The Impact of Design Elements On The Perception of Spaciousness in Interior Design

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177 Fawzi Al-Zamil

The Impact of Design Elements on the perception of spaciousness in Interior Design

Dr. Fawzi A. Al-Zamil,

Assistant Professor, Interior Design Department, College of Basic Education, The Public Authority Of
Applied Education And Training

Abstract: Keywords:
This study was driven by awareness about the global housing crisis, concerns about Design Elements
the as well as land and resources scarcity. Today the pressing concern worldwide Perception
has resulted in a tendency to build houses that are much smaller than before. Spaciousness
Interior designers therefore want to employ various design elements such as shape, Interior Design
volume, color, and light in a room in order to create the impression that the room is Visual Connectedness
larger than it is. While the tools used by interior designers do not actually change
the physical characteristics of space, they create visual illusions that alter the way
individuals perceive space and spaciousness. The purpose of this research is to look
at the long list of design elements that can influence the way people perceive the
size of any room. This research therefore seeks to stress the importance of all
design tools and elements that can be used in order to convey a feeling of
spaciousness. With the scarcity of urban land and housing in general worldwide;
the trend is to decrease the size of the housing unit. On the other hand,
environmental concerns encourage the decrease of housing unit’s size in order to
save resources, energy usage and reduce emissions. This research aims to shed light
on the ability of interior designers to employ design tools to convey a feeling of
spaciousness on Interior spaces.
This research aims to examine the role of various design elements in the perception
of room spaciousness and size. It confirms that the perception of the spaciousness
of any room is an objective variable, and not a physical one. The integration of
design elements such as the shape, volume, color, and light can alter our perception
of how spacious a room is.
The research outlined various results. It was noted that some colors and patterns
impact the way humans perceive a certain space. The level of lighting, both natural
and artificial, plays a major role in the creation of spaciousness awareness.
Floor plans can also be shaped to have an impact on the perception of spaciousness.
Yet, room volume, despite being ignored by many designers, is another major
factor that influences how humans notice spaciousness.
Thus the physical properties of space that characterize its level of openness,
permeability and connectedness are crucial for its functional success. At the same
time, it also influences its level of spaciousness - positively and negatively.
Paper received 15th February 2017, Accepted 15th March 2017, Published 15st of April 2017

Introduction a room in order to increase the preceded the

This research aims to examine the role of various spaciousness thereof. While the tools used by
design elements in the perception of room interior designers do not actually change the
spaciousness. It confirms that the perception that physical characteristics of space, they create visual
the spaciousness of any room is an objective illusions that alter the way individuals perceive
variable, and not a physical one. Thus, the way space and spaciousness. Interior designers must
rooms are arranged can alter our perception of have a great sense of space, and this can only be
interior spaces. The integration of design elements gained through professional experience, research,
such as the shape, volume, color, and light can education and continuous observation of various
alter our perception of how spacious a room is. types of buildings.
This research was driven by awareness about the The purpose of this research is to have a look at
global housing crisis, environmental concerns as some of design elements that can influence the
well as land and resources scarcity. The pressing way people perceive spaciousness of rooms. It
concern worldwide these days has resulted in a confirms that bright colors and natural tones can
tendency to reduce the sizes of houses. Interior increase a sense of spaciousness when it is applied
designers usually want to employ various design to walls and ceilings. It also confirms that rooms
elements such as shape, volume, color, and light in lit by either natural or artificially light can make a
room look and feel more spacious.

