Chapter 8 Applications of Newton's Second Law
Chapter 8 Applications of Newton's Second Law
Chapter 8 Applications of Newton's Second Law
Those who are in love with practice without knowledge are like the sailor
who gets into a ship without rudder or compass and who never can be
certain whether he is going. Practice must always be founded on sound
Leonardo da Vinci
There are forces that increase as you move away. When a mass is attached to one
end of a spring and the spring is stretched a distance x , the spring force increases in
strength proportional to the stretch.
There are forces that stay constant in magnitude but always point towards the
center of a circle; for example when a ball is attached to a rope and spun in a horizontal
circle with constant speed, the tension force acting on the ball is directed towards the
center of the circle. This type of attractive central force is called a centripetal force.
There are forces that spread out in space such that their influence becomes less
with distance. Common examples are the gravitational and electrical forces. The
gravitational force between two objects falls off as the inverse square of the distance
separating the objects provided the objects are of a small dimension compared to the
distance between them. More complicated arrangements of attracting and repelling things
give rise to forces that fall off with other powers of r : constant, 1 / r , 1 / r 2 , 1 / r 3 , …,.
How do we determine if there is any mathematical relationship, a force law that describes
the relationship between the force and some measurable property of the objects involved?
We shall illustrate this procedure by considering the forces that compressed or stretched
springs exert on objects. In order to stretch or compress a spring from its equilibrium
length, a force must be exerted on the spring. Attach an object of mass m to one end of a
spring and fix the other end of the spring to a wall (Figure 8.1). Let xeq denote the
equilibrium length of the spring (neither stretched or compressed). Assume that the
Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci Complete, tr. Jean Paul Richter, 1888, Vol.1.
contact surface is smooth and hence frictionless in order to consider only the effect of the
spring force.
From the experimental data, the constant of proportionality, the spring constant k , can
be determined. The spring constant has units N ⋅ m −1 . The spring constant for each spring
is determined experimentally by measuring the slope of the graph of the force vs.
compression and extension stretch (Figure 8.2). Therefore for this one spring, the
magnitude of the force is given by
F = k Δx . (8.1.3)
Figure 8.2 Plot of x -component of the spring force vs. compression and extension of
Now perform similar experiments on other springs. For a range of stretched lengths, each
spring exhibits the same proportionality between force and stretched length, although the
spring constant may differ for each spring.
This inductive step, referred to as Newtonian induction, is the critical step that
makes physics a predictive science. Suppose a spring, attached to an object of mass m , is
stretched by an amount Δl . A prediction can be made, using the force law, that the
magnitude of the force between the rubber band and the object is F = k Δx without
having to experimentally measure the acceleration. Now we can use Newton’s second
Law to predict the magnitude of the acceleration of the object
F k Δx
a = = . (8.1.4)
m m
Now perform the experiment, and measure the acceleration within some error
bounds. If the magnitude of the predicted acceleration disagrees with the measured result,
then the model for the force law needs modification. The ability to adjust, correct or even
reject models based on new experimental results enables a description of forces between
objects to cover larger and larger experimental domains.
8.2 Fundamental Laws of Nature
Force laws are mathematical models of physical processes. They arise from observation
and experimentation, and they have limited ranges of applicability. Does the linear force
law for the spring hold for all springs? Each spring will most likely have a different range
of linear behavior. So the model for stretching springs still lacks a universal character. As
such, there should be some hesitation to generalize this observation to all springs unless
some property of the spring, universal to all springs, is responsible for the force law.
Perhaps springs are made up of very small components, which when pulled apart
tend to contract back together. This would suggest that there is some type of force that
contracts spring molecules when they are pulled apart. What holds molecules together?
Can we find some fundamental property of the interaction between atoms that will suffice
to explain the macroscopic force law? This search for fundamental forces is a central
task of physics.
In the case of springs, this could lead into an investigation of the composition and
structural properties of the atoms that compose the steel in the spring. We would
investigate the geometric properties of the lattice of atoms and determine whether there is
some fundamental property of the atoms that create this lattice. Then we ask how stable is
this lattice under deformations. This may lead to an investigation into the electron
configurations associated with each atom and how they overlap to form bonds between
atoms. These particles carry charges, which obey Coulomb’s Law, but also the Laws of
Quantum Mechanics. So in order to arrive at a satisfactory explanation of the elastic
restoring properties of the spring, we need models that describe the fundamental physics
that underline Hooke’s Law.
At points significantly far away from the surface of the earth, the gravitational force is no
longer constant with respect to the distance to the surface. Newton’s Universal Law of
Gravitation describes the gravitational force between two objects with masses, m1 and
m2 . This force points along the line connecting the objects, is attractive, and its
magnitude is proportional to the inverse square of the distance, r1,2 , between the objects
(Figure 8.3a). The force on object 2 due to the gravitational interaction between the two
objects is given by
G mm
F1,2 = −G 1 2 2 r̂1,2 , (8.2.1)
where r1,2 = r2 − r1 is a vector directed from object 1 to object 2, r1,2 = r1,2 , and
r̂1,2 = r1,2 / r1,2 is a unit vector directed from object 1 to object 2 (Figure 8.3b). The
constant of proportionality in SI units is G = 6.67 × 10−11 N ⋅ m 2 ⋅ kg −2 .
Figure 8.3 (a) Gravitational force between two objects. Figure 8.3 (b) Coordinate
system for the two-body problem.
The Principle of Equivalence states that the mass that appears in the Universal Law of
Gravity is identical to the inertial mass that is determined with respect to the standard
kilogram. From this point on, the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass will be
assumed and the mass will be denoted by the symbol m .
Near the surface of the earth, the gravitational interaction between an object and the earth
is mutually attractive and has a magnitude of
FGearth,object = m g (8.2.2)
where g is a positive constant.
This is known as Helmert’s equation. The strength of the gravitational force on the
standard kilogram at 42 latitude is 9.80345 N ⋅ kg −1 , and the acceleration due to gravity
at sea level is therefore g = 9.80345 m ⋅ s −2 for all objects. At the equator,
g = 9.78 m ⋅ s (to three significant figures), and at the poles g = 9.83 m ⋅ s −2 . This
(fictitious) repulsive force that affects the determination of g as given in Equation (8.2.2)
and also flattens the spherical shape earth (the distance from the center of the earth is
larger at the equator than it is at the poles by about 26.5 km ). Both the magnitude and the
direction of the gravitational force also show variations that depend on local features to
an extent that's useful in prospecting for oil and navigating submerged nuclear
submarines. Such variations in g can be measured with a sensitive spring balance.
Local variations have been much studied over the past two decades in attempts to
discover a proposed “fifth force” which would fall off faster than the gravitational force
that falls off as the inverse square of the distance between the masses.
