NDT Certification Systems:: Written Practice
NDT Certification Systems:: Written Practice
NDT Certification Systems:: Written Practice
There are multiple NDT certification systems worldwide, but they can generally be
divided into two main types: “employer-based” and “central” certification systems.
Upon proof of qualification, the employer may issue a certificate, which can be a formal
certificate or in letter format, and can authorize their personnel to perform NDT tasks. In
all employer-based systems, the employer is responsib
Central certification systems are systems in which the qualification examinations are
administered by an independent third-party certification body based on a central
certification standard. To be eligible to sit for these examinations, prospective
candidates must provide acceptable documentation of their training and experience to
the certification body. Upon successful completion of the third-party examinations, the
certification body will issue a certificate attesting to the fact that the named certificate
holder has met the requirements and passed the examinations described in the third-
party certification system. The employer can then choose to accept the third-party
certificate(s) as proof of qualification. As with employer-based systems, the employer
has the ultimate responsibility to certify (authorize) the certificate holder to perform NDT
Levels of Qualification:
Most certification programs have three levels of NDT qualification: Level I, Level II and
Level III. Because the requirements for the levels are very similar, the descriptions
provided here are from the 2006 edition of the ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-