Dynamic Connectivity States Estimated From Resting fMRI Identify Differences Among Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Healthy Control Subjects

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published: 07 November 2014

doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00897

Dynamic connectivity states estimated from resting fMRI

Identify differences among Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
and healthy control subjects
Barnaly Rashid 1,2 , Eswar Damaraju1,2 , Godfrey D. Pearlson 3,4,5 and Vince D. Calhoun1,2,3,4 *
The Mind Research Network, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center – Institute of Living, Hartford, CT, USA
Departments of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Departments of Neurobiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA

Edited by: Schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BP) share significant overlap in clinical symptoms,
Giacomo Koch, IRCCS Fondazione brain characteristics, and risk genes, and both are associated with dysconnectivity among
Santa Lucia, Italy
large-scale brain networks. Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI)
Reviewed by:
Vaibhav A. Diwadkar, Wayne State
data facilitates studying macroscopic connectivity among distant brain regions. Standard
University School of Medicine, USA approaches to identifying such connectivity include seed-based correlation and data-driven
Maide Bucolo, University of Catania, clustering methods such as independent component analysis (ICA) but typically focus
Italy on average connectivity. In this study, we utilize ICA on rsfMRI data to obtain intrinsic
*Correspondence: connectivity networks (ICNs) in cohorts of healthy controls (HCs) and age matched SZ and
Vince D. Calhoun, The Mind Research
Network, 1101 Yale Blvd NE,
BP patients. Subsequently, we investigated difference in functional network connectivity,
Albuquerque, NM 87106, USA defined as pairwise correlations among the timecourses of ICNs, between HCs and
e-mail: vcalhoun@mrn.org patients. We quantified differences in both static (average) and dynamic (windowed)
connectivity during the entire scan duration. Disease-specific differences were identified in
connectivity within different dynamic states. Notably, results suggest that patients make
fewer transitions to some states (states 1, 2, and 4) compared to HCs, with most such
differences confined to a single state. SZ patients showed more differences from healthy
subjects than did bipolars, including both hyper and hypo connectivity in one common
connectivity state (dynamic state 3). Also group differences between SZ and bipolar
patients were identified in patterns (states) of connectivity involving the frontal (dynamic
state 1) and frontal-parietal regions (dynamic state 3). Our results provide new information
about these illnesses and strongly suggest that state-based analyses are critical to avoid
averaging together important factors that can help distinguish these clinical groups.
Keywords: dynamic functional connectivity, intrinsic connectivity networks, independent component analysis,
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder

INTRODUCTION need to identify altered connectivity in relevant core brain

Schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BP) are two common networks.
psychiatric conditions characterized by gray and white matter Recently, FC has been used to examine the functional orga-
abnormalities and disrupted connectivity across large-scale brain nization of brain networks in various psychiatric illnesses,
networks (Mohamed et al., 1999; Kubicki et al., 2007). Such where FC is defined as the temporal covariance of neu-
dysconnectivity includes disruption of both structural (Kubicki ral signals between multiple spatially distinct brain regions
et al., 2007; Rotarska-Jagiela et al., 2008, 2009) and functional (Friston et al., 1993). Different analytic tools have been applied
connectivity (FC; Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2001; Uhlhaas and to resting-state fMRI data to describe brain FC, including
Singer, 2006; Garrity et al., 2007; Calhoun et al., 2008a, 2011) seed-based analysis (Biswal et al., 1995; Greicius et al., 2003),
that may be related to clinical symptoms, including cogni- data-driven methods, such as independent component analy-
tive dysfunction. SZ is often referred to as a dysconnection sis (ICA; Hyvärinen and Oja, 2000; Calhoun et al., 2001b, 2009;
syndrome, where the term “dysconnection” refers to over- or Damoiseaux et al., 2006; Fox and Raichle, 2007; Calhoun and
under-connection of neural circuits with respect to a healthy Adali, 2012), clustering (Cordes et al., 2002), multivariate pat-
control group (Friston et al., 1993). Because changes in the tern analysis (MVPA; Norman et al., 2006; Zhu et al., 2008;
function of a single brain region cannot explain the range of Zeng et al., 2012), graph theory (Achard et al., 2006; Buckner
impairments observed in SZ or BP (Achim and Lepage, 2005; et al., 2009) and centrality (Lohmann et al., 2010). In seed-based
Van Snellenberg et al., 2006; Minzenberg et al., 2009; Ragland approach, the connectivity patterns are based on a selected
et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2009; Chepenik et al., 2010), researchers seed region of interest (ROI), while ICA-based methods do not