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The Impact of Design Elements on the perception of spaciousness in Interior Design 178

When it comes to shape and volume, the way the designer wants it to be seen.
spaciousness of a room can be increased through The role of perception of space in interior design
the use of circular and curvilinear walls. The is strongly linked to those who will use and live in
higher the ceiling of a room, the more it creates a that specific room. According to an article
sense of space. It terms of design; the use of published in Design Principles and Practices, “As
horizontal and vertical lines can broaden the room practitioners we solve the design problems for
and create the sense that it is wider and higher. It humans who use and inhabit the space. We
is also noted that the layout of the plan and its consider their needs, whether functional, social,
level of openness and transparency increase the psychological or environmental by understanding
perceived spaciousness. This research therefore how to use research to help identify and clarify the
seeks to stress the importance of the use of all relationship between human behavior and the built
design tools and elements in order to convey a environment” (Perolini, 2010, p. 172). According
feeling of spaciousness. to this article it is clear that interior designers must
The focus of interior design is to use interior use theory and research to base their design
elements, furniture, and other design tools to elements on. To be more specific, they must
create a unique space that meets the physical and understand the psychology behind interior design
psychological needs of those who will live there. and the perception of space, as it can help them to
However, it is not just a case of painting walls and understand the way people view spaces and to
hanging a few curtains. One important component create effective and appealing designs. Interior
of interior design is to understand how those who designers should be highly sensible to understand
inhabit a space perceive it based on a wide range space and its characteristics. This sensibility is
of factors. Interior designers use tools and gained through years of professional experience,
resources to help create a space that appears the research, education and continuous observation of
way it is intended to be seen by the designer and how other buildings, rooms and spaces are
the user, regardless of the constraints of the space designed. The elements interior designers use to
or the way it appears prior to the work of the manipulate the perception of space are form, color,
designer. light, and the arrangement of interior elements
Philosophy and psychology of how space is such as furniture, lights and mirrors.
Color and light are frequently used to make a
perceived of space
space appear bigger, and a great deal of research
Within the context of interior design, the
has been done to examine the use of color in
philosophy and psychology of how space is
interior design. For example, a study by Banu
perceived is a way in which designers can
Manav, Rana Güvenkaya Kutlu, and Mehmet
manipulate a certain space to achieve a particular
Şener Küçükdoğu “analyzes and compares color
feeling or perception from those who are in it. An
emotions of people with respect to the difference
article from the Journal of Research Practice
in illuminance and wall color at a full scale test
states: “When designers create interior spatial
room, without daylight” (173). The study revealed
designs for various types of uses and experiences,
that, when one compares light yellow and light
they consider both the aesthetic qualities of a
blue walls in a certain room, yellow walls are
space and how people experience interactions and
associated with positive emotions and are more
sensations within the spaces” (Poldma, 2010).
stimulating ( Manav, Kutlu, & Küçükdoğu, 2010,
According to the requirements of the project,
p. 173). In the same way color has a direct impact
designers sometimes aim to make a space appear
on people’s emotions when they are in a room, as
larger than its actual size. This is a very useful
it can impact the way they perceive the room
concept to make small apartments or awkwardly
itself. For example, lighter colors, as opposed to
shaped rooms appear more comfortable and cozy
darker ones, make a room appear bigger. Along
than they actually are. In other cases, the designer
similar lines, rooms with proper lighting can
may seek to apply certain design strategies to
appear bigger, whether the lighting comes from
make the room feel more spacious.
lamps and overhead light fixtures or from large
According to Jaglarz, “Proper planning, interior
windows that allow natural light to flow into the
elements, furniture and mirrors placement can
room. The furnishings in a room can also be used
correct every space, while color and lighting
to make it look bigger. Interior designers ensure
considerations can be used to emphasize the space
that the furniture and other fixtures in a room are
or place” (Jaglarz, 2011, p. 1). While the tools
proportional to the room itself so that the room
used by interior designers do not actually change
does not appear cluttered or overly crowded. In
the space, they create visual illusions that alter the
addition, interior designers may use design
way individuals view the space according to the

