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Postgraduate office

Executive summary of the Call for the admission to PhD courses - XXXV cycle -
at the Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, for the academic year 2019/2020

Disclaimer: this document is a summary in English language of the original and

legally binding document drawn in Italian language, it has no legal value and is
intended to provide foreign candidates with the basic information and

Item 1. Introduction
The University of Insubria opens the XXXV cycle of PhD courses, lasting three years;
the available positions, the number of scholarships, the required qualifications and the
calendar of the admissions tests are indicated in annex 1.
Any increase in the number of scholarships and of the available positions and will be
notified to the candidates by a notice on the website
before the competition test starts.

Item 2. Admission requirements

Candidates holding a master's degree diploma or an italian degree title attained according
to the laws previous to the DM 509/1999 or equivalent academic qualification obtained
in foreign universities can access the PhD courses listed in the annex 1, without limitations
of age or citizenship. Such titles must be consistent with the PhD course.
Master’s students are admitted under condition provided that they attain their Master
Degree title before the deadline.
The Administration may declare, at any given time and with reasoned decision, the
exclusion of a candidate for defect of the prescribed requirements.

Item 3. Application
The application for admission to PhD studies shall be submitted by July, 31th 2019, 12
pm (CET). Candidates must apply, exclusively on-line, connecting to the web site of the
University of Insubria ( from any personal computer.
After the mentioned deadline the on-line application procedure will be deactivated.
To access the on-line procedure candidates must follow the link “Servizi Web – Segreterie
Studenti” (Web Services – Student affairs section) from the website
If you already have a user ID and password you can access web services logging in and
choosing “Test di ammissione” (admissions test) and follow the instructions.
Those who do not possess access credentials must register by selecting “Registrazione”
(Registration), then go to "login", then select "test for admission" and follow the
Candidates, during the on-line registration, must:
• Enter their personal data, residence, domicile and telephone number, ID number,
e- mail address, degree data, knowledge of languages other than Italian.
• Choose the PhD course and the foreign language among the eligible ones
indicated in annex 1
• Indicate if they are interested in a university accommodation in Varese or Como;

Via O. Rossi, 9 – 21100 Varese (VA) – Italia Pad. Antonini - Piano I

Tel. +39 0332 397210-7211-7214-7215 – Fax +39 0332 397209 Orari al pubblico
Email: – PEC: (su appuntamento)
P.I. 02481820120 - C.F. 95039180120
Chiaramente Insubria!
Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

• For the Ph.D Courses that will accept recommendation letters (see annex 1) to be
evaluated in the admission process, enter the name and e-mail address of the referee/s
that will be contacted by the Research and Internationalization Service for instructions;
• Upload a scan of the qualifications needed for each PhD course listed in annex 1,
• Upload a scan of personal ID
All the uploaded files must be in .pdf format not exceeding 5MB. Each uploaded file must
be identified with the surname of the candidate and the document description (ex. Smith
master degree).
The admission committees of each PhD course (annex 1) will take into consideration only
the eligible documents
Furthermore, foreign applicants and Italian applicants with a foreign qualification must
• Diploma and transcript of records legalized and officially translated by the Italian
Diplomatic body (Embassy or Consulate) in the country where the qualification has been
• “Dichiarazione di Valore in Loco” issued by the Italian Diplomatic body
(Embassy or Consulate) in the country where the qualification has been attained;
• Diploma Supplement, if available.
By the deadline (July, 31th 2019, 12 pm, CET) candidates may access their on-line
application and, if necessary, modify the submitted documents. After the deadline no
further integration to the application will be admitted. Candidates must upload a
document list and will not be required to be physically present during the documents
evaluation phase.
Please note that the entry of false or incorrect data (that are not corrected by the deadline),
implies the exclusion from the admission procedure.
At the end of the application process, the receipt of the application to the
admission test must be printed.
The receipt of the application must be submitted on the day of the test together
with the ID document indicated in the on-line application.
In case of difficulties in the online application process, please contact the Research and
Internationalization Service (
The University assumes no responsibility for malfunctions due to network overloading or
application systems failure.

