Bosal Holding BV v. Staatssecretaris Van Financien: The ECJ Moves The EU Closer To Unlegislated Harmonization of Corporate Taxes
Bosal Holding BV v. Staatssecretaris Van Financien: The ECJ Moves The EU Closer To Unlegislated Harmonization of Corporate Taxes
Bosal Holding BV v. Staatssecretaris Van Financien: The ECJ Moves The EU Closer To Unlegislated Harmonization of Corporate Taxes
Recommended Citation
Justin Bowen, Bosal Holding BV v. Staatssecretaris Van Financien: The ECJ Moves the EU Closer to Unlegislated Harmonization of
Corporate Taxes, 28 Loy. L.A. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 171 (2006).
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Bosal Holding BV V. Staatssecretaris Van
Financien: The ECJ Moves the EU Closer
to Unlegislated Harmonization of
Corporate Taxes
In 1993, Bosal Holding BV, a company engaged in holding,
financing, and licensing/royalty related activities, and subject to
corporate income tax in the Netherlands, wished to offset its
profits taxable there with costs incurred in the financing of its
holdings in nine other European Union Member States.' The
Dutch taxing authority refused Bosal's claim based on the Dutch
requirement that costs related to subsidiaries are only deductible if
they are indirectly instrumental in making profits that are taxable
in the Netherlands.2 The company brought an action before the
Gerechtshof te Arnhem ("Court of Justice-Arnhem,
Netherlands"), which upheld the taxing authority's decision. Bosal
then appealed to the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden ("Supreme
Court of the Netherlands").3 The appellate court decided that a
referral to the European Court of Justice ("ECJ" or "Court") was
necessary to determine whether Article 13(1) of the Netherlands
law, upon which the Dutch taxing authority relied, could be upheld
in light of the freedom of establishment contained in Articles 43
and 48 of the European Community (EC) Treaty.4
In deciding this case, the ECJ went further than it ever had in
striking down a national tax law as violative of the basic freedoms
contained in the Treaty. This case represents a step toward the
unlegislated harmonization of corporate taxes in the European
B. Directives
Directives are a form of legislative pronouncement that
declare a desired result, and allow the Member States to decide
individually how they will enact laws which lead to that result. As
such, it is the result which is binding on the members, and not the
means chosen. °
C. Direct Taxation
Direct taxation is not specifically addressed in the EC Treaty.
As such, it technically does not fall within the jurisdiction of the
ECJ, and is left to the Member States.' However, through
precedent, the ECJ established the rule that "although direct
taxation falls within their competence, the Member States must
none the less 2exercise that competence consistently with
Community law.'
D. EU and Domestic Law
The EU law at issue in this case includes Treaty provisions
and a Council Directive. The Treaty section involved is the
freedom of establishment, announced in Article 43 and Article 48
of the EC Treaty. 3 Article 43 declares that "restrictions on the
freedom of establishment of nationals of a Member State in the4
territory of another Member State shall be prohibited."'
Furthermore, Council Directive 90/435/EEC ("Directive") was
under consideration. The preamble to the Directive indicates that
its purpose is to eliminate the disadvantage experienced by parent
companies having subsidiaries in different Member States. 5
Article 4 of the Directive reads: "However, each Member State
shall retain the option of providing that any charges relating to the
holding and any losses resulting from the distribution of the profits
of the subsidiary may not be deducted from the taxable profits of
10. PAULO MENGOZZI, EUROPEAN COMMUNITY LAW 125 (Patrick Del Duca trans.,
Kluwer Law Int'l 2d ed. 1999).
11. Richard Palmer, Tax. Owing Me, Owing You, THE LAWYER, Aug. 9, 2004 at 18.
12. C-35/98, Staatssecretaris van Financien v. B.G.M. Verkooijen, 2000 E.C.R. I-
4071, at para. 32. See also Case C-279/93, Finanzamt Kvln-Altstadt v. Schumacker, 1995
E.C.R. 1-225, at para. 21; Case C-80/94, Wielockx v Inspecteur der Directe Belastingen,
1995 E.C.R. 1-2493.
13. EC TREATY, supra note 6.
14. EC TREATY. art. 43.
15. Council Directive 90/435, 1990 O.J. (L 225/6) [hereinafter Directive].
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the parent company.'0
The Netherlands law challenged in Bosal Holding is Article
13(1) of the Wet op de Vennootschapsbelasting 1969 ("Law on
Corporation Tax"), which directs that only costs which are
"indirectly instrumental in making profit that is taxable in the
Netherlands" is deductible to a Netherlands parent company.17
The allegation is that this law violates the Freedom of
Establishment provided by the EC Treaty.
A. The Arguments
Bosal argued that Article 13(1) restricted the freedom of
establishment by penalizing parent companies for establishing
subsidiaries in Member States other than the Netherlands.18 The
Netherlands, supported by the UK and the Commission of the
European Communities, countered that the law was not contrary
to the freedom of establishment at all, and if it was, it was
justified.' 9
The Netherlands first argued that Article 13(1) did not
discriminate at all, because the subsidiaries of parent companies
established in the Netherlands make profits in that Member State,
and those which do not are not in an objectively comparable
position. 20 This argument is premised on the fact that the first
group of companies (where parent and subsidiaries all make a
profit in the Netherlands) is subject to tax in the Netherlands,
while the second group (with subsidiaries earning profits in other
Member States) is not. The Netherlands, therefore, believed that
a distinction between the two groups was appropriate and did not
violate the freedom of establishment.