Matter has properties other than mass. As we have shown in the previous section, matter
can also carry one of two types of observed electric charge, positive and negative. Like
charges repel, and opposite charges attract each other. The unit of charge in the SI system
of units is called the coulomb [C] .
The smallest unit of “free” charge known in nature is the charge of an electron or
proton, which has a magnitude of
e = 1.602 × 10−19 C . (8.2.4)
It has been shown experimentally that charge carried by ordinary objects is quantized in
integral multiples of the magnitude of this free charge. The electron carries one unit of
negative charge ( qe = −e ) and the proton carries one unit of positive charge ( q p = +e ).
F1,E 2 = ke 1 2 2 r̂1, 2 (8.2.5)
r1, 2
where r̂1,2 = r1,2 / r1,2 is a unit vector directed from object 1 to object 2, and in SI units,
ke = 8.9875 × 109 N ⋅ m 2 ⋅ C−2 , as illustrated in the Figure 8.4a. This law was derived
empirically by Charles Augustin de Coulomb in the late 18th century by the same
methods as described in previous sections.
Figure 8.4 (a) and 8.4 (b) Coulomb interaction between two charges
Show that Both Coulomb’s Law and the Universal Law of Gravitation satisfy Newton’s
Third Law.
Solution: To see this, interchange 1 and 2 in the Universal Law of Gravitation to find the
force on object 1 due to the interaction between the objects. The only quantity to change
sign is the unit vector
r̂2,1 = −r̂1, 2 . (8.2.6)
m m mm
FG2,1 = −G 2 2 1 r̂2,1 = G 1 2 2 r̂1, 2 = −F1,G 2 . (8.2.7)
r2,1 r1, 2
Coulomb’s Law also satisfies Newton’s Third Law since the only quantity to change sign
is the unit vector, just as in the case of the Universal Law of Gravitation.
Pushing, lifting and pulling are contact forces that we experience in the everyday world.
Rest your hand on a table; the atoms that form the molecules that make up the table and
your hand are in contact with each other. If you press harder, the atoms are also pressed
closer together. The electrons in the atoms begin to repel each other and your hand is
pushed in the opposite direction by the table.
According to Newton’s Third Law, the force of your hand on the table is equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction to the force of the table on your hand. Clearly, if you
push harder the force increases. Try it! If you push your hand straight down on the table,
the table pushes back in a direction perpendicular (normal) to the surface. Slide your
hand gently forward along the surface of the table. You barely feel the table pushing
upward, but you do feel the friction acting as a resistive force to the motion of your hand.
This force acts tangential to the surface and opposite to the motion of your hand. Push
downward and forward. Try to estimate the magnitude of the force acting on your hand.
The force of the table acting on your hand, FC ≡ C , is called the contact force.
This force has both a normal component
to the surface, N , called the normal force, and a
tangential component to the surface, f , called the frictional force (Figure 8.5).
Any force can be decomposed into component vectors so the normal component,
N , and the tangential component, f , are not independent forces but the vector
components of the contact force perpendicular and parallel to the surface of contact.
In Figure 8.6, the forces acting on your hand are shown. These forces include the
force, C , of the table acting on your hand, the force of your forearm,
FF,H ≡ F forearm , acting on your hand (which is drawn at an angle indicating that you are
pushing down on your hand as well as forward), and the gravitational interaction, FE,H ,
between the earth and your hand.
Is there a force law that mathematically describes this contact force? Since there
are so many individual electrons interacting between the two surfaces, it is unlikely that
we can add up all the individual forces. So we must content ourselves with a macroscopic
model for the force law describing the contact force. One point to keep in mind is that the
magnitudes of the two components of the contact force depend on how hard you push or
pull your hand.
When we try to describe forces acting on a collection of objects we must first take care to
specifically define the collection of objects that we are interested in, which define our
system. Often the system is a single isolated object but it can consist of multiple objects.
Because force is a vector, the force acting on the system is a vector sum of the individual
forces acting on the system
F = F1 + F2 +⋅⋅⋅ (8.3.2)
A free-body force diagram is a representation of the sum of all the forces that act
on a single system. We denote the system by a large circular dot, a “point”. (Later on in
the course we shall see that the “point” represents the center of mass of the system.) We
represent each force that acts on the system by an arrow (indicating the direction of that
force). We draw the arrow at the “point” representing the system. For example, the forces
that regularly appear in free-body diagram are contact forces, tension, gravitation,
friction, pressure forces, spring forces, electric and magnetic forces, which we shall
introduce below. Sometimes we will draw the arrow representing the actual point in the
system where the force is acting. When we do that, we will not represent the system by a
“point” in the free-body diagram.
Suppose we choose a Cartesian coordinate system, then we can resolve the force
into its component vectors
F = Fx î + Fy ĵ + Fz k̂ (8.3.3)
Each one of the component vectors is itself a vector sum of the individual
component vectors from each contributing force. We can use the free-body force diagram
to make these vector decompositions of the individual forces. For example, the x -
component of the force is
Fx = F1,x + F2,x + ⋅⋅⋅ . (8.3.4)
Two people, A and B, are competing in a tug-of-war (Figure 8.7). Person A is stronger,
but neither person is moving because of friction. Draw separate free-body diagrams for
each person (A and B), and for the rope. For each force on your free-body diagrams,
describe the action-reaction force associated with it.
Figure 8.7 Tug-of-war
1. The force FA,R between the rope and A.
2. The force FB,R between the rope and B.
Because the rope is not moving, these forces sum to zero by Newton’s Second Law but
they are not Third Law pairs;
FA,R + FB,R = 0 .
Hold an object in your hand. You can feel the “weight” of the object against your palm.
But what exactly do we mean by “weight”? Consider the force diagram on the object in
Figure 8.11. Let’s choose the +-direction to point upward.
Figure 8.11 Object resting in hand Figure 8.12 Force diagram on object
There are two forces acting on the object. One force is the gravitational force between the
earth and the object, and is denoted by FGE,O = m g where g , also known as the
gravitational acceleration, is a vector that points downward and has magnitude
g = 9.8 m ⋅ s −2 . The other force on the object is the contact force between your hand and
the object. Because we are not pushing the block horizontally, this contact force on your
hand points perpendicular to the surface, and hence has only a normal component, N H,O .
Let N denote the magnitude of the normal force. The force diagram on the object is
shown in Figure 8.12. Because the object is at rest in your hand, the vertical acceleration
is zero. Therefore Newton’s Second Law states that
FGE,O + N H,O = 0 . (8.3.5)
N = mg . (8.3.7)
This result may give rise to a misconception that the normal force is always equal
to the mass of the object times the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration at the
surface of the earth. The normal force and the gravitational force are two completely
different forces. In this particular example, the normal force is equal in magnitude to the
gravitational force and directed in the opposite direction, which sounds like an example
of the Third Law. But is it? No!