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Rashid et al. Dynamic connectivity in schizophrenia and bipolar

require prior knowledge of brain activity or seed ROI selection BP (Öngür et al., 2010; Calhoun et al., 2011). There are numer-
(Erhardt et al., 2011a). ous studies suggesting abnormal default network connectivity in
Until recently, most fMRI studies assumed that FC is station- SZ and BP (Zhou et al., 2007, 2008; Calhoun et al., 2008b, 2011),
ary throughout the entire scan period (or at least static during although both increased and decreased connectivity have been
a giving task or condition such as rest). This assumption of reported. Different analytical techniques could account for these
stationarity is likely an oversimplification since it is likely that inconsistent findings, as seed-based and data-driven analyses and
individuals are engaged in slightly different mental activities at varying preprocessing steps do not necessarily produce the same
different points in time. In addition, previous works showing results. Also each intrinsic brain network comprises a collection
evidence of fluctuation in FC (Arieli et al., 1996; Makeig et al., of multiple network components, only a few of which might be
2004; Onton and Makeig, 2006) are consistent with the idea affected throughout a specific period of illness.
that dynamic changes in FC occur during the course of the Prior studies have identified abnormal connectivity in other
experiment. Recent studies show that connectivity dynamics can intrinsic networks. For example, patients with persistent audi-
capture uncontrolled but reoccurring patterns of interactions tory verbal hallucinations may have increased connectivity in
among intrinsic networks during a task or at rest (Sakoǧlu et al., the cingulate cortex within the speech-related network (Wolf
2010; Allen et al., 2012; Hutchison et al., 2013; Calhoun et al., et al., 2011). In attention and executive control networks, patients
2014). These studies provide results that cannot be detected with demonstrated abnormal connectivity in precuneus and right lat-
static FC analyses. In a dynamic connectivity study using wavelet- eral pre-frontal areas. Few studies have examined both bipolar and
based time-frequency coherence analysis, significant results were SZ patients. A recent study of both disorders (Öngür et al., 2010;
observed for resting state connectivity variation between poste- Meda et al., 2012; Khadka et al., 2013) found subgenual and medial
rior cingulate cortex and an anti-correlated network (Chang and prefrontal anomalies in BP patients and dorsal medial prefrontal
Glover, 2010). Another approach for studying dynamic connectiv- anomalies in SZ patients, although considerabe overlap among
ity is the sliding-window correlation technique (Allen et al., 2012; groups.
Hutchison et al., 2013). In this paper, we implement a recently published approach to
Resting state BOLD studies have proven useful recently to inves- assess functional network connectivity (FNC) dynamics between
tigate abnormal FC, as the absence of a specific task complements healthy controls (HCs) and SZ and bipolar patients, which
task-specific study by measuring intrinsic functional brain orga- includes group spatial ICA, dynamic FNC via sliding time win-
nization without any differential behavioral performance and task dow correlation, and k-means clustering of windowed corre-
activity between diagnostic groups, and thus makes it easier for lation matrices (Allen et al., 2012). We hypothesized that dis-
cognitively compromised patients to participate in such studies. rupted functional integration in SZ and bipolar patients can
Resting-state fMRI connectivity has been used to identify dif- be found in several brain regions including temporal, frontal,
ferences in multiple patient groups including SZ (Calhoun et al., visual, and DMNs as suggested by previous studies. To test our
2009, 2011; Sakoǧlu et al., 2010; Damaraju et al., 2014), BP (Cal- hypothesis we conducted group difference analyses in connec-
houn et al., 2011), Alzheimer’s disease (Greicius et al., 2004; Sorg tivity using independent two sample t-tests. The results show
et al., 2007), autism (Starck et al., 2013), and others. However, to that dynamic FNC captured by sliding time window analysis
our knowledge, no study to date has evaluated changes in connec- can reveal significant differences between patients and con-
tivity patterns over time in fMRI in patient groups versus controls. trols that cannot be found using conventional stationary FNC
It is not yet known how spatial and temporal dynamics of rest- analysis.
ing state networks contribute to individual psychopathological
disorders. Both SZ and BP are diagnosed using cross-sectional MATERIALS AND METHODS
clinical symptoms along with longitudinal course and outcome PARTICIPANTS
measures. There are significant overlaps in symptoms and dis- We assessed 159 total subjects comprising 61 screened HCs [HC,
ease progression between these two disorders that can make it age 35.44 ± 11.57 (range), 28 females], 60 patients diagnosed
difficult to differentiate them without repeated clinical diagnos- with SZ or schizoaffective disorder (SZ, age 35.85 ± 12.01, 13
tic assessment (Keshavan et al., 2011). By determining a reliable females) and 38 bipolar subjects (BP, age 38.96 ± 10.90, 20
diagnostic indicator (‘biomarker’) based on biological features of females), matched for age with no significant differences among
these diseases, a baseline for developing more accurate and reliable three groups, where age: p = 0.303, F = 1.2031, DF = 2. Signifi-
differentiating tools for diagnosis, and ultimately treatment, can cant differences in sex among three groups were found, where sex:
in theory be provided (Keshavan et al., 2013). p = 0.002, X 2 = 11.81, DF = 2. Diagnoses were based on detailed
Previous studies show both similarities and differences in static medical and psychiatric history, chart reviews, and the Structured
FC between SZ and BP. Most prior studies focused on quantifying Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders (Gibbon et al., 1997). None
the underlying characteristics of sensory, auditory, cognitive con- were acutely ill at the time of scanning. Bipolar patients were a
trol (CC) and emotional processes of the brain. For example, the mixture of psychotic and non-psychotic by history.
default mode network (DMN), consists of a set of brain regions
known to be activated during internally focused tasks and may Data acquisition
be involved in processes such as attention to internal emotional Resting-state fMRI scans were acquired at the Institute of Living,
states, self-referential processing or task- independent thoughts Hartford, CT, USA on a 3T Siemens Allegra head-only scanner
(Buckner et al., 2008). DMN data may distinguish between SZ and with 40 mT/m gradients and a quadrature head coil. T2* -weighted

