All Mods
All Mods
All Mods
Semester 1, AY2019/2020
(updated: 24/07/2019)
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS5011 Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Regulation
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS5101 Clinical Trial Design and Data Analysis
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS5103 Regulation of Cell, Tissue and Gene Therapies
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS5104 Biotherapeutics and Biosimilars
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS5105 Generic Medicines
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS5111 Pharmacovigilance Principles and Frameworks
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS5113 Post-market Surveillance and Enforcement
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6800 Integrated Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Journal
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School Office Club
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6801 Study Designs in Clinical and Population Health
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School Office Research
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6810 Clinical and Translational Research Journal Club
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6811 Principles of Clinical Research
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6812 Foundations of Precision Medicine
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6820 Core Concepts in Biostatistics
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6821 R-Programming
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6900 Student Research Seminars
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6901 Molecules to Medicines
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6902 Laboratory Rotation 1
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6903 Laboratory Rotation 2
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6906 Laboratory Rotation 3
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6910 Evolutionary Genetics
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6920 Metabolic Basis of Disease
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6950 Health Services and Systems Research
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School Office
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6991 Thesis
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School Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Duke-NUS Medical Duke-NUS Dean's GMS6992 Thesis (HSSR)
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School Office
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAB1201 Bahasa Indonesia 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAB2201 Bahasa Indonesia 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAB3201 Bahasa Indonesia 3
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAB3202 Bahasa Indonesia 4
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAB4201 Bahasa Indonesia 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAC1201 Chinese 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAC2201 Chinese 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAC2202 Chinese Characters Writing & Composition
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAC3201 Chinese 3
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAC3202 Chinese 4
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAC4201 Chinese 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAF1201 French 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAF2201 French 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAF3201 French 3
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAF3202 French 4
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAF4201 French 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAF4202 French 6
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAF4203 French Studies 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAG1201 German 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAG2201 German 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAG3201 German 3
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAG4201 German 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAG4203 German Studies 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAH1201 Hindi 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAH2201 Hindi 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAH3201 Hindi 3
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAH3202 Hindi 4
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAH4201 Hindi 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAJ1201 Japanese 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAJ2201 Japanese 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAJ2202 Japanese 3
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAJ2203 Japanese 4
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAJ3201 Japanese 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAJ3202 Japanese 6
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAJ4205 Expository Writing & Public Speaking
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAK1201 Korean 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAK2201 Korean 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAK3201 Korean 3
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAK4201 Korean 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAK4203 Korean 7
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAL1201 Tamil 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAL2201 Tamil 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAM1201 Malay 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAM2201 Malay 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAM3201 Malay 3
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAM3202 Malay 4
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAM4201 Malay 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAR1201 Arabic 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAR2201 Arabic 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAR3201 Arabic 3
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAR4201 Arabic 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAS1201 Spanish 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAS2201 Spanish 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAS3201 Spanish 3
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAS4201 Spanish 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAT1201 Thai 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAT2201 Thai 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAT3201 Thai 3
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAT3202 Thai 4
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAT4201 Thai 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAV1201 Vietnamese 1
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAV2201 Vietnamese 2
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAV3202 Vietnamese 4
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Centre for LAV4201 Vietnamese 5
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Social Sci Language Studies
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH1101E Retelling Chinese Stories: Change and Continuity
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH2121 History of Chinese Literature
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH2221 Modern Chinese Literature
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH2252 History of Chinese Philosophy
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH2275 Chinese Pop Music in East Asia
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH3225 Keywords in S'pore and M'sian Chinese Literary
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH3261 Prescribed Text: The Four Books
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH3298 Chinese in Southeast Asia (in English)
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH4201 Chinese Classical Phonology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH4203 Chinese Dialectology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH4222 Chinese Classical Novels
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH4247 Print Culture in Modern China
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5210 CHINESE LEXICAL SEMANTICS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5210R Chinese Lexical Semantics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5211 Seminar in Chinese Pragmatics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5211R Seminar In Chinese Pragmatics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5213 Cognitive Linguistics & Chinese Language
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5213R Cognitive Linguistics & Chinese Language
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5222 TOPICS IN MODERN CHINESE LITERATURE
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5222R TOPICS IN MODERN CHINESE LITERATURE
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5224 PRESCRIBED TEXTS IN LITERATURE
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5224R Prescribed Texts in Literature
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5245 Seminar in Early Taoism
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5245R Seminar in Early Taoism
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH5660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH6248 STUDIES IN SINO-S.E. ASIAN INTERACTIONS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH6262 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN CHINESE STUDIES
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH6263 TRANSLATION: FORMAL, CULTURAL, POLITICAL
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CH6770 GRADUATE RESEARCH SEMINAR
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CHC5101 Contemporary Research in Chinese Studies
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CHC5301 History and Civilizations of the Tang Empire
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CHC5302 Chinese Buddhist Proselytic Literature
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CHC5303 Traditional Chinese Culture in Singapore and
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Social Sci Malaysia
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CHC5304 Society and Culture of the Ming Dynasty
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CHC5310 Chinese Rhapsody
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CHC5312 Tang-Song Poetry and Poetics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CHC5313 Thematics in Chinese Literature
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CHC5314 Chinese Religion
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CL1101E Chinese Language: Its Past and Present
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CL2104 Reading/Writing Chinese
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CL2280 Basic Translation
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CL2281 Translation and Interpretation
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CL3210 The Grammars and Lexicons of the Chinese Dialects
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CL3213 Chinese Semantics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies CL3284 Literary Translation
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies GEH1004 Chinese Heritage: Hist & Lit
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies GEH1069 Art in Asia: Through Media, Style, Space and Time
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies GEH1070 Traditional Chinese Knowledge of Health and Well-
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Social Sci being
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies GEK1007 Chinese Heritage: History and Literature
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies GEK1062 Bridging East and West: Exploring Chinese
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Social Sci Communication
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies GES1005 Everyday Life of Chinese Singaporeans: Past &
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Social Sci Present (taught in English)
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies GES1040 Prominent Chinese in Colonial Singapore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies GET1002 Bridging East and West: Exploring Chinese
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Social Sci Communication
Faculty of Arts & Chinese Studies SSA1208 Everyday Life of Chinese Singaporeans: Past &
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Social Sci Present (taught in English)
Faculty of Arts & Communications & GEH1001 Globalisation and New Media
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & GEH1061 Representation and Media
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & GEM1036 Globalisation and New Media
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & GEM2027 Public Speaking and Critical Reasoning
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & GES1031 Culture and Communication in Singapore
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Communications & GET1008 Public Speaking and Critical Reasoning
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & GET1035 Critical Perspectives in Advertising
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM1101E Communications, New Media and Society
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM2101 Theories of Communications and New Media
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM2103 Quantitative Research Methods
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM2104 Qualitative Communication Research Methods
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM2201 Intercultural Communication
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM2207 Computational Media Literacy
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM2209 Social Psychology of New Media
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM2219 Principles of Communication Management
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM2219Y Principles of Communication Management
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM2220 Introduction to Media Writing
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM2303 Fake News, Lies and Spin: How to Sift Fact from
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Social Sci New Media Fiction
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3211 News Reporting and Editing
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3216 Game Design
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3217 Principles of Communication Design
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3219 Writing for Communication Management
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3221 Mobile Interaction Design
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3222 Interactive Storytelling
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3224 Culture Industries
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3230 Digital Storytelling
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3232Y Strategic Communication
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3234 Leadership, Organisations and New Media
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3237Y Health Communication
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3241 Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3550Y Communications & New Media Internship
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM3551 FASS Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP)
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4102 Advanced Communications & New Media Research
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4203 Infocomm Technology Policy
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4204 Media Ethics - Principles and Practices
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4206 Media Regulation and Governance
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4207 Managing Communication Campaigns
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4208 Strategic Communication Design
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4219 New Media in Health Communication
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4225 Speculative and Critical Design
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4228 Crisis Communication
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4230 Communication for Social Change
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4242 Critical Perspectives on Technology
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4244 Sex in the Media
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4246 Learning Innovation in the Digital Age
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4881C Critical Theory and Cultural Studies in New Media
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM4883F Financial Journalism
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM5201 State and Civil Society in the Information Age
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM5201R State and Civil Society in the Information Age
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM5216 Advanced Health Communication
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM5216R Culture, Communication & Health
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM5218 Cultural Policy
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM5660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM6101 ADVANCED THEORIES IN CNM
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM6104 Qualitative Research Methods in Communications
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Social Sci New Media and New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM6201 Communication as Culture
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Communications & NM6660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci New Media
Faculty of Arts & Ctr for Engl Lang FAS1101 Writing Academically: Arts and Social Sciences
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Social Sci Comms
Faculty of Arts & Ctr for Engl Lang FAS1102 Public Writing and Communication
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Social Sci Comms
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC1101E Introduction to Economic Analysis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC1301 Principles of Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC2101 Microeconomic Analysis I
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC2102 Macroeconomic Analysis I
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC2104 Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC2204 Financial Accounting for Economists
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC2303 Foundations for Econometrics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC2374 Economy of Modern China I
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC2383 Environmental Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3101 Microeconomic Analysis II
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3102 Macroeconomic Analysis II
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3303 Econometrics I
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3304 Econometrics II
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3305 Programming Tools for Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3314 Mathematical Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3322 Industrial Organisation I
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3332 Money and Banking I
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3333 Financial Economics I
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3342 International Trade I
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3343 International Finance I
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3351 Public Finance
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3373 Asean Economies
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC3551 FASS Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP)
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4301 Microeconomic Analysis III
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4302 Macroeconomic Analysis III
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4303 Econometrics III
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4304 Economic and Financial Forecasting
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4305 Applied Econometrics
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4306 Applied Microeconomic Analysis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4307 Issues in Macroeconomics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4313 Search Theory and Applications
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4324 Economics of Competition Policy
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4332 Money and Banking II
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4333 Financial Economics II
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4334 Financial Market Microstructure
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4343 International Finance II
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4351 Public Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4353 Health Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4354 Economics of Education
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4362 Immigration Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4371 Development Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4372 Technology and Innovation
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4382 Transport Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4383 Environmental Economics and Policy
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4394 Behavioural Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4398 Economics of Inequality
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4880 Topics in Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC4880A Topics in Economics: Economics of Careers
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5101 MICROECONOMIC THEORY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5101R MICROECONOMIC THEORY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5102 MACROECONOMIC THEORY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5102R MACROECONOMIC THEORY
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Social Sci
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Social Sci I
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Social Sci I
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5104 Mathematical Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5104R Mathematical Economics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5322 Industrial Organisation
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5322R Industrial Organisation
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5326 Policy Impact Evaluation Methods
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5326R Policy Impact Evaluation Methods
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5361 LABOUR ECONOMICS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC5361R LABOUR ECONOMICS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics EC6770 GRADUATE RESEARCH SEMINAR
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics ECA5101 MICROECONOMICS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics ECA5102 MACROECONOMICS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics ECA5103 QUANTITATIVE & COMPUTING METHODS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics ECA5305 Programming for Economists
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics ECA5333 FINANCIAL MARKETS & PORTFOLIO
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Economics ECA5334 CORPORATE FINANCE
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics ECA5335 DERIVATIVE SECURITIES
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Social Sci
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics ECA5375 Economic Growth in East Asia
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics ECA5376 Auctions and Market Design
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics GEH1002 Economic Issues in Dev World
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics GEH1074 Luck
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics GEH1075 Life, Disrupted: The Sharing Revolution
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics GEK1018 Economic Issues in the Developing World
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics GES1002 Global EC Dimensions of S'pore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics GET1023 Thinking Like An Economist
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics SSA2220 Global Economic Dimensions of Singapore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics XFA4401 Integrated Honours Project
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Economics XFA4402 Integrated Honours Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL1101E The Nature of Language
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL2102 Sound Patterns in Language
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL2151 Social Variation in English
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL3203 Semantics and Pragmatics
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL3210 Topics in the Psychology of Language
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL3216 Language and the Internet
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL3222 Cinematic Discourse and Language
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL3258 The Sociolinguistics of Humour: Jokes and
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Social Sci & Literature Comedies
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL3551 FASS Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP)
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL4203 Semantics
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL4252 Interactional Discourse
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL4258 Metapragmatics and Language Ideology
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL4880B Exploring Second Language Writing
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL4880D Experimental Syntax
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL5101 Grammatical Analysis
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL5101R Grammatical Analysis
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL5102 Phonetics and Phonology
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL5102R Phonetics and Phonology
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL5103 Language in Society
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL5103R Language in Society
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL5251 APPROACHES TO DISCOURSE
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL5251R APPROACHES TO DISCOURSE
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL5660 Independent Study
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL6660 Independent Study
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL6770 GRADUATE RESEARCH SEMINAR
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL6881 TOPICS IN LANGUAGE AND COGNITION
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL6882 TOPICS IN LANGUAGE AND SOCIETY
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EL6884 TOPICS IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN1101E An Introduction to Literary Studies
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN2207 Gender and Sexuality in Literature
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN2271 Introduction to Playwriting
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN3224 The Twentieth Century
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN3242 History of Film
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN3263 Singapore Literature in Context
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN3268 Tragedy
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN3551 FASS Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP)
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN3880B Reader-Responsibility
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN4232 Topics in American Literature
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN4234 Pynchon and the Poetics of Information
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN4251 Jonathan Swift
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN4266 South Asian Literatures in English
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN4271 Research Workshop
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN5238 Twentieth‐Century Literary Production √ × √ ×
Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN5238R Twentieth-Century Literary Production
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN5241 LITERATURE AND NEW WORLDS: 1590-1750
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN5241R Literature and New Worlds: 1590-1750
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN5253 Writing in the Aftermath
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN5253R Writing in the Aftermath
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN5660 Independent Study
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN6660 Independent Study
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN6770 Graduate Research Seminar
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN6881 TOPICS IN LITERARY HISTORY
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & English Language EN6882 ADVANCED TOPICS IN CULTURAL STUDIES
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language GEH1051 Narrative
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language GEH1053 Film Art and Human Concerns
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language GEH1054 Names as Markers of Socio-cultural Identity
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language GEK1000 An Introduction to Literary Studies
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language GEK1011 The Nature of Language
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language GEK1049 Narrative
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language GEK2020 Film Art and Human Concerns
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language GEM1003 Introduction to Theatre and Performance
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language GEM1031 Names as Markers of Socio-cultural Identity
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language GES1029 Singapore Film: Performance of Identity
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language GES1039 Cultural Performances and Practices in Singapore
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language SSA2218 Singapore Film: Performance of Identity
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS1101E Introduction to Theatre and Performance
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS2221 Global Theatres
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS2233 Making Contemporary Performance
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS2236 Crossing Boundaries in Performance
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS2240 Voice Studies and Production
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS2880A Modern Drama in Asia
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS3222 Applied Theatre
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS3234 Performance and Popular Culture
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS3238 Acting for the Screen
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS3240 Theatre Criticism
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS3246 Shakespeare and Asian Performances
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS3551 FASS Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP)
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS4217 Cultural Performance in Asia
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS4218 Theatre and Postmodernism
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS4219 Media and Popular Performance
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS4220 Shakespeare and Film
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS4221 Performance Research
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS5101 TEXT AND PERFORMANCE
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS5101R TEXT AND PERFORMANCE
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS5660 Independent Study
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & English Language TS6660 Independent Study
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Social Sci & Literature
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of FAS2551 FASS Internship
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of FAS2552 FASS Extended Internship
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of UIS3911GE Independent Study Module
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of UIS3911HY Independent Study Module
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of UIS3911PS Independent Study Module
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of UIS3911SC Independent Study Module
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of UIS3911SW Independent Study Module
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of UIS4911EN Independent Study Module
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of UIS4911SC Independent Study Module
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of UIS4911SN Independent Study Module
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of UIS4912EL Independent Study Module
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of UIS4912EN Independent Study Module
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & FASS DO/Office of UIS4912NM Independent Study Module
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Social Sci Programmes
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE1101E Geographical Journeys: Exploring World
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Social Sci Environments
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE2206 Geographies of Life and Death
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE2215 Introduction to GIS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE2218 Leisure, Recreation and Tourism
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE2222 Politics and Space
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE2227 Cartography and Visualisation
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE2228 Weather and Climate
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE2230 Energy Futures: Environment and Sustainability
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE2231 Introduction to Social and Cultural Geographies
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE3210 Natural Resources: Policy and Practice
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE3219 Globalisation and the Asian Cities
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE3231 Natural Hazards
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE3241 Geographies of Social Life
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE3246 Environmental Pollution
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE3550A GIS Internship Module
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE3550B Geography Internship
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE3551 FASS Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP)
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4202 Remaking the Global Economy
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4212 Environmental Modelling
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4213 Cultural Geographies
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4218 Interpreting Tourism Spaces and Cultures
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4221 Field Investigation in Human Geography
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4222 Advanced Geomorphology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4225 Young People and Children: Global Perspectives
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4226 Mobile Spaces: Making Social Worlds
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4230 Greater China
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4233 Geography in the Contemporary World
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE5214 Landscapes of Southeast Asia
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Social Sci
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE5223 Introduction to Applied GIS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE5226 GIS Applications
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE5227 Internet GIS
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE5660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GE6660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GEK2001 Changing Landscapes of Singapore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography GES1003 Changing Landscapes of Singapore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography SE5221 Landscapes of Southeast Asia
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography SSA2202 Changing Landscapes of Singapore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Geography XD3103 Planet Earth
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History AH2101 Introduction to Art History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History AH2201 Chinese Painting: Styles and Masters
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History AH2202 Modern Art: A Critical Introduction
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History AH3204 Methods and Approaches to Art History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History AS2237 The U.S.: From Settlement to Superpower
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History EU1101E Making of Modern Europe
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History EU2221 Empires, Colonies and Imperialism
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & History EU3231 Modern Imperialism
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History EU4214 Special Paper in Modern European History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History EU4226 Imperialism and Empires
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History EU4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History EU4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History FMA1206H FS: Travel and the Historian
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History GEH1013 Pirates, Oceans and the Maritime World
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History GES1010 Nation-Building in Singapore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History GES1011 The Evolution of a Global City-State
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History GES1012 Popular Culture in Singapore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History GET1037 Big Picture History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY1101E Asia and the Modern World
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY2207 Struggle for Modern China, 1800-1949
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY2208 Pre-Modern Japan: History and Culture
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & History HY2237 The U.S.: From Settlement to Superpower
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY2245 Empires, Colonies and Imperialism
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY2252 Introduction to Business History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY2253 Christianity in World History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY3217 The Making of Colonial Indochina
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY3226 Memory, Heritage & History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY3242 Modern Imperialism
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY3245 Engendering History/Historicising Gender
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY3257 The Philippines: A Social and Cultural History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY4207 Special Paper in Military History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY4209 Imperialism and Empires
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY4210 Issues and Events in Malaysian History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY4212 Special Paper in Modern European History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY4216 Culture and Literature in S.E.A. History
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & History HY4217 Approaches to Study of SE Asian History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY4230 Historiography and Historical Method
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY4234 Grand Strategy in Peace and War
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY4236 Topics in Singaporean History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY5303 PROBLEMS IN CULTURAL HISTORY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY5402 Reconsidering the Cold War
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY5660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY6101 HISTORIOGRAPHY: THEORY & ARCHIVE
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & History HY6660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies GEH1015 Cultural Borrowing: Japan and China
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies GEK1002 Introduction to Japan
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies GEK2042 Cultural Borrowing: Japan and China
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies HY4218 Approaches to Modern Japanese History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS1101E Introduction to Japan
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS2203 Sound, Grammar and Meaning
