FIBA Internal Regulations - Book 3
FIBA Internal Regulations - Book 3
FIBA Internal Regulations - Book 3
CHAPTER 5: ACCOMPANYING TEAM DELEGATION MEMEBERS ....................................... 24
CHAPTER 6: REGISTRATION OF TEAM DELEGATION .......................................................... 25
TEAM DELEGATION ROSTER ..............................................................................................................25
REGISTRATION OF PLAYERS ..............................................................................................................27
REGISTRATION OF COACHES .............................................................................................................28
RESPONSIBILITY OF NATIONAL MEMBER FEDERATIONS ..........................................................29
IDENTITY AND AGE VERIFICATION ...................................................................................................29
GENERAL PROVISIONS........................................................................................................................30
CHAPTER 7: GAME OFFICIALS ............................................................................................... 31
FIBA REFEREES......................................................................................................................................31
FIBA COMMISSIONERS.......................................................................................................................37
FIBA REFEREE INSTRUCTORS ............................................................................................................40
FIBA TECHNICAL DELEGATES ............................................................................................................43
FIBA TABLE OFFICIALS ........................................................................................................................45
CHAPTER 8: STATISTICS ........................................................................................................ 48
GENERAL PRINCIPLES .........................................................................................................................48
FIBA STATISTICIANS ...........................................................................................................................48
............................................................................................ 50
GENERAL MATTERS .............................................................................................................................50
GRANTING THE LICENSE ....................................................................................................................50
KEEPING THE LICENSE CURRENT .....................................................................................................52
RIGHTS OF AGENTS .............................................................................................................................52
DUTIES OF AGENTS ..............................................................................................................................52
SANCTIONING OF AGENTS ................................................................................................................53
DUTY OF PLAYERS ................................................................................................................................54
SANCTIONING OF PLAYERS ...............................................................................................................54
DUTY OF CLUBS.....................................................................................................................................54
SANCTIONING OF CLUBS ...................................................................................................................55
SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO AGENTS ..........................................................................55
OTHER SPECIAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................55
CHAPTER 10: BASKETBALL ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL (BAT) ................................................... 56
GENERAL PRINCIPLES .........................................................................................................................56
THE BAT ARBITRATION RULES .........................................................................................................56
SEAT OF THE BAT .................................................................................................................................56
FINANCING ............................................................................................................................................56
THE BAT PRESIDENT / THE BAT VICE PRESIDENT ........................................................................57
THE DUTIES OF THE BAT PRESIDENT ..............................................................................................57
HONOURING OF BAT AWARDS .........................................................................................................57
CHAPTER 11: FEES AND ALLOWANCES ............................................................................... 59
APPENDIX 1: STANDARD CONTRACT .......................... 62
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
1. To be entitled to participate in Competitions of FIBA, a player must observe the General Statutes
and Internal Regulations of FIBA and any decisions issued on the basis thereof.
2. The national member federation is strictly liable at all times for the eligibility of its national team
players and of the players registered with it. It will bear the consequences of any infractions of
the Regulations governing Eligibility, National Status, International Transfer, and Age of Players.
It is not necessary that fault or negligence be demonstrated on the national member
3. All players who participate in Competitions of FIBA and/or those of its national member
federations must:
a. Respect the Code of Conduct and Fair Play and act accordingly at all times on and off
the court;
b. Refrain from using substances and methods prohibited by the regulations of FIBA and
those of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and World Anti-Doping Agency
c. Agree to submit at any time to medical tests and controls, particularly doping controls,
carried out in compliance with the regulations of FIBA, the IOC, and WADA;
d. Collaborate with FIBA in any investigation regarding a possible violation of the FIBA
General Statutes or Internal Regulations. Such duty includes, inter alia, the duty to
comply with requests for information from FIBA and with an order to appear and
testify in person to the best of the p
comply may lead to a sanction.
5. Players in breach of the principles set out in article 3-3 may not be eligible to participate in the
Competitions of FIBA see articles 1-171 to 1-180.
6. Player contracts shall have a maximum duration of four (4) years. It is recommended that the
parties to a player contract state their agreement in writing.
7. Players who participate in professional leagues must be registered with organisations that are
affiliated to a national member federation; otherwise they will not be able to participate in the
Competitions of FIBA.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
8. No financial remuneration for the performance of a player or a team is permitted during the
Olympic Games.
9. It is within the spirit of all FIBA Regulations that players make themselves available for
competitions of both their club and their national team. The national member federations shall
enact regulations securing the participation of all players under their jurisdiction in their
respective National Team Competitions.
12. If necessary for reasons of mandatory law, the Zones are authorised to propose to FIBA specific
regulations applicable to club competitions within the Zone in question. Such regulations are
subject to the approval of the FIBA Executive Committee prior to their implementation.
14. Proof of legal nationality of a country by itself does not constitute sufficient evidence to
requirements of the respective club competition) or as a national for the national team of that
country (see article 3-15).
National Teams
15. In order to play for the national team of a country, a player must hold the legal nationality of that
country, and have fulfilled also the conditions of eligibility according to the FIBA Internal
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
17. However, if a player having two (2) or more nationalities is summoned by a national member
federation after reaching the age of eighteen (18), he is obliged to choose for which national
team he wishes to play. If he has declined the summons, the player may choose only the
national team of the other country/one of the other countries, unless he declares, in writing,
within fifteen (15) days of receiving the summons that he has chosen the country that
summoned him first.
[Note: for exception see article 3-23].
18. Any player having played in a main official competition of FIBA for a national team for which he
is eligible is considered as having chosen the national team of that country, with the exception
of cases provided for under articles 3-23 and 3-33.
19. Choices made under articles 3-16, 3-17 and 3-18 are irrevocable.
20. A player who has transferred as a young player according to article 3-70 may not choose until
he has reached the age of twenty-one (21) the national team of any country other than the
country from which he transferred.
21. a. A national team participating in a Competition of FIBA may have only one player on its
team who has acquired the legal nationality of that country by naturalisation or by any
other means after having reached the age of sixteen (16). This provision applies also to
any player having the right to acquire a second nationality at birth but who did not lay
claim to this right until after having reached the age of sixteen (16).
b. For purposes of letter (a) above, in the event that a player claims to have acquired a legal
nationality before having reached the age of sixteen (16), without presenting the
Secretary General may decide in his sole discretion that the player falls under the
restriction of letter (a) above. In taking this decision, the Secretary General shall take into
account the following criteria:
- The number of years during which the player has lived in the country of the national
team for which he wishes to play;
- The number of seasons during which the player has participated in domestic
competitions in the country of the national team for which he wishes to play;
- Any other criteria capable of establishing a significant link between the player and the
national team for which he wishes to play.
c. The Secretary General may decide in his sole discretion that a player who has or had at
any point in time two or more nationalities or a player who has changed nationality falls
under the restriction of letter (a) above. In taking this decision, the Secretary General shall
take into account the criteria set out in letter (b) above.
d. In the event that a decision under this article 3-21 is issued, the national member
federation(s) concerned may be required to pay a fee
administrative costs (see article 3-339).
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
22. A player who has played in a main official competition (see article 2-2) of FIBA before reaching
his seventeenth (17) birthday may play for a national team of another country if both national
member federations agree; in the absence of an agreement the Secretary General decides.
23. A player who has played in a main official competition of FIBA (see article 2-2) after having
reached his seventeenth (17) birthday may not play for a national team of another country.
However, in exceptional circumstances the Secretary General may authorise such a player to
play for the national team of his country of origin if he is ineligible to play for such country
according to this article 3-23 and if this is in the interest of the development of basketball in this
country. An administrative fee as stipulated in article 3-339 and decided by the Secretary
General is payable to FIBA.
24. For any player who has two or more legal nationalities by birth, by naturalisation or by any other
means, the national member federation for which the player wishes to play must obtain written
certification from the national member federation of the country(-ies) corresponding to the
-ies), in which it is stated that he has not taken part in a main official
competition of FIBA as a member of its national team.
If the request for this certification remains unanswered, FIBA may issue provisional
authorisation to the national member federation making the request. After a period of one year,
this authorisation shall be considered final.
26. In order to represent a dependent territory in the Competitions of FIBA, a player must have the
legal nationality of the main territory and additionally fall within one of the following categories:
a. Have been born in the dependent territory; or
b. Have:
- been born in the main territory of at least one parent who was born in the
dependent territory; or
- been born of parents both of whom were born in the dependent territory,
regardless of the place of birth of the player; or
- at least one grandparent born in the dependent territory, regardless of the place
of birth of the player.
27. A player who does not satisfy the provisions of article 3-26 but obtains the legal nationality of
the main territory by way of naturalisation and can demonstrate permanent residency of the
dependent territory for at least four (4) years is eligible to represent the dependent territory, on
the same conditions as apply in article 3-21.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
Club Teams
29. For the international club competitions of FIBA, the composition of the teams is not subject to
any limitation concerning the legal nationality of the players. However, each national member
federation and FIBA Zone may establish more restrictive regulations. Where the duration of a
tournament does not exceed fifteen (15) days, the governing body of that competition may
establish more restrictive regulations also.