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functional images were acquired using gradient echo planar imag- depicted peak cluster locations in gray matter with minimal
ing (EPI) method with repetition time (TR) = 1.5 s, echo time overlap with white matter, ventricles and edges of the brain
(TE) = 27 ms, field of view = 24 cm, acquisition matrix 64 × 64, and also exhibit higher low frequency temporal activity. Subject
flip angle = 700, voxel size = 3.75 mm × 3.75 mm × 4 mm, slice specific time courses and spatial maps were obtained via back
thickness = 4 mm, gap = 1 mm, number of slices = 29, 210 frames reconstruction.
and ascending acquisition. Subjects were instructed to keep their Additional post-processing steps including linear, quadratic
eyes open, look at a fixation cross on a monitor display and to rest and cubic detrending, multiple regression of the six realignment
quietly during the scan session. parameters and their temporal derivatives, removal of detected
outliers, and low-pass filtering with a high frequency cutoff of
DATA PRE-PROCESSING 0.15 Hz were applied to the component TCs in order to remove
Functional images were pre-processed using an automated trends associated with scanner drift and movement-related arti-
pipeline based around SPM 51 . Pre-processing included the facts. We have detected the outliers based on the median absolute
removal of the first four image volumes to avoid T1 equilibration deviation, as implemented in 3D DESPIKE (Cox, 1996). Outliers
effects, realignment using INRIalign (Freire et al., 2002), slice- were replaced with the best estimate using a third-order spline fit
timing correction using the middle slice as the reference frame, to the clean portions of the TCs.
spatial normalization into Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI)
space2 , reslicing to 3 mm × 3 mm × 3 mm voxels, and smoothing FC ESTIMATION
with a Gaussian kernel (FWHM = 5 mm). Voxel timeseries were The static FNC for each subject was estimated from the TC matrix,
z-scored to normalize variance across space, minimizing possi- as the C × C sample covariance matrix (see Figure 1A). In addition
ble bias in subsequent variance-based data reduction steps (Allen to the standard FNC analyses, we computed correlations between
et al., 2012). ICN TCs using a sliding temporal window [Tukey window (see
In order to limit the impact of motion we excluded from anal- Figure 1B)] having a width of 22 TRs = 33 s; sliding in steps
ysis subject data with a maximum translation of >2 mm or with of 1 TR), resulting in W = 180 windows to capture the vari-
SFNR <275 (Signal-to-fluctuation-noise ratio, where the signal is ability in connectivity. To characterize the full covariance matrix,
the average voxel intensity in all the ROIs defined in the object, we estimated covariance from the regularized precision matrix or
averaged across time, and the fluctuation noise is the temporal the inverse covariance matrix (Smith et al., 2011). Following the
standard deviation of the spatial mean in the same ROIs, after graphical LASSO method of (Friedman et al., 2008), we placed
removing the slow drift from the temporal series). Patient and a penalty on the L1 norm of the precision matrix to promote
control groups were age matched. Additional processing steps were sparsity. The regularization parameter lambda was optimized sep-
taken to mitigate against residual motion effects as described later. arately for each subject by evaluating the log-likelihood of unseen
data (windowed covariance matrices from the same subject) in a
GROUP ICA AND POST-PROCESSING cross-validation framework. Final dynamic FC estimates for each
Imaging data were decomposed into functional networks using window, were concatenated to form a C × C × W array represent-
a group-level spatial ICA (Calhoun et al., 2001a; Calhoun and ing the changes in covariance (correlation) between components
Adali, 2012). Group ICA was performed using the GIFT tool- as a function of time.
box (Calhoun, 2004). In order to obtain functional parcellation,
we used a high model order ICA (number of components, DYNAMIC STATES AND CLUSTERING
C = 100) to decompose the functionally homogeneous cortical From all of the dynamic windowed FNC matrices, we selected win-
and subcortical regions exhibiting temporally coherent activity dows of higher variability as subject exemplars and used K-means
(Kiviniemi et al., 2009; Smith et al., 2009; Abou-Elseoud et al., clustering to obtain group centrotypes. We repeated the clus-
2010). In the subject-specific data reduction principle com- tering method using different distance functions (correlation,
ponent analysis (PCA) step, 120 principal components were cosine, rather than the L1-norm) and also found very similar
retained (retaining >99% of the variance of the data). Group results. We determined the number of clusters to be five using the
data reduction retained C = 100 PCs using the expectation- elbow criterion of the cluster validity index, which is computed
maximization (EM) algorithm as implemented in the GIFT as the ratio between within-cluster distances to between-cluster
toolbox. The Infomax group ICA (Calhoun et al., 2001b) algo- distance. These centrotypes are then used as starting points to
rithm was repeated 20 times in ICASSO (Himberg and Hyvari- cluster all of the dynamic FNC data. Group specific centrotypes
nen, 2003) and the resulting components were clustered to were computed. Subject specific centrotypes were used to perform
estimate the reliability of the decomposition (Himberg et al., independent sample t-tests to probe for group differences.
2004). Subject-specific spatial maps (SMs) and time-courses
(TCs) were estimated using the GICA1 back-reconstruction RESULTS
method based on PCA compression and projection (Calhoun INTRINSIC CONNECTIVITY NETWORKS (ICNs)
et al., 2001b; Erhardt et al., 2011b). Out of the 100 compo- ICA was successfully used to identify the intrinsic connectivity
nents obtained, we characterized 49 components as ICNs that networks (ICNs) in HCs and patients with SZ and bipolar, and to
identify differences in FNC among these ICNs. The spatial maps of
1 http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/software/spm5 49 ICNs identified with group ICA are shown in Figure 2A. ICNs
2 http://www.mni.mcgill.ca/ are grouped by their anatomical and functional properties, which