Admitted Candidates list

After the application deadline and the appropriate checks, a list of Candidates having
correctly applied before the deadline will be published on the webpage:

Disabled Persons
In order to provide all the necessary assistance and determine any additional time required
to complete the admission procedures in relation to a specific disability (according to item
20 of the Law 104/92, integrated and amended by law 17/1999), candidates with
disabilities must submit by the deadline the suitable certification to the Postgraduate

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Office. A Disabled Students Service is available at the University of Insubria, on Monday

and Tuesday, from 10.00 to 12.00 a.m. at Via Ravasi, 2 - Varese and on Wednesdays from
10.00 to 12.00 a.m. in Via Sant'Abbondio, 9 - Como. In both offices students are received
upon appointment. Additional Information is available on the webpage

The list of admitted candidates will be officially published on the website

Item 4. Examinations
Admission to PhD courses depends on assessable qualifications and examinations. The
teaching board determines assessable qualifications and assessment criteria. The
assessment of candidate’s qualifications and an oral or written test will be aimed to
ascertain the preparation, the skills and aptitudes to scientific research of the applicants.
Examinations may be performed in English upon specific request of the candidate in the
application form. The knowledge of English and other languages eventually indicated by
the applicant will be evaluated as well.
The tests will be held according to the schedule that will be published on the University

Foreign and Italian candidates living abroad may request to be interviewed remotely by
videoconference or any other technology enabling remote communication, by sending an
email to the program coordinator.
Applicants should specify whether the connection will be through video conferencing
services of the University (international standard H.323) or Skype.
Candidates must indicate their email address and the Skype account if they chose this
option and contacts will take place directly with the Coordinator.
In the case of video conferencing services offered by the University, the link needed to
download and install a terminal h.323 software, interfaced with the University IT system
and credentials to access it, will be sent directly to the candidate’s email address. Few days
before the interview, it will be necessary to make at least two link tests (an independent
test with auto responder and a qualitative test with the University staff).
If connecting by Skype, the candidate will be excluded from the admission procedure if
not willing to previously provide the personal account. If using the university video
conferencing system, applicants will be excluded if not logging in according to the time
and the modalities agreed with the Committee. Furthermore, candidates will excluded in
case of connection failures, absence of the candidate or if the candidate does not show a
valid personal ID. The University of Insubria disclaims any responsibility in the
eventuality of technical issues compromising a regular interview.

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Item 5. Evaluation Committee

The Evaluation Committee is composed of three members chosen among professors and
researchers of the University and, if necessary, of external experts. If the PhD programs
have been established within the frame of international inter-institutional co-operation
agreements, the Committee composition and the admission procedures shall be
determined as provided in the agreements.
The Committee attributes to each candidate up to a maximum of 60 points for each of
the two evaluations (qualifications assessment and oral/written test). Oral/written tests
are public and are considered passed if the candidate gets a score of no less than 40/60
points. The test results will be notified by means of an official publication of the ranking
on the website of the University ( The publication
replaces any personal communication.

Item 6. Course Enrollment

Candidates will be admitted to the courses according to the final ranking and the number
of available positions for each PhD course. Eligible candidates not completing their
enrollment by the deadline, will be excluded. The competent offices will proceed further
in the ranking giving formal notice to the parties concerned.
Eligible candidates in more than one ranking list will be required to choose a single PhD
The rankings will be published on the website of the University
( The publication replaces in all respects any personal
communication. Candidates are requested to view the ranking, the possible scrolling of
the ranking list and the peremptory terms of registration, in the notices published on the

Candidates not admitted by October 21th, 2019 are required to confirm their interest in
taking part to the application process by no later than October, 25th 2019 at 12.00 a.m.
Confirmation must be provided by submitting the application for the repechage in
accordance with the terms described on the website of the University
In the absence of such confirmation candidates are excluded from the ranking and do not
retain any right to registration. If, on October 25th, 2019, positions will become due to
renounce of admitted candidates within the prescribed time limits, these position will be
offered the next candidate in the rankings, taking into account the score obtained in the
admission procedures and the repechage applications. Only in this case, the eligible
candidates will be contacted personally through a message sent to the e-mail address
indicated by the candidate during the registration procedure. Eligible candidateswhich
receives such communication by e-mail can apply for registration in accordance with the
procedures described on the webpage within the
terms indicated in the text of the above-mentioned communication.
In any case, both rankings and registrations are closed on the date of 31th, December 2019.

