Church Administration
Church Administration
Church Administration
Statement of Faith
The following are the Statement of Faith of the Jesus the Mediator City Church of Quezon City. Anyone who
believes and preaches this rule of faith is welcome to be a part and a member of the church.
1. We believe that the Bible is the inspired and the only authoritative Word of God.
2. We believe in one God eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy
3. We believe that the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit is all one, the glory equal, the
majesty coeternal.
4. We believe in the virgin birth, vicarious life, atoning death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
5. We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit.
6. We believe that the regenerated life is absolutely essential to personal salvation.
7. We believe in the rapture in the coming of Christ.
8. We believe in the Resurrection of the Just and the Resurrection of the Wicked; one in the Everlasting Life,
other in the Everlasting Damnation.
SGBS – Small Group Bible Study
VIP – Very Important Person
PUSH – Pray Until Something Happens
Music Ministry Schedule
Flow of Music Ministry
Flow of Activity Saturday
Call Upon the Lord
Jesus The Mediator considers the maintenance of ministerial ethics and discipline as a matter of fundamental
importance. This should serve as initial reference for effective implementation of ministry strategies and
The following rules and regulations are formulated for the guidance of and compliance by all church ministers.
JTM means Jesus The Mediator inclusive of JTM Kaunlaran, JTM Philcoa, JTM Davao, JTM Talanay,
JTM Abris and future JTM daughter churches.
Minister means any person, including full time pastor, part-time pastor, ministry director, ministry
leader, bible study leader, musician, singer, usher, volunteer in the active ministry of the church.
Church Premises means land, building and all other properties owned or used by the church. It also
cover working areas/place occupied by the minister assigned in each ministry/church.
Nature of offenses
1.0 Offenses Involving Misconduct
2.0 Offenses Involving Negligence of Ministries
3.0 Offenses Involving Breach of Trust and Confidence
Classification of Offenses
Light- LT
Serious- SE
Grave- GR
1st 2nd 3rd
Legend of Action
A- Verbal Reprimand
B- Written Reprimand
C- Disciplinary Action