In order to see all the action-reaction pairs we must consider all the objects
involved in the interaction. The extra object is your hand. The force diagram on your
hand is shown in Figure 8.13.
The forces shown include the gravitational force between your hand and the earth,
F E,H that points down, the normal force between the object and your hand, N O,H , which
also points down, and there is a force FF,H applied by your forearm to your hand that
holds your hand up. There are also forces on the earth due to the gravitational interaction
between the hand and object and earth. We show these forces in Figure 8.14: the
gravitational force between the earth and your hand, FGH,E , and the gravitational force
between the earth and the object, FGO,E .
There are three Third Law pairs. The first is associated with the normal force,
N O,H = − N H,O . (8.3.8)
The second is the gravitational force between the mass and the earth,
FGE,O = −FGO,E . (8.3.9)
The third is the gravitational force between your hand and the earth,
FGE,H = −FGH,E . (8.3.10)
As we see, none of these three law pairs associates the “weight” of the block on the hand
with the force of gravity between the block and the earth.
When we talk about the “weight” of an object, we often are referring to the effect
the object has on a scale or on the feeling we have when we hold the object. These effects
are actually effects of the normal force. We say that an object “feels lighter” if there is an
additional force holding the object up. For example, you can rest an object in your hand,
but use your other hand to apply a force upwards on the object to make it feel lighter in
your supporting hand.
This leads us to the use of the word “weight,” which is often used in place of the
gravitational force that the earth, exerts on an object, and we will always refer to this
force as the gravitational force instead of “weight.” When you jump in the air, you feel
“weightless” because there is no normal force acting on you, even though the earth is still
exerting a gravitational force on you; clearly, when you jump, you do not turn gravity
off! When astronauts are in orbit around the earth, televised images show the astronauts
floating in the spacecraft cabin; the condition is described, rightly, as being “weightless.”
The gravitational force, while still present, has diminished slightly since their distance
from the center of the earth has increased.
There are two distinguishing types of friction when surfaces are in contact with each
other. The first type is when the two objects in contact are moving relative to each other;
the friction in that case is called kinetic friction or sliding friction, and denoted by f k .
Based on experimental measurements, the force of kinetic friction, f k , between
two surfaces, is independent of the relative speed of the surfaces, the area of contact, and
only depends on the magnitude of the normal component of the contact force. The force
law for the magnitude of the kinetic frictional force between the two surfaces can be
modeled by
fk = µk N , (8.3.11)
where µk is called the coefficient of kinetic friction. The direction of kinetic friction on
surface A due to the contact with a second surface B , f B,A , is always opposed to the
relative direction of motion of surface A with respect to the surface B .
The second type of friction is when the two surfaces are static relative to each
other; the friction in that case is called static friction, and denoted by f s . Push your hand
forward along a surface; as you increase your pushing force, the frictional force feels
stronger and stronger. Try this! Your hand will at first stick until you push hard enough,
then your hand slides forward. The magnitude of the static frictional force, fs , depends
on how hard you push.
If you rest your hand on a table without pushing horizontally, the static friction is
zero. As you increase your push, the static friction increases until you push hard enough
that your hand slips and starts to slide along the surface. Thus the magnitude of static
friction can vary from zero to some maximum value, ( fs )max , when the pushed object
begins to slip,
0 ≤ fs ≤ ( fs )max . (8.3.12)
Is there a mathematical model for the magnitude of the maximum value of static
friction between two surfaces? Through experimentation, we find that this magnitude is,
like kinetic friction, proportional to the magnitude of the normal force
( fs )max = µs N . (8.3.13)
Here the constant of proportionality is µs , the coefficient of static friction. This constant
is slightly greater than the constant µk associated with kinetic friction, µs > µk . This
small difference accounts for the slipping and catching of chalk on a blackboard,
fingernails on glass, or a violin bow on a string.
(a) (b)
Figure 8.15 (a) and (b): Pushing and pulling forces and the direction of static friction.
Although the force law for the maximum magnitude of static friction resembles
the force law for sliding friction, there are important differences:
1. The direction and magnitude of static friction on an object always depends on the
direction and magnitude of the applied forces acting on the object, where the magnitude
of kinetic friction for a sliding object is fixed.
2. The magnitude of static friction has a maximum possible value. If the magnitude of the
applied force along the direction of the contact surface exceeds the magnitude of the
maximum value of static friction, then the object will start to slip (and be subject to
kinetic friction.) We call this the just slipping condition.
8.3.5 Modeling
One of the most central and yet most difficult tasks in analyzing a physical interaction is
developing a physical model. A physical model for the interaction consists of a
description of the forces acting on all the objects. The difficulty arises in deciding which
forces to include. For example in describing almost all planetary motions, the Universal
Law of Gravitation was the only force law that was needed. There were anomalies, for
example the small shift in Mercury’s orbit. These anomalies are interesting because they
may lead to new physics. Einstein corrected Newton’s Law of Gravitation by introducing
General Relativity and one of the first successful predictions of the new theory was the
perihelion precession of Mercury’s orbit. On the other hand, the anomalies may simply
be due to the complications introduced by forces that are well understood but
complicated to model. When objects are in motion there is always some type of friction
present. Air friction is often neglected because the mathematical models for air resistance
are fairly complicated even though the force of air resistance substantially changes the
motion. Static or kinetic friction between surfaces is sometimes ignored but not always.
The mathematical description of the friction between surfaces has a simple expression so
it can be included without making the description mathematically intractable. A good
way to start thinking about the problem is to make a simple model, excluding
complications that are small order effects. Then we can check the predictions of the
model. Once we are satisfied that we are on the right track, we can include more
complicated effects.
How do we define “tension” in a rope? Let’s return to our example of the very light rope
( mR 0 ) that is attached to a block B of mass mB on one end, and pulled by an applied
force by another object A, FA,R , from the other end (Figure 8.16). Let’s assume that the
block and rope are both at rest.
Let’s choose an xy -coordinate system with the ĵ -unit vector pointing upward in the
normal direction to the surface, and the î -unit vector pointing in the direction of the
motion of the block. The force diagrams for the rope and block are shown in Figure 8.17.
The forces on the rope and the block must each sum to zero. Because the rope is not
accelerating, Newton’s Second Law becomes:
in the + î -direction:
FR,B − fs = 0 , (8.4.2)
in the + ĵ -direction:
N − mB g = 0 . (8.4.3)
Note there is no minus sign in Equation (8.4.5) because these are magnitudes. The sign is
built into Eqs. (8.4.1) and (8.4.2). Our static equilibrium conditions now become
Thus the applied pulling force is transmitted through the rope to the object since it has the
same magnitude as the force of the rope on the object.