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FIGURE 1 | (A) An overview of the sliding window analysis. Group (TCs). (B) Stationary FC between components (left) is estimated as the
independent component analysis (ICA) is used to decomposed resting-state covariance of TCs. Dynamic FC (right) is estimated as the series of regularized
data from 159 subjects into 100 components, 49 of which are identified as covariance matrices from windowed portions of each subject’s component
intrinsic connectivity networks (ICNs). GICA1 back-reconstruction method is TCs and then the matrices are aggregated across subjects [Adapted from
used to estimate the subject specific spatial maps (SMs) and time courses (Allen et al., 2012)].

include the following: sub-cortical (SC), auditory (AUD), sensori- were initially ordered using algorithms in the brain-connectivity
motor (SM), visual (VIS), CC, default mode (DM), and cerebellar toolbox (Rubinov and Sporns, 2010) that maximize modularity
(CB) components. The observed ICN networks are very simi- of the connectivity matrix. These were manually partitioned into
lar to those found in previous studies with low model order ICA subgroups as in our earlier work (Allen et al., 2012). The aver-
(Calhoun et al., 2008a) as well as high model order ICA (Kiviniemi age connectivity matrix demonstrates strong positive connectivity
et al., 2009; Smith et al., 2009; Allen et al., 2011). within subcortical, VIS, SM, default-mode, and CB networks. A set
The SC networks are represented by four components (ICs 48, of CC regions also shows this positive connectivity among them-
91, 78, and 61) with activations focused in the amygdala, putamen selves and are also connected to certain VIS networks. These CC
head, putamen tail, and thalamus. The AUD network is repre- and VIS regions show anti correlation to default-mode regions.
sented by a single component (IC 36) with bilateral activation of Two sample t-tests did not reveal any group differences in static
the superior temporal gyrus (STG). The SM regions are captured or overall connectivity. Previous studies have found differences in
by nine components (ICs 1, 70, 15, 38, 9, 80, 14, 35, and 27). FNC in similar groups, but not with such a high model order that
The visual system (VIS) is represented by ten components (ICs produces more focus brain regions, but also more comparisons.
31, 10, 11, 16, 21, 29, 32, 33, 54, and 87), which matches with In our case, several FNC pairs showed a trend level of significance,
the functional and structural characterization of occipital cortex. but did not quite reach a corrected level of significance for the
The cognitive control network (CC) includes the ICN components static FNC analysis.
involved in directing and monitoring behavior, mediating mem- However, we also computed an analysis of FNC differences
ory and language functions (ICs 64, 66, 92, 42, 60, 63, 94, and 95). within groups of components (e.g., DMN components re-
The DMN is captured by eight components. Finally, we classify combined), called a network group (NG). To do this we computed,
the CB network with three components with activations in both for each NG, the average connectivity between it and all other
right and left cerebellum. NGs (Repovs et al., 2011). We then applied an FDR correction for
multiple comparisons of the between-NG connectivity. Several
STATIC FNC between-NG pairs showed significant group SZ/control differ-
Group mean FC or static FNC between ICN timecourses is shown ences, including sub-cortical and sensory-motor, sub-cortical and
in Figure 2B. The ICN components in the static FNC matrix CC, and DM and cerebellum. One pair, sub-cortical and CC,

