College Management System
College Management System
College Management System
For Partial Fulfillment of Bachelor of Science Course
Submitted by
Shashikumara.V. [16MNS85021]
Raveendra [16MNS85020]
Prajval. M. [16MNS85019]
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been submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any
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The success of this final report is the outcome of Guidance and Valuable
suggestions provided by the all concerned without which the report could
not fide on the right back.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction……………………………………………………
2. Introducing College Management……………….……………
3. System Analysis…………………………………… ….………
4. Requirement Specification……………………………......
5. Design Specification…………………………………….
6. Software Engineering Paradigm Applied for the system…………
7. Introduction to VISUAL BASIC 6.0………………………
8. Introduction to MS ACCESS 2003……………...………
9. Project Output…………………………………………………
10.DataBase Table………………………………………………..
13.Future Scope……………………………………………
14.Limitation of Project……………………………………
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1.1 Abstract :
The upper “EIGHT” Forms are mainly used in this project. View Section is used
to view the information of staff and student and Alter Section is used to modify
the records.In staff information we saw the genral and salary of staff member.In
student information we are able to saw his/her recods about their performance,
fees and attendance. In “TIME TABLE”Section we can see the lecture of all
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1.2 Scope:
1. The project stores all the information about the staff and students.
2. The management must be able to get details of all their information after
3. It is simple to use and it is Graphical user interface.
4. The management can also be able to modify the information.
5. It has self explanatory form.
6. Management can check all the information of any staff member and student.
7. It is user friendly.
8. It is very easy to modify .
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1.3 Platform:
This project has been developed in one of the most popular and user friendly
Microsoft Windows’ environment. The following components are also used for a
successful user friendly effective development of this project:
1.4 Methodology:
The following approach is used to design this system, which is called "classic life
cycle" or "Waterfall model". This linear sequential model suggests a sequential,
systematic approach to system development that begins at the system level and
progress through the analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. The
linear sequential model encompasses the following activities:
1. System/ Information and modeling.
2. System requirement analysis
3. Design
4. Code generation
5. Testing
6. Maintenance
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These above phases mark the progress of a system analysis and design effort. It
is an orderly set of activities conducted and planned for each development
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project. In most business situations the activities are closely related, usually
inseparable, and even the order may be difficult to determine.
This project (College Management System) is made into the VISUAL BASIC
6.0 .It is used to modify / add / delete.The data into the project after
submission is store into the MS ACCESS 2003.
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View Section is used to view the student and staff information their
salary information, genral information, attendance information of
student.We can check the semester wise information of student. We can also
find the student who have not deposit their fees at time. . This form is fill by
the user in alter section and user can see its data in view section..On this
form there is a commend button by which we can select an id to see
information . In this form there is some text boxes, command buttons,
labels, , combo box .
A text box is use to receive the information from the user by typing into it. A text
box generally used in conjunction with a label
A label is a control used to display text on the form. The value of label button
will be given on design time or can be change on the run time.
A command button is used to initiate an action when user clicks on it. The code
for the action to be performed is provide by the programmer
It is Similar to the list box. Most of what you know about list box will apply to
combo boxes. Item are added, Remove and clear with the add item, remove item
and clear method.
1. Name
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2. Address
3. Sem.
4. Branch
1. Name
2. Depdt. NAme.
3. Desgnation
4. Qualification
5. Add.
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Requirement Gathering
Quick Design
Customer Evaluation
the system.
2) It will fulfill the perspective request of every user according to their
3) The administrator can also login from client side and can do all type of
4) The administrator can do testing of server’s working as a client.
System design is the first step in software development, which needs careful and
intricate planning. It helps us to prepare detailed technical design of the
application-based system. It is based on Requirement Analysis. It provides the
specification and design for system giving a brief overview of user functions,
requirements and their actual implementation.
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Actions, which are represented by diamond shapes, show how two entities
share information in the database. In some cases, entities can be self-
linked. For example, employees can supervise other employees.
