a test
object. Eddy currents are logged and decoded, and the
data is sent to a computer for monitoring and analysis.
This method is primarily used for the following purposes

− Measure or identify such conditions as electrical

conductivity, magnetic permeability, grain size, heat
treatment condition, and hardness

− Detect cracks, voids, and inclusions

− Sort dissimilar metals and detect differences in their

composition and microstructure

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• Acoustic emission (AE) is a nondestructive testing method

that detects and locates defects such as active stepwise
hydrogen cracking and blistering in wet hydrogen sulfide
environments. In this method, stress waves (acoustic
emissions) are produced by sudden movement in stressed
materials. Sudden movement in a metal, such as a crack
growing, produces waves that radiate out into the structure
and excite sensitive transducers. These signals are
amplified and measured to produce data for display and
interpretation. AE is most effective when a follow-up
method such as automated ultrasonics is used to size the
located defects. The acceptance of AE as a global
inspection method is expanding, due in part to comparison
tests in which AE has proven to be more reliable than
traditional methods (MPI, for example) in detecting and
locating defects.

• Alloy Chem-sorter is a device used to determine the

chemical composition of alloys. The Chem-Sorter uses an
electrographic extraction of metal ions from a metal
surface. Color spots that appear during the test are
specific to the various alloys.

• Texas Nuclear Metal Analyzer uses X-ray fluorescence to

determine the chemical composition of alloys. This type of
equipment can be used to prevent incorrect material
selection that can lead to premature failures. With this
equipment, the test material is exposed to a gamma-ray
beam. An X-ray is released by the material, and a
microprocessor converts the X-ray information into alloy
identification information.

• Ultrasonic hardness testers are compact, lightweight, and

easy to use. These testers can be used for pinpoint
positioning and, therefore, are very useful in inaccessible
areas. The hardness values determined by the tester
provide information about the mechanical properties of the
tested piece.

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Corrosion Inspection Program


A corrosion inspection program assesses the reliability and
integrity of oil field and refinery equipment. Inspections also
assist in verifying the need for repair and replacement of
equipment. In Saudi Aramco, the procedures in the corrosion
inspection program can be divided into three general categories.

• Procedures for establishing and maintaining engineering


• Procedures for the Equipment Inspection Schedule (EIS)

• Procedures for conducting inspections

The Bibliography section contains a list of Saudi Aramco

documents that govern the corrosion inspection procedures in
these three categories.

The most common terms and their acronyms used in the

Aramco documentation associated with corrosion inspection
may be found in the beginning of the Glossary. A knowledge of
this basic terminology can be of assistance in selecting and
using this documentation. For example, document titles with the
acronym SAIP????? usually contain step-by-step procedures
for conducting a specific type of inspection.

The Glossary for this session contains more information about

these terms and other basic terminology associated with the
Saudi Aramco corrosion inspection program.

The following inspection procedures will be addressed in this


• Inspection of plant facility and associated equipment

• Inspection intervals

• Responsibilities of inspectors

• Reporting and evaluating inspection results

• Interface between inspectors and corrosion engineers

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Inspection of Plant Facility and Associated Equipment

Test and Inspection (T&I) schedules must be prepared and

accepted for all company production, manufacturing, pipeline,
and terminal facilities. The steps to be followed for preparing,
revising, and accepting T&I schedules are described in Aramco
document G.I. 2.500 (see note in Bibliography).

Preparation requirements for T&I scheduling include the

appointment of a T&I Coordination Group for each area or
facility. This planning group is responsible for integrating initial
facility schedules (wherever necessary) into a composite Area
Schedule that is submitted to the Oil Supply, Planning, and
Scheduling (OSPAS) Department for approval.

T&I schedules should contain the following information.

• Initial Facility Schedules – tentative schedules of test and

inspection intervals based on approved Equipment
Inspection Schedule (EIS) intervals

• T&I Impact Statements – a statement describing the impact

a T&I shutdown would have on facility capacity and
production levels, or on associated systems

• T&I Downtimes – the reported length in days that a facility

is not in normal service or operation due to planned T&I

• Coordinated Area Schedule – a composite schedule

(wherever interaction is needed) that coordinates all initial
facility schedules

The tentative three-year T&I Area Schedule is submitted

annually by the end of May to OSPAS by the T&I Coordination
Group. Figure 4 illustrates the approval process for T&I
Schedules. For additional information concerning this process,
refer to G.I. 2.500 (see note in Bibliography).