30. Unless provided otherwise, all decisions regarding the eligibility and the national status of
players are taken by the FIBA Legal Commission acting through the Secretary General. With
respect to Zone championships and in the event of doubts, he may consult with the respective
FIBA Executive Director.
31. Where there are violations of the provisions contained in these articles and, in particular, where
players, agents, national member federations, clubs, or other persons or organisations are
involved in the manipulation, no matter whether legal or not under the domestic legislation, of
the legal status of a player or coach, administrative and disciplinary penalties shall be imposed
in the first instance by the Secretary General.
32. Such penalties shall have immediate effect and be in accordance with the Basic Principles of
Sanctions provided for in Book 1, Chapter 6 of these Internal Regulations.
33. Decisions on marginal cases are the responsibility of the Secretary General following
consultation with the Chairman of the FIBA Legal Commission.
The same shall apply with respect to refugees enjoying asylum rights and displaced persons
(UN Conventions).
In certain cases, FIBA nationality may be granted to a player.
In the event that a decision under this article is issued, the national member federation(s)
article 3-339).
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
FIBA National Team Competition that is included in the FIBA calendar. Any agreement between
a player and club to the contrary constitutes a violation of these Internal Regulations.
35. Any player registered with a club is obliged to reply in the affirmative when summoned to play
for his national team and participate fully in the national team activities during the release
period defined in these Internal Regulations.
36. Upon an international transfer, each national member federation must guarantee to FIBA its
responsibility in ensuring that article 3-34 is applied by the clubs.
37. Any special agreement reached by FIBA in accordance with article 3-58 of the Regulations
governing the International Transfer of Players shall remain unaffected.
Release Period
39. For the FIBA Basketball World Cup and Continental Cup Qualifiers, the player shall be available
for the entire duration of the International Window Period. For other FIBA National Team
Competitions, the player shall be available at least for a release period consisting of
a. a preparation time of:
i. Fourteen (14) days for Olympic Qualifying tournaments;
ii. Twenty-eight (28) days for all other FIBA National Team Competitions held in the
form of a tournament;
iii. Seventy-two (72) hours for other qualifying games of a FIBA National Team
Competition which are not held in the form of a tournament.
b. the duration of the FIBA National Team Competition.
40. The national member federations and club concerned may agree on a shorter or longer period.
However, even in the case of a special agreement, the player must under all circumstances
arrive no later than forty-eight (48) hours before the beginning of the first game and be released
to return to his club no later than twenty-four (24) hours of the end of the last game of the
release period.
41. (deleted).
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
will be allocated to clubs releasing players, for their role in the successful staging of the
national team event.
45. If a player is called to play on his national team for a FIBA National Team Competition and this
player does not fully participate in the activities of his national team for whatever reason
(including injury or illness) other than a decision of his national member federation, he shall not
play for a club during the release period.
46. If the player refuses to play for his national team and does not demonstrate that his refusal is
manifestly due to injury or illness, he shall not play for a club for an additional ten (10)-day
period following the release period. If this ten (10)-day period falls outside the national
championship season, it shall be carried over to the following season. National member
federations are free to enact stricter regulations or to apply stricter domestic law provisions
which have the objective of protecting national teams.
47. In the case of a player violating these regulations, in particular by playing for a club in any
official or unofficial game during the release period, the national member federation may
request FIBA to impose sanctions on the player in accordance with Book 1, Chapter 6
48. If a club violates these regulations in any way, including by refusing to release a player as
provided for in article 3-34, the national member federation of the player may request FIBA to
impose sanctions on the club. In addition, this club shall lose by forfeit all games played with the
player during said period and, if this provision would apply to both competing clubs, neither of
them shall receive any ranking points for the game.
49. If a club violates these regulations by allowing a player to play in any official or unofficial game
during the release period, the national member federation of the player may request FIBA to
impose sanctions on this club. In addition, this club shall lose by forfeit all games played during
the said period and, if this provision would apply to both competing club, neither of them shall
receive any ranking points for the game.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
53. An appeal against decisions made under the foregoing provisions shall be submitted to the FIBA
th the Regulations governing Appeals (see Book 1, Chapter 7).
54. If and when an appeal hearing is organised under these Regulations involving member
federations, clubs or players, FIBA shall be authorised to make the organisation of such hearing
dependent upon the parties paying to FIBA reasonable administrative costs.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
56. All decisions related to a special agreement according to article 3-58 below shall be the
exclusive competence of the Secretary General.
57. Any basketball player shall have the right to play basketball in any country in the world, within
the limits established by the General Statutes and Internal Regulations of FIBA and the eligibility
regulations of the respective member federation.
58. These regulations governing international transfer apply in their entirety to all member
federations. However, in exceptional circumstances, FIBA may reach a special agreement with
a national member federation or one of its member organisations.
59. For national transfers, member federations are invited to draw on these Internal Regulations and
to establish their own regulations governing the transfer of players in the spirit of the FIBA
60. A letter of clearance must be obtained from the national member federation where a player was
last licensed before he can be licensed by another member federation. A copy of each letter of
clearance must be sent (also by email) to FIBA. This document certifies that the player
concerned is free to be licensed by another member federation.
61. A letter of clearance may not be issued to more than one national member federation at any one
time. Sanctions may be imposed on a national member federation in the event of misleading
practices and/or procedures.
63. The national member federation requesting a letter of clearance must indicate the name,
he transfer, where
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
applicable. This obligation is also valid for the national member federation receiving a request
for a letter of clearance.
64. The only reason for which a national member federation may refuse to grant the request for a
letter of clearance is if the player is under contract to play for his club beyond the scheduled
transfer date. See article 3-93.
A letter of clearance may not be delayed or refused because of a monetary dispute between a
club and a player. Prior to issuing the letter of clearance, the national member federation may
require reasonable proof that the administrative fee of article 3-65 has been wired.
65. The national member federation may charge a maximum administrative fee as stipulated in
article 3-339 for the transfer of a player under its jurisdiction to another member federation.
66. All the provisions of these Letter of Clearance Regulations apply to any player licensed by a
national member federation who wishes to apply for an international transfer, irrespective of
whether the player is a national or foreign player.
67. Failure to comply with the above requirements may lead to sanctions.
special cases as decided by the Secretary General after examination of the matter with the
member federations and, if necessary, with the clubs and the player concerned. The Secretary
General may request any documents deemed necessary in order to determine whether the
transfer falls under article 3-69 or 3-70 below.
70. If the proposed transfer is linked to basketball, the following criteria shall be taken into account
when making the decision on the authorisation of the transfer:
vocational training which prepares him for a career after his career as a professional
b. The new club shall provide appropriate basketball training in order to develop and/or
career as a professional player;
c. The new club shall demonstrate that it conducts an appropriate training programme
for young players of the nationa
d. The new club shall make a contribution to a Solidarity Fund established by FIBA to
support the development of young players;
e. The young player, his parents, the new club, and the new national member federation
shall declare in writing that, until his eighteenth (18) birthday, the player will make
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
preparation time as well as for training camps provided that they do not interfere with
school activities; and,
f. g.
71. In transfer cases linked to basketball where the player lives close to the border, as determined
by FIBA on a case by case basis, FIBA may waive the contribution to the Solidarity Fund. Any
subsequent national transfer of the player before his eighteenth (18) birthday, requires approval
by FIBA.
72. Where the transfer has been approved under article 3-70, the new club and the club of origin
shall agree on a compensation for the development of the young player. In the case that they
are unable to agree on such compensation the Secretary General shall fix a reasonable
compensation. Such compensation shall be based primarily, but not solely, on the investments
made by the club(s) that have contributed to the development of the player and shall take into
account the aspects as per article 3-70.
73. ) birthday, the club of origin, i.e. the club or other
organisation for which he is licensed at his eighteenth (18th
the right to sign the first contract with the young player.
74. Such contract shall be in written form and respect the laws of the country and of the federation
of origin. It shall have a minimum duration of one (1) year and a maximum duration of four (4)
years. A copy of such contract shall be submitted to the Secretary General who shall keep it on
a confidential basis.
75. Should the player refuse to sign such contract and elect to move to a new club in another
country, the two clubs shall agree on a compensation sum to be paid as per article 3-79 and
inform FIBA.
76. In the event that the clubs are unable to agree on the compensation within two (2) weeks of the
date on which a letter of clearance for the player in question was first requested by the new
FIBA. Such request has to be made in writing within four (4) weeks of the date on which a letter
77. The decision as per article 3-76 shall be taken by the Secretary General who may hear the two
clubs and/or federations involved and/or the player if he deems it appropriate.
78. The player shall not be allowed to play for his new club until the compensation agreed upon by
the two clubs (article 3-75) or determined by the Secretary General (articles 3-76 and 3-77) has
been paid as per article 3-79. In the event that an appeal is filed against the decision of the
Secretary General, the player shall be allowed to play for his new club as soon as the sum of
compensation determined by the Secretary General has been paid into an account of FIBA or
the FIBA Regional Office where it will be held in escrow until the decision on the compensation
is final.
