Advanced ITT Q - 1
Advanced ITT Q - 1
Advanced ITT Q - 1
d n
EX1 __________ greatly HTML MS Excel XML XSD C
eases the
validation, and
interpretation of
data between
applications, and
EX2 Which is not a XML is not XML is a XML is designed XML tags are D
characteristic of different from markup to display data predefined
XML? HTML language
EX3 XML was created to Structure Store Transport All of the D
____________infor above
EX4 Which of the Tag names are Data has to We can have Attribute A
following syntax not case sensitive start and empty tags Values must
rule of XML is end with an be put
wrong? identical tag within
EX5 An opening tag, XML Maps XML XML schema None of the B
attributes, content element above
and a closing tag
are part of
EX6 ___________is the XML element XML XML schema All of the C
rule book of XML. attributes above
EX7 Excel works with .XML,.XSD .XML,.SXD .XMLX,.SPX None of the A
two types of XML above
files, they are,
EX8 __________ link XML Maps XML Data XML Attributes XML A
the cells in a file Element
worksheet to the
elements (items) in
an XML schema.
EX9 The XML tools once Data Developer Add-Ins Formulas C
installed would be
available in the
_________Tab in
MS Excel 2010.
EX1 XML Schema files .XSD .XLT .XML .XLS A
0 have the
EX1 In MS Excel, XML Any data in rows XML schema XML elements XML B
1 Maps can be and columns only attributes
created from,
EX1 A formula in MS Conditional Ranged Cell References All of the D
2 Excel can include, Operators References above
EX1 Which of the ABS() MOD() Both A and B Nither A Nor C
3 following functions B
has a fixed number
of arguments?
EX1 _________function MOD() INDEX() DATE() LOOKUP() B
4 is used to return
values from a data
range based on
both a row as well a
EX1 The financial Balance sheet Assets count Profit & Loss None of the A
5 position of a account above
business at any
given point of time
can be summarised
using a
EX1 Good will & Patents Intangible Current Long Term Fixed A
6 are considered to Investments
EX1 Company's ability Solvency Liquidity Turnover Profitability B
7 to pay off its
current financial
obligations is best
decribed by
EX1 Current ratio Current Liabilities Current Company must Company A
8 indicates that, are adequately assets are think about its must
covered by not enough investments withdraw all
current assets its cash from
the market
EX1 A higher current Firm cannot cope Firm is not There is no None of the B
9 ratio means, up with the facing increased above
increased problems in working capital
working capital meeting requirements
requirements increased
EX2 _________ratio is Debt-equity Current Acid Test Debt-Total C
0 used to check
whether a firm has
adequate cash or
cash equivalents to
meet the current
obligations without
resorting to
liquidating non
cash assets.
EX2 ________ratios Turnover Profitability Leverage Liquidity C
1 assess the extent to
which the firm
borrowed money
through funds
supplied by owners.
EX2 Creditors Debt-equity Current Debt-Total Debt-Assets A
2 like_________ratio
to be low.
EX2 The financial risk Debt-Total ratio Debt-Total Debt-Total ratio None of the A
3 would be greater if, is higher ratio is low remains above
EX2 The Interest Amount of Ability of a Time duration Amount of B
4 Coverage ratio Interest paid back company to in which loan is loan
deals with, by the firm pay back paid back remaining
long term
loans along
with interest
or other
of profit
EX2 Debt-Assets ratio is Debt / Net assets EBIT / Debt Long term debt Long term A
5 calculated as, interest / Total fund debt /
s funds.
EX2 _________ratio Current Liquidity Leverage Interest B
6 determines the Coverage Coverage
time taken by a
company to pay off
all its liabilities
from internally
generated funds.
EX2 Ratios that are Liquidity Debt- Total Activity Solvency C
7 primarily used to
assess the
efficiency of a
company in terms
of how well it is
utilising its assets,
are ___________
EX2 Which ratio can be Inventory Inventory Inventory None of the B
8 used to measure measure ratio turnover Leftover ratio above
the no. of days of ratio
inventory held by a
company to sales?
EX2 ____________ratio Liquidity Solvency Average Fixed Assets D
9 too low indicates Coverage Collection Turnover
that the capital period
assets are procured
EX3 Any firm's Solvency Liquidity Turnover Profitability D
0 management
effectiveness can
be best judged by
__________ kind of
EX3 Net Profit Ratio, Profitability Solvency Liquidity Turnover A
1 Gross Profit Ratio
and Return on
Investment are a
kind of
EX3 Earnings Per Share Performance of Efficiency Cost of All of the A
2 Ratio evaluates, company shares with which production above
over a period of company
time used its
EX3 The overall cost of Net Profit Gross Profit Return on Quick B
3 production can be Investment
calculated using the
EX3 Net Profit Ratio Surplus of raw Time taken Surplus of gross Expenses C
4 indicates_________ materials after for profit after incurred in
____ production production meeting production
EX3 Before taking up an Price Earnings Price Earnings per None of the A
5 investment (PE) Multiple Earnings share (EPS) above
decision, different Growth
stocks can be (PEG)
compared using Multiple
EX3 The reasons for Less number of Investment High amount of Both A & B D
6 having high EPS are, equity shares in risky debt taken by
ventures the company
EX3 PE ratio is Net profit Market Price Average None of the B
7 calculated as, available for per share/ receivables x above
equity EPS 365
shareholders /
No of Equity
EX3 ___________Valuat Price Earnings Price Earnings per All of the A
8 ion ratio also takes Growth (PEG) Earnings (PE) share (EPS) above
the growth rate of Multiple Multiple
company into
EX3 The overall returns Gross Profit Return on Net Profit Earnings per B
9 of a company can Investment share
be assessed,
assuming that the
company has not
taken any debt by
using the
EX4 ______________rat Price Earnings Liquidity Average Fixed Assets C
0 io, too low, Growth (PEG) Coverage Collection Turnover
indicates that the Multiple period
company has
restricted credit
EX4 ROE can be Gross Net Investments/Sh None of the B
1 calculated by using Income/Sharehol Income/Shar areholders above
the formula, ders Equity eholders Equity
EX4 A high and Company has a Company is Company must Company is A
2 consistent Return competitive not able to think about its in dire losses
on Equity(ROE) advantage over cope with investments
indicates, its competitors competitors
EX4 We can use Regression Du Point Pivot Table All of the B
3 _____________ to Analysis above
analyse how a
company is
achieving its ROE.
EX4 In Du Point (Net Profit (Net Profit (Asset (Net Profit B
4 Analysis, ROE is Margin) x (Asset Margin) x Turnover) x Margin) X
calculated as, Turnover) (Asset (Equity (Equity
Turnover) x Multiplier) Multiplier)
EX4 Equity Multiplier is Net Income/Sales Sales/Total Total None of the C
5 calculated as, Assets Assets/Shareho above
lders Equity
EX4 _______ are Leases Deeds Rent Outs None of the A
6 contracts between above
an asset’s owner
(called the lessor)
and the user (the
EX4 Which of the Leasing trucks Leasing Leasing Car Leasing C
7 following is not an factory computers
example of a long- machinery
term financial
EX4 ___________are Regression Financial Schole's model Du Point B
8 the tricks intended analysis shenanigans Analysis
to hide the real
financial condition
of an entity.
EX4 For the purpose of Research of Equity Equity Research Investment C
9 investments, a Investments Analysis Analysis
study of the
equities or stocks is
popularly known as
EX5 The various Asset and Dividend Market All of the D
0 methods for adjusted asset models methods above
evaluation of valuations
equities for
investments are,
EX5 The Analysis Add-Ins Data Formulas Developer B
1 toolpak is added to
the __________ tab
in MS Excel 2010.
EX5 Arithmetic mean is Adding up all Multiplying Adding up all None of the A
2 calculated as, numbers of the all numbers numbers of the above
data set and and dividing data set and
dividing them by by count subtracting
the count them from the
EX5 In cases, where the Mode Median Average Rank B
3 data set has
extreme values,
be considered
instead of
arithmetic mean.