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS2212 Introduction to Japanese Literature
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS2225 Marketing and Consumer Culture in Japan
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS2228 Gender and Sexuality in Japan
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS3101 Approaches to Japanese Studies II
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS3216 Japanese Film and Literature
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS3223 Japan and the Asia-Pacific Region
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS4207 Readings in Modern Japanese
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS4213 Approaches to Modern Japanese History
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS4231 Technologies and Traditional Japanese Theatre
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS4232 FDI and Local Development: Japanese Firms in Asia
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS4233 Japan's Immigration Politics in Global Perspective
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS5660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Japanese Studies JS6660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies GEH1065 Art in Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies GEM1051 Ethnicity and Nation-Building: Singapore and
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Social Sci Malaysia
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies GES1008 Ethnicity and Nation-Building: Singapore and
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Social Sci Malaysia
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies GES1014 Islam and Contemporary Malay Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS1102E Malays - Tradition, Conflict and Change
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS2212 Law and Malay Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS2213 Malay Families and Households
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS2216 Fieldwork in Studies of Malay Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS3212 Text and Ideology in the Malay World
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS3218 The Religious Life of the Malays
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS3550 Malay Studies Internship
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS4101 Theory and Practice in Malay Studies
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS4201 Social Change in the Malay World 1900-1965
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS4204 The Malay Middle Class
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS4880A Orientations in Muslim Resurgence Movements
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS5101 SOCIAL SCIENCE AND MALAY STUDIES
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS5660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS6201 Literature and Art in Malay Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies MS6660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Malay Studies SSA2206 Islam and Contemporary Malay Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Philosophy GES1041 Everyday Ethics in Singapore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Philosophy GET1025 Science Fiction and Philosophy
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Philosophy GET1026 Effective Reasoning
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Philosophy GET1028 Logic
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy GET1029 Life, the Universe, and Everything
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy GET1050 Computational Reasoning
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PE3101P Decision and Social Choice
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH2206 Founders of Modern Philosophy
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH2211 Philosophy of Religion
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH2213 Metaphysics
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH2222 Greek Philosophy (Socrates and Plato)
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH2224 Philosophy and Film
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH2241 Philosophy of Mind
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH2243 Epistemology
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH3203 Moral Philosophy
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH3206 Recent Philosophy
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH3213 Knowledge, Modernity and Global Change
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH3245 Language and Thought
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH3246 Paradoxes
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH3248 Social and Formal Epistemology
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4201 Philosophy of Science
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4206 A Major Philosopher
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4210 Topics in Western Philosophy
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4211 Issues in Epistemology
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4212 Issues in Philosophy of Mind
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4240 Issues in Metaphysics
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4241 Issues in Philosophical Logic
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4242 Issues in Philosophy of Language
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4261 Kant
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4262 Nietzsche
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4401 Honours Thesis
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4550 Internship: Philosophy for Teaching
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH5660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH6241 Advanced Philosophical Logic
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH6540 TOPICS IN ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY
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Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH6660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH6760 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Philosophy PH6770 GRADUATE RESEARCH SEMINAR
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GEK1003 Introduction to Politics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GEK2003 Government and Politics of Singapore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GES1034 We the Citizens - Understanding Singapore's Politics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GL1101E Global Issues
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GL2102 Global Political Economy
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Faculty of Arts & Political Science GL2103 Global Governance
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Faculty of Arts & Political Science GL3202 Global Refugee Management
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GL3550 Global Studies Internship
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GL3551 FASS Undergraduate Research Opportunity
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GL4101 Research in Global Issues
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GL4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GL4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GL4882B Contested Globalisation: Resistance and Resilience
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science GL4889B Debates on Human Rights
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science IGL3550 Extended Global Studies Internship
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS1101E Introduction to Politics
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Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS2237 Introduction to International Relations
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS2240 Introduction to Public Administration
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS2248 Chinese Politics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS2249 Government and Politics of Singapore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS2250 International Politics of Southeast Asia
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS2251 The Region in the Postcolonial World
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS2257 Contemporary African Politics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS2258 Introduction to Political Theory
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS3236 Ethnicity and Religion in Asian Politics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS3238 International Political Economy
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Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS3242 US Foreign Policy
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS3257 Political Inquiry
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Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS3267 German Political Thought
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Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS3274 Environmental Politics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS4208 Theories of International Relations
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS4220 Rhetoric and Politics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS4230 Public Sector Reforms in China
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS4237 Capitalism and Political Theory
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS4881G Topics in CP: Politics of the Korean Peninsula
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS4881H Topics in CP: Chinese Politics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS4882A Topics in IR: Globalisation, Security and the State
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS4882H Topics in IR: Food Politics
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS4882I Topics in IR: International Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS5111 RESEARCH DESIGN IN POLITICAL SCIENCE
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS5111R Research Design in Political Science
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS5201 SEMINAR IN POLITICAL THEORY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS5201R SEMINAR IN POLITICAL THEORY
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS6314 ADVANCED STUDIES IN ASIAN POLITICS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science PS6660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Political Science SSA2209 Government and Politics of Singapore
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL1101E Introduction to Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL2131 Research and Statistical Methods I
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL2132 Research and Statistical Methods II
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3231 Independent Research Project
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3232 Biological Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3233 Cognitive Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3234 Developmental Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3235 Social Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3236 Abnormal Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3239 Industrial and Organisational Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3240 Group Dynamics
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3242 Health Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3244 Adolescent Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3252 Social-Cognitive Perspectives on Emotion
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3281 Lab in Cognitive Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3282 Lab in Social Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3282A Lab in Interpersonal Relationships
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3287 Lab in Clinical/Abnormal Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3289 Lab in Decision Science
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL3551 FASS Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP)
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4201 Psychometrics and Psychological Testing
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4206 Cognitive Neuroscience
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4207 Social Psychology: Theories and Methods
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4219 Advanced Abnormal Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4225 Psychology of Gender
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4226 Correctional Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4228 Criminal Forensic Psychology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4229 Psychological Therapies
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4233 Psychology of Negotiation
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4235 The Psychology of Moral Judgments
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4238 Social Neuroscience
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4239 Social Psychology of the Unconscious
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4241 Exploring Consciousness – Theory and
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Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4501 Integrated Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4880F Addictive Behaviours
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4880L Applying Cognitive Psychology to Learning &
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Social Sci Instruction
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4880P Psychology of Religion
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL4880R Issues in Adolescent Developmt
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Social Sci GLM
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL5221R Analysis of Psychological Data using GLM
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL5660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL6208 Empirical Research Project
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL6660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PL6770 GRADUATE RESEARCH SEMINAR
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLC5001 PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLC5002 Adult Psychopathology
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Social Sci THERAPY
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLC5005 Child Psychopathology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLC5007 Advanced Psychological Practice
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLC5008 GRADUATE RESEARCH METHODS
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLC5009 RESEARCH PROPOSAL
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLC5010 Research Project
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLC5011A Clinical Placement 1
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Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLC5012B CLINICAL PLACEMENT 2
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Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLC5013C CLINICAL PLACEMENT 3
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLS8001 Cultivating Collaboration
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLS8002 Cultivating the Self
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Faculty of Arts & Psychology PLS8003 Cultivating Resilience
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Social Work GET1032 Building Relationship : Theories and Practice
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW1101E Social Work: A Heart-Head-Hand Connection
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW2101 Working with Individuals and Families
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW2104 Human Development over the Lifespan
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW2105 Values & Skills for Helping Relationships
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW2106 Social Group Work Practice
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW3101 Social Work Research Methods
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW3105 Community Work Practice
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW3207 Social Work in Medical Settings
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW4101 Advanced Family-Centred Swk Practice
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW4102 Social Policy and Planning
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW4103 Advanced Research and Evaluation
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW4202 Special Areas of Social Work Practice
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW4202A Healthcare Issues and Policies
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW4208 Social Gerontology
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW4210 Social Work & Technology of the Future
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW4214 Comparative Social Service Systems in SEA
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW4219 Crisis and Disaster Recovery Management
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW4401 Honours Thesis
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW4660 Independent Study
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5104 Management of Human Service Organizations
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5107 Program Development and Evaluation
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5111 Advanced Practicum
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5111A Practicum
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5111B Practicum
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5112 SUPERVISED PROJECT
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5208 Using Play Therapy with Children and Families
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5208R Using Play Therapy with Children and Families
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5211 Risk Assessment & Management: Mental Health
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5211R Risk Assessment & Management: Mental Health
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5880 SPECIAL TOPICS IN SOCIAL WORK
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW5880R Special Topics in Social Work
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SW6660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SWD5120 SOCIAL WORK PRACTICUM
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Faculty of Arts & Social Work SWD5880 Topics in Social Work
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology EU3224 Social Thought & Social Theory
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology GEH1056 Cultural Diversity in the Contemporary World
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology GEH1062 Ghosts and Spirits in Society and Culture
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology GEK1005 Cultural Diversity in the Contemporary World
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology GES1028 Singapore Society
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology GES1035 Singapore: Imagining the Next 50 Years
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology GET1041 Disney and the Theme Park World
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC1101E Making Sense of Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC2101 Methods of Social Research
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC2205 Sociology of Family
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC2209 Money, Business and Social Networks
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC2210 Sociology of Popular Culture
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC2212 Sociology of Deviance
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC2213 Childhood and Youth
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC2214 Media and Culture
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC2215 The Sociology of Food
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC2218 Anthropology and the Human Condition
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3101 Social Thought & Social Theory
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3203 Race and Ethnic Relations
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3204 Sociology of Education
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3206 Urban Sociology
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3207 Cultures of Kinship
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3209 Data Analysis in Social Research
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3212 Southeast Asia in a Globalizing World
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3214 Sociology of Life Course and Ageing
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3215 Law and Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3221 Qualitative Inquiry
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3227 Modernity and Social Change
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3228 Senses and Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC3551 FASS Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP)
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4101 Practising Anthropology and Sociology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4201 Contemporary Social Theory
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4205 Sociology of Language & Communication
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4209 Interpretive Sociology
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4217 Social Movements and Collective Behaviour
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Social Sci
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4219 Social Origins and Consequences of Financial Crises
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4222 Body and Society
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4224 Welfare and Social Justice
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4227 Gender, Sex and Power
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4880B Advanced Sociological Analysis of Singapore Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4882 Issues in State and Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC4883 Selected Topics in Law and Justice
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC5103 Qualitative Data Analysis
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC5103R Qualitative Data Analysis
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC5209 SOCIOLOGY OF EVERYDAY LIFE
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Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC5209R SOCIOLOGY OF EVERYDAY LIFE
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC5223 Social Networks
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC5770 Graduate Research Seminar for Masters students
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC6660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SC6770 GRADUATE RESEARCH SEMINAR
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & Sociology SSA1201 Singapore Society
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Social Sci
Faculty of Arts & South Asian GEH1008 Nations & Nat'lisms in S Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian GEH1009 Framing Bollywood: Unpacking The Magic
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian GEK1035 Nations & Nationalisms in South Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian GEM1050 Framing Bollywood: Unpacking The Magic
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian GES1007 South Asia in Singapore
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN1101E South Asia : People, Culture, Develop'm
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN2213 Governance and Politics in South Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN2261 The Emergence of Contemporary South Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN2277 Indian Communities in Southeast Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN3223 International Relations of South Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN3274 South Asian Cinema
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN3281 The Story of Indian Business
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN3550 Internship
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN4101 Approaches to the Study of South Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN5660 Independent Study
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SN6660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & South Asian SSA2219 South Asia in Singapore
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian CAS5101 Theorizing from Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian CAS6770 Graduate Research Seminar
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian GE5214 Landscapes of Southeast Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian GEH1059 Living in the Nuclear World
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian GEK1008 Southeast Asia: A Changing Region
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian GEM1052 Understanding the Changing Global Economic
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Social Sci Studies Landscape
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian GET1016 Understanding the Changing Global Economic
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Social Sci Studies Landscape
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian ISE3550 Extended Internship
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE1101E Southeast Asia: A Changing Region
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE2211 Southeast Asian Social History
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE2213 Politics in Southeast Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE2214 Arts of Southeast Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE2219 Culture and Power in Southeast Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE2660 Independent Study
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE3211 Religion, Society & Politics in SE Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE3214 Heritage and Heritagescapes in Southeast Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE3235 Southeast Asia Laboratory: Power and Markets
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE3550 Southeast Asian Studies Internship
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE3660 Independent Study
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE4101 Southeast Asia Studies: Theory and Practice
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE4210 Ancient Kingdoms of Southeast Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE4217 Southeast Asia in the Global Economy
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE4225 THE COLD WAR IN SOUTHEAST ASIA
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE4401 Honours Thesis
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE4660 Independent Study
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE5151 APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF SOUTHEAST
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Social Sci Studies ASIA
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE5201 Supervised Research Project
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE5221 Landscapes of Southeast Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE5221R Landscapes of Southeast Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE5222 THE ARTS IN CONTEMPORARY SOUTHEAST
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Social Sci Studies ASIA
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE5222R THE ARTS IN CONTEMPORARY SOUTHEAST
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Social Sci Studies ASIA
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE5243 COUNTRY STUDIES: INDONESIA
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE5243R COUNTRY STUDIES: INDONESIA
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE5247 Country Studies: Vietnam
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE5247R Country Studies: Vietnam
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE5660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SE6660 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SSA1202 Southeast Asia: A Changing Region
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Arts & Southeast Asian SSA2207 Politics in Southeast Asia
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Social Sci Studies
Faculty of Dentistry Div of Graduate DY5310 Endodontics
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Dental Studies
Faculty of Dentistry Div of Graduate DY5320 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
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Dental Studies
Faculty of Dentistry Div of Graduate DY5330 Orthodontics
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Dental Studies
Faculty of Dentistry Div of Graduate DY5340 Periodontology
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Dental Studies
Faculty of Dentistry Div of Graduate DY5350 Prosthodontics
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Dental Studies
Faculty of Dentistry Div of Graduate DY5360 Paediatric Dentistry
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Dental Studies
Faculty of Dentistry FoD Dean's Office DI5100 Dental Implantology √ × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Dentistry FoD Dean's Office DY5190 Graduate Seminar module √ × × ×
Faculty of Biomedical BN1101 Engineering Principles and Practice I
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN1111 Biomedical Engineering Principles and Practice I
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN2001 Independent Study
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN2201 Quantitative Physiology for Bioengineers
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN2202 Introduction to Biotransport
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN2403 Fundamentals of Biosignals and Bioinstrumentation
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN3101 Biomedical Engineering Design
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN3202 Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN4101 B.Eng. Dissertation
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN4101R B.Eng. Dissertation
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN4202 Biofluids Dynamics
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN4406 Biophotonics And Bioimaging
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN4501 Engineering Biology
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Biomedical BN5101 Biomedical Engineering Systems
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Engineering Engineering
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Engineering Engineering BIOENGINEERING
Faculty of Biomedical BN5202 Advanced Tissue Biomechanics
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Engineering Engineering
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN5207 MEDICAL IMAGING SYSTEMS
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN5208 Biomedical Quality and Regulatory Systems
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN5210 BIOSENSORS AND BIOCHIPS
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN5511 Introduction to Global Medical Device Regulation
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN5512 Medical Device Regulation in the US and EU
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN5666 Industrial Attachment
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN5999 GRADUATE SEMINARS
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN6202 Advanced Human Motion Biomechanics
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical BN6999 DOCTORAL SEMINARS
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Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Chemical & CN1101 Chemical Engineering Principles and Practice I
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Chemical & CN1101A Chemical Engineering Principles and Practice I
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN2101 Material and Energy Balances
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN2108 Chemical Engineering Process Laboratory I
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN2116 Chemical Kinetics & Reactor Design
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN2121 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN2122 Fluid Mechanics
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN2125 Heat & Mass Transfer
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN3101 Chemical Engineering Process Lab I
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN3108 Chemical Engineering Process Laboratory II
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN3109 Chemical Engineering Process Laboratory III
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN3121 Process Dynamics & Control
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN3132 Separation Processes
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN3135 Process Safety, Health and Environment
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN3421 Process Modeling And Numerical Simulation
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Chemical & CN4118 B.Eng. Dissertation
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4118R B.Eng. Dissertation
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4122 Process Synthesis and Simulation
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4201R Petroleum Refining
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4203R Polymer Engineering
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4205R Pinch Analysis and Process Integration
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4211R Petrochemicals and Processing Technology
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4215R Food Technology and Engineering
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4216R Electronic Materials Science
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4238R Chemical & Biochemical Process Modeling
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4247R Enzyme Technology
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4248 Sustainable Process Development
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN4251 Troubleshooting with Case Studies for Process
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng Engineers
Faculty of Chemical & CN5010 Mathematical & Computing Methods for Chemical
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng Engineers
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng THERMODYNAMICS
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN5172 BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN5191 Project Engineering
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN5251 Membrane Science & Technology
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN5555 Chemical Engineering Project
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN5666 Industrial Attachment
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN5999 GRADUATE SEMINARS
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN6251 MEMBRANE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & CN6999 DOCTORAL SEMINARS
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & SH5002 Fundamentals in Industrial Safety
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & SH5101 INDUSTRIAL TOXICOLOGY
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & SH5102 OCCUPATIONAL ERGONOMICS
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Chemical & SH5106 RADIATION
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & SH5107 INDUSTRIAL VENTILATION
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & SH5202 QUANTIFIED RISK ANALYSIS
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & SH5204 SAFETY ENGINEERING
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & SH5206 Human Factors in Process Safety
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & SH5403 INDEPENDENT STUDY
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Chemical & SH5404 Safety Health and Environmental Project
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Engineering Biomolecular Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE1101 Civil Engineering Principles and Practice
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE1101A Civil Engineering Principles and Practice
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE2112 Soil Mechanics
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE2134 Hydraulics
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE2183 Construction Project Management
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE2407 Engineering & Uncertainty Analyses
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE2409 Computer Applications in Civil Engineering
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Civil & CE3101 Integrated Infrastructure Project
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE3116 Foundation Engineering
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE3121 Transportation Engineering
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE3155 Structural Analysis
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE3165 Structural Concrete Design
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE3166 Structural Steel Design and System
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE4103 Design Project
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE4104 B. Eng. Dissertation
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE4231 Earth's Climate: Science & Modelling
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE4257 Linear Finite Element Analysis
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE4257A Finite Element Concepts & Applications
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE4257B Finite Element Analysis for Civil Engineering
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5001 Research Project
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5101 Seepage & Consolidation of Soils
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Civil & CE5104 Underground Space
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5106A Ground Improvement for Soft Soils
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5106B Advanced Ground Improvement for Difficult Ground
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5107A Principles of Pile Foundation Design
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5107B Pile Foundation Problems and EC7 Impact
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5108 Earth Retaining Structures
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5108A Lateral Earth Pressures and Retaining Wall Design
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Engineering Environmental Eng via Eurocode 7
Faculty of Civil & CE5108B Deep Excavations Design Using Eurocode 7
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Engineering Environmental Eng
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Engineering Environmental Eng PROJECT
Faculty of Civil & CE5113 Geotechnical Investigation & Monitoring
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5203 Traffic Flow & Control
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Engineering Environmental Eng
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5307A Ocean Waves
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5307B Hydrodynamic Loads on Offshore Structures
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Civil & CE5307C Finite Amplitude Wave Theories & Their Applications
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5310 HYDROINFORMATICS
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5312 River Mechanics
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5314 HEWRM Project
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5377 Numerical Methods in Mechanics & Envr. Flows
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5509 Advanced Structural Steel Design
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5509A Advanced Structural Steel Design to EC3
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5509B Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures
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Engineering Environmental Eng to EC4
Faculty of Civil & CE5510 Advanced Structural Concrete Design
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5603A Evaluating Economic Feasibility of Projects
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5603B Evaluating Economic Risks in Projects
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5610 Assessment and Retrofit of Concrete Structures
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5610A Concrete and Cementitious Composites
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5610B Repair and Retrofit of Concrete Structures
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Civil & CE5666 Industrial Attachment
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5805A Construction Productivity Analytics
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5806 Advanced Project Management with Lean
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Engineering Environmental Eng Construction
Faculty of Civil & CE5806A Advanced Project Management
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5806B Lean Construction Management
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE5999 GRADUATE SEMINARS
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE6001 OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT OF
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Engineering Environmental Eng INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS
Faculty of Civil & CE6077 Advanced Numerical Methods in Mechanics & Envr.