79. The compensation sum shall be based primarily, but not solely, on the investments made by the
club(s) that has contributed to the development of the player. It shall be paid to the national
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
member federation of origin, which will decide on how to redistribute the compensation sum
among the clubs that have contributed to the development of the player according to specific
provisions that the national member federation has officially adopted. Such provisions shall be
drafted in a way to respect the principle of protection of clubs forming young players.
FIBA is to be informed of the compensation in all cases where compensation is agreed.
80. Upon expiration of the contract as per article 3-74 above, the player is free to move where he
wishes without any compensation being due.
81. National member federations are invited to prepare similar regulations for their internal, i.e.
national, transfer systems.
82. Unless provided otherwise, any decision related to articles 3-68 to 3-81 shall be the competence
of the Secretary General.
83. A player may not be licensed by more than one national member federation at the same time.
84. A player may not have more than one FIBA Foreign Player License at the same time. A FIBA
Foreign Player License is issued for the duration of the national and international competitions
85. All licenses held by the player become automatically null and void when the license is revoked
by the issuing authority.
86. FIBA Zones may set a deadline during the club competition season, after which no player may
be licensed.
87. In the event that FIBA has imposed a sanction on a player in accordance with article 3-335c.
and as long as the sanction is in place, the said player cannot be licensed with any national
member federation other than the one with which he is licensed at the time the ban is imposed.
88. In the event that FIBA has imposed a sanction on a club in accordance with article 3-335e. and
as long as the sanction is in place, said club can register only players who
a. n at the time the ban was
imposed; and
b. continue to be licensed with the same national member federation without
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
accordance with its own regulations, it must obtain a letter of clearance on behalf of the player
concerned. (Exception: players from academic institutions, see articles 3-111 and 3-112)
90. The national member federation may not grant the license until it has obtained the letter of
clearance from the national member federation of the country where the player was last
licensed or from FIBA in terms of article 3-94.
92. The national member federation receiving a request for a letter of clearance must reply within
seven (7) days following receipt of the request. It shall either grant or refuse the letter of
clearance, and shall indicate whether the player in question was in fact licensed in the national
member federation receiving the request for the letter of clearance. It shall also indicate the
where applicable.
93. If the national member federation refuses the request for the letter of clearance in terms of
article 3-64 above, this national member federation shall notify the party requesting clearance
and FIBA immediately. The refusal shall be accompanied by a copy of the valid contract in
question duly dated and signed by the parties involved. A certified English or French translation
of this contract shall be attached.
94. If there is no response within the seven (7) day period, the requesting national member
federation shall immediately notify FIBA. This communication must be accompanied by a copy
of the first letter requesting clearance addressed to the national member federation concerned
and a copy of the passport of the player in question. FIBA will authorise the granting of the
license without a letter of clearance, unless there are exceptional circumstances as approved
by the Secretary General (however, see articles 3-68 to 3-82 regarding the transfer of players
under eighteen [18] years of age).
95. Unless circumstances dictate otherwise, all disputes arising from a refusal to issue a letter of
clearance shall be decided within seven (7) days of the point in time when the dispute has
arisen by the Secretary General of FIBA with the possibility of appeal (see article 3-110).
The foregoing shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event of a dispute regarding the question to
which national member federation a player transfers.
96. (deleted).
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
97. Any international transfer having taken place without a letter of clearance is invalid and, in this
event, a national member federation issuing a license and/or allowing
in domestic or international competitions will be liable to a fine in accordance with article 3-108
of these Regulations.
) birthday without
sation is invalid and, in this event, a national member federation issuing a license
or international competitions will be liable
to a fine in accordance with article 3-108 of these Regulations.
A sanction may also be imposed in accordance with articles 1-131 and 132 on the player, the
club(s) and the agent(s) involved in an illegal transfer.
98. Any international transfer carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in these
regulations, but having taken place after an illegal transfer, is null and void, other than in
exceptional cases upon the decision of the Secretary General.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
99. National member federations must annually:
a. Obtain a Foreign Playe for all foreign
players participating in the 1st and 2nd divisions of the national championship. After
the national member federations have registered players for their respective national
championship, they have a period of ten (10) days within which the documents
Regional Office. A failure to
abide by this deadline will incur a fine.
b. Obtain a FIB FIBA
Club Competitions.
c. Register with the competent FIBA Regional Office a list indicating full name, nationality
player having reached
the age of eighteen (18) and participating in the 3rd and 4th divisions.
100. FIBA authorises the FIBA Regional Office
103. Prior to the start of each season, each FIBA Regional Office shall establish a deadline for the
registration of foreign players under its jurisdiction.
104. FIBA, or the issuing FIBA Regional Office
for each foreign player in one of two categories as follows (see article 3-339):
a. - First and second divisions of national championships.
b. - FIBA Club Competitions.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
107. All disputes and cases arising from these regulations remain under the exclusive jurisdiction of
the Secretary General of FIBA.
108. A fine may be imposed by FIBA should a national member federation fail to submit to the
Secretariat of its Regional Office the list of foreign players with the necessary information and
documentation by the given deadlines, or otherwise fail to observe the Regulations governing
the International Transfer of Players.
109. If and when a hearing is organised in connection with a dispute under these Regulations
involving national member federations, clubs or players, FIBA may make the organisation of
such hearing dependent upon the parties paying to FIBA reasonable administrative costs.
110. Any appeal against decisions relating to these regulations, no matter whether these decisions
Panel according to the
Regulations governing Appeals (see Book 1, Chapter 7).
112. A national member federation is allowed to issue a license to a player who had not been
licensed by any national member federation before playing for an academic institution and/or
another organisation that does not recognise the FIBA Regulations governing the International
Transfer of Players, provided that it receives:
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
a. a letter of clearance from the national member federation of the country where the
academic institution or other organisation is based; and
b. a written declaration signed by the player, stating that he has never been licensed by
a national member federation.
Transfers of players between a FIBA team and a NBA, WNBA or NBAGL team are governed
exclusively by the bilateral agreement entered into by FIBA and the respective league.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
114. Unless otherwise decided by FIBA on the basis of exceptional circumstances, the national
116. The application for WABC membership must comply with the requirements set out by FIBA and
can be submitted only through the tion. The application is
subject to payment of an administrative fee as stipulated in article 3-339. A coach applying for
117. FIBA may reject an application if the coach is not in good standing, in particular if he has a
criminal record.
118. Each national member federation may have an unlimited number of coaches as WABC
120. Each coach who is a WABC member accepts that his membership is valid as long as the coach
remains on the list submitted to FIBA by his national member federation as per article 3-113,
a. FIBA adopts other membership criteria, which would require the evaluation of the
status of WABC members;
b. FIBA decides to suspend or remove his WABC membership as per article 1-132 or 3-
335 of the FIBA Internal Regulations;
c. The WABC decides to expel a coach from its membership for serious reasons.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
122. WABC members will have the right to access information made available by FIBA and the
123. A coach must be a WABC member in order to be eligible to act as a Head Coach or as an
Assistant Coach (see, for example, article 7 of the Official Basketball Rules) of a national team
competing in the Competitions of FIBA (see also articles 3-128 to 3-134 and 3-143 to 3-145).
124. WABC members are bound by and shall respect at all times the FIBA Internal Regulations, in
particular the FIBA Code of Ethics and the FIBA Code of Conduct and Fair Play.
125. (deleted).
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
126. An accompanying team delegation member is a person with special responsibilities in relation
to a team (e.g. team manager, assistant coach, doctor, physiotherapist, statistician, interpreter,
etc.) and with access to the court and the team bench.
127. Participation of accompanying team delegation members in FIBA National Team Competitions is
subject to registration in the FIBA Information System and approval by FIBA.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
b. Minimum two (2) and maximum three (3) coaches (one of whom must be the Head
Coach) out of the ten (10) coaches validated and approved by FIBA in the Preliminary
Team Delegation Roster.
c. Minimum ten (10) (in case of three (3) coaches) or eleven (11) (in case of two (2)
coaches) accompanying Team Delegation members out of the fifteen (15)
accompanying Team Delegation members validated and approved by FIBA in the
Preliminary Team Delegation Roster.
It is mandatory to include at least one (1) medical doctor for senior World and Zone
competitions. It is strongly recommended to include a medical doctor for age category
135. Special provisions for the FIBA Basketball World Cup Qualifiers and Continental Cup Qualifiers
The following provisions apply to the Qualification stages of the Basketball World Cup, which
will be played during specific International Window Periods determined by FIBA:
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
136. National member federations shall enter all mandatory data of their players in the FIBA
Information System and upload the following:
a. A colour copy of the birth certificate;
b. A colour copy of the passport;
c. One (1) colour passport-size photograph which shall be no more than three (3) months
old at the time of submission;
d. Other information and/or documentation required by FIBA.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
Age limits for participation in competitions for U-19 (U-18), U-17 (U-16):
U19W W - World
(U18Z) Z - Zone
2018 Z
2019 W
2020 Z
2021 W
2022 Z
2023 W
U17W W - World
(U16Z)) Z - Zone
2018 W
2019 Z
2020 W
2021 Z
2022 W
2023 Z
138. National member federations must register all their head coaches and assistant coaches, who
shall be WABC (World Association of Basketball Coaches) members, in the FIBA Information
139. To be registered as a WABC member, the coach must comply with the procedure laid down in
Chapter 4 (Coaches) of these Internal Regulations.