EX5 In MS Excel, mode MODE() MODE.SD() MODE.SNGL() None of the C
4 can be found using above
EX5 Testing the Research Equity Hypothesis Regression C
5 authenticity of a Research testing Analysis
claim by carrying
out an analysis is
EX5 According to the Something very Something Doesn't show Shows major A
6 Alternative important trivial any change divertion
hypothesis(H1), the from the
data norms.
EX5 ______________is Level of Level of Standard Error None of the B
7 the the maximum Confidence Significance above
allowed percent of
EX5 A______ 98% 99% 95% 97% C
8 Confidence Level is
the most common.
EX5 Which analysis can Anova Analysis Regression Financial All of the A
9 be taken up to Analysis Analysis above
check, if three
different teaching
methods produce
the same test
scores with a group
of students?
EX6 The reducing value Reduction Depreciation Loss of value None of the B
0 of fixed assets over above
a period of time is
EX6 The reason for Wear & Tear Change in Change in All of the D
1 depreciation could taste of technology above
be, people
EX6 Which of the SLN SYD DB DPB D
2 following is not a
EX6 ____________funct DB VDB SYD DDB A
3 ion is used to
depreciation as per
Declining Balance
EX6 In Accelerated Straight Line Standard None of the B
4 ________________ above
method, the
amount of
remains constant
over the period of
time and it does
not change every
EX6 Cost, salvage value SYD SLN DDB DB B
5 and Life are the
three arguments of
reciation function.
EX6 Salvage value is Value of fixed Value which Value which None of the C
6 the, asset while can be can be realized above
buying it realized at the end of
after the life of fixed
selling of asset by selling
fixed asset it
EX6 SYD stands for, Sum of Years' Sum of Summarisation None of the A
7 Digits Years' Data of Years' Digits above
EX6 The Accelerated Sum of the Straight Line All of the B
8 ________________ years' digits above
method of
depreciation is one
of the accelerated
techniques which
are based on the
assumption that
assets are generally
more productive
when they are new
and their
decreases as they
become old.
EX6 The declining 5% Fixed 10% Variable B
9 balance
function uses
to calculate
EX7 One of the most Double Declining- Declining Straight Line Variable A
0 popular accelerated Balance Method Balance Declining
depreciation Balance
methods is the
, in which the
depreciation rate is
1 ________________
function uses the
method, however,
resorts to straight
line method to
reach the salvage
EX7 Marginal costs are Labour Costs Material Fixed Costs All of the D
2 variable costs Costs above
consisting of ,
EX7 Marginal costs are Choice cost Differential Incremental All of the D
3 also called as, cost cost above
EX7 The concept of Resource Resource Supply None of the A
4 marginal cost is Allocation Managemen management above
critically important t
EX7 In Marginal Costing, Sales – Total Cost Fixed Cost + Sales – Variable Fixed Cost * B
5 Total cost is Variable Cost Variable
calculated as, Cost Cost
EX7 Salary of Fixed Costs Sales Variable Costs Contribution A
6 administrative staff,
office rent, audit
fees etc. come
under the category
of __________
EX7 In Marginal Costing, Sales Variable Fixed Cost Both A & B D
7 Contribution is Cost
based on,
EX7 The PV ratio (Profit 1 – Variable Cost [(Sales – (Contribution / All of the D
8 Volume) is Ratio Variable Sales) x 100 above
calculated as, Cost) / Sales]
x 100
EX7 Break Even Point is More Profits Only Losses No profit or no Capital Gains C
9 the point of, loss
EX8 Break Even point is Fixed Cost/PV Variable Fixed Fixed Cost * A
0 calculated using the Ratio Cost/PV Cost/Sales Variable
__________ Ratio Cost
EX8 ___________is Cost Budgeting Cash Liquidity Ratio None of the B
1 useful in Budgeting above
maintaining the
smooth flow of
cash in business as
well as to ensure
liquidity during the
budget period
EX8 For preparing the Knowledge of Knowledge Knowledge of All of the D
2 Cash Budget in MS accounting of cell linking above
Excel,___________ formatting
_______is required an excel
EX8 We can know the Discounting Budgeting Depreciation None of the A
3 future value of a above
present payment
by using the
method of
EX8 The Principal PMT PPMT IPMT PV B
4 portion of an EMI
can be calculated
using the _______
EX8 __________ is a Amortization Budgeting Sampling Anova C
5 process used in Analysis
statistical analysis
in which a
number of
observations will be
taken from a larger
EX8 In MS Excel 2010, Systematic Stratified Clustered All of the D
6 Sampling can be, above
EX8 In MS Excel 2010, Stratified Clustered Simple Random Quota C
7 each member of a
data population has
an equal chance of
getting selected in
the sample in
of Sampling.
EX8 Every 5th or 10th or Quota Systematic Stratified Clustered B
8 nth transaction
intervals are taken
EX8 In __________type Clustered Stratified Quota Random A
9 of Sampling, the
population is first
divided into sub-
EX9 If a population is Snow Ball Systematic Stratified Quota C
0 divided on the basis
of their income
groups, i.e. Low
income, Middle
income and higher
incomes, then the
kind of Sampling
done would
EX9 Market Researchers Clustered Quota Random Systematic B
1 use____________ki
nd of Sampling
EX9 ________________ Convenience Clustered Simple Random Quota A
2 is the most easiest
sampling method.
EX9 Existing subjects Snow Ball Convenience Random Systematic A
3 are asked to
nominate the next
subject for
interview in
__________kind of
EX9 NPV is one of the Budgeting Cash Capital None of the C
4 popular methods of Budgeting Budgeting above
EX9 Management needs Capital Budgeting Discounting Sampling All of the A
5 to apply above
hniques to
determine which
projects will yield
the most return
over an applicable
period of time.
EX9 For deciding the NPV IRR DCF Payback B
6 best project of a period
firm, the calculation
of ________capital
budgeting function
is considered
EX9 In MS Excel, risk Quantitative Qualitative General Both A & B D
7 analysis could be,
EX9 ____________ Regression Risk Analysis Anova Analysis None of the B
8 refers to the above
uncertainty of
forecasted future
cash flows streams
9 probability is
calculated using the
EX1 Sensitivity analysis different impact of impact the None of the C
00 is very useful when outcomes of a the variable actual outcome above
attempting to variable which did of a particular
determine the not change variable will
________. have if it differs
from what was
earlier assumed
EX1 ____________is Scenario Analysis Anova Risk Analysis Sensitivity A
01 the process of Analysis Analysis
estimating the
expected value of a
portfolio after a
given period of
EX1 Companies can Sensitivity Decision Scenario Probability B
02 effectively use Analysis Tree Analysis
the_____________ Analysis
__ for determining
company policies.
EX1 Monte Carlo Finance Project Research and All of the D
03 Simulation can be managemen development above
used in the fields t
EX1 Which one of the Deciding the Data Decision Trees Decision C
04 following is not a Objective Analysis Making
'D' of Finance
EX1 Financial Planning NPV() IRR() PMT() All of the D
05 can be effectively above
achieved using
EX1 Corporate Financial Analysis of Forecasting Turning Points All of the D
06 Planning includes Financial of Annual in Financial above
________. Statements Revenues Trends
EX1 Text files in MS Comma Tab Space All of the D
07 Excel could have above
the delimiters as,
EX1 We can import 16000 16384 15000 64000 B
08 upto
er of columns in MS
EX1 Text files use Text Easily import the Provide Indicate Do not C
09 qualifiers to text file space in beginning and provide any
__________ data end of text use
EX1 Macros are written HTML VBA PHP XML B
10 in _________.
EX1 A macro enabled .xlsm .xlsb .xlsx .xlt A
11 file in MS Excel has
the file extension
EX1 A macro in MS Developer Tab-> View Tab-> Status All of the D
12 Excel can be Macros Macros Bar>Macros above
EX1 In MS Excel 2010, Manipulation Interpretatio Extraction None of the B
13 ____________ of n above
data means that we
make useful
information from
data, using
statistics or any
tool, so that we can
take decisions.
EX1 In MS Excel 2010, Manipulation Interpretatio Extraction None of the B
14 ____________ of n above
data means that we
make useful
information from
data, using
statistics or any
tool, so that we can
take decisions.
