GATE-2011 Question Paper & Answer Keys

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Question Paper
Answer Keys

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2. Question Paper & Answer keys

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Civil Engineering

Geomatics Engineering
Engineering Mathematics Solid Mechanics
3% General Aptitude 13% Structural
15% Analysis
Transportation Reinforced Cement 4%
Engineering Concrete
9% 7%

Geotechnical Steel
Hydrology & Engineering Structures
Irrigation 16% 5%

Fluid Mechanics

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GATE-2011 CE

GATE-2011- CE
NO OF Total
SUBJECT Topics Asked in Paper
Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods
Engineering 1 M: 3
Probability and Distribution, Complex Variables 13
Mathematics 2 M: 5
Calculus, Differential Equations
1 M: 1 Shear Force and Bending Moment
Solid Mechanics 3
2 M: 1 Torsion
1 M: 0
Structural Analysis Slope and Deflection Method 4
2 M: 2
Basic of Mix Design
Reinforced Cement 1 M: 3
Concrete Technology 7
Concrete 2 M: 2
Analysis of Ultimate Load Capacity
1 M:1 Welded Connections, Plastic Analysis
Steel Structures 5
2 M:2 Beams
Index Properties and Soil Classification
Geotechnical 1 M: 6 Permeability and Seepage, Bearing Capacity
Engineering 2 M: 5 Shear Strength, Stress Analysis, Pile Foundation
Consolidation, Shear Strength
1 M: 1 Fluid Statics
Fluid Mechanics 3
2 M: 1 Flow Through Pipes
Hydrology & 1 M: 3 Hydrology
Irrigation 2 M: 4 Open Channel Flow
Water Supply and its Treatment
Environmental 1 M: 3 Quality Standards of Water
Engineering 2 M: 4 Air Pollution and Noise Pollution
Sludge Disposal
Traffic Characteristics
Geometric Design of Highway
Transportation 1 M: 3 Testing and Specifications of Paving Materials
Engineering 2 M: 3 Traffic Characteristics
Geometric Design of Highway
Intersection Design
Geomatics 1 M: 1 Leveling
Engineering 2 M: 1 Theodolite & Traversing
1 M: 5 Numerical Ability
General Aptitude 15
2 M: 5 Verbal Ability
Total 65 100

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GATE-2011 CE

GATE 2011 Examination

Civil Engineering

Q.1 to Q. 25 carries one mark each.

1. [A] is square matrix which is neither symmetric nor skew-symmetric and is its transpose.
The sum and difference of these matrices are defined as
[S] = [A] + and [D] = [A] , respectively. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
(A) Both [S] and [D] are symmetric
(B) Both [S] and [D] are skew-symmetric
(C) [S] is skew-symmetric and [D] is symmetric
(D) [S] is symmetric and [D] is skew symmetric
[Ans. D]

2. The square root of a number N is to be obtained by applying the Newton Raphson iterations to
the equation x If i denotes the iteration index, the correct iteration scheme will be
( )x (x ) ( )x (x )
x x
( )x (x ) ( )x (x )
x x
[Ans. A]

3. There are two containers with one containing 4 red and 3 green balls and the other containing
3 blue and 4 green balls. One ball is drawn at random from each container. The probability that
one of the balls is red and the other is blue will be
(A) 1/7 (C) 12/49
(B) 9/49 (D) 3/7
[Ans. C]

4. For the fillet weld of size ‘s’ shown in the adjoining figure the effective throat thickness is

Fillet weld

(A) 0.61s (C) 0.70s

(B) 0.65s (D) 0.75s
[Ans. B]

5. AA 16mm thick plate measuring 650 mm × 420 mm is used as a base plate for an ISHB 300
column subjected to a factored axial compressive load of k As per IS: 456:2000, the
minimum grade of concrete that should be used below the base plate for safely carrying load is
(A) M 15 (C) M 30
(B) M 20 (D) M 40
[Ans. B]
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6. Consider a reinforcing bar embedded in concrete. In a marine environment this bar undergoes
uniform corrosion, which leads to deposition of corrosion products on its surface and an
increase in apparent volume of the bar. This subjects the surrounding concrete to expansive
pressure. As a result, corrosion cracks appear at surface of concrete. Which of the following
statement is true?
(A) Corrosion causes circumferential tensile stress in concrete and the cracks will be parallel
to corroded reinforcing bar.
(B) Corrosion causes radial tensile stresses in concrete and cracks will be parallel to corroded
reinforcing bar.
(C) Corrosion causes circumferential tensile stresses in concrete and cracks will be
perpendicular to the direction corroded reinforcing bar.
(D) Corrosion causes radial tensile stresses in concrete and cracks will be perpendicular to
direction of the corroded reinforcing bar.
[Ans. C]