In addition we see that the applied force is equal to the static friction,
FA,R = fs . (8.4.8)
We have seen that in static equilibrium the pulling force by another object A, transmits
through the rope. Suppose we make an imaginary slice of the rope at a distance x from
the end that the object is attached to the object (Figure 8.18).
The rope is now divided into two sections, labeled left and right. Aside from the
Third Law pair of forces between the object and the rope, there is now a Third Law pair
of forces between the left section of the rope and the right section of the rope. We denote
this force acting on the left section by FR,L (x) . The force on the right section due to the
left section is denoted by FL,R (x) . Newton’s Third Law requires that each force in this
action-reaction pair is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
FR,L (x) = −FL,R (x) (8.4.9)
The force diagram for the left and right sections are shown in Figure 8.19 where FB,L is
the force on the left-segment the rope due to the block-rope interaction.
Figure 8.19 Force diagram for the left and right sections of rope
The tension T (x) in a rope at a distance x from one end of the rope is the
magnitude of the action -reaction pair of forces acting at the point x ,
T (x) = FR,L (x) = FL,R (x) . (8.4.10)
Special case: For a rope of negligible mass in static equilibrium, the tension is uniform
and is equal to the applied force,
T = FA,R . (8.4.11)
Solution: The key point to realize is that the rope is now massive. Suppose we make an
imaginary slice of the rope at a distance x from the end that the object as we did in
Figure 8.18. The mass of the right slice is given by
mright = (d − x) . (8.4.12)
The mass of the left slice is
mleft = x. (8.4.13)
We now apply Newton’s Second Law to the right slice of the rope
FA,R − T (x) = (d − x)aR,x , (8.4.14)
where T (x) is the tension in the rope at a distance x from the object and aR,x is the x -
component of the acceleration of the right piece of the rope. We also apply Newton’s
Second Law to the left slice of the rope
T (x) − FB,L = xa , (8.4.15)
d L,x
where T (x) is the tension in the rope at a distance x from the object, FB,L is the
magnitude of the force on the left-segment of the rope due to the rope-block interaction,
and aL,x is the x -component of the acceleration of the left piece of the rope. The force
diagram is shown in Figure 8.20.
Figure 8.20 Force diagram on sliding block
in the + î -direction:
FL,B − f k = mB aB,x , (8.4.16)
in the + ĵ -direction:
N − mB g = 0 . (8.4.17)
Eq. (8.4.17) implies that N = mB g and so the kinetic friction force acting on the block is
f k = µ k N = µ k mB g . (8.4.18)
We substitute Eq. (8.4.20) into Eq. (8.4.19) and then into Eq. (8.4.15) yielding
T (x) − ( µ k mB g + mB aB,x ) = xa . (8.4.21)
d L,x
Because the rope and block move together, the accelerations are equal which we denote
by the symbol a
a ≡ aB,x = aL,x . (8.4.22)
Then Eq. (8.4.21) becomes
T (x) = µ k mB g + (mB + x)a . (8.4.23)
Check our result: We could have used Eq. (8.4.14) to find the tension
T (x) = FA,R − (d − x)a . (8.4.24)
The force diagram on the system consisting of the rope and block is shown in Figure 8.21.
FA,R − f k = (m + mB )a . (8.4.25)
m m
T (x) = f k + (m + mB )a − (d − x)a = f k + (mB + x)a . (8.4.26)
d d
in agreement with Eq. (8.4.23). We expect this result because the tension is accelerating
both the left slice and the block and is opposed by the frictional force.
Suppose a uniform rope of mass M and length L is suspended from a ceiling (Figure
8.22). The magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity is g . (a) Find the tension in the
rope at the upper end where the rope is fixed to the ceiling. (b) Find the tension in the
rope as a function of the distance from the ceiling. (c) Find an equation for the rate of
change of the tension with respect to distance from the ceiling in terms of M , L , and g .
Be sure you show any free-body force diagrams or sketches that you plan to use.
Figure 8.22 Rope suspended from ceiling Figure 8.23 Coordinate system for
suspended rope
Solution: (a) We begin by choosing a coordinate system with the origin at the ceiling and
the positive y -direction pointing downward (Figure 8.23). In order to find the tension at
the upper end of the rope, we draw a free-body diagram of the entire rope. The forces
acting on the rope are the force at y = 0 holding the rope up, (we refer to that force as
T ( y = 0) , the tension at the upper end) and the gravitational force on the entire rope
Mg ĵ . The free-body force diagram is shown in Figure 8.24.
We now apply Newton’s Second Law noting that the acceleration is zero
Mg − T ( y = 0) = 0 .
T ( y = 0) = Mg .
(b) Recall that the tension at a point is the magnitude of the action-reaction pair of forces
acting at that point. So we make an imaginary cut in the rope a distance y from the
ceiling separating the rope into an upper and lower piece (Figure 8.25). We choose the
upper piece as our system with mass m = ( M / L) y . The forces acting on the upper rope
are the gravitational force mg ĵ = ( M / L) ygĵ , the force at y = 0 holding the rope up, (we
refer to that force as T ( y = 0) , the tension at the upper end), and the tension at the point
y , T ( y) that is pulling the upper piece down. The free-body force diagram is shown in
Figure 8.26.
Figure 8.25 Imaginary slice separates Figure 8.26 Free-body force diagram on
rope into two pieces upper piece of rope
We now apply Newton’s Second Law noting that the acceleration is zero
mg + T ( y) − T ( y = 0) = 0 .
Thus we can solve for T ( y) , the tension at a distance y from the ceiling,
T ( y) = T ( y = 0) − mg .
Using our results for the mass of the upper piece and the tension at the upper end we have
T ( y) = Mg(1 − y / L) (8.4.27)
(c) We can differentiate Eq. (8.4.27) with respect to y and find that
( y) = −( M / L)g . (8.4.28)
We can determine the tension at a distance y from the ceiling in Example 8.4, by an
alternative method, a technique that will generalize to many types of “continuous
systems”. We consider as our system an imaginary segment of the rope between the
points y and y + Δy . This small element has length Δy and mass Δm = ( M / L)Δy .
Figure 8.27 Rope with small element Figure 8.28 Infinitesimal slice of rope
The rope has now been divided into three pieces, an upper piece, the small element, and a
lower piece (Figure 8.27). The forces acting on it are the tension T ( y) at y directed
upward, (the force of the upper piece holding the element up), the tension T ( y + Δy) at
y + Δy directed downward (the force of the lower piece pulling the element down), and
the gravitational force Δmg ĵ = ( M / L)Δygĵ . The free-body force diagram is shown in
Figure 8.28.
