Standard Atmosphere: Assumptions
Standard Atmosphere: Assumptions
Standard Atmosphere: Assumptions
Standard Atmosphere
3. Standard Atmosphere
Then the differential form of Bernoulli’s equation is evaluated with V = 0. The result is the
aero-hydro static equation:
where D = density
g = acceleration due to gravity
hG = geometric (tapeline) altitude
2. The atmosphere also behaves as a perfect gas and hence satisfies the perfect gas equation:
Where D = density
R = perfect gas constant
T = Temperature
3. It is assumed that the atmosphere is divided into standard layers that either have constant
temperature, or a constant temperature gradient (change in temperature with altitude). The
temperature profile would look as shown in one of the following diagrams:
Constant Temperature Layer Constant Temperature Gradient Layer
_______decreasing with altitude
_ _ _ _ _increasing with altitude
In general the temperature profile (in a given layer) can be expressed as:
Then the three equations that govern the description of the standard atmosphere are:
We now need to use these equations to find P(h), and . The functions T(h) are the
means by which we specify the Standard Atmosphere. We have two problems to deal with:
1) How to treat the variation in gravity as the altitude increases, and 2) How to define the
temperature distribution in the standard atmosphere. We will deal with these next.
Variation of Gravity
The gravitational field of the Earth is called an inverse square gravitational field and obeys
Newton’s law of gravitation: The force of gravity between two bodies is proportional to the
product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them:
. At the surface of the Earth the weight of mass 2 is, W = m2 g0, so that
where : is the constant of proportionality times m1, the mass of the Earth and is the radius of
the Earth. However, as we go up in altitude, the value of g becomes smaller. Using the relations
above, we can calculate the value of g at any altitude to be:
where r = distance from the center of the Earth and is the radius of the Earth. We could
substitute this value for g in our atmospheric equations and proceed, although the resulting
integrations might be messy. To alleviate the mess and most likely due to historical developments,
we will account for the variation in gravity in a different and strange way. We will define a “false”
altitude called the geopotential altitude , h, in the following manner: We will take the hydrostatic
equation, Eq. (1) and define the following:
From Eq (6) we can develop a relation to establish either geopotential altitude in terms of
the geometric altitude, or the geometric altitude in terms of the geopotential. Can you do that?
The standard atmosphere is based on the geopotential altitude. Hence the temperature
profiles for the standard atmosphere are with respect to the geopotential altitude, h.
Standard sea-level conditions:
Variable US SI
Pressure - P 2116.21695 lbs/ft2 1.01325x105 N/m^2 (Pascals)
Density - D 0.002376919 slug/ft3 1.2250 kg/m3
Temperature 59 deg F = 518.688 deg R 15 deg C = 288.16 deg K
Gravitational Acceleration- g0 32.174 ft/sec2 9.80665 m/s2
Universal Gas Constant 1716.488 ft-lb/slug deg R 287.0368 Joules/kg deg K
Radius of the Earth 2.0925644x107 ft 6378.1363 km
The subsequent temperature distributions that define the standard atmosphere are obtained
from the 1976 standard atmosphere adopted on October 15, 1976. It is the same as previously
defined atmospheres (ICAO 1952, ARDC 1956 & 1959, ICAO 1962 & 1966) up to 20
kilometers. At that point there are significant changes. In the region of the atmosphere
encountered by aircraft the various “standard atmospheres” are the same. The following is the
1976 standard atmosphere, up to approximately 84 kilometers geopotential altitude. Note that
the standard atmosphere is defined in SI units.
1st Layer of Standard Atmosphere (Troposphere) The region of air above the Earth’s surface
where the temperature drops linearly with altitude.
Range 0 - 36,089 ft 0 - 11,000 m
Temperature gradient -0.00356616 deg R/ft -0.0065 deg K/m
Definition: Tropopause - The boundary between the troposphere and the next layer, the
stratosphere, the top of the troposphere. Hence it occurs at 36,089 ft or 11,000 m.
