Cooling System
Cooling System
Cooling System
Mantosh Kumar
What is it?
Thermo-syphon system
Forced circulation cooling system
Evaporative cooling system
Direct or non- return system
Thermo Siphon System
1 Gilled tube
2 Tubular
3 Honey comb
Parts of cooling system
Thermostat valve
Liquid cooling system-
Uniform cooling of cylinder, cylinder head and
fuel consumption of engine improves by using
water cooling system.
The Engine need not be provided at the front end
of moving vehicle because of cooling system.
Engine is less noisy as compared with air cooled
engines, as it has water for damping noise.
Disadvantages of Cooling system
It depends upon the supply of water.
The water pump which circulates water absorbs
considerable power.
If the water cooling system fails then it will result in
several damage of engine.
The water cooling system is costlier as it has more
number of parts.
Also it requires more maintenance and care for its
Use of Anti- Freezers
During winter the water used in the radiator freezes because of cold
climates, then ice formed has more volume and produces cracks in the
cylinder blocks, pipes, and radiator. So, to prevent freezing antifreeze
mixtures or solutions are added in the cooling water.
Normally following are used as antifreeze solutions :
Methyl, ethyl alcohols.
A solution of alcohol and water.
Ethylene Glycol etc.
The ideal antifreeze solutions
should have the following
properties :
It should dissolve in water easily.
It should not evaporate.
It should not have any harmful effect on any part
of cooling system.
It should be cheap and easily available.
It should not corrode the system.
Lubricating oil as coolant
The heat, generated by piston, cylinder, and bearings is removed by
lubrication to a great extent. Lubrication creates cooling effect on
the engine parts.