Site Fidelity of Intertidal Fish To Rockpools: J. Roma - M. Dias - C. Vinagre - A. C. F. Silva
Site Fidelity of Intertidal Fish To Rockpools: J. Roma - M. Dias - C. Vinagre - A. C. F. Silva
Site Fidelity of Intertidal Fish To Rockpools: J. Roma - M. Dias - C. Vinagre - A. C. F. Silva
DOI: 10.1111/jai.13553
MARE – Marine and Environmental
Sciences Centre, Faculdade de Ciências da Summary
Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal Gobius paganellus, Lipophrys pholis and Coryphoblennius galerita are wide-spread inter-
CERIS, Instituto Superior
tidal fish that spend their earlier life stages in rock pools, and yet very little is known
Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa,
Portugal about their site fidelity behaviour. For these species, fidelity to rockpools may result in
increased fitness costs in a predicted scenario of warmer sea water, due to the low
Joana Roma, MARE – Marine and thermal inertia of these water bodies. In this context, it is relevant to investigate these
Environmental Sciences Centre, Faculdade de
species’ site fidelity. We made a mark-recapture study to assess the mentioned spe-
Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa,
Portugal. cies’ movements within and between rockpools. We tagged a total of 530 individuals
of the aforementioned species with the Visible Implant Elastomer and tracked their
Funding information movement for a 7-month period. We found that site fidelity and specific rockpools
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Grant/
conditions are important factors in distribution of intertidal blennies and gobies. We
Award Number: UID/MAR/04292/2013
also examined the relations between rockpool volume, depth and site fidelity. We
found that G. paganellus tends to remain in its original marking pool, with an average
recapture rate of 20.5%, but showed no evidence of inter-pool movement. Rockpool
depth, however, proved to be important in the blennies’ movements. Our findings are
among the first to prove that a mark-recapture method can be successfully used to
track intertidal fish movements. In particular, we showed that G. paganellus presents
site fidelity in intertidal rockpools during its early ontogeny for a period of two to three
1 | INTRODUCTION little is currently known about how the rockpools’ inhabitants inter-
act with their physical setting, both in ordinary and extreme thermal
One of the greatest challenges that researchers currently face is under- conditions, such as in the event of heat waves due to climate change.
standing the impact of global warming over biodiversity (Schwenk, To correctly predict changes in the patterns of rockpool usage by its
Padilla, Bakken, & Full, 2009). It is predicted that extreme climatic inhabitants when faced with thermal variations, it is first necessary
events such as heat waves will increasingly become more frequent in to determine the still largely unknown standard behavioural patterns.
Europe (IPCC, 2014). The coastal habitat and in particular the inter- Hence, we aimed to investigate the habitat distribution behaviour of
tidal zone have been identified as some of the most vulnerable habi- the common intertidal gobies and blennies in the Portuguese intertidal
tats to this type of climatic pressure (Helmuth, Mieszkowska, Moore, rockpools.
& Hawkins, 2006). Temperature increases have already caused shifts Our targeted species—Gobius paganellus, Lipophrys pholis and
in the current distribution of intertidal species (Helmuth et al., 2002). Coryphoblennius galerita—are all commonly found at the intertidal
The rocky intertidal zone is often an extremely productive habitat rockpools in the Eastern Atlantic coasts (Bath, 1990; Miller, 1990;
(White, Hose, & Brown, 2015), subject daily to severe changes on its Zander, 1986), and are important prey for commercially import-
physical, biological and chemical features due to its water/land inter- ant predator fish species (Patzner, Van Tassell, Kovačić, & Kapoor,
face. Within this shifting zone rockpools’ temperatures vary widely 2011). However, much is unknown about these species’ habitat
due to their relative little thermal inertia, in turn, related to the small distribution including among others, whether or not they pres-
water volume and prolonged exposure to low-tide conditions (Morris ent any form of site fidelity, choose to move around the habitat
& Taylor, 1983; Vinagre et al., 2013, 2016). Despite their ubiquity, and/or keep coming back to it with a certain frequency (homing
F I G U R E 1 Representation of the sampled rockpools’ (rectangles of varied sizes numbered P1 through P12) location in relation to each other.
Maximum length and width are represented within the rockpools in the sampling stations (a) Cabo Raso 1, (b) Cabo Raso 2 and (c) Raio Verde 1.
F I G U R E 2 Overview of Gobius paganellus recaptured tagged individuals, represented as the average percentage of recaptured individuals in
all recapture occasions, per sampled rockpool (P1 through P12).
range 2–9.5 cm) was smaller than that of individuals later recaptured recaptured individuals). However, the same parameters varied signifi-
(4.5 ± 1.4 cm, range 2.7–9.9 cm). cantly with rockpool depth (Table 1b and Figure 3). The SIMPER anal-
As for external recaptures, i.e., the number of marked individuals ysis showed that all three analysed parameters were greater at deeper
found outside their home pool, only one rockpool (P5) registered 8.9% rockpools, i.e., rockpools ≥0.3 m.
of its tagged individuals in other pools.