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179 Fawzi Al-Zamil

elements such as mirrors to reflect light or impact on the perception of space. According to
emphasize interior details so that a room appears Oberfeld, Hecht, and Gamer (Oberfeld, Hecht, &
bigger. Gamer, 2010, p. 1999), the use of color to change
Along with these psychological factors, culture the perceived dimensions of spaces is abundant,
also plays a part in how space is perceived. and the effects of the brightness or lightness of the
According to Annett Zinsmeister, “Culturally interior services of a room are regularly applied.
shaped perception models change our Color can manipulate the way people perceive the
understanding of space, our relationship to space size and shape of a certain room.
and our use of space.” Another interior designer, Color and Interior Design
Jonathan Crary, says that “human perception is Light or cool desaturated colors increase the
based on a culturally significant range of expertise experienced spaciousness of the room. This is
that is changing over time and has become because light colored surfaces diffuse the
controlled since the invention of optical devices in distribution of light, therefore enlarging the
the nineteenth century” (Perren & Mlecek, 2015, perception of space. The cooler or light colors tend
p. 11). It is logical that the way an individual to recede; making it look further away. Matusiak
perceives a space is influenced by his or her observed that the impression of the dimension of
culture since culture frequently shapes an the room could be manipulated by using a light
individual’s values and what elements of design color. (Matusiak, 2004, p. 115). A practical use of
appeal to them. Interior designers must therefore light color to make the small room appear bigger
incorporate cultural values into their interior is to change the color of the walls, floor, and the
design aesthetics too. Thus, spaciousness varies ceiling. When the ceiling is light-colored, it raised
within different cultures - what is considered small the perceived height of the room. Another effect of
in one culture might be adequate in another the light color on the perceived dimension of the
culture and the opposite is true as well. room size is that it makes the room look more
Perception of space is an important concept in open, and therefore bigger. An additional effect of
interior design, as it helps interior designers light colors is that they appear to move away from
maximize space through the way the room the observer (Sundstrom & Sundstrom, 1986, p.
appears. Using the psychology of perception, 347). Examples of light colors are blue, violet, and
interior designers are able to use optical illusions, green.
such as the use of color, light, and the placement Saturated, dark, and warm colors have a different
of furniture to make a space appear bigger than it impact as it makes any room look smaller. Dark
actually is. Through research into the philosophy colors absorb light, so it reduces the perception of
and psychology of perception of space, along with how big the room is, making it appear smaller than
what the individual want to use the space for, it actually is. They are advancing colors that
interior designers can create a spacious, appear to move towards the observer. For instance,
comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing room. to make a large room look smaller, paint the walls
The impact of color in the perception of and ceiling with a dark color (Matusiak, 2004).
spaciousness: Oberfeld, Hecht, and Gamer (2010) observed that
Color is an important aspect used by interior when ceilings are painted with dark colors, they
designers as they are used to enhance spaces. appear lower than when they are painted with light
Color is a sensation caused by a certain quality of or cool colors. The phenomenon can be explained
light recognized by the eyes and interpreted by the by the fact that if a bright object is subtending,
brain, and it is not the property of surfaces, spaces similar visual angles as a darker object will be
or objects. Consequently, in definition or perceived to be closer (Oberfeld, Hecht, & Gamer,
description of color, one cannot exclude light 2010, p. 1119). Dark or warm colors are colors
(Oberfeld, Hecht, & Gamer, 2010). Therefore, like orange, red, yellow and a combination of
color is simply an element that is created when these three colors.
light strikes an object and is reflected back to the Different natural colors bring different perceptions
eye. It has three properties namely hue, intensity, regarding space. Lighter colors such as white and
and property. Hue is the name of the color, for yellow tend to have a receding effect, which
instance ‘blue’. Intensity is the vividness or makes rooms look larger than they actually are.
strength of the color such as vibrant, bright, or On the other hand, darker colors tend to make
grayed. The property of color is its value, which rooms look smaller than they are. It is, therefore,
means how dark or light it is. The color of a room safe to say that different natural colors have a
has an impact of how big a room looks. different effect on the perception of a room’s
The intensity and value of the color have an space. Natural colors can, therefore, be

