Shajarah Attariyyah Qadriyyah Razaviyyah
Shajarah Attariyyah Qadriyyah Razaviyyah
Shajarah Attariyyah Qadriyyah Razaviyyah
Shajra-e-Aaliya 2
First read this 5
Read on a daily basis 6
Recitals to be recited after the five daily salaah 6
Panj Ganj Qadiriya 7
These incantations should be recited in the morning and the
evening 9
Sayyidul Istighfaar 11
Durood-e-Ghousia 14
What to recite after Fajr and Asr 14
What to recite after Fajr and Maghrib 15
After Salaa-tul-Fajr 15
During the night 15
Incantations to be recited before sleeping 16
What to recite after waking up 17
Tahajjud 18
If you face problems… 18
Some essential advice 19
Reminder 22
Recital of the Qur’an 24
Durood-e-Razaviya 25
Islamic sisters must pay attention 27
Method of giving Dars 29
Dates of passing away and the places of burial of saints 31
Ya ilahi rahm farma Mustafa
ke waastay
Ya RasoolAllah
karam kijiye khuda kay waasitay
Day Ali Musa Hassan Ahmad Baha kay waasitay
Oh Allah
, through the blessing of these saints, make the heart
Father’s name:………………………………………………………...
Date: 14……ah
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One who recites this 3 times after every Salaah will have
his sins forgiven even if he had ran away from the
battlefield. (Jami’ Tirmizi, Hadith No. 3588, V5, P336)
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^ Z% ' * - Reciting this three
times safeguards you from snakes, scorpions and other
dangerous animals. (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2707, V2, P347)
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- Recite once in the morning and once in the evening. A
day in which no incantations are recited, this alone is
sufficient to substitute for all of them; furthermore, this is
compensation of every loss of the day and the night. (Abu
Dawud, Hadith 5076, V4, P353)
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Z% ' * - (Read
well after ◌ِ
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and in the evening, then the last 3 verses of Sura Hashr -
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' P* - until the end of the Sura. If one
recites it in the morning, seventy thousand angels seek
forgiveness on his behalf. If he dies in that day he dies as
a martyr. If one reads the same in the evening it has the
same virtue as the morning. (Jame’ Tirmizi, Hadith 2931, V4,
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g < - By reciting this three times in the morning and
evening, one would die as a believer. (Musnad-e-Ahmad,
Hadith 19625, V8, P146)
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By reciting this three times in the morning and the
evening, one would get protection for his religion, life,
wealth and his family. (Al Wazeefa-tul-Kareema, P8)
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Z% ' * - By reciting this once in the
morning and in the evening, one would be protected from
Satan and his army. (Al Wazeefa-tul-Kareema, P8)
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By reciting once in the morning and in the evening, one
would be saved from grief, and to pay off debts one must
recite this 11 times in the morning and in the evening.
(Abu Dawud, Hadith 1555, V1, P574)
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; +* ' DW / D0" / - By reciting this forty one times,
a person’s heart would become alive (spiritually) and he
would die as a believer. (Al Malfooz, Part 2)
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13 * - By reciting this three times,
one will be saved from madness, leprosy, leucoderma
and blindness. (Al Wazeefa-tul-Kareema, P11)
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One who will read the following Duas ten times with
punctuality after Fajr and before sunrise or after Maghrib,
all his permissible tasks would be completed and his
enemies would be overpowered. (In’shaa-Allah )
(1) 8 9 r
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(Sura Tauba: 129)
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D>4 X ' 4m' 4*/ f* 4!4C9 +* 4Y 4*4 (Sura Qamar: 45)
One should remain active in the remembrance of Allah
without even moving a foot until 20 minutes after
sunrise. One should then perform 2 rak’at nafl salaah.
That person will return home with the reward of Hajj and
Umra. (Jame’ Tirmizi, Hadith 586, V2, P100)
One should sleep after performing Salaa-tul-Isha and
whenever he gets up before dawn, he should make
Wudhu and perform at least 2 rak’at. This will be
Tahajjud. It is Sunnah to perform 8 rak’at and the method
of pious people is 12 rak’at. One has the choice to recite
the Qur’an in Tahajjud from wherever he finds it easy. If
one knows the complete Qur’an by heart, he should
finish the Qur’an in Tahajjud in a minimum period of 3
days and a maximum in 40 days. If one desires, he can
recite Sura Ikhlaas three times in every rak’at. This way,
he will get the reward of finishing the Qur’an in each
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- Recite 874 times with Durood
Shareef 11 times in the beginning and 11 times in the end.