7. The results for sieve analysis carried out for three types of sand, P, Q and R, are given in the
adjoining figure. If the fineness modulus values of the three sands are given as FMP, FMQ and
FMR it can be stated that
Percentage passing


Sieve size
(A) FMQ = √F F (C) FMP> FMQ> FMR
(B) FMQ = 0.5 (FMP + FMR) (D) FMP< FMQ< FMR
[Ans. A]

8. The cross-section of a thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) reinforcing bar has

(A) Soft ferrite-pearlite throughout.
(B) Hard martensite throughout
(C) A soft ferrite-pearlite core with a hard martensitic rim.
(D) A hard martensitic core with a soft pearlite-bainitic rim.
[Ans. C]

9. Consider a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load having a neutral axis
(NA) as shown. For points P (on the neutral axis) and Q (at the bottom of the beam) the state
of stress is best represented by which of the following pairs?



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(A) (C)

(B) (D)

[Ans. *]

10. For a saturated sand deposit, the void ratio and the specific gravity of solids are 0.70 and 2.67,
respectively. The critical (upward) hydraulic gradient for the deposit would be
(A) 0.54 (C) 1.02
(B) 0.98 (D) 1.87
[Ans. B]

11. Likelihood of general shear failure for an isolated footing in sand decreases with
(A) Decreasing footing depth
(B) Decreasing inter-granular packing of the sand
(C) Increasing footing width
(D) Decreasing soil grain compressibility
[Ans. B]

12. For a sample of dry, cohesionless soil with friction angle, , the failure plane will be inclined to
the major principal plane by an angle equal to
(A) (C) ⁄
(B) 45° (D) ⁄
[Ans. D]

13. Two geometrically identical isolated footings, X (linear elastic) and Y (rigid), are loaded
identically (shown below). The soil reaction will
Uniform pressure Uniform pressure

Footing X: Linear elastic Footing Y: Rigid

Isotropic linear Isotropic linear

elastic soil elastic soil

(A) Be uniformly distributed for Y but not for X

(B) Be uniformly distributed for X but not for Y
(C) Be uniformly distributed for both X and Y
(D) Not be uniformly distributed for both X and Y
[Ans. A]

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GATE-2011 CE

14. A soil is composed of solid spherical grains of identical specific gravity and diameter between
0.075mm and 0.0075mm. If the terminal velocity of the largest particle falling through water
without flocculation is 0.5 mm/s, that for the smallest particle would be
(E) 0.005 mm/s (G) 5 mm/s
(F) 0.05 mm/s (H) 50 mm/s
[Ans. A]

15. A watershed got transformed from rural to urban over a period of time. The effect of
urbanization on storm runoff hydrograph from the watershed is to
(A) Decrease the volume of runoff
(B) Increase the time to peak discharge
(C) Decrease the time base
(D) Decrease the peak discharge
[Ans. C]

16. AFor given discharge, the critical flow depth in an open channel depends on
(A) Channel geometry only
(B) Channel geometry and bed slope
(C) Channel geometry, bed slope and roughness
(D) Channel geometry, bed slope, roughness and Reynolds number
[Ans. A]

17. For a body completely submerged in a fluid, the centre of gravity (G) and centre of Buoyancy
(O) are known. The body is considered to be in stable equilibrium is
(A) O does not coincide with the centre of mass of the displaced fluid
(B) G coincides with the centre of mass of the displaced fluid
(C) O lies below G
(D) O lies above G
[Ans. D]

18. The flow in a horizontal, frictionless rectangular open channel is supercritical. A smooth hump
is built on the channel floor. As the height of hump is increased, choked condition is attained.
With further increase in the height of the hump, the water surface will
(A) Rise at a section upstream of the hump
(B) Drop at a section upstream of the hump
(C) Drop at the hump
(D) Rise at the hump
[Ans. B]

19. Consider the following unit processes commonly used in water treatment; rapid mixing (RM),
flocculation (F), primary sedimentation (PS), secondary sedimentation (SS), chlorination (C)
and rapid sand filtration (RSF). The order of these unit processes (first to last) in a
conventional water treatment plant is
(A) P → R F → F → R → → (C) P → F → → R F → R →
(B) P → F → R → R F → → (D) P → R → F → → R F →
[Ans. D]