EX1 DU Pont Analysis Leasing Hypothesis Return on None C
15 helps to break Equity
down the ________
EX1 You can use CTRL + ! CTRL +~ CTRL +@ None B
16 shortcut key
_______ to toggle
between Formula
view and Normal
EX1 If our macro applies New Workbook Personal This Workbook None B
17 to all workbooks, Macro
then store it in the Workbook
EX1 ________ files, .XML .XSD .XBRL None B
18 which contain
schema tags that
enforce rules, such
as data type and
EX1 _______ tags are XML HTML XBRL None A
19 not predefine, we
must deifne our
own tags.
EX1 ______ data file, .XML .XSD .XBRL None A
20 which contain the
custom tags and
structured data.
EX1 In text files, data is a ; : Tab D
21 split by _____
AC Queries are not Insert, update or Filter data Perform All of the D
1 only used to append data in calculations above
retrieve data from tables with data
tables, but can also
be used to
AC _______________a Update Queries Append Cross Tab Delete C
2 re a atabular form Queries Queries Queries
of queries
AC We can use Sub- Select query Action query other Sub- All of the D
3 queries within queries above
AC The sub-query All Customer_Ids All the Sales All the Not Return A
4 SELECT Cust_Id who have sales done in the Customer as anything
FROM Cust_details record in the mentioned well as Sales
Where mentioned period details of the period transactions
IN (Select between the
Sales_Record.Cust_ mentioned
Id from period
Where Date
#1/1/2015# and
AC In case a sub-query IN ANY ALL All of the D
5 returns more than above
one row in the
resultant, then
____clause must be
used in the WHERE
AC Which symbol is [] () {} None of the B
6 used to write a Sub- above
AC ____________is Update Query Parameter Unmatched Duplicate C
7 used to compare Query Query Query
two tables and find
the records that do
not have matching
values in given
AC The unmatched First table which Second table Values from None of the A
8 query returns result do not have which do not both first and above
from____________ matching values have second tables
in second table matching
values in
first table
AC The Unmatched Design View Wizard Datasheet view All of the B
9 query can be built above
easily using
AC Can the unmatched Yes No Sometimes None of the A
10 query be of any use above
to an auditor?
AC The Unmatched Duplicate Parameter Select Query B
11 ________________ Query Query Query
option creates a
query that reports
which records in a
table are duplicated
by matching one or
more fields in the
AC The duplicate query Has no primary Data is Bothe A & B Has proper C
12 works best on data key fields or imported primary key
which, unique values from a fields
can't be
AC The____________ Select Group By Unmatched Update B
13 queries may be
helpful in retrieving
count of records,
sum, average, and
maximum or
minimum of the
values in a column.
AC ______ Numbers of 3 4 5 6 B
14 queries are exist in
Query Wizard
AC Group By Queries Totals Query Grouping Calculating Aggregate A
15 are also popularly Query Query Query
AC Which aggregate First() Last() Max() Min() B
16 function returns
the last value from
a list of values?
AC A concept similar to Sub- query Switchboard Cross Tab Macros C
17 pivot tables of MS s Queries
Excel in MS Access
AC In order to create a Cross Tab queries Unmatched Sub-queries Simple query A
18 table containing queries
sales figures of all
the products in a
given year and the
amount of profits
earned by each
product during
each month of the
year, we should use
AC The field values to Filter Area Column Area Totals Area Row Area C
19 be used for
calculations must
be dropped in the
__________ area of
a pivot table in MS
Access 2010
AC A Sales summary Macros Pivot Table Totals Query Switchboard B
20 report can be best s
created using
____________ in
MS Access
AC Report can be Static Dynamic Random None A
21 considered as the
________ version
of forms.
AC A Pivot Chart Macro Chart OLE Object A
22 ___________helps
to visualize a
PivotTable, Query
or a Form
AC For temporarily Select query Joins OLE objects Calculated B
23 linking two tables Fields
and viewing data
from two
tables_______ can
be used in MS
Access 2010
AC The different types Inner Join Left Outer Right Outer Join All of the D
24 of joins available in Join above
MS Access 2010
AC ______________ki Left Outer Join Inner Join Equi Join Right Outer A
25 nd of join returns Join
all of the rows from
left table and also
rows from the right
table that share a
common value on
both sides of the
AC Pivot Table View Find Clipboard Records View D
26 option available in
___________ drop
down in Home Tab
AC In Access 2010, Virtual Calculated New None of the B
27 many query results above
need not be
restricted to field
names of a table,
but can also
AC Calculated fields Text Numeric Date All of the D
28 can store above
_________ type of
AC Expressions that Equation editor Macro Expression Drop down C
29 are used with builder builder menus
tables, queries,
forms, reports, and
macros can be built
in MS Access 2010
AC Literals, Identifiers Operators Operands Expressions Labels B
30 and Functions in
MS Access are
known as
AC In MS Access, Text Literals Labels Date Literals Values A
31 “Welcome” + “ “ +
“to” +" "+" IT "+ "
"+" World ", here
Welcome, to , IT
and World are
AC _______ Area is Row Column Detail Filter D
32 used for the fields
that are used as a
filter for Pivot
AC In Pivot Table, the Row Column Detail Filter C
33 field values to be
used for
calculations or
summarization are
dragged and
dropped in the
______ Area.
AC In MS Access 2010, Variable, Variable, Constant, Fixed, C
34 Literals Constant Fixed Variable Variable
whereas Identifiers
are ____________.
AC A function in MS Only one More than Only 3 No limit B
35 Access 2010 can one
AC Comparison Numeric Date Text Both A & B D
36 Operators can be
a types
AC Which of the < Mod Like And B
37 following is an
AC Like, Between, Is Arithmetic Comparison Miscellaneous Logical C
38 Null etc. operators
come under the
category of
AC The wild card * # [] All of the D
39 character that can above
be used with the
LIKE operator are,
AC The expression, Fraud Food Fund Friend A
40 LIKE " F???D" would
AC In order to search # [] ? * B
41 for products
beginning with the
letters "M" i.e.
Mobile, Microwave
etc. and with letter
"C" i.e. Computer,
Calculator etc.,
which wild card
character should be
used with LIKE
AC To obtain values LIKE Is NULL Between..And None of the C
42 within a specified above
range of
ator is used
AC ______operator is Is NULL Between..An IN Like C
43 used to match a d
value to a set of
given values.
AC [Customer_ID] IS Empty All records Will not return None of the B
44 NOT NULL will Customer_ID where anything above
return, records Customer_I
Ds are not
AC ____________ Sub Query Nested Crosstab Query None C
45 queries are useful Query
for summarizing
AC ______logical And Or Eqv Xor C
46 operator returns
True ,if either both
the expressions are
True or both the
expressions are
AC Which among the > ^ Mod And B
47 following operators
has the highest
AC Queries that are Compound Complex Sub-queries None of the A
48 built on multiple criterias queries above
criterias are known
as ____________
AC The expression, All state names All state All state names All state A
49 Like"[PAT]*" on the beginning with P, names beginning with names
State field will with A and with T ending with PAT beginning
return, P, with A with P only
and with T
AC ___________is not Mathematical Date/Time Statistical SQL C
50 a kind of function Aggregate
available in MS
Access 2010
AC Mid(“Information”, fo nfo for orm B
51 2,3) will return,
AC _____________text Mid() Instr() StrComp() Lcase() B
52 function returns
the position of first
occurrence of a
string in another
AC StrComp("Noida"," 0 1 -1 2 B
53 Node") will return,
AC Which function Now() Time() Date() Today() C
54 returns the current
date in MS Access
AC DateAdd("d",10,#0 10/1/2015 1/10/2015 10/2/2015 2/10/2015 A
55 1/01/2015#) will
AC __________functio DateAdd() DateDiff() Month() Date() B
56 n is used to return
the difference
between two dates.
AC A ________ is a Query Pivot Table Pivot Chart None C
57 tool used for
graphical analysis
of data.
AC The function 3 1 2 4 C
58 DatePart("q",
would return,
AC To get the month Month() MonthName Name() Date() B
59 name displayed ()
rather than
displaying a
number, we can
use the
e function in MS
Access 2010
AC The function Fix(- -847 847 25 847.25 A
60 847.25) would
AC Which function is Rand() Random() Rnd() Ran() C
61 used to get a
generated number?