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A multivalued attribute can have more than one value. For example, an
employee entity can have multiple skill values. A derived attribute is
based on another attribute. For example, an employee's monthly salary is
based on the employee's annual salary.
Connecting lines, solid lines that connect attributes to show the
relationships of entities in the diagram.
Cardinality specifies how many instances of an entity relate to one
instance of another entity. Ordinality is also closely linked to cardinality.
While cardinality specifies the occurrences of a relationship, ordinality
describes the relationship as either mandatory or optional. In other words,
cardinality specifies the maximum number of relationships and ordinality
specifies the absolute minimum number of relationships.
There are many notation styles that express cardinality.
Information Engineering Style
Chen Style
Bachman Style
Martin Style
ERD Explained
Watch this quick video learn more about ERD diagrams and their components.
ER Diagram Uses
When documenting a system or process, looking at the system in multiple ways
increases the understanding of that system. ERD diagrams are commonly used in
conjunction with a data flow diagram to display the contents of a data store. They
help us to visualize how data is connected in a general way, and are particularly
useful for constructing a relational database.
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0-level DFD:
1-level DFD:
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2-level DFD:
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Architectural design represents the data structure and program components that are
required to build the computer based system. It consider the structures and
Of the components that constitute the system and relationship that exist between
all architectural components of the system.
For this project we have used the incremental model paradigm. Because the
company needs to add functionality as per the need. We choose incremental
model because this model combines elements of the linear sequential model or
water fall model (applied repetitively) with the iterative philosophy.
When an increment model is used, the first increment is often a core product.
That is basic requirements are addressed, but many supplementary features
(some known, other unknown) remain undelivered. The core product is used by
the customer and as a result of use and evaluation; a plan is developed for the
next increment.
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Software Engineering
Analysis Implementation
Requirement & testing
Analysis System
Design Operation &
Software EngineeringSystem Maintenance
Design Implementation 1st Increment
Requirement & testing
Analysis Implementation
Analysis & testing Operation &
System Maintenance
Design Operation
1st &
Design Maintenance
Requirement Implementation 2nd Increment
Analysis Implementation
& testing
& testing
System Operation &
Design Operation &
2nd Increment
Implementation 3rd Increment
Incremental Model (Software Engineering Paradigm)
& testing
Operation &
3rd Increment
Incremental Model (Software Engineering Paradigm)
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executed independently and at the same time can be linked together in one
way or another.
Upon start up, Visual Basic 6.0 will display the following dialog box as shown in
Figure 1.1. You can choose to start a new project, open an existing project or
select a list of recently opened programs. A project is a collection of files that
make up your application. There are various types of applications that can be
created; however, we shall concentrate on creating Standard EXE programs
(EXE means executable program). Now, click on the Standard EXE icon to go
into the VB programming environment.
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It also has a Toolbox that consists of all the controls essential for developing a VB
Application. The controls include text boxes, command buttons, labels, combo
boxes, picture boxes, image boxes, timers and other objects that can be dragged to
and drawn on the form to perform certain tasks according to the events assigned to
them. You may also add additional objects. First, click on the project item on the
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menu, then on the components item on the drop-down list, and lastly select the
controls you want to use in your program. The controls for Standard.EXE window
are shown in Figure 1.3.
Picture Box
Text Box
Command Butto
Check Box
Option Button
Combo Box
List Box
HScroll Bar
VScroll Bar
Drive List Box
Dir Lis tBox
File List Box
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You may have noticed that when you click on different controls the Properties
Window changes slightly this is due to different controls having different functions.
Therefore more options are needed for example if you had a picture then you want
Show an image. But if you wanted to open a Internet connection you would have to
fill in the remote host and other such settings. When you use the command () you
will find that a new set of properties come up the following will provide
Microsoft has included some freebies with visual basic to show its capabilities and
functions. Dismantling or modifying these sample projects is a good way to
understand what is happening at runtime. These files can be located at your default
directory /SAMPLES/
To Open these projects choose 'Open Project' from the 'File' menu. Then Double
click on the samples folder to open the directory then Double click on any project
to load it.