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Engineering Environmental Eng Flows
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & CE6999 DOCTORAL SEMINARS
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE1001 Environmental Engineering Fundamentals
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE2000 Environmental Engineering Fundamentals
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE2001 Environmental Challenges in the Anthropocene
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE3101 Solid And Hazardous Waste Management
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Civil & ESE3201 Air Quality Management
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE3301 Environmental Microbiological Principles
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE3401 Sustainable Urban Water Technologies
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE4403 Membrane Tech In Env Applns
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE4404 Bioenergy
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE4501 Design Project
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE4502 B.Eng. Dissertation
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE4502R B. Eng. Dissertation B. Eng. Dissertation
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE5001 Environmental Engineering Principles
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE5003 Environmental Chemical Principles
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE5004 Research Project
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE5301 Environmental Biological Principles
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE5407 Membrane Technology for Water Management
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE5666 Industrial Attachment
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Civil & ESE5880A Topics in Environmental Engineering: Chem. & Lab
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Engineering Environmental Eng Safety
Faculty of Civil & ESE5999 GRADUATE SEMINARS
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & ESE6999 DOCTORAL SEMINARS
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & GEH1025 Global Environmental Issues
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & GEK1522 Global Environmental Issues
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & OT5001 Independent Study Module
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & OT5001B Independent Study Module: Petroleum Engineering
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & OT5202 Analysis & Design of Fixed Offshore Structures
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & OT5207 Arctic Offshore Engineering
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & OT5402 Geophysical Imaging of the Earth Interior
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & OT5403 Petrophysics and Downhole Measurements
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & OT5409 Drilling and Completion Engineering
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & OT5901 Reservoir Fluid Characterization
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & OT5902 Petroleum Geoscience & Drilling
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Civil & OT5911 Offshore Materials, Welding and Corrosion
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Civil & TP5001 Research Project
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Engineering Environmental Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE1111 Engineering Principles and Practice I
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE1111A Electrical Engineering Principles and Practice I
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE2012 Analytical Methods in Electrical and Computer
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Engineering Computer Eng Engineering
Faculty of Electrical & EE2023 Signals and Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE2026 Digital Design
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE2027 Electronic Circuits
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE2028 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE2028A C Programming
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE2033 Integrated System Lab
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE3031 Innovation & Enterprise I
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE3104C Introduction to RF and Microwave Systems & Circuits
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE3131C Communication Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Electrical & EE3305 Robotic System Design
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE3331C Feedback Control Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE3408C Integrated Analog Design
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE3431C Microelectronics Materials and Devices
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE3506C Intro to Elect Energy Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE3731C Signal Processing Methods
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4001 B.Eng. Dissertation
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4002D Design Capstone
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4002R Research Capstone
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4031 Intellectual Property: Harnessing Innovation
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4101 RF Communications
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4112 Radio Frequency Design and Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4113 Digital Communications & Coding
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4204 Computer Networks
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Electrical & EE4211 Data Science for the Internet of Things
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4218 Embedded Hardware System Design
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4302 Advanced Control Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4303 Industrial Control Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4305 Fuzzy/Neural Systems for Intelligent Robotics
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4435 Modern Transistors and Memory Devices
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4436 Fabrication Process Technology
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4501 Power System Management And Protection
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4502 Electric Drives & Control
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE4704 Introduction to Computer Vision and Image
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Engineering Computer Eng Processing
Faculty of Electrical & EE5001 Independent Study Module I
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5002 INDEPENDENT STUDY MODULE II
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Engineering Computer Eng
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5021 Cloud based Services for Internet of Things
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Electrical & EE5025 Intellectual Property: Innovations in IoT
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5026 Machine Learning for Data Analytics
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5027 Statistical Pattern Recognition
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5060 Sensors and Instrumentation for Automation
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5062 Autonomous Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5101 LINEAR SYSTEMS
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5103 Computer Control Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5110 Special Topics in Automation and Control
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5111 Selected Topics in Industrial Control &
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Engineering Computer Eng Instrumentation
Faculty of Electrical & EE5139 Information Theory for Communication Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5303 MICROWAVE ELECTRONICS
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5308 ANTENNA ENGINEERING
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5310 Communication Networking Fundamentals
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5401 Cellular Mobile Communications
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Electrical & EE5434 Microelectronic Processes and Integration
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5439 Micro/Nano Electromechanical Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5507 Analog Integrated Circuits Design
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Engineering Computer Eng
√ √ √ ×
Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5518 VLSI DIGITAL CIRCUIT DESIGN
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5666 Industrial Attachment
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Engineering Computer Eng
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5703 Industrial Drives
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5731 Visual Computing
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5831 Electromagnetic Wave Theory
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5902 Multiprocessor Systems
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5907 Pattern Recognition
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE5999 GRADUATE SEMINARS
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE6004 Selected Advanced Topics In EM Modelling
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Electrical & EE6110 Special Topics in Automation and Control
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Engineering Computer Eng (Advanced)
Faculty of Electrical & EE6131 Wireless Communications (Advanced)
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Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE6310 Communication Networking Fundamentals
√ × × ×
Engineering Computer Eng (Advanced)
Faculty of Electrical & EE6438 Magnetic materials and devices
√ × × ×
Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE6439 Micro/Nano Electromechanical Systems (Advanced)
√ × × ×
Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE6733 Advanced Topics on Vision and Machine Learning
√ × × ×
Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE6990 Research Attachment
√ × × ×
Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & EE6999 DOCTORAL SEMINARS
√ × × ×
Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & ME3243 Robotic System Design
× √ × ×
Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & ME5401 LINEAR SYSTEMS
√ × √ ×
Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Electrical & ME5403 Computer Control Systems
√ × √ ×
Engineering Computer Eng
Faculty of Engineering ESP2106 Principles of Continua
Engineering Science × √ √ ×
Faculty of Engineering ESP2107 Numerical Methods and Statistics
Engineering Science × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Engineering ESP3902 Major Design Project I
Engineering Science × √ × ×
Faculty of Engineering ESP4901 Research Project
Engineering Science × √ × ×
Faculty of Engineering ESP5403 Nanomaterials for Energy Systems
Engineering Science √ √ √ ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG1311 Design and Make
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG1603 InnoVenture - Leadership & Innovation Challenge
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG1611 Engineering Co-Op Immersion Programme I
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG2301 Case Studies in Engineering
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG2311 Introduction to Space Systems
× √ √ ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG2312 Radar Theory and Techniques
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG2401 Engineering Professionalism
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG2401A Engineering Professionalism
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG2604 Innovation Programme
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG2605 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG2606A Independent Work
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG2606B Independent Work
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG3301R DCP Project
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG3611A Industrial Attachment
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG4301 DCP Dissertation
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG4301A Ideas to Start-up
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office EG5911 Research Methodology & Ethics
√ × × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office UIS3931 Independent Study Module
× √ × ×
Faculty of FoE Dean's Office UIS4932 Independent Study Module
× √ × ×
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE1111R Industrial & Systems Engrg Principles & Practice I
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE2110 Operations Research I
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE3100M System Design Project
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE3101 Statistics For Engineering Applications
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE3105 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering and
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt Architecture
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE3110 Simulation
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE3110R Simulation
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE3120 Manufacturing Logistics
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE4100R B.Eng.Dissertation
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE4102 Independent Study Module
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE4240 Project Management
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE4242 Cost Analysis And Management
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE4243 Decision Modeling & Risk Analysis
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE5001 OPERATIONS PLANNING AND CONTROL I
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE5004 Engineering Probability And Simulation
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE5105 Modelling for Supply Chain Systems
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE5123 Reliability Engineering
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE5202 APPLIED FORECASTING METHODS
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE5203 Decision Analysis
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE5208 Systems Approach To Project Management
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE5213 SERVICE INNOVATION AND MANAGEMENT
√ × × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE5301 Human Factors In Engineering And Design
√ √ × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE5504 SYSTEMS MODELLING AND ADVANCED
√ × × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt SIMULATION
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE5999 GRADUATE SEMINARS
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE6001 Foundations of Optimization
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE6002 ADVANCED ENGINEERING STATISTICS
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE6004 Stochastic Processes I
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE6880 Topics in Operations Research 1
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE6881 Topics in Data Science 1
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems IE6999 DOCTORAL SEMINARS
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT4002 Technology Management Strategy
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5001 IP Management
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5003 CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION
√ √ × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5006 STRATEGIC & NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
√ √ × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5006A New Product Development Process
× × × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5006B New Product Development and Corporate Strategy
× × × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5007 MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL
√ √ √ ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt INNOVATION
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5007A Types and Patterns of Technological Innovation
× × × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5007B Technological Innovation Strategies
× × × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5008 CORPORATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5008A Corporate Venture Creation
× × × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5008B Collaborative Corporate Entrepreneurship
× × × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5021 Problem Solving Skills for Engineering Managers
√ × √ ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5900 MOT RESEARCH PROJECT
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5901 Management Practicum
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5902 Management Extended Practicum
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5913 TechLaunch - Experiential Entrepreneurship
√ × × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5920 Enterprise Development
√ √ √ √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT5999 GRADUATE SEMINARS
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems MT6999 DOCTORAL SEMINARS
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems SDM5001 SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE
√ × × √
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems SDM5002 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Industrial Systems SDM5990 SDM RESEARCH PROJECT
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng & Mgmt
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE1010 Materials Engineering Principles & Practices
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE2101 Introduction to Structure of Materials
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE2102 Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE2103 Phase Transformation and Kinetics
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE3102 Degradation and Failure of Materials
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE3103 Materials Design and Selection
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE3104 Polymeric and Composite Materials
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE3105 Dielectric and Magnetic Materials
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE3111 Materials Properties & Processing Laboratory
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE3202 Materials for Biointerfaces
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE3203 Engineering Materials
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE4101 B.Eng. Dissertation
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE4101A BEng Dissertation
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE4101R Integrated B.ENG./B.SC. (Hons) Dissertation
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE4102 Design Project
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE4201 Advanced Materials Characterisation
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE4205 Theory and Modelling of Materials Properties
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE4208 Photovoltaics Materials
× √ √ ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE4212 Advanced Structural Materials
× √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE5104 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS
√ √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE5210 Modelling and Simulation of Materials
√ √ × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE5302 Polymer Materials in Additive Manufacturing
√ × × √
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE5666 Industrial Attachment Module
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE5999 GRADUATE SEMINARS
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE6101 THERMODYNAMICS AND KINETICS OF
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng MATERIALS
Faculty of Materials Science & MLE6999 DOCTORAL SEMINARS
√ × × ×
Engineering Eng
√ × × √
Engineering Eng
Faculty of Mechanical EE3305 Robotic System Design
× √ × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME1102 Engineering Principles and Practice I
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME2112 Strength of Materials
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME2134 Fluid Mechanics I
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME2142 Feedback Control Systems
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME2143 Sensors & Actuators
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME2151 Principles of Mechanical Eng. Materials
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME3000 Independent Study 1
× √ × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Mechanical ME3001 Independent Study 2
× √ × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME3103 Mechanical Systems Design
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME3122 Heat Transfer
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME3162 Manufacturing Processes
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME3211 Mechanics Of Solids
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME3242 Automation
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME3243 Robotic System Design
× √ × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME3251 Materials For Engineers
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME3261 Computer-Aided Design And Manufacturing
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME3263 Design For Manufacturing And Assembly
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME4101 Bachelor Of Engineering Dissertation
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME4101A Bachelor Of Engineering Dissertation
× √ × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME4102 Standards in Mechanical Engineering
× √ × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME4103 Mechanical Engineering and Society
× √ × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Mechanical ME4105 Specialization Study Module
× √ × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME4223 Thermal Environmental Engineering
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME4226 Energy and Thermal Systems
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME4233 Computational Methods In Fluid Mechanics
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME4241 Aircraft Performance and Stability
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME4245 Robot Mechanics and Control
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME4291 Finite Element Analysis
× √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME5001 Mechanical Engineering Project
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering STRESS ANALYSIS
√ √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering AUTOMATION
Faculty of Mechanical ME5300A Special Project in Computation and Modelling I
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME5300B Special Project in Computation and Modelling II
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME5304 Experimental Fluid Mechanics
√ √ √ ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME5405 Machine Vision
√ √ √ √
Engineering Engineering
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
√ √ √ √
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME5513A Fatigue Analysis for Additive Manufacturing
√ × × √
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME5600A Project in Advanced Manufacturing I
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME5600B Project in Advanced Manufacturing II
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME5608 Additive and Non-Conventional Manufacturing
√ × × √
Engineering Engineering Processes
Faculty of Mechanical ME5608A Principles and Processes of Additive Manufacturing
√ × × √
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME5608B Hybrid Manufacturing
√ × × √
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME5666 Industrial Attachment
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME5999 GRADUATE SEMINARS
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME6303 ADVANCED FLUID DYNAMICS
√ √ × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME6401 TOPICS IN MECHATRONICS 1
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Mechanical ME6505 Engineering Materials in Medicine
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical ME6999 DOCTORAL SEMINARS
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical OT5001A Independent Study Module: Subsea Engineering
√ × × ×
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical OT5102 Oil & Gas Technology
√ √ × √
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC1003 Law Of Contract × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC1004 Law Of Torts × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC1015 Singapore Law in Context × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC1016 Legal Analysis, Research & Communication × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC1025 Singapore Law in Context × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2004 Principles Of Property Law × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2008A Company Law (A) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2008B Company Law (B) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2008C Company Law (C) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2008D Company Law (D) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2008E Company Law (E) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2008F Company Law (F) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2009 Pro Bono Service × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2010A Legal Systems of Asia (A) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2010B Legal Systems of Asia (B) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2010C Legal Systems of Asia (C) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2010D Legal Systems of Asia (D) × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2010E Legal Systems of Asia (E) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC2010F Legal Systems of Asia (F) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC3001A Evidence (A) × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC5010A Legal Systems of Asia (A) √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC5050V Public International Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC5204AV Carriage of Goods By Sea √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC5230 Elements of Company Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC5262AV International Commercial Arbitration √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC5285V International Dispute Settlement √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC5336 Topics in Int'l Arbitration & Dispute Resolution √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC5337 Singapore Common Law of Contract √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC5337S Singapore Common Law of Contract √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LC5405A LAW OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (A) √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LCC5366 Law of Evidence & Sentencing Law × × × √
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LCD5204AV Carriage of Goods By Sea √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4001 Administration Of Criminal Justice × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4002V Admiralty Law & Practice × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4004 Aviation Law & Policy × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4008AV Carriage of Goods By Sea × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4009V Chinese Legal Tradition And Legal Chinese × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4021V Environmental Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4029AV International Commercial Arbitration × × √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4029V International Commercial Arbitration × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4031V International Environmental Law & Policy × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4032 International Investment Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4033V International Legal Process × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4034V International Regulation of Shipping × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4045V Negotiation × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4050V Public International Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4060B World Trade Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4064V Competition Law and Policy × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4074V Mergers & Acquisitions × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4076V IT Law I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4088 Chinese Contract Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4089V Chinese Corporate & Securities Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4094AV Law & Practice - The Law Clinic × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4094BV Law & Practice - The Law Clinic × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4094V Law & Practice - The Law Clinic × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4099 Maritime Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4102 ADVANCED TORTS × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4109V International Law & Asia × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4164V International Projects Law & Practice × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4172 Japanese Corporate Law & Governance × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4173V Comparative Corporate Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4177 Entertainment Law: Pop Iconography & Celebrity × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4178V Law and Practice of Investment Treaties × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4191 Wealth Management Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4203 International Moots and Other Competitions × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4203A International Moots and Other Competitions × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4214 International and Comparative Oil and Gas Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4237V Law, Institutions, and Business in Greater China × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4242V Financial Regulation and Central Banking × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4244V CRIMINAL PRACTICE × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4245V Regulatory Foundations of Public Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4276 Advanced Contract Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4285V International Dispute Settlement × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4286V Transnational Terrorism and International Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4287V ASEAN Law and Policy × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4290V Legal Research: Method & Design × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4317V International Arbitration in Asian Centres × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4322V Trade Finance Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4328 Sports Law × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4338V Advanced Practicum in International Arbitration × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4339 Comparative Evidence in International Arbitration × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4358Z ICC Arbitration × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4359Z SIAC and Institutional Arbitration × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4364V Principles of Civil Law: Law of Obligations & Property × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4367V Singapore at the UN - A Clinical Externship × √ × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4368 Comparative Constitutionalism × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4369 Constitutionalism in Asia × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4370 The Law of Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4379V Future of Int'l Commercial Arbitration in APAC
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4396 University Research Opportunities Program × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4397 University Research Opportunities Program × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4405A LAW OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (A) × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL4407 Law Of Insurance × √ √ ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5001 ADMINISTRATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5002V Admiralty Law & Practice √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5004 AVIATION LAW & POLICY √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5008AV Carriage of Goods By Sea √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5009GRSI Graduate Research Seminar I (Legal Scholarship) √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5009V Chinese Legal Tradition And Legal Chinese √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5021V Environmental Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5029AV International Commercial Arbitration √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5031V International Environmental Law & Policy √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5032 INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5033V International Legal Process √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5034V International Regulation of Shipping √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5045V Negotiation √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5050V Public International Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5060B World Trade Law √ × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5064V Competition Law and Policy √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5074V Mergers & Acquisitions √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5076V IT Law I √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5088 Chinese Contract Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5089V Chinese Corporate & Securities Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5094V Law & Practice - The Law Clinic √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5099 MARITIME LAW √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5102 ADVANCED TORTS √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5109V International Law & Asia √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5164V International Projects Law & Practice √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5172 JAPANESE CORPORATE LAW & GOVERNANCE √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5173V Comparative Corporate Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5177 Entertainment Law: Pop Iconography & Celebrity √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5178V Law and Practice of Investment Treaties √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5191 Wealth Management Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5203 International Moots and Other Competitions √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5214 International and Comparative Oil and Gas Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5237V Law, Institutions, and Business in Greater China √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5242V Financial Regulation and Central Banking √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5244V CRIMINAL PRACTICE √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5245V Regulatory Foundations of Public Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5276 Advanced Contract Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5285V International Dispute Settlement √ × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5286V Transnational Terrorism and International Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5287V ASEAN Law and Policy √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5317V International Arbitration in Asian Centres √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5322V Trade Finance Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5328 Sports Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5338V Advanced Practicum in International Arbitration √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5339 Comparative Evidence in International Arbitration √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5358Z ICC Arbitration √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5359Z SIAC and Institutional Arbitration √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5364V Principles of Civil Law: Law of Obligations & Property √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5368 Comparative Constitutionalism √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5369 Constitutionalism in Asia √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5370 The Law of Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data
