Daily Lesson Log (DLL) in Mapeh: Module No. I Number of Sessions: 5
Daily Lesson Log (DLL) in Mapeh: Module No. I Number of Sessions: 5
Daily Lesson Log (DLL) in Mapeh: Module No. I Number of Sessions: 5
Module No. I SCHOOL San Policarpo National High School GRADE LEVEL Grade - 7
B. Performance The Learner. . . Perform different ways on formatting documents in word processing and slide presentation;
Standard Create word document and slide presentation with internet application
C. Learning The Learner. . .
1. To identify the different physical characteristics and parts of a computer.
2. To identify the different computer software.
7. Internet Application
1. Teacher's Guide
2. Learner's Material
3. Textbooks pages
4. Additional Materials Powerpoint Feast of "RAMADHAN Powerpoint Computer Peripherals
from Learning (LR) presentation " Eid'l - Fitr presentation, pictures
A. Reviewing Previous Check the assignments
Lessons or Presenting of the students.
New Lessons
B. Establishing A
Purpose for the Lesson
1. What to Know? 1. Short welcome and Teacher recaps the Checking of the pre- Review the previous lesson by
introduction about the previous lesson by assessment test calling random students to
teacher and the asking the students give a summary of
student randomly. yesterday’s discussion
2. Short introduction Questions to be asked:
about the subject: What is a computer?
Information and Enumerate 5 basic
Communication parts of a computer.
Listening Activity Listening Activity
2. What to Process?
3. What to Reflect and
4. What to Transfer?
C. Discussing New The Teacher will The Teacher shows the Identify the parts of a
Concepts and Practicing discuss the lessons basic parts of computer computer.
New Skills that will be tackled for through powerpoint and
the whole school year. the students will
identify and name the
D. Developing Mastery Teacher will ask about The teacher will discuss
(Leads To Formative their idea about a the ff:
Assessment) computer What is a
Basic parts of a
Two main Parts
of computer
E. Finding Practical Enumerate or give Ask random students
Application of the some parts of a about:
Concepts and Skills in computer that they What is the
Daily Living know importance of
computer to us?
To our daily
F. Making Fill in the table about Teacher recaps the
Generalizations and what they know and whole lesson by asking
Abstractions about the what they want to the students randomly.
Lesson know about computer Questions to be asked:
How many basic
parts are there
in a computer?
What are they?
Name all the
G. Evaluating Learning Oral Recitation: Assess the level of Basic Computer quiz 2 Each student will come to the
What is/are your learning of the – Proprofs quiz front and will identify the
expectation/s about students about the https://www.proprofs.co different parts of a computer.
the subject? course. m
Pre-assessment Test Practical Activity
H. Additional Activities
for Application and
I. Assignment What is a computer? Familiarize the basic What is the main functions of
Enumerate 5 basic parts of the computer. the keyboard? Its parts?
parts of a computer
and its definition.