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From looking at the examples it time to make your own application. Choose 'New
Project' from the 'File' menu. Use the blank form1 to design a simple interface for
an estate agents database, have some textboxes for names and other details. Insert
some controls and make it look professional. Textboxes can be used to store there
name and other details, make sure you put a picture box in for a picture of the
Now insert the following source code for your application.
Private Sub Form_Load ()
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\Program
End Sub
Once an application is loaded it can be run by click on the icon from the toolbar, to
pause press and to terminate use.
Once a project is loaded, the name of the form(s) that it contains is displayed in
the project window. To view a form in design mode, select the form required by
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clicking with
In this example the project has been loaded and the maillist.frm has been selected
for viewing. This Ms Mail example project useds 6 forms and 1 modules.
In Design mode, when the form is viewed, the code attached to any screen object may
be inspected by double clicking on that object. The screen shots below show the
interface of the Ms Mail example (.../samples/Comtool/VBMail/MaiLLST.FRM) to
view the code for this form select from the project window item.
Private Sub SetupOptionForm (BasePic as Control)
BasePic.Top = 0
BasePic.Left = 0
BasePic.Visible = True
BasePic.enabled = True
OKBt.Top = BasePic.Height + 120
Me.width = BasePic.Width + 120
Me.Heigh = OkBt.Top + OkBt.Height + 495
End Sub
The name of the object so you can call it at runtime
Back Color
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This specifies the command button's background color. Click the Back Color’s
palette down arrow to see a list of common Windows control colors, you must
change this to the style property from 0 - standard to 1 - graphical
Determines whether the command button gets a Click event if the user presses
Holds the text that appears on the command button.
Determines if the command button responds to an enter keypress even if another
control has the focus
Determines whether the command button is active. Often, you'll change the enable
property at runtime with code to prevent the user pressing the button
Produces a Font dialog box in which you can set the caption's font name , style
and size.
Positions the height of the object - can be used for down
Positions the left control - can be used for right
Mouse Pointer
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If selected to an icon can change the picture of the mouse pointer over that object
Hold's the name of an icon graphic image so that it appears as a picture instead of
a Button for this option to work the graphical tag must be set to 1
This determines if the Command Button appears as a standard windows dialog box
or a graphical image
Tab index
Specifies the order of the command button in tab order
Tab Stop
Whether the object can be tabbed to
Like other Programming Language Visual Basic provide Numeric Variables. They
are: - Integers, Single, double, Byte, Long, Currency.
Integer Variables are used for the Non Fractional Values. It stores values in the
range from – 32768 to 32767. Long Data type is used for the range –2147483648 to
2147483647. Single Data Type is used for Fractional Values from –3.402 e 38 to
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1.40 e 45. Double Precision Floating Point Numbers is capable of containing values
from –1.797 e 308 to 4.940 e 324 and positive numbers. Currency is used for fixed-
point numbers with four decimal digits. It can represent numbers in the range –
922377203685477.5808 to 922377203685477.5807. Byte data type is used for
representing numbers from 0 to 255. String variables are used to store string type
Boolean Data Type stores True/ False values. Boolean variables are used in
testing conditions.
Date and Time variables are stored internally in a special format, but you
don’t need to know the exact format. Date variables are declared by following
Special Types of Variables declare without any data type treated as variant
they are capable of containing any type of value. If one can ski data type in variable
declaration statement then variable will treated as a variant
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In this section, we are not going into the technical aspects of VB programming;
the purpose of this section is to let you get a feel for it. Now, you can try out a
few examples in this lesson. Example 2.1 is a simple program. First of all, you
have to launch Microsoft Visual Basic. Normally, a default form Form1 will be
available for you to start your new project. Double click on Form1, and the
source code window for it as shown in Figure 2.1 will appear. The top of the
source code window consists of a list of objects (on the left) and their associated
events or procedures (on the right). In Figure 2.1, the object displayed is Form
and the associated procedure is Load.