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Item 7. Incompatibility
The registration to a PhD program is incompatible with the enrollment to any other PhD
program, undergraduate or graduate programs, first or second level master programs, non
medical specialization programs, in Italy and abroad, with the exception of joint programs
agreements. The registration to PhD courses with scholarship is incompatible with any
other scholarship, with the exception of scholarships for specialization abroad, provided
the training period abroad is related to the scientific topics that are included in the PhD
program established by the Teachers Board.
Those who have already been granted a scholarship for a PhD program cannot benefit
from a second scholarship.

Item 8. Attendance
The admission to a PhD program implies an exclusive and full time commitment. The
PhD student is obliged to attend the activities for its educational curriculum and to
provide full commitment to study programs and to the assigned research activities
according to the indications of the Doctorate Board.
PhD students, as part of their training program, may perform tutoring activities for
Bachelor and Master’s students as well as integrative teaching activities. The PhD title is
attained at the end of the doctorate cycle with the preparation of a written dissertation
(thesis) on the performed scientific activity which will be presented and discussed in front
to the examining Committee.
The final thesis will be filed in the open access University institutional archive, that will
ensure the preservation and public consultation, total, partial, or only in bibliographic

Item 9. Scholarships
Each PhD program grants scholarships to a limited number of admitted PhD students
and amounts to € 15.343,28 per year. The scholarships are renewed yearly provided that
the student has completed the program of activities planned for the previous year and
verified according to the procedures stated by the PhD Rules.
For periods of study abroad the scholarship amount is increased up to a maximum of
50% of the monthly amount for periods equal or longer than 30 days and not exceeding
18 months. The scholarship of the PhD program is subject to the payment of social
security contributions (INPS a gestione separata), according to the relevant regulations in

Item 10. Tuition fees

All PhD students (assignees and non-scholarships) are required to pay an annual
contribution of €156.00.

Item 11. Personal data

According to legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30th, 2003 ("Code for the protection of
Personal data"), and of the general Regulations for the protection of data-EU Regulation

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

2016/679, the information on the processing of personal data is published on the

University website.
The University in implementation of the legislation on the subject adopted its three-year
plan for the prevention of corruption and appointed the responsible for the prevention
of corruption:

Item 12. Recruitment and HRS4R

Recruitment of PhD student (or Early Stage Researcher according to European
definition) will be in accordance to the European Charter for Researchers (ECR) and the
Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (CCRR), which provide the
overarching framework of guidelines and requirements for the roles, responsibilities and
entitlements of such positions, ensuring that selection procedures are open, transparent
and merit-based.
University of Insubria has been awarded the European Quality Label “HRS4R – Human
Resources Strategy for Researchers” in February 2019, which recognizes the effort of the
organizations in the implementation of the Charter & Code in their policies and practices
and also identifies those universities and institutions that generate and support the
existence of a stimulating and encouraging research environment.

Item 13. Reference laws

For everything not specifically included in this competition notice, the University of
Insubria complies with the legislation in force and the University regulation for the PhD

For further information related to the selection procedures of the PhD program contact
the Research and Internationalization Service (
Varese, 14/06/2019

The Rector Prof. Angelo Tagliabue

Person in charge of the administrative procedure (L. 241/1990): Dott. Luca Azimonti –

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Annex 1 to call for the admission to PhD courses – XXXV cycle