√ × × √
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5379V Future of Int'l Commercial Arbitration in APAC
√ × × ×
√ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5396V International Arbitration & Dispute Resolution
√ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5405A LAW OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (A) √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL5407 LAW OF INSURANCE √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6001 Administration Of Criminal Justice √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6002V Admiralty Law & Practice √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6004 AVIATION LAW & POLICY √ × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6008AV Carriage of Goods By Sea √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6009GRSI Graduate Research Seminar I (Legal Scholarship) √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6009V Chinese Legal Tradition And Legal Chinese √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6021V Environmental Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6029AV International Commercial Arbitration √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6031V International Environmental Law & Policy √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6032 INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6033V International Legal Process √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6034V International Regulation of Shipping √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6045V Negotiation √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6050V Public International Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6060B World Trade Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6064V Competition Law and Policy √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6074V Mergers & Acquisitions √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6076V IT Law I √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6088 Chinese Contract Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6089V Chinese Corporate & Securities Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6094V Law & Practice - The Law Clinic √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6099 Maritime Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6102 ADVANCED TORTS √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6109V International Law & Asia √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6164V International Projects Law & Practice √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6172 Japanese Corporate Law & Governance √ × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6173V Comparative Corporate Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6177 Entertainment Law: Pop Iconography & Celebrity √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6178V Law and Practice of Investment Treaties √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6191 Wealth Management Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6203 International Moots and Other Competitions √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6214 International and Comparative Oil and Gas Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6237V Law, Institutions, and Business in Greater China √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6242V Financial Regulation and Central Banking √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6244V CRIMINAL PRACTICE √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6245V Regulatory Foundations of Public Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6276 Advanced Contract Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6285V International Dispute Settlement √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6286V Transnational Terrorism and International Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6287V ASEAN Law and Policy √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6317V International Arbitration in Asian Centres √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6322V Trade Finance Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6328 Sports Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6338V Advanced Practicum in International Arbitration √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6339 Comparative Evidence in International Arbitration √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6358Z ICC Arbitration √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6359Z SIAC and Institutional Arbitration √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6364V Principles of Civil Law: Law of Obligations & Property √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6368 Comparative Constitutionalism √ × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6369 Constitutionalism in Asia √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6370 The Law of Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data
√ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6379V Future of Int'l Commercial Arbitration in APAC
√ × × ×
√ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6405A LAW OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (A) √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LL6407 Law Of Insurance √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LLD5002V Admiralty Law & Practice √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LLD5034V International Regulation of Shipping √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LLD5099 MARITIME LAW √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LLD5214 International and Comparative Oil and Gas Law √ × × ×
Faculty of Law FoL Dean's Office LLD5322V Trade Finance Law √ × × ×
√ × × ×
Faculty of Science Anatomy LSM2212 Human Anatomy × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biochemistry LSM1106 Molecular Cell Biology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biochemistry LSM2211 Metabolism and Regulation × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biochemistry LSM2233 Cell Biology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biochemistry LSM3231 Protein Structure and Function × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biochemistry LSM3246 Synthetic Biology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biochemistry LSM4216 Molecular Nutrition and Metabolic Biology × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biochemistry LSM4245 Advanced Epigenetics and Chromatin Biology × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5198 GRADUATE SEMINAR MODULE IN BIOLOGICAL
√ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5201 Structural Biology And Proteomics √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5207A Topics In Developmental Biology √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5217 Population Genomics and Phylogenomics √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5222 Cellular Mechanisms √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5223 Advanced Molecular Genetics √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5229 Fundamentals in Biophysical Sciences √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5230 Biological Invasions √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5232B Practical Bioimaging B: Light Microscopy √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5232C Practical Bioimaging C: Hands-on Microscopy √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5236 Introduction to Electron Microscopy for Life Sciences √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences BL5237 Computational Biology: Sequences, Structures,
√ × × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences FMS1214B Mysteries of Water, Protein Aggregation and
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences FMS1225B Infectious Diseases and Host-Pathogen Interactions × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences GEM1536 Darwin and Evolution × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences GES1021 Natural Heritage of Singapore × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences GET1020 Darwin and Evolution × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences GET1048 Science: From Thinking to Narratives × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM1102 Molecular Genetics × √ √ √
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM1105 Evolutionary Biology × √ √ √
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM1301 General Biology × √ √ √
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM1306 Forensic Science × √ × √
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM1307 Waste and Our Environment × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM2191 Laboratory Techniques in Life Sciences × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM2231 General Physiology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM2232 Genes, Genomes and Biomedical Implications × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM2241 Introductory Bioinformatics × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM2251 Ecology and Environment × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM2252 Biodiversity × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM2288 Basic UROPS in Life Sciences I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM2289 Basic UROPS in Life Sciences II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3201 Research and Communication in Life Sciences × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3227 General Virology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3233 Developmental Biology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3234 Biological Imaging of Growth and Form × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3244 Molecular Biotechnology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3252 Evolution and Comparative Genomics × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3254 Ecology of Aquatic Environments × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3258 Comparative Botany × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3265 Entomology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3266 Avian Biology and Evolution × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3288 Advanced UROPS in Life Sciences I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3289 Advanced UROPS in Life Sciences II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3311 Undergraduate Professional Internship Programme × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM3312 Enhanced Undergraduate Professional Internship
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4199 Honours Project in Life Sciences × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4227 Stem Cell Biology × √ √ √
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4228 Experimental Models for Human Disease and
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4242 Protein Engineering × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4251 Plant Growth and Development × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4255 Methods in Mathematical Biology × √ √ √
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4256 Evolution of Development × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4257 Aquatic Vertebrate Diversity × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4259 Evolutionary Genetics of Reproduction × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4260 Plankton Ecology × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4266 Aquatic Invertebrate Diversity × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4267 Light & Vision in Animal Communication × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4268 Environmental Bioacoustics × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences LSM4299 Applied Project in Life Sciences × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences SP3203 Aquatic Ecology Research × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences SP4261 Articulating Probability and Statistics in Court × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences SSS1207 Natural Heritage of Singapore × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Biological Sciences ZB4171 Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM1111 Inorganic Chemistry 1 × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM1131 Physical Chemistry 1 × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM1417 Fundamentals of Chemistry × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM1501 Organic Chemistry for Engineers × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM2111 Inorganic Chemistry 2 × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM2121 Organic Chemistry 2 × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM2191 Experiments in Chemistry 2 × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM2288 Basic UROPS in Chemistry I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM2289 Basic UROPS In Chemistry II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3212 Transition Metal Chemistry × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3221 Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3231 Quantum Chem & Molecular Thermodynamics √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3242 Instrumental Analysis II × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3252 Polymer Chemistry 1 × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3261 Environmental Chemistry × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3288 Advanced UROPS in Chemistry I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3289 Advanced UROPS in Chemistry II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3291 Advanced Experiments In Organic & Inorganic
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3292 Advanced Experiments In Analytical & Physical
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3302 Overseas Exploratory Project (Europe) × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM3312 Enhanced Undergraduate Professional Internship
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM4199A Honours Project in Chemistry √ √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM4211 Advanced Coordination Chemistry × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM4225 Organic Spectroscopy × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM4227 Chemical Biology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM4238 Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM4242 Advanced Analytical Techniques × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM4251 Characterization Techniques in Materials Chemistry × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM4254 Chemistry of Semiconductors × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM4269 Sustainable & Green Chemistry × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM4274 The Art and Methodology in Total Synthesis × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM4299 Applied Project in Chemistry × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5100 M.SC. PROJECT √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5100A Advanced MSc Project √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5101 Advanced Analysis and Characterization Techniques √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5151 Energy Storage and Conversion Chemistry √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5161 Advanced Chemical Laboratory Safety √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5198 Graduate Seminar Module in Chemistry √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5199 M.Sc. R&D project √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5211 Contemporary Organometallic Chemistry √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5221 ADVANCED ORGANIC SYNTHESIS √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5223 Topics in Supramolecular Chemistry √ √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5224 Emerging Concepts in Drug Discovery √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5237 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging √ × √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5241 Modern Analytical Techniques √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry CM5268 Advanced Organic Materials √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST1101 Science and Technology of Foods × √ × √
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST2102B Chemistry of Food Components × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST2288 Basic UROPS in Food Science & Technology I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST2289 Basic UROPS in Food Science & Technology II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST3101 Food Microbiology & Fermentation × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST3103 Advanced Food Engineering × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST3105 Food Product Development and Packaging × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST3106 Sensory and Flavour Science × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST3181 Professional Placement × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST3201 Independent Study (Food Science & Tech) × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST3202 Nutrition and Disease Prevention × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST3288 Advanced UROPS in Food Science & Technology I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST3289 Advanced UROPS in Food Science & Technology II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST4199 Honours Project in Food Science & Tech × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST4202 Nutritional Biochemistry × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST4299 Applied Project in FST × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST5199 MSc research project √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST5205 Frontier of Food Processing and Engineering √ × × √
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST5225 Advanced Current Topics in Food Science I √ √ × ×
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST5227 Advanced Current Topics in Food Science III √ √ × √
Faculty of Science Chemistry FST5302 Food, Nutrition and Health √ × √ √
Faculty of Science Ctr for Engl Lang ENV1202 Communications for Environmental Studies
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office DMS1401ZB Design Your Own Module × √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office ENV1101 Environmental Studies: An Interdisciplinary Overview × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office ENV2101 Global Environmental Change × √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office ENV2103 The Environment and Public Health × √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office FDP2011 Special Mathematics Class 1, 2 × √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office FDP2021 Special Physics Class 1, 2 × √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office MW5200 MSc Science Communication Project √ × × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office MW5201 Essentials of Science Communication √ × √ √
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office MW5202 Innovations in Science Teaching √ × √ ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office SP2171 Discovering Science × √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office SP2173 Atoms to Molecules × √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office SP2201 Agri-Science in Japan and Singapore × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office SP3172 Integrated Science Project × √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office ZB3288 Advanced UROPS in Computational Biology I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office ZB3289 Advanced UROPS in Computational Biology II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office ZB3311 Undergraduate Professional Internship × √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office ZB3312 Enhanced Undergraduate Professional Internship
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science FoS Dean's Office ZB4199 Honours Project in Computational Biology × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics DSA3102 Essential Data Analytics Tools: Convex Optimisation × √ × √
Faculty of Science Mathematics DSA5102 Foundations of Machine Learning √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics DSA5203 Visual Data Processing and Interpretation √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics FMS1209M Philosophy of Mathematics × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics GEH1036 Living with Mathematics × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics GEK1505 Living with Mathematics × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics GEK1531 Cyber Security × × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Mathematics GET1004 Cyber Security × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1100 Basic Discrete Mathematics × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1101R Linear Algebra I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1102R Calculus × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1301 Introductory Mathematics × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1421 Basic Applied Mathematics for Sciences × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1505 Mathematics I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1507 Advanced Calculus × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1511 Engineering Calculus × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1512 Differential Equations for Engineering × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1513 Linear Algebra with Differential Equations × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA1521 Calculus for Computing × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA2101 Linear Algebra II × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA2104 Multivariable Calculus × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA2108 Mathematical Analysis I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA2202 Algebra I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA2202S Algebra I (S) × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA2213 Numerical Analysis I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA2214 Combinatorics and Graphs I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA2216 Probability × √ √ √
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA2288 Basic UROPS in Mathematics I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA2289 Basic UROPS in Mathematics II × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA2311 Techniques in Advanced Calculus × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3110 Mathematical Analysis II √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3110S Mathematical Analysis II (S) × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3111 Complex Analysis I √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3205 Set Theory √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3209 Mathematical Analysis III √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3218 Applied Algebra √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3220 Ordinary Differential Equations √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3236 Non-Linear Programming √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3238 Stochastic Processes I √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3259 Mathematical Methods in Genomics × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3264 Mathematical Modelling √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3265 Introduction to Number Theory √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3269 Mathematical Finance I √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3288 Advanced UROPS in Mathematics I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3289 Advanced UROPS in Mathematics II × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3310 Undergraduate Professional Internship Programme × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3311 Undergraduate Professional Internship Programme × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA3312 Enhanced Undergraduate Professional Internship
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA4199 Honours Project in Mathematics × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA4203 Galois Theory √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA4230 Matrix Computation √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA4235 Topics in Graph Theory √ √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA4252 Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA4254 Discrete Optimization √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA4262 Measure and Integration √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA4269 Mathematical Finance II √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA4269A Mathematical Finance II √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA4270 Data Modelling and Computation √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5198 GRADUATE SEMINAR MODULE IN
√ × × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5203 Graduate Algebra I √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5205 Graduate Analysis I √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5208 Algebraic Geometry √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5220 Logic and Foundation of Mathematics II √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5233 Computational Mathematics √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5243 Advanced Mathematical Programming √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5248 Stochastic Analysis in Mathematical Finance √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5252 Methods of Applied Mathematics √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5253 Riemann Surfaces √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5259 PROBABILITY THEORY I √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5268 Theory and algorithms for nonlinear optimization √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5269 Optimal Stopping and Stochastic Control in Finance √ √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics MA5295 DISSERTATION FOR MSC BY COURSEWORK √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics QF3310 Undergraduate Professional Internship Programme × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics QF3311 Undergraduate Professional Internship × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Mathematics QF3312 Enhanced Undergraduate Professional Internship
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics QF4102 Financial Modelling and Computation √ √ √ √
Faculty of Science Mathematics QF4199 Honours Project in Quantitative Finance × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics QF5203A Risk Management √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics QF5205 Topics in Quantitative Finance I √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics QF5210 Financial Time Series: Theory and Computation √ √ √ √
Faculty of Science Mathematics QF5314 Basic Mathematics in Finance √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics ST2131 Probability × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics ST3236 Stochastic Processes I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Mathematics XFS4199M Integrated Honours Project × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Mechanobiology MB5101 The Cell as a Machine
√ × × ×
Institute (MBI)
Faculty of Science Mechanobiology MB5103 Research Seminars in Mechanobiology
√ × × ×
Institute (MBI)
Faculty of Science Microbiology and LSM2291 Fundamental Techniques in Microbiology
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Microbiology and LSM3223 Immunology
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Microbiology and LSM3232 Microbiology
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Microbiology and LSM3245 RNA Biology and Technology
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Microbiology and LSM4222 Advanced Immunology
× √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Microbiology and LSM4223 Advances in Antimicrobial Strategies
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Microbiology and LSM4226 Infection and Immunity
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacology LSM3211 Fundamental Pharmacology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacology LSM4211 Toxicology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacology LSM4214 Cancer Pharmacology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacology LSM4221 Drug Discovery and Clinical Trials × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PHS2120 Drug Product Development and Lifecycle
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PHS2143 Analytical Techniques and Pharmaceutical
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PHS3312 Enhanced Undergraduate Professional Internship
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR1110 Foundations for Medicinal Chemistry × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR1110A Foundations for Medicinal Chemistry × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR1111 Pharmaceutical biochemistry × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR1111A Pharmaceutical Biochemistry × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR1140 Pharmacy Professional Skills Development I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR1301 Complementary Medicine and Health × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR2114 Formulation & Technology I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR2114A Formulation & Technology I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR2131 Pharmacy Professional Skills Development II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR2133 Pharmacotherapeutics I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR2202 Cosmetics & Perfumes × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR2288 Basic UROPS in Pharmacy I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR2289 Basic UROPS in Pharmacy II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR3116 Concepts in Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics × √ × √
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR3117 Formulation & Technology II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR3124 Pharmacotherapeutics III × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR3146 Pharmacy Law in Singapore × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR3202 Community Health & Preventative Care × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR3288 Advanced UROPS in Pharmacy I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR3289 Advanced UROPS in Pharmacy II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR4138 Pharmacy Professional Skills Development IV × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR4195 Scientific Evaluation, Analysis and Communication × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR4196 Pharmacy Research Project and Scientific
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR4197 Pharmacy Internship I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR4197A Pharmacy Internship I × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR4198 Pharmacy Internship II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR4198A Pharmacy Internship II × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR4205 Bioorganic Principles of Medicinal Chemistry × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5131 Advanced Pharmacotherapy II √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5132 Advanced Pharmacotherapy III √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5133 Advanced Pharmacotherapy in Special Populations √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5134 Advanced Skills in Pharmacy Practice √ × × ×
√ × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5136 Seminar and Teaching √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5150 Ambulatory Care Clerkship √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5151 Acute Care Medicine Clerkship √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5152 Adult General Medicine Clerkship √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5153 Critical Care Clerkship √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5154 Drug Information Clerkship √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5211 PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS IV √ × × √
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5213 PHARMACEUTICAL PROCESS VALIDATION √ × × √
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5217 FORMULATION SCIENCE √ × × √
√ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5220 BIOPROCESS TECHNOLOGY √ × × √
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5221 Molecular Targets in Drug Discovery √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5225 Preformulation Science √ × × √
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5234 Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacogenetics √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5234A Concepts in Pharmacogenomics √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5239 Clinical Pharmacy Research Project √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5250 Elective Clerkship I √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5251 Elective Clerkship II √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Pharmacy PR5252 Elective Clerkship III √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Physics COS2000 Computational Thinking for Scientists × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics FMS1206P Energy Storage Devices - State of the Art × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics FMS1214P Silk: Fibers that make a difference in our world × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics GEH1030 Science of Music × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Physics GEH1032 Modern Technology in Medicine and Health × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics GEH1034 Clean Energy and Storage × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics GEH1035 Phy'cal Qns from Everyday Life × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics GEK1540 Modern Technology in Medicine and Health × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics GEM1535 Clean Energy and Storage × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics GET1013 Physics in the Life Sciences × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics GET1042 Sky and Telescopes × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics GET1043 Universe, Big Bang, and Unsolved Mysteries × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics MLE4101R Integrated B.ENG./B.SC. (Hons) Dissertation × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC1141 Introduction to Classical Mechanics × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC1142 Introduction to Thermodynamics and Optics × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC1221 Fundamentals of Physics I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC1222 Fundamentals of Physics II × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC1421 Physics for Life Sciences × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC1431 Physics IE × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC1432 Physics IIE × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC1433 Mechanics and Waves × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC2020 Electromagnetics for Electrical Engineers × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC2131 Electricity & Magnetism I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC2132 Classical Mechanics × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC2134 MATHEMATICAL MTDS IN PHYSICS I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC2193 Experimental Physics I × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC2267 Biophysics I × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Physics PC3130 Quantum Mechanics II √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC3193 Experimental Physics II √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC3231 Electricity & Magnetism II √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC3232 Nuclear & Particle Physics √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC3235 Solid State Physics I √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC3242 Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC3247 Modern Optics √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC3294 Radiation Laboratory × √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC3312 Enhanced Undergraduate Professional Internship