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 23

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Figure 4. OSPAS Approval

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 24

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Corrosion Inspection Program

As Figure 4 illustrates, coordination between area facility

schedules is required. Company-wide coordination of T&I
schedules is also required to ensure that product demand
commitments with the government are met. Coordination of
schedules also ensures that sufficient manpower, equipment,
and materials will be provided during peak T&I workloads.

Inspection Intervals

Saudi Aramco document SAEP-20 establishes the maximum

allowable time intervals between equipment start-up and initial
T&I and between subsequent T&I’s. These intervals are
regulated to ensure safe, reliable, and economic operation of

Fixed equipment that is assigned an Equipment Inspection

Schedule (EIS) includes vessels, boilers, heat exchangers,
columns, tanks piping, valves, and fittings. This equipment will
be an assigned EIS for the following services: utilities,
production, processing, storage, and transportation of oil, gas,
and by-products.

Critical community facilities whose failure could be hazardous or

could cause serious inconvenience to the community are also
assigned EISs.

Initial T&I (I-T&I) intervals are assigned to all new and rebuilt
equipment. Internal components are checked for defects in
these initial inspections and data is gathered which can be used
to fix subsequent inspection intervals.

I-T&I and subsequent T&I interval assignments before start-up

are assigned by the Project Manager for new or rebuilt
equipment. Interval assignments are based on a knowledge of
materials and process, by designer or vendor advice, and by
operator experience.

I-T&I and T&I intervals after start-up are assigned by the

Operations Inspection Supervisor with assistance from Plant
Corrosion and Process Engineers. Company staff consultants
and operators of similar equipment can also be of assistance.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 25

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Corrosion Inspection Program

The following factors should be used as a basis for determining

I-T&I and T&I intervals.

• Remaining equipment life

• Corrosion service criteria

SAEP-20 states that, “Remaining equipment life is based on the

existing corrosion allowance thickness divided by the expected
or historical corrosion rate.”

For example, a 20-year design life is often used for equipment

accounting schedules. Therefore, a 75-mm/a (3 mpy) average
corrosion rate would require a 1.5 mm (0.060 in.) corrosion

When using remaining life as the basis for assigning inspection

intervals, API Standard 510 requires a T&I interval at no more
than one-half the calculated remaining equipment life. Two
exceptions to this standard are detailed in AEP-20; interval
extensions and deviations.

Expected corrosion service can also be used to determine

maximum I-T&I and maximum subsequent T&I intervals. Table
3, reproduced in this module from SAEP-20, illustrates the
relationship between corrosion service and certain types of T&I

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 26

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Table 3. Maximum T&I Intervals Versus Corrosion Service

Corrosion Service Initial T&I Interval (months) Subsequent

Class Criteria Standard New T&I Intervals1

Equipment Technology
Equipment (months)

0 380 mm/a 24 12 30

Performance Alert2 (15 mpy) and

up or Special

1 150 to 30 24 60

Corrosive Service 380 mm/a

(6 to 15 mpy)

2 75 to 150 60 30 1203
Mild Corrosive
Service (3 to 6 mpy)

3 Less than 120 60 1203,4

75 mm/a
Low Corrosive
Service (3 mpy)

Subsequent T&I intervals shall not exceed those listed for specific
equipment listed in Table 2, excerpted from AEP-20.
“Performance Alert” (Class 0) refers to special material or process
conditions to address problems such as deaerator cracking, stress-relief-
waived weld repairs, molecular sieve plugging, relief-valve waived weld
repairs, molecular sieve, plugging, relief-valve fouling (dirty) service
conditions, etc. Also Class 0 refers to problems that require special
monitoring such as for cracking, blistering, oxidation, creep, fatigue, fouling,
and localized corrosion/erosion attack sites.
When equipment life depends upon internal coating integrity, the maximum
T&I interval shall be 60 months.

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Corrosion Inspection Program

The following definitions apply to the information in Table 3.