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When you click on the object box, the drop-down list will display a list of
objects you have inserted into your form as shown in Figure 2.2. Here, you can
see the form, the command button with the name Command1, the Label with the
name Label1 and the PictureBox with the name Picture1. Similarly, when you
click on the procedure box, a list of procedures associated with the object will be
displayed as shown in Figure 2.3. Some of the procedures associated with the
object Form are Activate, Click, DblClick (Double-Click) , DragDrop, keyPress
etc. Each object has its own set of procedures.
You can select an object and write codes for any of its procedures in order to
perform certain tasks.
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You do not have to worry about the beginning and the end statements (i.e. Private
Sub Form_Load.......End Sub.); Just key in the codes between the above two
exactly as shown here. When you run the program, don’t be surprised that
nothing shows up. In order to display the output of the program, you have to
add the statement like in Example 2.1 or you can just use the
( ) event procedure as shown in example 2.2. The command Print does not mean
printing using a printer. Instead, it means displaying the output on the computer
screen. Now, press F5 or click on the run button to run the program and you will
get the output as shown in Figure 2.4.
Example 2.1
Private Sub Form_Load ( )
Print “Welcome to Visual Basic tutorial”
End Sub
*You can also perform simple arithmetic calculations as shown in example 2.2.
VB uses to denote the multiplication operator and / to denote the division
operator. The output is shown in Figure 2.5, where the results are arranged
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Before writing an event procedure for the control to response to a user's input, you
have to set certain properties for the control to determine its appearance and how
it will work with the event procedure. You can set the properties of the controls in
the properties window or at runtime. Figure 3.1 Figure 3.1on the right is a typical
properties window for a form
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You can rename the form caption to any name that you like best. In the properties
window, the item which appears at the top part is the object currently selected (in
Figure 3.1, the object selected is Form1). At the bottom part, the items listed in the
left column represent the names of various properties associated with the selected
object while the items listed in the right column represent the states of the properties.
Properties can be set by highlighting the items in the right column and then changing
them by typing or selecting the options available. For example, in order to change the
caption, just highlight Form1 under the name Caption and change it to other names.
You may also alter the appearance of the form by setting it to 3D or flat. You can do
other things like changing the foreground and background color, changing the font
type and font size, enabling or disabling the minimize and maximize buttons and etc.
You can also change the properties at runtime to give special effects such as changing
of colors, shape, animation effects and so
On For example the following code will change the form color to red every time
the form is loaded. VB uses hexadecimal system.
To represent colors. You can check the color codes in the properties windows which
are shown under Fore Color and Back Color.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Form1.BackColor = &H000000FF&
End Sub
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Shape1.Shape = 3
End Sub
I would like to stress that learning how and when to set the objects' properties is
very important as it can help you to write a good program. So, I advise you to
spend a lot of time playing with the objects' properties.
I am not going into the details on how to set the properties. However, I would
like to stress a few important points about setting up the properties.
• You should set the Caption Property of a control clearly so that a user knows
what to do with that command. For example, in the calculator program, as
all the captions of the command buttons such as +, - , MC, MR are
commonly found in an ordinary calculator, a user should have no problem in
manipulating the buttons.
• A lot of programmers like to use a meaningful name for the Name Property
because it is easier for them to write and read the event procedure and easier
to debug or modify the programs later. However, it is not a must to do that
as long as you label your objects clearly and use comments in the program
whenever you feel necessary.
• One more important property is whether the control is being enabled or not.
• Finally, you must also consider making the control visible or invisible at
runtime, or when should it become visible or invisible.