Scientific Area: Law, Antiquities, Philology and Literature, History of Art;
History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology; Geology;
PhD Director: Prof.ssa Barbara Pozzo –
Duration: 3 years
Department: Law, Economics and Culture.
Funded scholarships: 7
Non-funded scholarships: 2
Requirements: Master’s Degrees in: Law, Cultural Anthropology and
Ethnology, Archaeology, Landscape Architecture, Archive and
Library Science, Architectural and Environmental heritage
preservation, Cultural heritage preservation and restoration,
Information and Publishing Systems, Modern European and
American Languages and Literatures, Modern Languages for
International communication and Cooperation, Linguistics, IT
methodologies applied to Humanistic Disciplines, Territory
and city planning, Design and Management of Tourism
Systems, Design and Management of Educational Services,
Psychology, International Relations, Cognitive Sciences,
Political Sciences, Performing Arts and Media Production,
Philosophical Sciences, Historical Sciences, Pedagogical
Sciences, Welfare services and Policy, Sociology and Social
Research, History of Art, Communication Theories,
Criminology, Geography; Modern Philology; Philology,
Ancient Literature and History; Musicology and Cultural
Assessment: Written test and interview.
Assessment Criteria: The written test will consist of an essay concerning the
educational and academic goals of the PhD program.
Candidates can choose to write about either philosophical-
historical or legal topics.
Only candidates having passed the written test will be
admitted to the interview. This will be focused on evaluating:
their educational background, the written test, a research
project proposed and developed by candidates themselves,
their knowledge of English and of any other language they

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Calendar: Date, time and place will be made public at the following
Assessable Qualifications: Curriculum Vitae, including education, previous research
experiences, thesis/dissertation titles and publications.
Self-certification or certification of the Master’s Degree
transcript of records with dates, marks, type of title and final
For students waiting for the attainment of the Master’s Degree:
self-certification or certification of the Master’s curriculum
transcript of records with dates and marks.
Self-certification or certification of Bachelor’s Degree
transcript of records with dates type of title and final mark.
Abstract of the Master’s Thesis.
Any other useful qualification such as: specialization and
postgraduate courses, awards, grants, didactic activities,
PhD titles, collaboration to research activities.

Recommendation letters (max. 3), by University

professors or researchers. The letter will be placed
directly by the evaluators in the on-line procedure.
Applicants will have to enter in the online registration
form the name and e-mail address of the referent
A list of all the qualifications.


Scientific Area: Physics and Astrophysics
Curricula: 1. Astrophysics;
2. Physics
Candidates are required to specify the Curriculum in the
application form.
Reference person: Prof. Giuliano Benenti – –
tel +39 031 238 6271
Duration: 3 years
Department: Science and High Technology
Number of 8 (1 funded by INAF - Brera Astronomical Observatory with
Scholarships: the following research topic: "Development of innovative
technologies for optical astronomical instrumentation”)

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Positions 2
Assessment: The assessment of each candidate will be based on an
interview, the evaluation of the CV and the recommendation
Interview: The interview will actually consists of two parts,
independently evaluated. The candidate will initially present
and discuss his previous research activities. In the second part,
his/her background knowledge will be assessed. Interviews
can be hold in English
Calendar: Date, time and place will be made public at the following
Assessable Curriculum vitae, including education, research and working
Qualifications: experiences, thesis and publications.
Self certification or certification of the transcript of records of
the Master’s Degree with dates, marks, type of title and final
evaluation and mark, if applicable
Self certification indicating the chosen curriculum
For Students awaiting receipt of Master’s Degree: Self
certification or certification of the transcript of records of the
Master’s curriculum with dates and marks
Self certification or certification of the transcript of records
the Bachelor’s Degree with date, type of title and final mark

Abstract of the Master Thesis

Any other useful qualification such: specialization and
postgraduate courses, awards, grants, didactical activities,
PhD titles, collaboration to research activities.
Recommendation Letters (Max. 3) by University staff
and/or employers. The letter will be placed directly by the
evaluators in the on-line procedure. Applicants will have
to enter in the online registration form the name and e-
mail address of the referent identified

Language Certifications


Scientific Area: Mathematics and Computer Science; Industrial and

Information Engineering; Economics and Statistics

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Referent: Prof.ssa Barbara Carminati –

