Sure Short Question For Physics 3-Marks Answer

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1 State Gauss Theorem. A thin charged wire of infinite length has line charge density ‘λ’.
Derive expression for electric field at a distance ‘r’.
Gauss’s Law: ‘Electric flux over a closed surface is 1/ε0
times the charge enclosed by it.’
To calculate the field at P we consider a Gaussian surface
with wire as axis, radius r and length l as shown in the
The electric lines of force are parallel to the end faces of
the cylinder and hence the component of the field along
the normal to the end faces is zero.
The field is radial everywhere and hence the electric flux crosses only through the curved
surface of the cylinder.
If E is the electric field intensity at P, then the electric flux through the Gaussian
surface is
∅ = 𝐸 × 2𝜋𝑟𝑙
According to gauss theorem electric flux is
𝑞 𝜆𝑙
∅= =
∈0 ∈0
Hence𝐸 × 2𝜋𝑟𝑙 =
𝟐𝝅 ∈ 𝟎 𝒓
2 A parallel plate capacitor is charged by a battery to a potential V. It is disconnected and a
dielectric slab is inserted to completely fill the space between the plates. How will
(a) its capacitance
(b) electric field between the plates and
(c) energy stored in the capacitor be affected? Justify your answer in each case.
Ans. (a) On inserting dielectric capacity of the capacitor increases
𝐶𝑑 = 𝑘𝐶𝑎
(b) Electric field decreases
𝐸𝑑 =
(c) As the battery is disconnected charge on the capacitor remains constant. Hence
the energy stored in the capacitor is given by
𝑈 = 2𝐶 As C increases therefore U decreases
𝑈𝑑 =

3 Electric charge is uniformly distributed on the surface of a spherical balloon. Show

how electric intensity and electric potential vary (a) on the surface (b) inside and (c)

4 (a) Why do we prefer potentiometer to measure the emf of cell than a voltmeter?
(b) With suitable circuit diagram, show how emfs of a cell can be compared using a
Ans. (a) Since potentiometer is based on null method i.e. it draws no current form the
cell therefore potentiometer is preferred to measure the emf of a cell than a
voltmeter because emf of a cell is equal to terminal potential difference when
no current flows form the cell.
5 Draw Circuit diagram for a meter bridge to determine the unknown resistance of a resistor.
Obtain the balance condition for a meter bridge. Find the shift in the balance point for a meter
bridge when two resistors in its two gaps, are interchanged.
Ans: S is an unknown resistance whose value to be determine. It is connected across one of the
gaps. Across the other gap, a resistance box is connected. The four arms AB, BC, AD and DC
[with resistances R, S, P and Q] form a Wheatstone bridge with AC as the battery arm and BD
the galvanometer arm.
After taking out a suitable resistance R from resistance box, the jockey is moved along the wire AC
till there is no deflection in galvanometer. This is the balanced condition of Wheatstone bridge.
For balanced condition of Wheatstone
bridge,  -----(1)
Let l be the balancing length. Then AD
= l and DC = 100 - l
P = resistance of arm AD = r l and Q
= resistance of arm DC = r(100- l)
R l
From eq. (1), 
S 100  l

Let ‘l’ be the balancing length for a

meter bridge from end ‘A’. When two resistors in its two gaps, are interchanged, the balancing
length becomes (100-l ).

6 1. With the help of a circuit diagram, explain how a potentiometer can be used to measure
the internal resistance of a primary cell.

A: Close key K1 and key K2 kept open, move the jockey along the wire AB and find balance point
J (there is no deflection in galvanometer) for emf E of cell. If AJ = 11 then
E  V AJ   l 1 -------- (1)
Now close the key K2 so that a known resistance (R) is connected across the cell.
Find the balance point (J’) for the terminal potential difference (V) of cell. If AJ’ = 12
then V  V   l 2 --------- (2)

E l1
From eq. (1) and (2), 
V l2
Let r be the internal resistance of the cell and I be the current in resistance R. Then
E V E V  E   l1 
V  E  Ir  r   R    1R  r    1R
 
I V V   l2 
7 How will you convert a galvanometer into an ammeter of range 0 - I amperes? What is the
effective resistance of an ammeter?
Ans. An ammeter is connected in series to a circuit. So it must have very small resistance
so that it does not affect the current. Therefore to convert a galvanometer into an
ammeter, a low resistance, called shunt, is connected in parallel with the
galvanometer coil.