Standard Equipment Refers to equipment that has a known

material performance history due to
similar applications documented in the

New Technology Refers to equipment used for new

Equipment processes or for equipment that, for
other reasons, has unproven material

Performance Alert Refers to special material or process

(Class 0) conditions that address problems such
as deaerator cracking, stress-relief-
waived weld repairs, molecular sieve
plugging, relief-valve fouling service
conditions, etc.

Also refers to problems that require

special monitoring such as cracking,
blistering, oxidation, creep, fatigue,
fouling, and localized corrosion/erosion
attack sites.

If internal coating is a factor in equipment life, the maximum T&I

interval should be 60 months. Also, if RLPG storage tanks are
operating at less than 2.5 psig (17 kPa), the T&I interval can be
extended to 240 months.

In addition to the guidelines in Table 3, Saudi Aramco has set

the following maximum intervals for subsequent T&I’s on certain
equipment as shown in.

T&I interval can be extended to 240 months for RLPG Storage Tanks
operating at less than 2.5 psig (17 kPa).

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 28

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Table 4. Specific T&I Intervals

Equipment T&I Intervals (months)5

Air receiver, portable 36/726
Air receivers, stationary 60/1206
Air surge drums, small7 120
Boilers, fired 24
Boilers, unfired 36
Deaerators 30
Furnaces, fired 60
Flare stacks 60
GOSP traps, dry crude 120
GOSP traps, wet crude 60
Process vessels, corrosive service 60
Process vessels, mild corrosive service 120
Storage tanks – at 10 psig (69 kPa) and less, including 120
Storage tanks, RLPG – at less than 2.5 psig (17 kPa) 240
Parallel equipment – See SAEP-20, Sec. 3.5.8
Mothballed equipment –– See SAER 2365, Appendix A

The selected T&I Intervals may be less than the indicated maximums, but
shall not be greater.
The longer interval is acceptable if a UT angle beam OSI survey is passed
12 to 6 months before the start of the scheduled interval.
Small air surge drums have a capacity of four cubic feet (30 gallons or 114
liters) or less. Larger air surge drums fall under the regular “air receiver”
category for T&I intervals.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 29

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Since actual corrosion rates or related effects are influenced by

processing conditions, revisions may need to be made to the
inspection intervals contained in the original EIS. Revision
proposals, supported by sufficient operation or inspection data,
can be submitted to Operations by the responsible area
inspection unit. If Operations concurs, a revised EIS is
submitted for review and approval in a procedure detailed in
SAEP-20 section 3.9.2.

The following elements can influence T&I scheduling and


• Corrosion rate variations

• T&I history

• On-stream inspection (OSI) performance

• Parallel equipment

Corrosion Rate
Corrosion rate variations include conditions such as wet lay-up
or process upsets can expose equipment to greatly accelerated
corrosion rates. Process and outage problems should be
documented and evaluated to determine if T&I intervals should
be reduced.

T&I History
T&I history is the operational and repair history of similar
equipment used under similar process conditions. This data
can be used to determine appropriate T&I intervals.

Inspection (OSI)
On-stream inspection (OSI) performance information can be
used to support a modification in T&I intervals. This type of
inspection can be conducted at any time, with maximum OSI
intervals based on API Standard 510.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 30

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Parallel equipment refers to equipment in a plant with identical
operating conditions such as process trains and exchanger
banks. After initial inspection, if the internal conditions
(corrosion/erosion patterns and locations, for example) are
similar on all pieces of parallel equipment, then all units do not
have to be individually inspected on subsequent inspections.
For each subsequent inspection, a different train or piece of
equipment can be selected to represent the group. If a problem
is found on the representative unit, then all similar items must
be inspected. Otherwise, the results of the inspection on one
will be considered representative of all parallel units. No parallel
equipment units will be allowed to skip more than two scheduled

Responsibilities of Inspectors

Inspectors play a key role in the success of any inspection

program. Inspections can be successful in eliminating
unscheduled shutdowns if standards are observed, inspections
are properly performed, and accurate records are kept by the
people performing the inspections.

In general, an inspector has the following responsibilities.