We now apply Newton’s Second Law to the small element noting that the
acceleration is zero
Δmg + T ( y + Δy) − T ( y) = 0 .
T ( y + Δy) − T ( y) = −Δmg .
We now substitute our result for the mass of the element Δm = ( M / L)Δy , and find that
T ( y + Δy) − T ( y) = −( M / L)Δyg .
T ( y + Δy) − T ( y)
= −( M / L)g .
Now here comes the crucial step, the limiting argument. We consider the limit in which
the length of the small element goes to zero, Δy → 0 .
T ( y + Δy) − T ( y)
lim = −( M / L)g .
Δy→0 Δy
Recall that the left hand side is the definition of the derivative of the tension with respect
to y , and so we arrive at
( y) = −( M / L)g
dT = −( M / L)gdy
and integrate both sides. Our integral will be a definite integral, the limits of the right
hand side are from y = 0 to y , and the corresponding limits on the left hand side are
from T ( y = 0) to T ( y) :
T ( y)
y′= y
∫ dT = −( M / L)g ∫
y ′ =0
dy ′ .
T ( y =0)
T ( y) − T ( y = 0) = −( M / L)gy .
T ( y) = Mg(1− y / L) .
In many physical situations the force on an object will be modeled as depending on the
object’s velocity. We have already seen static and kinetic friction between surfaces
modeled as being independent of the surfaces’ relative velocity. Common experience
(swimming, throwing a Frisbee) tells us that the frictional force between an object and a
fluid can be a complicated function of velocity. Indeed, these complicated relations are
an important part of such topics as aircraft design.
A reasonable model for the frictional force on an object m moving at low speeds through
a viscous medium is
Ffriction = −γ m v (8.5.1)
where γ is a constant that depends on the properties (density, viscosity) of the medium
and the size and shape of the object. Note that γ has dimensions of inverse time,
dim ⎡⎣ Force ⎤⎦ M ⋅ L ⋅ T −2
dim[γ ] = = = T −1 . (8.5.2)
dim[mass] ⋅ dim ⎡⎣ velocity ⎤⎦ M ⋅L⋅T −1
The minus sign in Equation (8.5.1) indicates that the frictional force is directed against
the object’s velocity (relative to the fluid).
In a situation where Ffriction is the net force, Newton’s Second Law becomes
−γ m v = ma (8.5.3)
and so the acceleration is
a = −γ v . (8.5.4)
The acceleration has no component perpendicular to the velocity, and in the absence of
other forces the object will move in a straight line, but with varying speed. Denote the
direction of this motion as the x -direction, so that Equation (8.5.4) becomes
d vx
ax = = −γ v x . (8.5.5)
Equation (8.5.5) is now a differential equation. For our purposes, we’ll create an initial-
condition problem by specifying that the initial x -component of velocity is v(t = 0) = vx0 .
The differential equation in (8.5.5) is also separable, in that the equation may be rewritten
d vx
= −γ dt . (8.5.6)
and each side can be separately integrated. The integration in this case is simple, leading
vx (t ) t
d vx
∫ vx
= −γ ∫ dt . (8.5.7)
vx 0 0
vx (t )
LHS = ln(vx ) v = ln(vx (t)) − ln(vx0 ) = ln(vx (t) / vx0 ) , (8.5.8)
ln(vx (t) / vx0 ) = −γ t . (8.5.10)
A plot of vx vs. t is shown in Figure 8.29 with initial conditions vx0 = 10 m ⋅s −1 and
γ = 0.5 s −1 .
Figure 8.29 Plot of vx vs. t for damping force Ffriction = −γ m v
An object moving along the x -axis with an initial x-component of the velocity
vx (t = 0) = vx0 experiences a retarding frictional force whose magnitude is proportional to
the square of the speed (a case known as Newtonian Damping),
Ffriction = γ mv 2 (8.5.13)
Show that the x -component of the velocity of the object as a function of time is given by
vx (t) = vx0 , (8.5.14)
1+ t / τ
and find the constant τ .
d vx
−γ vx2 = . (8.5.15)
d vx 1 1 1
= −vx0 =− vx2 (8.5.16)
τ 1+ t / τ ) vx0 τ
−γ vx2 = − vx2 . (8.5.17)
vx0 τ
τ= . (8.5.18)
A plot of vx vs. t is shown in Figure 8.30 with initial conditions vx0 = 10 m ⋅s −1 and
γ = 0.5 s −1 .
Figure 8.30 Plot of vx vs. t for damping force Ffriction = γ mv 2
Figure 8.31 shows the two x -component of the velocity functions Eq. (8.5.12) and Eq.
(8.5.14) plotted on the same graph.
Figure 8.31 Plot of two different x -component of the velocity functions
An object of given mass m starts with a given velocity v0 and slides an unknown
distance s along a floor and then off the top of a staircase (Figure 8.32). The goal of this
problem is to find the distance s . The coefficient of kinetic friction between the object
and the floor is given by µ k . The object strikes at the far end of the third stair. Each stair
has a given rise of h and a given run of d . Neglect air resistance and use g for the
gravitational constant. (a) Briefly describe how you intend to model the motion of the
object. What are the given quantities in this problem? (b) What is the distance s that the
object slides along the floor? Express your answer in terms of the given quantities only.
Solution: a) There are two distinct stages to the object’s motion, the initial horizontal
motion (the floor must be assumed horizontal) and the motion in free fall. The given
final position of the object, at the far end of the third stair, will determine the horizontal
component of the velocity at the instant the object left the top of the stair. This in turn
determined the time the object decelerated, and the deceleration while on the floor
determined the distance traveled on the floor. The given quantities are m , v0 , µ k , g , h
and d .
b) From the top of the stair to the far end of the third stair, the object is in free fall. Take
the positive î -direction to be horizontal, directed to the left in the figure, take the positive
ĵ -direction to be vertical (up) and take the origin at the top of the stair, where the object
first goes into free fall. The components of acceleration are ax = 0 , a y = − g , the initial
x -component of velocity will be denoted vx ,0 , the initial y -component of velocity is
v y ,0 = 0 , the initial x -position is x0 = 0 and the initial y -position is y0 = 0 . The
equations describing the object’s motion as a function of time t are then
x(t ) = x0 + vx ,0 t + ax t 2 = vx ,0 t (8.6.1)
1 1
y (t ) = y0 + v y ,0 t + a y t 2 = − gt 2 . (8.6.2)
2 2
It’s crucial to see that in this notation and that given in the problem, vx ,0 < v0 . In the
above equations, Eq. (8.6.1) may be solved for t to give
x(t )
t= . (8.6.3)
vx ,0
Substituting Eq. (8.6.3) into Eq. (8.6.2) and eliminating the variable t ,
1 x 2 (t )
y (t ) = − g . (8.6.4)
2 vx ,0 2
Eq. (8.6.4) can now be solved for the square of the horizontal component of the velocity,
1 x 2 (t )
vx ,0 2 = − g . (8.6.5)
2 y (t )
At the far end of the third stair, x = 3d and y = −3h ; substitution into Eq. (8.6.5) gives
3 gd 2
vx ,0 2 = . (8.6.6)
For the horizontal motion, use the same coordinates with the origin at the edge of the
landing. The forces on the object are gravity m g = −mg ˆj , the normal force N = N ˆj and
the kinetic frictional force fk = − f k ˆi . The components of the vectors in Newton’s
Second Law, F = ma , are
− f k = m ax
N − m g = m ay .
