Summative Assessment: Answer Key For The Exercises in The Lesson
Summative Assessment: Answer Key For The Exercises in The Lesson
Summative Assessment: Answer Key For The Exercises in The Lesson
Summative Assessment
The teacher can discuss the answers with the students to complete the exercises I, II, III
and IV on pages 97. The students can be asked to write the answers for the exercises as
Formative Assessment
Given below is a list of activities for Formative Assessment. A wide variety of activities
have been given keeping in mind the fact that the students in a classroom have multiple
intelligences. You could use them to assess the understanding of the students either at
the end of the chapter, or at the end of each section.
• Project Work: The students can complete the activity in the form of chart or a booklet.
Ask them to paste colourful pictures to make their work interesting.
• Start a newspaper/Article writing: Encourage the students to write about their school
or the neighbouhood they live in.
• Field Visit: Ask the students to complete the activity on page 97.
• Peer and self-assessment: Use the Fill in the blanks, True or False and MCQs on pages
95 and 96 for peer and self-assessment.
The HOTS question can be discussed in class.
Life skills
Encourage students to learn art or music as a hobby. If any of them are already doing so,
ask them to perform in class.
Value-based question
Ask the students to discuss the answers for the value-based question.
Follow-up • Choose any one Indo-Saracenic building of your choice, sketch the building clearly,
showing the blend of styles and give the following information:
I. When was it built?
II. How long did it take to complete the building?
III. Who designed it (if the information is available)?
IV. Where exactly can you see the blend of styles in the building?
V. How well it is maintained now?
• Suggested reading: Short stories of Rabindranath Tagore
II. True or False? Basilica in Madras. (The students can give
1. The printing press was introduced to India by other examples also.)
the French. (F) IV. Answer in detail.
2. Raja Ram Mohan Roy started the newspaper 1. Describe the effect of English language
Samband Kaumudi. (T) on Indian thought and writing. Give a few
3. At one time, Indians looked down upon examples of Indian writers in English.
dancing and singing. (T) The coming of the British influenced Indian
4. Pandit Uday Shankar was an eminent literature mainly in two ways, i.e., the
musician. (F) introduction of the English language, and
that of the printing press. Before the arrival
5. Domes are an example of the Gothic style.
of the British, Indian literature consisted of
works composed in the classical or court
III. Answer in brief. language (Sanskrit, Persian, etc) and in the
1. In what way was the European style of vernacular languages. With Western ideas
painting different from the Indian style? of liberty, justice and rational thinking slowly
European style of painting used water entering India, it was found that neither the
colours and oil paints. They also depicted languages of the elite nor the vernacular
ordinary people and their lives as opposed languages had a vocabulary rich enough
to court scenes and aristocratic portraits. to express the new Western thoughts.
Their paintings were more realistic and fluid. That is why the intellectuals were keen on
2. Name two Indian painters who introducing English education in India. Raja
experimented with the local styles. Rammohan Roy, Rabindranath Tagore and
Mulk Raj Anand were some of the Indian
Abanindranath Tagore and Amrita Sher-Gil writers who wrote in English.
were two Indian painters who experimented
with the native styles. 2. When and why was the printing press
introduced in India? Analyse its role in the
3. Which three eminent composers shaped freedom struggle.
Carnatic music?
In 1557, the Portuguese introduced the
Thyagaraja, Muthuswami Dikshitar and printing press in India. This revolutionised
Shyama Shastri were the three eminent Indian literature. From being restricted to a
composers who shaped Carnatic music. handful of people, books were now available
4. Name one prominent feature from each cheaply to all. Now several freedom fighters
of the three styles of architecture—Greek, and social reformers set up printing presses
Gothic and the Indo-Saracenic styles. from which they brought out newspapers
The classical Greek style of architecture used such as the Sambad Kaumudi, started by
grand columns, for example, the Madras Raja Rammohan Roy and the Kesari started
Club and Pachiyappa’s Hall in Madras. Gothic by Tilak. These had a powerful influence
architecture involved the use of sharply on the people, awakening them to ideas
pointed arches, soaring spires or towers, and of social reform, nationalism and freedom,
stained glass windows, for example, Rajabai and inspiring them to rise in revolt against
Tower and Victoria Terminus in Bombay. oppression.
The Indo-Saracenic style was a blend of 3. Write short notes on:
the Hindu, Islamic and Western styles of i) Raja Ravi Varma: Influenced by the European
architecture. Victoria Memorial in Calcutta, style of painting, some Indian painters moved
Gateway of India in Bombay and Chepauk away from the rigid two-dimensional lines of
Palace in Madras are examples of this style. traditional Indian art to a more realistic and
5. Mention one prominent colonial building fluid style. Raja Ravi Varma, the painter from
each from Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. Travancore, experimented with oil on canvas.
The Victoria Terminus in Bombay; the Victoria His style of painting was greatly influenced
Memorial in Calcutta and the Santhome by the European style of painting.
ii) The Bengal School of Painting: E B Havell Like Madras, Bombay too has a rich heritage
who was appointed as the principal of the of colonial architecture. To give the city a
Calcutta School of Art directed Indians truly imperial look, its governor Sir Bartle
towards their indigenous traditions. Frere, had the city rebuilt on a grand scale.
Under his influence, many young artists Several imposing public buildings were
rediscovered the richness of their local art. constructed, like the Victoria Terminus,
Abanindranath Tagore began experimenting the University of Bombay and the Town
with local and Mughal paintings. He, along Hall. Victoria Terminus was modelled on St.
with Havell, helped establish the Bengal Pancras Station in London, combining Gothic
School of Painting. Jamini Roy of Bengal was and Indo-Saracenic styles. The Gateway of
one of the most illustrious students of the India was also built in the Indo-Saracenic
school. style.
4. Give an account of how colonial architecture
enriched Madras. Multiple Choice Questions
Some of the best examples of colonial 1.c 2.c 3.c 4.c 5.b 6.a
architecture in India can be found in Madras. 7.c 8.d 9.c 10.d
One can find structures built in the classical
Greek style (Pachiyappa’s Hall), the Gothic Value-based question
style (San Thome Basilica) and the Indo- The poem teaches us to:
Saracenic (Madras High Court). It combines • open our minds to new ideas and think
domes, minarets, and trellis-work, with rationally
arches, spires and stained glass. • love our country and work together for its
5. Describe briefly how colonial architecture progress
contributed to Indian architecture, taking • value our freedom
Bombay as an example.