Let RG be the resistance of galvanometer and Ig be the current with which

galvanometer gives full scale deflection. A shunt of resistance S is connected in
parallel with it. To measure maximum current I, the maximum current through
galvanometer must be Ig and hence rest current I - Ig should pass through the shunt.
As galvanometer and shunt are in parallel, the potential difference across them is
equal. So,
I g G   I  I g S

I gG
or S 
I  I  g

The effective resistance of the ammeter becomes

RA 
G  S
8 How will you select materials for making permanent magnets, electromagnets and cores of
Ans. A. Permanent magnets-The material used for making permanent magnets must
have the following characteristics:
1. High retentivity 2. High coercivity 3.High permeability.

B. Electromagnets-The material used for making cores of electromagnets must have the
following characteristics:
1. High initial permeability 2. Low retentivity
C. Transformer cores-The material used for making cores of transformers must have the
following characteristics:
1. High initial permeability 2. Low hysteresis loss 3. Low resistivity

9 What are eddy currents? Write there important applications. Why are eddy current
produced in the cores of transformers and a.c. generators disadvantageous. How can they
be minimised?
Ans. Eddy currents or Foucault Currents
When we put a bulk piece of conductor to the changing magnetic field but now the
pathway of the currents is not well defined and the flow pattern resemble the swirling
eddies in water. This effect was discovered by Foucault and hence also called Eddy
currents or Foucault currents.
The direction of the eddy currents is given by Lenz’s law.
Eddy currents are used to advantage in certain applications like:-
i. Magnetic braking in trains:
ii. Electromagnetic damping (Dead beat galvanometers):
iii. Induction furnace:
iv. Electric power meters:
v. Speedometer:
Eddy currents are undesirable since they heat up the core of transformers; electric
motors etc as they dissipate electrical energy in the form of heat.
Eddy currents are minimized by using laminations of metal to make a metal core.
The laminations are separated by an insulating material. The plane of the laminations
must be arranged parallel to the magnetic field so that they cut across the eddy current
paths. This arrangement reduces the strength of the eddy currents. Since the dissipation
of electrical energy into heat depends on the square of the strength of electrical current,
heat loss is substantially reduced.

10 Derive expression for the magnetic energy required to build up the current I in a coil of
self-inductance L is given by ½ LI2. Hence derive expression for the magnetic energy
Ans. Since, due to self-inductance is a back emf is induced, so work is to be done by the
external agency against the back emf to establish the current in the circuit which is stored
in the coil as its magnetic potential energy.
If ‘I’ is the instantaneous current in the circuit then at any instant ‘t’ then rate of work
done will be
dW dI
=eI=LI , ignoring the resistive effects and considering only the inductive
dt dt
Total amount of work done will be W=  dW =  LIdI = LI2

This is an expression for the energy stored in the inductor.

Magnetic energy density:- Magnetic energy stored per unit volume is called magnetic
energy density.
1 2
LI  0 n lAI
2 2 2
2 B
  1  0n I 
2 2
u = U/volume =
Al 2 Al 2 20

11 State the underlying principle of transformer. How is the large scale transmission of
electric energy over long distance done with the use of transformers?
Ans. Mutual inductance
At the electric power generation station, a step-up transformer is used to convert the
electric power at low voltage to electric power at very high voltage and again at the power
supply places a step-down transformer is used to convert the electric power at high voltage
to electric power at low voltage.
By transmitting at high voltage, the current (I = P/V) in the transmission line reduces
thereby reducing the transmission loss (I2R).

12 How is the mutual inductance of a pair of coils affected when

(1) Separation between the coils is increased.
(2) The number of turns of each coil is increased.
(3) A thin iron sheet is placed between two coils, other factors remaining the
same. Explain answer in each case.
Ans. (1) When the Separation between the coils is increased, the flux linked with the
secondary coils decreases, hence mutual induction decreases.

(3) Mutual induction will increase because M r (Relative permeability of material)
13 By stating sign conventions and assumptions used derive the relation between
u,u and f in case of a concave mirror?
Ans. Sign conventions:-
(1) All distances are measured from the pole of the mirror.
(2) Distance measured in the direction of incident light is positive and those
in the direction opposite to the incident light are negative.
(3) Height measured upwards is positive and height measured downwards is

(1) Aperture of the spherical mirror is considered to be very small.
14 Define total infernal reflection of light? Hence write two advantages of total
reflecting prisms over a plane mirror?
Ans. The phenomenon of reflection of light when a ray of light traveling from a
denser medium is sent back to the same denser medium provided the angle of
incidence is greater than the angle called critical angle is called total internal
1. It does require silvering
2. Multiple reflections do not take place in a reflecting prism due to this; only
one image is formed, which is very bright.