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The Impact of Design Elements on the perception of spaciousness in Interior Design 180

manipulated to create the desired effect. They can designers use. They spend a lot of effort to
be used to create a receding or advancing effect. determine the size and location of windows and
(Matusiak, 2004, p. 115). artificial light sources. The amount of sunlight
In interior design, the patterns and motifs also that penetrates a room influences its perceived
have an impact on the perceived size of a room. size. Windows that are set low enough to capture
The pattern is the motif on a surface, material or the full extent of the sun and natural lighting
object. It is an illustrative perception that can visually increase the space in any room. (Pile,
define the surfaces, pass a design style, impact 2009, p. 36)
scale or add to the visual interest of space. The
motif is the idea or theme painted on the object
and it is represented through constant repetition.
The size of the motive and the color differences
may make a pattern prominent or bold. For
instance, walls painted with horizontal stripes
make the room appear lower and wider, while
vertical stripes on the wall make the room seem
narrower and higher (Neufert & Kister, 2009).
Patterns do not only enrich the interior surfaces
and intrigue the eyes, it also provide a more
powerful effect on the interior of the spatial room
than any flat color. A room’s floor or wall pattern Figure 1 Large window (Source:
has an impact on the dynamics of both the surfaces
on which it is on and the spaces within (Miller,
1997, p. 23). Designers also study the best type of lighting
fixture for a given room based on its function.
They use many design guidelines to specify the
type, amount and location of various lighting
fixtures. Just like the use of color in interior
spaces, the amount of light in a given room can
influence the perception of spaciousness.
(Ozdemir, 2010, p. 2277) cited several researches
which confirm that the level of light is related to
the perceived spaciousness. (Kirschbaum and
Tonello, 1997; Inu and Miyata, 1973; Martylink,
1973; Oldham and Fried, 1987; Oldham and
Rotchford, 1991).
The ceiling of a room will appear higher when it is
Figure 1 Motifs on the mosque’s walls at Alhambra painted in a color lighter than that of the walls.
complex (source: http://www.alhambra- Light shades of paint in different rooms, specifically on different surfaces, play an
To conclude it all, colors have a significant impact important role in the perceived height of rooms.
on the perceived size of a room. The color is the The height of rooms is determined by occupants
quality of light that eyes recognize, and the brain based on the shade of the floor, walls, and
interprets. How and what color used in the interior ceilings. In fact, one study indicated that the total
space of a room alter the perceived size, such that brightness of the room can influence the perceived
dark colors make the room appear smaller while height of a space, but that the lightness of the
light colors make the room appear bigger. The ceiling and walls can create a simple spatial effect
patterns on the wall also have a similar pattern as that makes the room seem much bigger (Oberfeld,
the dark and light colors, such that horizontal Hecht, & Gamer, 2010, p. 1).
patterns on the wall make the room appear lower The Impact of room shape on the
and wider, and the vertical stripes make the room
perception of room size
look as if it is narrower and higher.
In interior design, the shape of a room plays a big
The impact of light on the perception of interior
role. Various shapes utilize fundamental properties
of geometry, and this is a key component to all
The use of natural and artificial light is one of the
interior designs. Geometric patterns add depth,
most important design elements that interior
bounce, and even shape to a room. The patterns