140. National member federations must enter mandatory data and upload the following documents in
the FIBA Information System:
former name[s]), date and place of birth, legal nationality and the date of expiry of the
b. One (1) colour passport-sized photograph which shall be no more than three (3)
months old at the time of submission;
c. Other information and/or documentation required by FIBA/WABC.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
142. National member federations must enter mandatory data and upload the following documents in
the FIBA Information System:
a. A certif
the full name (and, if applicable, his former name[s]), date and place of birth, legal
nationality and the date of expiry of the passport;
b. One (1) colour passport-size photograph which shall be no more than three (3) months
old at the time of submission;
c. Other information and/or documentation required by FIBA.
144. Upon discovery that a player has played or another team delegation member has participated in
a Competition of FIBA without being eligible, FIBA will initiate an inquiry to establish such
145. National member federations will bear the administrative costs of the inquiry provided for in 3-
144 and may be subject to disciplinary consequences in accordance with Book 1, Chapter 4
(Sanctions) of these Internal Regulations.
146. In exceptional cases, the Secretary General may authorise a player to play under the status he
had before the irregularity was discovered.
148. The Commissioner or Technical Delegate shall verify the currently valid individual passport and
FIBA Preliminary/Final Team Delegation Roster. After this verification, the Commissioner or
Technical Delegate shall return the documents to the head of the team delegation.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
149. FIBA may decide that the provisions of this Chapter shall be valid also for any other Official
Basketball Competitions, including tournaments or games that are held prior to a Competition of
FIBA. In case of club competitions, references to national member federation shall be
understood to refer to a club.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
150. This Chapter governs the licensing by FIBA of the following game officials:
a. Referees
b. Commissioners
c. Referee Instructors
d. Technical Delegates
e. Table Officials
151. The FIBA Technical Commission shall supervise the implementation of the provisions of this
152. Decisions on marginal cases, whether at national, regional or world level, are the responsibility
of the Secretary General.
153. FIBA Referee Licenses are granted by FIBA every two (2) years (2017, 2019 etc.) and, subject to
the provisions of this Chapter, are valid for a two (2)-
1 September (e.g. 2017) and expiring on 31 August (e.g. 2019).
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
155. The following biennial procedure applies for the granting of a FIBA Referee License:
a. On or before 31 January, FIBA shall open the licensing process and inform the national
member federations accordingly;
b. Between January and March, national member federations shall organise tests and
examinations in accordance with FIBA´s guidelines, including at least a written test, a
physical fitness test and a medical examination of the candidate referees;
c. By no later than 31 March, national member federations shall submit to FIBA the
required documentation for the candidature(s);
d. On or before 15 June, FIBA shall publish the list of FIBA Referees per category (black,
green, white) of License.
156. When opening the licensing process, FIBA shall communicate the maximum number of FIBA
Referee Licenses per national member federation for a Licensed Period. In determining this
maximum number FIBA shall consider primarily but not solely the following criteria:
a. the position of the national member federation in the FIBA World Ranking;
b. the category/group of FIBA members to which the national member federation
c. the number of nominations of FIBA Referees from said federation in FIBA National
Team Competitions during the preceding two years.
157. For the first two Licensed Periods after the enactment of these Internal Regulations (2017-2019,
2019-2021), FIBA may implement transitional measures in relation to the maximum number of
FIBA Referee Licenses in special cases (e.g. gradual reduction).
158. The following conditions shall apply cumulatively to candidatures for FIBA Referees:
a. FIBA may decide not to accept candidatures by national member federations which do
not organise or endorse in their territory a championship of a sufficiently competitive
b. A national member federation cannot submit more candidatures than the maximum
number of FIBA Referee Licenses allocated to it by FIBA;
c. Candidate referees must have officiated regularly in a national member federation for
at least the preceding two seasons:
i. For Black License candidate referees, at the highest level for senior men;
ii. For Green License candidate referees, at the highest level for senior women;
iii. For White License female candidate referees, at the highest level for senior
iv. For White License male candidate referees, at the highest level for senior men.
d. Referees are not eligible to be candidates for a FIBA Referee License if
i. they have turned fifty (50) before the License Period starts; or
ii. they are first time candidates and
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
o they turn twenty-five (25) on or after the day the Licensed Period starts;
o they have turned thirty-five (35) before the Licensed Period starts.
e. Candidate referees may not hold the position of president or secretary general of a
national member federation or be involved directly or indirectly in the process of
nominating FIBA Referee candidates by a national member federation;
f. Candidate referees must pass the following tests:
i. The FIBA written test;
ii. The FIBA physical fitness test;
iii. The medical examination;
iv. Any other tests determined by FIBA.
Only the results of official tests and examinations established by FIBA are recognised
as part of the FIBA Referee licensing process.
g. National member federations shall accompany the candidature with their own
159. National member federations must immediately inform FIBA if a FIBA Referee for any reason
loses his qualification as a referee at the national highest level (temporarily or definitively)
required for his FIBA Referee License.
160. In the case of a dispute between a referee and a national member federation, FIBA may
intervene and take any measures it considers appropriate.
161. FIBA will decide in its sole discretion whether a candidate shall receive a FIBA Referee License
and, if so, which category of license. When taking its decision FIBA may take into account the
recommended evaluation ranking and consult with the concerned national member federation.
162. FIBA shall communicate its decision to the concerned national member federation. FIBA will
also issue an invoice to the national member federation requesting payment of the license fee
for the entire Licensed Period, corresponding to the number and category of FIBA Referee
Licenses granted (see article 3-339).
163. The category of the FIBA Referee License cannot be changed during the Licensed Period.
164. Subject to the provisions of article 3-168 the FIBA Referee License expires on 31 August of the
s 51st year of age or on the last day of the Licensed Period, whichever comes first.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
165. FIBA may establish additional, special training and education programs for FIBA Referees
e nomination to senior FIBA National Team
Competitions and FIBA Club Competitions of FIBA Referees that fulfil the requirements of these
Refereeing Programs.
166. Holding a FIBA Referee License does not give rise to a right of the FIBA Referee to be nominated
in any games. The right of the Regional Office or of FIBA to decide in their sole discretion
whether or not to nominate a FIBA Referee to games during the Licensed Period is reserved.
168. FIBA may remove a FIBA Referee´s License temporarily or for the entire Licensed Period in case
a. the national member federation fails to pay the entire applicable license fee;
b. the FIBA Referee has lost the qualification as a referee at the highest national level;
c. a sanction is imposed on the FIBA Referee in accordance with the Internal
activities required by FIBA;
e. there exist circumstances preventing a FIBA Referee from officiating (e.g. injury);
f. the FIBA Referee repeatedly refuses nominations;
g. the FIBA Referee performs poorly; or
h. for any other justifiable reason.
FIBA may act on its own initiative or upon application by the FIBA Referee or by his national
member federation.
169. FIBA Referees shall wear the official FIBA referee uniform when in duty in international games.
170. FIBA Referees represent FIBA on the court. They are obliged to conduct the games in
accordance with the Official Basketball Rules and Official Basketball Rules Interpretations, and
to respect the provisions of the FIBA General Statutes and Internal Regulations. They must do
everything that is reasonably within their power to accomplish their mission in a satisfactory
171. FIBA Referees shall cooperate with the organisers of competitions to ensure the smooth
running of the game and must ensure that the interests of the two teams on the court are in no
way encroached upon.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
172. If FIBA has nominated a FIBA Commissioner or FIBA Technical Delegate at a competition, the
FIBA Referee shall report to the FIBA Commissioner or FIBA Technical Delegate immediately
upon arrival at the venue of the game.
173. If the FIBA Commissioner or FIBA Technical Delegate is not present, the FIBA Referee shall
ensure that all of the players whose names appear on the score sheet have had their eligibility
status approved by FIBA. If that is not the case, he shall report this to FIBA.
174. If the FIBA Referee deems it proper to make a report on the game, he shall do so immediately
after the game and send it to FIBA or hand it to the FIBA Commissioner or FIBA Technical
Delegate, if present.
175. Official Basketball Competitions can be officiated only by FIBA Referees of nationalities other
than those of the two teams on the court.