The object does not move in the y -direction; a y = 0 and thus from the second expression
in (8.6.7), N = m g . The magnitude of the frictional force is then f k = µ k N = µ k mg , and
the first expression in (8.6.7) gives the x -component of acceleration as ax = − µ k g . Since
the acceleration is constant the x -component of the velocity is given by
vx (t ) = v0 + ax t , (8.6.8)
where v0 is the x -component of the velocity of the object when it just started sliding
(this is a different from the x -component of the velocity when it just leaves the top
landing, a quantity we denoted earlier by vx ,0 ). The displacement is given by
x(t ) − x0 = v0 t + ax t 2 . (8.6.9)
Denote the time the block is decelerating as t1 . The initial conditions needed to solve the
problem are the given v0 (assuming we’ve “reset” our clocks appropriately), vx (t1 ) = vx ,0
as found above, x0 = − s and x(t1 ) = 0 . (Note that in the conditions for the initial and
final position, we’ve kept the origin at the top of the stair. This is not necessary, but it
works. The important matter is that the x -coordinate increases from right to left.) During
this time, the block’s x -component of velocity decreases from v0 to vx (t1 ) = vx ,0 with
constant acceleration ax = − µ k g . Using the initial and final conditions, and the value of
the acceleration, Eq. (8.6.9) becomes
s = v0 t1 − µk g t12 (8.6.10)
and we can solve Eq. (8.6.8) for the time the block reaches the edge of the landing,
vx ,0 − v0 v0 − vx ,0
t1 = = . (8.6.11)
−µk g µk g
⎛ v0 − vx ,0 ⎞ 1 ⎛ v0 − vx ,0 ⎞
s = v0 ⎜ ⎟ − µk g ⎜ ⎟ (8.6.12)
⎝ µk g ⎠ 2 ⎝ µk g ⎠
⎛ v0 − vx ,0 ⎞ 1 ⎛ v0 − vx ,0 ⎞ v0 2 vx ,0 2
s = v0 ⎜ ⎟ − µk g ⎜ ⎟ = − . (8.6.13)
⎝ µk g ⎠ 2 ⎝ µ k g ⎠ 2µ k g 2µ k g
Substituting Eq. (8.6.6) for vx2,0 into Eq. (8.6.13), yields the distance the object traveled
on the landing,
v02 − (3gd 2 / 2h)
s= . (8.6.14)
2µk g
Figure 8.33 A falling block will accelerate a cart on a track via the pulling force of the
string. The force sensor measures the tension in the string.
Consider a cart that is free to move along a horizontal track (Figure 8.33). A force is
applied to the cart via a string that is attached to a force sensor mounted on the cart,
wrapped around a pulley and attached to a block on the other end. When the block is
released the cart will begin to accelerate. The force sensor and cart together have a mass
mC , and the suspended block has mass mB . You may neglect the small mass of the string
and pulley, and assume the string is inextensible. The frictional force is modeled as a
coefficient of kinetic friction µk between the cart and the track (almost all of the friction
is in the wheel bearings, and the model is quite good). (a) What is the acceleration of the
cart? (b) What is the tension in the string?
Solution: In general, we would like to draw free-body diagrams on all the individual
objects (cart, sensor, pulley, rope, and block) but we can also choose a system consisting
of two (or more) objects knowing that the forces of interaction between any two objects
will cancel in pairs by Newton’s Third Law. In this example, we shall choose the
sensor/cart as one free-body, and the block as the other free-body. The free-body force
diagram for the sensor/cart is shown in Figure 8.34.
Figure 8.34 Force diagram on sensor/cart with a vector decomposition of the contact
force into horizontal and vertical components
There are three forces acting on the sensor/cart: the gravitational force mC g , the pulling
force TR,C of the rope on the force sensor, and the contact force between the track and the
cart. In Figure 8.34, we decompose the contact force into its two components, the kinetic
frictional force fk = − f k î and the normal force, N = N ĵ .
The cart is only accelerating in the horizontal direction with a C = aC,x î , so the
component of the force in the vertical direction must be zero, aC,y = 0 . We can now apply
Newton’s Second Law in the horizontal and vertical directions and find that
N = mC g . (8.6.17)
We use Equation (8.6.17) for the normal force to find that the magnitude of the kinetic
frictional force is
f k = µk N = µk mC g . (8.6.18)
Then Equation (8.6.15) becomes
TR,C − µk mC g = mC aC,x . (8.6.19)
Figure 8.35 Forces acting on the block
In Equation (8.6.20), the symbol aB, y represents the component of the acceleration with
sign determined by our choice of direction for the unit vector ĵ . Note that we made a
different choice of direction for the unit vector in the vertical direction in the free-body
diagram for the block shown in Figure 8.34. Each free-body diagram has an independent
set of unit vectors that define a sign convention for vector decomposition of the forces
acting on the free-body and the acceleration of the free-body. In our example, with the
unit vector pointing downwards in Figure 8.35, if we solve for the component of the
acceleration and it is positive, then we know that the direction of the acceleration is
There is a second subtle way that signs are introduced with respect to the forces
acting on a free-body. In our example, the force between the string and the block acting
on the block points upwards, so in the vector decomposition of the forces acting on the
block that appears on the left-hand side of Equation (8.6.20), this force has a minus sign
and the quantity TR,B = −TR,B ĵ where TR,B is assumed positive. However, if for some
reason we were uncertain about the direction of the force between the string and the
block acting on the block, and drew the arrow downwards, then when we solved the
problem we would discover that TR,B is negative, indicating that the force points in a
direction opposite the direction of the arrow on the free-body diagram.