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC4230 Quantum Mechanics III √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC4236 Computational Condensed Matter Physics √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC4240 Solid State Physics II √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC4241 Statistical Mechanics √ √ × ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC4246 Quantum Optics √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC4248 General Relativity √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC4249 Astrophysics II √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC4267 Biophysics III √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC5201 Advanced Quantum Mechanics √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC5204 Magnetism and Spintronics √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC5204B Selected Topics in Physics: Analytic Approximations √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC5205 TOPICS IN SURFACE PHYSICS √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC5209 Accelerator Based Materials Characterisation √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC5215 NUMERICAL RECIPES WITH APPLICATIONS √ √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Physics PC5216 Advanced Atomic & Molecular Physics √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC5228 Quantum Information and Computation √ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC5288 M.SC COURSEWORK THESIS FOR PHYSICS √ × × ×
Faculty of Science Physics PC5289 M.SC.(COURSEWORK) THESIS FOR APPLIED
√ × × ×
Faculty of Science Physiology LSM3212 Human Physiology: Cardiopulmonary System × √ √ √
Faculty of Science Physiology LSM3215 Neuronal Signaling and Memory Mechanisms × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physiology LSM3217 Human Ageing × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physiology LSM3235 Epigenetics in Human Health and Diseases × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physiology LSM4213 System Neurobiology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physiology LSM4232 Advanced Cell Biology × √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Physiology LSM4243 Tumour Biology × √ √ √
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl DSA1101 Introduction to Data Science
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl DSA2101 Essential Data Analytics Tools: Data Visualisation
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl DSA3101 Data Science in Practice
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl DSA3312 Enhanced Undergraduate Professional Internship
× √ × ×
Probability Programme
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl DSA4199 Honours Project in Data Science and Analytics
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl DSA4211 High-Dimensional Statistical Analysis
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl DSA4299 Applied Project in Data Science and Analytics
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl DSC2008 Business Analytics - Data & Decisions
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl FMS1203S FS: Randomness in Scientific Thinking
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl FMS1204S FS: Fraud, Deception and Data
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl MA2216 Probability
× √ √ √
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl MA3238 Stochastic Processes I
√ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST1131 Introduction to Statistics
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST1232 Statistics for Life Sciences
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST2131 Probability
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST2132 Mathematical Statistics
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST2137 Computer Aided Data Analysis
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST2288 Basic UROPS in Statistics and Applied Probability I
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST2289 Basic UROPS in Statistics and Applied Probability II
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST2334 Probability and Statistics
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST3131 Regression Analysis
× √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST3233 Applied Time Series Analysis
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST3236 Stochastic Processes I
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST3240 Multivariate Statistical Analysis
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST3242 Introduction to Survival Analysis
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST3248 Statistical Learning I
× √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST3288 Advanced UROPS in Statistics & Applied Probability
× √ × ×
Probability I
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST3289 Advanced UROPS in Statistics & Applied Probability
× √ × ×
Probability II
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST3312 Enhanced Undergraduate Professional Internship
× √ × ×
Probability Programme
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST4199 Honours Project in Statistics
× √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST4231 Computer Intensive Statistical Methods
√ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST4233 Linear Models
√ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST4241 Design & Analysis of Clinical Trials
√ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST4245 Statistical Methods for Finance
√ √ √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST5199 COURSEWORK TRACK II PROJECT
√ × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST5201 Statistical Foundations of Data Science
√ × √ ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST5203 Design of Experiments for Product Design and
√ × × ×
Probability Process Improvements
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST5207 Nonparametric Regression
√ √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST5211 Sampling from Finite Populations
√ × × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST5214 Advanced Probability Theory
√ √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST5215 ADVANCED STATISTICAL THEORY
√ √ × ×
Faculty of Science Statistics & Appl ST5222 Advanced Topics in Applied Statistics
√ × × ×
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems EB5102 Data Analytics
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems EB5104 Decision Making and Optimization
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems EB5105 Enterprise Business Analytics Project
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems EB5202 Web Analytics
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems EB5204 New Media and Sentiment Mining
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems EB5206 Supply Chain Analytics
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems EB5207 Service Analytics
√ × × ×
Science Science
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems EBA5001 Management of Business Analytics Project
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems EBA5002 Business Analytics Practice
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems EBA5003 Customer Analytics
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems EBA5006 Big Data Engineering and Web Analytics
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems IL5101 Strategic Alignment of Business and IT
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems IL5102 IT Innovation Leadership
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems IL5105 Fundamentals of IT Leadership Transformation
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems IL5107 IT Leadership Capstone Project
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems IL5202 IT Governance and Risk Management
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems IL5204 Stakeholder Relationship Management in the IT Eco-
√ × × ×
Science Science System
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems ISY5001 Intelligent Reasoning Systems
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems ISY5002 Pattern Recognition Systems
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems ISY5004 Intelligent Sensing Systems
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems ISY5005 Intelligent Software Agents
√ × × ×
Science Science
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems KE5105 Knowledge Engineering Project
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems KE5106 Data Warehousing for Business Analytics
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems KE5108 Developing Intelligent Systems for Performing
√ × × ×
Science Science Business Analytics
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems KE5205 Text Mining
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems KE5207 Computational Intelligence II
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems KE5208 Sense Making and Insight Discovery
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SA4101 Software Analysis and Design
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SA4102 Enterprise Solutions Design and Development
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SA4104 Software Engineering
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SA4105 Web Application Development
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SA4106 AD Project
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SA4107 INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT PROJECT
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SA4108 Mobile Application Development
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG4206 Enterprise Integration
√ × × ×
Science Science
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5101 Software Analysis & Design
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5103 SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5116 Software Engineering Project
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5117 Software Engineering Overseas Practicum
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5118 Individual Software Practicum
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5208 Object Oriented Design Patterns
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5209 Enterprise Java
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5211 Business Process Management
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5221 Independent Work 2
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5225 Architecting Software Solutions
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5228 Digital Innovation and Design
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5236 Machine Learning for Software Engineers
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SG5237 Secure Software Life Cycle
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SWE5001 Architecting Scalable Systems
√ × × ×
Science Science
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SWE5002 Designing and Managing Products and Platforms
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SWE5003 Engineering Big Data
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SWE5004 Architecting Smart Systems
√ × × ×
Science Science
Institute of Systems Institute of Systems SWE5005 Securing Ubiquitous Systems
√ × × ×
Science Science
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5010 The LKY School Course
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5150 Social Welfare in East Asia
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5156 Moral Reasoning in the Policy Process
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5158 International Relations of Asia after WWII
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5180 Trade Policy and Global Value Chains
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5181 State Fragility and Peacemaking
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5184 Communications for Public Leadership
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5191 Public Administration, Technology and Innovation
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5196 Education Economics and Policy
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5198 Chinese Political Leadership and Economic
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office Development
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5203 Behavioral Economics and Public Policy
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5212 Financial Issues, Trade and Investment in Asia
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5215 Changes in Singapore Political Economy
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5220 Innovation and Technology Policy
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5223 Population Ageing, Public Policy, and Family
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office COUNTRIES
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5257 Urban Water Policy and Governance
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
√ × √ √
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5269 Environmental Economics and Public Policy
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5403 Economic Foundations for Public Policy
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5406 Quantitative Research Methods for Public Policy 1
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5409 Foundations of Public Policy
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5410 Working with Stakeholders in International
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office Development
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5510 Governing Cities of Tomorrow
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5511 Systemic and Integrated Policy Design and Analysis
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5514 ASEAN and Regionalism in Southeast Asia
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5516 Practical Political Risk Analysis
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5517 Gender and Public Policy: The life course approach
√ √ √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5518 Pragmatism and Public Morality in Singapore
√ × √ ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5703 Public Finance and Budgeting
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5704 Policy Analysis and Programme Evaluation
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5711 Urban Development and Policy
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5712 International Economic Policy
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5714 International Financial Policy and Issues
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5722 Strategic Management
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5723 Political Economy of Taiwan, Hong Kong and
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office Singapore
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5801 Economic Analysis
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5804 Governance Study Project
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5901 Introduction to International Relations Theory
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office ISSUES & POLICIES
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5903 International Political Economy
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP5904 Research Methods in International Affairs
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP6703 Foundations of Public Administration
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP6707 Qualitative Methods for Public Policy Research
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
LKY School of LKYSPP Dean's PP6708 Research Design in Public Policy
√ × × ×
Public Policy Office
Multi Disciplinary Computing & Eng CG1111 Engineering Principles and Practice I
× √ × ×
Programme Programme
Multi Disciplinary Computing & Eng CG2027 Transistor-level Digital Circuits
× √ × ×
Programme Programme
Multi Disciplinary Computing & Eng CG2028 Computer Organization
× √ × ×
Programme Programme
Multi Disciplinary Computing & Eng CG2271 Real-Time Operating Systems
× √ × ×
Programme Programme
Multi Disciplinary Computing & Eng CG3002 Embedded Systems Design Project
× √ × ×
Programme Programme
Multi Disciplinary Computing & Eng CG3207 Computer Architecture
× √ √ ×
Programme Programme
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Multi Disciplinary Computing & Eng CG4001 B. Eng. Dissertation
× √ × ×
Programme Programme
NUS Chua Thian Poh CLC1101 Engaging and Building Communities
× √ √ ×
Comm Leader Ctr
NUS Chua Thian Poh CLC2101 Engaging and Building Communities
× √ × ×
Comm Leader Ctr
NUS Chua Thian Poh CLC2201 Community Development Practicum I
× √ √ ×
Comm Leader Ctr
NUS Chua Thian Poh CLC2202 Research Methods for Community Development
× √ √ ×
Comm Leader Ctr
NUS Chua Thian Poh CLC3301 Communicating Social Issues in Singapore
× √ √ ×
Comm Leader Ctr
NUS Chua Thian Poh CLC3302 Diversity and Inclusion
× √ √ ×
Comm Leader Ctr
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang EM1201 English for Academic Purposes (Music) 1
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang EM1202 English for Academic Purposes (Music) 2
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang ES1000 Foundation Academic English
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang ES1103 English for Academic Purposes
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang ES1531 Critical Thinking And Writing
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang ES1541 Exploring Science Communication through Popular
× √ × ×
Comms Science
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang ES1601 Professional and Academic Communication
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang ES2002 Business Communication for Leaders (BBA)
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang ES2007D Professional Communication
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang ES2331 Communicating Engineering
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang ES2660 Communicating in the Information Age
× √ × ×
√ × × ×
√ × × ×
Comms LEVEL)
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang ES5002 Graduate English Course (Advanced Level)
√ × × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang ES5101 Technical Communication for Engineers
√ × × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang GEK1549 Critical Thinking And Writing
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang GET1021 Critical Thinking And Writing
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang GET1034 Communication and Critical Thinking for Community
× √ × ×
Comms Leadership
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang IS2101 Business and Technical Communication
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang SP1541 Exploring Science Communication through Popular
× √ × ×
Comms Science
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW1001B What is a nation? Texts, images and national identity
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW1001C At the Edges of the Law: Ethics, Morality and Society
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW1001N Public Persona and Self-presentations
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW1001P Heroes
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW1001S Women in Film
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW1001W The Online Politician: The Use of Social Media in
× √ × ×
Comms Political Communication
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW1001Z Colour: Theory, meaning and practice
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW2001H RISK and Popular Culture
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW2001J Blood, Death and Desire, Interpreting the Vampire
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW2001M Sport and Socialization
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW2001Q 'What's in a word?' Meaning across cultures
× √ × ×
NUS Ctr for Engl Lang UTW2001R Discourse, Citizenship, and Society
× √ × ×
NUS FoS Dean's Office DMS1401PC Design Your Own Module × √ × ×
NUS NUS TR2201Y Entrepreneurial Marketing
Entrepreneurship × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS NUS TR3002N New Venture Creation
Entrepreneurship × √ × ×
NUS NUS TR3201N Entrepreneurship Practicum
Entrepreneurship × √ √ ×
NUS NUS TR3202N Start-up Internship Programme
Entrepreneurship × √ √ ×
NUS NUS TR3202S Start-up Internship Programme
Entrepreneurship × √ × ×
NUS NUS TR3202T Start-up Internship Programme
Entrepreneurship √ √ √ ×
NUS NUS TR3203E Start-up Case Study & Analysis
Entrepreneurship × √ × ×
NUS NUS TR3203N Start-up Case Study & Analysis
Entrepreneurship × √ √ ×
NUS NUS TR3203P Start-up Case Study & Analysis
Entrepreneurship × √ × ×
NUS NUS TR3203T Start-up Case Study & Analysis
Entrepreneurship × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS NUS TR3204S Entrepreneurship Practicum (Short)
Entrepreneurship × √ × ×
NUS NUS TR3204T Entrepreneurship Practicum (Short)
Entrepreneurship × √ × ×
Entrepreneurship STARTUP: MARKET VALIDATION × √ √ ×
Entrepreneurship STARTUP: MARKET VALIDATION × √ × ×
NUS Office of Sr Dy Pres ALS1010 Learning to Learn Better
× √ × ×
& Provost
NUS Office of Sr Dy Pres ALS1020 Learning to Choose Better
× √ × √
& Provost
NUS Office of Sr Dy Pres CFG1002 Career Catalyst
× √ × ×
& Provost
NUS Office of Sr Dy Pres DMY1401HL Design Your Own Module
× √ × ×
& Provost
NUS Office of Sr Dy Pres DMY1401TT Design Your Own Module
× √ × ×
& Provost
NUS Office of Sr Dy Pres GEQ1000 Asking Questions
× √ × √
& Provost
NUS Office of Sr Dy Pres GER1000 Quantitative Reasoning
× √ × ×
& Provost
NUS Office of Sr Dy Pres GER1000H Quantitative Reasoning
× √ × ×
& Provost
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Accounting ACC1002 Financial Accounting
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC1002X Financial Accounting
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC1006 Accounting Information Systems
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC1701 Accounting for Decision Makers
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC1701X Accounting for Decision Makers
× √ √ √
NUS Business Accounting ACC2002 Managerial Accounting
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC2706 Managerial Accounting
× √ × √
NUS Business Accounting ACC2707 Corporate Accounting & Reporting I
× √ × √
NUS Business Accounting ACC2708 Corporate Accounting & Reporting II
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC2709 Accounting Information Systems
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC3603 Assurance and Attestation
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC3604 Corporate and Securities Law
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC3605 Taxation
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC3606 Advanced Corporate Accounting and Reporting
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Accounting ACC3614 Valuation
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC3616 Corporate Governance and Risk Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC3619 Integrated Perspective in Accounting and Business
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC3701 Assurance and Attestation
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC3702 Corporate and Securities Law
× √ × √
NUS Business Accounting ACC3703 Taxation
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC3704 Advanced Corporate Accounting and Reporting
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC3705 Valuation
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC3706 Corporate Governance and Risk Management
× √ × √
NUS Business Accounting ACC3707 Integrated Perspectives in Accounting and Business
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC4611 Advanced Taxation
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC4612A SIA: Internal Auditing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC4612K Sem. in Acctg: Accounting & Business Analysis for
× √ × ×
School Banks
NUS Business Accounting ACC4614 Financial Institution Audit & Compliance
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Accounting ACC4615 Advanced Assurance and Attestation
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC4619 Advanced Independent Study in Accounting
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC4711 Advanced Taxation
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC4713 Financial Institution Audit & Compliance
× √ × ×
NUS Business Accounting ACC4761H Sem. in Acctg: Accounting & Business Analysis for
× √ × ×
School Banks
NUS Business Accounting BAA6002 Accounting Research Seminars II
√ × × ×
√ × × ×
School Operations MODELS
NUS Business Analytics and BDC6111 Foundations of Optimization
√ × × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and BDC6112 Stochastic Processes I
√ × × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and BDC6114 Logistics and Supply Chain
√ × × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and BDC6248 Seminars In Operations Management I
√ × × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and BDC6302 Discrete Optimization and Algorithms
√ × × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and BPM1702 Microsoft Excel Skills for Business
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DAO1704 Decision Analytics using Spreadsheets
× √ × ×
School Operations
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Analytics and DAO1704X Decision Analytics using Spreadsheets
× √ × √
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DAO1704Y Decision Analytics using Spreadsheets
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DAO2702 Programming for Business Analytics
× √ × √
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DAO2703 Operations and Technology Management
× √ √ ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DBA3701 Introduction to Optimization
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DBA3702 Descriptive Analytics with R
× √ × √
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DBA3711 Stochastic Models in Management
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DBA3803 Predictive Analytics in Business
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DOS3701 Supply Chain Management
× √ √ ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DOS3702 Purchasing and Materials Management
× √ √ ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DOS3703 Service Operations Management
× √ √ ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DOS4812 Business-Driven Technology
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC1007 Business Analytics - Models & Decisions
× √ × ×
School Operations
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Analytics and DSC1007X Business Analytics - Models & Decisions
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC2006 Operations Management
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC2008 Business Analytics - Data & Decisions
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC3201 Supply Chain Management
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC3202 Purchasing And Materials Management
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC3203 Service Operations Management
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC3214 Introduction To Optimisation
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC3215 Stochastic Models In Management
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC3216 Predictive Analytics in Business
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC3224 Dynamic Pricing & Revenue Management
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC3229 Independent Study in Ops & Supply Chain Mgt
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC4213 Analytical Tools for Consulting
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC4216 Business-driven Technology
× √ × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC4219 Advanced Independent Study in Ops & Supply Chain
× √ × ×
School Operations Mgt
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Analytics and DSC5101 Analytics in Managerial Economics
√ × × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC5102 Business Analytics Capstone Project
√ × × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC5103 STATISTICS
√ × × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC5106 Foundation in Data Analytics I
√ × × ×
School Operations
NUS Business Analytics and DSC5211A Supply Chain Coordination and Risk Management
√ × × ×
School Operations
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BHD4001 Honours Dissertation
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BI3001A Business Internship I
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BI3001B Business Internship I
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BI3001C Business Internship I
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BI3002A Business Internship II
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BI3002B Business Internship II
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BI3003 Work Experience Internship
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BI3003A Work Experience Internship
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BI3003B Work Experience Internship
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BI3003C Work Experience Internship
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BI3003D Work Experience Internship
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BIS3001 Independent Study Module in Business
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BIS3001A Independent Study Module in Business
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BLD3002 CEOs as Leaders
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BLD3003 Personal Leadership Development
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BLD3004 Topics in Leadership Development
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5016 Leading with Impact
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5017 Managerial Operations and Analytics
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5112 Asian Business Environments
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5118A Special Topics in Strategy and Policy: Sustainability
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office Strategy
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5122 Macroeconomics and Finance: Perspectives from
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office Asia
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5128 Venture Capital
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5131 Micro-National Champions in the Digital Economy
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5314 Entrepreneurial Finance
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5323 Applied Portfolio Management
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5333 Inclusive FinTech
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5404 Entrepreneurship & Innovation
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5406 Negotiations and Conflict Management
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5524 Marketing Analytics
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5533 Marketing in the Digital Age
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5801 Launch Your Transformation
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5802 MBA Survival Kit
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5901 MBA Consulting Project
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5902 Entrepreneurship Practicum
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMA5903 MBA Internship
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5001B Managerial Skills
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5003A Decision Making
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5004A Managerial Economics
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5004B Asian Markets and Industries
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5005B International Business Law
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5006A Marketing Management
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5006B Contemporary Issues in Marketing
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5007A Accounting
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5007B Financial Management
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5008A Organizational Behavior and Human Resource
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office Management
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5008B Contemporary Issues in Human Resouce
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office Managment and Organuzational Behavior
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5009A Systems & Operations Management
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5010A Corporate Finance
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5010B Corporate Governance
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5011A Contemporary Issues in Business 1
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5011B Contemporary Issues in Business 2
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5021 Leadership: exploration, assessment & development
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5023 Business analytics and decision making
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5024 Asia and global economy
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5027 Accounting and information management
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5028 Managing human capital
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMC5029 Value chains, logistics and operations
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BME5012 Scenario Planning
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office DEVELOPMENT
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BME5042 Accounting and Information Management
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BME5049 Marketing Strategy
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BME5051 Economic Analysis for Managers
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BME5053 International Business and Internationalisation
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BME5055 Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BME5056 EMBA Special Topics 1
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMF5321 Financial Modelling
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMF5322 Introduction to Finance
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMF5323 Accounting for Finance Professionals
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMF5341A Advanced Investment Strategies
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMF5341B Applied Investment Strategies
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMF5342 Technological Disruptions in Finance and Data
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office Analytics
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMF5343 Banks and Non-Traditional Financial Intermediaries
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMF5344 Financial Statement Analysis and Value Investing
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMF5345 Analytical Portfolio Management
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMF5346 Venture Capital and Private Equity
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMF5391A Experiential Learning: Individual Internship
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMK5100 Marketing Research
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMK5101 Digital Marketing
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMK5102 Big Data in Marketing
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMK5103 Consumer Insights
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMM5001 Leadership and Management
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMM5002 Asia-Pacific Economic and Business Environment
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMM5101 Judgment and Decision-Making for Modern Policy
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office Makers
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMM5105 Real Estate Fundamentals and City Planning
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5105 Strategy and Big Data
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5107 Ethical Leadership and Corporate Strategy
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5110 Managerial Economics
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5112 Global Strategic Management