176. All the nominations for the FIBA National Team Competitions and FIBA Club Competitions will be
sent to the national member federation of the nominated FIBA Referee with copy to the
concerned FIBA Referee. The national member federation shall confirm the nomination by the
given deadline to FIBA or its respective Regional Office, as applicable. If the national member
federation has not responded by the given deadline, FIBA or the respective Regional Office may
either request the nominated FIBA Referee to confirm his nomination or nominate another FIBA
177. For all FIBA National Team Competitions and FIBA Club Competitions, except the FIBA
Continental competitions and their qualifying games and tournaments, FIBA nominates an
adequate number of FIBA Referees. In nominating FIBA Referees, FIBA shall ensure that all five
continents are represented.
178. For the FIBA Continental competitions and their qualifying games and tournaments, the FIBA
Regional Office nominates an adequate number of FIBA Referees from the respective continent,
s right to nominate a certain number of referees from another continent to the
same competition.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
180. The procedure for nomination of FIBA Referees by FIBA to events falling under article 3-179
shall be as follows:
a. The inviting body must send to FIBA a written request to nominate FIBA Referees
before the start date of the event. Unless exceptional circumstances require
otherwise, the request must be received at least one (1) month before the start of the
event. The inviting body must specify the details related to the event and to the
invitation and may propose if it wishes the name of the referee(s) to be nominated.
b. FIBA will take all the details of the request into consideration, decide whether to
approve the request or not and, in case of approval, it will decide also on the name(s)
of the referee(s) to be nominated. FIBA may consult beforehand the national member
federation(s) of the said referee(s) or the national member federation(s) in which
territory the games will be played and the respective FIBA Region(s).
The same procedure as set out in a. and b. above applies for referees registered with
organisations outside FIBA.
Travel and accommodation expenses are to be covered by the organiser or inviting body.
181. Competition organisers shall communicate with FIBA Referees only through FIBA or the
respective national member federation.
Travel Arrangements
182. Unless otherwise provided herein, the organiser shall cover the travel expenses of FIBA
Referees as follows:
a. By train: the cost of a 1st class return ticket, which shall include sleeping
accommodation (double chamber) if travelling at night;
b. By car: the amount equivalent to the cost of a 1 st class return train ticket;
c. By plane: the cost of an economy class return ticket (unless otherwise stated in the
applicable competition regulations);
d. The organiser shall reimburse any fees for visas;
e. It is recommended that the organiser sends to the FIBA referees prepaid travel tickets;
however, if a FIBA Referee has to purchase the ticket for his travel, reimbursement
as decided by FIBA.
183. Refer to article 3-338 for the applicable officiating fees. The Regional Offices may adapt the
officiating fees to the specific needs of their region, subject to the Secre
184. For all senior FIBA National Team Competitions, the organiser shall pay the officiating fee and
FIBA shall pay the travel expenses to all referees unless agreed differently in the Host Nation
185. For all youth FIBA National Team Competitions, FIBA shall pay the officiating fee and the travel
expenses to all referees unless agreed differently in the Host Agreement.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
186. For FIBA Club Competitions, the applicable competition regulations will determine the amount of
the officiating fees and the organisation responsible to pay such fees and travel expenses to
188. A national member federation may have an unlimited number of FIBA Honorary Referees.
189. The proposal of the national member federation must be accompanied by the following
documents for each candidate:
a. Honorary Referee Information Form;
b. One (1) recent colour passport-sized photo or jpg file;
c. Copy of the passport showing family and first name(s), date of birth and legal
190. If the proposal is accepted by FIBA, it will issue the FIBA Honorary Referee license, valid for life.
FIBA may charge a nominal fee to be paid only once (refer to article 3-339).
191. FIBA Commissioner Licenses are granted by FIBA every two (2) years (2017, 2019 etc.) and,
subject to the provisions of this Chapter, are valid for a two (2)-
starting on 1 September (e.g. 2017) and expiring on 31 August (e.g. 2019).
192. The following biennial procedure applies for the granting of a FIBA Commissioner License:
a. On or before 31 January, FIBA shall open the licensing process and inform the national
member federations accordingly;
b. Between January and March, national member federations shall organise a written
test of the candidate commissioners in accordance with FIBA´s guidelines;
c. By no later than 31 March, national member federations shall submit to FIBA the
required documentation for the candidature(s);
d. On or before 15 June, FIBA shall publish the list of FIBA Commissioners.
193. When opening the licensing process, FIBA shall communicate the maximum number of FIBA
Commissioner Licenses per national member federation for a Licensed Period, which cannot
exceed 50% of the number of FIBA Licenses granted to referees from the same national member
federation for the same License Period. In case of decimal number, it will be rounded up to the
next whole number.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
For the first two Licensed Periods after the enactment of these Internal Regulations (2017-2019,
2019-2021), FIBA may implement transitional measures in relation to the maximum number of
FIBA Commissioner Licenses in special cases (e.g. gradual reduction).
194. The following conditions shall apply cumulatively to candidatures for FIBA Commissioner:
a. FIBA may decide not to accept candidatures by national member federations which do
not organise or endorse in their territory a championship of a sufficiently competitive
b. A national member federation cannot submit more candidatures than the maximum
number of FIBA Commissioner Licenses allocated to it by FIBA;
c. Commissioners are not eligible to be candidates for a FIBA Commissioner License if
i. they have turned seventy (70) before the Licensed Period starts; or
ii. they are first time candidates and
x they turn thirty-five (35) on or after the day the Licensed Period starts; or
x they have turned fifty-five (55) before the Licensed Period starts.
d. Candidate commissioners may not hold the position of president or secretary general
of a national member federation or be involved directly or indirectly in the process of
nominating FIBA Commissioner candidates by a national member federation;
e. Candidate commissioners must pass the written test. Only the results of official tests
and examinations established by FIBA are recognised as part of the FIBA
Commissioner licensing process;
f. National member federations shall ensure that all required forms are completed,
stamped, signed by their president or secretary general and by the FIBA Referee
National Instructor (if any), and sent to FIBA by 31 March. FIBA may introduce an
online administration system for the candidatures.
Failure to fulfil any of the above conditions may lead to the rejection of all candidatures by a
national member federation or of any candidate commissioner, as appropriate.
In the case of dispute between a commissioner and a national member federation, FIBA may
intervene and take any measures it considers appropriate.
195. FIBA will decide in its sole discretion whether a candidate shall receive a FIBA Commissioner
License for the License Period. When taking its decision, FIBA may consult with the concerned
national member federation.
196. FIBA shall communicate its decision to the concerned national member federation. FIBA will
also issue an invoice to the national member federation requesting payment of the license fee
for the entire Licensed Period, corresponding to the number of FIBA Commissioner Licenses
granted (see article 3-339).
197. Subject to the provisions of article 3-199, the FIBA Commissioner License expires on 31 August
year of age or on the last day of the Licensed Period, whichever
comes first.
198. Holding a FIBA Commissioner License does not give rise to a right of the FIBA Commissioner to
be nominated in any games. The right of the Regional Office or of FIBA to decide in their sole
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
discretion whether or not to nominate a FIBA Commissioner to games during the Licensed
Period is reserved.
199. Articles 3-167 and 3-168 governing the transfer and removal of FIBA Referee Licenses apply
mutatis mutandis to FIBA Commissioner Licenses.
200. A FIBA Commissioner represents and acts on behalf of the Secretary General. He shall:
a. Ensure that the games are conducted in accordance with the spirit and the letter of
the Official Basketball Rules and the FIBA Internal Regulations;
b. Do everything that is reasonably within his power to accomplish his mission in a
satisfactory manner;
c. Ensure the full cooperation of the FIBA Referees, the organisers and the teams;
d. Provide information to the FIBA Referees if he is requested to do so during or after the
game; the final decision shall rest with the referees;
between the timekeeper and the scorer.
201. The FIBA Commissioner has full authority to resolve any problems that may arise between all
parties involved. In particular, he has the right to require adequate police (or professional
security service) presence to ensure the smooth and sportsmanlike running of the game.
202. Having completed his duties, the FIBA Commissioner shall make a report on the competition and
send it to FIBA within the given deadline, together with all required documents.
203. The FIBA Commissioner must send to FIBA, without delay, any claim or protest received, adding
any information he may deem relevant.
204. FIBA Commissioners shall comply at all times with the Official Basketball Rules and Official
Basketball Rules Interpretations and respect the provisions of the FIBA General Statutes and
Internal Regulations.
205. decision for a specific game or competition that the duties of the FIBA
Commissioner shall be undertaken by a FIBA Technical Delegate, only a FIBA Commissioner of
nationality other than those of the two teams on the court can be nominated in Official
Basketball Competitions.
206. Articles 3-176 to 3-181 governing FIBA Referees apply mutatis mutandis to FIBA Commissioners.
Travel Arrangements
207. Article 3-182 governing FIBA Referees applies mutatis mutandis to FIBA Commissioners.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
208. Articles 3-183 to 3-186 governing FIBA Referees apply mutatis mutandis to FIBA Commissioners.
210. In order to implement and supplement the present Internal Regulations, FIBA has established a
211. FIBA Referee Instructors shall comply at all times with the Official Basketball Rules and Official
Basketball Rules Interpretations, and respect the provisions of the FIBA General Statutes and
Internal Regulations.