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20. Anaerobically treated effluent has MPN of total coliform as 106/100mL. After chlorination, the
MPN value declines to /100mL. The percent removal (%R) and log removal (log R) of total
coliform MPN is
(A) (%R) = 99.90; log R = 4 (C) (%R) = 99.99; log R = 4
(B) (%R) = 99.90; log R = 2 (D) (%R) = 99.99; log R = 2
[Ans. C]

21. Consider four common air pollutants found in urban environment, Soot and .
Among these which one is the secondary air pollutant?
(A) (C)
(B) (D) oot
[Ans. A]

22. The probability that k number of vehicles arrive (i.e. cross a predefined line) in time t is given
as ( t) e k where is the average vehicle arrival rate. What is the probability that the time
headway is greater than or equal to time t
(A) e (C) e
(B) e (D) e
[Ans. D]

23. A vehicle negotiates a transition curve with uniform speed v. If the radius of the horizontal
curve and the allowable jerk are R and J, respectively, the minimum length of the transition
curve is
(A) R ⁄(v ) (C) v R⁄
(B) ⁄(Rv) (D) v ⁄(R )
[Ans. D]

24. In marshal testing of bituminous mixes, as the bitumen content increases the flow value
(A) Remains constant (C) Increase monotonically
(B) Decreases first and then increases (D) Increases first and then decreases
[Ans. C ]

25. Curvature correction to a staff reading in a differential leveling survey is

(A) Always subtractive (C) Always additive
(B) Always zero (D) Dependent on latitude
[Ans. D]

Q.26 - Q.55 Carry Two Mark each.

26. For an analytic function, f(x + iy) = u(x, y)+iv(x, y), u is given by u = 3x 3y . The
expression for v considering K to be a constant is
(A) 3y 3x k (C) 6x 6y k
(B) 6y – 6x + k (D) 6xy k
[Ans. D]

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27. What should be the value of such that the function defined below is continuous at x π ?
if x π
if x π
(A) 0 (C) 1
(B) π (D) π
[Ans. C]

28. What is the value of the definite integral

∫ dx
√x √a x
(A) 0 (C) a
(B) a/2 (D) 2a
[Ans. B]

29. ⃗ are two arbitrary vectors with magnitudes a and b respectively. |a⃗
If a⃗ and b ⃗ | will be
equal to
(A) a b – (a⃗ b ⃗) ⃗)
(C) a b + (a⃗ b
(B) ab a⃗ b ⃗ ⃗
(D) ab + a⃗ b
[Ans. A]

30. The solution of the differential equation + = x, with the condition that y = 1 at x = 1, is
(A) y = + (C) y = +
(B) y = + (D) y = +
[Ans. D]

31. The value of W that results in the collapse of the beam shown in the adjoining figure and
having a plastic moment capacity of is
Fixed Hinge

7m 3m

(A) (4/21) (C) (7/21)

(B) (3/10) (D) (13/21)
[Ans. D]

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32. For the cantilever bracket, PQRS, loaded as shown in the adjoining figure (P R and
R ) which of the following statements is FALSE?

Fixed R

P 2L

(A) The portion RS has a constant twisting moment with a value of 2WL
(B) The portion QR has a varying twisting moment with a maximum value of WL
(C) The portion PQ has a varying bending moment with a maximum value of WL
(D) The portion PQ has no twisting moment
[Ans. B]

33. Consider a bar of diameter D embedded in a large concrete block as shown in the adjoining
figure, with a pull out force P being applied. Let and be the bond strength (between the
bar and concrete) and the tensile strength of the bar, respectively. If the block is held in
position and it is assumed that the material of block does not fail, which of the following
options represents the maximum value of P?

Steel bar

π π
( ) aximum of ( ) and (π st) ( ) inimum of ( ) and (π )
π π
( ) aximum of ( ) and (π b) ( ) inimum of ( ) and (π )
[Ans. C]

34. Consider two RCC beams, P and Q, each having the section 400 mm × 750 mm (effective depth,
d = 750 mm) Made with concrete having a = 2.1 N/mm2. For the reinforcement
provided and the grade of concrete used, it may be assumed that the = 0.75 N/mm2. The
design shear in beam P is k and in beam Q is k . Considering the provisions of
IS:456-2000, which of the following statements is true?