Read everyday until the objective is achieved. There is
no condition of time. This incantation should be read in
the sitting position with folded legs facing the Qibla in
the state of Wudhu. One must continue reciting the same
words whilst sitting, standing and walking, with Wudhu
or without Wudhu and with no counting.
(3) Complete any fasts you have missed before the next
Ramadhaan Shareef because it is mentioned in Hadith
that until the fasts from the previous Ramadhaan are not
kept, the fasts of next Ramadhaan will not be accepted.
(For further information please read Faizan-e-Ramadhaan (chapter of
(4) A wealthy person, who possesses wealth equivalent
to an amount upon which the Zakah is Fardh, must pay
Zakah. If the Zakah was not paid for many years, one
must calculate the Zakah for all those years and pay it as
soon as possible. To delay in paying Zakah after the year
has ended is a sin. One can start paying little by little
from the beginning of the year. You must then calculate
at the end of the year whether the full Zakah is paid or
not. If it is paid, that is fine. If not, the outstanding
amount must be paid immediately to the deserving ones,
and if more is paid, it can be added to the Zakah of next
year. Allah will never waste anyone’s good deed.
(5)A person who has the capability of going for Hajj, the
Hajj is Fardh upon him. Allah has said about the
compulsoriness of Hajj in Sura Aale Imran, Verse 97:
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(Translation from Kanzul-Imaan: and performing the Hajj of this
house, for the sake of Allah, is a duty upon mankind, for those who
can reach it; and whoever disbelieves - then Allah is Independent of
the entire creation!)
The Holy Prophet
has said about
the people who neglect the Hajj with no justification, “I
don’t care whether they die as Jews or Christians.” (Allah
forbid) (Jame’ Tirmidhi, Hadith 812, V2, P219)
(6) Refrain from lying, vulgar language, spying,
backbiting, adultery, homosexuality, cruelty, fraud,
arrogance, shaving or trimming the beard (keeping less
than fistful), imitating the sinners, watching movies and
dramas, listening to music and every other bad practice.
One who follows Allah and His Messenger
, Allah
has promised Heaven for him.
Oh Islamic brother and sister! Remember when you were
born, everyone was happy and you were crying. You
should live such a life that everyone should be crying at
your death and you must be happy.
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The above-mentioned Durood should be recited 100
times with the Jumu’ah congregation while standing with
folded hands and facing Madina Shareef. Where Jumu’ah
does not take place, recite this Durood after Fajr, Zuhr or
Asr. If one is alone, one should recite this alone.
Likewise, Islamic sisters must recite this Durood at their
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Recite 21 times and drink for 40 days without
having anything else first. Another person can
also recite this so that you may drink it.
your memory will
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Incident from Hyderabad (India) - A clean shaven drunk
person passed by a bookstall. He saw a booklet written
by Ameer-e-AhleSunnat. After seeing the name, he
thought it was a storybook 1 so he bought a few and gave
them to his wife at home and went out again. He got
home in the morning and was shocked to see his wife
sitting on the prayer mat reciting the Holy Qur’an. As
soon as she saw her husband, she started crying and said,
This is the wisdom of Ameer-e-AhleSunnat that the names of booklets are kept in
such a manner where a person will enquire about their contents. Names of some of the
booklets are: Mysterious beggar, Discoveries made by a shroud thief, Black slave,
Terrifying magician, King of Jinnaat, Dangerous Abyssinian, Strange punishment,
Injured snake etc. There are many other booklets which can be purchased from
‘The stories you bought for me made me cry a lot and I
couldn’t get to sleep. I have repented for my sins and
have started to pray salaah. You should also read these
stories.’ The man also started to read the booklets and felt
a change within himself. He also repented for his sins,
started praying salaah and kept a beard. He joined the
Madani environment of Dawat-e-Islami and his wife is
now a Mubaligha of Dawat-e-Islami.
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Translation of the Holy Qur’an written by
AlaHazrat Imam-e-AhleSunnat
Mujaddid of the Ummah
AshShah Moulana
is available in various sizes
Shaheed Masjid, Kharadar, Karachi, Tel: - 2203311