Dungeon Saga - Horins Last Call
Dungeon Saga - Horins Last Call
Dungeon Saga - Horins Last Call
These are some of the more simple duties for the tavern owner, as he also has to deal with the occasional
assassination attempt from those who hold grudges from his adventuring days or the odd greenskin siege.
So, every now and then, when the bell rings for last calls, Hordin, along with his loyal mastiff Gnasher,
will pull on his beaten old boots for yet another adventurer.
When initially placing any model in any of the following adventures, the Hero and the
Overlord players may select which direction the models are facing.
Special Rule—Gnasher
As his Feat, Hordin may either choose to permanently remove all adjacent Piles of Bones,
or place a Dwarf Mastiff to represent Gnasher in any adjacent square. Gnasher is activated
as a fifth member of the party, but does not count as a hero if he is crippled. He takes
damage like a standard Dwarf Mastiff would.
Map Key
Heroes and Bosses Minions
Lower Abyssal
Hordin, Dwarf Barkeeper
Abyssal Guard
Rodric, Dwarf Fighter
Tortured Soul
Drudwyn, Dwark Barbarian
Lord Ricmarc, Revenant Lord
Pile of Bones
Mundane Chest
Trollsmasher Keg
Map Key
Heroes and Bosses Minions
OW Ogre Warrior
Hordin, Dwarf Barkeeper
OB Ogre Boomer
Rodric, Dwarf Fighter
OS Ogre Smasher
Dorig Blackmane
Drudwyn, Dwark Barbarian
Mundane Chest
“Hordin, I would have words!...I’ve found it! I’ve “Ha! You two think you can just stroll into the ruins
found the entrance to the drinking hall of old Lord of Ricmarc? Good luck! Braver dwarves than you have
Ricmarc! See here!” tried to search for them and non-have lived to tell
about it!”
He said, panting out of breath as he brought out a
battered leather map. Hordin looked over it with his Hordin flung a wet cloth at the berserker.
remaining eye and stroked his beard”
“We will go and we will return! You’re more than
“Hmmm, if this is truly the hall of Ricmarc, forgotten welcome to join us, if you’re not a goblin spine!”
for a century, then the kegs of Trollsmasher, the finest
ale ever brewed by Darick Pyntmaester might still be The berserker slammed an axe deep into his table in
down there. It was said this was a gift to Lord anger.
Ricmarc on the opening of his drinking hall, but a foul
curse was placed on all those who celebrated that “Goblin spine?!!! Lead the way, master barkeeper, and
night!...Do you think you can lead me there Taryn?” I’ll show you who’s goblin spine!”
Heroes Overlord
Hordin the Dwarf Barkeeper, Taryn the Dwarf This adventure uses the Standard and Necromancer
Ranger, Drudwyn the Dwarf Barbarian and Rodric Overlord cards from the boxed game.
the Dwarf Fighter are used in this adventure.
Overlord Command Cards: 22
Victory Commands per Turn: 2
Heroes: Retrieve all four kegs of Trollsmasher Ale. Raise Dead Limits: Skeleton Warriors (max 4),
Skeleton Archers (max 2), Dwarf Revenant (1)
Overlord: Cripple Hordin
Lord Ricmarc Revenant Lord: Living Sword Magic
Item Weapon.
Special Rules – Trollsmasher Kegs
Tactical Thoughts
Hordin grabbed the remaining keg and slung it over his open and squinted as the rising sun gleamed in their
shoulder. eyes.
“This should be the last of them, let’s get out of here be- Drudwyn eyed one of the kegs and licked his lips.
fore we meet the same fate as these fellows”
“Thirsty work all that. What say we have a wee tipple of
Rodric and Taryn shoved the large wooden table in the some of this ale you’ve all been banging on about?”
way of the remaining skeletons while Drudwyn yanked
Hordin looked at the keg on his shoulder and
his axe from the armour of Lord Ricmarc.
contemplated everything they went through to get them.
The dwarves charged down the corridor to the exit and He brought it to the ground and cracked open the lid.
with a fearsome shoulder barge, they slammed the doors 5
“Aye! It’d be rude not to!”
Heroes Overlord
Hordin the Dwarf Barkeeper, Taryn the Dwarf Overlord Command Cards: 12
Ranger, Drudwyn the Dwarf Barbarian and This adventure will use the standard Overlord cards.
Rodric the Dwarf Fighter are used in this
adventure. Commands Per Turn: 2
A Z1-3 B
Z3-1 Z1-4 Z1-5
Z3-4 Z2-1
Z2-3 Z2-4
Special Rule – Chests
and 3 Combat Dice. Chest A There are very few ogres in the mine, but
contains a Battle Potion and those that are there won’t be easy to take
Chest B and C contain a Health down. Your best chance of survival is to
Potion and D contains the Key to stick together and get as many dwarves in
Door X combat as possible for the extra combat
bonuses. Don’t forget that Gnasher adds
to this too. Try to stay away from the
board edges. Ogre Warriors can slam your
party off the edge.
Dorig struggled out of the ropes and kicked the body of Goreshank. “Vile oaf! That’ll teach you for trying to kidnap Dorig
“Ah, Hordin, of course. Thank you for coming to my aid. How can I either repay you?”
“Well, you can start with settling your tab.” Said the barkeep, as he drew his ledger.
Taryn—Dwarf Ranger
Abilities: Sure Shot (1)
Hail of Arrows. Taryn may Shoot three times in the same Turn. Resolve each one before
deciding on the next target
Rodric—Dwarf Fighter
Abilities: Slam
None Shall Pass. Rodric cannot be injured for the remainder of this Round. In addition, all
adjacent enemy Minions are considered to have taken their Turn this Round and may not take
another for any reason.
Drudwyn—Dwarf Berserker
Abilities: Frenzy (2)
Now I’m Angry. All enemy models adjacent to Drudwyn must move away 1 square if
there is room. If there is a choice then Drudwyn decides which square they move into.
PRECISE STRIKE. Lord Ricmarc may Move and then Fight, counting the target’s Armour as 1.
Goreshank—Ogre Fighter
Abilities: Large, Slam, Tough
Grind Their Bones. Goreshank may make a Fight attack against up to three separate models in
his front arc. He may only attack each model once. Each attack is resolved as normal, with the
additional penalty of -2 to the target’s Armour.