VHF Radio
VHF Radio
VHF Radio
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User Manual
1.1 Introduction .........................................1
2.1 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 2
2.2 Selecting Alternative Channel Sets . . . . . .4
2.3 Disable I Enable Key Beep .4
2.4 Removing I Attaching the Battery . 5
2.5 Charger Options .5
2.6 Charging of Batteries. . . . . . ..5
2.7 Notes on Charging .. . 6
2.8 Battery Level Indicator. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1 Licensing ......... . 7
3.2 Antenna . . . . ......... ......... . 8
3.3 Transmission Ranges 8
3.4 Channel Frequencies 9
3.5 Battery Life Guidelines 10
3.6 Troubleshooting 11
3.7 Spares & Accessories...................... . .. 12
3.8 Technical Specification 13
3.9 Service & Warranty 14
1. 1 Introduction
Key Ix Press 2x Press Press & HOldlpress & Hold Hold During
Double Beep Triple Beep Power Up
Select Volume Select secondary
Select Squelch
I channel set-
Disable I Enable
SQ Mode First Key Beep
Standard Mode
.. Channel UplOown
Volume Mode
.. Volume Up/Down
Squelch Mode
Squelch UplOown
Light Mode
light level UplDown
Add I Delete Scan All Channels Inhibit! Enable
SCAN Memory Scan Chan~;} from selected channel
Memo Scan from scan
D/W Dual Watch Tri-Walch
Select Channel 16 Select Personal Set Personal
16 Channel Channel
Select Light Mode
··9·· Backlight OnlOff
On I Off (1)
Press 6 to turn the R2 on. To turn the radio off,
press and hold the key for approximately 2 sec-
onds. This is to avoid accidental power off.
Hi I La (2)
Toggles between high and low transmit power
(see specification section 3.8). Use the low set·
ting over short ranges to preserve battery life.
... IT (6 & 7)
These keys will change the selected channel.
Pressing VOl, saor :;", then ...;.... within 3 sec-
onds will adjust the volume, squelch or back-
lighting level respectively. The bargraph will
indicate the level selected.
16 - Channel 16 / Worki ng Channel (10)
Press to select channel 16.
2.5 Charger Options
The R2 is supplied as standard with a 12V
drop-in trickle charger that will accept the whole
radio, or the battery alone (Fig 2.5) . Th is charg-
er will run from a standard 12 V marine supply
(12.6-15.5 V), or from 11 01220/240 V mains
with an appropriate optional adaptor/power
supply. Charging with the trickle charger takes
approximately 12-16 hours. There is also a
rapid charger available which will charge the
battery within 1 1/2 hours.
Note that only the 850 mAh NiCad battery
pack can be recharged - do not attempt to
recharge the Lithium battery pack.
2.7 Notes on Charging
• NiCad batteries are supplied uncharged and
need charging be fore use.
• Charge the battery up to full charge when not
in use; note, that it ma y lose some of its charge
after several months of storage.
• Do not charge at temperatures below O·C or
above 40·C .
• Turn off the radio if charg ing the battery while
fitted to the radio .
• Always try to fully discharge the battery before
recharg ing - repeated recharging of the battery
while it is partly d isch arged may create a 'mem-
ory effect ', preventing the battery reach ing full
• Dispose of used batteries carefully. The con-
tents of the batte ries could be harm ful to the
env ironment.
• Never expose batteries to a naked flame .
IMPORTANT: The Lithium battery pack is
not rechargeable, and under no circum-
stances should any attempt be made to
recharge t he se batteries. Replacement
Lithium cells can be obtained from your
local McMurdo Agent (Part No. 84-210 ).
3.1 Licensing
Prior to use check the national licensing requirements for the operator.
In the UK licence applications and queries should be made to the following authority:
A set may only be operated by or under the supervision of the holder of a Marine Radio Operator's
Certificate of Competence and Authority to Operate. This is awarded on completion of the Marine
Short Range Certificate course administered by the Royal Yachting Association:
In all other countries, please contact your regional authority for information.
