Idioms and Phrases A-Z PDF-min
Idioms and Phrases A-Z PDF-min
Idioms and Phrases A-Z PDF-min
Black and blue- full of bruises Beat one's head against the
Blue blood- belonging to high social wall- to try to do something that is
class hopeless
Be above board- to be honest and Bark up the wrong tree- to make a
legal wrong assumption
Be bouncing off the walls- excited Batten down the hatches- prepare
and full of nervous energy for difficult times
Bow and scrap- try too hard to Beat one's brain out- to work hard
please someone in a position of Begin to see the light- to begin to
authority understand
Brass monkey weather- extremely Behind closed doors- done in secret
cold weather Bet on the wrong horse- to misread
Be tailor made- to be completely the future
suitable for someone. Bent on doing- to be determined to
Break the ice- to make more comfort do something
or relaxed with a person whom you Bite off more than one can chew-
have not met earlier, to break the to do more than one's ability
silence Bite the bullet- to face a difficult
Be as clear as mud- to be impossible situation bravely
to understand Bitter pill to swallow- an unpleasant
Be on cloud nine- be very happy fact that must be accepted
Between the devil and deep blue Black sheep of the family- worst
sea- a type of situation where u must member
choose between two equally Blessing in disguise- something that
unpleasant situations turns out to be good which earlier
Be in the doldrums- not very appeared to be wrong
successful or nothing new is taking Blind leading the blind- someone
place who does not understand something
Beat the drum- to speak eagerly but tries to explain it to other
about something you support Blow one's own horn- to praise one
Be on the edge- to be nervous or Blow someone's mind- excite
worried about something someone
Be in seventh heaven- extremely Bone of contention- subject matter
happy of the fight
Be at each other's throat- two Downloaded From
persons arguing angrily
Batten down the hatches- to Bring home the bacon- to earn
prepare for trouble money to live
Back the wrong horse- to support Blue in the face- exhausted and
someone weak speechless
Back to square one- to reach again Break the back of- reduce the power
to the starting point of something
Back to the salt mines- back to Burn a hole in one's pocket- to
something that you don't want to do spend money quickly
Ball of fire- active and energetic Burn the midnight oil- to study till
late of night
Most Important Idioms and Phrases A-Z PDF
pleasant and a very unpleasant side to Join the club - Said when someone
the character. has expressed a desire or opinion,
Jersey justice - Jersey justice is very meaning "That viewpoint is not unique
severe justice. to you". It can suggest that the
Jet set - Very wealthy people who speaker should stop complaining since
travel around the world to attend many others are in the same position.
parties or functions are the jet set. Example: "If this train doesn't come,
Jet-black - To emphasise just how I'll be late for work!" "Join the club!"
black something is, such as someone's Joined at the hip - If people are
hair, we can call it jet-black. joined at the hip, they are very closely
Job's comforter - Someone who says connected and think the same way.
they want to comfort, but actually Judge, jury and executioner - If
discomforts people is a Job's someone is said to be the judge, jury,
comforter. and executioner, it means they are in
Jobs for the boys - Where people charge of every decision made, and
give jobs, contracts, etc, to their they have the power to be rid of
friends and associates, these are jobs whomever they choose.
for the boys. Juggle frogs - If you are juggling
Jockey for position - If a number of frogs, you are trying to do something
people want the same opportunity and very difficult.
are struggling to emerge as the most Jump down someone's throat - If
likely candidate, they are jockeying for you jump down someone's throat, you
position. criticise or chastise them severely.
Jog my memory- If you jog Jump on the bandwagon - If people
someone's memory, you say words jump on the bandwagon, they get
that will help someone trying to involved in something that has
remember a thought, event, word, recently become very popular.
phrase, experience, etc. Jump ship - If you leave a company
John Doe- John Doe is a name given or institution for another because it is
to an unidentified male who may be doing badly, you are jumping ship.
party to legal proceedings, or to an Jump the broom - To jump the
unidentified person in hospital, or broom is to marry. (Jump over the
dead. Jane Doe is the female broom, jump over the broomstick,
equivalent. jump the broomstick are also used.)
Joe Public - Joe Public is the typical, Jump the gun - If you jump the gun,
average person. you start doing something before the
Johnny on the spot - A person who appropriate time.
is always available; ready, willing, and Downloaded From
able to do what needs to be
done.('Johnny-on-the-spot' is also Jump the track - Jumping the track
used.) is suddenly changing from one plan,
Johnny-come-lately - A Johnny- activity, idea, etc, to another.
come-lately is someone who has Jump through hoops - If you are
recently joined something or arrived prepared to jump through hoops for
somewhere, especially when they someone, you are prepared to make
want to make changes that are not great efforts and sacrifices for them.
