The document contains expense tables for January, April, July, and October 2019. Each table lists dates from the month with empty fields for food, transportation, other expenses, and totals. The totals section and weekly/monthly totals are also empty, indicating no expenses were logged for the listed months.
The document contains expense tables for January, April, July, and October 2019. Each table lists dates from the month with empty fields for food, transportation, other expenses, and totals. The totals section and weekly/monthly totals are also empty, indicating no expenses were logged for the listed months.
Original Description:
pengeluaran harian pribadi utama (makan, bbm, lain2)
The document contains expense tables for January, April, July, and October 2019. Each table lists dates from the month with empty fields for food, transportation, other expenses, and totals. The totals section and weekly/monthly totals are also empty, indicating no expenses were logged for the listed months.
The document contains expense tables for January, April, July, and October 2019. Each table lists dates from the month with empty fields for food, transportation, other expenses, and totals. The totals section and weekly/monthly totals are also empty, indicating no expenses were logged for the listed months.
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