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181 Fawzi Al-Zamil

engrained in things like room size or volume serve as though there is twice the available space in a
specific purposes (Inoue & Takagi, 2009, pp. 25- single room.
33). The shape of a room, the location of doors
and windows and various other architectural
elements all play a role in the perception of room
size (Pile, 20). Studies have found that interior
environment can be altered through the perception
of space inside interior design. Residential areas
can integrate features of an outdoor environment
and influence the spatial perceptions of those
inside the room in doing so (Mandel, Baron, &
Fisher, 1980, p. 308).
Rectangular rooms have two identical lines
parallel with one another. As a result of this linear
structure, it gives the viewer a sense of spatial
stability. Rectangular rooms are static, rigid, and
can have the dynamics increased with 3D objects.
Rectangular-shaped rooms are the most prevalent
in modern room architecture, particularly for
things like bedrooms, living rooms, and bathrooms
(Pile, 2009, p. 16). Figure 2. Bay window or centralized nook (source:
The length of the walls of square rooms are equal
on all sides and therefore complimentary to other design-architecture-detail/)
shapes, like corner nooks or vaulted ceilings. In Irregular room shapes include things like ovals,
square rooms, having one door away from a wall diamonds, and triangles. Oval spaces maintain
allows that wall to be used, and it can serve as a strong energy and hold warmth. By retaining
place for things like large windows and mirrors to balance with the added features in the room, oval
reflect natural lighting. Doors in a wall limit the spaces also offer the lack of beginning or end, lack
use of that specific wall too. Windows set low of hard lines and right angles, or lack of corners.
enough to capture the full extent of the sun and This is what creates the illusion that the space is
natural lighting visually increase the space in any much larger than it really is (Abercrombie, 1990,
room, by making it seem as though the larger p. 12)
outdoor areas are part of the space inside. When it
is combined with windows and natural lighting,
Room volume in interior design
The volume of a room often refers to the actual
interior elements can also increase the perception
amount of physical space offered in the room.
of space in a room. To make a room seem taller,
Volume calculations can be altered by lower and
interior designers can make use of rails or pictures
upper boundaries in a space, and not just the room
frames. (Pile, 2009, p. 36)
bounding elements. The ceiling or roof might
Circular spaces are viewed as perfect shapes,
extend beyond the upper limit of a room, and is
without a beginning or end. When combined in a
therefore part of the revised volume of the space.
room either as a nook or as the shape of the space,
When it is not limited to the physical space,
it increases balance and unification, offering
interior design can work in tandem with the form
strong energy and increasing the space to the eye.
and shape of the room to increase the perception
By alleviating hard lines and right angles, circular
its size.
room spaces create the illusion that the room has
Form and shape are the areas that define objects in
no beginning or end, and therefore is much larger
design, as they are two or three dimensional, and
and expansive.
are best described as organic or geometric.
Elements like nooks can alter the perceived size of
Organic forms are generally associated with
the room. Corner nooks can have a square or
naturally occurring elements with asymmetrical
circular design, occupying a single corner in a
lines, which can be recreated in a room. Geometric
longer room. Centralized nooks or bays are often
forms remain more common though, such as
rectangular, elongated and spanning the length of
squares, rectangles, circles, and spheres. Designed
one wall. The few additional square centimeters
forms can consist of geometric construction with
provide a more comprehensive view, additional
organic designs (Welch & Witkin, 1994, p. 5).
natural light, and even built-out sections that can
Designers often resort to the creation of double
be separated by tables or pillars, making it appear
height spaces in order to enhance connection,

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The Impact of Design Elements on the perception of spaciousness in Interior Design 182

utilize the available volume and create a sense of effect not only of optically increasing the size of
spaciousness. As Bernard Hoesil describes: “The small rooms but also of generating ambiguous
connection between the space of two separate spatial relations.” (Rowe & Slutzky, 1993, p. 72)
levels through a common expanse of air has the

