Electrostatic Precipitator
Electrostatic Precipitator
Electrostatic Precipitator
1. Advantages:
Very high efficiency (for small particles for which
cyclone is inefficient)
Low pressure drop
Suitable for high gas temperature
Can handle high dust loading
2. Disadvantages:
High capital cost
Large footprint
Not effective for particulates with high electrical
(from “Air Pollution Control: A Design Approach” by C.D. Cooper and F.C. Alley,
Waveland Press, Inc., 2011)
m w C x x / 2 H x (2)
uHD dC
wHC (3)
2 dx
C 2wHL wA p
ln L (4)
Co uHD Qc
EXP (5)
Co Q
w , Fe (7)
MpFe = q Eo (8)
where Mp is the mass of a particle (kg), Eo is the collecting
field strength near collecting plates (V/m) and q is the
charge on the particle (coulomb, C)
CR d p
w o KEch Eo (11)
CR is the Cunningham correction factor and µ is gas
4. ESP Design
Design of an ESP for a specific dust removal essentially
Determination of the configuration of plates, plate size
and number of plates
Estimation of the electrical power required
Pc = Ic Vavg (13)
where Pc is the corona power (W), Ic is the corona current
(A) and Vavg is the average voltage (V).
we (14)
Pc/A is the power density