I ssu ~l .l 1510B/O)
84- 215Trick le Charger fo r R2 GM DSS Han dh eld VHF
1 Installation
The 84·215 is a 12v tr ickle charger fo r the R2 GMDSS
rec hargeab le 8S0m Ah NiCad Batte ry Pack (84-211)
2 Charging
The 84·215 w ill trickle charge the batt ery pack in 14· 16
hours (O.K nom inal) and then switch to a holding charge
(O.Ol C) to keep the batte ry pack t opped up. Supply can
eithe r be d irectly from a 12v DC (11-16.5v) source usin g the
lead supp lied (Fig 1), or from a mains A( source (11Qv /
220v) using th e o ptio nal mains adapt or (Fig 2)-
Switc hing the 84-215 o n with th e batt ery already inserted w ill set
the charger to Holdi ng Charge Mode. To full charge a di scharged
batt ery, switch the 84-215 o n, then insert the batt ery.
10m l \
I oc ft \ 1fIIt
Ma st lL.J,
Th e refore, the typical range of a hand held radio such as this one used at sea level will be ap prox-
imately 8 km (5 !tiles). Th is will increase as height above sea level increases, or if the other rad io
user's antenna is at a greater height. Note , that the range between the yacht with the antenna
mounted on a 9 m (30 tt) mast and lhe handheld use r increases to 13-16 km (8-10 miles).
3.4 Channel Frequencies
_ J •• ' . • ,~
.~ ;;:
.",... Ji1'_
. • • ;
I C. ~ I
"~',!' . , ~h~~. 1r
0 156.000 156.000 156.00 0 18 1 56~O 161 .500 156.900
60 156.025 160.625 156.025 78 156 .£025 161.525 156.925
01 156.050 160.650 156.050 19 IS6 .~5 a 16 1.550 156.950
61 156.075 160.675 156 .075 7. '56 ,~75 16 1.575 156.975
02 156.100 160.700 156.100 20 157.ma 161.600 161.600
62 156.125 160.725 156.12 5 80 157.(>25 16 1.625 157.025
03 156.150 160.750 156 .150 21 157.(050 16 1.650 157.050
63 156.175 160.775 156.175 81 157H5 16 1.675 157.07 5
04 156.200 160.800 156.200 22 157 100 16 1.700 157.100
64 156.225 160.825 156.225 157.125 161.725 157.125
160.87 5
23 "
16 1.775
06 156.300 156.300 156.300 2' 1 5 7 .~OO 161. 800 161.800
66 156325 160.925 1563 25 84 157.a5 16 1.825 16 1.82 5
07 156.350 160.950 156.350 25 15 7 . ~50 16 1.830 16 1.850
67 1563 75 156.375 156.375 85 1 5 7 ~ 75 16 1.875 16 1.875
08 156.400 156.400 156.4 00 26 157.: 00 16 1.900 161.900
68 156.425 156.425 156.425 86 157.:25 16 1.925 16 1.92 5
09 156.450 156.450 156.45 0 27 157.: 50 161 .950 16 1.950
6. 156.475 156.475 156.475 87 157.:75 157.375 157.375
10 156.500 156 .500 156.500 28 157.LOC 162.000 162.000
• 156.525 156.525 156.5 25 88 157."-2.5 157.42 5 157.425
156.550 156 550 156.5 50 2. - 157.450
" 71 156.575 156.575 156.575 8. -
- 157.475
162 .55 0
12 156.600 156 .60 0 156.600 WX01
72 156.625 156 .625 156.6 25 WX02 - - 162.400
13 156.650 156 .650 156.650 WX03 - -- 162.475
,. 73 156.675
156 .700
156.6 75
- -
7. 156.725
156 .725
156.72 5
WX07 -
-- 162.500
75 156.77 5 156 .775 156.77 5 WX08 - 161.6 50
16 156.800 156.800 156.800 WX09 - 16 1.775
76 156.825 156.8 25
WX10 - 163.275
17 156.850
77 156.875 156.87 5 156 .875 NOle:Duplex cbanr-els are marked in grey.
' ,. ,
X\1 s;~
157.850 UK
rh e sup plementary ta t le (see left) lists further
M2 161.425 16 1.425 UK channels, which m 3f be fitted to you r radio.