AC __________financi PV() PMT() DDB() SYD() D
62 al function returns
the sum-of-years
depreciation of an
asset for a specific
AC What expression Len([Student]![Re Len(Regn_N Len{Student!Re Length([Stud A
63 will we put to check gn_No])>10 o)>10 gn_No}>10 ent
the length of the table]![Regn
student registration _No])>10
number, not
exceeding 10
characters in the
student table.
AC Which records will Records where Records with It will not Criteria is B
64 show in the result values are more dates after display any incomplete
for the criteria, than 1000 01/04/2015 records
>#01/04/2015# ? characters
AC In MS Access 2010, Reports Forms Queries Macros A
65 ______________ar
e the best way to
present data to
higher authority
and communicate
the information to
the people.
AC Forms in MS Access Unbound Graphics Calculated All of the D
66 2010 can contain, controls Values above
AC In a form in MS Bound Unbound Graphical Object A
67 Access 2010, if we
want to display the
full name of the
customer rather
than displaying first
name and last
name, we will have
to use a
AC In MS Access, a list box combo box command label B
68 __________ is a button
compact method of
presenting a list of
choices and allows
user to enter a
value that is not in
the list.
AC Calendar control Bound ActiveX Calculated Graphical B
69 added to a form is a
kind of
AC In order to keep a Command button Combo Box Calendar Text Box C
70 track of the
weekends and
holidays before
finalisisng the
delivery date of a
product, it better to
_ control in the
AC The hyperlink data 2000 2048 1024 512 B
84 type in MS Access
can store upto
AC A Data Access Page Home Page Dynamic page None of the A
85 ________________ above
is a special type of
web page that
allows users to
interface with
database using
Internet Explorer.
AC Data Access Pages Tables,Forms Forms,Queri Forms, Reports Reports, C
86 combine the es Tables
features of
AC __________a Compressing Splitting Merging Dividing B
87 shared database
can help improve
its performance
and reduce the
chance of database
file corruption.
AC Splitting a database 3 2 4 5 B
88 creates______ files.
AC The Back-end Front-end Both A & B None of the A
89 ____________data above
base after the split
holds all the tables.
AC _______ type of Sub Query Nested Unmatched Duplicate D
90 query is useful
when we have no
unique indexex or
primary key in the
AC A database may be Restrict the Reduce Maintain All of the D
91 split in order to, access of many network database above
users on the traffic in a because
tables to avoid multiuser maintenance of
any changes to it application data becomes
easier as the
data and
application file
are separate
AC Which statement is The front-end Copy of Process of All of the D
92 True regarding Split database is the database Splitting cannot above
of Database? original file must always be undone
be created
AC Result of Data Physical Logical Calculated D
93 __________ field
are not stored in a
AC MS Access 2010 Encryption Splitting Analysing None of the A
94 integrates above
technology, which
is much stronger
than the previous
versions of
AC Encrypting the Provides Renders Provides All of the B
95 database, protection from data protection from above
Virus unreadable data misuse
from other
MS Access
AC ________ Trust centre Decryption Encryption Splitting C
96 scrambles and
compact the
database so that it
is completely
unreadable by a
word processor or
any other utility
97 reads and writes to
the ________file
format in chunks.
AC .ACCDE is an, locked-down It's an Both A & B Encrypted C
98 version of execute only file
.ACCDB file
AC Which of the Reduces the size VBA code Optimizes Allows users B
99 following is not a of the database can be memory usage to update
benefit of .ACCDE viewed and and improves data and run
file? edited performance reports
the entire
AC The package and Package a Sign Compress the None of the A
100 sign option in MS database and database database and above
Access is used to, apply digital digitally sign it
AC The package and .accde .accdc .accdb .mdb B
101 sign option in MS
Access creates a file
with extension,
AC _____________aut Data Access Page Queries Macros Modules C
102 omate tasks and
add functionality to
forms, reports and
AC Access 2010 Macros hyperlinks Modules Tab Controls A
103 enables _________
so that they can
responses to many
types of events.
AC __________macro GoToControl Echo GoToPage FindNext B
104 action hides or
shows the results of
a macro while it
AC The MsgBox action Open a message Close a Displays a Copies the C
105 is used to, box message box message box message
containing a from a
warning or already
informational existing
message message box
AC Which macro action Export To Output To Display To Echo B
106 is used to export
the specified
database object to
an excel file, text
file or html file?
AC OpenQuery action Datasheet view Design view Print Preview All of the D
107 opens a query in above
AC Properties of a Actions Events Modules None of the B
108 form or control are above
AC How many macros Single Multiple Two None of the B
109 can be built in a above
single macro
designer window?
AC A macro condition event action module A
110 ________________
is an expression
that enables a
macro to perform
certain tasks only if
a specific situation
AC _____________acti GoToControl MsgBox SetLocalVar OpenTable C
111 on of a macro ,
enters a value
automatically in a
AC __________ type of Sub Query Nested Crosstab Query None C
112 query that can be Query
created to describe
one numerical
quantity in terms of
two other fields
AC A ____________ is Data Access Page Switchboard Tab Control All of the B
113 a Microsoft Office above
Access 2010 form
that facilitates
navigation in
Access and access
to different parts of
an application.
AC Switchboards are Switchboard Forms Reports Form wizard A
114 created using the Manager
AC Switchboard Two Eight Six Five B
115 Manager only
allows a maximum
of _________
command buttons
on a switchboard.
AC The various Run Macro Run Code Open Report All of the D
116 operations that the above
command button
on switchboard can
perform are,
AC The__________ is Tab Control Switchboard Macros Modules B
117 essentially a
steering wheel for
users to find their
way through the
functions and forms
that are available in
the application.
AC Two major XML , Outlook MS Excel, XML,HTML Outlook,HT A
118 applications used XML ML
widely to maintain
and transfer data in
a business
environment are
______ and
AC Every XML XSLT XLT XSD None of the C
119 document is based above
on a set of rules,
known as
AC _________is a MS Access MS Outlook MS Excel MS Word B
120 personal
manager from
AC Which text file .txt .csv .tab All of the D
121 extensions are above
supported by MS
AC Frontend database Forms and Report Query Type Macro and All D
122 holds all the Modules
AC _________ Query Sub Query Nested Unmatched None C
123 exist in Query Query Query
Wizard Group.
AC _______ type of Sub Query Nested Duplicate Unmatched D
124 query can help find Query Query Query
records that have
no corresponding
records in other
AC In a Delimited Comma Tab separated Fixed width A
125 __________file, separated
each record
appears on a
separate line and
the fields are
separated by a
single character.
AC Comparison Relational Functional Logical None A
126 operators, also
known as
AC ________ operator Mod Like And Eqv B
127 is used to match
text patterns in the
query criteria
AC _____ help to Query Form Report None B
128 display, add,
modify and delete
AC ____ join, returns Inner Left Outer Right Outer Outer A
129 only those rows
from both tables
that match on the
joining field
AC ________ Control is List Box Combo Box Check Box Calendar D
130 one of the most
popular ActiveX
CA CAATs stands for Computer Computer Computer Computer A
1 ________________ Assisted Audit Allowed Assisted Audio Assisted
__. Techniques Audit Techniques Audio
Techniques Trainings
CA __________ are Data Warehouse CAATs Business Re- None of the B
2 tools for drawing engineering above
inferences and
gathering relevant
and reliable
evidence as per
requirements of
the assignment.
CA CAATs can be MS Excel MS Access MS PowerPoint MS Word A
3 applied even by
using commonly
used software such
as ________.
CA Different types of Database Text Excel All of the D
4 files such as above
be accessed in a
CAAT software.
CA ___________functi Arithmetic Statistical Data Selection File B
5 ons of CAAT enable Reorganizati
intelligent analysis on
of data.
CA ________ File Statistical Data Selection Arithmetic A
6 technique refers to Reorganization Function Function
the features of
indexing, sorting,
merging, linking
with other
identified files.