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5115 Strategic Negotiations
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5204 Cross-Border Business Management in the Digital
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office Age
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5205 Business Analytics
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5307 Financial Markets and Institutions
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5311 Corporate Finance
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5408 Special Topics in Organizational Behavior
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5507 Behavioral Economics
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5508 Design Thinking & Business Innovations
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5509 Consumer Culture Theory
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5510 Marketing Strategies in the New Economy
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5900 Block Seminar (with emphasis on Asian context)
√ × √ ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMS5902 Entrepreneurship Practicum
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMU5004 Macroeconomics and International Finance
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMU5006 Marketing Strategy
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's BMU5017 Management Practicum
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
√ × × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's FSP4003 Field Service Project
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's STR1000 Career Creation Starter Workshops
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's STR2000 Career Creation Starter Clinics
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business BIZ Dean's UIS3941 Independent Study Module
× √ × ×
School Office/MBA Office
NUS Business Finance BPM1701 Calculus and Statistics
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN2004 Finance
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN2004X Finance
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN2704 Finance
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN2704X Finance
× √ √ √
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Finance FIN3101A Corporate Finance
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3101B Corporate Finance
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3102A Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3102B Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3102C Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3103A Financial Markets
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3103B Financial Markets
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3113 Financial Statement Analysis
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3117 Bank Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3118 Financial Risk Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3119 Risk and Insurance
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3120B TIF: Transaction Banking
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3129 Independent Study in Finance
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3130 Financial Modelling
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Finance FIN3131 Fixed Income Securities
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3132 Value Investing In Asia
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3701A Corporate Finance
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3701B Corporate Finance
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3702A Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3702B Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3702C Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
× √ √ √
NUS Business Finance FIN3703A Financial Markets
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3703B Financial Markets
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3713 Bank Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3714 Financial Risk Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3715 Risk and Insurance
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3716 Financial Modelling
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3717 Fixed Income Securities
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Finance FIN3718 Value Investing in Asia
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN3761A TIF: Transaction Banking
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4112G SIF: Private Equity
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4112K SIF: Applied Portfolio Management Techniques
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4112L SIF: Family Business & Wealth Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4113 Personal Finance and Wealth Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4113Y Personal Finance and Wealth Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4115 Advanced Portfolio Mgt: Security Analysis &
× √ × ×
School Valuation
NUS Business Finance FIN4116 Valuation and Mergers & Acquisitions
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4119 Advanced Independent Study in Finance
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4122 Entrepreneurial Finance
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4123 FinTech Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4713 Advanced Portfolio Management: Securities Analysis
× √ × ×
School & Valuation
NUS Business Finance FIN4717 Entrepreneurial Finance
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Finance FIN4718 FinTech Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4761A SIF: Private Equity
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4761C SIF: Applied Portfolio Management Techniques
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN4761D SIF: Family Business & Wealth Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Finance FIN6004 Empirical Asset Pricing and Microstructure
√ × × ×
NUS Business Human Resource HR2002 Human Capital in Organizations
× √ × ×
School Management
NUS Business Management & BMO6012A Organizational Behavior Seminar: Interpersonal
√ × × ×
School Organisation Relations
NUS Business Management & BMO6016A Human Resource Management Seminar:
√ × × ×
School Organisation Foundations
√ × × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO1001A Management And Organisation
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO1001B Management And Organisation
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO1001C Management And Organisation
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO1001D Management And Organisation
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO1001X Management And Organisation
× √ × ×
School Organisation
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Management & MNO1706A Organisational Behavior
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO1706B Organisational Behavior
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO1706C Organisational Behavior
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO1706D Organisational Behavior
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO1706X Organisational Behavior
× √ √ √
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO2007 Leadership and Ethics
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO2007A Leadership and Ethics
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO2007B Leadership and Ethics
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO2007C Leadership and Ethics
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO2007D Leadership and Ethics
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO2009 Entrepreneurship
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO2705A Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty
× √ √ ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO2705B Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty
× √ √ √
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO2705C Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty
× √ √ ×
School Organisation
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Management & MNO2705D Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty
× √ √ ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO2706 Business Communication for Leaders (ACC)
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3301 Organisational Behaviour
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3303 Organisational Effectiveness
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3320 Managing Change
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3322 Negotiations and Bargaining
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3323 Management of Employee Relations
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3329 Independent Study in Leadership & Human Capital
× √ × ×
School Organisation Mgmt
NUS Business Management & MNO3330 Social Entrepreneurship
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3332 Leading Groups and Teams
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3333 Human Capital Management
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3701 Human Capital Management
× √ √ ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3702 Negotiation and Conflict Management
× √ √ √
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3703 Leading in the 21st Century
× √ √ √
School Organisation
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Management & MNO3711 Managing Change
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3713 Management of Employee Relations
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3715 Leading Groups and Teams
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO3811 Social Entrepreneurship
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO4313J SILHCM: Talent Development and Performing with
× √ × ×
School Organisation Impact
NUS Business Management & MNO4314 Consulting to Management
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO4319 Adv Independent Study in Leadership & Human
× √ × ×
School Organisation Capital Mgt
NUS Business Management & MNO4711 Consulting to Management
× √ × ×
School Organisation
NUS Business Management & MNO4761 Seminars in Leadership and Human Capital
× √ × ×
School Organisation Management
NUS Business Management & MNO4761C SILHCM: Talent Development and Performing with
× √ × ×
School Organisation Impact
NUS Business Marketing BMK6104 Marketing Seminar: Marketing Theory & Research
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NUS Business Marketing BMK6111O Marketing Strategy
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NUS Business Marketing BPM1705 Understanding How Business Works
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing BZD6008 Cognition and Affect
√ × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Marketing MKT1003A Principles of Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT1003B Principles of Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT1003C Principles of Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT1003D Principles of Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT1003X Principles of Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT1705A Principles of Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT1705B Principles of Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT1705C Principles of Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT1705D Principles of Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT1705X Principles of Marketing
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT2414 Marketing Venture Challenge
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT2711 Marketing Venture Challenge
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3401 Marketing Strategy: Analysis and Practice
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3401A Marketing Strategy: Analysis and Practice
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Marketing MKT3401B Marketing Strategy: Analysis and Practice
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3402 Consumer Behaviour
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3412 Services Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3416 Business-to-Business Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3418 Product And Brand Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3420 Advertising & Promotion Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3426 Global Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3428 Wealth Management Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3429 Independent Study in Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3701 Marketing Strategy: Analysis and Practice
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3701A Marketing Strategy: Analysis and Practice
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3701B Marketing Strategy: Analysis and Practice
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3702 Consumer Behaviour
× √ √ √
NUS Business Marketing MKT3711 Services Marketing
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Marketing MKT3715 Business-to-Business Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3717 Product & Brand Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3718 Advertising & Promotion Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3721 Global Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3761 Topics in Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT3761A TIM: Wealth Management Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT4412 Marketing Theory: Cultivating Critical Thinking
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT4413 Pricing Strategy
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT4417 Consumer Decision Making
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT4418 Consumer Culture Theory
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT4419 Advanced Independent Study in Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT4420 Marketing Analytics
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT4712 Marketing Theory: Cultivating Critical Thinking
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing MKT4714 Consumer Decision Making
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Marketing MKT4716 Consumer Culture Theory
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing TR2201 Entrepreneurial Marketing
× √ × ×
NUS Business Marketing TR3001 New Product Development
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BBP6781 Theory of Strategic Management
√ × × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSE3701 Macroeconomic Principles in the Global Economy
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSE3702 Economics of Strategy
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSN3702 New Venture Creation
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSN3703 Entrepreneurial Strategy
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSN3713 Entrepreneurial Boot Camp
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSN3811 People Strategy
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP1004 Legal Environment Of Business
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP1004X Legal Environment Of Business
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP1005 Managerial Economics
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP1702 Legal Environment of Business
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP1702X Legal Environment of Business
× √ × √
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP1703 Managerial Economics
× √ √ √
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP2001 Macro And International Economics
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP2005 Asian Business Environments
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP2011 Asian Business Environments
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP2701 Global Economy
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP3001 Strategic Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP3001A Strategic Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP3001B Strategic Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP3001C Strategic Management
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP3011 Family Business
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP3513 Family Business
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP3701 Strategic Management
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP3701A Strategic Management
× √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP3701B Strategic Management
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP3701C Strategic Management
× √ √ ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BSP4513 Econometrics: Theory and Practical Business
× √ × ×
School Applications
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BZD6000 Applied Economics
√ × × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BZD6003 Applied Econometrics I
√ × × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy BZD6006 Organization Theory
√ × × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy DMB1201BS Design Your Own Module
× √ × ×
School P
NUS Business Strategy and Policy MNO2009 Entrepreneurship
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy SSB1204 Singapore Employment Law
× √ × ×
NUS Business Strategy and Policy TR3002 New Venture Creation
× √ × ×
NUS Grad Sch for Ctr for Quantum QT5201R Density Functionals for Many-Particle Systems
√ √ × ×
Int Sci & Eng Technologies
NUS Grad Sch for Mechanobiology MB5104 Integrative Approach To Understand Cell Functions
√ × × ×
Int Sci & Eng Institute (MBI)
NUS Grad Sch for NGS Dean's Office GS5002 Academic Professional Skills and Techniques
√ × × ×
Int Sci & Eng
NUS Grad Sch for NGS Dean's Office GS5101 Laboratory Rotation
√ × × ×
Int Sci & Eng
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
NUS Grad Sch for NGS Dean's Office GS6001 Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity
√ × × ×
Int Sci & Eng
NUS Grad Sch for NGS Dean's Office GS6882A Biology of Disease
√ × × ×
Int Sci & Eng
NUS Grad Sch for NGS Dean's Office GS6883A Interface Science and Engineering
√ × × ×
Int Sci & Eng
NUS Grad Sch for NGS Dean's Office GS6889B Academic Skills and Research Ethics
√ × √ ×
Int Sci & Eng
NUS Grad Sch for NGS Dean's Office GSN6501 Neuronal Signalling
√ × √ ×
Int Sci & Eng
NUS Grad Sch for NGS Dean's Office GSS6886 NGS Seminars
√ × × ×
Int Sci & Eng
NUS Grad Sch for NGS Dean's Office LSE6101 Fundamentals of Environmental Life Sciences
√ × × ×
Int Sci & Eng Engineering
Residential College College of Alice & UTC1402 Jr Sem: Generation Y: Transitions to Adulthood
× √ × ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTC1403 Jr Sem: Hidden Communities
× √ √ ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTC1404 Jr Sem: Power and Ideas
× √ √ ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTC1408 Jr Sem: Technology and Human Progress
× √ √ ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTC1415 Jr Sem: Family in a Changing Singapore
× √ × ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTC1416 Jr Sem: Games, Game Communities and Society
× √ √ ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTC2400 Community Leadership
× √ √ ×
Peter Tan
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Residential College College of Alice & UTC2402 Environment and Civil Society in Singapore
× √ √ ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTC2403 Citizenship in a Changing World
× √ √ ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTC2407 Work and Inequality
× √ × ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTC2409 Understanding Communities: Theory & Practice
× √ × ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTC3400 Independent Study
× √ × ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTC3401 CAPT Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP)
× √ × ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTS2400 Identities in Asia
× √ √ ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTS2402 Environment and Civil Society in Singapore
× √ √ ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTS2403 Citizenship in a Changing World
× √ × ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTS2405 Work and Inequality
× √ × ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTS2407 Understanding Communities: Theory & Practice
× √ × ×
Peter Tan
Residential College College of Alice & UTS2500 College 3 Capstone Experience
× √ × ×
Peter Tan
Residential College Residential College UTC1702B Thinking in Systems: Diseases and Healthcare
× √ √ ×
Residential College Residential College UTC1702C Thinking in Systems: Sustainability and Us
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Residential College Residential College UTC1702D Thinking in Systems: Population Dynamics
× √ √ ×
Residential College Residential College UTC1702E Thinking in Systems: Energy Systems
× √ √ ×
Residential College Residential College UTC1702F Thinking in Systems: Disaster Resilience
× √ × ×
Residential College Residential College UTC2700 An Undefeated Mind: An Experiential Inner
× √ × ×
4 Reengineering Approach
Residential College Residential College UTC2703 Infectious Diseases: Dynamics, Strategies and
× √ √ ×
4 Policies
Residential College Residential College UTC2706 Committed to Changing Our World: Dana Meadows'
× √ × ×
4 Legacy
Residential College Residential College UTC2707 Understanding Health and Social Care in Singapore
× √ × ×
Residential College Residential College UTC2708 Singapore - A Smart Nation in Context : IoT & Big
× √ × ×
4 Data
Residential College Residential College UTC2712 Hard to secure easy to waste - Singapore's food
× √ √ ×
4 story
Residential College Residential College UTC2713 Modelling Singlehood, Marriage & Fertility in
× √ × ×
4 Singapore
Residential College Residential College UTC2714 A social critique of markets in Singapore
× √ × ×
Residential College Residential College UTC2715 Decoding Complexity
× √ × ×
Residential College Residential College UTC2717 Navigation in Singapore Waters-Bridges and Barriers
× √ √ ×
Residential College Residential College UTC2718 Energy and Singapore: Dynamics, Dilemmas and
× √ √ ×
4 Decisions
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Residential College Residential College UTC2719 Society and Economy in Singapore: A Systems View
× √ × ×
Residential College Residential College UTS2701 Understanding Health and Social Care in Singapore
× √ × ×
Residential College Residential College UTS2702 Singapore - A Smart Nation in Context : IoT & Big
× √ × ×
4 Data
Residential College Residential College UTS2704 Hard to secure easy to waste - Singapore's food
× √ × ×
4 story
Residential College Residential College UTS2705 Modelling Singlehood, Marriage & Fertility in
× √ × ×
4 Singapore
Residential College Residential College UTS2706 A social critique of markets in Singapore
× √ × ×
Residential College Residential College UTS2707 Decoding Complexity
× √ × ×
Residential College Residential College UTS2708 Navigation in Singapore Waters-Bridges and Barriers
× √ × ×
Residential College Residential College UTS2709 Energy and Singapore: Dynamics, Dilemmas and
× √ × ×
4 Decisions
Residential College Residential College UTS2710 Society and Economy in Singapore: A Systems View
× √ × ×
Residential College Ridge View GEQ1917 Understanding and Critiquing Sustainability
× √ × ×
Residential College
Residential College Ridge View WR1401 Workplace Readiness
× √ × ×
Residential College
Residential College Tembusu College UTC1102B Junior Seminar: The Darwinian Revolution × √ × ×
Residential College Tembusu College UTC1102G Junior Seminar: Proof: What's Truth got to do with it? × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Residential College Tembusu College UTC1114 Junior Seminar From the Fire to the Frying Pan:
× √ × ×
Cooking and Eating in Human Culture(s)
Residential College Tembusu College UTC1117 Junior Seminar: Radiation and Society × √ × ×
Residential College Tembusu College UTC1119 Junior Seminar: Crime and Punishment × √ √ ×
Residential College Tembusu College UTC2102 Climate Change × √ × ×
Residential College Tembusu College UTC2107 Senior Seminar: Negotiating in a Complex World × √ × ×
Residential College Tembusu College UTC2109 Asia Now! The Archaeology of the Future City × √ × ×
Residential College Tembusu College UTS2100 Intelligence and Singapore Society × √ × ×
Residential College Tembusu College UTS2101 Biomedicine and Singapore Society × √ √ ×
Residential College Tembusu College UTS2109 Asia Now! The Archaeology of the Future City × √ × ×
Risk Management Risk Management FE5101 Derivatives And Fixed Income
√ × × ×
Institute Institute
Risk Management Risk Management FE5110 FINANCIAL ENGINEERING PROJECT
√ × × ×
Institute Institute
Risk Management Risk Management FE5112 Stochastic Calculus and Quantitative Methods
√ × × ×
Institute Institute
Risk Management Risk Management FE5209 FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS
√ × × ×
Institute Institute
Risk Management Risk Management FE5221 Trading Principles & Fundamentals
√ × × ×
Institute Institute
Risk Management Risk Management FE5222 Advanced Derivatives Pricing
√ × × ×
Institute Institute
Risk Management Risk Management FE5223 Introduction to Electronic Financial Market
√ × × ×
Institute Institute
Risk Management Risk Management FE5226 C++ in Financial Engineering
√ × × ×
Institute Institute
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
SSH School of SSH School of GEH1049 Public Health in Action
× √ √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of GEK1900 Public Health in Action
× √ × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH2101 Public Health and Epidemiology
× √ √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH2102 Lifestyle, Behaviour and Public Health
× √ √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH2103 Systems and Policies to improve Health
× √ √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH2105 Introduction to Global Health
× √ √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH2106 Health in the Later Years
× √ √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH2107 Social Determinants of Health
× √ √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH3101 Biostatistics for Public Health
× √ √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH3103 Public Health Economics
× √ √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH3105 Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable
× √ √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO Diseases
SSH School of SSH School of SPH3109 Designing Public Health Programmes
× √ × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH3404 Physical Activity For Better Population Health
× √ × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5001 Foundations of Public Health
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5002 Public Health Research Methods
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5003 Health Behaviour and Communication
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5004 Introduction to Health Systems and Policies
√ × √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5005 Practicum
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5204 Nutrition and Health - Fundamentals and
√ × √ ×
Public Health Public Health DO Applications
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5206 Urban Field Epidemiology
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5304 Occupational Ergonomics
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5406 Contemporary Global Health Issues
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5408 Public Health and Ageing
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5415 Healthcare Operations & Performance
√ × × √
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5801 Field Practice
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5890A Independent Study in Epidemiology and Disease
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO Control
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5890B Independent Study in Quantitative Methods
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5890C Independent Study in Environmental / Occupational
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO Health
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5890D Independent Study in Health Policy and Systems
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5890E Independent Study in Health Services Research
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5890F Independent Study in Health Promotion
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH5890G Independent Study in Global Health Programs:
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO Planning and Evaluation
SSH School of SSH School of SPH6006 Advanced Health Behaviour and Communication
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH6007 Health Systems and Policy Analysis
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH6201A Independent Study (Epidemiology and Disease
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO Control)
SSH School of SSH School of SPH6201B Independent Study (Biostatistics)
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH6201C Independent Study (Environmental / Occupational
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO Health)
SSH School of SSH School of SPH6201D Independent Study (Health Policy and Systems)
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH6201E Independent Study (Health Services Research)
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH6201F Independent Study (Health Promotion)
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH6201G Independent Study (Global Health)
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
SSH School of SSH School of SPH6770 Graduate Research Seminar in Public Health
√ × × ×
Public Health Public Health DO
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Computer Science BT5110 Data Management and Warehousing
√ × × ×
School of Computer Science CS1010 Programming Methodology
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS1010E Programming Methodology
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS1010J Programming Methodology
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS1010R Programming Methodology
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS1010S Programming Methodology
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS1101S Programming Methodology
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS1231 Discrete Structures
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS1231S Discrete Structures
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS2030 Programming Methodology II
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS2040 Data Structures and Algorithms
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS2040S Data Structures and Algorithms
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS2100 Computer Organisation
× √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Computer Science CS2102 Database Systems
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS2103 Software Engineering
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS2103T Software Engineering
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS2104 Programming Language Concepts
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS2107 Introduction to Information Security
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS2113 Software Engineering & Object-Oriented
× √ √ ×
Computing Programming
School of Computer Science CS2113T Software Engineering & Object-Oriented
× √ × ×
Computing Programming
School of Computer Science CS2220 Introduction to Computational Biology
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS2309 CS Research Methodology
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS3103 Computer Networks Practice
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS3203 Software Engineering Project
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS3210 Parallel Computing
× √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Computer Science CS3216 Software Product Engineering for Digital Markets
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS3219 Software Engineering Principles and Patterns
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS3230R Design and Analysis of Algorithms
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS3235 Computer Security
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS3236R Introduction to Information Theory
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS3237 Introduction to Internet of Things
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS3240 Interaction Design
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS3241 Computer Graphics
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS3241R Computer Graphics
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS3244 Machine Learning
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS3245R Information Retrieval
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS4211 Formal Methods for Software Engineering
√ √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Computer Science CS4212 Compiler Design
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4223 Multi-core Architectures
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4224 Distributed Databases
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4226 Internet Architecture
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4232 Theory of Computation
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4234 Optimisation Algorithms
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4236 Cryptography Theory and Practice
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4238 Computer Security Practice
√ √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS4239 Software Security
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4243 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4246 AI Planning and Decision Making
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4248 Natural Language Processing
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4249 Phenomena and Theories of Human-Computer
√ √ √ ×
Computing Interaction
School of Computer Science CS4261 Algorithmic Mechanism Design
× √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Computer Science CS4269 Fundamentals of Logic in Computer Science
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4276 IoT Security
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS4350 Game Development Project
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS5219 Automated Software Validation
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS5223 Distributed Systems
√ × × ×
School of Computer Science CS5228 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
√ √ × √
School of Computer Science CS5229 Advanced Computer Networks
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS5231 Systems Security
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS5234 Algorithms at Scale
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS5239 Computer System Performance Analysis
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS5240 Theoretical Foundations in MultiMedia
√ √ √ ×
School of Computer Science CS5242 Neural Networks and Deep Learning
√ √ × √
School of Computer Science CS5248 Systems Support for Continuous Media
√ √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS5322 Database Security
√ √ × √
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Computer Science CS5340 Uncertainty Modelling in AI
√ √ × ×
School of Computer Science CS5344 Big-Data Analytics Technology
√ × × ×
School of Computer Science CS5424 Distributed Databases
√ × × √
School of Computer Science CS5439 Software Security
√ × × √
School of Computer Science CS5446 Decision Making and AI Planning
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School of Computer Science CS5461 Algorithmic Mechanism Design
√ × × ×
School of Computer Science CS5469 Fundamentals of Logic in Computer Science
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School of Computer Science CS5476 IoT Security
√ × × √
School of Computer Science CS6101 Exploration of Computer Science Research
√ × × ×
School of Computer Science CS6203 Advanced Topics in Database Systems
√ × √ ×
School of Computer Science CS6210 The Art of Computer Science Research
√ × × ×
School of Computer Science CS6217 Topics in Prog. Languages & Software Engineering
√ × × ×
School of Computer Science CS6231 Advanced Topics in Security and Privacy
√ × √ ×
School of Computer Science CS6281 Topics in Computer Science: Property Testing
√ × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Computer Science CS6284 Topics in Computer Science: Big Data Meets New
√ × × ×
Computing Hardware
School of Computer Science CS6290 Lecture Series in Computer Science I
√ × × ×
School of Computer Science GET1031 Computational Thinking
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science IFS4103 Penetration Testing Practice
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science IFS4205 Information Security Capstone Project.