Our assumption that the mass of the rope and the mass of the pulley are negligible
enables us to assert that the tension in the rope is uniform and equal in magnitude to the
forces at each end of the rope,
TR,B = TR,C ≡ T . (8.6.21)
We also assumed that the string is inextensible (does not stretch). This implies that the
rope, block, and sensor/cart all have the same magnitude of acceleration,
Using Equations (8.6.21) and (8.6.22), we can now rewrite the equation of motion for the
sensor/cart, Equation (8.6.19), as
T − µk mC g = mC a , (8.6.23)
mB g − T = mB a . (8.6.24)
We have only two unknowns T and a , so we can now solve the two equations (8.6.23)
and (8.6.24) simultaneously for the acceleration of the sensor/cart and the tension in the
rope. We first solve Equation (8.6.23) for the tension
T = µk mC g + mC a (8.6.25)
and then substitute Equation (8.6.25) into Equation (8.6.24) and find that
mB g − ( µk mC g + mC a) = mB a . (8.6.26)
mB g − µk mC g
a= . (8.6.27)
mC + mB
Substitution of Equation (8.6.27) into Equation (8.6.25) gives the tension in the string,
T = µk mC g + mC a
mB g − µk mC g
= µk mC g + mC (8.6.28)
mC + mB
mC mB
= ( µk + 1) g.
mC + mB
Consider the arrangement of pulleys and blocks shown in Figure 8.36. The pulleys are
assumed massless and frictionless and the connecting strings are massless and
unstretchable. Denote the respective masses of the blocks as m1 , m2 and m3 . The upper
pulley in the figure is free to rotate but its center of mass does not move. Both pulleys
have the same radius R . (a) How are the accelerations of the objects related? (b) Draw
force diagrams on each moving object. (c) Solve for the accelerations of the objects and
the tensions in the ropes.
Solution: (a) Choose an origin at the center of the upper pulley. Introduce coordinate
functions for the three moving blocks, y1 , y2 and y3 . Introduce a coordinate function
yP for the moving pulley (the pulley on the lower right in Figure 8.37). Choose
downward for positive direction; the coordinate system is shown in the figure below then.
l A = y1 + yP + π R (8.6.29)
where π R is the arc length of the rope that is in contact with the pulley. This length is
constant, and so the second derivative with respect to time is zero,
d 2l A d 2 y1 d 2 yP
0 = 2 = 2 + 2 = a y ,1 + a y , P . (8.6.30)
dt dt dt
Thus block 1 and the moving pulley’s components of acceleration are equal in magnitude
but opposite in sign,
a y , P = −a y ,1 . (8.6.31)
The length of string B is given by
lB = ( y3 − yP ) + ( y2 − yP ) + π R = y3 + y2 − 2 yP + π R (8.6.32)
where π R is the arc length of the rope that is in contact with the pulley. This length is
also constant so the second derivative with respect to time is zero,
d 2lB d 2 y2 d 2 y3 d 2 yP
0 = 2 = 2 + 2 − 2 2 = a y ,2 + a y ,3 − 2a y , P . (8.6.33)
dt dt dt dt
We can substitute Equation (8.6.31) for the pulley acceleration into Equation (8.6.33)
yielding the constraint relation between the components of the acceleration of the three
0 = a y ,2 + a y ,3 + 2a y ,1 . (8.6.34)
The forces on the block 2 are the gravitational force m2g and string B holding the block,
TB,2 , with magnitude TB . The free-body diagram for the forces acting on block 2 is
shown in Figure 8.39.
ĵ : m2 g − TB = m2 a y,2 . (8.6.36)
The forces on the block 3 are the gravitational force m3g and string holding the block,
TB,3 , with magnitude equal to TB because pulley P has been assumed to be both
frictionless and massless. The free-body diagram for the forces acting on block 3 is
shown in Figure 8.40.
ĵ : m3 g − TB = m3 a y,3 . (8.6.37)
The forces on the moving pulley P are the gravitational force mP g = 0 (the pulley is
assumed massless); string B pulls down on the pulley on each side with a force, TB,P ,
which has magnitude TB . String A holds the pulley up with a force TA,P with the
magnitude TA equal to the tension in string A . The free-body diagram for the forces
acting on the moving pulley is shown in Figure 8.41.
ˆj : 2T − T = m a = 0 . (8.6.38)
B A P y, P
Because the pulley is assumed to be massless, we can use this last equation to determine
the condition that the tension in the two strings must satisfy,
2TB = TA (8.6.39)
We are now in position to determine the accelerations of the blocks and the tension in the
two strings. We record the relevant equations as a summary.
0 = a y ,2 + a y ,3 + 2a y ,1 (8.6.40)
m1 g − TA = m1 a y ,1 (8.6.41)
m2 g − TB = m2 a y ,2 (8.6.42)
m3 g − TB = m3 a y ,3 (8.6.43)
2TB = TA . (8.6.44)
There are five equations with five unknowns, so we can solve this system. We shall first
use Equation (8.6.44) to eliminate the tension TA in Equation (8.6.41), yielding
m1 g − 2TB = m1 a y ,1 . (8.6.45)
We now solve Equations (8.6.42), (8.6.43) and (8.6.45) for the accelerations,
a y ,2 = g − (8.6.46)
a y ,3 = g − B (8.6.47)
a y,1 = g − . (8.6.48)
We now substitute these results for the accelerations into the constraint equation,
Equation (8.6.40),
TB T 4T ⎛ 1 1 4 ⎞
0=g− + g − B + 2 g − B = 4 g − TB ⎜ + + ⎟. (8.6.49)
m2 m3 m1 ⎝ m2 m3 m1 ⎠
We can now solve this last equation for the tension in string B ,
4g 4 g m1 m2 m3
TB = = . (8.6.50)
⎛ 1 1 4 ⎞ m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3
⎜ + + ⎟
⎝ m2 m3 m1 ⎠
8 g m1 m2 m3
TA = 2TB = . (8.6.51)
m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3
We find the acceleration of block 1 from Equation (8.6.48), using Equation (8.6.50) for
the tension in string B,
2TB 8 g m2 m3 m m + m1 m2 − 4 m2 m3
a y ,1 = g − =g− =g 1 3 . (8.6.52)
m1 m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3 m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3
We find the acceleration of block 2 from Equation (8.6.46), using Equation (8.6.50) for
the tension in string B,
TB 4 g m1 m3 −3 m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3
a y ,2 = g − =g− =g . (8.6.53)
m2 m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3 m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3
Similarly, we find the acceleration of block 3 from Equation (8.6.47), using Equation
(8.6.50) for the tension in string B,
TB 4 g m1 m2 m m − 3 m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3
a y ,3 = g − =g− =g 1 3 . (8.6.54)
m3 m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3 m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3
2 a1, y + a2, y + a3, y =
m1 m3 + m1 m2 − 4 m2 m3 −3 m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3 m m − 3 m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3
2g +g +g 1 3
m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3 m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3 m1 m3 + m1 m2 + 4 m2 m3
= 0.
Solution: Choose a coordinate system for the block and wedge as shown in Figure 8.43.
Then A = Ax,w î where Ax,w is the x-component of the acceleration of the wedge.
