Carlsberg A/S Brewing
Carlsberg A/S Brewing
Carlsberg A/S Brewing
Wendy Sibley
Anh Nguyen
Stephen Andrews
T. Christopher Moseley
Strategic Management
Carlsberg A/S Brewing 2
Environment Analysis
Carlsberg A/S (hereon referred to as Carlsberg), one of the largest breweries in the world, has
multiple locations found in Europe and Asia. Carlsberg is not only considered an exporter of beer but also
license their products. Beer manufacturing remained consistent until the early 2000’s when the industry
started to consolidate, and the number of breweries reduced drastically. By the late 2000s, the largest
breweries worldwide dominated the beer industry. Carlsberg gained the title of the fourth largest brewery
in 2010. Their market shares in 2010 were up 5.5 percent with products being sold in over 150 countries.
In many markets, Carlsberg would be considered an attractive industry. Europe has been very
profitable for Carlsberg, with 44 percent of Carlsberg’s total sales deriving from the Eastern European
market. In 2009, Carlsberg grew financially with the acquisition of Baltic Beverages Holding company
(BBH). However, the very next year they were faced with a big challenge in the Russian beer market.
The excise tax increased by 200 percent by the Russian Government. This, in turn, caused prices to
increase and sales to fall. This resulted in an unpredictable market. In turn, Carlsberg doubled its
Fortunately, Carlsberg’s beer sales continued to increase in 2010 with large organic and revenue
growth and solid margin improvements. This was due mainly to the Asian markets not being taxed like
other markets. Carlsberg still must compete with the other large breweries, like the new “boutique-like”
brewery options that peak consumer interest with their specialty and craft beers and the growing
popularity of healthy drinks. All these factors could be a substantial threat to Carlsberg which could turn a
Currently, Carlsberg is one of the largest and fast-growing breweries in terms of production
volume. The company has some reasons for its merging and acquisitions. More importantly, there are
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some strategies the company uses to enhance development and profit. The first reason why the company
would merge or acquire other companies within their market area is the sharing of information and
intelligence. Through successful strategic partnerships, Carlsberg together with different companies can
share information and knowledge concerning production, marketing, and selling of their products.
Through mergers and acquisitions, Carlsberg would acquire an improved transactional and
financial report structure. Enhancing financial reports would aid the company to track its past costs and
predict future expenditures. Through the provision of capital to companies acquired or merged with,
Carlsberg’s brand recognition in a newer market would be boosted and open opportunities for faster
market expansion. Moreover, these techniques are typically used to support companies that are more
exposed to hostile takeovers. Nevertheless, this also creates an enormous amount of debt for Carlsberg.
Carlsberg is described by a high diversity of markets, cultures, and brands. The overall strategy
aims at making use of the regions in which the company competes and operates. The overall objective is
to be the best and fastest beer company globally. These regions operate under similar strategies to reflect
the local conditions of each. To achieve the goal of merging and acquisitions, the company has laid down
Carlsberg has been very keen on its recruitment and hiring. They have continuously recruited
competent and skilled personnel. They do this to have a smooth and unique performance culture
throughout their production period. Also, the strategy enhances the quality leadership that is appropriate
based on diversity, ownership, and trust. As a result, other companies find it easy to trust the merger or
Carlsberg has also been focusing on the reduction of prices of their product. The reduced prices
the beer ensures that there is a cash flow in their market. The strategy is not only a survival technique for
Carlsberg but also opportunity generator for their future market. The main aim of being a pull factor
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directed to potential investors. The investors mainly focus on the flow of cash in a company before they
Lastly, Carlsberg has been focusing on improving their products. Their production of new beers
has exposed their creativeness and innovation. The creativeness has enhanced its portfolio of
internationally by the ability to produce strong local brands and international premium. As a result,
excellence has been gradually following the company thus making other companies have the urge to
Corporate-Level Strategy
countries, investments, and diverse brands. After starting in Western Europe, they then branched into the
United States, followed by Eastern Europe, and Asia. When these major investments in the new market
were made, it resulted in revenues and local brand recognition. Carlsberg was focused on a strategic
expansion; which led to successful launches in specific markets. For instance, in Asia, the primary focus
was on long term growth and building their position. In Eastern Europe, the earnings were higher, and the
growth was rapid. Corporate social responsibility is a practice that is evident throughout the chain.
Carlsberg successfully adjusts to the markets they step foot in and can continue to do so by balancing
Given all the data collected, we cooperatively believe that Carlsberg made the best decision by
entering in multiple emerging markets. Carlsberg was able to effectively deduce necessary changes
needed if they intended to grow. Having an already heavy presence in the European market, Carlsberg
knew that to maintain a competitive advantage they would need to seek opportunities in other regions.
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Due to the over saturation of the North and South American markets and the underperforming market in
Carlsberg implemented strategic M &A’s to grow into new untapped markets by providing
capital and licensing their beer recipes to local manufacturers. Carlsberg was able to effectively make soft
entrances into underdeveloped beer markets. Carlsberg’s primary concentration was to saturate these
markets with their own products before other competing companies could gain a foothold. However, with
companies like Heineken buying local breweries in Russia and the Russian government looking to raise
taxes on beer sales Carlsberg may need to move more aggressively in the Russian market if they intend to
remain competitive.
A more lucrative market for Carlsberg is in the north and western provinces of China. Even
though this market requires hefty capital investments, many political risks and other high entry barriers
the potential from growth is too great to overlook. Carlsberg has seen many setbacks in this market over
the years. However, by starting in the virtually untouched rural areas of the Chinese market they will be
able to slowly make a push to the more heavily populated cities to the east and improve their presence.
For Carlsberg to be successful and remain competitive in this type of market and to give
themselves the best opportunity for long-term gains they will need to position themselves in each country
as to maximize profits and meet consumer demands. We believe Carlsberg can achieve this by remaining
successful in an emerging market Carlsberg will have to remain competitive with their prices due to the
lower economic nature of these markets. By investing in the infrastructure Carlsberg will not only
increase the capability of their supply chain and distribution but also increase local loyalty. The most
important area to focus on is on researching local flavors using locally found ingredients. What may work
in one country or area may not work in another. Carlsberg must remember that just as culture is different