Most Important Idioms and Phrases A-Z PDF
Make castles in the air- plans or there's smoke, there's fire' is also
hopes that have very little chances of used.)
happening. Downloaded From
Make a bee line for- to go directly
towards something. Once in a blue moon- very rarely
Make ones bed and lie on it- to be On the bandwagon- doing
responsible for what you have done something because others are also
and accept the results doing it
Meet ones waterloo- meet ones final Open Pandora's box- to discover
end more problems
Monkey around- to waste time here Over the moon- being too happy
and there On its last legs- in a bad condition
My hands are full- I am busy and will not last long
Make a dry face- show Old flames die hard- It's very
disappointment difficult to forget old things
Make a monkey of someone- If you On pins and needles- If you are on
make a monkey of someone, you pins and needles, you are very
make them look foolish worried about something
Man of his word- A man of his word On the carpet- When you are called
is a person who does what he says to the bosses office (since supposedly,
and keeps his Promises they are the only ones who have
Many moons ago- A very long time carpet) and its definitely not for a
ago good reason, i.e., you are in trouble,
Nobody's fool- one who can take something has not gone according to
care of himself plan and either maybe you are
not having a leg to stand for- not responsible and/or have some
having proof explaining to do
Never-never land- ideal best place. Downloaded From
No love lost between- dislike
Needle in a haystack- If trying to On the hook- If someone is on the
find something is like looking for a hook, they are responsible for
needle in a haystack, it means that it something.
is very difficult, if not impossible to Only the wearer knows where the
find among everything around it shoe pinches- This means that it's
New brush sweeps clean- 'A new hard to know how much someone else
brush sweeps clean' means that is suffering.
someone with a new perspective can Pass muster- to be approved
make great changes. However, the full Pick someone to pieces- to criticize
version is 'a new brush sweeps clean, sharply
but an old brush knows the corners', Paper over the cracks- to try to hide
which warns that experience is also a something
valuable thing Put the cart before the horse-
No smoke without fire- This idiom doing things in a wrong manner
means that when people suspect Pull up the shocks- do things in the
something, there is normally a good right manner and correctly
reason for the suspicion, even if there
is no concrete evidence. ('Where's
Most Important Idioms and Phrases A-Z PDF
Salt on the earth- fundamental good Take someone under your wing- If
people you take someone under your wing,
Sands of time- tiny amounts of time you look after them while they are
Shake a leg- to go fast, hurry learning something
Spill the beans- to expose a secret Take your medicine- If you take
Snake in the grass- a hidden army your medicine, you accept the
Snake in the shoes- to be in a state consequences of something you have
of fear done wrong
Stood to his guns- maintained to his Talking to a brick wall- If you talk
opinion to someone and they do not listen to
showing the door- asking someone you, it is like talking to a brick wall
to leave Taste of your own medicine- If you
Song and a dance- an excuse give someone a taste of their own
Salad days- Your salad days are an medicine, you do something bad to
especially happy period of your life someone that they have done to you
Sail under false colors- Someone to teach them a lesson
who sails under false colors is The apple does not fall far from
hypocritical or pretends to be the tree- Offspring grow up to be like
something they aren't in order to their parents
deceive people Downloaded From
Threaded his way out- walked
carefully through. Through thick and thin- If someone
Take the cloth- to become a priest. supports you through thick and thin,
Talk turkey- to discuss a problem they support you during good times
with a real intension to solve it. and bad
Tit for tat- an action done to revenge Upset the apple cart- to create
against a person who has done some difficulty
wrong to you Under a cloud- If someone is
To crow over- to triumph over suspected of having done something
someone wrong, they are under a cloud
to blow a fuse- to turn someone Under fire- If someone is being
angry attacked and criticized heavily, they
though thick and thin- under all are under fire
conditions Under your nose- If something
to bell the cat- to take great risks happens right in front of you,
To look through colored glasses- especially if it is surprising or
to look the things not as they are audacious, it happens under your nose
Taking to a brick wall- taking with a Up for grabs- If something is up for
no response grabs, it is available and whoever is
Turned a deaf ear- disregarded first or is successful will get it
Take a back seat- choose to Up to the neck- If someone's in
decrease involvement something up to the neck, they are
Tables are turned- When the tables very involved in it, especially when it's
are turned, the situation has changed something wrong
giving the advantage to the party who Up a river without a paddle- If you
had previously been at a disadvantage up a river without a paddle, you are in
an unfortunate situation, unprepared
Most Important Idioms and Phrases A-Z PDF
Yellow press - The yellow press is a You can't fight City Hall - This
term for the popular and phrase is used when one is so cynical
sensationalist newspapers. that one doesn't think one can change
Yellow streak- If someone has a their Representatives. The phrase
yellow streak, they are cowardly about must have started with frustration
something. towards a local body of government.