Duration: 3 years
Department: Theoretical and applied Sciences
Scholarships: 7
Places without scholarship: 2
Assessment criteria: Up to a maximum of 60 points.
Assessable qualifications:
- grades of master exams and final degree grade (max 20
- scientific relevance, degree of originality and relevance
of the research project and of the master thesis to the
themes of the Doctorate (max 15 points; for the
evaluation of the thesis it is necessary to send at least an
extended summary, optional the full version of the
- presentations at conferences and publications related to
the Doctorate (max 5 points);
- advanced courses and professional experiences related
to the Doctorate (max 5 points);
- any other qualification, including language certifications
and no more than 2 presentation letters (max 15 points).
Only candidates who obtain at least 40 points will be
admitted to the interview.
Interview: Only candidates who have obtained at least 40 points in the
assessment of qualifications are admitted to the interview.
The interview will be focused on the candidate’s scientific
interests, motivation, and a proposal of an ideal research
project; priority will be given to candidates presenting a
research project related to the topics of this PhD. The
knowledge of English will also be verified. The candidate
may perform the interview in English language.
Italian candidates living at least 100 km from Como, place
of the exam, can request, by sending an email to the
Coordinator, to take the oral examination by
Calendar: September 4 th 2019, qualifications assessment

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

September 17th 2019 interview

time and place will be made public at the following address:

Assessable Qualifications: Complete Curriculum vitae, including education data,

previous research experiences, thesis and publications.
For Students awaiting the attainment of the Master’s
Degree: Self certification or certification of the transcript of
records of the Master’s curriculum with dates and marks

Self certification or certification of the transcript of records

the Bachelor’s Degree with date, type of title and final mark

Electronic version of the Master Thesis or extended

Research project
Any other useful qualification such as: specialization and
postgraduate courses, awards, grants, teaching activities,
fellowships, collaboration to research activities.
Recommendation Letters (Max. 2), by University teachers
or researchers. The letter will be placed directly by the
evaluators in the on-line procedure. Applicants will have to
enter in the online registration form the name and e-mail
address of the referent identified.


Scientific field: Biology; Medicine; History, Humanities, Philosophy,
Pedagogy and Psychology; Political and Social Science
Referent: Prof. Marco Cosentino –
Duration: 3 years
Department: Medicine and Surgery
Scholarships: 7
Places without scholarship 2

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Requirements: Master Degree. Master degrees should be preferably (but

not necessarily) in: Medicine and Surgery, Veterinary,
Literature and Philosophy, Biology, Biotechnology,
Pharmacology, Psychology, Chemistry and
Pharmaceutical Technologies, Juridical and Economical
An adequate cultural background and personal skills
suitable for the PhD course will be specifically verified
and assessed for the admission.
Assessment: The assessment will be focused on a written research
project and an interview to discuss the submitted project
with particular attention to:
• the relevance of the project for the PhD course topics
• its feasibility in relation to the 3-y PhD course duration
• its originality
• its clarity.
Candidates will be given one hour to draw the project,
During the interview, knowledge of the English language
will be also assessed
Assessment cirteria: Criteria for the qualifications assessment:
- 10 points for the master graduation final mark;
- 10 points for the University curriculum;
- 15 points for the relevance of the final dissertation for
the PhD course topics;
- 15 points for the relevance of the publications for the
PhD course topics;
- 10 points for other qualifications relevant for the PhD
course topics.
Candidates must submit a list of all the qualifications.
Calendar: Date, time and place will be made public at the following

Assessable Qualifications: Self certification or certification of the transcript of

records of the Master’s Degree with dates, marks, type of
title and final mark.
Self certification or certification of any other University
title with dates, marks, type of title and final mark.
For Students awaiting the attainment of the Master’s
Degree: Self certification or certification of the transcript
of records of the Master’s curriculum with dates and
Electronic version of the Master thesis
Publications (please attach complete pdf)

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Any other useful qualification such as: specialization and

postgraduate courses, awards, grants, didactical activities,
PhD titles, collaboration to research activities.
List of the qualifications