CA Which functions of Data Selection File Arithmetic Statistical C
7 CAATs enable Reorganizati
performing re- on
computations and
re-performance of
CA CAATS can be used Frauds Errors Exceptions All of the D
8 effectively to above
CA Which is not a Computer Fees to be Time Level of B
9 factor to be knowledge, given to the constraints audit risk
considered while expertise, and auditor
using CAATs? experience of the
IS auditor
CA Audit is primarily Information Audit Data All of the B
10 said to be the evidence above
process of
collecting and
___________ as
per audit
CA Auditor can gather Inspection Observation Inquiry and All of the D
11 the audit evidence confirmation above
CA The CAAT Planning Execution Both A & B Auditor C
12 documentation documentation documentati Information
must necessarily on
CA Audit findings and Execution Audit Planning None of the B
13 Audit conclusions Evidence above
are a part of the
CA Which of the Work papers Planning Audit Evidence None of the D
14 following is not a above
step of CAATs
CA Audit Sampling can Statistical Non- Both A & B Only A C
15 be ________. statistical
CA Which of the Identify Statistical Detect frauds None of the D
16 following is not an exceptions sampling above
example of tests
performed using
CA Which kind of Random Systematic Judgemental Haphazard A
17 Statistical sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling
ensures that each
sampling unit in a
population has an
equal chance?
CA In Judgemental Haphazard Random Systematic B
18 ___________sampli Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling
ng, the IS auditor
places a bias on the
CA IDEA facilitates user MS Access MS Excel Dbase All of the D
19 to import external above
files in different
formats like
formats into IDEA
CA In order to find the Sampling Sorting Summarization Stratification C
20 total sales of
transactions by
Cust-no. so as to
produce a list of
outstanding Sales
__technique can be
used in IDEA.
CA In IDEA, Quick Unique Keys are Unique Keys Unique Keys Unique Keys B
21 Summarisation can upto 1000 are upto are more than are only 100
be used 4000 4000
CA The _________ Field Statistics Sorting Filters None of the A
22 property in IDEA above
provides statistical
information about
all Numeric, Date,
and Time fields
within the active
CA How can we come By checking the By applying Both A & B Can't be C
23 to know about the date statistics the dow() known at all
transactions function on
performed on the sample
Sundays in IDEA?
CA The probability- Systematic Random Stratified All of the D
24 based sampling Random above
techniques of IDEA
CA ________________ Systematic Random Stratified Monetary A
25 __ is a method to Record Sampling Random Unit
extract a number of sampling
records from a
database at equal
intervals to a
separate database
in IDEA.
CA In IDEA, the 5 6 4 2 B
26 maximum number
of decimals places
allowed is ______.
CA Random Sampling Functions Without any Random None of the C
27 in IDEA is done technique Number Seed above
CA To divide the data Sampling Stratification Sorting Filtering B
28 from the file into
bands and gaining
the profile of the
data is known as
in IDEA.
CA ________________ Gap Detection Duplicate Both A & B Sorting C
29 functions assist the Detection
user to sift through
large volumes of
data and help pin-
point specific
duplicate entries or
specific missing
CA Missing cheque Sampling Filtering Gap Detection Duplicate C
30 numbers can be Detection
traced using the
CA The file extension .IMD .IDE .IDEA .IDF A
31 of an IDEA file
CA In IDEA, Gap To test for To test for To know any All of the D
32 Detection is done completeness gaps in the missing unique above
_______. invoice number
CA In order to map the Sampling Gap Ageing Analysis Filtering C
33 outstanding debts Detection
at the year end so
as to to determine
provisions required
against bad
echnique is used.
CA Intervals for ageing Days Months Years All of the D
34 analysis in IDEA can above
be in_________.
CA In IDEA, the most Accounts Debtor Inventory All of the D
35 common use of the Receivable Ledgers databases above
Ageing analysis is
CA _____________tec Ageing Direct Stratification Summarisati B
36 hnique can be used Extraction on
in IDEA to extract
records where the
credit limit of
customers is
CA The Gap Detection Benford's Summarisation Direct B
37 _____________ Law Extraction
generates a
database and
optionally a results
output, that we can
analyze to identify
possible errors,
potential fraud, or
other irregularities
in IDEA.
CA Fields and their Field Statistics Field Field Virtual Field C
38 properties can be Properties Manipulation
changed using
_ in IDEA.
CA In Financial Join Filter Extract & All of the D
39 audit,compliance Compare files above
with tax rates can
be found using
functions of IDEA.
CA We can know about Join Relation Summarization All of the D
40 the ghost above
employees of an
organisation using
which techniques
of IDEA?
CA Details of Dormant Identify Gaps, Aging, MIS, Join, Relation, Date A
41 accounts can be date difference date Filter, Statistics difference,
known difference, Aging, Filter
_techniques in
CA Which of the Random sampling Systematic Judgmental Ageing D
42 following is not a sampling sampling sampling
Audit Sampling
CB8 The application Dynamic Static Neither A nor B None of the B
software is never above
__________ and
would require
some changes to be
effected either due
to any bugs
discovered or a
change in the
CB9 ______________ is Network Librarian Database Security C
a designated role Administrator Administrator Administrato
for maintenance of r
the data base.
CB1 Till the central data Positive Balance Positive Positive Bank Prepare A
0 base becomes File Blank File File Balance File
accessible, all the
ATM transactions
are passed in the
available at the
ATM server.
CB1 The IBDS Proxy server Antivirus server IBAS D
1 ________________
__ authenticates
the customer with
the log in details
stored in the IBDS.
CB1 Which of the IBAS IBDS Web Server & ATM Server D
2 following servers Web Host
are not located in
the DMZ?
CB1 ______________pr Anti Virus Server Proxy Server Firewall None of the B
3 ovides network above
security by
malicious data from
entering the
CB1 Duties of Database Network Security Librarian C
4 ________________ Administrator Administrato Administrator
would include r
deciding on access
rules to data and
other IT resources.
CB1 Can a security Yes No B
5 administrator have
any access to the
transaction level
CB1 Who is responsible System Network Security Librarian A
6 for performing Administrator Administrato Administrator
beginning of day r
and end of day
CB1 Database Data Integrity Data Data Security All of the D
7 Administrator Availability above
ensures _____.
CB1 IPS & IDS are Security of the Working of Banking ATM A
8 necessary for the network the Servers Transactions Working
CB1 The Librarian is Maintaining Maintaining Maintaining Maintaining C
9 responsible for Books CDs versions of the Database
________________ application
__ software
CB2 Change Hardware Software Communication All of the D
0 management Systems above
procedures include
CB2 ______________is Gamma Alpha Beta Teta C
1 the version of the
program given to
the users for
testing purposes
CB2 After a program is User Acceptance Integration Unit Testing System A
2 tested by the users, Test Testing Testing
it is pushed into the
environment.This is
CB2 The Proxy Report IBAS IBDS B
3 ________________ Generating
server stores all the
CBS application
reports of the
CB2 ________ facility Internet Banking NEFT/RTGS ATM None of the C
4 provides a above
customer to access
transactions in a
public place.
CB2 Which is not a Magnetic strip Date of Date of Expiry Security B
5 component of the Manufacturi Information
ATM card? ng
6 generated stored in
the system's
memory or in the
ATM Machine ?
CB2 How is the Natural By the bank By the Automatically Through an D
7 PIN generated? Customer algorithm
CB2 Database of the ATM Switch Network Database Application A
8 ATM account Switch Server Server
holders lies in the,
CB2 Can the offset value Yes No Only Once In every A
9 of a PIN be changed transaction
at any point of
CB3 Which operating Unix Linux Windows DOS C
0 system is used in
ATM machines?
CB3 The HSM or SSM Decryption Encryption Withdrawal of Security B
1 are used for the Cash
purpose of______.
CB3 ATM transactions Cash Journal ATM log Both A & B None of the C
2 involve the above
CB3 In the remotely Journal Pulling Electronic Cash Journal Journal B
3 placed ATMs, the Journal Pulling Recording
electronic journal is Pulling
retrieved by a
mechanism known
CB3 Cash not collected Reject Bin Journal Vault Cash Journal A
4 at the ATM is sent Entry
to the
the ATM.