15 A convex lens made up of refractive index n1 is kept in a medium of refractive index

n2. Parallel rays of light are incident on the lens. Complete the path of rays of light
emerging from the convex lens if
(1) n1 > n2
(2) n1 = n2 (3) n1 < n2
16 In a single slit experiment, how is the angular width of central bright fringe
maximum changed when [3]
1) The slit width increased
2) The distance between the slit and the screen is increased.
3) Light of smaller wavelength is used.
Ans. In single slit diffraction

(a) When slit width‘d’ is increased. decreases

(b) When ‘D’ is increased, width of central bright fringe will become maximum i.e
(c) When light of smaller wavelength is used, the width of central bright maximum
17 Establish Einstein’s photoelectric equation. Use this equation to explain the laws of
photoelectric emission.
Ans. Einstein's theory of photoelectric effect. In 1905,Einstein explained photoelectric
effect on the basis of Planck's quantum theory according to which a light radiation travels
in the form of discrete photons. The energy of each photon is hv. Photoelectric emission is
the result of interaction of two particles — one a photon of incident radiation and the other
an electron of photosensitive metal. The energy hv of the incident photon is used up in two
(a) a part of the energy of the photon is used in liberating the electron from the metal
surface, which is equal to the work function W₀ of the metal, and
(b) the remaining energy of the photon is used in imparting kinetic energy to the ejected

Therefore, Energy of the incident photon = Maximum K.E. of photoelectron + Work

Or hv =½mvmax+w₀Or
Kmax =½mvmax =hv —W₀...(1)
If the incident photon is of threshold frequency V₀ , then its energy hv₀ is just sufficient to
free the electron from the metal surface and does not give it any kinetic energy. So hv₀
=W₀. Hence
Kmax =½mvmax =hv—hv₀ =h(v—v₀) / ...(2)
Equations (1) and (2) are called Einstein ’s photoelectric equations and can be used to
explain the laws of photoelectric effect as follows :
1. Explanation of effect of intensity. The increase of intensity means the increase in the
number of photons striking the metal surface per unit time. As each photon ejects only one
electron, so the number of ejected photoelectrons increases with the increase in intensity of
incident radiation.
2. Explanation of threshold frequency. If v <v₀ i.e., the frequency of incident radiation is
less than the threshold frequency, the kinetic energy of photoelectrons becomes negative.
This has no physical meaning. So photoelectric emission does not occur below the
threshold frequency.
3. Explanation of kinetic energy. If v >v₀ , then Kmax =½mvmax ∝ v
i.e., above the threshold frequency, the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons increases
linearly with the frequency v of the incident radiation. Moreover, the increase in intensity
increases only the number of incident photons and not their energy. Hence the maximum
kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is independent of the intensity of incident radiation.
4. Explanation of time lag. Photoelectric emission is the result of an elastic collision
between a photon and an electron. Thus the absorption of energy from a photon by a free
electron inside the metal is a single event which involves transfer of energy in one lump
instead of the continuous absorption of energy as in the wave theory of light. Hence there
is no time lag between the incidence of a photon and the emission of a photoelectron.

18 Draw a graph showing the variation of stopping potential with the frequency of incident
radiation in relation to photoelectric effect.
(a) What does the slope of this graph represent ?
(b) How can the value of Planck's constant be determined from this graph ?
(c) How can the value of work function of the material be determined from this graph.
Ans. Determination of Planck's constant and work function. According to Einstein's
photoelectron equation, the maximum K.E. of a photoelectron is given by
Kmax =hv —W₀
If V₀ is the stopping potential, then
Kmax = eV₀
Therefore, eV₀ = hv —W₀
V₀=(h/e)v —W₀/e
It follows from the above equation that V₀ versus v is a straight line, as shown in Figure
(a) Clearly, slope of V₀ —v graph =h/e
(b) To determine the slope, take two points A and B on the straight line graph. Then
m = tan θ = AC/BC = h/e
h = e × AB/BC=e × slope of V₀ —v graph
Thus, the Planck's constant h can be determined.
Therefore, moreover, the intercept on vertical axis = —W₀/e
W₀ = e × Magnitude of the intercept on vertical axis.
In this way, the work function W₀ can be determined

19 Draw a graph showing variation of potential energy of a pair of nucleon as a

function of their separation indicate the region in which the nuclear force is
(a) Attractive (b) Repulsive. Also write two characteristics features which
distinguish it from the coulomb’s force.
Ans. (i) Nuclear forces are charge independent.
(ii) They are non – central forces.

