Assessment of Cardiovascular Changes Among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients at Rural Tertiary Care Center of Northern India

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Research Article

Assessment of cardiovascular changes among chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease patients at rural tertiary care center of Northern India

Adesh Kumar, Ashish Kumar Gupta, Aditya Kumar Gautam, Bal Krishna Kushwaha, Prashant Yadav,
Vijay Kumar Verma

Department of Respiratory Medicine, U. P. University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, India
Correspondence to: Prashant Yadav, E-mail:

Received: May 23, 2017; Accepted: June 14, 2017


Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex systemic disease that has significant
extrapulmonary effects along with pulmonary involvement. Cardiovascular manifestation is one of the most common
comorbidities of COPD. Patients with COPD also carry an increased risk of mortality due to cardiovascular abnormalities
compared with those who do not have these comorbidities. As the cardiac abnormalities clearly contribute to the overall
mortality and morbidity associated with COPD, an understanding of their role and potential for treatment is vital; therefore,
this study was done. Objectives: This study aimed to study the assessment of cardiovascular manifestation in COPD.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study done in the Respiratory Medicine Department of rural tertiary
care center during the period from January 2015 to June 2016. A total of 200 study subjects fulfilling the inclusion criteria
and consenting to participate were included in the study. The diagnosis of COPD is based on the clinical history, clinical
examination, X-ray chest, and spirometry. All patients were further subjected to electrocardiogram (ECG) and two-
dimensional echocardiography (2D-ECHO) for cardiac evaluation. Results: On ECG evaluation: Arrhythmia was found in
99 (49.5%) cases, right ventricular (RV) hypertrophy (RVH) in 61 (30.5%) cases, right atrial enlargement (RAE) in 52 (26%)
cases, right bundle branch block in 20 (10%) cases, poor progression of R wave in 24 (12%) cases, and right axis deviation
was found in 30 (15%) cases. On 2D-ECHO evaluation: tricuspid regurgitation was found in a 117 (58.5%) cases, pulmonary
hypertension in 116 (58%) cases, RAE in 79 (39.5%) cases, RVH in 74 (37%) cases, RV enlargement in 55 (27.5%) cases,
and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in 113 (56.05%) cases. Conclusion: The study shows that cardiac disorders are
highly prevalent in patients with severe-to-very severe COPD. ECHO is a simple non-invasive tool for evaluation of cardiac
functions in patients with COPD during acute exacerbation as well as during the follow-up of the disease.

KEY WORDS: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; Corpulmonale; Echocardiography; Electrocardiogram

INTRODUCTION persistent airflow limitation that is usually progressive and

associated with an enhanced chronic inflammatory response
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common in the airways and the lung to noxious particles or gases. The
preventable and treatable disease which is characterized by exacerbations and comorbidities contribute to the overall
severity in individual patients.[1] COPD can no longer be
Access this article online defined as a disease restricted to the lungs. COPD is the fourth-
Website: Quick Response code leading cause of chronic morbidity and mortality worldwide,
and mortality from COPD is expected to increase further and
to rank at the third position in 2020, after coronary artery
DOI: 10.5455/ijmsph.2017.0513914062017 disease and stroke.[2] COPD has significant extrapulmonary
effects along with pulmonary involvement.[3] Mortality of
COPD is increased by its comorbidities and exacerbations.[4,5]

International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Online 2017. © 2017 Prashant Yadav, et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix,
transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.

2017 | Vol 6 | Issue 8 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health  1320
Kumar et al. Assessment of cardiovascular changes among COPD

