Lack of Listening Media For Junior High Schools in Remote Areas
Lack of Listening Media For Junior High Schools in Remote Areas
Lack of Listening Media For Junior High Schools in Remote Areas
Miftahul Auwaliyah
Listening Media that is less significant in Junior High School. The purpose of study is to
know the listening media that was used in Junior High School in the remote areas, to get the
data from the study I did interview with the childrens in the school. After doing research
related listening media in the school, there is a progress or improvement for listening media
in Junior High School in remote area.
In the world of media education is a tool used to deliver a message to learners. The
media is a tool used by educators to convey messages or information to learners. Listening
Media is a media that greatly helps teachers in English studies in preparing the teaching
listening materials because teachers no longer need any difficulty in recording their own
voices manually. In addition to helping listening media teachers also assist students could
listen directly and would know how the english material is being broadcast using listening
media.The reason why I write this research is because the students in remote area often have
difficulty when learning english because they only listened to the teachers explanation
without being support by listening media. In almost every school in remote area for English
teaching is still using way to explain and listen to material and it’s very damaging for the
There are still a lot of remote junior high schools that do not use media to listen when
learning English because of the lack of listening tools and why I do research in junior high
school because in remote areas learning listening is obtained when junior high school so if
not noticed the shortcomings associated with learning media the material obtained by the
students themselves will not be maximal and will have a negative impact when they
continue their education at the next level of education.
The often reality of a school in a remote area where the learning media is still very
foreign to the teaching process, so basically in an isolated area where media use is very poor
and with only a medium focused on educators, a chalhboard. Almost all school in a remote
areas use only blackboards and chalk getting to know other means still foreign to their ears
and eyes.The related media is related to the remote control of the solution, the solution is
not a difference between the isolated area and the large city. The goverment should provide
dana to advance remote school. Government is also supposed to channels self-quality
teachers areas, in addition, the goverment should give free education to less capable
children. I hope is that our education in Indonesia will grow and the childrens of Indonesia
will have a better education. In addition school in Indonesia can have a complete and
eduquate facility.
Literature Review
In remote schools, the media for listening is incomplete because students in remote area
often have difficulty when learning English because they only listened to the teachers
explanation without being support by listening media. many schools in remote areas are
less attentive and unreachable by the government, the media is the teachers themselves,
so students listen to the teacher's explanation without being helped by listening methods
is dictation. the teacher explained carefully and explained again and the students listened
attentively. In almost every school in remote area for English teaching is still using way
to explain and listen to material and it’s very damaging for the students.
The often reality of a school in a remote area where the learning media is still very
foreign to the teaching process, so basically in an isolated area where media use is very
poor and with only a medium focused on educators, a chalh board. Almost all school in
a remote areas use only blackboards and chalk getting to know other means still foreign
to their ears and eyes. The related media is related to the remote control of the solution,
the solution is not a difference between the isolated area and the large city. The
Goverment should provide dana to advance remote school. Government is also supposed
to channels self-quality teachers areas, in addition, the goverment should give free
education to less capable children.
Type of Research
I choose Qualitative research method for my research. Qualitative research is especially
effective in obtaining culturally specific information about the values, opinions,
behaviors, and social contexts of particular populations.
What can we learn from qualitative research? The strength of qualitative research is its
ability to provide complex textual descriptions of how people experience a given
research issue. It provides information about the “human” side of an issue – that is, the
often contradictory behaviors, beliefs, opinions, emotions, and relationships of
individuals. Qualitative methods are also effective in identifying intangible factors, such
as social norms, socioeconomic status, gender roles, ethnicity, and religion, whose role
in the research issue may not be readily apparent. When used along with quantitative
methods, qualitative research can help us to interpret and better understand the complex
reality of a given situation and the implications of quantitative data.
Although findings from qualitative data can often be extended to people with
characteristics similar to those in the study population, gaining a rich and complex
understanding of a specific social context or phenomenon typically takes precedence
over eliciting data that can be generalized to other geographical areas or populations. In
this sense, qualitative research differs slightly from scientific research in general.
What are some qualitative research methods? The three most common qualitative
methods, explained in detail in their respective modules, are participant observation, in-
depth interviews, and focus groups. Each method is particularly suited for obtaining a
specific type of data.
a. Participant observation is appropriate for collecting data on naturally occurring
behaviors in their usual contexts.
b. In-depth interviews are optimal for collecting data on histories, per- spectives,
and experiences, particularly when sensitive topics are being explored.
c. Focus groups are effective in eliciting data on the cultural norms of a group and
in generat- ing broad overviews of issues of concern to the cultural groups or
subgroups represented.
What forms do qualitative data take? The types of data these three methods generate are
field notes, audio (and sometimes video) recordings, and transcripts.
Listening has an important role both in daily life and in academic contexts as it is crucial
for people to sustain effective communication. In spite of the importance of listening in
the development of the communicative and cognitive skills, it did not start to take its
place in language teaching curriculum for long years. However, in recent years, with the
emphasis given in communication in language teaching, listening started to take its long
deserved place in language programs.
Listening plays an important role in communication in people’s daily lives. As Guo and
Wills (2006) state “it is the medium through which people gain a large proportion of
their education, their information, their understanding of the world and human affairs,
their ideals, sense of values”. According to Mendelson (1994) “of the total time spent
on communicating, listening takes up 40-50 %; speaking 25-30 %; reading 11-16 %; and
writing about 9 %”. Emphasizing the importance of listening in language learning,
Peterson (2001) states that “no other type of language input is easy to process as spoken
language, received through listening, learners can build an awareness of the
interworkings of language systems at various levels and thus establish a base for more
fluent productive skills”. Listening has an important role not only in daily life but also
in classroom settings. Anderson and Lynch (2003) state that “we only become aware of
what remarkable feats of listening we achieve when we are in an unfamiliar listening
environment, such as listening to a language in which we have limited proficiency”.
Most people think that being able to write and speak in a second language means that
they know the language; however, if they do not have the efficient listening skills, it is
not possible to communicate effectively. That is, listening is the basic skill in language
learning and over 50% of the time that students spend functioning in a foreign language
will be devoted to listening (Nunan, 1998). Rost (1994) explains the importance of
listening in language classroom as follows:
1) Listening is vital in the language classroom because it provides input for the
learner. Without understanding input at the right level, any learning simply
cannot begin.
2) Spoken language provides a means of interaction for the learner. Because
learners must interact to achieve understanding. Access to speakers of the
language is essential. Moreover, learners’ failure to understand the language
they hear is an impetus, not an obstacle, to interaction and learning.
3) Authentic spoken language presents a challenge for the learner to understand
language as native speakers actually use it.
4) Listening exercises provide teachers with a means for drawing learners’
attention to new forms (vocabulary, grammar, new interaction patterns) in the
To summarize, listening has an important role both in daily life and in academic
contexts as it is crucial for people to sustain effective communication. Emphasizing the
importance of listening, Anderson and Lynch (2003) state that listening skills are as
important as speaking skills because people cannot communicate face-to-face unless
both types of skills are developed together. Listening skills are also important for
learning purposes since through listening students receive information and gain insights
(Wallace, Stariha & Walberg, 2004).
Finding And Discussion
In this study I found there are so many Junior High School in remote areas less focused
places than the government. The students in remote area often have difficulty when
learning English because they only listened to the teachers explanation without being
support by listening media. In almost every school in remote area for English teaching is
still using way to explain and listen to material and it’s very damaging for the student.
The solution is the government should provide to advance remote school. Government
is also supposed to channels self-quality teachers.
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