Scientific field: Medicine; Biology; Biomedicine

Referent: Prof.ssa Daniela Negrini,
Duration: 3 years
Department: Medicine and Surgery
Scholarships: 7
Places without scholarship: 2
Requirements: Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery; Biology;
Biotechnologies; Pharmacy; Chemistry and
Pharmaceutical Technologies.
Assessment: Interview: Candidates will be interviewed in relation to their scientific
interests and their motivation to enroll in this PhD
program. The cultural background will be assessed with
particular reference to issues related to the research project
to which the Candidate is interested, the ability to discuss
the most relevant discoveries in the related scientific field,
methodological and research skills in both the laboratory
and clinical settings, personal motivation to research in
Translational Medicine, proficiency in scientific English.
Foreign candidates will be interviewed in English.
Committment of PhD Full time research activity

Research projects 1. Cardiovascular diseases: Evaluation of procedure

(candidates must contact parameters and clinical outcomes in populations of patients
Principal Investigators for undergoing catheter ablation for atrial tachyarrhythmias. PI:
details of the scientific Roberto DE PONTI,
project in which they are
interested): 2. Infectious diseases: Evaluation and clinical follow-up of
candidates and recipients of kidney transplantation in HIV-
infected individuals PI: Paolo GROSSI,

3. Infection and Immunity: Novel approaches of anti- tumor

vaccination based on optimal stimulation and/orrescue of
immune effector cells. PIs: Roberto ACCOLLA,

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

4. Neurosciences: Synaptic defects in CDKL5 disorder:

identification and characterization of new targets for
therapeutic intervention. PI: Charlotte KILSTRUP-

5. Neuroscience: Role of the endocannabinoid system in

adolescent brain development. PI: Tiziana RUBINO,

6. Neurosciences: Mitochondrial dysfunction in the

pathogenesis of the Parkinson disease. PI: Mauro FASANO, and Tiziana ALBERIO,

7. Oncology: Epigenetics and genetics cooperate in the

development of sporadic colorectal cancers with defective
mismatch repair PI: Daniela FURLAN,

8. Oncology: New molecular diagnostic approaches to study

leukemic stem cells and their role in the pathogenesis of
Chronic Mieloid Leukemia. P.I. Giovanni PORTA,

9. Oncology Prostate cancer: disentangling the relationships

within the tumor microenvironment to better model and
target tumor progression. PI: Jan Marc BONAPACE:

10 Oncology: New prognostic and predictive molecular and

genetic markers in the personalized management of non-
Hodgkin Lymphomas. PI: Silvia UCCELLA,

11. Physiology: Impact of lymphatic drainage and

extracellular tissue remodeling on cardiac tissue function. PI:
Daniela NEGRINI and Andrea MORIONDO,,,

12. Physiology: Transmembrane protein as drug target and

tools for drug delivery. PI: Elena BOSSI,

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Calendar: September 16-17th 2019, 9 a.m. at Padiglione

Morselli – Varese.
The place of the admission exam will be published
Assessable Qualifications: Self certification or certification of the transcript of records
of the Master’s Degree with dates, marks, type of title and
final mark.
Self certification or certification of the transcript of records
the Bachelor’s Degree with date, type of title and final mark

For Students still awaiting the attainment of the MD degree

or Master Diploma: auto certification or certification of the
transcript of records of the University course/Master’s
curriculum with dates and marks
Electronic version of the thesis for the MD degree or
Master diploma
Other useful qualification such: specialization and
postgraduate courses, awards, grants, didactic activities,
collaboration to research activities.
Recommendation Letters (Max. 3), by University
teachers or researchers. The letter will be placed directly
by the evaluators in the on-line procedure. Applicants
will have to enter in the online registration form the
name and e-mail address of the referent identified


Scientific field: Chemistry; Geology; Biology; Medicine; Engineering.
Curricula 1. Chemical Sciences
2. Environmental Sciences
Referent: Prof. Alessandro Maria Michetti -
Duration: 3 years
Department: Science and High Technology