20 State radioactive decay law and hence derive the relation N0 N ewhere symbols their
usual meanings.
Ans. According to radioactive decay law the rate of disintegration of a radioactive
substance at an instant is directly proportional to the number of nuclei in the radioactive
substance at that time i.e.

21 Draw a curve between mass number and binding energy per nucleon. Give two salient
features of the curve. Hence define binding energy?
Ans. The total energy required to disintegrate the nucleus into its constituent particles is
called binding energy of the nucleus.
Salient features of the curve
(1) The intermediate nuclei have large value of binding energy per nucleon, so they are
most stable.
(For 30 < A > 63)
(2) The binding energy per nucleon has low value for both the light and heavy nuclei. So
they are unstable nuclei.
22 Define amplitude modulation. Derive an expression for an amplitude modulated wave.
ANS:- AMPLITUDE MODULATION: it is the process in which the high frequency
carrier wave changes in accordance with the instantaneous value of modulating signal.
Expression: let modulating signal, m(t)= Am sin𝜔m t
And carrier signal, c(t)=Ac sin𝜔c t.
Where, m(t)= instantaneous voltage of modulating wave
Am = amplitude of modulating wave
𝜔m = 2πfm =angular frequency of modulating wave
𝜔ct= instantaneous voltage of carrier wave
Ac= amplitude of carrier wave
𝜔c = 2πfc =angular frequency of carrier wave
The amplitude of the carrier wave varies at the frequency of the modulating wave. So
amplitude of modulating wave is given by,
A= Ac + Am sin𝜔m t
= Ac + µAc sin𝜔mt = Ac(1+µ sin 𝜔m t)
Here u = 𝐴𝑐 is the modulation index.
The instantaneous voltage of the A.M is given by
cm (t) = A sin𝜔ct =Ac (1 + u× sin 𝜔c t) × sin𝜔c t
=Ac sin 𝜔ct + u Ac/2 × 2sin𝜔ct.sin𝜔m t
=Ac sin𝜔ct + u Ac/2[cos(𝜔C-𝜔m) t – cos(𝜔c+𝜔m) t]
cm (t) =Ac sin𝜔ct – uAc/2 cos(𝜔c + 𝜔m) t + uAc/2 cos(𝜔c-𝜔m) t

23 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of amplitude modulation?

Ans. Advantages
i. It is an easier method for transmitting and receiving voice signals.
2. It requires simple and cheaper transmitters and receivers.
3. Its transmission requires low carrier frequencies of 0.5-20 Mhz.
4. Area in each AM transmission can be received in much larger than
that in case of FM transmission.
1. Amplitude modulation suffers from noise.
2. Quality of audio signals is poor.
3. Efficiency of FM transmission is low.

241. Distinguish between conductor , insulator and semiconductor on the basis of energy band
diagram ?
Ans.Conductor-If there is no energy gap in the energy band diagram, the solid behaves as
 Insulator -If there is a large energy gap in the energy band diagram, the solid behaves as
insulator or bad conductor
 Semiconductor - If there is a small energy gap in the energy band diagram, the solid
behaves as a semiconductor. For Germanium Eg = 0.72 Ev, For Silicon Eg = 1.1eV

25 Two semiconductor materials A and B shown in the figure are made by doping [3]
germanium crystal with arsenic and indium respectively. The two are joined end to end
and connected to a battery as shown.
(a) Will the junction be forward biased or reverse biased? Justify
(b) Sketch a V-I graph for this arrangement

Ans. Material A is n-type as it is doped with pentavalent impurity and material B is p-type
as it is doped with trivalent impurity. As a result the junction becomes reverse biased
because positive terminal of the battery is connected to n-type and negative terminal to
the p-type hence it is reversed biased.

26. Draw the circuit diagram for common – emitter transistor characteristics using
N-P-N transistor? Draw the input and output characteristic curve ?

27. An a.c. voltage E = Eo sin wt is applied across an inductance L. obtain the

expression for current I?
28. The variation of resistance of a metallic conductor with temperature is given in
(a) Calculate the temperature coefficient of resistance from the graph.
(b) State why the resistance of the conductor increases with the rise in temperature.


When temperature increases, no of collisions increases average relaxation time

decreases, hence resistance Increases.

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