31 157.550 161.1 50 Holland / Belgium 't hese are only licensed for use in the cou ntries
'6Ll / 1L 162.425
1555 00
indicated. No atte r-tpt should be made to use
them in any ott-er cou -arv.
l.2I2L 155.525 155.525 Scandmavla
L3/3L 155.650 155.650 Scandinavia (not Denmark)
F111F 155.62 5 155.625 Scandinavia
F2I2F 155.775 155.775 Scand inavia
Fl/ 3F 155.825 155.825 Scandinavia
3.5 Batte~y Life Guidelines
• New batteries should be fully (trickle) charged
and fully discharged several times to achieve
full capacity.
To a large extent the battery life will depend on
the usage, or Duty Cycle of the radio - .e. fhe
battery will be drained much quicker if th3 radio
is transmitting continually than if it isjustreceiv-
ing. Additionally, if the radio is set to High Power
(5 Watts'), the power drain will be considerably
greater than if transmitting on Low Power (1
• Standard power settings.
All Based on - 5% Transmit at 1 Watt setting of r.t output power (0.8 Amp)
5% Receive at 200mWatts Audio (0.15 Amp)
90% Receiver squelched (0.02 Amp)
B Based on - 10% Transmit at 5 Watt setting of r.t. output power (1.4 Amp)
10% Receiver al250mWatts Audio (0.15 Amp)
80% Receiver squelched (0.02 Amp)
3.6 Troubleshooting
Dual Watch not being • Priority channel selected • Select a working channel
entered (normally Ch 16)
Cannot change channel • Dual Watch (DIW) engaged • Exit Dual Watch
Certain channel numbers • Some channels are restricted • Consult your national
are not obtainable and programmed out depend- authority for permitted
ing on country of purchase channels in your region
WjJJ not transmit • Scanning or ONV function active • Exit DNI or Scan
Will not transmit on SW • Low voltage when full transmit- • Battery charge low -
but OK on lW ling current is drawn recharge the battery
• Some channels are restricted to • Consult your national
low power transmission only authority
These simple checks should be carried out before seeking tecrrtical assistance and may save
time and expense.
Before contacting your servicing agent please obtain the radio's 5er al number and the software
iteration - this is shown in the large digits on the display for 2 seconds atte: the radio is turned on.
3.7 Spares & Accessories
T he following spares and accessories are availab le from authorised McMu rdo Agents. A list of
dealers is includec with this unit. Please quote the Part No. when ordering.
3.8 Technical Specification
Channel Capability 54 international channels: 1-28, 60-6£, 71-88
Up 10 10 private channels'
UK : includes M (previously37) and ~'f
USA; includes 0, 29, 89, 75, 76, Wxl-10 receive 0011'.
Scandinavia: leisure or fishing channels as appropriale
Canada: Canadian and USA et alTlels
GMDSS sets have simplex chanrets only: 06, OB·H, 6"·69, 71·74, 77
o Cl
/ <,
@ ~
~ .@
o "" (!)
- 70 rrm (2.6 ir)
. \) .
42 mm (1.7 in)
: I •. ~ I
: 68 mm (2.7 in): B:l mm (3.2 in)
3.9 Service & Warranty
Your radio should seldom need servicing, although it will benefit from an application of silicone or
Tefton grease to the battery contacts and antenna socket each season.
This unit is guaranteed for 2 years from date of retail sale. If it is necessary to have the unit
repaired, return it carriage prepaid 10 the agent in the country of purchase with a copy of the
receipted invoice showing the date of purchase. Where possible, return all the components unless
you are certain that you have located the source of the fault. If the original packing is not available,
ensure that it is well cushioned in packinq: the rigours of freight handling can be very different from
those encountered in the marine Environment for which the unit is designed.
IMPORTANT - The R2 is a sealed, waterproof unit. To create and maintain its waterproof
integrity it was assembled in a controlled environment using special equipment. The radio
is not a user maintainable unit, and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should the unit be
opened, except by authorised McMurdo Service Agents. Unauthorised opening of the unit
will invalidate the warranty.
McMurdo Limited
Silver Point
Airport Service Road
Portsmouth P03 5PB
United Kingdom .~
Phone: +44 (0)23 9262 3900
Fax: +44 (0)23 9262 3998 '
Website: www.mcmurdo.co.uk
Email: customerservice@mcmurdo.co.uk
84-232 Issue 2