Da Curated Archive 02-01-19 PDF

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This is an archive of actively maintained links to RPG Troves.

Each one is a single game, theme, or publisher, and strives to be complete.

See an (offline) trove you mirrored or happen to collect? Toss up a link!

It's never too late to become a curator.

/Drop, /Donate, /Submit, etc. links are for filling gaps in troves. If you're suspicious of a file's
hygiene, please denote so in the filename.



If you wanted to help, you could join the Anon Brigade by becoming a Curator and/or by finding stray
PDFs for other Curators.

Pick a game or small publisher you like that’s not too big and complete it as best you can easily.

Really prolific games can be divided into components; by edition, setting, publisher etc.

Upload the pdfs somewhere. Hunt for and request the missing things. If it gets taken down, put it up again
later. Using indirect links like $nip li or pasteb!n has a real advantage in that this document will tend to stay
valid without constant editing.

I found this big honking list of rpgs,

that probably means everyone else has known about it for ages.
It stopped in 2007, it has descriptions and stuff. http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/
This one started in 2008


Sorry for the incomplete links and funny L33t spelling of upload site names

ss, @SS or $$ is Send Spaace, m3g@ is Megaa, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com

$n!p<dot>li, s00<dot>gd, and h1v3<dot>@m links are cAsE sEnSeTiVe

There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one.

If $n!p<dot>li is finicky, try $n!pli<dot>com instead.

Add the hypertext protocol colon stuff to the front then the upload site spelled correctly, then add the final gibberish to
build a complete link.

Slightly outdated versions of many of these troves can be found at

$n!p<dot>li /neatstuff
$n!p<dot>li /neatstuff-megadrop

3D Printable Files
$n!p<dot>li /3DFiles

Advanced Squad Leader

$n!p<dot>li /ASL

Adventures in the East Mark

$n!p<dot>li /EastMark

$n!p<dot>li /aftermath

MF /folder/khkqm7bvo24sh/Agone

$n!p<dot>li /AmberRPG

Atlas Games - Feng Shui, Over the Edge, Penumbra, and more
$n!p<dot>li /AtlasGames

Avalon Hill Games

$n!p<dot>li /AVH

Avalon Hill Magazines

$n!p<dot>li /AVHMags

Bestiaries Collection - “HOLY MOLY!” and "Wowsers in my Trousers"

$n!p<dot>li /Bestiaries

Boot Hill
$n!p<dot>li /BootHill
$n!p<dot>li /DropOff

Blacksburg Tactical Research Center

$n!p<dot>li /BTRC

Burning Wheel
SS /folder/gthatc

Other Burning Wheel system games

SS /folder/x9bcvm

$n!p<dot>li /Bushido

$n!p<dot>li /Catacombs

Central Casting
$n!p<dot>li /m6j

Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish Granting Engine

$n!p<dot>li /Chuubo

Circle of Hands
$n!p<dot>li /CircleOfHands

City-State of the Invincible Overlord - with Role-Aids

$n!p<dot>li /Mayfair

Conan - all things Conan!

$n!p<dot>li /KING-CONAN

Conan 2d20
$n!p<dot>li /Conan2d20

Conan Monolith Board Game

$n!p<dot>li /ConanMonolith

$n!p<dot>li /Coriolis

Crawling Under A Broken Moon

$n!p<dot>li /CUBM

The Ultimate Cthulhu Collection

- Achtung Cthulhu!
- Cthulhu 1920s
- Cthulhu by Gaslight
- Cthulhu Dark
- Cthulhu Dark Ages
- Cthulhu Invictus
- Cthulhu Now & DG
- Cthulhu Rising
- Cthulhu Tech
- End Time
- Plus Age of Cthulhu, BRP, The Unspeakable Oath, World War Cthulhu, Worlds of Cthulhu and more.
- read on for Trail of Cthulhu
$n!p<dot>li /Cthulhu

Trail of Cthulhu
$n!p<dot>li /ToC

Cyberpunk - all editions

$n!p<dot>li /Cyberpunk

MF /folder/ays916q7aql9p/d20_Trove

Dangerous Journeys
$n!p<dot>li /Mythus

$n!p<dot>li /Daredevils

Dark Conspiracy
$n!p<dot>li /DarkCons

Brolaire's Dark Souls Collection

$n!p<dot>li /J0llyR0leplay

New DC Univers Scans

$n!p<dot>li /DCUrpg

Deadlands - Classic, Hell on Earth, Lost Colony

$n!p<dot>li /Deadlands

$n!p<dot>li /Degenesis

Different Worlds Magazine

$n!p<dot>li /DiffWorlds

Dime Adventures
$n!p<dot>li /DimeAdventures

Doctor Who AITAS Collection

$n!p<dot>li /AITAS

$n!p<dot>li /DragonMech

Dream Pod 9
$n!p<dot>li /DP9

Dungeons & Dragons

$n!p<dot>li /TSRTrove

$n!p<dot>li /WOTCTrove

$n!p<dot>li /DnD3P

$n!p<dot>li /HomebrewTrove ← (templates for making pretty PDFs)