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(A) Shear reinforcement should be designed for 175 kN for beam P and the section for beam Q
should be revised.
(B) Nominal shear reinforcement is required for beam P & shear reinforcement should be
designed for 120kN for beam Q
(C) Shear reinforcement should be designed for 175kN for beam P and shear reinforcement
should be designed for 525 kN for beam Q
(D) The sections for both beams P & Q need to be revised.
[Ans. A]

35. The adjoining figure shows a schematic representation of a steel plate girder to be used as a
simply supported beam with a concentrated load. For stiffeners, PQ (running along the beam
axis) and RS (running between the top and bottom flanges) which of the following pairs of
statements will be TRUE?


(A) (i) RS should be provided under the concentrated load only
(ii) PQ should be placed in the tension side of the flange
(B) (i) RS helps to prevent local buckling of the web
(ii) PQ should be placed in the compression side of the flange.
(C) (i) RS should be provided at supports
(ii) PQ should be placed along the neutral axis
(D) (i) RS should be provided away from points of action of concentrated loads
(ii) PQ should be provided on the compression side of the flange
[Ans. B]

36. A singly under-reamed, 8-m long, RCC pile (shown in the adjoining figure) weighing 20 kN with
350 mm shaft diameter and 750 mm under-ream diameter is installed within stiff, saturated silty
clay (undrained shear strength is 50 kPa, adhesion factor is 0.3, and the applicable bearing
capacity factor is 9) to counteract the impact of soil swelling on a structure constructed above.
Neglecting suction and the contribution of the under-ream to the adhesive shaft capacity, what
would be the estimated ultimate tensile capacity (rounded off to the nearest integer value of kN)
of the pile?


400 mm

350 mm
750 mm

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(A) 132 kN (C) 287 kN

(B) 156 kN (D) 301 kN
[Ans. B]

37. Identical surcharges are placed at ground surface at sites X and Y, with soil conditions shown
alongside and water table at ground surface. The silty clay layers at X and Y are identical. The
thin sand layer at Y is continuous and free-draining with a very large discharge capacity. If
primary consolidation at X is estimated to complete in 36 months, what would be the
corresponding time of completion of primary consolidation at Y?
Site X Uniform Site Y

Water surface Water
Table Table

5m saturated
silty clay

saturated Thin
silty clay 10 m sand

5m Isotropic
silty clay

Bedrock Bedrock

(A) 2.25 months (C) 9 months

(B) 4.5 months (D) 36 months
[Ans. C]

38. A field vane testing instrument (shown alongside) was inserted completely into a deposit of
soft, saturated silty clay with the vane rod vertical such that the top of the blades were mm
below the ground surface. Upon application of a rapidly increasing torque about the vane rod,
the soil was found to fail when the torque reached 4.6 Nm. Assuming mobilization of
undrained shear strength on all failure surfaces to be uniform and the resistance mobilized on
the surface of the vane rod to be negligible, what would be the peak undrained shear strength
(rounded off to the nearest integer value of kPa) of the soil?
Top view (plan)

Vane rod

15 mm 100 mm

Elevation 50 mm

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(A) 5 kPa (C) 15 kPa

(B) 10 kPa (D) 20 kPa
[Ans. B]

39. A single pipe of length 1500 m and diameter 60 cm connect two reservoirs having a difference
of 20m in their water levels. The pipe is to be replaced by two pipes of the same length and
equal diameter ‘d’ to convey % more discharge under the same head loss. If the friction
factor is assumed to be the same for all the pipes the value of ‘d’ is approximately equal to
which of the following options ?
(A) 37.5 cm (C) 45.0 cm
(B) 40.0 cm (D) 50.0 cm
[Ans. D]

40. A spill way discharges flood flow at a rate of 9m /s per metre width. If the depth of flow on the
horizontal apron at the toe of the spillway is 46 cm, the tail water depth needed to form a
hydraulic jump is approximately given by which of the following options?
(A) 2.54 m (C) 5.77 m
(B) 4.90 m (D) 6.23 m
[Ans. C]

41. In an aquifer extending over 150 hectare, the water table was 20 m below ground level. Over a
period of time the water table dropped to 23 m below the ground level. If the porosity of
aquifer is 0.40 and the specific retention is 0.15, what is the change in ground water storage of
(A) 67.5 ha.m (C) 180 ha.m
(B) 112.5 ha.m (D) 450 ha.m
[Ans. B]