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Scholarships: 7 (Total)
4 for the Chemical Sciences curriculum,
3 for the Environmental Sciences curriculum,
Places without 2 (Total)
scholarship: 1 for the Chemical Sciences curriculum
1 for the Environmental Sciences curriculum
Requirements: Any Master’s Degree (second or single cycle)
Assessment criteria and 60 points for the qualification assessment [i.e. Curriculum
assessable qualifications: Studiorum (including the marks obtained in the different
examinations/activities), final dissertation, publications,
specialization courses, scholarships and further technical
and computer skills]; 60 points for the interview (including
10 points for linguistic skills).
Assessment: Interview Candidates will be interviewed about their scientific
interests, the motivations leading them to apply to this PhD
program, the definition of an ideal research project,
indicating goals, methodologies, procedures and
scheduling. A sound cultural background will be assessed,
with particular reference to the topics of the PhD program,
the ability to discuss the most important discoveries of the
last decades in the chemical and environmental fields, the
methodological and research competencies (e.g. modelling,
lab activities, field activities), the knowledge of English and
additional EU languages.
The candidate may perform the interview in English
language. Further information can be found in:

Calendar: Date, time and place will be made public at the following
Environmental Sciences curriculum: September 4-5-6,

Assessable Qualifications: Complete Curriculum Vitae, including education data,

previous research experiences, thesis and publications.
Self certification or certification of the transcript of records
of the Masters Degree with dates, marks, type of title and
final mark.
For Students awaiting receipt of Master’s Degree: Self
certification or certification of the transcript of records of
the Master’s curriculum with dates and marks
Self certification or certification of the transcript of
records the Bachelor’s Degree with date, type of title and
Abstract of the Master Thesis

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Any other useful qualification such as: specialization
and postgraduate courses, awards, grants, teaching
activities, PhD titles, collaboration to research


Scientific Area: Chemical Sciences; Biology; Medicine; Agricultural and
Veterinary Sciences
Referent: Prof.ssa Silvia Sacchi –

Duration: 3 Years
Department: Biotechnology and Life Sciences
Scholarships: 7
Places without scholarship: 1
Requirements: All master degree graduates (graduate degrees, single-cycle
graduate degrees or other qualification obtained abroad
and recognized as equivalent) can access the PhD course,
especially graduates in: Biotechnology, Medicine and
Surgery, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Communication
Sciences and Techniques, Life sciences, Pharmacy,
Psychology, Chemistry and pharmaceutical technologies,
Physical sciences, Environmental sciences, Engineering,
Agricultural science and technology, Food preparation
sciences, Sciences and animal husbandry technologies.
Assessment criteria: 60 points for the qualifications assessment (such as:
Curriculum Studiorum with transcript of records, the
master thesis, publications, postgraduate courses, awards
and grants, technical and IT skills); 60 points for the
interview (included 10 points for language skills).
Assessment: Interview The interview will focus on the scientific interests and the
motivation of candidates, on the proposal of a research
project related to the PhD program describing goals,
methodologies, schedule and key issues. During the
interview, the following aspects will be assessed: a sound
cultural background related to the PhD course topics;
methodological, research and lab skills; the knowledge of
English language (and other linguistic skills). The
candidate may perform the competition in English
language. Following a request to the Referent, candidates
resident abroad may perform the interview by

Executive summary of the Call
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI for the admission to PhD courses XXXV
cycle - Academic Year 2019/2020

Calendar: The interview will take place on September 4th 2019 at

10 am, at the Department of Biotechnology and Life
Sciences, Via Dunant, 3, Varese (room 201, II floor –
Assessable Qualifications: Complete Curriculum Vitae, including education data,
previous research experiences, thesis and publications.
Self-certification or certification of the transcript of
records of the Master’s Degree with dates, marks, type of
title, evaluation and final mark.
Self-certification or certification of the transcript of
records the Bachelor’s Degree with date, type of title and
final mark.
For Students awaiting the attainment of the Master’s
Degree: self-certification or certification of the transcript
of records of the Master’s curriculum with dates and
Abstract of the Master Thesis
Any other useful qualification such as: specialization and
postgraduate courses, awards, grants, teaching activities,
PhD titles, collaboration to research activities.


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