Teaching Duties
212. The FIBA Referee Instructors shall teach and train referees and commissioners, provide them
with all the necessary knowledge in the areas of behaviour during international competitions,
cooperation with partners and all participants, mechanics of officiating, judgment of situations,
and control of the game. The information provided by FIBA Referee Instructors must comply
with the teaching materials and criteria established by FIBA.
213. The FIBA Referee Instructors shall prepare the referee training activities to which they have
been nominated with professional techniques and material provided by FIBA and/or the
Regional Offices.
214. The FIBA Referee Instructors shall work in close cooperation with organisers of teaching and
training events and support them with any possible means to ensure the smooth running of the
215. Regional Instructors shall provide support to the work of the National Instructors. Global
Instructors shall provide support to the work of the National and Regional Instructors
Supervising Duties
216. FIBA Referee Instructors shall evaluate and assist the FIBA Referees during the competition.
They shall provide the FIBA Referees with all new information and guidelines as established by
217. The FIBA Referee Instructor´s Supervising Duties in a competition include inter alia to:
a. Organise the Pre-Competition Clinic/Camp for the nominated FIBA Referees;
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
b. Analyse officiating during games and fill out the respective forms (e.g. game
evaluation form);
c. Create a performance ranking after the competition (e.g. competition evaluation form)
for the nominated FIBA Referees.
218. The FIBA Referee Instructor´s Supervising Duties in individual games include inter alia to:
a. Analyse officiating during games and fill out the respective forms (e.g. game
evaluation form); and,
b. Provide feedback to the FIBA Referees, as per the procedure established by FIBA.
Supervising Duties by FIBA Referee Instructors.
220. FIBA Referee Instructors shall not interfere, or encourage or aid others to interfere, with the
activities of the FIBA Technical Committee of a competition or with those of the Local
Organising Committee.
221. There are three categories of FIBA Referee Instructors:
National: National Instructors are allowed to perform:
a. their Teaching Duties within the territory of their national member federation;
b. their Supervising Duties within the territory of the respective national member
federation and at youth Continental competitions.
Regional: Regional Instructors are allowed to perform:
a. their Teaching Duties within the territory of the respective Regional Office;
b. their Supervising Duties within the territory of the respective national member
federation and at all Official Basketball Competitions.
Global: Global Instructors are allowed to perform:
a. their Teaching Duties worldwide;
b. their Supervising Duties at all Official Basketball Competitions.
222. To be eligible for selection as FIBA Referee Instructors, candidates need to successfully pass
the following levels of the qualification process described in the FRIP:
a. For National Instructors, level 1;
b. For Regional Instructors, levels 1 and 2;
c. For Global Instructors, levels 1, 2 and 3.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
224. Each national member federation may select one National Instructor. He must be a permanent
resident in the country of the national member federation and must have successfully passed
level 1 of the most recent qualification process. The national member federation may remove
such National Instructor at its discretion or replace him with another eligible person.
225. FIBA may select an adequate number of Regional and Global Instructors from among persons
having successfully passed the required levels of the most recent qualification process. FIBA
may remove such a Regional or Global Instructor at its discretion or replace him with another
eligible person or decide with the instruc r
226. Nominations are coordinated and approved:
a. by national member federations, for National Instructors who will exercise Teaching
Duties within the territory of their national member federation or Supervising Duties at
national competitions;
b. by FIBA or the Regional Office, for Regional Instructors and for National Instructors
who will exercise duties outside the territory of their national member federation;
c. by FIBA, for Global Instructors.
227. With respect to Teaching Duties, the governing body of the competition or other activity may ask
FIBA or the Regional Office (as applicable) to appoint FIBA Referee Instructors of the respective
category to conduct a clinic for the participants.
228. Nominations are sent directly to the FIBA Referee Instructor for acceptance and to his national
member federation for information. The FIBA Referee Instructor must confirm his within the
deadline set by FIBA or the Regional Office.
229. Holding the title of FIBA Referee Instructor (National, Regional, Global) does not give rise to a
right of the FIBA Referee Instructor to be nominated in any activities or games. The right of
national member federations, of the Regional Offices and of FIBA to decide in their sole
discretion whether or not to nominate a FIBA Referee Instructor is reserved.
Travel Arrangements
230. Article 3-182 governing FIBA Referees apply mutatis mutandis to FIBA Referee Instructors.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
231. Articles 3-183 to 3-186 governing FIBA Referees apply mutatis mutandis to FIBA Referee
233. The FIBA Regional Offices, at their discretion, select and propose candidates to FIBA. The
following conditions shall apply cumulatively to candidatures for FIBA Technical Delegates:
a. Persons who, on the date of the first workshop, hold one of the following positions or
capacities, are not eligible to be candidates for a FIBA Technical Delegate License:
i. Holder of a FIBA Referee License;
ii. Active player, coach or agent;
iii. President or Secretary General of a national member federation;
iv. FIBA Central Board or FIBA Executive Committee member;
v. FIBA Zone Board or FIBA Zone Executive Committee member.
b. Persons who have turned sixty-three (63) before the License Period starts are not
eligible to be candidates for a FIBA Technical Delegate License;
c. Candidates shall submit to FIBA a copy of their passport showing family and first
name(s), date of birth and legal nationality. FIBA may introduce an online
administration system for the candidatures;
d. Candidates shall complete the specific FIBA Technical Delegate Questionnaire;
e. Candidates shall participate in the workshop(s) organised by FIBA for the FIBA
Technical Delegate Candidates;
f. Candidates shall successfully pass the official tests established by FIBA, which will
234. FIBA will organise workshops for candidates as well as refresher workshops for FIBA Technical
Delegates, with the assistance of the respective FIBA Regional Office.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
235. FIBA will decide in its sole discretion whether a candidate shall receive a FIBA Technical
Delegate License for the Licensed Period. When taking its decision FIBA may consult with the
236. FIBA shall communicate its decision to the candidate with a copy to the concerned national
member federation.
237. Subject to the provisions of article 3-239, the FIBA Technical Delegate License expires on the
last day of the Licensed Period.
239. Articles 3-167 and 3-168 governing the transfer and removal of FIBA Referee Licenses apply
mutatis mutandis to FIBA Technical Delegate Licenses, save for the non-payment of the license
240. FIBA Technical Delegates shall wear the official FIBA uniform when in duty in international
242. If FIBA has nominated a FIBA Technical Delegate at a game, he shall notify the organiser
immediately upon arrival in the country.
243. FIBA Technical Delegates shall be responsible in particular for the following:
a. The preparation of the game and the set-up of the venue;
b. The implementation of the FIBA Basketbal cial concept;
c. The TV Production;
d. The implementation of the appropriate media services and facilities;
e. That the game is conducted in compliance with the spirit and the letter of the FIBA
Statutes, the FIBA Internal Regulations and FIBA Official Basketball Rules;
g. The proper conduct of any doping control tests;
h. The proper conclusion of the game.
The applicable special competition regulations, handbook or guidelines may include other or
further duties of the FIBA Technical Delegates.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
244. Holding a FIBA Technical Delegate License does not give rise to a right of the FIBA Technical
Delegate to be nominated in any games. The right of the Regional Office or of FIBA to decide in
their sole discretion whether or not to nominate a FIBA Technical Delegate to games during the
Licensed Period, is reserved.
245. FIBA will determine the games or tournaments in which a FIBA Technical Delegate is to be
nominated. Subsequently, the nomination will be made:
a. By FIBA, for world competitions;
b. By the Regional Office, for continental competitions.
246. Nominations will be sent to the FIBA Technical Delegate with a copy to the concerned national
member federation. The FIBA Technical Delegate shall confirm the nomination by the given
deadline to FIBA or its respective Regional Office, as applicable, and send a copy to his national
member federation. If the FIBA Technical Delegate has not responded by the given deadline
FIBA or the respective Regional Office may nominate another FIBA Technical Delegate.
247. FIBA will establish special guidelines for the travel arrangements of FIBA Technical Delegates.
248. Refer to article 3-338 for the applicable fees.
251. Only FIBA Table Officials may act in such capacity at Official Basketball Competitions.
252. FIBA Table Official Licenses are granted by FIBA every two (2) years (2017, 2019 etc.) and,
subject to the provisions of this Chapter, are valid for a two (2)-
defined by FIBA.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
253. Each national member federation has the right to choose, from amongst its best national table
officials, candidates for FIBA Table Officials. Unless FIBA decides otherwise, each national
member federation can have an unlimited number of FIBA Table Officials.
255. FIBA Table Official candidates shall register to the FIBA online platform and provide all
information as required by FIBA.
256. After receipt of the complete documentation of a FIBA Table Official candidate, FIBA shall
inform the respective national member federation of its decision on that candidate.
257. A FIBA Table Official may apply for a two (2)-year renewal of his license if he has completed the
requisite online training and has passed the theoretical test before the expiry of the license,
within a deadline set by FIBA.
258. FIBA will decide in its sole discretion whether a candidate shall become a FIBA Table Official or
e shall be renewed. In particular, FIBA may decide to
grant only as many licenses as required for the servicing of Official Basketball Competitions.