The clinical severity is increasingly being recognized as being MATERIALS AND METHODS
determined by concomitant comorbidities.[6] Pulmonary
manifestations of COPD might be one aspect of expression This was a cross-sectional study done in the Respiratory
of a systemic inflammation with several other organic Medicine Department of tertiary care center, during the period
manifestations.[7] from January 2015 to June 2016. A total of 200 patients of
COPD of either sex having age more than 40 years were
Cardiovascular comorbidities among COPD patients have included in the study. Patients having a history of asthma
been recognized for many decades. Pulmonary vascular and having a previous history of cardiovascular disease
disease associated with COPD increases morbidity and and those who were critically ill and uncooperative were
worsens survival. Patients with COPD also carry an excluded from the study. Patients who did not give consent
increased risk of mortality due to arrhythmia, myocardial also excluded from the study. The diagnosis of COPD was
infarction, or congestive heart failure compared with those made on the basis of the clinical history, examination, X-ray
who do not have these comorbidities.[8] The lung health chest, and spirometry (ratio of post-bronchodilator forced
study showed that a substantial proportion of deaths in expiratory volume in 1st and forced vital capacity [FEV1/
patients with mild COPD was the result of cardiovascular FVC <70%]), further staging of COPD done on the basis of
complications, and a recent large epidemiologic study post-bronchodilator FEV1 into four categories:
revealed increased cardiovascular mortality, particularly in • GOLD 1: Mild FEV1 >80% predicted,
patients younger than 65 years with COPD.[9] As the cardiac • GOLD 2: Moderate FEV1 >50% to <80% predicted,
abnormalities clearly contribute to the overall mortality and • GOLD 3: Severe FEV1 > 30% to <50% predicted,
morbidity associated with COPD, an understanding of their • GOLD 4: Very severe FEV1 <30% predicted.
role and potential for treatment is vital, and therefore, this
study was done. Electrocardiogram (ECG) and two-dimensional
echocardiography (2D-ECHO) done for cardiac evaluation.
The cardiac manifestations of COPD are numerous. Routine investigation such as complete blood count, liver
Impairments of right ventricular (RV) dysfunction and function test, kidney function test, lipid profile, and random
pulmonary vascular disease are well known to complicate blood sugar was done in all patients.
the clinical course of COPD and correlate inversely with
survival. The pathogenesis of pulmonary vascular disease ECG Evaluation
in COPD is likely multifactorial and related to alterations
in gas exchange and vascular biology, as well as structural A 12-lead ECG was taken in all the patients under the study,
changes of the pulmonary vasculature and mechanical and the following points were noted.
factors. Several modalities currently exist for the assessment 1. P wave changes - P pulmonale – Tall-peaked P wave
of pulmonary vascular disease in COPD, but right heart >2.5 mm in amplitude
catheterization remains the gold standard. Although no 2. Criteria for RV hypertrophy (RVH):
specific therapy other than oxygen has been generally • Right axis deviation (>110°)
accepted for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in • R/S ratio in V1 >1
this population, there has been renewed interest in specific • R wave in V1 ≥7 mm
pulmonary vasodilators. The coexistence of COPD and • S wave in V1 ≤2 mm - qR pattern in V1
coronary artery disease occurs frequently. This association • R in V1 + S in V5/V6 ≥10.5 mm
is likely related to shared risk factors as well as similar • R/S ratio in V5 or V6 <1
pathogenic mechanisms, such as systemic inflammation. • RSR in V1 with R ≥10 mm.
Management strategies for the care of patients with COPD The presence of any one of the above criteria is suggestive,
and coronary artery disease are similar to those without but presence of 2 or more criteria is diagnostic of RVH.[10]
COPD, but care must be given to address their respiratory 3. Poor progression of R waves
limitations. Arrhythmias occur frequently in patients with 4. Incomplete RBBB (rSr/rSR’ in V1) QRS ≤0.12 s.
COPD but are rarely fatal and can generally be treated
medically. The use of β-blockers in the management of
cardiac disease, while a theoretical concern in patients with
increased airway resistance, is generally safe with the use of All patients were subjected to ECHO examination including
cardioselective agents. 2D and M-mode ECHO (Esaote MyLab Class C machine)
to note the presence of pulmonary hypertension, RVH, RV
dilatation, and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD).
Aims and Objectives
The following points were noted:
1. Assessment of cardiovascular manifestation in COPD 1. Pulmonary artery diameter
2. To find out the correlation between cardiovascular 2. Evidence of pulmonary hypertension on M-mode
manifestation and severity of COPD. examination of pulmonary valve

1321        International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health 2017 | Vol 6 | Issue 8
Kumar et al. Assessment of cardiovascular changes among COPD