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Rashid et al. Dynamic connectivity in schizophrenia and bipolar

FIGURE 2 | (A) Non-artifactual ICNs and (B) Group mean static FNC (L) or right (R). See table S1 for more detailed information on each
between ICN timecourses. ICNs are divided into groups and arranged intrinsic component. STG, superior temporal gyrus; SMA,
based on their anatomical and functional properties. FC was averaged supplementary motor area; MCC, middle cingulated cortex; Bi-FFG,
over all subjects and displayed as inverse Fisher-transformed. All of the bi-fusiform gyrus; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; IPL, inferior parietal
ICN labels in (B) indicate the brain region with peak amplitude and lobule; SPL, superior parietal lobule; dMPFC, dorso-medial prefrontal
should be considered as bilateral activation unless mentioned as left cortex; Cereb, cerebellum.

showed a significant difference between SZ and BP patients. No connectivity within a module was computed and stored as
between-NG connectivity difference was found between HCs and “component weight vector.” These positive or negative weights
bipolars. were then used to create weighted spatial map containing
all contributing components for a given dynamic state, and
DYNAMIC CONNECTIVITY STATES AND GROUP DIFFERENCES finally the weighted spatial maps were projected onto a 3-
We use k-means clustering method to identify re-occurring pat- dimensional MNI surface using the AFNI-SUMA (Saad et al.,
tern of FC states (Figure 3). Dynamic FNC analysis suggests that 2004).
patients make fewer transitions to some states (States 1, 2, and In state 1, two component pairs captured the differences
4) compared to HCs. Significant differences were found between between HCs and SZ patients as well as between the two patient
groups in dynamic FNC states 1, 2, 3, and 4, between healthy groups (Figures 4 and 5). Compared to HCs, SZ patients showed
control and patient groups as well as between SZ and bipolar greater connectivity between the component pair STG (C36) and
patients. left angular gyrus (C65), in the temporal-parietal region. Also
Figure 4 summarizes the difference between groups measured compared to BP, SZ patients showed greater connectivity between
by the connectivity between ICN component pairs. For better two frontal components: right motor (C15) and dorso-medial
visualization purpose, brain connectome for each of the sig- prefrontal cortex (DMPFC; C46).
nificant dynamic states is shown in Figure 5. Also, Figure 6 In dynamic connectivity state 2 (Figures 4 and 5), HCs showed
shows the rendering maps for main effects of dynamic con- greater connectivity between a sub-cortical component, putamen
nectivity for all the subjects. To create the rendering maps, tail (C78) and a frontal component, ventral motor (VM C1),
we first identified the modularity in the dynamic FC matrix compared to the patients with SZ.
for each state using the Brain Connectivity Toolbox (Rubi- In dynamic state 3 (Figures 4 and 5), most of the differ-
nov and Sporns, 2010). For each component, the average ences in connectivity were captured between HCs and SZ patients,

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Rashid et al. Dynamic connectivity in schizophrenia and bipolar

FIGURE 3 | Results from clustering approach for k = 5. Group specific centroids of the states (state 1 to state 5) are obtained from k-means clustering. The
total number and percentage of occurrences is listed above each centroid

and between the two patient groups. These connectivity differ- bipolar patients. We identified several ICNs that differentiate SZ
ences were found in frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal and and BP from HCs.
CB regions of the brain. SZ patients showed greater connectiv- Dynamic FC captures stable connectivity patterns that are not
ity between several temporal-parietal components, compared to observed in the stationary FC. FC of the brain is not stationary;
HCs. The connectivity between most of the frontal-parietal and rather it’s changing over time. Thus observing group-wise dif-
frontal-occipital components was greater in HCs compared to SZ ferences in connectivity across time as captured by the discrete
patients, whereas the connectivity between most of the parietal- dynamic states gives us more valuable information that cannot be
occipital components was greater in SZ patients. Also greater found within the stationary or mean FC.
connectivity in SZ was found between two frontal-parietal com- In Figure 3, each matrix represents the centroid of a cluster
ponent pairs, VM, and left supramarginal gyrus, and VM and right and signifies a connectivity state stably present within data. These
superior parietal lobule (SPL), compared to BP. This is the only dynamic connectivity states are fully reproducible and present in
dynamic state that captured differences between these two patient numerous subjects. Dynamic state 1 resembles the pattern of sta-
groups. tionary FC. FC patterns in state 2–5 represent connectivity show
Dynamic state 4 revealed differences between HCs and bipolar considerable deviation from the mean FC.
patients in temporal and parietal regions, where greater con- One of the notable features that differ between FC states is
nectivity in HCs was found between two parietal components, the connectivity within DMN regions and, between DMN and
paracentral and SPL, and greater connectivity in BP was found other functional networks. In state 3 and 5, the DMN regions
between a temporal component bilateral fusiform gyrus and a show strong synchronous activation with themselves, and mostly
parietal component left supramarginal gyrus. Dynamic state 5 asynchronous activation with other functional networks. Partic-
did not display any significant group differences in FC. Also, no ularly in state 3, the DMN regions show strong asynchrony with
significant correlation between symptoms and connectivity was most of the CC components. State 5 shows the similar nature
found. of connectivity between DMN and CC components, but with a
reduced number of CC components. Also in states 3 and 5, sev-
DISCUSSION eral sensori-motor components show negative correlations with
We explored dynamic FC patterns with ICA, sliding windows, and the DMN system, which is not visible in other states. In con-
clustering. Our analysis of connectivity dynamics in a relatively trast, state 1, 2, and 4 do not show similar FC patterns between
large sample (n = 159) provides, to our knowledge, the first whole- DMN and other ICN networks, where segregation of synchronized
brain characterization of regional differences in FC variability and activation between DMN and other ICN nodes can be
distinction of discrete FC states among healthy control, SZ, and observed.