• To perform basic inspection techniques

• To apply acceptance standards and specifications

• To understand how inspection data will be used

In addition to being able to perform basic inspection techniques

such as visual examination, magnetic particle inspection, and
dye penetrant testing, inspectors should also know how to work
with service companies in performing techniques such as
radiography, acoustic emission, and eddy current testing.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 31

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Corrosion Inspection Program

In the field, the primary role of the inspector is to perform the

following tasks.

• Observe and measure wall thickness of piping and


• Review overall performance of materials (alloys, internal

coatings, liners, catalyst, etc.)

• Document observations and measurements

• Analyze potential problems

• Document special inspection steps, important equipment

problems, or problems that could impact procedures or

• Assist in assessing the reliability and integrity of inspected

equipment and piping

Reporting and Evaluating Inspection Results

T&I intervals should be assigned for each equipment unit listed

on an Equipment Inspection Schedule, shown in Figure 5. The
right column beside each equipment unit is used to document
special inspection techniques by entering a brief description of
the procedures.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 32

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Corrosion Inspection Program






OSI 1st T&I


Figure 5. Equipment Inspection Schedule (EIS) Form

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 33

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Corrosion Inspection Program

In addition to special inspection procedures, important

equipment problems such as an unexpectedly high corrosion
rate, cracking, or blistering should be documented. An
inspector should also document other problems that could have
an impact on the T&I interval or the manner in which inspections
are conducted.

Interface Between Inspectors and Corrosion Engineers

Inspectors and corrosion engineers must work closely to ensure

that the inspection program is successful. After all, the data
provided by inspectors is used to assess not only the condition
of the inspected equipment but also the accuracy of the T&I
intervals that were assigned in the original Equipment Inspection
Schedule (EIS).

If revisions do need to be made to the original EIS, the inspector

can provide the corrosion engineer with sufficient operation and
inspection data required to support a change.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 34

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Corrosion Inspection Program


Acronym Term

BOE Board of Engineers

CSD Technical Services Department

EIS Equipment Inspection Schedules

GI General Instructions

OSI On-Stream Inspection

OSPAS Oil Supply, Planning and Scheduling


RA Requirement Action

SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

SAIP Saudi Aramco Inspection Procedures

T&I Test and Inspection

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 35

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Bathtub Failure Distribution showing failure rate over the operating life
Distribution of a system

BOE Board of Engineers

Cathodic Protection A corrosion prevention technique in which electrical

currents are used to prevent corrosion on a structure

Critical Community Facilities such as water heaters, cooling towers,

Facilities boilers, and chillers

Defect A discontinuity whose size, shape, orientation,

location, or properties make it detrimental to the useful
service of the part in which it occurs or which exceeds
the accept/reject criteria for the given design

Developer (penetrant) Chemical used to enhance the visibility of small

amounts of penetrant bleeding from small
discontinuities. Developers draw or absorb penetrant
material from a surface discontinuity to allow the
penetrant to be visible under natural or black light.

Discontinuity Any interruption in the normal physical structure or

configuration of a part, such as crack, laps, seams,
inclusions, or porosity. A discontinuity may or may not
affect the usefulness of a part.

Downhole Corrosion Wireline logging instruments that are used to evaluate

Survey Tools downhole casing and tubing

Downtime Scheduled or unscheduled work stoppage

Echo Reflection of waves

EIS Equipment Inspection Schedule

Ferro-Magnetic Iron-containing material that can be magnetized

Fixed Equipment Equipment that is not designed with rotating parts to

propel process fluids, but is designed to contain
process, transport, and control fluids. Examples are
tanks, vessels, piping, and valves.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 36

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Flaw Defect or imperfection in a material; hidden fault that

may cause failure of a material under stress

Fluorescent Type of dye that indicates defects when ultraviolet light

is used

Girth Circumference

Instrumented Scraper Sophisticated pipeline inspection tool used to detect

and evaluate the deterioration of buried and subsea
pipe wall using built-in system intelligence

Minimum Design The minimum wall thickness (Tm) of piping, tanks, and
Thickness vessels as calculated with certain safety factors to
handle the specified maximum service conditions