CB3 Offset value is Adding Natural Subtracting Dividing Actual Reversing B
5 generated PIN & Actual PIN Natural PIN PIN by Natural Actual PIN
by________. & Actual PIN PIN
CB3 ____________cards Hot-listed Corrupt Expired None of the A
6 are swallowed by above
the ATM machine
CB3 IBAS requests the Anti Virus Server Proxy server Middleware IBDS D
7 customer account
information from
the ________
CB3 The functionality of Forward request Convert Encrypt the Both A & B D
8 the middleware in from IBDS to customer information
Internet Banking is Core DB account between IBAS
to_________. information & IBDS
to suit the
s of IBDS
CB3 The Bank's website Proxy Server Web Server Application Database B
9 is hosted on the Server Server
located in the
central data centre.
CB4 Which is not an Router Database ATM Server Web Server C
0 access point in the Server
Internet Banking
CB4 Unauthorised Integrated Unit Penetration System C
1 access to the
network is tested
CB4 Transactions are RTGS NEFT CMS IMPS A
2 settled as soon as
they are processed
in ___________
funds transfer
CB4 In case of RTGS, the SBI RBI BOI Canara B
3 money transfer
takes place in the
books of
CB4 EFT and NEFT work Deferred Net Gross Net Settlement None of the A
4 on the basis of Settlement settlement above
CB4 Every RTGS STP UTR UTN None of the B
5 message is assigned above
a unique number
known as
CB4 Cash Management Who are from Who have Who have All of the C
6 System(CMS) is other countries account in operations all above
beneficial to which SBI over the
kind of customers? country
CB4 Organizational Organization IT Strategies Both A & B None of the C
7 Controls would structure of the roles and above
include , IT Department responsibilit
CB4 Bank guarantees Performance Deferred Nither A Nor B Both A & B D
8 can be, guarantee payment
CB4 ___________ are Logs Parameters Timesheets None of the A
9 record of activities above
that have taken
place in the system
CB5 ____________has BCP DRP Fire drills All of the B
0 the objective to above
plan to recover
from the impact of
CB5 Is vulnerability Yes No A
1 assessment
mandatory in Audit
of CBS?
CB5 ________________ Reports Assessment Patches None of the C
2 are the solutions report above
for dealing wih the
CB5 Which of the Database Log Operating Application Log Network Log D
3 following is not a System Log
System Log
generated in CBS?
CB5 In banks logs are Loan Limit Preclosure of All of the D
4 generated authorisation creation deposits above
CB5 ______________lo Application Log Database Operating None of the B
5 gs are only Log System Log above
supposed to be
viewed by
personnel such as
the database
CB5 proxy Server is Demilitarized Militarized Central None A
6 placed inside the Location
_______ zone
CB5 In Deferred Net Real Time Gross off-Line Batches D
7 Settlement(DNS)
basis transactions
are settled in
CB5 _____ provide ERP SAP CMS CBS C
8 multiple collection
centres have been
authorised to
receive the
cheques/drafts of
the customer.
CB5 _______ means On-Line off-Line Real Time None C
9 that the
transactions is
settled as soon as
they are processed.
CB6 The activity of the Data Centre ATM Server ATM Switch None C
0 cash disposal is
facilitated by the
TL1 An__________is a Enterprise Team Office None of the A
group of people above
with a common
goal, having certain
resources at its
disposal to achieve
the goal.
TL2 Various resources Manpower Money Materials All of the D
in an enterprise above
may include
TL3 A ____________ is Business Function Business Business Business B
a collection of Process Interface Model
activities that make
one or more kinds
of input and
creates an output
that is of value to
the customer.
TL4 Information Accurate Timely Precise None B
systems can be
designed so that
Accurate and
__________ data
are shared between
functional areas.
TL5 The data model of a Business Business Business Model All of the C
system is created Interface Arena above
from the
TL6 A business model is Charts & Data Graphs & Graphs & Flow Flow charts D
represented in the Flow Diagrams Charts charts & Flow
form of diagrams
TL7 Better and quicker Data Mining Business Data All of the B
decision making Intelligence Warehouse above
can be achieved by
using the ________
TL8 ______ is a process Data Data Mining Business OLAP A
of separating Warehousing Intelligence
operational data
from non-
operational data.
TL9 Data Warehousing Business Surveys Finding Analytical Permanent C
is primarily aims is Solutions Processing storage of
__________ data
TL1 An _____________ Database Operational Data None of the B
0 is a database Data Store Warehouse above
designed to
integrate data from
multiple sources to
make analysis and
reporting easier.
TL1 Users of Data Entry Managers Analysts None C
1 informational data Operators
are Mandgers and
TL1 Data Warehousing Cleansing Aggregating Extracting All of the D
2 activities involve above
TL1 The end user finds Metadata Charts Instructions Data flow A
3 and understands diagrams
data in a data
warehouse using
the ______.
TL1 For performing OLAP Data CRM SCM B
4 Credit Card Churn Warehouse
_____ is used.
TL1 ________________ Data Mining SCM OLAP CRM A
5 is the statistical and
logical analysis of
large sets of
transaction data,
looking for patterns
that can aid
decision making.
TL1 ____________tool OLAP CRM Data Data Mining A
6 can be used Warehouse
effectively for
analytical queries
TL1 OLAP can be used Sales & Budgeting & Activity Based All of the D
7 to perform, Marketing Planning Costing above
__________. Analysis
TL1 ______________en SCM PLM CRM None of the B
8 tails the life cycle of above
a product.
TL1 A _____________ is Data Customer Supply Chain OLAP C
9 a network of Warehousing Relation
facilities and Managemen
distribution options t
that performs the
functions of
procurement of
transformations of
these materials into
intermediate and
finished products
and the distribution
of these finished
products to cust
TL2 SCM can be 4 6 2 3 D
0 grouped into
________ levels of
TL2 Establishing Strategic Tactical Operational Business A
1 strategic
partnerships with
distributors, and
customers, creating
channels for critical
information and
improvements such
as cross docking,
direct shipping, and
third-party logistics
TL2 The transportation Management Strategic Tactical Operational C
2 strategy, including
the frequency,
routes, and
contracting is a
___________ type
of activity.
TL2 Operational Inbound Outbound Production All of the D
3 acivities in an ERP operations operations Operations above
include _________ .
TL2 __________ is not a Logistics Supply Chain Customer Procurement C
4 service area Strategy Relationship
addressed by the Management
TL2 ______________fo SCM CRM PLM Data Mining B
5 cuses on creating
and maintaining
relationships with
TL2 The different Operational CRM Analytical Sales All of the D
6 approaches of CRM CRM Intelligence above
are ___________. CRM
TL2 Cross-Selling/Up- Sales Intelligence Operational Collaborative Analytical A
7 Selling/Switch- CRM CRM CRM CRM
Selling are a part of
TL2 An ___________ ERP Business Operational Collaborativ A
8 system for an e
enterprise aims to
provide optimized
solutions to
enterprises in
leveraging their
business process
activities at
reduced cost and
AC A __________ is a Having-query sub-query Group-query None B
71 query nested inside
another query.
AC A _________ is an Tab Control List Box Command Label A
72 MS Access 2010 button
control that allows
user to create
multiple pages in
one form to
present grouped
AC Summary of data in Pivot Chart Pivot Table Both A & B Tab Controls C
73 a form can be
AC In order to present Report Footer Report Page Footer Page Header B
74 information, that Header
needs to be
communicated only
once to the user of
___section of the
report is to be
AC ________________ Report Header Page Footer Group Header Report D
75 section of the Footer
report can be used
to display the
summarized data of
whole report, like
author of report,
date & time, etc.
AC In order to insert Date() Time() Now() Today() C
76 the current date
and time in the
header section of
the report
can be used.
AC A ________ is a Sub-report Second- Nested-report None of the A
77 complete report in report above
its own right, that is
inserted into
another report,
called the Main
AC Pivot Table has 8 6 4 2 C
78 _________ areas
for dropping fields
whose values are
AC A main report can Only one As many as Less than 5 Upto 10 B
79 include________su necessary specifically
AC In order to add the Calendar Image Picture Graphics D
80 NGO's logo on the
background of all
its forms, the head
of the NGO would
ol in the form.
AC Before printing a Report page Report Report Wizard File->Print A
81 report, multiple setup->Columns Header
columns option can
be set using
AC ________ property Control Source Record Validation Rule Smart Tags A
82 is used to bind a Source
control to a field of
a table.
AC _____________dat Link Hyperlink OLE Attachment B
83 a type in MS Access
can be used to
create a clickable
link to a Web page.