Figure 3Spacious Double Height Apartment Designed by Squire and Partners Architects.(source:
surrounding the link between lightness and
The perception of shape and form is impacted by perception of space (von Castell, Oberfeld, &
factors such as the position or viewpoint from Hecht, 2014, p. 3). Therefore, the furniture in a
which someone is looking at a room. Sometimes room is not nearly as important as the form and
objects emphasize or obscure features in a room shape of the room and lightness used in the space
and make a specific impact on the viewer. For when it comes to the influence of how one
example, large mirrors that form a right angle perceives space.
against an open bay window reflect light Ceilings are an important factor too. Dome shapes
throughout a space better than a window alone resemble the upper part of a sphere, historically
might do. The result of this design element is that used throughout Mesopotamia, Persia, Rome,
the room appears larger to the naked eye. China, through medieval Islamic buildings and
Space can distract, focus, or alter the impression modern Western European structures. In Islam in
of any shape and form. Cluttered backgrounds in particular the meaning of the dome is directly tied
rooms diminish the importance of objects within to the concept of spaciousness as it represents the
the room, while plain walls draw attention to the vault of heave. Domes today utilize advanced
few focal pieces in it. As stated earlier, lighting, mathematics and technology to create legislative
too, plays a strong role in this. When one buildings, religious buildings, and more (McLeod,
considers the example above, the lighting from 2010, p. 27).
natural and manmade sources impacts ones
perception of shape and form. A dining room light
fixture situated opposite the bay window will also
reflect in the mirror, adding depth and space to the
room. The plan, shape, and volume of a room all
play a role in the perception of how big the room
is, primarily insofar as lightness is concerned. It is
the perception of lightness of things seen in the
outside world which helps the brain to recognize
visual space and light. The brain recognizes the
lightness elements in nature and uses them to
interpret space in interior design. This means that
the amount of color contrast, whiteness, and
lightness in a room can alter the perception of Figure 4. Interior and Dome of the Blue Mosque,
physical volume and space. (Ikeda, Shinoda, & Istanbul (source:
Mizokami, 1998, p. 380) One study found that
there to be no scientific link between furnishings
Cone or cylindrical shapes rise to a point, creating
in a room and perceived spatial dimensions,
a cone-like final point at the top of the roof.
lending more credence to the previous research

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183 Fawzi Al-Zamil

Historically such designs were popularly attributed Different patterns can be painted and used to
to castle towers. complement existing spaces and add more depth
One study has shown that when lightness is and space to the feel of the room. Light-colored
increased in a certain space, either by the walls, wood tones reflect light naturally, which means
floors, or furniture, it can make the space seem they create an illusion of a brighter and bigger
bigger. This study indicated that people perceive space. Darker wood tones create the illusion of
ceilings as higher and rooms larger in general lower ceilings and it makes the room feel warmer
when lighter colors are used and when those and cozier. Coffered ceilings are sunken panels
colors are contrasting to other colors in the room attached to the suspended grid. These sunken
(Mizokam, Mitsuo, & Shinoda, 1998, p. 380). panels are sunken toward the ceiling, which adds
Thus, it is evident that design element cannot be arch and length to the space. They can be deep or
used independently. Designers should employ the shallow, which creates a lighter feel in the existing
various design elements comprehensively to space (Mitton & Nystuen, 2007, p. 23)
support each other and create the design feel they With each of the aforementioned ceiling styles, the
desire. vaulted ceiling design is an option for either a
The type of ceiling is not the only influencing tiered ceiling or a flat ceiling. Vaulted designs add
factor – the height of the ceiling and design plays height to the space, and combined with lighter
a role as well. Drop ceilings, also known as wood colors they increase the perception of the
suspended ceilings, are found in many homes size of the room. Likewise, tiered ceilings can
today, and they are installed in almost all allow for one part of the room to appear bigger
basements and other rooms. They have two parts - than the other (ibid).
the first is the suspended metal grid to which the Lines and the perception of space
second, the acoustic panels, are attached to. These The line is one of the fundamental elements of
panels are inserted into the metal grid. Decorative interior design, because lines are complex in the
options are available such as metal panels or sence that they change the perceived size of space.
coffered panels. Such a design is relatively flat, Lines have psychological effects on a room.
without any angles or geometric features beyond Interior designers use various types of lines to
the natural shape of the room. Ceiling tiles can be create a particular ambiance or mood in a room.
smooth or textured, capitalizing upon antique tin The combination of lines may also be used to
designs that complement traditional and create the desired effect. However, one line is
contemporary spaces. Such tiles attach directly to planned to dominate in order to create a given
an existing ceiling, which means they work well effect. Various types of lines can be used, such as
with any geometric space and can increase the straight lines, angular lines, and curved lines. This
volume in a room (Mitton & Nystuen, 2007, p. section examines the impact of straight lines,
22). which are vertical and horizontal lines on the
perception of space size.
(Hepler, Wallach, & Hepler, 2013, p. 22) states
that interior designers use lines to enclose space
and provide the contour or outline of forms. The
line as an element of design can produce a sense
of movement and it also gives the viewer a sense
of height or length. Lines basically shape or form
subjects on a two-dimensional surface. The
aspects of the line include thickness, path,
direction, evenness, length, consistency,
continuity, contour of the edge, and sharpness of
the edge. Interior designers use lines to make the
Figure 5. Lotte Department Store in Seoul, South
Korea by Kareem Rasheed
room appear either higher or lower that it is in
In addition to gypsum false ceiling, designers may reality. Both horizontal and vertical lines create a
use natural materials too for interior ceilings. feeling of alertness, strength, apart from widening
Tongue and groove ceilings use authentic wood the room and making it appear lower, and making
panels which often become the focal point of the the walls appears higher respectively (Ballas,
space. Due to the fact that they are elegant, such 2013, p. 3).
designs are ideal for textural contrast in any space Since vertical lines lead the eyes, spirit and mind
and they visually enhance the appeal of the room. upward, they create an impression of height. These
lines are associated with strength and stability,