When taking its decision, FIBA may consult with the concerned national member federation.
259. Holding a FIBA Table Official License does not give rise to a right of the FIBA Table Official to be
nominated in any games. The right of the hosting national member federation or club, or of FIBA,
to decide in their sole discretion whether or not to nominate a FIBA Table Official to games is
260. Article 3-160 governing disputes as well as articles 3-167 and 3-168 governing the transfer and
removal of FIBA Referee Licenses apply mutatis mutandis to FIBA Table Official Licenses, save
for the non-payment of the license fee.
261. A FIBA Table Official shall act in each game for which he is nominated in accordance with the
Official Basketball Rules and deliver his duties with neutrality and competently. He shall always
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
respect the FIBA General Statutes and Internal Regulations, and do everything in his power to
accomplish his mission in a satisfactory manner.
262. The duties of the FIBA Table Officials are defined in the Official Basketball Rules.
263. The nominations of FIBA Table Officials to games of Official Basketball Competitions are made
by the hosting national federation or club, which shall inform FIBA of any nomination without
undue delay. FIBA shall have the right to refuse a nomination and nominate FIBA Table Officials
at its own discretion if deemed necessary for a specific Official Basketball Competition or
game(s) thereof.
264. The hosting national federation or club shall communicate with FIBA Table Officials only
through their respective member federations.
265. The hosting national federation or club shall pay fees to the FIBA Table Officials according to
the local standards for table officials.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
266. Statistics in Official Basketball Competitions shall be taken
a. by FIBA Statisticians in accordance with the FIBA Statistics Manual, as amended from
time to time; and
b. by using exclusively the statistics tool(s) provided by FIBA.
267. FIBA Statistician Licenses are granted by FIBA every two (2) years (2017, 2019 etc.) and, subject
to the provisions of this Chapter, are valid for a two (2)-
by FIBA.
268. Each national member federation has the right to choose, from amongst its best national
statisticians, candidates for FIBA Statisticians. Unless FIBA decides otherwise, each national
member federation can have an unlimited number of FIBA Statisticians.
270. FIBA Statistician candidates shall, before the FIBA-endorsed Statistician Clinic in which they
seek to participate, register on the FIBA online platform and provide all information as required
by FIBA.
271. After the FIBA-endorsed Statistician Clinic, FIBA will inform the respective national member
federation of its decision on that candidate.
272. A FIBA Statistician may apply for a two-year renewal of his license if he has attended a FIBA-
endorsed Statistician Clinic and has passed all tests before the expiry of the license, within a
deadline set by FIBA.
273. FIBA will decide in its sole discretion whether a candidate shall become a FIBA Statistician or
decide to grant
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
only as many licenses as required for the servicing of Official Basketball Competitions. When
taking its decision, FIBA may consult with the concerned national member federation.
274. Holding a FIBA Statistician License does not give rise to a right of the FIBA Statistician to be
nominated in any games. The right of the hosting national member federation or club, or of FIBA,
to decide in their sole discretion whether or not to nominate a FIBA Statistician to games is
276. Article 3-160 governing disputes as well as articles 3-167 and 3-168 governing the transfer and
removal of FIBA Referee Licenses apply mutatis mutandis to FIBA Statistician Licenses, save for
the non-payment of the license fee.
277. A FIBA Certified Statistician shall act in accordance with the FIBA Statistics Manual and any
other directions issued by FIBA.
278. A FIBA Certified Statistician shall act in each game for which he is nominated in accordance
with the Official Basketball Rules and deliver his duties with neutrality and competently. He shall
always respect the FIBA General Statutes and Internal Regulations (in particular the FIBA Ethics
Code, the FIBA Code of Conduct and Fair Play, the FIBA Internal Regulations governing Betting
and Corruption), and do everything in his power to accomplish his mission in a satisfactory
279. The nominations of the FIBA Statisticians to games of Official Basketball Competitions are made
by the hosting national federation or club. FIBA shall have the right to refuse a nomination and
appoint FIBA Statisticians at its own discretion if deemed necessary for a specific Official
Basketball Competition or game(s) thereof.
280. The hosting national federation or club shall provide the details of the entire statisticians team
(including their respective role) to FIBA, at least two (2) weeks prior to the start of the Official
Basketball Competition and in due time for each game thereof.
281. The hosting national federation or club shall pay fees to the FIBA Statisticians according to the
local standards for statisticians.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
who deal with transfers of domestic players within their own federation. Such regulations:
a. must be approved by FIBA; and
b. must respect the principles set out in this Chapter; and
c. may enter into force no earlier than their written approval by FIBA.
In the event that the national regulations are in conflict with the FIBA Internal Regulations,
the latter shall prevail.
284. Players are entitled to use the services of an Agent to represent them or safeguard their
interests in negotiations with clubs. The Agent must be in possession of a valid license issued
by FIBA.
285. Clubs are entitled to use the services of an Agent to represent them or safeguard their interests
in negotiations with players. The Agent must be in possession of a valid license issued by FIBA.
286. Players and clubs are not permitted to use the services of an agent who is not in possession of a
valid license issued by FIBA.
287. Article 3-286 does not apply if an agent is licensed to practice law in the country of his
permanent residence.
289. FIBA shall require the candidate to provide a certificate confirming that he is in good standing,
in particular, that he has no criminal record.
290. Individuals only may apply for a license. Applications from legal entities or non-incorporated
businesses are not admissible, but individuals who have obtained a license are allowed to
operate through a legal entity or non-incorporated business, provided that the license-holder
continues to be the only person responsible vis-à-vis FIBA.
291. An application may be rejected if the candidate is not in good standing, in particular if he has a
criminal record, or if he does not have a good reputation.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
294. The personal interview and the test are intended to enable FIBA to ascertain whether the
a. Has adequate knowledge of the basketball regulations (the General Statutes and
Internal Regulations of FIBA, of the Zones, and of the national member federation on
whose territory he is domiciled);
b. Generally appears capable and suitable of advising a player or club who calls on his
295. If the requirements of article 3-294 are not met, the application will be rejected.
296. FIBA may charge expenses and/or a fee for conducting the interview and the test. The
candidate shall bear his own expenses.
297. FIBA may charge an annual fee not exceeding that stipulated in article 3-339.
298. Within thirty (30) days after the personal interview and the test, FIBA shall inform the candidate
whether the requirements under article 3-294 above have been met.
299. (deleted).
300. If the requirements under article 3-294 above and 3-301 below have been met, FIBA shall issue a
license to the candidate and shall inform the respective Zone accordingly. The license shall be
strictly personal and non-transferable.
301. If the national member federation of the country in which the candidate is domiciled enacts or
the holder of a valid license issued by that federation, provided that the regulations of the
national federation have been approved by FIBA in terms of article 3-283.
302. FIBA shall publish on its website a list of licensed Agents and their clients (clubs and players),
and shall update this information regularly.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
requirements for the issuing of the license are still met (see article 3-300).
304. An Agent must pay the annual fee provided for in article 3-297.
305. Agents shall have the following rights:
a. To contact any player who has not yet retained another Agent (a player can be
represented by one Agent only at the same time);
b. To represent any player or club requesting him to negotiate and/or conclude a
contract on his/its behalf;
c. To manage the affairs of any player who requests him to do so.
306. An Agent may represent a player or manage his affairs under the terms of article 3-305 above
only if he has a written contract with the player in question. In his dealings for and on behalf of
the player the Agent must present a written power of attorney if requested so by the other party
or by FIBA.
307. The duration of a contract shall not exceed a period of two (2) years but may be renewed
through a new written contract of the parties.
308. Agents shall have the following duties:
a. To comply with the statutes and regulations of the member federations, Zones, and
FIBA at all times;
b. To ensure that every transaction in which he is involved conforms with these
c. To notify the name of a new client to FIBA immediately but no later than seven (7) days
of signing a new contract to represent a player or club and to inform FIBA immediately
but no later than seven (7) days after the termination of a representation contract;
d. Never to approach a player who is under contract with a club so as to persuade him to
break his contract or not to adhere to the rights and duties contained in that contract;
e. Never to approach a player who is under contract with another agent so as to
persuade him to break his contract or not to adhere to the rights and duties contained
in that contract;
f. To accept payment only from or on behalf of the player/club with whom/which he is
contractually linked, unless authorised in writing by his client. Such payment may not
exceed ten per cent (10%) of the value of the player contract;
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
309. FIBA, through the Secretary General, shall be entitled to sanction an Agent as per article 3-311
a. If the requirements for issuing the license under these Regulations are not/ no longer
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
b. If the Agent fails to attend a FIBA seminar as per article 3-303 above;
c. If the Agent fails to pay the annual fee for his license (see article 3-297);
issued by the federation of his domicile (see article 3-301);
e. If the Agent is in breach of any of his duties according to these Regulations;
f. For other important reasons.
313. A player may use the services of only one Agent licensed under the terms and conditions of
these Regulations.