CA In IDEA_______ Sampling Filtering Summarization None of the C
43 accumulates the above
values of Numeric
fields for each
unique key.
CA How many types of 2 3 4 5 A
44 output we get from
the Summarization
in IDEA?
CA In IDEA, by default, Numeric fields Text fields Date fields All of the A
45 the Field Statistics above
window displays
the statistics
CA _______ are the Systematic Random Stratified All of the D
46 probability-based Random above
techniques in IDEA.
CA _____ function @isblank @iblank @blank None of the A
47 used to detect above
blank character
fields in IDEA.
CA CAAT software, Join Append Compare All of the D
48 data relationship above
tool providing
______ facilities for
CA To add a new field Insert Append Delete New B
49 _____ option is
used in Field
CA In IDEA, ______ - * @ # C
50 symbol is used to
entre function in
Equation Editor.
CB1 The CBS software Central Proxy Antivirus None of the A
resides in a application above
which is located in
the Central Office
Data Centre.
CB2 The Database Application Servers Domain B
________________ software Controller
is not available at
the branch but can
be accessed from
the branches.
CB3 ___________ is a Application CBS Network None of the B
combination of an software software above
software and
network devices.
CB4 _____________ is a Datawarehouse Data Data Centre All of the C
large data housing Repository above
infrastructure that
provides high band
width access to its
CB5 The servers in the WAN LAN MAN VLAN D
data centre are
segregated using
the concept of
developed by
CB7 The branches do Client version Server Replica version Updated A
not have the entire version version
application, they
only have a version
which is called the
____________ of
the application.
OA Any exposure to Risk Threat Vulnerability Disaster C
46 attack in an
Information system
is known to be a
OA Earthquakes, Man-made Natural Physical Logical B
47 humidity, cold,
vapors etc. are
threats to
OA A Natural threat Damage to the Data getting Non-readability No damage C
48 such as fungi may disks completely deleted of tapes and at all
result in________. disks
OA IPF stands Information Information Image Information A
49 for_____________ Processing Powerising Processing Processing
________. Facility Facility Facility Feature
OA _________is an Message Packet Ping None of the C
50 ICMP protocol above
which request a
destination to
return a reply
intended to show
that the destination
system is reachable
and functioning.
OA ____________attac Man in the Ping of Connection DNS D
51 ks are based on the middle death flooding
concept of Domain
Name Server.
OA While performing Session hijacking Eavesdroppi DNS Attack Denial of A
52 an E-Commerce ng Service
transaction, when a
user is about to
place his personal
details , if his
session gets
hijacked , it’s a kind
of _________
OA __________means Connection Spoofing Satellite signal Microwave B
53 to deceive or to flooding interception signal
play hoax on a tapping
OA To deceive for the IP spoofing Web Email spoofing None of the A
54 purpose of gaining spoofing above
access to someone
else’s resources is a
kind of
OA ___________ may Spoofing Masqueradi Hijacking Denial of B
55 be attempted by ng Service
using a stolen login
id and password
through security
gaps in programs or
through by-passing
the authentication
OA The various risks in Unauthorised Audit Log or Availability of All of the D
56 a Client-Server access trail computing Above
environment could environment
OA Which of the Guessing Impersonati Ping of death Session C
57 following is not a on hijacking
potential risk while
transfer of data?
OA Message mis- Congestion of Wrong No Hijacking A
58 delivery happens network recipient communication
due to elements address path
OA ________format HTML XBRL XML None of the B
59 improves the above
quality and
accuracy of data
obtained from
various companies.
OA __________is a E-Secretary K-DOC Payroll ICAI XBRL B
60 solution for Software Software
structured file
management and
OA __________softwar Payroll Software ICAI XBRL E-Secretary K-DOC C
61 e helps in managing Software
secretarial and
tasks, thus
efficiency and
productivity in the
office environment.
OA __________ option Contact Corresponde Templates Merge / Call D
62 of E-secreatary Management nce out
assists user in
viewing the
Mailing, E-mailing
and Call-Out list
including many
other utilities.
OA ____________temp Hazel Templates CCBCAF Both A & B None of the A
63 lates are provided Templates above
by the vendor.
OA Which option is not New Print View Archive B
64 provided by K-DOC
OA _____________soft ICAI XBRL E-Secretary Payroll K-DOC C
65 ware provided by Software Management
ICAI helps to record
process salary,
arrears, gratuity,
OA Internal auditor C.A. C.S. C.W.A. No Fixed D
66 should be Qualification
OA _________ E-Secretary K-DOC ICAI-TAX Suite None A
67 software manage
Management and
Automation &
Tracking Solution.
OA Which of the Audit Tax return Company HR Security D
68 following services is Filing Law/Legal
not provided by a matter
CA firm ?
OA _______ means Risk Natural Non None C
69 someone can not Threats repudiation
deny something.
OA IDS stand for Integrated Data Integrated Intruder Data Intruder D
70 _______ System Data Source System Detection
TL2 SLATES stands for, Signal Links Search Links Search Links Search B
9 Authoring Wikis Authoring Authorising Linked
Tags Extensions Wikis Tags Wikis Tags Authorised
Searches Extensions Extensions Wikis Tagged
Signals Signals to
TL3 The Alarms Reminders RSS Blogs C
0 ___________techn
ology is used to
notify users with
any changes of the
content by sending
e-mails to them.
TL3 WOA stands for Web Oriented Wheel Window None of the A
1 ______________. Architecture Oriented Oriented above
Architecture Architecture
TL3 Before Survey Feasibility Walk-through Detailed B
2 implementing ERP, Study Study
managers must
conduct a
___________ of the
current situation to
assess the
TL3 The second major Educating and Analysis Installation of Feasibility A
3 activity in recruiting end software Study
implementing ERP users
TL3 The system Software Hardware Software All of the D
4 installation process configuration acquisition testing. above
will address issues
such as
TL3 In ERP Post Concurrent Pre-planned None of the A
5 implementation, implementation above
review is
recommended to
ensure that all
business objectives
established during
the planning phase
are achieved.
TL3 The ERP 5 8 7 3 C
6 implementation
Life Cycle involves
_______ steps
TL3 In ERP Managers Auditors Management All of the A
7 implementation,__ Committee above
_______ consider
the fundamental
issues of system
integration by
analyzing the
vision and
TL3 Re-engineering of Fundamental Organization Implementation None of the B
8 the existing issue al change issue above
processes and process
integration of ERP
with other BIS is
TL3 As the degree of Decrease Increase Remain Stable Increade B
9 customisation only after
increases, the some time
implementation period
cost of ERP
TL4 FICO stands for Financing and Finance and Finance and Financial C
0 _______. Controlling Costing Controlling Controlling
module module module module
TL4 ________ is Tally.ERP9 Finacle Oracle None of the A
1 designed to above
automate and
integrate all your
operations, such as
sales, finance,
inventory, and
TL4 __________is not a Simplicity Power Coding Speed C
2 salient feature of
TL4 Tally.ERP 9 suits to Flexibility Simplicity Scalability Power C
3 any style of
business needs and
eliminates the
necessity for a
business to change
its style of
operation, this is
________feature of
the software
TL4 Tally's Unlimited Multi- Multi-user Graphical B
4 ____________featu Grouping referential support analysis
re allows multiple
names to refer to
the same entity.
TL4 Data can also be HTML TDL XML All of the B
5 imported to above
Tally.ERP9 by
writing a
TL4 Data which is to be XML HTML ASCII All of the D
6 exported from above
Tally.ERP 9 can be
in __________
TL4 The capability of HTML TDL Excel XML D
7 Tally to be able to
import as well as
export data in
______ enables
easy extraction of
data for third party
TL4 In Tally.ERP9, the Full access Partial No access None of the A
8 user with the Access above
administrator level
password will have
___________ and
can set controls for
other users.