• a wave (normal - 2.7 mm) (low in pulmonary and poor progression of R wave in 24 (12%) cases (P = 0.046,
hypertension) r = 0.141). These all have a significant correlation with
• Ejection fraction (EF) slope (normal - 36.9 ± 25.4 COPD.
mm/s) (low in pulmonary hypertension)
• Mid-systolic notch and flutter. Right axis deviation was found in 30 (15%) cases (P = 0.073,
3. RVH  - Thickness of anterior wall and septum if r = 0.127), which had no significant correlation with COPD
>6 mm - RVH is present (Table 1).
4. RV diastolic dimension if >25 mm, RV is dilated
5. Right atrial dilatation (RAD) (>3.6 cm) On 2D-ECHO Evaluation
6. RV failure:
Tricuspid regurgitation in a 117 (58.5%) cases (P = 0.00,
• Tricuspid regurgitation
correlation coefficient (r) = 0.447), pulmonary hypertension
• Dilatation of inferior vena cava and hepatic veins.
in 116 (58%) cases (P = 0.00, r = 0.437), LVDD in
113 (56.05%) cases (P = 0.00, r = 0.491), RAE was found in
The presence of RV dilation, RVH, or RV failure is taken as
79 (39.5%) cases (P = 0.003, r = 0.208), RVH in 74 (37%)
evidence of corpulmonale.[10]
cases (P = 0.00, r = 0.271), and RV enlargement in 55 (27.5%)
cases (P = 0.00, r = 0.334) (Table 2).
LV function was also assessed using the following parameters:
EF = Measure of how much end-diastolic value is ejected
These all findings have a significant correlation with the
from LV with each contraction (56-78%).
severity of COPD (Tables 3 and 4).
E/A = Diastolic filling of left ventricles usually classified
initially on the basis of the peak mitral flow velocity of the DISCUSSION
early rapid filling wave (E) and peak velocity of the late filling
wave caused by atrial contraction (A). In normal subjects, There are various cardiac manifestations in COPD which
LV elastic recoil is vigorous because of normal myocardial complicate its clinical course. In patients with COPD
relaxation, therefore more filling is completed during early with associated cardiovascular diseases, the morbidity
diastolic, so LV diastolic dysfunction (LVDD) is said to be
present when E/A is <1.3 (age group 45-49 years), <1.2 (age Table 1: ECG findings in COPD patients
group 50-59 years), <1.0 (age group 60-69 years), and <0.8 ECG parameter Number of patients (%)
(age group ≥70 years).[11] Right axis deviation 52 (26)
RVH 61 (30.5)
Arrhythmia 99 (49.5)
Sinus tachycardia 90 (45)
The data of all 200 COPD patients were analyzed by Statistical Atrial ectopic 02 (1)
Package for Social Science software (Window version 23), Atrial tachycardia 04 (2)
and Chi-square and Z-test were used to analyze the collected Ventricular ectopics 03 (1.5)
data. It was observed that prevalence of COPD was higher Right bundle branch block 20 (10)
in 147 (73.5%) male patients as compared to 53 (26.5%) Poor progression of r wave 24 (12)
female patients in the present study. The mean age of patients Right axis deviation 30 (15)
included in the study was 58.34 ± 8.18 years. Smoking was
ECG: Electrocardiographic, COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary
more common in male patients (75.51%) as compared to disease, RVH: Right ventricular hypertrophy
female (18.86%), whereas biomass fuel exposure was more
common in female patients (92.45%) as compared to male Table 2: ECHO findings in COPD
(7.48%). Systemic hypertension was found in 60 (30%) cases ECHO parameter N (%)
(P = 0.150) which do not show any significant correlation
Right axis deviation 79 (39.5)
with severity of COPD.
RV enlargement 55 (27.5)
RVH 74 (37)
On ECG Evaluation TR 117 (58.5)
Arrhythmia in 99 (49.5%) cases (P = 0.00 and correlation Pulmonary hypertension 116 (58)
coefficient (r) = 0.488) and sinus tachycardia were the Corpulmonale 112 (56)
most common among arrhythmia. RVH in 61 (30.5%) LVDD 113 (56.05)
cases (P = 0.005, r = 0.197), right atrial enlargement (RAE) TR: Tricuspid regurgitation, LVDD: Left ventricular diastolic
was found in 52 (26%) patients (P = 0.006, r = 0.195), right dysfunction, ECHO: Echocardiography, RV: Right ventricular,
bundle branch block in 20 (10%) cases (P = 0.01, r = 0.182), COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