314. In the event that a player uses the services of an unlicensed agent or more than one Agent at
the same time, FIBA acting through the Secretary General is entitled sanction the player as
a. A warning or reprimand;
b. A fine;
c. Impose a ban on international transfers on the player.
316. Any club wishing to engage the services of a player shall negotiate only with:
a. The player himself, or
b. An Agent licensed under the terms and conditions of these Regulations, subject to the
exception mentioned in article 3-287.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
317. In the event that a club violates one or more of the provisions under article 3-316 above, FIBA
acting through the Secretary General is entitled to impose the following sanctions:
a. A warning or reprimand;
b. A fine;
c. Prohibiting the club from carrying out national and/or international transfers;
d. Ban from all national and/or international basketball activity.
320. FIBA shall publish on its website the name of any Agent who has terminated his activities or had
his license withdrawn.
321. (deleted).
federation is obliged to organise a system of personal interviews similar to that provided for in
written approval.
323. Any appeal against any decision of FIBA under these Regulations shall be filed with the FIBA
see Book
1, Chapter 7).
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
324. FIBA established an independent tribunal, named the Basketball Arbitral Tribunal (BAT, formerly
known as FIBA Arbitral Tribunal) for the simple, quick and inexpensive resolution of disputes
arising within the world of basketball in which FIBA, its Zones, or their respective divisions are
not directly involved and with respect to which the parties to the dispute have agreed in writing
to submit the same to the BAT.
325. BAT awards shall be final and binding upon communication to the parties.
326. The BAT is primarily designed to resolve disputes between clubs, players and agents. Upon
request by a BAT arbitrator, FIBA may assist BAT in communicating with parties.
327. It is recommended that parties wishing to refer their possible disputes to the BAT use the
following arbitration clause in their contracts:
329. Any proposed changes to the BAT Arbitration Rules shall be prepared by the FIBA Legal
Commission or the BAT Secretariat and shall be submitted to the BAT President for approval.
The amended BAT Arbitration Rules may enter into force no earlier than their publication on the
FIBA website.
331. The financing of the BAT is guaranteed by FIBA, it being understood that the BAT is designed to
be self-financing.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
which are directly or indirectly linked to the first party, either from a legal or a sporting
perspective (e.g. different entity under a similar name etc.).
336. The second party shall send to FIBA with his request for sanctions a copy of the BAT award.
The decision on the sanction is taken by the Secretary General. Before taking his decision, he
shall give the first party an opportunity to state his position and to honour the BAT award. Upon
request by FIBA, the national member federation to which the first party is affiliated shall
actively and promptly take all necessary measures to ensure that the first party fully honours the
BAT award within a time limit fixed by FIBA. If a national federation fails to comply with the
present article, FIBA may impose disciplinary sanctions on the national federation in
accordance with Book 1, Chapter 6.
337. The decision to sanction the first party shall be subject to appeal to the FIBA Ap
according to the FIBA Internal Regulations governing Appeals (see Book 1, Chapter 7).
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
i. Terms of payment
In accordance with applicable tax regulations, invoices may be subject to taxation. Any payments will
be made after deduction of taxes.
Fees and dues, fines, rights, participation fees or any other amounts invoiced must be paid to FIBA in
full, i.e. without any deductions (bank charges, etc.) and are due on receipt of invoice. Payment in
Beneficiary: FIBA
Bank: UBS S.A.
Address: Place St-François, 1002 Lausanne, Switzerland
Account no.:
for CHF: 243-384509.01M; IBAN CH970024324338450901M
for USD: 243-384 509.60L; IBAN CH980024324338450960L
for EUR: 243-384509.61R; IBAN CH490024324338450961R
Bank code: 243
Swift code: UBSWCHZH80A
In general (in terms of Article 34.7 of the General Statutes), the Swiss Franc is the currency of
reference for all financial transactions carried out with FIBA.].
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
Article Item
m Amount
1) Single game, Men or CHF 450
2) Tournament lasting five CHF 700
(5) days or less
3) Olympic Qualifying CHF 1,700
Allowance/officiating Tournaments
fee payable for - Men
3-183, 3-248, - FIBA Referees,
4) Olympic Qualifying CHF 1,400
and 3-208 - FIBA Commissioners,
- FIBA Technical
- Women
5) FIBA World Championship CHF 2,500
- Men
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
339. Fees and dues payable to FIBA, a FIBA Regional Office or a national member federation listed in
Book 3:
issuing fee
issuing fee
CHF 15
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
Contract between
Full Address:
- and
Full Name:
Full Address:
- or
Full Name:
Full Address:
This Contract is based on a master agreement provided by FIBA (Fédération Internationale de
1. Engagement
1.1. The Player hereby employs the Agent and the Agent hereby agrees to act as Agent for the
The Club hereby employs the Agent and the Agent hereby agrees to act as Agent for the Club.
1.2. The Agent shall advise, assist and represent the Player in connection with the engagement of
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
Particularly, the Agent shall introduce the Player to any basketball club which might be
interested to retain his services, shall then negotiate on behalf of the Player the relevant
player contract to be signed by the Player and will subsequently liaise and deal in the Pl
interest with the club on all matters of interest for the Player in connection with his
engagement with the club.
The Agent shall advise, assist and represent the Club in connection with the engagement of
basketball players by the Club [to be supplemented] and will subsequently liaise and deal in
the Clubs interest with the players on all matters of interest for the Club in connection with his
engagement with the players.
The Parties agree that their relationship under this contract, in particular their respective
rights and duties shall be governed by the FIBA Internal Regulation governing Players Agents
In particular, the parties agree to be entitled to and bound by the respective rights and duties
provided for in the FIBA Agent Regulations.
3. Compensation
For any contract procured by the Agent and signed by the Player, the Player agrees to pay to
the Agent an agent fee of ___ ___year(s). The Player is
released from this obligation in the event that the player contract includes a clause according
to which the agent collects his agent fee directly from the club.
compensation for all the services to be provided by the Agent
according to this contract. The Agent shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any expenses
unless otherwise agreed in writing.
For any contract procured by the Agent and signed by the Club, the Club agrees to pay to the
Agent an agent fee of % of the Play year(s).
4. Term
This Agreement shall begin on the day of signature hereof by both parties and shall expire on
[not to exceed two years] unless renewed by written agreement between the parties].
5. Entire Agreement
This is the entire agreement of the parties. Any amendments and/or additions to this
Agreement shall be made in writing; the foregoing shall also apply to any amendment to this
clause 5.
6. Confidentiality
The parties agree to keep confidential the contents of this Agreement and any matters related
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
7. Arbitration
Any dispute arising from or related to the present contract shall be submitted to the Basketball
Arbitral Tribunal (BAT) in Geneva, Switzerland and shall be resolved in accordance with the
BAT Arbitration Rules by a single arbitrator appointed by the BAT President. The seat of the
arbitration shall be Geneva, Switzerland. The arbitration shall be governed by Chapter 12 of
the Swiss Act
arbitration shall be English. The arbitrator shall decide the dispute ex aequo et bono.
* Disclaimer:
Parties that use this master agreement acknowledge that it cannot and does not take account of legal
requirements of the country/countries, the laws of which may be applicable to this Contract.
Parties that use this master agreement acknowledge that it cannot and does not provide regulations
for any agreement the parties may have reached. The master agreement is thus only a summary of
items to be regulated by the parties. FIBA does not take any responsibility whatsoever in connection
with the master agreement.
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
1. Parties
- Name/address of player, date of birth, nationality
- Name/address of club, legal representative
2. Basic Regulations to be referenced in the Contract The following form an integral part of the
- Statutes and regulations of the club
- Statutes and regulations of the league
- Statutes and regulations of the national member federation of FIBA General Statutes and
Internal Regulations
- Regulations of the FIBA Zone
- Mandatory standard form agreements of national member federations should be observed
3. Player Obligations
- To give best services and loyalty to the club.
- Participating in all club games and practice, training sessions. To provide club with prompt
notice of any injury etc.
- Agent.
4.1 Salary:
- Payment dates Bank accounts Instalments?
- Bonuses? Fringe benefits? Including/excluding tax?
- Social security, health insurance?
4.2 Vacation
4.3 Release for national team (cf. articles 3-34 to 3-52 of the FIBA Internal Regulations)
5. Term Duration
- Start date (under conditions? i.e. letter of clearance etc.)
- Early termination only for important reasons, (e.g. for the club in case of doping violation, for
player in case of non-payment)
- Extension of the contract (option rights)
- Which amount? Based on net salary? Including or not including bonuses and fringe benefits?
- Who pays?
8. Applicable Law
FIBA Internal Regulations Book 3
9. Miscellaneous
Entire agreement (Annexes?)
Amendments in writing only
If a provision is held invalid, no effect on any other provision
(The above is not an exhaustive list but is designed to serve as an indication of items to be
covered in a player contract.)
5, route Suisse
P.O. Box 29
1295 Mies
Tel: +41 22 545 00 00
Fax: +41 22 545 00 99