$n!p<dot>li /Earthdawn

The Enforcers
$n!p<dot>li /Enforcers

EPT Trove - AS&SH, Blood and Bronze, Castle Zagyg, DCC/MCC, Empire of the Petal Throne,
Metamorphosis Alpha, New Wilderlands
$n!p<dot>li /EPT
$n!p<dot>li /EPTrove

Exalted - Second Edition

$n!p<dot>li /Exalted2E
$n!p<dot>li /ExaltedDrop

$n!p<dot>li /exodus

$n!p<dot>li /PHATE
$n!p<dot>li /FEI
Fantasy Craft
$n!p<dot>li /FantasyCraft

Fantasy Games Unlimited

$n!p<dot>li /FGU

$n!p<dot>li /Fiasco
$n!p<dot>li /DropOff

Final Fantasy FFRPG

SS /folder/2o2b2u

Fragged Empire ← (4-eared Elven Catgirls in Space!)

$n!p<dot>li /FraggedEmpire
$n!p<dot>li /Fragged

Freebie Collection! - Curated by TheWiz! 600+ Open Source, Copyright Free RPG PDFs
"You maniacs! You blew it up!"

French RPGs
m3g4 /#F!pD4WnD5J!JLF4yhyfh3CCTQ2aottfJg

French RPG Magazines

m3g4 /#F!uHBWGBjK!hWXEiEqgvwacJUptTTVvww

GM-Less/Rotating GM/Collaborative
$n!p<dot>li /NOGM

Gamma World - all editions

$n!p<dot>li /Gamma

Gamma World - First through Fourth edition

m3g4 /#F!z9wHCQwC!HCeMOum5467vvbTd2XwiMw

$n!p<dot>li /Gangbusters

$n!p<dot>li /Ghostbusters

$n!p<dot>li /Greyhawk
$n!p<dot>li /TGRDrop

Greyhawk Novels
m3g4 /#F!pqgjiKZa!6dborrc_ts18OuA7GMNIGA

$n!p<dot>li /Hackmaster
h1v3<d0t>@m /Hackmaster

Heroic Maps
$n!p<dot>li /Heroic

Hex and Chit Board Games - No AVH/SPI

$n!p<dot>li /HexChit
$n!p<dot>li /WargameDrop

Hunter, the Reckoning

$n!p<dot>li /Hunter

Hyperborean Mice
$n!p<dot>li /HyperboreanMice

Iron Crown Enterprises

$n!p<dot>li /IronCrown
MF /folder/dnh302cpzen0y/Iron%20Crown%20Enterprises

It Came from the Late, Late, Late Show

$n!p<dot>li /LateLateShow

Japanese RPGs
m3g4 /#F!KA1DHRRL!MGkoDoBdnehHG7D2iXOwXQ!vNUw3LzR

JDR Trove
$n!p<dot>li /JDRTrove

JDR Magazines
$n!p<dot>li /JDRMags

Judge's Guild Magazine

$n!p<dot>li /JGuild
$n!p<dot>li /JGuildSubmissions

Justice, Inc.
$n!p<dot>li /Justice

Kid-Friendly RPGs
$n!p<dot>li /kidsRPG

Legend of the Five Rings

$n!p<dot>li /LFR

Like a Fucking Boss

$n!p<dot>li /PiratingLikeAFuckingBoss

Lone Wolf Adventure Game

$n!p<dot>li /LoneWolfAdventureGame

Lost Souls
$n!p<dot>li /LostSouls

$n!p<dot>li /manowar

Map Tiles - so nice he split it twice

$n!p<dot>li /TilesTrove
$n!p<dot>li /TilesTrove2
$n!p<dot>li /TilesTrove3

Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes

$n!p<dot>li /MSPE
Games, play aids, and RPGs picked out of interest or curiosity
$n!p<dot>li /MiscTrove

The Morrow Project

$n!p<dot>li /MorrowProject

$n!p<dot>li /Necromancer
$n!p<dot>li /TGRDrop

Numenera - with Cypher System, Gods of the Fall, and The Strange
$n!p<dot>li /Cypher

Olde House Rules

$n!p<dot>li /OldeHouseRules

The One Ring

$n!p<dot>li /TheOneRing
h1v3<d0t>@m /TheOneRing

Operation Unfathomable
$n!p<dot>li /Unfathomable

$n!p<dot>li /OspreyGames

OSR Trove
$n!p<dot>li /O-S-R (password changes often)