We shall apply Newton’s Second Law to the block sliding down the wedge. Because the
wedge is accelerating, there is a constraint relation between the x - and y - components
of the acceleration of the block. In order to find that constraint we choose a coordinate
system for the wedge and block sliding down the wedge shown in the figure below. We
shall find the constraint relationship between the components of the accelerations of the
block and wedge by a geometric argument. From the figure above, we see that
tan φ = . (8.6.55)
l − (xb − xw )
yb = (l − (xb − xw )) tan φ . (8.6.56)
d 2l
=0 (8.6.57)
dt 2
we have that
d 2 yb ⎛ d 2 xb d 2 x w ⎞
= −⎜ 2 − ⎟ tan φ . (8.6.58)
dt 2 ⎝ dt dt 2 ⎠
ab, y = −(ab,x − Ax,w ) tan φ (8.6.59)
recalling that
d 2 xw
Ax,w = . (8.6.60)
dt 2
We now draw a free-body force diagram for the block (Figure 8.44). Newton’s Second
Law in the î - direction becomes
N sin φ = mab,x . (8.6.61)
and the ĵ -direction becomes
N cos φ − mg = mab, y (8.6.62)
N= (8.6.63)
sin φ
We now substitute Eq. (8.6.59) and Eq. (8.6.63) into Eq. (8.6.62) yielding
cos φ − mg = m(−(ab,x − Aw,x ) tan φ ) . (8.6.64)
sin φ
g + Aw,x tan φ
ab,x = (8.6.66)
cotan φ + tan φ
⎛ g + Aw,x tan φ ⎞
ab, y = −(ab,x − Aw,x ) tan φ = − ⎜ − Aw,x ⎟ tan φ . (8.6.67)
⎝ cotan φ + tan φ ⎠
This simplifies to
Aw,x − g tan φ
ab, y = (8.6.68)
cotan φ + tan φ
When φ = 45 , cotan 45 = tan 45 = 1 , and so Eq. (8.6.66) becomes
g + Aw,x
ab,x = (8.6.69)
and Eq. (8.6.68) becomes
A− g
ab, y = . (8.6.70)
2 2
⎛ g + Aw,x ⎞ ⎛ Aw,x − g ⎞
a = ab,x + ab,y
2 2
= ⎜ + (8.6.71)
⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠
⎛ g 2 + Aw,x
a= ⎜ ⎟.
⎝ 2 ⎠
Example 8.10: Capstan
A device called a capstan is used aboard ships in order to control a rope that is under
great tension. The rope is wrapped around a fixed drum of radius R , usually for several
turns (Figure 8.45 shows about three fourths turn as seen from overhead). The load on the
rope pulls it with a force TA , and the sailor holds the other end of the rope with a much
smaller force TB . The coefficient of static friction between the rope and the drum is µs .
− µsθ BA
The sailor is holding the rope so that it is just about to slip. Show that TB = TAe ,
where θ BA is the angle subtended by the rope on the drum.
Solution: We begin by considering a small slice of rope of arc length R Δθ , shown in the
Figure 8.46. We choose unit vectors for the force diagram on this section of the rope and
indicate them on Figure 8.47. The right edge of the slice is at angle θ and the left edge of
the slice is at θ + Δθ . The angle edge end of the slice makes with the horizontal is Δθ / 2 .
There are four forces acting on this section of the rope. The forces are the normal force
between the capstan and the rope pointing outward, a static frictional force and the
tensions at either end of the slice. The rope is held at the just slipping point, so if the load
exerts a greater force the rope will slip to the right. Therefore the direction of the static
frictional force between the capstan and the rope, acting on the rope, points to the left.
The tension on the right side of the slice is denoted by T (θ ) ≡ T , while the tension on the
left side of the slice is denoted by T (θ + Δθ ) ≡ T + ΔT . Does the tension in this slice
from the right side to the left, increase, remain the same, or decrease? The tension
decreases because the load on the left side is less than the load on the right side. Note that
ΔT < 0 .
Figure 8.47 Free-body force diagram on small slice of rope
For small angles Δθ , cos(Δθ / 2) ≅ 1 and sin(Δθ / 2) ≅ Δθ / 2 . Using the small angle
approximations, the vector decomposition of the forces in the x -direction (the +iˆ -
direction) becomes
T cos(Δθ / 2) − f s − (T + ΔT )cos(Δθ / 2) T − f s − (T + ΔT )
= − f s − ΔT .
By the static equilibrium condition the sum of the x -components of the forces is zero,
− fs − ΔT = 0 . (8.6.75)
The vector decomposition of the forces in the y -direction (the +jˆ -direction) is
In the last equation above we can ignore the terms proportional to ΔT Δθ because these
are the product of two small quantities and hence are much smaller than the terms
proportional to either ΔT or Δθ . The vector decomposition in the y -direction becomes
−T Δθ + N . (8.6.77)
Static equilibrium implies that this sum of the y -components of the forces is zero,
−T Δθ + N = 0 . (8.6.78)
We can solve this equation for the magnitude of the normal force
N = T Δθ . (8.6.79)
The just slipping condition is that the magnitude of the static friction attains its maximum
fs = ( fs ) max = µs N . (8.6.80)
ΔT = − µ s N . (8.6.81)
Now substitute the magnitude of the normal force, Equation (8.6.79), into Equation
(8.6.81), yielding
− µ sT Δθ − ΔT = 0 . (8.6.82)
Finally, solve this equation for the ratio of the change in tension to the change in angle,
= − µsT . (8.6.83)
The derivative of tension with respect to the angle θ is defined to be the limit
≡ lim , (8.6.84)
dθ Δθ →0 Δθ
and Equation (8.6.83) becomes
= − µ sT . (8.6.85)
This is an example of a first order linear differential equation that shows that the rate of
change of tension with respect to the angle θ is proportional to the negative of the
tension at that angle θ . This equation can be solved by integration using the technique of
separation of variables. We first rewrite Equation (8.6.85) as
= − µ s dθ . (8.6.86)
Integrate both sides, noting that when θ = 0 , the tension is equal to force of the load TA ,
and when angle θ = θ A, B the tension is equal to the force TB the sailor applies to the rope,
T =TB θ = θ BA
∫ T
=− ∫ µs dθ . (8.6.87)
T =TA θ =0
⎛ ⎛ T ⎞⎞ T
exp ⎜⎜ ln ⎜ B ⎟ ⎟⎟ = B , (8.6.89)
⎝ ⎝ TA ⎠ ⎠ TA
TB −µ θ
= e s BA ; (8.6.90)
the tension decreases exponentially,
− µsθ BA
TB = TA e , (8.6.91)
Because the tension decreases exponentially, the sailor need only apply a small force to
prevent the rope from slipping.