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Rashid et al. Dynamic connectivity in schizophrenia and bipolar

FIGURE 4 | Difference in dynamic states. Group differences in dynamic schizophrenia and bipolar patient groups. The cells that have survived a
FC states are obtained using an independent two-sample t-test FDR threshold for multiple comparison correction are enclosed in black
between healthy control and patient groups, as well as between patch.

State 2 captures the FC differences between cortical and subcor- of DM regions and segregated synchronous activation between the
tical components, where strong asynchronous activation between nodes in other ICNs. Also, we can predict that hypersynchroniza-
subcortical regions (amygdala, putamen head, putamen tail, and tion between VIS areas will be accompanied by synchronization
thalamus) and sensori-motor, auditory, and VIS cortex were of DMN regions and strong asynchronous activation with other
found. Cerebellum also shows this asynchrony with these cortical functional networks.
regions. Also substantial reduction in connectivity between DMN Note that, state 4 is the only dynamic state where we have
regions can be observed in this state. As mentioned in several pre- found significant differences between healthy control and bipo-
vious studies, reduced thalamocortical connectivity (Spoormaker lar subjects. State 4 shows synchronous activity within most
et al., 2010), increased subcortical connectivity (Larson-Prior of the network nodes except few VIS and CC components,
et al., 2011) and a segregation of DMN connectivity (Spoormaker which show anti-correlation with themselves as well as with
et al., 2010; Larson-Prior et al., 2011) indicated a state of light sleep other ICN networks. The differences between HC and BP were
or drowsiness. Also similar dynamic state related to drowsiness was captured between a pair of SM component (paracentral gyrus)
found among healthy subjects in (Allen et al., 2012). and CC component(R SPL), and between a pair of SM com-
Hutchison et al. (2013), periods of hypersynchronization ponent (left supplementary motor area) and VIS component
were described where extremely high intra-network connectiv- (bi-fusiform gyrus).
ity between all nodes of oculomotor and motor networks were The differences between groups are not localized in a sin-
found in macaques and humans. This relates well to our observed gle dynamic state. Rather the group differences are distributed
discrete FC states where states 1,2, and 4 show time windows across four dynamic states (states 1, 2, 3, and 4). This dis-
with high correlations throughout the motor system (and some tributive nature of the group differences could be one rea-
motor components in state 5), while state 3 and 5 represent son they were not detected in the static FNC, since that
periods with synchronous activation between VIS areas. From metric only shows the average FNC for the run. Also the
our results, we can predict that periods of hypersynchronization dynamic states in Figure 4 show higher p-values for several
between motor nodes would also include synchronous activation t-tests between ICN components for different groups, which

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Rashid et al. Dynamic connectivity in schizophrenia and bipolar

FIGURE 5 | Brain connectome. A visual summary of significant activation unless mentioned as left (L) or right (R). STG, superior temporal
connectivity differences in dynamic states between different ICN gyrus; dMPFC, dorso-medial prefrontal cortex; AG, angular gyrus; VM,
components for control and patient groups. The gray cross mark indicates ventral motor; ITG, inferior temporal gyrus; CB, cerebellum; SMA,
that no component from that region showed any significant group supplementary motor area; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; SMG, supramarginal
difference. Note that the colors of the connecting links and the domains gyrus; SPL, superior parietal lobule; LG, lingual gyrus; MOG, middle
are independent of each other. All of the component labels indicate the occipital gyrus; IOG, inferior occipital gyrus; Bi-FFG, bi-fusiform gyrus;
brain region with peak amplitude and should be considered as bilateral ParaCL, paracentral.