OSR Annex
$n!p<dot>li /OSRAnnex
$n!p<dot>li /OSRSandbox ←(add stuff here)
$n!p<dot>li /FlyC

Miniature Painting Guides

$n!p<dot>li /Paint

$n!p<dot>li /PalladiumTrove
$n!p<dot>li /PalladiumDrop

Paper Friends
$n!p<dot>li /PaperFriends
$n!p<dot>li /SevenWonders ←(for drops)

Papercraft - minis and more

$n!p<dot>li /Papercraft

Paranoia - all editions

$n!p<dot>li /Paranoia

$n!p<dot>li /Parsely

$n!p<dot>li /PFTrove
$n!p<dot>li /3PPF
Pelgrane Press
$n!p<dot>li /Pelgrane

Polyhedron Magazine
$n!p<dot>li /Polyhedron
$n!p<dot>li /hOYhp
m3g4 /#F!CLAViZLY!wBhXOlnsXcQfGLt4HKPe0A

$n!p<dot>li /Ponyfinder

Powered by the Apocalypse

$n!p<dot>li /EBQ
m3g4 /#F!7SgUyLgA!MOOJg3CFy7ws63sHKlRBDA

Prose Descriptive Qualities

$n!p<dot>li /PDQ

$n!p<dot>li /Ptolus

Rifts - with other Palladium products

$n!p<dot>li /Rifts

Roleplaying Magazines - too big for one shelf!

$n!p<dot>li /MagA-F
$n!p<dot>li /MagG-M
$n!p<dot>li /MagN-Z
$n!p<dot>li /RPGMags

RPG Software
$n!p<dot>li /RPGSoftware
$n!p<dot>li /TGRDrop

Roll 19+1
$n!p<dot>li /R20Trove

Sanguine Press
$n!p<dot>li /Sanguine

Savage Worlds - numerous settings

$n!p<dot>li /SaWo

Shadis Magazine
$n!p<dot>li /Shadis

Shadow of the Demon Lord

$n!p<dot>li /SotDL
$n!p<dot>li /DemonLord

$n!p<dot>li /SideQuests

Solo Trove - games for one person

$n!p<dot>li /s0l0
$n!p<dot>li /Solo
Space 1889 - all editions
$n!p<dot>li /Space1889

Space 1889 - Clockwork Publishing

$n!p<dot>li /Space1889_Clockwork

Spanish RPGs
m3g4 /#F!F1t1VLTI!X_IRZmebfBOzBrM5bN3gBw

Spectrum Games - Macabre Tales, Retrostar, Slasher Flick, The Big Crime, Stories from the Grave, Cartoon
Action Hour
$n!p<dot>li /SpectrumGamesRPGs

Star Maps
$n!p<dot>li /Starmaps

Star Wars - D6, D20 and FFG

$n!p<dot>li /StarWars

Stars Without Number

$n!p<dot>li /SWN
$n!p<dot>li /DropOff

Steampunk RPGs
$n!p<dot>li /SteamTrove

Stormbringer - with Elric! and Dragon Lords of Melniboné

$n!p<dot>li /Stormbringer

Superhero Games - Hero Games, Marvel Superheroes, M&M, V&V

$n!p<dot>li /HeroTrove

$n!p<dot>li /Symbaroum

Tank Battles in Miniatures

$n!p<dot>li /TankBattles

Thieves' World
$n!p<dot>li /ThievesWorld
$n!p<dot>li /TGRDrop

Through the Breach

$n!p<dot>li /ThroughTheBreach

$n!p<dot>li /Timemaster
$n!p<dot>li /DropOff

Top Secret
$n!p<dot>li /TopSecret

$n!p<dot>li /torchbearer

Torg Eternity
$n!p<dot>li /TorgEternity

Traveller - the general trove

$n!p<dot>li /Traveller
$n!p<dot>li /DropOff

Traveller - another, differently organized trove

$n!p<dot>li /kqm2x

Tri Tac Games

$n!p<dot>li /TriTac

Triple Ace Games

$n!p<dot>li /TripleAce

Trudvang Chronicles
$n!p<dot>li /Trudvang

Twilight: 2000
$n!p<dot>li /T2K

Two Hour Wargames

$n!p<dot>li /TwoHourWargames
$n!p<dot>li /DropOff

Warhammer 40,000 Novels

m3g4 /#F!K2IgwBDL!rt7VIHn-kdO0uaOb7F_k2A

Waste World
$n!p<dot>li /WasteWorld

World Building and Game Design

$n!p<dot>li /WorldBuilding

Old World of Darkness - OEFs

$n!p<dot>li /oWoD-OEF

New World of Darkness

$n!p<dot>li /NWoD

White Star
$n!p<dot>li /WhiteStar

$n!p<dot>li /xzGCj

Year Zero Games

$n!p<dot>li /YearZero

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