42. Total suspended particulate matter (TSP) concentration in ambient air is to be measured using
a high volume sampler. The filter used for this purpose had an initial dry weight of 9.787 g.
The filter was mounted in the sampler and the initial air flow rate through the filter was set at
1.5 m3/min. Sampling continued for 24 hours. The airflow after 24 hours was measured to be
1.4 m3/min. The dry, weight of the filter paper after 24 hour sampling was 10.283 g. Assuming
a linear decline in the air flow rate during sampling, what is the 24 hour average TSP
concentration in the ambient. Air?
(A) μg m3. (C) 3 μg m3.
(B) 8 6 μg m .
3 (D) μg m3.
[Ans. C]

43. Chlorine gas (8mg/L as Cl2) was added to a drinking water sample. If the free chlorine residual
and pH was measured to be 2 mg/L (as Cl2) and 7.5, respectively, what is the concentration of
residual OCI – ions in the water? Assume that the chlorine gas added to the water is completely
converted to HOCI and OCI–. Atomic Weight of Cl: 35.5
Given OCI + H+ ⃗⃗⃗ HOCl, K = 107.5
(A) 1.408 × 10–5 moles/L (C) 5.634 × 10–5 moles/L
(B) 2.817 × 10–5 moles/L (D) 1.127 × 10–4 moles/L
[Ans. B]

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44. If the jam density given as k and the free flow speed is given as u the maximum flow for a
linear traffic speed density model is given by which if the following options?
( ) k u ( ) k u

( ) k u ( ) k u
3 3
[Ans. A]

45. If v is the initial speed of a vehicle, g is the gravitational acceleration, G is the upward
longitudinal slope of the road and f is the coefficient of rolling friction during braking, the
braking distance (measured horizontally) for the vehicle to stop is
v vg
( ) ( )
g( f) ( f)
v vf
( ) ( )
g( f) ( g)
[Ans. B]

46. The observations from a closed loop traverse around an obstacle are

Observation from
Segment Length (m) Azimuth (clockwise from magnetic north)

PQ P Missing 33
QR Q 300.00 86 38
RS R 354.524 6 38
ST S 450.000 3 3
TP T 268.000 3
What is the value of the missing measurement (rounded off to the nearest 10 mm)?
(A) 396.86 m (C) 396.05 m
(B) 396.79 m (D) 396.94 m
[Ans. B]

Common Data Questions

Common Data for Questions 48 and 49
A sand layer found at sea floor under 20 m water depth is characterized with relative density =
40%. Maximum void ratio = 1.0, minimum void ratio = 0.5, and specific gravity of soil solids =
2.67. Assume the specific gravity of sea water to be 1.03 and the unit weight of fresh water to
be 9.81 k m
47. What would be the effective stress (rounded off to the nearest integer value of kPa) at 30 m
depth into the sand layer'?
(A) 77 kPa (C) 268 kPa
(B) 273 kPa (D) 281 kPa
[Ans. D]

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48. What would be the change in the effective stress (rounded off to the nearest integer value of kPa)
at 30 m depth into the sand layer if the sea water level permanently rises by 2 m?
(A) 19 kPa (C) 21 kPa
(B) 0 kPa (D) 22 kPa
[Ans. B]

Common Data for Questions 50 and 51

The ordinates of 2-h unit hydrograph at 1 hour intervals starting from time t = 0, are 0, 3, 8, 6,
3, 2 and 0 m /s. Use trapezoidal rule for numerical integration, is required.
49. What is the catchment area represented by the unit hydrograph?
(A) 1.00 km (C) 7.92 km
(B) 2.00 km (D) 8.64 km
[Ans. C]

50. A storm of 6.6 cm occurs uniformly over the catchment in 3 hours. If –index is equal to
2mm/h and base flow is 5 m /s, what is the peak flow due to the storm?
(A) 41.0 m /s (C) 53.0 m /s
(B) 43.4 m /s (D) 56.2 m /s
[Ans. A] (Required confirmation)

Linked Answer Questions

Statement for Linked Answer Questions 52 and 53
A rigid beam is hinged at one end and supported on linear elastic springs (both having a
stiffness of ‘k’) at points ‘ ’ and ‘ ’ and an inclined load acts at ‘ ’ as shown
inge √ P