Yellow-bellied - A yellow-bellied You can't have cake and the
person is a coward. topping, too - This idiom means that
Yen - If you have a yen to do you can't have everything the way you
something, you have a desire to do it. want it, especially if your desires are
Yeoman's service - To do yeoman's contradictory.
service is to serve in an exemplary Downloaded From
Yes-man - Someone who always You can't have your cake and eat
agrees with people in authority is a it - This idiom means that you can't
yes-man. have things both ways. For example,
Yesterday's man or Yesterday's you can't have very low taxes and a
woman - Someone, especially a high standard of state care.
politician or celebrity, whose career is You can't hide elephants in mouse
over or on the decline is yesterday's holes - means that some
man or woman. issues/problems/challenges cannot be
You are what you eat - This is used hidden/concealed but have to be faced
to emphasise the importance of a and dealt with.
good diet as a key to good health. You can't make a silk purse out of
You can catch more flies with a sow's ear - If something isn't very
honey than with vinegar - This good to start with, you can't do much
means that it is easier to persuade to improve it.
people if you use polite arguments You can't make an omelette without
and flattery than if you are breaking eggs - This idiom means that
confrontational. in order to achieve something or make
You can choose your friends, but progress, there are often losers in the
you can't choose your family - process.
Some things you can choose, but You can't take it with you - Enjoy
others you cannot, so you have to try life, enjoy what you have and don't
to make the best of what you have worry about not having a lot,
where you have no choice. especially money...because once
You can lead a horse to water, but you're dead, 'you can't take it with
you can't make it drink - This idiom you.' For some, it means to use up all
means you can offer something to you have before you die because it's
someone, like good advice, but you no use to you afterwards.
cannot make them take it. You can't teach an old dog new
You can say that again - If you tricks - It is difficult to make
want to agree strongly with what someone change the way they do
someone has said, you can say 'You something when they have been doing
can say that again' as a way of doing it the same way for a long time
so. You can't un-ring a bell - This
means that once something has been
Most Important Idioms and Phrases A-Z PDF
done, you have to live with the Young Turk - A Young Turk is a
consequences as it can't be undone. young person who is rebellious and
You could have knocked me down difficult to control in a company, team
with a feather - This idiom is used to or organisation.
mean that the person was very Your belly button is bigger than
shocked or surprised. your stomach - If your belly button
You do not get a dog and bark is bigger than your stomach, you take
yourself - If there is someone in a on more responsibilities than you can
lower position who can or should do a handle.
task, then you shouldn't do it. Your call - If something is your call, it
Downloaded From is up to you to make a decision on the matter.
You get what you pay for Your name is mud - If someone's
- Something that is very low in price is name is mud, then they have a bad
not usually of very good quality. reputation.
You reap what you sow - This Your sins will find you out - This
means that if you do bad things to idiom means that things you do wrong
people, bad things will happen to you, will become known.
or good things if you do good things. Zero hour - The time when
It is normally used when someone has something important is to begin is
done something bad. zero hour.
You said it!- Used to say you agree Zero tolerance - If the police have a
completely with something just said. zero tolerance policy, they will not
You scratch my back and I'll scratch overlook any crime, no matter how
yours - This idiom means that if you small or trivial.
do something for me, I'll return the Zigged before you zagged - If you
favour. did things in the wrong order, you
You what? - This is a very colloquial zigged before you zagged.
way of expressing surprise or disbelief Zip it - This is used to tell someone to
at something you have heard. It can be quiet.
also be used to ask someone to say Zip your lip - If someone tells you to
something again. zip your lip, they want to to shut up or
You're toast - If someone tells you keep quiet about something. ('Zip it' is
that you are toast, you are in a lot of also used.)
You've got rocks in your head
- Someone who has acted with a lack
of intelligence has rocks in their head.
You've made your bed- you'll have
to lie in it - This means that someone
will have to live with the
consequences of their own actions.
Young blood - Young people with
new ideas and fresh approaches are
young blood.
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