TL4 _____________feat Import/Export Audit Security Control Tally Vault B
9 ure of Tally.ERP 9
provides the user
with administrator
rights and the
capability to check
the entries made by
the authorised
users and alter
these entries, if
TL5 Data in Tally.ERP9 Audit Security Data Import/Expo C
0 can be exchanged Control Synchronisation rt
between two
locations by the
feature of
TL5 Tally.ERP9 can 11 12 10 9 B
1 support ______
TL5 Connect companies Accounting Inventory Tally.NET Statutory C
2 from Tally.ERP 9,
creating and
maintaining remote
synchronisation of
data and remote
access of data by
authorised remote
users are
features of
TL5 ___________ can Auditor Tally.NET Remote User Tally.NET B
3 audit, data from a auditor user
remote location
TL5 The data Encryption Security Tally Vault Tally Control A
4 transferred Control Centre
between the
remote location
and the server is
transferred using a
secured mechanism
TL5 Surrender, Remote Access Scalability Control Centre None of the C
5 Confirmation or feature above
Rejection of
activation of a Tally
site can be done
using the
TL5 The predefined Owner Tally.NET Tally.NET user All of the D
6 security levels in auditor above
Tally.ERP9 are,
TL5 The Standard User Owner Tally.NET Tally.NET B
7 ___________securi auditor user
ty level has the
capability to
manage Sites/Users
belonging to an
TL5 Tally.ERP 9 provides eVAT Returns eTDS eTCS Returns All of the D
8 e-Filing capabilities Returns above
for the which
TL5 The ETDS forms Form 26 Form 27 Form 26Q All of the D
9 available in above
Tally.ERP 9 are
__________ .
TL6 Form 27E and Form eTDS Returns eTCS eVAT Returns None of the B
0 27EQ are forms Returns above
available for
__________ .
TL6 Data in the static dynamic hybrid none A
1 Warehouse is
__________ .
TL6 Data mining is the information data patterns none C
2 process of
extracting _______
from data.
TL6 The output of an row column matrix none C
3 OLAP query is
typically displayed
in a _________
TL6 Operational CRM front office back office staff none A
4 provides support to
business processes.
TL6 In Tally ERP-9 F1 F2 F3 F4 D
5 Tally.NET is
TL6 Customer business corporate strategic none B
6 Relationship
Management is a
level strategy.
TL6 Data warehousing general data historical operational none B
7 technology is the data data
process of creating
and utilizing the
TL6 OLAP systems use singledimensiona hyperdimen multidimension none C
8 concept of OLAP l sional al
cube called a
TL6 ERP used for Small Business Medium Large Scale none C
9 ______ Business Organization
TL7 The feature of Increased Legal Cost Cutting Easy to use C
0 Open Source ERP is Complexities Complexities
OA Who comments on Statutory Auditor Internal Tax Auditor All of the A
1 the true and fair Auditor Above
view of the
business affairs of
the organisation?
OA Scope of the Auditor Managemen Companies Act Both A & B C
2 Statutory Audit is t
decided by
OA ________is the Statutory Audit Financial Tax Audit Internal B
3 most critical audit. Statement Audit
OA Internal Auditor is AGM Managemen Government None of the B
4 appointed by the t of the above
______________. organisation
OA Internal Auditor Financial Operations Compliance to All of the D
5 checks the reporting of the application Above
_______. organization rules and
OA The Internal Audit Calendar Report Log Audit diary A
6 Auditor maintains
prioritizing all the
audit risks to be
covered in the year.
OA Does the Internal Yes No A
7 auditor need to
have IT knowledge?
OA Which are the Credit Discounting Lease All of the D
8 various tasks syndication of bills syndication Above
performed by a CA
in Merchant
OA A CA gives advice Taxation Financial FEMA All of the D
9 regarding, Statements Above
OA FEMA is a Corporate Company Investigation & Taxation B
10 ____________ Finance Law Forensic
matter. Services
OA Fraud is dealt under Forensic & Taxation Merchant Company A
11 ________ kind of Investigation Banking Law
OA _____________ Tax Audit IS Audit Statutory Audit Internal B
12 audit covers not Audit
only the ERP
system but also the
entire architecture
of the IT including
the database,
operating system
OA _________refers to Electronic E- Office None of the C
13 use of various Transactions Applications Automation above
applications in
office to create and
store the
documents or
information in soft
copy format.
OA ___________is not Integration Training Common Timings D
14 an important Network
aspect to be
considered for
office automation.
OA Which is not a Resource Client Management Financial C
15 software used in Allocation & Managemen Information Accounting
CA's office? Scheduling t System
OA _______________is Billing and Resource Financial Managemen A
16 a software Accounting Allocation & Accounting t
provided by ICAI to Scheduling Information
the CA. System
OA The Client Avoiding Easy Online approval All of the D
17 Management Duplication Monitoring work flow Above
software provides & Tracking
the advantages of
OA How can a CA track Using MS Excel Using Using ICAI's Using B
18 effectively, the Resource Payroll Tally.ERP9
employees who Allocation & software
have left the Scheduling
company, so that software
they are not
allowed to be
allocated to any
OA What is the It gives File gets Multiple people Complex C
19 greatest inappropriate corrupted can access Formulas to
disadvantage of answers be used
using MS Excel for
the purpose of
OA To record various Billing and Financial Tax Audit Billing and B
20 transactions like Accounting Accounting Accounting
sales, purchases,
expenses, revenue,
accruals, assets,
liabilities etc.,
which software can
be used in a CA
OA Transactions having General Ledger Accounts Accounts Assets A
21 financial impact Receivable Payable
carried out in other
modules are
reflected in the
OA Quotations from Accounts Payable Purchasing Accounts General B
22 vendors are invited Receivable Ledger
and analyzed in
________module of
the Financial
Accounting System
OA In__________ sub- General Ledger Accounts Accounts Purchasing C
23 ledger, the total of Receivable Payable
payables as on a
particular date
should match with
payables as per
General Ledger.
OA GRN stands General Receipt Good Group Receipt None of the B
24 for_____________ Note Receipt Note Note above
OA The iExpense iPayment ERPPay iPay A
25 _____________
module available in
most of the ERPs
provides the entire
lifecycle of the
expense claims
from submission of
expense claims to
their final payment.
OA Expense Trigger / alerts Give Store digital All of the D
26 Management for timely electronic form of the Above
module is used to payment approval of documentary
________. expense evidences
as per
OA ___________help Financial Timesheet HR module Performance B
27 the management reporting module system managemen
capture and track t system
the time spent by
their resources on
various projects.
OA The Timesheet Accounting Managemen Payroll Sales C
28 systems ensure t
__________ is
OA Which software Performance Timesheet Payroll system All of the A
29 provides automatic Management system Above
alert for pending system
OA The payroll Timesheet HR master Leave All of the D
30 application system data management Above
automates the system
calculation of salary
for taking inputs
OA The leave Leave balance Advance Excess Leave All of the D
31 management Leave Rules Above
system includes
OA The permanent CA's own data Client Data CA's office data None of the B
32 audit file and above
current audit file
are which kind of
data in a CA's
OA Stock valuation Current audit file Permanent Tax document None of the A
33 details, copies of audit file above
confirmation with
the debtors,
creditors etc. can
be found in which
kind of file in the
CA's office?
OA Under Knowledge Class room E-learning Both A & B Online C
34 Management, the training training
type of training/s
is/are _______.
OA Which is not a High data Low error Permanently Low Security D
35 characteristic of transmission rates connected
LAN? speed
OA The transmission High Low Same as twice B
36 speed of a WAN is
________than that
of a LAN.
OA Bluetooth Short range Wireless Wired Network Both A & B D
37 technology is a network network
OA Wireless networks Convenience Free Cost Effective All of the D
38 provide some Mobility Above
benefits such
OA Tracking of delivery Accounts Sales Purchase None of the B
39 of service against a Receivable above
sales order is
OA Apart from physical Logical Operational Tactical Both A & C A
40 security, the
organisation must
also ensure
to safeguard the
OA The main goals of Confidentiality Integrity Non- All of the D
41 information repudiation Above
OA The credit card Integrity Confidentiali Authentication Non- B
42 details of ty repudiation
customers needs to
be ensured under
of information
OA ___________ensur Confidentiality Authenticati Integrity Non- C
43 es that data is not on repudiation
altered or modified
by any
OA The receiver of a Non-repudiation Integrity Confidentiality Authorizatio A
44 message cannot n
deny having
received or having
sent a message,
this is known as
OA Information Financial Operational Reputational All of the D
45 security risks could Above
______________ in