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Example 3.1
In this program, two text boxes are inserted into the form together with a few
labels. The two text boxes are used to accept inputs from the user and one of the
labels will be used to display the sum of two numbers that are entered into the two
text boxes. A command button is also programmed to calculate the sum of the two
numbers using the plus operator. The program creates a variable, ‘sum’, to accept
the summation of values from Textbox 1 and text box 2.The procedure to calculate
and display the output on the label is shown below. The output is shown in Figure
Private Sub Command1_Click()
‘To add the values in Textbox 1 and text
Figure 3.1
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b) The Label
The label is a very useful control for Visual Basic, as it is not only used to provide
instructions and guides to the users, it can also be used to display outputs. One of
its most important properties is Caption. Using the syntax label.Caption, it can
display text and numeric data. You can change its caption in the properties window
and also at runtime. Please refer to Example 3.1 and Figure 3.1 for the usage of
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The Picture Box is one of the controls that used to handle graphics. You can load a
picture during the designing phase by clicking on the picture item in the properties
window and select the picture from the selected folder. You can also load the
picture at runtime using the LoadPicture method. For example, this statement will
load the picture grape.gif into the picture box.
Picture1.Picture=LoadPicture ("C:\VB program\Images\grape.gif")
You will learn more about the picture box in future lessons. The image in the
picture box is not resizable.
The Image Box is another control that handles images and pictures. It functions
almost identically to the picture box. However, there is one major difference, the
image in an Image Box is stretchable, which means it can be resized. This feature
is not available in the Picture Box. Similar to the Picture Box, the LoadPicture
method can also be used. For example, this statement loads the picture grape.gif
into the image box.
Image1.Picture=LoadPicture ("C:\VB program\Images\grape.gif")
The function of the List Box is to present a list of items where the user can click
and select items from the list. In order to add items to the list, we can use the
AddItem method. For example, if you wish to add a number of items to List box
1, you can key in the following statements
Example 3.2
Private Sub Form_Load ( )
List1.AddItem “Lesson1”
List1.AddItem “Lesson2”
List1.AddItem “Lesson3”
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List1.AddItem “Lesson4”
End Sub
The items in the list box can be identified by the ListIndex property, the value of
the ListIndex for the first item is 0, the second item has a ListIndex 1, and the
second item has a ListIndex 2 and so on
The function of the Combo Box is also to present a list of items where the user can
click and select the items from the list. However, the user needs to click on the
small arrowhead on the right of the combo box to see the items which are presented
in a drop-down list. In order to add items to the list, you can also use the AddItem
method. For example, if you wish to add a number of items to Combo box 1, you
can key in the following statements
Example 3.3
Private Sub Form_Load ( )
Combo1.AddItem “Item1”
Combo1.AddItem “Item2”
Combo1.AddItem “Item3”
Combo1.AddItem “Item4”
End Sub
The Check Box control lets the user select or unselect an option. When the Check
Box is checked, its value is set to 1 and when it is unchecked, the value is set to 0.
You can include the statements Check1.Value=1 to mark the Check Box and
Check1.Value=0 to unmark the Check Box, and use them to initiate certain
actions. For example, the program will change the background color of the form to
red when the check box is unchecked and it will change to blue when the check
box is checked. You will learn about the conditional statement If….Then….Elseif
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in later lessons. VbRed and vbBlue are color constants and BackColor is the
background color property of the form.
Example 3.4
Private Sub Check1_Click ()
If Check1.Value = 0 Then
Form1.BackColor = vbRed
ElseIf Check1.Value = 1 Then
Form1.BackColor = vbBlue
End If
End Sub
The Option Box control also lets the user selects one of the choices. However, two
or more Option Boxes must work together because as one of the Option Boxes is
selected, the other Option Boxes will be unselected. In fact, only one Option Box
can be selected at one time. When an option box is selected, its value is set to
“True” and when it is unselected; its value is set to “False”. In the following
example, the shape control is placed in the form together with six Option Boxes.
When the user clicks on different option boxes, different shapes will appear. The
values of the shape control are 0, 1, and 2,3,4,5 which will make it appear as a
rectangle, a square, an oval shape, a rounded rectangle and a rounded square
Example 3.5
Private Sub Option1_Click ( )
Shape1.Shape = 0
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End Sub
Private Sub Option2_Click()
Shape1.Shape = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Option3_Click()
Shape1.Shape = 2
End Sub
Private Sub Option4_Click()
Shape1.Shape = 3
End Sub
Private Sub Option5_Click()
Shape1.Shape = 4
End Sub
Private Sub Option6_Click()
Shape1.Shape = 5
End Sub
The Drive ListBox is used to display a list of drives available in your computer.