51. Which of the following options represents the deflections and at points ‘ ’ & ‘ ’
( ) ( ) and ( ) ( ) ( ) and ( )
k √ k √ k
( ) ( ) and ( ) √ P √ P
k k ( ) ( ) and ( )
k k
[Ans. B]

52. If the load P equals 100 kN, which of the following options represents forces R and R in the
springs at points ‘ ’ and ‘ ’
(A) R k and R k (C) R 3 k and R 6 k
(B) R k and R k (D) R k and R 8 k
[Ans. D]

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Statement for Linked Answer Questions 54 and 55

The sludge from the aeration tank of the activated sludge process (ASP) has solids content (by
weight) of 2%. This sludge is put in a sludge thickener, where sludge volume is reduced to half.
Assume that the amount of solids in the supernatant from the thickener is negligible, the specific
gravity of sludge solids is 2.2 and the density is 1000 kg/m
53. What is the density of the sludge removed from the aeration tank?
(A) 990 kg/m (C) 1011 kg/m
(B) 1000 kg/m (D) 1022 kg/m
[Ans. C]

54. What is the solids content (by weight) of the thickened sludge?
(A) 3.96% (C) 4.04%
(B) 4.00% (D) 4.10%
[Ans. A]

General Aptitude One Marks Question Q. 56 to Q. 60

56. If og (P) ( ⁄ ) og( ) ( ⁄3)
og(R), then which of the following options is TRUE?
(A) P R (C) R P
(B) PR (D) R P
[Ans. B]

57. Which of the following options is the closest in the meaning to the word below:
(A) Incomprehensible (C) Inextricable
(B) Indelible (D) Infallible
[Ans. A]

58. Choose the word from the options given below that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the
given word:
(A) merge (C) collect
(B) split (D) separate
[Ans. D]

59. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following
sentence. If you are trying to make a strong impression on your audience, you cannot do so by
being understated, tentative or
(A) hyperbolic (C) argumentative
(B) restrained (D) indifferent
[Ans. B]
60. Choose the most appropriate word(s) from the options given below to complete the following
I contemplated Singapore for my vacation but decided against it.
(A) to visit (C) visiting
(B) having to visit (D) for a visit
[Ans. C]

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General Aptitude Two Marks Question Q. 61 to Q. 65

61. P, Q, R and S are four types of dangerous microbes recently found in a human habitat. The area of
each circle with its diameter printed in brackets represents the growth of a single microbe
surviving human immunity system within 24 hours of entering the body. The danger to human
beings varies proportionately with the toxicity, potency and growth attributed to a microbe shown
in the figure
milligrams of microbes required to
destroy half of the body mass in kg

P( mm)


( mm)

R(3 mm) ( mm)

6 8
(Probability that microbe Will overcome human
A pharmaceutical company is immunity) system)
contemplating the development of a vaccine against the most
dangerous microbe. Which microbe should the company target in its first attempt?
(A) P (B) Q (C) R (D) S
[Ans. A]

62. Few school curricula include a unit on how to deal with bereavement and grief, and yet all the
students at some point in their lives suffer from losses through death and parting.
Based on the above passage which topic would not be included in a unit on bereavement?
(A) How to write a letter of condolence
(B) What emotional stages are passed through in the healing process
(C) What the leading causes of death are
(D) How to give support to a grieving friend
[Ans. C]

63. A container originally contains 10 litres of pure spirit. From this container 1 litre of spirit is
replaced with 1 litre of water. Subsequently, 1 litre of the mixture is again replaced with 1 litre
of water and this process is repeated one more time. How much spirit is now left in the
(A) 7.58 litres (C) 7 litres
(B) 7.84 litres (D) 7.29 litres
[Ans. D]

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64. A transporter receives the same number of orders each day. Currently, he has some pending
orders (backlog) to be shipped. If he uses 7 trucks, then at the end of the 4th day he can clear
all the order. Alternatively, if he uses only 3 trucks, then all the orders are cleared at the end of
the 10th day. What is the minimum number of trucks required so that there will be no pending
order at the end of the 5th day?
(A) 4 (C) 6
(B) 5 (D) 7
[Ans. C]

65. The variable cost (V) of manufacturing a product varies according to the equation V= 4q,
where q is the quantity produced. The fixed cost (F) of production of same product reduces
with q according to the equation F = 100/q. How many units should be produced to minimize
the total cost (V+F)?
(A) 5 (C) 7
(B) 4 (D) 6
[Ans. B]

: 080-617 66 222,  ©Copyright reserved. 18

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