Gleason CV 7
Gleason CV 7
Gleason CV 7
Department of Biological Sciences
California State University, Sacramento phone: (916) 278-6152
6000 J Street e-mail:
Sacramento, CA 95819
Assistant Professor, California State University, Sacramento (Sac State), Sacramento, California
Department of Biological Sciences August 2017 - present
Sac State Department of Biological Sciences Goethe Award, 1 WTU + $2000 2019
Sac State Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Award, $3000 2019
Sac State Department of Biological Sciences Spring Delisle Funds, $400 2019
Sac State Research and Creative Activities Award, $7500 2018
Sac State Department of Biological Sciences Fall Delisle Funds, $500 2018
Sac State CIMERA IRA funds, $1300 2018
Sac State Department of Biological Sciences Goethe Award, $2498 2018
California Sea Grant New Faculty Special Focus Awards, $70,000 (applied, not awarded) 2018
Sac State Pedagogy Enhancement Award, 3 WTU + $500 2018
Sac State Department of Biological Sciences Spring Delisle Funds, $500 2018
Sac State CIMERA IRA funds, $1200 2017
Journal of Experimental Biology Traveling Fellowship, $2850 2016
SIO Department Graduate Student Excellence Travel Award, $1116 2015
NSF Travel Fellowship for the 10th annual Ecological Genomics Symposium, $400 2012
UCSD Academic Senate Grant, $7520 2012
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP), $132,000 2010
Center for Teaching Excellence, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California
Teaching Certificate September – December 2015
The College Classroom, Center for Teaching Development, UC San Diego, La Jolla, California
Certificate of Completion Fall 2014
Volunteer students Chelsea Brown & Gloria Edejer June 2019 – present
Project: Molecular identification and thermal tolerance comparison of two southern California
intertidal marine snail Tegula species
Volunteer and BIO199 students Danielle Nestler, Cristina Rodriguez January 2019 – present
& Carissa Romero
Project: Assessing phenotypic effects of heat stress and starvation in the economically important
red abalone, Haliotis rufescens
BIO199 students Lizvette Ayala-Valdez, Amanda Bedolla & Lourdes Calisa January 2019 - present
Project: Using RNA-seq to investigate regional differences in heat stress recovery in the intertidal
marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis
Volunteer students Joy Gaines, Danielle Nestler, August 2018 – December 2018
Allison Krebs, Carissa Romero & Lourdes Calisa
Project: Assessing survival following heat stress in northern and southern California populations
of the marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis
Volunteer students Joy Gaines & Phillip Zoucha January 2018 – May 2018
Project: Establishing saltwater aquaria facilities for the marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis
BIO199 students Lizvette Ayala-Valdez & Amanda Bedolla August 2017 – December 2018
Project: Repeated tissue sampling to correlate gene expression and heat stress survival in the
marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis
Gleason LU (in press) Applications and future directions for population transcriptomics in marine
invertebrates. Current Molecular Biology Reports.
Gleason LU, Strand E, Hizon B, Dowd WW (2018) Plasticity of thermal tolerance and its relationship
with growth rate in juvenile mussels (Mytilus californianus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285:
Gleason LU, Miller LP, Winnikoff JR, Somero GN, Yancey PH, Bratz D, Dowd WW (2017) Thermal
history and gape of individual Mytilus californianus correlate with oxidative damage and
thermoprotective osmolytes. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 4292-4304.
Gleason LU, Burton RS (2016) Regional patterns of thermal stress and constitutive gene expression in
the marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis in northern and southern California. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 556: 143-159.
Gleason LU, Burton RS (2016) Genomic evidence for ecological divergence against a background of
population homogeneity in the marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis. Molecular Ecology 25: 3557-
Gleason LU, Burton RS (2015) RNA-seq reveals regional differences in transcriptome response to
heat stress in the marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis. Molecular Ecology 24: 610-627.
Gleason LU, Burton RS (2013) Phenotypic evidence for local adaptation to heat stress in the marine
snail Chlorostoma (formerly Tegula) funebralis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and
Ecology 448: 360-366.
Gleason LU, Burton RS (2012) High-throughput molecular identification of fish eggs using multiplex
suspension bead arrays. Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 57-66.
Gleason LU. Using ecological genomics to identify genes responsible for heat tolerance in marine
mollusks. Evolution & Ecology Seminar Series, University of California Davis. February 2019.
Gleason LU, Burton RS, Dowd WW. Using ecological genomics to identify genes responsible for
heat tolerance in the era of global warming. Biological Sciences Seminar Series, California State
University Chico. February 2018.