did not pass multiple comparison correction tests. With a showed that failure to deactivate default-mode regions corre-
larger sample size, more significant group difference could be sponded to gray matter losses in the dorsal ACC and medial
revealed. prefrontal cortex regions (Zhou et al., 2008; Pomarol-Clotet et al.,
Significant between-group differences in connectivity strength 2010; Skudlarski et al., 2010; Salgado-Pineda et al., 2011). How-
were found in several intrinsic networks including sub-cortical, ever, as mentioned earlier, both increased and decreased FC have
VIS, auditory, SM, CC, DM and cerebellum networks. Several com- been reported in the DMN in SZ. Medial prefrontal cortex is
ponents in the default-mode network (DMN) including DMPFC, a region known to be associated with information processing
right and left angular gyri (AG), and right and left precuneus when more than one course of action may be required, such
showed significant connectivity differences with the components as representing the thoughts, actions, and feelings of others
in VIS, CC, SM, auditory, and CB networks. Previous studies sug- across time (Gilbert et al., 2006). Several studies of both SZ and
gest that DMN may distinguish SZ and bipolar patients from BP (Öngür et al., 2010; Meda et al., 2012; Khadka et al., 2013)
HCs (Zhou et al., 2007, 2008; Calhoun et al., 2008b, 2011). The have reported subgenual and medial prefrontal abnormalities in
majority of previous studies report reduced task-related suppres- bipolar patients and dorsal medial prefrontal abnormalities in
sion in the DMN in SZ (Zhou et al., 2007, 2008; Jafri et al., 2008; SZ patients. (Huang et al., 2010) reported decreased amplitude
Bluhm et al., 2009; Jann et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2009; Park et al., of low frequency fluctuation (ALFF) in the medial prefrontal
2009; Pomarol-Clotet et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2011). Studies regions in never treated SZ patients, and found to become

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FIGURE 6 | Main dynamic effects rendering maps. Using the Brain module was computed and stored as “component weight.” These weights
Connectivity Toolbox, modularity in the dynamic FC matrices was found. The were then used to create weighted spatial map containing all associated
FC matrix is divided into two modules with nodes of each module correlated components for a given dynamic state, and finally the weighted spatial maps
positively with each other in general and anticorrelated with nodes of other were projected onto a 3-dimensional MNI surface using the AFNI-SUMA
module. For each component the average positive connectivity within a (Saad et al., 2004).

normalized with antipsychotic therapy (Sambataro et al., 2009; Our study showed two other DMN components, left and right
Lui et al., 2010). precuneus, which are involved in a wide spectrum of highly inte-
Another DMN component found in our analysis is the angular grated tasks, including episodic memory (Cabeza and Nyberg,
gyrus (AG), which is known to be involved in language process- 2000; Rugg and Henson, 2002), mental imagery recall (Shallice
ing (Hall et al., 2005; Binder et al., 2009; Price, 2010; Clos et al., et al., 1994; Fletcher et al., 1996), and self-processing operations,
2014), as well as memory and social cognition. Therefore, AG such as first-person perspective taking (Cavanna and Trimble,
dysregulation can help differentiate SZ and bipolar patients from 2006). Garrity et al. (2007), higher positive symptoms were cor-
HCs. Our study showed greater connectivity in SZ between the related with increased deactivation in the medial frontal gyrus,
component pair STG and left AG. Notably, several studies also precuneus and the left middle temporal gyrus (MiTG). Compared
found FC abnormalities in STG, which is a major part of the to SZ patients, HCs showed greater connectivity between left cere-
dominant hemisphere language network. Also both structural and bellum and both left and right precuneus. The cerebellum may
functional abnormalities in the STG have been demonstrated in influence motor systems by estimating inconsistencies between
SZ patients in multiple studies as well as in psychotic BP and con- intention and action and by adjusting the motor operations appro-
stitute the best-replicated brain differences correlating with the priately (Kandel et al., 2000), as well playing a role in cognition and
severity of psychotic symptoms in SZ, most specifically auditory emotion (Schmahmann and Caplan, 2006). Prior studies reveal
hallucinations and formal thought disorder collectively; abnor- impaired functional integration of cerebellum in SZ (Honey et al.,
malities in these regions likely underpin psychotic phenomena 2005; Becerril et al., 2011). Collin et al. (2011) proclaimed the FC
(Aguayo, 1990; Swerdlow, 2010; Fusar-Poli et al., 2011). In our to other brain regions [left thalamus, middle cingulate gyrus, and
study, group variations in connectivity strength were observed supplementary motor area (SMA)] to be disconnected from the
in several temporal lobe components [STG, bi-fusiform gyrus cerebellum in SZ patients.
(FFG) and left inferior temporal gyrus (ITG)], known to pro- In our study, several SM components including SMA, right
cess auditory information (Kim et al., 2009; Sui et al., 2011). This and left motor, VM, supramarginal gyrus (SmG) and paracen-
reinforces the fact that aberrant temporal lobe coherence patterns tral showed between-group connectivity differences that were
may exhibit significant abnormality in both SZ, and to a lesser distributed across different dynamic states. (Jeong et al., 2009)
extent BP (Pearlson, 1997; Calhoun et al., 2008b). These findings reported decreased correlation of the left inferior frontal gyrus
may be useful in explaining the language and thought disruptions (IFG) with left middle temporal gyrus (MTG)/ left superior
in SZ. temporal sulcus, left SPL/supramarginal gyrus and other brain

