1110 0667 PDF
1110 0667 PDF
1110 0667 PDF
ISSN: 2221-0741
Vol. 1 No. 7, 292-296, 2011
Abstract — the storage infrastructure is the foundation on which information relies and therefore must support a company’s
business objectives and business model.
In this environment, simply deploying more and faster storage devices is not enough; a new kind of infrastructure is needed, one
that provides more enhanced network availability, data accessibility, and system manageability than is provided by today’s
infrastructure. The SAN meets this challenge.
The SAN liberates the storage device, so it is not on a particular server bus, and attaches it directly to the network. In other words,
storage is externalized and functionally distributed across the organization. The SAN also enables the centralizing of storage
devices and the clustering of servers, which makes for easier and less expensive administration. So the idea is to create an
intelligent SAN infrastructure that stretches to meet increased demands, allows highly available and heterogeneous access to
expanding information.
Keywords-: SAN - Storage Area Network, RAID - Redundant Array of Independent Disks, FAStT600 - Fibre Array Storage
Technology, ESCON - Enterprise Systems Connection.
WCSIT 1 (7), 292- 296, 2011
As mentioned earlier that there are many challenges faced
by the network, such as protection and communication between
different platforms of operating systems. With SAN we
recognize the split between presentation, processing and data
WCSIT 1 (7), 292- 296, 2011
Owns: the Hub-based and the switch-based networks to be
discussed, and then introduce the implementation of new
proposed network SAN.
The Second stage is to perform a survey, which specifies
the infrastructure of the proposed SAN, depending on the
following factors:
I. Homogeneous environments: is based on the fact
that has the same Operating Systems (Platforms),
and the same vendor (maker) of the SAN.
II. Heterogeneous environment: is based on the fact
that has different Operating Systems (platforms),
and different vendor (maker) of the SAN.
After doing this survey, we can supply the client with the
Hub-based network
The Hub-based network (old Network) as shown in the
figure (3) below:
On the other hand the switch-based network (The New The suggested SAN for Our Case Study (an Educational
LAN) is greater than the old one (Hub-based), it is shown in institute)
figures (4) and (5).
The main properties are high speed, with more Security and Finally is suggested the inclusion of the SAN technique for
easy to manage than the old one. Many users can work the educational institute. This will make it more powerful than
together at the same time, besides it easier to maintain any the previously mentioned networks. The implementation of
failure in the network. SAN on the institute network is shown in figures 6 and 7
below. This improvement will give the following advantages
for the Educational institute network services.
WCSIT 1 (7), 292- 296, 2011
Drive Enclosure
Is essentially a specialized chassis designed to hold and
power disk drives while providing a mechanism to allow them
to communicate to one or more separate computers, Drive
enclosures provide power to the drives therein and convert the
data sent across their native data bus into a format usable by an
external connection on the computer to which it is connected.
There are two sample of RAID, [RAID3&RAID5] every
one having a private architecture, and also perform
backup recovery among all hard disks by RAID
Figure 7. SAN Network implementation
Hard disk
Its storage device in SAN, they using a SCSI technology Advantages of Implementing SAN on the Network of
among them, and we can connect 28 hard disks in storage Educational institute can be summarized as follows:
device, and RAID controller managing all tasks among
SAN can improve the speed of the network, reduces errors,
make the management much more effective, it makes the
power supply backup efficient, security is greatly improved, and raises the
It support s a storage device in a power 220V-240V OR bandwidth into a greater amount. More security involved,
110V-120V. especially when connecting the SAN from a far distance
(remote connection). Increase number of users to access server
Fibre channel and data. Server is processed among user demands and data in
It a fibre cable that consist of ESCON, it is connecting SAN only, also increases performance of the server for other
among all equipment in SAN. tasks, since the SAN removes some of the burden of the server.
HBA(host bus adapter) Backup and recovery is improved greatly in SAN, Storage
It’s a card setting on server, using to connect between consolidation in database server and mail-internet server.
servers that having data to SAN storage by a fibre cable,
and it also using a SCSI technology. Advantages of Hub Network:
The network was easily implemented with hubs. It was
SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) simple and inexpensive. A group of computers could be
It’s a development technology that having a high connected to the internet. Software could be shared
performance and reliability, this technology specially used among users. A single hardware could be connected to all
in servers because it enables to connect a large number of computers.
user with a high speed to access the server.
WCSIT 1 (7), 292- 296, 2011
Disadvantages of Hub Network: networks will get faster, more reliable, but at the moment SAN
Only one port works at a time so users are waiting to get is the heart of the existing networks, SAN can be connected to
control for a long time. The speed depends on number of users any network, such as (WAN, LAN), so we recommend
on the network if the number of users increases the speed goes continuous developing of SAN to become more effective.
down. Low bandwidth (data carrying capacity), the network
maximum speed is 10 mbps. It depends on broadcasting for
transmission so data are sending to all connected devices. REFERENCES
There was no management so when users send data it is not
[1] H. Clinton Vaughan; John. C. Dean; Joseph Wana; Scott McBride;
secured and it is slow. Hub distribution is not organized to one Michael Cadiz; Data storage infrastructure: The SAN Book 3.0:
another so that slows the network when sending data. Data Salomon Smith Barney, October 22, 2001, United states.
must check every computer until it finds the target. Not easy to [2] Building Storage Networks (Network Professional's Library) Paperback
maintain the failure of any device if it occurs there is no way to 1 June 2001; Marc Farley.
find out. All of the writing types like (twisted pair or coaxial) [3] Dell Storage Solutions: http://www.dell.com/business/storage
have low speed. Internet maximum speed on this design is only [4] Kim Banker Sr. Principal Engineer; Gadzoox Microsystems,
64 kbps. www.gadzoox.com: Storage Area Network: the Network Behind the
The Switch based Network [5] Spencer Sells : Clustering in a SAN environment for high availability,
The newly designed network in the other hand is much February 2002: http://searchstorage.techtarget.com/tip/Clustering-in-a-
more better than the hub based network it is much faster more SAN-environment-for-high-availability
reliable and can be managed it also uses fibre optics which [6] Asim Zuberi; Ayaz Mudarris; Emerging trends for High Availability:
reduces the transmission error and increases bandwidth. Presented at the local Chicago Uniforum Chapter on 27-March-2001
URL: http://uniforum.chi.il.us
Advantages of the new design (switch based network): [7] Charlie Schluting : Storage Networking Basics: Configuring SAN-
Switch is smarter than hub; it reduces traffic on the network, Attached Servers: November 15, 2007
which is a good factor for speeding the network. Security and
management are factors available in switch configuration.
Many users can work together over the network at the same AUTHORS PROFILE
time, with larger bandwidth. Provide greater transmission rate
that reaches 100 mbps. When any device fails at any time it Dr. Osama Ahmad Salim Safarini had finished his PhD. from The Russian
can be easily known and be maintained. Internet speed reaches State University of Oil and Gaz Named after J. M. Gudkin, Moscow, 2000, at
to 10 mbps. a Computerized-Control Systems Department.
Disadvantages of the new design (switch based network): He obtained his BSC and MSC in Engineering and
Computing Science from Odessa Polytechnic National
The only disadvantage in this network is that it is much State University in Ukraine 1996. He worked in different
more expensive than the hub network. universities and countries . His research is concentrated on
Automation in different branches.
SAN is the development of the network in particular
aspects of speed, flexibility and storage. So similar is the link
between existing networks and future networks, where