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The Impact of Design Elements on the perception of spaciousness in Interior Design 184

elevation, thick pillars of strength, and balance. grounding, stability, direction and emphasis. Such
Vertical lines tend to extend away beyond the lines tend to lower the ceiling and create a length
observer’s visual plane; therefore making the of space. The horizontal lines can be used to direct
perceived height of the room appear higher than it the viewer to the specific focal point. The lines
really is ( Neufer & Neufert, 2012, p. 42). also suggest a harmonious, solid relationship with
Vertical lines are perfect for entryways, formal the earth, which offers the viewer a sense of
dining rooms, and formal living areas. However, tranquility. They can expand the room visually
using too much vertical lines creates a feeling of making is appear wider and longer (Jaglarz, 2011,
confinement or uneasiness. According to (Jaglarz, p. 364). An interior space painted with horizontal
2011, p. 358) lines can be used to correct the stripes tend to move the eye horizontally, which
interior space since they have a considerable effect emphasize the width of the room (Hepler,
in proportional, size and mood of space. Wallach, & Hepler, 2013, p. 22). A single
Since vertical lines narrow the room on the level, horizontal line running from one side of the wall
they create an illusion of the room being higher to the side increases the width of the wall as it
than it really is. A room can be made to appear makes the eyes move to the ‘nothingness’ at the
visually higher through the use of vertical stripes end of the line. However, a single horizontal line
of various colors, or vertical ornaments or patterns on all walls of a room makes the room appear
against the wall. Additionally, one can use constricted as the eyes are confined to these lines.
pictures, vertical divisions or paintings in such a A line high on the wall, with the same color as the
way that they appear in a vertical line. This will ceiling enlarges the ceiling - making the room
create the same illusion by making it appear appear visually larger. The walls may appear
higher. More room height effects can be achieved shorter making the room appear smaller. This
by the use of the patterns of finishing materials happens if the line is in the middle of the wall and
with gloss varnishing or patterns on the has high contrast color. A series of horizontal lines
background (Jaglarz, 2011, p. 364). of the same color and width on entire walls makes
Unlike vertical lines that narrow the room making the room appear visually higher. Similar color
it appear higher, horizontal lines widen the room; lines that has a high contrast color provide the
making it appear lower. Just like vertical lines, the same expanding effect (Erlam, 2016).
horizontal lines or stripes evoke the feeling of