× √ × ×
School of Computer Science IT2002 Database Technology and Management
× √ √ ×
School of Computer Science IT5001 Software Development Fundamentals
√ × × √
School of Computer Science IT5002 Computer Systems
√ × × √
School of Computer Science IT5003 Data Structures and Algorithms
√ × × √
School of Ctr for Engl Lang CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing
× √ × ×
Computing Comms Professionals
School of Info Systems and BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT2101 Decision Making Methods and Tools
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT2102 Data Management and Visualisation
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT3101 Business Analytics Capstone Project
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Info Systems and BT3102 Computational Methods for Business Analytics
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT3103 Application Systems Development for Business
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT4010 Business Analytics Internship Programme
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT4012 Fraud Analytics
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT4015 Geospatial Analytics
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT4016 Risk Analytics for Financial Services
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT4101 B.Sc. (Business Analytics) Dissertation
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT4103 Business Analytics Capstone Project
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT4212 Search Engine Optimization and Analytics
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT4221 Big Data Techniques and Technologies
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT4240 Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics
√ √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT5151 Foundation in Data Analytics II
√ × × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and BT5152 Decision Making Technology for Business
√ × × ×
Computing Analytics
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Info Systems and IS1103 IS Innovations in Organisations and Society
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS2102 Enterprise Systems Architecture and Design
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS2103 Enterprise Systems Server-side Design and
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics Development
School of Info Systems and IS3103 Information Systems Leadership and Communication
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS3106 Enterprise Systems Interface Design and
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics Development
School of Info Systems and IS3150 Digital Media Marketing
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS3240 Digital Platform Strategy and Architecture
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS3261 Mobile Apps Development for Enterprise
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS4010 Industry Internship Programme
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS4100 IT Project Management
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS4103 Information Systems Capstone Project
× √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS4204 IT Governance
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services
√ √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS4231 Information Security Management
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Info Systems and IS4234 Compliance and Regulation Technology
√ √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS4242 Intelligent Systems and Techniques
√ √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS4301 Agile IT with DevOps
√ √ × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS5003 Platform Design and Economy
√ × √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS5005 Digital Engagement
√ × √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS5006 Intelligent System Deployment
√ × √ √
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS5007 Strategising for Global IT-enabled Business Success
√ × × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS5008 Technology Risk & Cyber Resilience
√ × × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS5009 Topics in Financial Technology Solutions
√ × × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS5110 Software Project Management
√ × × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS5117 Digital Government
√ × √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS6000 Qualifying Examination in IS
√ × × ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS6002 Quantitative Methods for IS Research
√ × √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of Info Systems and IS6004 Econometrics for IS Research
√ × √ ×
Computing Analytics
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Info Systems and IT1001 Introduction to Computing
× √ √ ×
Computing Analytics
School of SoC Dean's Office CP2106 Independent Software Development Project (Orbital)
× √ × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office CP2201 Journey of the Innovator
× √ × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office CP3106 Independent Project
× √ × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office CP3201 Industry Seminar
× √ × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office CP3208 Undergraduate Research in Computing I
× √ × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office CP3209 Undergraduate Research in Computing II
× √ × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office CP3880 Advanced Technology Attachment Programme
× √ × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office CP4101 B.Comp. Dissertation
× √ × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office CP5010 Graduate Research Paper
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School of SoC Dean's Office CP5101 MComp Dissertation
√ × × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office CP5102 MComp Information Security Project
√ × × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office CP5103 Master of Computing Project
√ × × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office CP5104 Graduate Project in Computing
√ × √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of SoC Dean's Office CP6010 Doctoral Seminar
√ × × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office DMC1401 Design Your Own Module
× √ × ×
School of SoC Dean's Office XFC4101 Integrated Honours Thesis
× √ × ×
School of Cont & Electrical & IND5002 Digital-Physical Integration in Industry 4.0
√ × × ×
Lifelong Edun Computer Eng
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN2121E Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN2122E Fluid Mechanics
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN3121E Process Dynamics & Control
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN3132E Separation Processes
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN3421E Process Modeling & Numerical Simulation
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN4118E B.Tech. Dissertation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN4119E B.Tech. Dissertation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN4122E Process Synthesis and Simulation
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN4205E Pinch Analysis and Process Integration
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN4208E Biochemical Engineering
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN4210E Membrane Science And Engineering
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN4215E Food Technology And Engineering
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN4240E Unit Operations and Processes for Effluent
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office Treatment
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's CN4246E Chemical And Bio-Catalysis
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's EE3131E Communication Systems
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's EE3207E Computer Architecture
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's EE3331E Feedback Control Systems
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's EE3408E Integrated Analog Design
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's EE4101E Radio-Frequency (RF) Communications
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's EE4204E Computer Networks
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's EE4303E Industrial Control Systems
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's EE4435E Modern Transistors and Memory Devices
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's EE4436E Fabrication Process Technology
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's GES1000T Singapore Employment Law
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's GES1002T Global Economic Dimensions Of Singapore
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IE2010E Introduction to Industrial System
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IE2110E Operations Research I
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IE2130E Quality Engineering I
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IE3100E Systems Design Project
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IE3101E Statistics for Engineering Applications
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IE3110E Simulation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IE4100E BTech Dissertation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IE4101E B.Tech. Dissertation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IE4240E Project Management
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IE4259E Selected Topics in Systems Engineering
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IE4299E Selected Topics in Industrial Engineering
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's IND5001 Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Applications
√ × × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME2121E Engineering Thermodynamics
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME2134E Fluid Mechanics I
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME2142E Feedback Control Systems
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME2151E Principles of Mechanical Eng. Materials
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME3112E Mechanics of Machines
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME3162E Manufacturing Processes
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME3211E Mechanics of Solids
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME3242E Automation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME3261E Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME3263E Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME4223E Thermal Environmental Engineering
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME4245E Robot Mechanics and Control
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME4251E Thermal Engineering Of Materials
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's ME4256E Functional Materials and Devices
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's SSA2220T Global Economic Dimensions Of Singapore
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's SSB1204T Singapore Employment Law
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TBA2105 Web Mining
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TBA4212 Search Engine Optimisation and Analytics
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TC1005 MATLAB Programming for Chemical Engineers
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCE1109 Statics And Mechanics of Materials
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCE2112 Soil Mechanics
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCE2155 Structural Mechanics and Materials
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCE2183 Construction Project Management
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCE2184 Infrastructure & the Environment
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCE3001 Water Quality Engineering
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCE3132 Water Resources Engineering
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCE3155 Structural Analysis
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN1005 MATLAB Programming for Chemical Engineers
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN2121 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN2122 Fluid Mechanics
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN3121 Process Dynamics & Control
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN3132 Separation Processes
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN3421 Process Modeling & Numerical Simulation
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN4122 Process Synthesis and Simulation
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN4205 Pinch Analysis and Process Integration
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN4208 Biochemical Engineering
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN4210 Membrane Science And Engineering
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN4215 Food Technology and Engineering
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN4240 Unit Operations and Processes for Effluent
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office Treatment
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TCN4246 Chemical And Bio-Catalysis
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TE2002 Engineering Mathematics II
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TE2003 Advanced Mathematics for Engineers
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TE2101 Programming Methodology
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TE4001 BTech Dissertation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE2002 Engineering Mathematics II
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE2003 Advanced Mathematics for Engineers
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE2027 Electronic Circuits
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE2028 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE2101 Programming Methodology
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE3131 Communication Systems
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE3207 Computer Architecture
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE3331 Feedback Control Systems
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE3408 Integrated Analog Design
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE4001 BTech Dissertation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE4101 Radio-Frequency (RF) Communications
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE4204 Computer Networks
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE4211 Data Science for the Internet of Things
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE4303 Industrial Control Systems
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE4435 Modern Transistors and Memory Devices
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TEE4436 Fabrication Process Technology
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TG1401 Engineering Mathematics I
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TG3001 Industrial Practice
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TG3002 Industrial Practice
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIC1001 Introduction to Computing and Programming I
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIC1101 Professional, Ethical, and Social Issues in Computing
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIC2002 Introduction to Software Engineering
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIC2101 Information Systems and Organisations
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIC2301 Introduction to Information Security
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIC2601 Database and Web Applications
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIC2701 Principles of Programming Languages
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIC2901 Communications for Computing Professionals
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIC3901 Industrial Practice
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE2010 Introduction to Industrial System
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE2030 Programming Methodology with Python
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE2110 Operations Research I
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE2130 Quality Engineering I
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE3100 Systems Design Project
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE3101 Statistics for Engineering Applications
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE3110 Simulation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE4203 Decision Analysis in Industrial & Operations
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office Management
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE4240 Project Management
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE4252 Introduction to Systems Engineering
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE4259 Selected Topics in Systems Engineering
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TIE4299 Selected Topics in Industrial Engineering
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TM2401 Engineering Mathematics II
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TM4101 B.Tech. Dissertation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TM4102 B.Tech. Dissertation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TMA1001 Introductory Mathematics
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TMA2103 Probability and Statistics
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME2121 Engineering Thermodynamics
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME2142 Feedback Control Systems
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME2151 Principles of Mechanical Engineering Materials
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME2401 Engineering Mathematics II
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME3112 Mechanics of Machines
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME3162 Manufacturing Processes
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME3211 Mechanics of Solids
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME3242 Automation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME3261 Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME3263 Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME4102 B.Tech. Dissertation
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME4223 Thermal Environmental Engineering
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME4245 Robot Mechanics and Control
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME4251 Thermal Engineering Of Materials
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TME4256 Functional Materials and Devices
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TSC3223 Supply Chain Financial Analysis and Management
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I
× √ × √
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TTG3001 Industrial Practice
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & SCALE Dean's TTG3002 Industrial Practice
× √ × ×
Lifelong Edun Office
School of Cont & Statistics & Appl IND5003 Data Analytics for Sense-making
√ × × ×
Lifelong Edun Probability
School of Design & Architecture AR1101 Design I
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR1327 Structural Principles
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR2101 Design 3
× √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Architecture AR2221 History and Theory of Southeast Asia Architecture
× √ √ ×
School of Design & Architecture AR2224 Ideas and Approaches in Design
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR2225 Reading Visual Images
× √ √ ×
School of Design & Architecture AR2327 Architectural Tectonics
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR2522 Computational Thinking: Performance Based Design
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR2524 Spatial Computational Thinking
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR3101 Design 5
× √ √ ×
School of Design & Architecture AR3101A Design 5 (Landscape Architecture Emphasis)
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR3151 Design - ISM
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR3223 Introduction to Urbanism
× √ √ ×
School of Design & Architecture AR3412 Work Experience Internship
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR3421 Introduction to Architectural Practice
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR3721 Building Environmental System Modelling
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR4001 Advanced Architectural Study 1
× √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Architecture AR4421 Architecture Internship Programme
× √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5011 Research Methodology
√ × × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5121 SPECIAL TOPICS IN TECHNOLOGY
√ × × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5221 CONTEMPORARY THEORIES
√ × × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5321 Advanced Architectural Integration
√ × √ ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5322 Renewable Resources and Architecture
√ × × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5423 Architectural Practice
√ √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5601 Urban Design Theory and Praxis
√ × √ ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5770 GRADUATE SEMINAR
√ × × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5801 Options Design Research Studio 1
√ × √ ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5802 Options Design Research Studio 2
√ √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5803 Architectural & Technology Design 1
√ × × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5806 Architectural Design Research Report
√ × × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5807 Architectural Design Thesis
√ × × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Architecture AR5951 Topics in History & Theory of Architecture
√ × × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5951A Topics in History and Theory of Architecture 1
√ √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5951B Topics in History & Theory of Architecture 2
√ √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5951C Topics in History and Theory of Architecture 3
√ √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5951D Topics in History & Theory of Architecture 4
√ √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5951E Topics in History & Theory of Architecture 5
√ √ × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5951F Topics in History & Theory of Architecture 6
√ × × ×
School of Design & Architecture AR5952A Topics in Urban Studies 1
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School of Design & Architecture AR5952B Topics in Urban Studies 2
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School of Design & Architecture AR5952C Special Topics in Urban Studies 3
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School of Design & Architecture AR5952D Topics in Urban Studies 4
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School of Design & Architecture AR5952E Topics in Urban Studies 5
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School of Design & Architecture AR5952F Topics in Urban Studies 6
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School of Design & Architecture AR5952G Topics in Urban Studies 7
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Architecture AR5952H Topics in Urbanism 8
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School of Design & Architecture AR5953A Topics in Design Technology 1
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School of Design & Architecture AR5953B Topics in Design Technology 2
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School of Design & Architecture AR5953C Topics in Design Technology 3
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School of Design & Architecture AR5953D Topics in Design Technology 4
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School of Design & Architecture AR5953E Topics in Design Technology 5
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School of Design & Architecture AR5953H Topics in Design Technology 8
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School of Design & Architecture AR5954A Topics in Landscape Architecture 1
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School of Design & Architecture AR5954B Topics in Landscape Architecture
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School of Design & Architecture AR5954C Topics in Landscape Architecture
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School of Design & Architecture AR5954D Topics in Landscape Architecture 4
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School of Design & Architecture AR5955A Topics in Research by Design 1
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School of Design & Architecture AR5955B AR5955b Topics in Research by Design 2
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School of Design & Architecture AR5955E Topics in Research by Design 5
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Architecture AR5956A Topics in Design and Built Environment 1
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School of Design & Architecture AR5956B Topics in Design and Built Environment 2
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School of Design & Architecture AR5956C Topics in Design and Built Environment 3
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School of Design & Architecture AR5956D Topics in Design and Built Environment 4
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School of Design & Architecture AR5956E Topics in Design and Built Environment 5
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School of Design & Architecture AR5957A Topics in History and Theory of Architecture 1
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School of Design & Architecture AR5957B Topics in History and Theory of Architecture 2
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School of Design & Architecture AR5957C Topics in History and Theory of Architecture 3
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School of Design & Architecture AR5957D Topics in History and Theory of Architecture 4
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School of Design & Architecture AR5957E Topics in History and Theory of Architecture 5
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School of Design & Architecture AR5957F Topics in History and Theory of Architecture 6
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School of Design & Architecture AR5958A Topics in Urbanism 1
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School of Design & Architecture AR5958B Topics in Urbanism 2
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School of Design & Architecture AR5958C Topics in Urbanism 3
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Architecture AR5959A Topics in Design Technology 1
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School of Design & Architecture AR5959B Topics in Design Technology 2
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School of Design & Architecture AR5959C Topics in Design Technology 3
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School of Design & Architecture AR5959D Topics in Design Technology 4
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School of Design & Architecture AR5959E Topics in Design Technology 5
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School of Design & Architecture AR6770 PHD SEMINAR
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School of Design & Architecture DEP5108 MUP Internship Module
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School of Design & Architecture DEP5110 Urban Design and Regional Planning
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School of Design & Architecture GEK2044 Reading Visual Images
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School of Design & Architecture LA4203 History and Theory of Landscape Architecture
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School of Design & Architecture LA4301 Material and Design
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School of Design & Architecture LA4701 MLA Studio: Quarter
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School of Design & Architecture LA5201 Policy of Landscape
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School of Design & Architecture LA5222 Urban Ecology and Design
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Architecture LA5301 Geo Design
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School of Design & Architecture LA5701 MLA Studio: Country
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School of Design & Architecture UD5221 Theory and Elements of Urban Design
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School of Design & Architecture UD5521 Planning Process: Quantitative & Policy Dimensions
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School of Design & Architecture UD5601 URBAN DESIGN STUDIO 1
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School of Design & Architecture UD5622 Methods Of Urban Design & Urban Analysis
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School of Design & Building BPS5000 Dissertation
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School of Design & Building BPS5111 Integrated Building Design
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School of Design & Building BPS5112 Green Building Integration and Evaluation Studio
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School of Design & Building BPS5221 Microclimate Design
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School of Design & Building BPS5223 Building Energy Performance - Passive Systems
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School of Design & Building BPS5224 Building Energy Performance - Active Systems
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School of Design & Building BPS5229 Data Science for the Built Environment
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School of Design & Building BPS5300 Topics in Building Performance and Sustainability
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Building BS5770 GRADUATE SEMINAR
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School of Design & Building BS6770 PHD SEMINAR
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School of Design & Building GES1019 Managing Singapore's Built Environment
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School of Design & Building PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management
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School of Design & Building PF1106 Introduction to Measurement
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School of Design & Building PF1107 Project And Facilities Management Law
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School of Design & Building PF2102 Structural Systems
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School of Design & Building PF2107 Construction Technology
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School of Design & Building PF2109 Project Feasibility
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School of Design & Building PF2205 Project Finance
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School of Design & Building PF2305 Event Management
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School of Design & Building PF3105 Research Methods
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School of Design & Building PF3205 Advanced Measurement
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School of Design & Building PF3206 Project Scheduling and Control
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Building PF3208 Project Leadership
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School of Design & Building PF3209 Building Information Modelling
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School of Design & Building PF3302 Energy Management
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School of Design & Building PF3307 Strategic Facilities Management
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School of Design & Building PF3504 Energy Management
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School of Design & Building PF4101 Dissertation
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School of Design & Building PF4102 Contract and Procurement Management
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School of Design & Building PF4202 Safety, Health and Environmental Mgt
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School of Design & Building PF4211 Addictive Manufacturing for Construction
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School of Design & Building PF4301 Strategic Facilities Management
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School of Design & Building PF4307 Event Management
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School of Design & Building PF4501 Total Building Performance
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School of Design & Building PM5000 DISSERTATION
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School of Design & Building PM5103 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Building PM5106 DESIGN MANAGEMENT
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School of Design & Building PM5112 RESEARCH METHODS
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School of Design & Building PM5113 Managing Projects using BIM
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School of Design & Building PM5114 Managing Complex Projects
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School of Design & Building PM5116 Project Finance Case Studies
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID1105 Design Fundamentals 1
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID1113 Modelling and Sketching for Design
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID1223 History & Theory Of Industrial Design
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID2105 Design for Context and Sustainability
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID2111 Computer Aided Industrial Design
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID2113 Visual Communication Design
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID2323 Technology for Design
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID3041 Special Studies
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Industrial Design ID3105 Design Platforms 2
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID3124 Creative Communication & Design Argumentation
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID3125 Colours, Materials & Finishing
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID4105 Design Platforms 4
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID4121 Project Research
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID5021 DESIGN RESEARCH
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID5151 DESIGN INNOVATION
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID5351 DESIGN STUDIES
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID5770 Graduate Seminar Module in Industrial Design
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID5951 Topics in Industrial Design
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID5951A Topics in Industrial Design: Product Development
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID5951B Topics in Industrial Design: Interaction Design
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID5951C Topics in Industrial Design: Healthcare Design
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID5951D Topics in Industrial Design: Design Education
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Industrial Design ID5951E Topics in Industrial Design: Sustainability
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School of Design & Industrial Design ID6770 Doctoral Seminar Module in Industrial Design
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School of Design & Real Estate DE4201 Seminars in Sustainable Cities
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School of Design & Real Estate GES1024 Real Estate Development & Investment Law
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School of Design & Real Estate GES1026 Urban Planning in Singapore
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School of Design & Real Estate RE1701 Urban Land Use and Development
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School of Design & Real Estate RE1702 Real Estate Data Analytics
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School of Design & Real Estate RE1703 Principles of Law for Real Estate
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School of Design & Real Estate RE2701 Urban Planning
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School of Design & Real Estate RE2702 Land Law
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School of Design & Real Estate RE2708 Computational Thinking and Programming for Real
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Environment Estate
School of Design & Real Estate RE3101 ADVANCED REAL ESTATE VALUATION
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School of Design & Real Estate RE3701 Real Estate Investment Analysis
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School of Design & Real Estate RE3702 Property Tax and Statutory Valuation
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Real Estate RE3803 Strategic Asset Management
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School of Design & Real Estate RE3901 Advanced Urban Planning
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School of Design & Real Estate RE4000 Dissertation
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School of Design & Real Estate RE4001 Real Estate Case Study
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School of Design & Real Estate RE4203 Topics in Real Estate (Summer Programme)
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School of Design & Real Estate RE4204 Advanced Real Estate Marketing
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School of Design & Real Estate RE4211 REIT MANAGEMENT
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School of Design & Real Estate RE4212 REAL ESTATE SECURITIZATION
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School of Design & Real Estate RE4222 Public Policy and Real Estate Markets
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School of Design & Real Estate RE4701 Real Estate Development
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School of Design & Real Estate RE4702 Professional Practice and Ethics
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School of Design & Real Estate RE5000 Dissertation
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School of Design & Real Estate RE5001 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT
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School of Design & Real Estate RE5003 Real Estate Investment
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & Real Estate RE5004 Real Estate Economics
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School of Design & Real Estate RE5009 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL
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School of Design & Real Estate RE5014 Real Estate Investment Trusts & Property Funds
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School of Design & Real Estate RE5015 Spatial Information Systems (SIS) for Urban Planning
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School of Design & Real Estate RE5770 GRADUATE SEMINAR
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School of Design & Real Estate RE6005 REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS RESEARCH
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Environment SEMINAR
School of Design & Real Estate RE6770 PHD SEMINAR
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office BL5102 Environmental Science
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office DE5106 Environmental Management And Assessment
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office DE5108 STUDY REPORT
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office DE5109 DISSERTATION
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office DEP5101 Urban Analysis Workshop
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office DEP5101A Qualitative Methods for Urban Planning
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Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
School of Design & SDE Dean's Office DEP5102 Urban Planning History & Theory
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office DEP5103 Urban Planning Studio
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office DEP5103A Quantitative Methods for Urban Planning
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office DEP5104 Urban and Regional Economics
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office DEP5105 Urban Infrastructure and Mobility Systems
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office ISD5101 Integrated Studio Project 1
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office ISD5103 Green Buildings in the Tropics
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office ISD5104 Energy and Ecology
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School of Design & SDE Dean's Office LX5103 Environmental Law
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Temasek Defence Temasek Defence DTS5701 LARGE SCALE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING
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Sys. Institute Systems Inst
The Logistics Inst- The Logistics Inst - LI5001 Research Project
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Asia Pac Asia Pac
The Logistics Inst- The Logistics Inst - LI5101 Supply Chain Mgt Thinking & Practice
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Asia Pac Asia Pac
The Logistics Inst- The Logistics Inst - LI5201 Special Topics in Logistics