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Rashid et al. Dynamic connectivity in schizophrenia and bipolar

regions. Our results showed connectivity differences between SmG We characterized FC as the covariance between ICN time-
and other brain components [with lingual gyrus (LG) in HC < SZ; courses. Characterization of FC matrices based on higher-order
with VM in SZ > BP; with bi-FFG in HC < BP]. Previous stud- statistics (e.g., mutual information) or lag-insensitive measures
ies found impaired FC between cerebellum and LG in SZ patients (e.g., cross-correlation) could efficiently recover the underlying
(Collin et al., 2011). biological structure of networks. Another limitation of the study
Other findings in our analysis include connectivity differences is that smaller acquisition parameters may not lead to optimum
in several CC components [left ITG, left middle frontal gyrus results by exploring all possible aspects of dynamic changes in FC.
(MiFG), MTG, left IFG, left superior medial gyrus (SMG), and Each subject in this study was scanned for only 5 min, which
SPL] with components from other brain networks. Abnormal FC is probably not optimal for considering the rate of change in
in left IFG, MiFG, and IFG was found in SZ patients (Jeong et al., dynamic states. A longer acquisition time (∼10 min) is recom-
2009; Müller et al., 2013). mended for a more accurate estimation of connectivity dynamics.
Another key finding in our study is greater connectivity in HCs To identify centroids of dynamic FC we used k-means clustering,
between putamen tail and VM regions, compared to SZ patients. which has several limitations, including difficulty in separating
The putamen may be involved in the generation of spontaneous clusters with different sizes and densities, and a high susceptibility
language, and linked to auditory/verbal hallucinations (Hoffman to outliers. Future work could include application of alternative
and Hampson, 2012). Several SZ studies showed FC anomalies in clustering models (fuzzy-clustering or density-based clustering
the putamen (Hoffman et al., 2011; Hoffman and Hampson, 2012; techniques) in the connectivity dynamics. Future work focusing on
Tu et al., 2012). an improved understanding of the association between disease and
connectivity dynamics could actually enrich our knowledge of the
LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS dynamic properties of the healthy functional brain. In addition,
Several experimental and methodological limitations must be con- recent work has shown that there are time-varying changes not
sidered while performing the sliding-window analysis method and only in the covariance but also in the associated spatial patterns
interpreting results. One limitation is that the non-stationary noise (Ma et al., 2014). Future studies to characterize both covariance
sources in fMRI time series can influence changes in FC over time. and spatial changes over time are warranted.
Synchronous global modulations of fMRI time series can be caused
by variations in respiratory and cardiac rates, as they predom- CONCLUSION
inantly occupy the low frequencies (<0.1 Hz; Wise et al., 2004; We have performed, to our knowledge, the first whole-brain char-
Chang and Glover, 2009). Also head motion could generate spa- acterization of intrinsic regional differences in FC variability and
tially structured artifacts in FC (Power et al., 2012; Yan et al., 2013). a comprehensive analysis of discrete FC states in SZ, BP and HCs.
Even though ICA reasonably separates the component sources for One key finding was the aberrant FC patterns found in several
sliding-window analysis, it may not have completely separated the default-mode components including DMPFC, bilateral angular
effects from other sources of interest. Therefore, to interpret the gyrus, and bilateral precuneus, in the patient groups. Other sig-
dynamic results, efficient denoising as well as recording of res- nificant findings include connectivity anomalies in VIS, SM and
piration and cardiac events should be considered. In the current cognitive control networks in both patient groups. These findings
study we performed careful quality control as well as incorporating could be used as distinctive characteristic markers in SZ and BP,
multiple motion regression steps to mitigate against the impact of and also could help diagnose the patients based on their biologi-
motion. cal features, rather than exclusively depending on cross-sectional
Another important issue for sliding-window analysis is the clinical symptoms and information on longitudinal course and
choice of window size. (Sakoǧlu et al., 2010) reported that the outcome.
ideal window size should be able to estimate FC variability and
capture the lowest frequencies of interest in the signal, as well as to ACKNOWLEDGMENT
detect interesting short-term effects. In this study, dynamics were This study was supported by NIH/NIBIB: 2R01 EB000840-06.
estimated using an empirically validated fixed sliding-window of
22TRs (33s) similar to that used in (Allen et al., 2012). Future work SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
should evaluate changes across a variety of windows lengths that The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:
could be performed using separate windows (Cribben et al., 2012) http://www.frontiersin.org/journal/10.3389/fnhum.2014.00897/
or perhaps combined with multi-scale approaches such as wavelet abstract
transform (Chang and Glover, 2010).
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