Figure 6. The use of vertical LInes in Interior Figure 7. The use of Horizontal Lines in Interior spaces
spaces (source: (source:
In conclusion, the line is one element of interior accesible and visually open. In general a space that
design that, when used, can change the perceived is well-connected provides easy acccess to various
size of the room. Vertical and horizontal lines parts of the building. Openness and connectivity
change the visual sizes of the room. The vertical within an interior environment create a feel of
lines make the eyes move upward - creating a spaciousness. Designers create openness through
perception that the room is higher than it is. the removal of boundaries, transparency and
Horizontal lines broaden the room making it reflectivity.
appear wider that it is. Additionally, both vertical Designers employ different element to create
and horizontal lines create a feeling of grounding, borders within space according to functional
stability, direction, elevation, and emphasis. requirements. These borders act as filters and may
Interior openness and the perception of space contain openings to allow space occupants to see
Within the interior spaces of buildings, through or varying degrees of solidity.
connectivity refers to the way interior rooms are Permeability is defined in many ways such as

International Design Journal, Volume 7, Issue 2

185 Fawzi Al-Zamil

being able to move from place to another as well the design of Arab House and Japanese House as
as being able to pass through something else. an example.
Permeability can be created through design by the Humans perceive their environment through their
manipulation of void, form and materials. These five senses being kinesthetic, touch, hearing and
design techniques can control the level of smell. The creation of physical boundaries
openness and connectivity and as a result impact regulates and control how humans perceive their
the feel of spaciousness. environment. The feel of spaciousness is thus
Colin Rowe outlines the definition of transparency increased the more a human can read the
as “the quality, or state, of being transparent in maximum area of his immediate environment.
both a material condition – that of being pervious
to light and air – and the result of an intellectual
imperative, of our inherent demand for that which The aim of this article is to shed light on the main
should be easily detected, perfectly evident, and design element that could be employed to increase
free of dissimulation.” (Rowe & Slutzky, 1993, p. the feel of spaciousness any room or building. It
76) seeks to confirm that design is able to change
In interior design, transparency allows space users people’s perception through the strategic
to perceive different spaces simultaneously. manipulation of various spatial configurations and
Designers achieve transparency within buildings treatments.
through understanding two important aspects of The application of color, whether through paint or
design, and that is permeability and reflection. furniture, wall paper or cladding of natural
Reflectivity is defined in the dictionary as the material has been an integral part of interior
“fraction of radiant energy that is reflected from a design. Yet, interior designers should understand
surface”. Interior spaces with a high degree of that some colors and patterns impact the way
reflectivity gives a sense of transparency, despite humans perceive spaciousness.
being opaque. Reflectivity gives a sence of unreal Today, with the availability of artificial light,
transparency to solid objects and make them people tend to care less about its impact as a
disappear within the surrounding. By using high design tool. Designers must pay special attention
reflectivity surfaces within interior spaces such as to the way natural light is controlled and how
ceilings, walls, floors or large mirrors one can artificial light is chosen and located. Because
create a sense of spaciousness. “A space may be lighting level play a major role in the creation of
perceived as larger because of transparent surfaces spaciousness awareness.
such as screens and windows … complex spaces Interior designers influence the shape, form and
are perceived darker and confined". (Ozdemir, volume of interior spaces. These design decisions
2010, p. 2277) must be taken with careful comprehension of their
impact of the users of space. This article has
Visual Connectedness shown that the shaping of floor plans can impact
The main role of building designers is to create the perception of spaciousness. Yet, room volume,
functional spaces that meet the needs of their despite being ignored by many designers, is
occupants. Among the main characteristics of another major factor that influences how humans
rooms is the level of privacy they require. Whether notice spaciousness.
in public of private buildings, people clearly ask to When creating design solutions, designers aim to
distinguish between public/social and private fulfill functional, aesthetical and cultural
areas. For example, in residential buildings the requirements. Among the leading design
classical design solution usually leads designers to limitations is the required level of privacy in both
locate semi-public areas in the ground floor such residential and commercial projects. Thus the
as reception, living rooms or kitchens, while physical properties of space that characterize its
allocating private rooms on upper floors such as level of openness, permeability and connectedness
bedrooms. are crucial for its functional success and at the
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