New Technology Equipment used for new processes or equipment that,

Equipment for other reasons, has unproven material performance

Nondestructive An inspection technique that detects defects in a test

Testing (NDT) object without requiring post-inspection repairs

OSI On-Stream Inspection

OSPAS Oil Supply, Planning, and Scheduling Department

Parallel Equipment Equipment in a plant with identical operating conditions

such as process trains and exchanger banks. After
initial inspection, if the internal conditions are similar
on all pieces of parallel equipment, then all units do not
have to be individually inspected on subsequent

Penetrant Penetrating liquid used to detect flaws

Performance Alert Refers to special material or process conditions that

(Class 0) address problems such as deaerator cracking, stress-
relief-waived weld repairs, molecular sieve plugging,
relief-valve fouling service conditions, and so on. Also
refers to problems that require special monitoring such
as cracking, blistering, oxidation, creep, fatigue,
fouling, and localized corrosion/erosion attack sites.

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Corrosion Inspection Program

RA Requirement Action; action to develop a new

requirement or revise/cancel an existing requirement

Retirement Thickness The minimum wall thickness (Tr) that is provided in

01-AIP-02-0 for piping and equal to Tm for tanks and
vessels. Tr values are equal to or greater than the
corresponding Tm values for piping.

Shutdown Time during which equipment is not operating

Squeeze Treatment Treatment that involves forcing a chemical into the

formation with a resulting feedback of the chemical
over a period of time

Standard Equipment Equipment that has a known material performance

history due to similar applications documented in the

Stress Corrosion Cracking caused by the combination of a specific

environment and stress

Suitability-for-Service Integrity of equipment


T&I History Operational and repair history of similar equipment

used under similar process conditions that can be
used to determine appropriate T&I intervals

T&I Interval Time between scheduled T&I equipment downtimes

Ultrasonic Testing Nondestructive method of determining wall thickness

or the location of flaws within any material capable of
conducting sound

Visual Inspection Inspection methods involving visual examination,

enhanced or assisted by simple inspection tools such
as fiber optics, mirrors, and magnets

Workovers Repairs made to equipment in order to place it back in


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Corrosion Inspection Program



This work aid consists of tables which specify the corrosion

detection method and its primary uses.

Table 5. Corrosion Detection Method and Primary Uses



Visual Techniques

Fiber optics Uses an optical instrument to visually inspect the interior

surfaces of pipes or other hard-to-reach places
Pit gauges Used to measure the depth and width of a depression or
cavity in a metal surface.
Camera (such as the Used to confirm suspected internal casing or tubing
downhole cameras) damage, or check the wellbore condition; provides
photographs of the inside surface of a well casing or
production tubing
Mirrors Used to inspect the bottomside of pipes or equipment
that are difficult to see because of their inaccessible
Magnets Used to check the magnetic properties of a material

Nondestructive Testing

Ultrasonics (such as Detects irregularities within the object, or changes in the

pulse echo). object’s material properties.
Radiography Detects material irregularities.
Magnetic particle Uses an induced magnetic field to detect and locate
surface irregularities in Ferro-magnetic material.
Magnetic flux A special type of magnetic leak field examination used to
check loss of meta.l

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 39

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Table 5. (Cont’d)

Dye penetrant Used to check surface irregularities, cheapest and

Thermography (infared) Primarily used to check temperature variations over the
surface of an object such as detecting hot spots in
Instrumented Scrapers
Ultrasonic scrapers Detects and quantifies external and internal corrosion.
Provide a direct measurement of the wall thickness and
can be used for checking cracks. The most frequent use
of ultrasonic scrapers is to inspect pipes with heavy or
varying wall thickness.
Camera scraper (uses a Check the internal condition of a pipeline. The
camera to take photographs show corrosion, confirm suspected internal
photographs) pipeline damage, and inspect girth welds. Other uses
include determining pipe cleaning efficiency and
checking the quality of internal coatings of a rehabilitated
old pipeline.
Caliper scraper (uses a Detect dents or buckles, pipe out of roundness (ovality),
caliper to take and abrupt changes in wall thickness. Used to inspect
measurement) pipelines after construction and prior to operation to
detect any damage resulting from construction.
Magnetic flux leakage Detects corrosion pits and general corrosion in pipelines
scraper (uses the ranging in diameter from 4 to 48 inches; most frequently
magnetic flux leakage used by pipeline operators to detect corrosion.
Eddy current scraper Very effective in detecting internal defects. They are
(uses eddy current) also used to detect severe general corrosion, parted or
split pipe, weight change, bends, crimped pipe, and
lateral cracks.
Downhole Corrosion
Survey Tools
Mechanical tools Used to measure changes in casing and tubing internal
(multifinger caliper) diameter, directly measure general corrosion, pitting
attack, or wear. May damage wall surface of casing.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 40