2017 | Vol 6 | Issue 8 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health  1322
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Table 3: Correlation of corpulmonale with severity of RVH, with criteria used as given by Braunwald.[18] Murphy
COPD and Hutcheson found 43.66%. Caird and Wilcken found
GOLD stage of COPD N (%) 16% RVH in their studies. Our findings correlate with the
I 2 (8.69) findings of Murphy and Hutcheson.[16] In our study, RBBB
was found in 20 (10%) patients. Warnier et al. found 7%
II 14 (37.83)
and Jitendra et al.[19] found in 36% of cases in their studies,
III 29 (49.15)
respectively. Hence, our finding is comparable with the
IV 67 (82.71)
study done by Warnier et al.[20] In the present study, right
P=0.00, correlation coefficient (r)=0.412. COPD: Chronic atrial dilatation (RAD) was found in 15% of cases, Jitendra
obstructive pulmonary disease et al. found 26% in their studies, and Krishna and Krishna
in 28% of cases.[19,21] The higher incidence of RAD in above
Table 4: Correlation of pulmonary hypertension with studies may be that they may have taken more number of
severity of COPD severe COPD patients. Arrhythmias were found in 99 (49.5)
GOLD stage of COPD N (%) patients, and sinus tachycardia was the most common type
I 3 (13.04) of arrhythmia. Our finding is close to the study done by
II 17 (45.94) Hanrahan et al. (45.3%).[22] In the present study, RAE is
III 34 (57.62) found in 79 (39.5%) patients, Vineeth et al. found 40.9% of
IV 68 (83.95) RAE in his study.[23] In our study, RV enlargement was found
P=0.00, correlation coefficient (r)=0.437. COPD: Chronic
in 55 (27.5%) patients while 74 (37%) patients show RVH.
obstructive pulmonary disease The previous studies done by Suma et al. found that 48% had
features of RV dilatation and 28% had RV hypertrophy.[24]
and mortality are seen to be increased as shown in various
studies.[12] COPD and cardiovascular diseases have various In the present study, tricuspid regurgitation (TR) was found
common risk factors, including smoking and aging. The in 117 (58.5%) patients on ECHO, and Vineeth et al. also
presence of pro-inflammatory mechanism and oxidative stress found TR in 54.5% of patients.[23] In our study, corpulmonale,
which is defined as RV enlargement and/or RVH, is found in
is seen in both diseases.[13] The sedentary lifestyle in COPD
112 (56%) cases, Suma et al. also found 54% in his study.[24]
may also contribute to the risk of developing cardiovascular
In our study, PAH was found in 116 (58%) cases which is also
similar (63%) as the study done by Rajiv Gupta et al.[25] In the
present study, LVDD was found in 113 (56.5%) patients. The
In this study, arrhythmia (99-49.5%) was the most common
previous studies done by Gupta et al. found LVDD on 47.5%
findings on ECG, RVH in 61 (30.5%) cases, RAE was found
of patients,[26] Vineeth et al. found in 29.5% of cases. The
in 52 (26%) patients, right bundle branch block in 20 (10%)
mechanism behind this in COPD is that chronic RV pressure
cases, and poor progression of R wave in 24 (12%) cases.
overload that leads to bulging of interventricular septum
These all have a significant correlation with COPD. Right
toward left ventricle and thus impairs LV filling and this in turn
axis deviation was found in 30 (15%) cases (P = 0.073,
leads to decreased stroke volume and cardiac output. In our
r = 0.127), which had no significant correlation with COPD.
study, systemic hypertension was found in 30% of cases. The
On ECHO, tricuspid regurgitation (117-58.5%) was the previous studies done by Mannino et al. found 40.1% of cases.[5]
most common findings and pulmonary hypertension found Our study finds less incidence of systemic hypertension, the
in 116 (58%) cases, LVDD in 113 (56.05%) cases, RAE was probable region may be that it was a rural-based study as there
found in 79 (39.5%) cases, RVH in 74 (37%) cases, and RV may be several other risk factors such as sedentary lifestyle,
enlargement in 55 (27.5%) cases. which is more common in the urban population.
In this study, in ECG, P pulmonale were found in 26% The strength of this study is that with the help of simple non-
(52/200) of patients. P pulmonale in various studies - Scott invasive ECG cardiovascular abnormalities in COPD patients
found incidence of 32.7% in their studies.[15] Murphy and can be assessed quickly, which can be further evaluated with
Hutcheson found 26.4% incidence of P pulmonale.[16] The ECHO so that morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular
variability of the incidence of the P pulmonale in various diseases in COPD can be reduced by timely intervention.
studies may be due to the fact that percentage of severe
COPD patients may vary in their studies. The findings of P The strength of this study is that the absence of a control
pulmonale in this study is similar to the findings of Murphy group limits a definite assessment of the role of COPD in
and Hutcheson.[16] P pulmonale have been used as indirect the pathogenesis of cardiac disorders. The study has a cross-
evidence of RVH by various authors, other regarded it as a sectional design, so no causal relationships with clinical
position changes in the heart due to hyperinflation, lowering outcomes could be established. The sample size is small,
of the diaphragm, and vertical position of the heart.[17] In this and therefore, the study with larger sample size with a longer
study, 30.5% (61/200) of the patients had ECG evidence of duration will be required to get the better outcome.

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Kumar et al. Assessment of cardiovascular changes among COPD

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