Gleason LU, Burton RS, Dowd WW. Using ecological genomics to identify genes responsible for
heat tolerance in the era of global warming. Ecological and Environmental Issues Seminar, California
State University Sacramento. September 2017.
Gleason LU, Burton RS, Dowd WW. Ecological genomics of an intertidal marine snail: Local
adaptation to heat stress in Chlorostoma funebralis. Biological Sciences Seminar Series, California
State University Long Beach. November 2016.
Gleason LU, Burton RS, Dowd WW. Ecological genomics of an intertidal marine snail: Population
structure and local adaptation to heat stress in Chlorostoma (formerly Tegula) funebralis. Biology
Seminar Series, Loyola Marymount University. October 2015.
Gleason LU. Assessing phenotypic effects of heat stress and starvation in the economically important
red abalone Haliotis rufescens. 2019 CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science, and Technology
(COAST) Annual Meeting. Long Beach, California.
*Calisa L, Gleason LU. Population and life stage-specific responses to heat stress in the marine snail
Chlorostoma funebralis. 2019 West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference.
San Diego, California.
*Nestler D, *Romero C, Gleason LU. Assessing phenotypic effects of heat stress and starvation in the
economically important red abalone Haliotis rufescens. 2019 West Coast Biological Sciences
Undergraduate Research Conference. San Diego, California.
*Calisa L, Gleason LU. Population and life stage-specific responses to heat stress in the intertidal
marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis. 2019 Sac State Student Research Spring Symposium.
Sacramento, California.
Gleason LU, Burton RS. Regional patterns of thermal stress and constitutive gene expression in the
marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis in northern and southern California. 2018 Society for Integrative
and Comparative Biology Conference. San Francisco, California.
Gleason LU, Miller LP, Winnikoff JR, Somero GN, Yancey PH, Bratz D, Dowd WW. Individual
metrics of body temperature and behavior explain variation in oxidative damage and thermoprotective
osmolytes in Mytilus californianus. 2017 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Gleason LU, Burton RS. Genomic evidence for ecological divergence against a background of
population homogeneity in the marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis. 2016 Society for Integrative and
Comparative Biology Conference. Portland, Oregon.
Gleason LU, Burton RS. Genomic evidence for ecological divergence against a background of
population homogeneity in the marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis. 2015 Society for the Study of
Evolution Conference. Guarujá, Brazil.
Gleason LU, Burton RS. RNA-seq reveals regional differences in the transcriptome response to heat
stress in Chlorostoma funebralis. 2014 Society for the Study of Evolution Conference. Raleigh,
North Carolina.
Gleason LU, Burton RS. RNA-seq reveals population differences in the transcriptome response to
heat stress in Chlorostoma funebralis. 2013 Society for the Study of Evolution Conference. Snowbird,
*Ayala-Valdez L, Gleason LU. Using RNA-sequencing to study regional differences during heat
stress recovery in the marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis. 2019 Society for the Study of Evolution
Conference. Providence, Rhode Island.
*Bedolla A, Gleason LU. Developing methods to study genetic mechanisms of population and life-
stage specific thermal tolerance in the marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis. 2019 Society for the Study
of Evolution Conference. Providence, Rhode Island.
*Romero C, Gleason LU. Assessing phenotypic effects of heat stress and starvation in the
economically important red abalone Haliotis rufescens. 2019 Society for the Study of Evolution
Conference. Providence, Rhode Island.
*Ayala-Valdez L, *Bedolla A, Gleason LU. Developing tissue sampling and RNA extraction
methods to study genetic mechanisms of thermal tolerance in the marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis.
2019 Annual CSU Biotechnology Symposium. Garden Grove, California.
*Ayala-Valdez L, *Bedolla A, Gleason LU. Developing tissue sampling and RNA extraction
methods to study genetic mechanisms of thermal tolerance in the marine snail Chlorostoma funebralis.
2018 Sac State NSM Research Symposium. Sacramento, California.
*Krebs A, *Nestler D, Gleason LU. Assessing phenotypic effects of heat stress and starvation in the
economically important red abalone, Haliotis rufescens. 2018 Sac State NSM Research Symposium.
Sacramento, California.
*Zoucha P, Gleason LU. Population genetics and phylogeographic relationships of the vernal pool
fairy shrimp Branchinecta lynchi. 2018 Sac State Student Research Spring Symposium. Sacramento,
Professional Panel Member, Women’s Shadow Day, Sac State, Sacramento, CA April 2019
Answered questions from female high school students about STEM careers
Pedagogy Enhancement Award Reviewer, Sac State, Sacramento, CA January 2019
Reviewed five proposals and provided recommendations for funding