3.2 | Lipophrys pholis
In total, 50 L. pholis individuals were tagged in all 12 pools, but only Our study was the first of its kind to use this mark-recapture meth-
five individuals were recaptured afterwards in four of those pools. No ods applied to the distribution of intertidal fish species in rockpools.
tagged L. pholis were further recaptured after the 1st recapture event The main hypotheses of this study were successfully addressed by
(within the same month of tagging). The average size of individuals the methodology. However, it was not possible to validate our sec-
when they were first captured (5.1 ± 1.5 cm, range 1.9–11.3 cm) ond hypothesis (the scale of its movement range between rockpools
was larger than that of individuals recaptured in later occasions is smaller than 5 m) for all studied species since there were very few
(4.4 ± 2.2 cm, range 3.9–10.5 cm). Concerning external recaptures, recaptured individuals that were caught outside their home pools, and
only one rockpool registered one of its individuals in other pools, rep- hence no accurate conclusion could be derived from our data.
resenting 20% of its total marked individuals. Next, the specific results obtained for each species will be dis-
cussed, addressing the remaining hypothesis: (i) it does not have rock-
pool fidelity and this is independent of time; and (ii) rockpool depth
3.3 | Coryphoblennius galerita
and volume contribute to explain the movement patterns.
A total of 39 C. galerita individuals were tagged in all 12 pools, but only
six individuals were recaptured afterwards in five of those pools. No
4.1 | Gobius paganellus
marked individuals were further recaptured after the 1st recapture
event (within the same month of tagging). The average size of marked Gobius paganellus generally remained in the same rockpool, suggesting
individuals (5.0 ± 1.6 cm, range 3–11 cm) was smaller than individuals a site fidelity behaviour and avoidance to cross into nearby pools. This
later recaptured (6.8 ± 3.0 cm, range 4.2–10.5 cm). No external recap- fidelity behaviour is potentially associated with: (i) increased predator
tures were registered. refuge conditions, such as comparatively higher algae canopy cover
There were no significant differences between rockpool volumes or increased crevice availability (Baeza & Thiel, 2007; Baeza, Farías,
(Table 1a) for the tested parameters (average number of recaptured Luppi, & Spivak, 2010); (ii) territorial and food defence behaviours
individuals, average size of marked individuals and average size of (Baeza & Thiel, 2003, 2007; Emlen & Oring, 1977) and; (iii) preference
ROMA et al. |
T A B L E 1 Results of PERMANOVA
Source df SS MS Pseudo-F P(perm) Unique perms
analysis on Coryphoblennius galerita
according to the following experimental (a)
design: (a) rockpool volume (fixed, two Volume 1 3.8786 3.8786 1.3103 0.3404 512
levels: below 0.8 m3 and above 1.0 m3) and
Residuals 22 65.121 2.9601
(b) rockpool depth (fixed, two levels: below
0.3 m and above 0.3 m) Total 23 69
Depth 1 13.138 13.138 5.1741 0.0101 512
Residuals 22 55.862 2.5392
Total 23 69
for a habitat that individuals were previously familiar with (Carlson, and among the IPCC temperature variation prediction models, one
2005). already predicts a temperature increment as high as 4.8°C within this
Mostly, only juveniles of G. paganellus (i.e., fish <7 cm, the average century alone (IPCC, 2014). Considering that this species is known to
size at first maturity) were collected. During the early winter sampling exclusively inhabit the intertidal habitat, and if this becomes inhospi-
period almost no individuals were found in the sampling areas. This table due to high temperatures, the fish may migrate into habitats with
absence may be explained by high mortality rates in earlier ontogenic lower temperatures. This would ensure future survival in more resilient
stages, or by simply migrating outside the sampling area due to a bio- habitats, such as deeper rockpools lower in the intertidal zone or even
logical driver, such as reproductive behaviour. The reproductive sea- channels found in this type of habitat (Faria & Almada, 2001a, 2001b;
son occurs between January and June (Azevedo & Simas, 2000), hence Vinagre et al., 2013).
potentially explaining the absence of tagged individuals. Gibson (1972,
1999) also proposes that this species favours rockpools in the lower
4.2 | Lipophrys pholis and Coryphoblennius galerita
intertidal zone. However, no movements between different areas of
the intertidal zone or even to the subtidal have yet been documented. We did not acquire enough data (i.e., sampled individuals) of these
Site fidelity behaviour can lead to the prediction that when faced species to be able to ascertain if they display any site fidelity or inter-
with global warming effects, G. paganellus living in rockpools may rockpool behaviours. Few individuals were caught and tagged and
face challenging if not adverse conditions, potentially affecting their even less were later recaptured. While L. pholis individuals were all
physiology and ecology. While during the sampling days of the study juveniles (adult size ~16 cm), we found adult C. galerita measuring up
rockpool water temperatures never surpassed 28°C in the shallowest to 9.5 cm.
rockpools. If these same temperatures rise as high as 33.1°C (previ- Around October and at 1 year of age, L. pholis is known to aban-
ously verified as this species’ thermal tolerance limit) (Vinagre et al., don intertidal rockpools in favour of near-subtidal rock fissures and
2013), this can lead to thermal stress or even desiccation, compro- corridors (Faria & Almada, 2001a, 2001b; Faria, Almada, & Gonçalves,
mising the survival of this species (Brierley & Kingsford, 2009). In 1996; Gibson, 1972), potentially explaining its disappearance from
southern Europe where our study was located, days with tempera- our study area around the same time. We could find no evidence
tures above 35°C are expected to increase to more than 40 days per in literature that attested the same for C. galerita, however Nieder
year (Miranda, Coelho, Tomé, & Valente, 2002). Within this context (1993) found that C. galerita apparently exhibits both site fidelity
6 ROMA et al.
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How to cite this article: Roma J, Dias M, Vinagre C, Silva ACF.
chemical conditions within intertidal rock pools. Estuarine, Coastal and
Shelf Science, 17, 339–355.
Site fidelity of intertidal fish to rockpools. J Appl Ichthyol.
Nieder, J. (1993). Distribution of juvenile blennies (Coryphoblennius galer- 2017;00:1–7.
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Algarve coast of southern Portugal: Result of low-tide lottery or strate-
gic habitat selection? Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, 44, 133–140.