In the alternative, the Netherlands argued that if their refusal
to allow deduction of costs for holdings in other Member States
did violate the Treaty, it was justified. The Netherlands first
asserted that the infringement was justified by the need to
B. Summary of Holding
Rejecting the arguments asserted on behalf of the
Netherlands, the Court ruled that the Dutch law violated the
freedom of establishment by discouraging parent companies from
establishing subsidiaries in other Member States." In reaching this
conclusion, the Court rejected the Netherlands two asserted
justifications: coherence of the tax system, and the need to prevent
an erosion of the tax base.
21. Id.
22. See Case C-204/90, Bachman v. Belgium,1992 E.C.J. 583; Case C-300/90, Comm'n
v. Belgium, 1992 E.C.R. 1-305.
23. Bosal Holding, 2003 E.C.R. at para. 20. The Court had previously rejected the
argument that protection from a mere diminution of tax revenue could justify infringement
of a Treaty freedom in Case C-264/96, Imperial Chemical Industries plc v. Colmer, 1998
E.C.R. 1-4695, 1-4723 (emphasis added).
24. Bosal Holding, 2003 E.C.R. at para. 21.
25. Id. at para. 27.
26. Id. at para. 22.
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3. Coherence Justification
5. Objectively Comparable
The next argument put forth by the Netherlands that the ECJ
addressed was that parent companies with subsidiaries in the
Netherlands, and those with subsidiaries in other Member States
are not in objectively comparable situations. If the Court found
that the two groups were not comparably situated, then Article
13(1) would not be discriminatory.49 The Court declared this
distinction irrelevant since the difference in tax treatment
concerned the parent companies, and the profits of the subsidiaries
were not taxable in the hands of the parents regardless of where
the subsidiaries were located. 50 The Court appears to have decided
that even if the subsidiaries are not comparably situated, the
parent companies are, since they are all established in the
Netherlands and are totally separate taxpayers from their
A. JudicialHarmonization
"The decision [in Bosal Holdings] makes it clear that not a
single political authority, when signing the EC Treaty, could have
surmised what its impact would be on the levy of corporate income
tax in the various Member States." 6 This statement by a Dutch
journalist describes the surprised reaction by many Member States
to the ruling. By invalidating all of the Netherlands proposed
justifications for its policy, the Court has clearly indicated that it
intends to pursue harmonization of corporate tax codes in the EU.
This is an objective that is hotly contested within the EU, and one
that should only be pursued through the democratic process, if it is
to be achieved at all.
The Court's pursuit of harmonization is visible in its recent
tax jurisprudence. Since 1990, the ECJ has increasingly asserted
power over matters of direct taxation, an area traditionally and
textually reserved to the Member States." Through its decisions,
the ECJ is achieving harmonization through what some have
deemed "the back door, 62 because of the lack of explicit EU
authority over tax harmonization. By eliminating justifications for
Treaty infringement, the Court is eroding the national tax bases,
and moving Member States towards a single-market tax system,
contrary to the wishes of many Member States.63
EU Member States, especially smaller and less developed
states, are strongly against this harmonization. 64 These countries
rely on tax advantages to attract investment in their growing
economies. If they lose the ability to offer tax incentives to
corporations, it is possible that their fragile economies will falter.65
It is not only these younger members that oppose
harmonization. The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer publicly
encouraged resistance to harmonization of the corporate tax
codes. 66 The movement does have its proponents, however. Some
older, more established Member States, such as France and
Germany, do favor harmonization. It would allow them to
compete more effectively with the emerging economies of the east
without adopting more market-friendly tax structures.67
While these few states do support harmonization of corporate
taxes, the disagreement over this issue indicates that it hould be
left to the political process, rather than judicial intervention. The
European Commission itself acknowledged that "a piecemeal
approach to tax obstacles by way of litigation could lead to new
problems in Member States' tax legislation . ,68 The ECJ should
61. Mark Persoff, The Impact of EU Developments on Member States' Tax Systems,
15 INT'L TAX REV. 10, 11-12 (2004), available at 2004 WLNR 500338.
62. Ed Crooks, EU Court Rulings Raise Worries for Tax Revenues and Business, FIN.
TIMES, Dec. 4, 2003 at 3.
63. See Persoff, supra note 61.
University Press 2001); See EU Corporation Tax Harmonization Plans Will "Slowly Die,"
Polish MinisterSays, WORLD NEWS CONNECTION, Sep. 17, 2004, 2005 WL 4587083.
65. See Daniel Altman, Turning the Tables on Reform with Interest, INT'L HERALD
TRIB., Sept. 18, 2004, at 10.
66. Persoff, supra note 61, at 11.
67. Altman, supra note 65.
68. Persoff, supra note 61 at 11-12.
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have upheld the Netherlands law in this case to allow the Member
States to settle this dispute politically.
B. A PoliticalSolution
Through an amendment to the EC Treaty, the Member States
could enshrine their right to protect domestic tax revenues. By
formalizing the right in the treaty, it would be protected from
challenge based on other Treaty sections (such as Articles 43 &
48). This path is not without challenge, however, as the fractious69
environment within the EU is likely to hamper any agreement.
Absent amendment, states may follow Spain's lead, and simply
refuse to refer tax cases to the ECJ. 0 This, however, represents a
breakdown in the system, rather than a constructive solution.
Instead, the ECJ should exhibit restraint in this area, and allow the
political process to work.
Justin Bowen*