When you place this control into the form and run the program, you will be able
to select different drives from your computer as shown in Figure 3.2
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The Directory List Box is used to display the list of directories or folders in a
selected drive. When you place this control into the form and run the program, you
will be able to select different directories from a selected drive in your computer
as shown in Figure 3.3
The File List Box is used to display the list of files in a selected directory or
folder. When you place this control into the form and run the program, you will
be able to a list of files in a selected directory as shown in Figure 3.4
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Figure 3.4
You can coordinate the Drive List Box, the Directory List Box and the File
List Box to search for the files you want. The procedure will be discussed in
later lessons.
Exercise 3
1. Start a Visual Basic project and set the following properties of the form
a. Appearance=Flat
b. Caption=My First Program
c. Font=Times New Roman, Font Size=10
d. Forecolor=White
e. Backcolor=Blue
2. Insert six shape controls into the form and set their shape properties to
rectangle, square, oval, circle, rounded rectangle, rounded square.
3. Insert two text boxes, one label and one command button, then write the
program to compute the product of two numbers that are entered into
the text boxes and display the result in the label.
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4. Insert a picture control in the form and load a picture from your computer
using the LoadPicture Method.
5. Insert a List Box control into the form and add the 5 items into the List
Box using the AddItem Method.
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Advantages of DBMS:
Disadvantages of DBMS:
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9.2Login Form: After sometime a new form is loaded. Its name is loginform. In
this form user name and password is given by the user.
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9.5About college-:-
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Command Buttons:-
FIRST: - When we click on the FIRST button then the First record Will be
NEXT: - When we click on the NEXT button then the Next record Will be
LAST: - When we click on the LAST button then the Last record Will be
SAVE: -When we click on SAVE button Record will save in Database File.
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A Strategy for software testing integrates software test case design methods into
a well-planned series of steps that result in the successful construction of
software. The strategy provides a read map that describes the steps to be
conducted as part of testing. When these steps are planned and then undertaken,
and how much effort, time, and resources will be required.
Testing begins at the component level and works “outward” toward the
integration of the entire computer-based system.
Different testing techniques are appropriate at different points in time.
The developer of the software and an independent test group conducts
Testing and debugging are different activities, but debugging must be
accommodated in any testing strategy.
A testing strategy that is chosen by most software teams fall between the two
extremes. It takes an incremental view of testing. Beginning with the testing of
individual program units, moving to tests designed to facilitate the integration of
the units and culminating with test that exercise the constructed system. Ease of
these classes of tests is described in the sections that follow.
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Unit testing
Unit testing focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of software design-
the software component or module. Using the component-level design
description as a guide, important control paths as tested to uncover errors within
the boundary of guide; important control paths are tested to uncover error within
the boundary of the module. The relative complexity of tests and the errors
those tests uncover is limited by the constrained scope established for unit
testing. The unit test focuses on the internal processing logic and data structure
within the boundaries of a component. This type of testing can be conducted in
parallel for multiple components.
Unit testing is simplified when a component with high cohesion is designed.
When only one function is addressed by a component, the number of test cases
is reduced and errors can be more easily predicted and uncover.
Integration testing
Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the software
architecture while at the same conducting tests to uncover errors associated with
interfacing. The objective is to take unit tested components and build a program
structure that has been dictated by design.
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are integrated from the bottom up, processing required for components
subordinate to a given level is always available and the need for stubs is
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College Management System
The college management system can be easily Integrated into the existing
IT infrastructure, hence minimal cost overhead.
It Acts as a decision support tool for the top management and decision
makers for generating real time reports.
It will lead to Increase faculty time spent on research and interacting with
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College Management System
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