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Asia Pac Asia Pac
University Scholars University Scholars UAR2207 Intercultural Exchanges through Theatre
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Programme Programme
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
University Scholars University Scholars UCV2209 The Heterogeneous Indians of Contemporary
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Programme Programme Singapore
University Scholars University Scholars UHB2207 Language, Cognition, and Culture
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UHB2212 Singaporean Nostalgia
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UIS3901 Independent Study Module
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UIS3901S Independent Study Module (ST)
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UIS3902 Independent Study Module
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UIS3902S Independent Study Module (ST)
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UIT2205 Quantum computation
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UIT2208 Thinking 4.0
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars ULS2201 The Biomolecular Revolution
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UNL2201 Space, Time And Matter
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UNL2206 Nature's Threads
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UNL2210 Mathematics and Reality
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UPC2209 Pollution Control Engineering in Singapore
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Programme Programme
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
University Scholars University Scholars UPI2211 Utopia: Ideal Places from Plato to the Smart City
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UQF2101G Quantitative Reasoning Foundation: Quantifying
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Programme Programme Nuclear Risks
University Scholars University Scholars UQF2101I Quantitative Reasoning Foundation: Quantifying
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Programme Programme Environmental Quality
University Scholars University Scholars UQF2101K Quantitative Reasoning Foundation: In Search of
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Programme Programme Soulmate
University Scholars University Scholars UQR2215 Developing Meaningful Indicators
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars USE2304 Singapore: The Making Of A Nation
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars USE2323 Culture and Technology
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars USE2324 Gender and Ecology in Asia
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars USP3501 The Problematic Concept Of 'Gender'
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars USR4002A Critical Reflection
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars USS2105 University Scholars Seminar
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UWC2101AA Writing & Critical Thinking: Religion in Public Life
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Programme Programme
University Scholars University Scholars UWC2101D Writing and Critical Writing: Narrative in Everyday
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Programme Programme Life
University Scholars University Scholars UWC2101F Writing and Critical Thinking: Human Trafficking and
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Programme Programme Labour Migration
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
University Scholars University Scholars UWC2101L Writing and Critical Thinking: Conditions of
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Programme Programme Happiness
University Scholars University Scholars UWC2101R Writing & Critical Thinking: Multidisciplinary
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Programme Programme Perspectives on 'Mind'
University Scholars University Scholars UWC2101Z Writing & Critical Thinking: Vice, the State & Society
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Programme Programme
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's GEH1047 Social and Cultural Studies through Music
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's GEH1060 Social History of the Piano
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's GES1020 Western Music within a Singaporean Context
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's GET1040 Communicating about the Arts
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1101 Composition Major Study 1A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1107 Large Ensembles 1A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1108 Large Ensembles 1B
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1111 Piano Ensemble 1A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1112 Piano Ensemble 1B
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1115 Foundations of Vocal Accompaniment / Sight-
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of Music Office Reading
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1149 Practical Skills for the Versatile Percussionist A
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of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1153 Noon Recital Series 1A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1154 Noon Recital Series 1B
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1157 Solfege 1
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1161 Foundational Studies on Principal Instrument
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1162 Juried Performance Presentation
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1163 The Profession of Music 1
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1165 Music and Machines
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1166 Introduction to Computing Media in Max
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1167 The Profession of Music 2
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1170 Fundamentals of Music Production and Recording 1
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1172 Critical Listening 1
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1190 Applied Voice Major Study 1A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1192 Chamber Singers 1
× √ √ ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1193 Chamber Singers 2
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of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1196 Diction for Singers 1
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1201 Rudiments of Musicianship
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1223 Desktop Mixing Production
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA1270 Interdisciplinary Electronic Arts Survey
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2101 Composition Major Study 2A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2107 Large Ensembles 2A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2108 Large Ensembles 2B
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2109 Chamber Music
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2110 Chamber Music in Mixed Ensemble
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2131 Contemporary Music Performance
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2153 Noon Recital Series 2A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2154 Noon Recital Series 2B
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2161 Advanced Juried Performance Presentation
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2162 Continuing Studies on Principal Instrument
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of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2163 Leading and Guiding Through Music
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2170 Multitrack Recording 1
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2172 Room Acoustics
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2182 Percussion Audition Techniques 2A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2190 Applied Voice Major Study 2A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2191 Applied Voice Major Study 2B
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2192 Chambers Singers 3
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2193 Chambers Singers 4
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2201 Keyboard Literature I
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2205 Rhythmic Devices in Performance 1
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2206 Harmonic Hearing for Performers
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2208 Advanced Contemporary Music Performance
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2209 Advanced Contemporary Music Performance
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2240 Collaborative Piano - Piano Ensemble
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of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2241 Collaborative Piano - Vocal Accompaniment
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2242 Collaborative Piano - Instrumental Accompaniment
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2243 Collaborative Piano - Chamber Music
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2251 Live Interactivity
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2255 Applied Secondary A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2256 Applied Secondary B
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA2271 Virtual Instrument Sound Design
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3101 Composition Major Study 3A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3107 Large Ensembles 3A
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3108 Large Ensembles 3B
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3109 Chamber Music
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3110 Chamber Music in Mixed Ensemble
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3113 Keyboard Skills For Piano Majors III
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3153 Noon Recital Series 3A
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of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3154 Noon Recital Series 3B
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3161 Junior Recital
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3162 Intermediate Studies on Principal Instrument
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3163 Musical Pathways
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3170 Audio Postproduction I
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3175 AAS Project 3
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3177 Music Programming & Production
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3178 MS / MCP 3rd Year Project
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3181 Advanced Concepts in Orchestral Repertoire
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3182 Percussion Audition Techniques 3A
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3188 Live Sound Reinforcement
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3191 Junior Recital in Voice
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3194 Voice Literature 1
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3201 Advanced Contemporary Music Performance
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of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3202 Advanced Contemporary Music Performance
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3205 Jazz Study and Performance 1
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of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3216 Performance and Interaction
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3218 Introduction to Piano Technology
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3219 World Music Ensemble
× √ √ ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3220 World Music Ensemble
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3221 Intensive Music Engagement Practicum
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3222 SEAsian Regional Creative Project
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3224 Intermediate Keyboard Studies
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3226 Collaboratory
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3227 Collaboratory B
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3228 Re-imagining Pianism through Analysis
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3230 Music Cognition
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3240 Collaborative Piano - Piano Ensemble
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3241 Collaborative Piano - Vocal Accompaniment
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3242 Collaborative Piano - Instrumental Accompaniment
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3243 Collaborative Piano - Chamber Music
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3255 Applied Secondary C
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3256 Applied Secondary D
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3260 Internship in Music Related Pathways
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3261 Career Development Group Project
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3264 Career Development Independent Project
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA3301 Preparing for International Competition
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4101 Composition Major Study 4A
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4107 Large Ensembles 4A
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4108 Leadership Skills in an Orchestral Context
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4109 Chamber Music
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4110 Chamber Music in Mixed Ensemble
× √ × ×
of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4113 Piano Pedagogy
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4153 Noon Recital Series 4A
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4154 Noon Recital Series 4B
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4161 Advanced Studies on Principal Instrument
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4172 Internship in Audio Arts and Sciences 1
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4173 Audio for Media 1
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4176 Music Production and Marketing
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4190 Applied Voice Major Study 4A
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4191 Senior Recital in Voice
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4203 Advanced Conducting I
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4205 Advanced Conducting II
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4208 Advanced Leadership in an Orchestral Context
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4209 Chamber Music 4
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4210 Chamber Music in Mixed Ensemble 4
× √ × ×
of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4215 Vocal Pedagogy
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4226 Collaboratory C
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4227 Collaboratory D
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4231 Orchestral Excerpts for Strings 4A
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4240 Collaborative Piano - Piano Ensemble
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4241 Collaborative Piano - Vocal Accompaniment
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4242 Collaborative Piano - Instrumental Accompaniment
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4243 Collaborative Piano - Chamber Music
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4271 Advanced Live Sound Reinforcement 1
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4301 Advanced Preparation in International Competition
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4309 Chamber Music 5
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4310 Chamber Music in Mixed Ensemble 5
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4340 Collaborative Piano - Piano Ensemble 4
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4341 Collaborative Piano - Vocal Accompaniment 4
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4342 Collaborative Piano - Instrumental Accompaniment 4
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4343 Collaborative Piano - Chamber Music 4
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4409 Chamber Music 6
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4410 Chamber Music in Mixed Ensemble 6
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4440 Collaborative Piano - Piano Ensemble 5
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4441 Collaborative Piano - Vocal Accompaniment 5
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4442 Collaborative Piano - Instrumental Accompaniment 5
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4443 Collaborative Piano - Chamber Music 5
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4540 Collaborative Piano - Piano Ensemble 6
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4541 Collaborative Piano Vocal Accompaniment 6
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4542 Collaborative Piano - Instrumental Accompaniment 6
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA4543 Collaborative Piano - Chamber Music 6
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA5115 Ensemble Study 5A
√ × × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA5161 Major Study 5A
√ × × ×
of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA6116 Ensemble Study 6B
√ × × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA6161 Major Study 6A
√ × × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUA6162 Major Study 6B
√ × × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUH1100 Understanding and Describing Music
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUH1101 Foundations for Musical Discovery
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUH2201 Classical Styles and Romantic Spirits
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUH2202 What Was, and Is, Popular Music?
× √ √ ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUH2203 Music of the Church and State
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUL1105 Italian for Musicians 1
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUL1107 French for Musicians 1
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUL1109 German for Musicians 1
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUT1101 Introduction to Musical Concepts and Materials
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUT1201 Introduction to Classical Music Composition
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUT2204 Formal Practices
× √ × ×
of Music Office
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUT2205 Text and Music
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUT3113 Orchestration A
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUT3201 Modern Music
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUT3215 Fundamentals of Composition
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUT3216 Bach Suites
√ √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUT3224 Teaching Music Online
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUT3225 Teaching Music Online 2
× √ × ×
of Music Office
YST Conservatory YSTCM Dean's MUT4201 Graduate Theory Preparation
× √ × ×
of Music Office
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YCC1111 Literature and Humanities 1 × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YCC1113 Philosophy and Political Thought 1 × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YCC1121 Comparative Social Inquiry × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YCC1122 Quantitative Reasoning × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YCC1133 Week 7: Experiential Learning Field Trip × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YCC2121 Modern Social Thought × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YCC2137 Scientific Inquiry 2 × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU2202 Introduction to Creative Nonfiction × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU2215 Drawing Methods × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU2248 Introduction to 2D Animation × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU2252 Ancient Greek Philosophy × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU2268 Money × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU2292 Introduction to Writing Poetry × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU2293 Introduction to Fiction Writing × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU2302 Realism and Naturalism × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU2305 Bad Love in 20C Literature × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU2307 History of Crises: Europe's 20th Century × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU2308 Introduction to Vocal Technique and Performance × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3205 Ming Imperial Voyages × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3216 Photojournalism × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3221 Nietzsche: An Untimely Thinker and His Times × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3261 Analogical Reasoning and Metaphor × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3265 Philosophy of Religion × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3266 Democratic Theory × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3274 Painting the Orient × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3276 The Historian's Craft × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3286 Living & Dying in War: Kuo Pao Kun's The Spirits
× √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3288 Installation Art × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3289 Beyond China: Sinophone Literature, Film, and
× √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3291 Sacrifice, Sex, and Power in Medieval Kashmir × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3293 Japanese Woodblock Prints × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3311 Ancient Tragedy: Gender, Politics, and Poetry × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3313 The Amarna Letters: Diplomacy in the Late Bronze
× √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3314 1989: The End of the Cold War × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3315 Gospels as Literature × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3316 Singapore under Japanese Occupation × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3318 Sexuality in Modern Europe and Its Empires × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU3323 Model Operas and the Chinese Cultural Revolution × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU4101 History Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU4102 Literature Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU4103 Philosophy Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU4104 Arts and Humanities Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU4206 The History of History × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU4207 Critical Approaches to Art History × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU4217 Novel Evidence:19th-Century British Fiction and the
× √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YHU4240 American Modernist Poetry × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YID1201 Introduction to Environmental Studies × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YID2201 Theory and Practice of Environmental Policymaking × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YID2207 Social Theory and the Environment × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YID2209 Biogeophysical Systems × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YID3201 Conservation Biology × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YID3202F Topic: Entangled Environments: Ocean & Society in
× √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YID3214 Urban Ecological Systems × √ √ ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YID4101 Environmental Studies Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YID4202 Applied Environmental Research × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIL1201B Directed Language Study: Beginning Bangla 1 × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIL1201S Directed Language Study: Beginning Sanskrit × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIL1202I Directed Language Study: Beginning Italian 2 × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIR3311 Independent Reading and Research × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIR3311G Independent Reading and Research × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIR3312 Independent Reading and Research × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIR3312G Independent Reading and Research × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIR3313 Independent Reading and Research × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIR3313G Independent Reading and Research × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIR3411 Independent Language Study and Research × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIR3411G Independent Language Study and Research × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIR3412 Independent Language Study and Research × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YIR3412G Independent Language Study and Research × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YLC1202 Beginning Chinese 2 × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YLC2202 Intermediate Chinese 2 × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YLC3204 Advanced Chinese 2 × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YLC3206 Advanced Chinese: Readings in Modern Chinese
× √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YLG1201 Beginning Ancient Greek × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YLL2201 Intermediate Latin × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YLS1201 Beginning Spanish 1 × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YLS1202 Beginning Spanish 2 × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YLS2201 Intermediate Spanish 1 × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YLS2202 Intermediate Spanish 2 × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YLS3202 Advanced Spanish: Latin America, Borders and
× √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC1212 Introduction to Computer Science × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC1213 General Physics: Electronics and Non-Linear
× √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC1216 Calculus × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2209 Proof × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2216 Evolutionary Biology × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2221 Introduction to Python × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2222 Organic Chemistry Laboratory × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2224 Accelerated Organic Chemistry × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2225 Physical Chemistry × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2227 C: A Language for Science and Engineering × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2231 Foundations of Neuroscience × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2232 Linear Algebra × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2233 Genetics × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2234 Human Biology × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2239 Introduction to Data Science × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2242 More is Different: Emergence in Physical Systems × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2243 Probability × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC2244 Programming for Data Science × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC3203 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC3206 Introduction to Real Analysis × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC3210 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC3211 Introduction to Electrodynamics × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC3215 Research Seminar × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC3232 Software Engineering × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC3236 Functional Programming and Proving × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC3237 Introduction to Modern Algebra × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC3247 The Genomics of Human History × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC3248 Parallel, Concurrent and Distributed Programming × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC4101 Physical Sciences Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC4102 Life Sciences Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC4103 Maths, Computational & Statistical Sci Capstone
× √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC4200 Special Project in Science × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC4200G Special Project in Science × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC4209 Physical Science Research Seminar × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC4216 Machine Learning × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSC4223 Physics in Curved Spacetime × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2201 Understanding Behavior and Cognition × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2202 International Relations × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2203 Intermediate Microeconomics × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2211 Econometrics × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2214 Intermediate Macroeconomics × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2216 Statistics and Research Methods for Psychology × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2218 International Political Economy × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2220 Adelaide to Zhuhai: Cities in Comparative
× √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2231 The Anthropology of Politics and Law: An
× √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2232 Medicine, Culture and Modernity × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2233 Investment Analysis and Economics × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2234 The Good Company × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS2236 Middle East Societies and Politics × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3201 International Migration × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3205 International Trade × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3208 Advanced Microeconomics × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3214 Abnormal Psychology × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3222 Urban Theory × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3231 Methods in the Social Sciences × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3236 Foreign Policy and Diplomacy: Issues and Practice × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3245 Key Debates in Urban Planning and Policy × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3246 Cities of the Global South × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3249 Human Neuroscience × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3250 Cityscapes and Urban Form × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3254 Globalization on the Ground × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3258 Early Stage Private Equity Investing × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3277 The Anthropological Imagination × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3291 Economics of Globalisation × √ × ×
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS3292 Palestinian Politics in Changing Middle East × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4101 Global Affairs Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4102 Psychology Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4103 Anthropology Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4104 Economics Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4105 Urban Studies Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4106 Politics, Philosophy and Economics Capstone
× √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4107 Capstone Project × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4206C Topics in Psychology: The Pursuit of Happiness × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4220 Housing and Social Inequality × √ × ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4223 Politics of Identity in Developing Countries × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4227 Topics in Applied Econometrics × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4248 Conducting Qualitative Socio-Legal Research × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4249 The Economics of Inequality × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4250 Gender and Sexuality in South Asia × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4252 Theory from the South: Critical Perspectives × √ √ ×
Yale-NUS College Yale-NUS College YSS4253 Ethnography as Theory and Method: Classical and
× √ × ×
Contemporary Readings
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1107A Nursing Practice Experience 1.1
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1107B Clinical Practice: Community Care I
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1110 Effective Communication for Health Professionals
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1113A Healthy Ageing and Well-being
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1114 Fundamentals of Nursing
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1114A Fundamentals of Care
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1117 Anatomy and Physiology I
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1122C Health Assessment
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1123 Anatomy, Physiology and Physical Assessment I
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1125 Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Nursing
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud Practice I
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1201C Health Continuum for Older Adults
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR1202C Clinical Experience I
× √ × ×
School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR2106A Nursing Practice Experience 2.1
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR2106B Clinical Practice: Medical/Surgical II
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR2113 Mental Health Nursing
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR2118 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nurses II
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR2120 Professional Nursing Practice, Ethics and Law
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR2122 Psychology for Nurses
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR2201C Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Nursing
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud Practice I
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR2202C Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Nursing
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud Practice II
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR2500 Applied Pathophysiology and Clinical Pharmacology
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR2501 Clinical Health Assessment and Reasoning
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR3105A Nursing Practice Experience 3.1
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR3113 Medical-Surgical Nursing III
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR3114 Leadership and Management
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR3117 Community Integrated Health Care
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR3117A Public and Community Health
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR3202C Research and Evidence-based Healthcare
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR3203C Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Nursing
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud Practice III
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR3204C Clinical Experience III
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR4101B Evidence-based Health Care Practice
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR4103B Applied Research Methods
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR4104B Honours Project in Nursing
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR5003 Independent Study
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR5203 Evidence-based Healthcare
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR5302 Advanced Gerontological Nursing (Adult Health)
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR5311 Clinical Practicum I (AH, AC & MH)
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR5312 Clinical Practicum II (AH, AC & MH)
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR5502 Advanced Critical Care Nursing I
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR5801G Integrated Clinical Decision Making and
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud Management I
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR6001 Graduate Research Seminar
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR6003 Research Methods
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR6004 Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud
Yong Loo Lin Alice Lee Ctr for NUR6006 Intervention Research in Nursing and Health
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School (Medicine) Nursing Stud Sciences
Yong Loo Lin Anatomy AY1130 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
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School (Medicine)
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical AUD5101 Acoustics
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical AUD5102 Anatomy & Physiology
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical AUD5103 Pathologies of the Auditory System
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical AUD5104 Perception of Sound & Speech
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical AUD5105 Hearing Devices and Rehabilitation A - Part 1
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical AUD5106 Clinical Audiology A - Part 1
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical AUD5107 Paediatric Audiology A - Part 1
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical AUD5109 Professional Practice Issues & Community Audiology
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical HM5102 Psychosis
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical HM5103 Mood, Anxiety, & Grief
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical SLP5105 IMPAIRED FUNCTIONING - CHILDREN 1
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical SLP5106 IMPAIRED FUNCTIONING - ADULTS 1
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical SLP5107 IMPAIRED FUNCTIONING - CHILDREN 2
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical SLP5108 IMPAIRED FUNCTIONING - ADULTS 2
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School (Medicine) Studies
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical SLP5109 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 2
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical VM5101 Introduction of Palliative Care
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical VM5102 Symptom Management in Palliative Care I
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical VM5103 Symptom Management in Palliative Care II
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School (Medicine) Studies
Yong Loo Lin Div of Grad Medical VM5104 Psychiatry, Psychosocial Care & Spiritual Issues in
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School (Medicine) Studies Palliative Care
Yong Loo Lin Microbiology and GEH1043 Microbes which Changed Human History
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School (Medicine) Immunology
Yong Loo Lin Microbiology and GEK1534 Microbes which Changed Human History
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School (Medicine) Immunology
Yong Loo Lin NUS Medicine CDM5102 Translational Cancer Research
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
Yong Loo Lin NUS Medicine CDM5103 Advanced Topics in RNA Biology and Human
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office Diseases
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office CLINICAL RESEARCH
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office RESEARCH
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office RESEARCH
Faculty/School Department Module Title GD UG NG CPE
Yong Loo Lin NUS Medicine MCI5008 Research Project
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
Yong Loo Lin NUS Medicine MDG5204 Advanced Topics in Pharmacology
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
Yong Loo Lin NUS Medicine MDG5214 RESEARCH SKILLS
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
Yong Loo Lin NUS Medicine MDG5221 Viral vectors for manipulating gene expression
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
Yong Loo Lin NUS Medicine MDG5223 Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
Yong Loo Lin NUS Medicine MDG5226 Antimicrobial resistance and drug discovery
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
Yong Loo Lin NUS Medicine MDG5229 Advanced Topics in Signal Transduction
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
Yong Loo Lin NUS Medicine MDG5239 Clinical Pharmacology II
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
Yong Loo Lin NUS Medicine MDG5771 Graduate Research Seminar and Workshop
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School (Medicine) Dean's Office
Yong Loo Lin Pathology PX2108 Basic Human Pathology
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School (Medicine)