Abstract—This paper presents the implementation and test of and models related to analog/digital modulation/demodulation
a low cost Software Defined Radio based on the Raspberry Pi2 are better understood by means of simulation, this is usually
computer, the RTL-SDR dongle radio receiver, and the GNU carried out with Simulink, Python/Scilab/Matlab/Octave code,
Radio software. Key aspects regarding installation and configura-
tion of GNU radio and RTL-SDR drivers on Raspbian Operating or similar tools. Although, recently SDR construction tools
System are addressed. The resulting device can demodulate AM like GNU radio are becoming a key enabler for teaching as
and FM signals in the frequency range from 30MHz to 1.7GHz reported in [5, 6], given the relatively easy and cheap transition
and also can meet the function of Spectrum Analyzer in moderate from simulation to real time processing of real world signals.
sensitivity demanding applications.
Index Terms—Software Defined Radio, GNU Radio, Raspberry Even though this contribution derives from a class project
Pi 2 board computer, RTL-SDR dongle, Spectrum Analyzer, at the undergraduate level, at the far end it aims to show
Analog demodulation. the potential of SDR and the proposed combination of low
cost tools not only in the engineering curriculum but also as
I. I NTRODUCTION a serious tool-set for the development of projects at various
Software defined radio - SDR is a communications sys- educative levels and even in industry start-ups. Focus herein is
tem paradigm in which many of the traditional functions of on the development of a very low cost SDR spectrum analyzer
the radio transceiver, more commonly signal processing, are with FM/AM demodulation capabilities using the Raspberry
carried out by software commands rather than by hardware Pi2 computer [7], the RTL-SDR radio receiver [8], and the
deployment either analog or digital. One of the seminal papers GNU Radio software [9].
on the topic is the celebrated work of 1995 by Mitola [1] Similar efforts are vastly reported on literature, specifically
in the context of GSM/CDMA standards for wireless mobile the SDR reception of FM signals which of course can be
communications in which alternative architectures are defined achieved in several ways, for example using FPGAs as in
for the development of SDR and the further step of Cog- [10] where a complete analysis of feed-forward and feed-back
nitive Radio - CR which even today is matter of technical alternatives for the discrete time FM signals demodulation is
discussion, especially for the difficulties that arise trying to carried out, or as in [11] where RTL-SDR dongle is used as
achieve reconfigurable radio front-ends (Antennas and filters). radio front end and a PC is used for the signal processing
Other aspects of SDR and CR like regulatory issues, service stage using simple and straightforward signal manipulations
provision, and convergence, usually overlooked in technical implemented directly in Python language, or for example as
literature are explored in [2]. in [12] where an FM receiver is implemented using the pro-
From those early days when dedicated processors and fessional grade receiver Universal Software Radio Peripheral
specific mission software where the only practical alternative - USRP by Ettus research [13] which is used to receive the
to the realization of SDR, computational power has increased radio-frequency - RF signal, down-convert and discretize it
and costs have shrunken according to the expectations [3], this and then send a digital low-pass signal to a PC where GNU
factors combined have allowed recent developments of SDR radio does the demodulation part.
and CR on general purpose hardware and software platforms A related work is presented by Danymol et al in [14], where
outside the world of military and mobile wireless industry RTL-SDR, Raspberry Pi model A and GNU radio are used in a
and hence raised interest on the topic to a broad audience. An very different way to our proposition, inasmuch as they use the
historical perspective with recent developments and current Raspberry Pi only to retransmit the RTL-SDR raw data to the
challenges of SDR can be found in [4] where the topicality of PC where GNU radio companion is running and executes the
the issue is exposed. demodulation. Another recent work reported in a blog by Back
Academy is not oblivious to this trend, traditionally, most [15] does have many common steps to our work but greatly
of the topics in communication systems and signal processing differs in the intended application as there they concentrate on
courses which require a vast set of abstract mathematical tools the recover of Mode S transponder signals from air navigation
Power (dBm)
88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108
frequency (MHz)