10 1109@tec 2013 2291812 PDF
10 1109@tec 2013 2291812 PDF
10 1109@tec 2013 2291812 PDF
1, MARCH 2014
δ1 >
(b2 − b̂2 )I
. Hence, the derivative of the Lyapunov func-
ear estimator can enhance detection of internal battery problems
tion turns out to be negative definite, eT ėT < 0, which indicates
through detection of internal cell resistance variations. Based on
error convergence to zero.
the system model given in (1)–(5), a nonlinear estimator can be
Finally, the dynamic of capacitance voltage estimation error
designed as
eV c = Vc − V̂c can be written as
⎪ dT̂ R̂ + R̂o 2 ĥA ėV c = −k1 Vc + b1 I + k1 V̂c − b1 I
⎪ = I − (T̂ − T∞ ) + δ1 sign(T − T̂ )
⎪ dt mc mc
⎪ = −k1 eV c . (11)
⎨ dV̂c 1 1
=− V̂c + I (6)
⎪ dt R̂o Co Co It is clear form (11) that eV c is going to approach to zero
⎪ V̂ = Êo − R̂I − V̂c
with increasing time since k1 > 0. As a result, the estimation
⎩ errors on the temperature and capacitance voltage decay to zero,
ĥA = h0 A0 (1 + 0.5fˆs ) i.e. eT → 0, eV c → 0, with some time by choosing the observer
gain δ1 sufficiently large.
where (T̂ , V̂c , V̂ ) are the estimates of (T, Vc , V ), the observer
gain δ1 is a constant to be selected, and the sign(·) function is IV. RESIDUAL EVALUATION
the unit vector defined by
The battery system has three measurements: voltage, tem-
sign(e) = e/ |e| (7) perature as outputs, and a load current input. By using these
measurements, it is possible to detect and isolate single faults in
where eT is the error state defined by eT = T − T̂ . The nonlin- temperature and voltage sensors, and internal resistance devia-
ear estimator gain δ1 must be selected large enough to bring the tions. In addition, a failure in the temperature controller can be
estimation errors to zero as explained in the following section. detected.
The residuals can be acquired with the usage of estimation Fig. 8. Flow diagram of the proposed fault diagnosis approach.
error states:
rT ≡ eT = T − T̂ A flow diagram of the proposed fault diagnosis approach is
rV ≡ eV = V − V̂ illustrated in Fig. 8. This dynamic method is an online real-time
approach, so measurements must be obtained continuously for
where rT and rV are residuals for temperature and voltage
early fault detections.
measurements, respectively.
The generated residuals can be evaluated based on some
threshold selections. There will always be a tradeoff between V. NUMERICAL RESULTS
the avoidance of false alarms and the detection of small faults in The implementation of the online condition monitoring ap-
the existence of noise and modeling errors. Practically, a fault proach for the battery systems are performed with MAT-
can be detected only if it causes the residual evaluation function LAB/Simulink programs by using the experimental current mea-
to surpass a threshold [8] surements of the Ni-MH battery system. The nonlinear estimator
gain is selected as δ1 = 2 (note that since the nonlinear estimator
|ri (t)| ≥ Ri (13) is robust, this gain should not be selected very large in order to
where ri (t) is the function of the ith residual and Ri is the have high sensitivity to faults). Initial conditions for estimator
selected threshold for ith residual function. are taken as To = 19 ◦ C and Vco = 0. For threshold calculations,
A systematic threshold selection may be based on the statisti- the mean and standard deviation of voltage and temperature
cal evaluation of the residuals under the absence of the fault since residuals, by considering their root mean square (rms) values,
residuals can be degraded by the measurement noise or distur- are found as μV = 0.44, σV = 0.65, μT = 0.0004, and σT =
bance. The thresholds for each residual can be calculated from 0.0004. The rms functions of the residuals are used in the resid-
the mean and standard deviation of the corresponding residuals ual evaluations. For the estimator, the sat(·) function defined
under nonfaulty cases. For example, probability density estima- below is used instead of the sign(·) function in order to ease
tions of the voltage residual under nonfaulty and faulty cases numerical calculations via continuous approximation.
are illustrated in Fig. 7, which shows different mean and stan- e/ |e| , |e| > 1
dard deviation values for nonfaulty and faulty cases. An optimal sat(e) = (14)
e, |e| ≤ 1.
threshold value can be the intersection of the probability density
functions of nonfaulty and faulty residual signals (see Fig. 7). Fig. 9 displays the load current and the SOC estimation for
However, in such a case, the overlapped regions result in either an initial value 60% and under normal operating conditions.
false alarms or missed detections. Therefore, more conservative While the SOC is a difficult parameter to predict in the battery
threshold values must be selected to avoid false alarms. To avoid management system, the current integral method is commonly
false alarms, thresholds for residuals rV and rT can be selected used to estimate SOC and provides information about remaining
as RV = μV + 4σV and RT = μT + 4σT , similar to the She- useful energy and the remaining usable time of the battery.
whart control chart [37], where μT and μV are the means, and Different faults on measurements and battery parameters are
σT and σV are the standard deviations of related residuals under considered for fault diagnosis as given in Table II. Several incip-
fault-free cases. ient type faults are injected into the battery system for diagnosis
A residual evaluation chart is given in Table II, which shows since the detection of incipient faults is most difficult. Fig. 10 il-
that single faults can be detected and isolated. The temperature lustrates a voltage sensor fault and its detection using the voltage
sensor fault and unexpected internal resistance change may not residual rV . It is obvious from the figure that once an incipi-
be isolated with the given logic because both affect the same ent voltage sensor fault occurs, it is detected and isolated via
residuals. residual surpassing the threshold RV .
Fig. 9. SOC estimation from the load current. (a) Load current. (b) SOC
Fig. 11. Control (fan) failure and its detection. (a) Control signal [unitless,
see (5)]. (b) Residual rv . (c) Residual rT .
Fig. 10. Voltage sensor fault and its monitoring. (a) Time response of voltage.
(b) Residual rv . (c) Residual rT .
[34] S. R. Logan, “The origin and status of the Arrhenius equation,” J. Chem. [37] M. Basseville and I. V. Nikiforov, Detection of Abrupt Changes: Theory
Educ., vol. 59, no. 4, p. 279, Apr. 1982. and Application. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall, 1993.
[35] G. Ablay and T. Aldemir, “Observation of the dynamics of nuclear systems
using sliding mode observers,” Nucl. Technol., vol. 174, no. 1, pp. 64–76,
[36] G. Ablay and T. Aldemir, “Fault detection in nuclear systems using sliding
mode observers,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., vol. 173, no. 1, pp. 82–98, 2013. Author’s photograph and biography not available at the time of publication.