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Table 5. Cont’d)

Downhole Corrosion
Survey Tools (Cont’d)
Electromagnetic tools
Electromagnetic tools
Pipe analysis log (PAL) Uses an electromagnetic flux to locate pits and holes
uses an electromagnetic
flux Uses eddy current to estimate the size (internal diameter
The electromagnetic Using the eddy current method, is best at detecting
thickness tool (ETT), areas of generalized thinning, holes larger than 2 inches,
and vertical splits. The only tool available for detecting
casing flaws in the outer casing of multiple strings.
The corrosion protection Used to records a potential or profile survey by using a
evaluation tool (CPET) microvolt and resistance measurement to calculate the
records a potential or amount and direction of current flowing in the casing
profile survey by using a
microvolt and resistance
measurement to calculate
the amount and direction
of current flowing in the
Ultrasonic survey tools
The acoustic casing Detects metal loss, casing deformation, internal
evaluation (ACE) tool roughness, and evaluates cement. This tool is most
effective in the detection of large scale corrosion such as
general thinning and holes greater than 1 inch.
The borehole televiewer Used to locate defects such as holes, pits, splits, and
(BHTV) (an acoustic general pipe geometry. This tool usually evaluates short
logging tool that produces sections of deformed casing identified by primary
a 360 degree image of corrosion measurements as being corroded or damaged.
the inner casing wall)

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 41

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Table 5. Cont’d)

Underwater NDT
Visual (diver or ROV) Used for conditions such as general or localized
(Tape measures and pit corrosion and shallow or intense pitting. Tape measures
gauges are generally and pit gauges are generally used to measure and
used to measure and monitor corrosion
monitor corrosion).
Magnetic particle Most common underwater NDT technique for
investigating cracks.
Flooded member Used to determine if a normally dry platform member has
(ultrasonic technique) water in it, which would that the member has a pit or
crack in it.
Radiography Used for underwater inspection of welds and detection of
pitting on risers.
Stereo photography Used to measure corrosion pit depth.
(visual method)
Ultrasonic wall thickness Used to measure wall thickness of exposed risers. Also
reading checks for internal scour and pitting.
Cathodic protection These potential readings indicate the general level of
potential cathodic protection of platform members.
AC potential drop (ACPD) The AC electrical field generated follows the surface of
the material, including the sides of any surface-breaking
defects. Potential drops across any of these defects are
then used to calculate crack depths.
Other Testing Methods

Eddy Current Measures or identify such conditions as electrical

conductivity, magnetic permeability, grain size, heat
treatment condition, and hardness.

Detects cracks, voids, and inclusions.

Sorts dissimilar metals and detect differences in their

composition and microstructure

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 42

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Corrosion Inspection Program

Table 5. Cont’d)

Acoustic emission (AE) Detects and locates defects such as active (growing)
stepwise hydrogen cracking and blistering in wet
hydrogen sulfide environments.

Most effective when a follow-up method such as

automated ultrasonics is used to size the located defects.

Alloy Chem-sorter Used to determine the chemical composition of alloys.

Color spots that appear during the test are specific to the
various alloys.

Texas Nuclear Metal Determines the chemical composition of alloys using X-

Analyzer Ray. Used to prevent incorrect material selection that
can lead to premature failures.

Ultrasonic hardness Useful in inaccessible areas. The hardness values

tester provide information about the mechanical properties of
the tested piece.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 43

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Corrosion Inspection Program



This Work Aid consists to the two documents listed in the

Bibliography that are located in the Addendum.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 44

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Corrosion Inspection Program


Saudi Aramco Document G.I. 2.500(Classroom use only*)

Saudi Aramco Document SAEP-20

Note: This GI no longer exists. It is being replaced with an

SAEP (Number not given yet).

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 45

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