Stratosphere (lower): The region or layer of the atmosphere above the troposphere where the
temperature is constant
Range 36,089 - 65,617 ft 11,000 - 20,000 m
Temperature gradient 0 deg R/ft 0 deg K / m
Temperature - T 389.988 deg R (-69.7 deg F) 216.66 deg K (-56.5 deg C)
Stratosphere (upper): the region or layer of the atmosphere above the lower stratosphere where
the temperature increases slightly with altitude
No-name 1: (Sometimes included in the upper stratosphere) The region or layer of the
atmosphere above the upper stratosphere where the temperature increases more with altitude
Range 104,987 - 154,199 ft 32,000 - 47,000 m
Temperature gradient 0.0015362 deg R/ft 0.0028
No-name 2: (Sometimes included in the upper stratosphere) The region or layer of the
atmosphere above the previous one where the temperature is constant with altitude
Range 154,199 - 167,323 ft 47,000 - 51,000 m
Temperature gradient 0 deg R/ft 0 deg K/m
Temperature - T 487.17 deg R (27.482 deg F) 270.65 deg K (-2.51 deg C)
Mesosphere: The region or layer of the atmosphere above the previous one (stratosphere) where
the temperature gradient is negative.
Range 167,323 - 232,940 ft 51,000 - 71,000
Temperature gradient -0.0015362 deg R/ft -0.0028 deg K/m
No-name 3: (Sometimes included in the mesosphere) The region or layer of the atmosphere
above the previous one where the temperature gradient is less negative
Range 232,940 - 278,386 ft 71,000 - 84,852 m
Temperature gradient 0.0010973 deg R/ft -0.002 deg K/m
Standard Atmosphere Equations
The governing equations for developing the pressure and density distributions with
altitude in a standard atmosphere can now be developed. First we will develop the equations for
the constant temperature layers, and then for the constant temperature gradient layers.
The two equations of interest are the aero-static equation, Eq. (1) and the perfect gas law,
Eq. (2).
Note that we use the geopotential height in these equations. By combining these equations, we
can eliminate the density:
Equation (8) is a general relation for the atmosphere. We can now examine how the pressure
changes with altitude for the different kinds of temperature layers.
Here, T = const = T1, where T1 is the temperature at the base of the layer. In constant
temperature layers, K = 0 and T = T1.. We can substitute into Eq. (8) to obtain:
since the left hand side is only a function of P, and the right hand side is constant, other than dh,
we can easily integrate this equation to obtain the pressure distribution with altitude.
Equations (9) and (10) tell us how pressure and density change with altitude in a constant
temperature layer.
We can start with the general equation, Eq. (8) and replace T with the expression that
includes the constant gradient:
Finally we have:
where .
Then, using Eq. (11), we can write:
Equations (12) and (13) tell us how the pressure and density changes with altitude in a layer of
atmosphere with a constant temperature gradient.
We now have two schemes for calculating P(h) and D(h), and we have T(h) for constant
temperature and constant temperature gradient layers of the atmosphere. We also have the values
of P, D, and T at the surface of the Earth. We can now start with these values, and the values of
the gradients presented in the tables previously, to generate the standard atmosphere.
For example, we can calculate values of the temperature, pressure, and density at any
altitude in the troposphere using the constant temperature gradient equations. We can also
calculate the values at the top of the troposphere (the tropopause) using the same equations, and
get the starting (or base values) for the stratosphere.
Temperature Distribution:
Using the numbers from the previous tables, we can write the temperature anywhere in the
troposphere as
Pressure Distribution:
We can note that all the terms in the above equation are non-dimensional. Hence to calculate the
pressure at the tropopause we can do it in either set of units by picking the sea-level value in those
Density Distribution:
Again, we can compute the density in either units by using the proper sea-level value:
The values at any point in the troposphere can be calculated the same way. First calculate
the temperature at the altitude of interest, and then use the pressure and density equations as
Note that these values would serve as the base values for the upper stratosphere layer.
The standard atmosphere is tabulated in almost every aerospace book that relates to
atmospheric vehicles. These tables were generated using the above relations. For the purpose of
this class, you will be expected to use the tables, and not the above equations.
Substituting in for g, we have:
In principle, given the geometric altitude, one could use Eq. (14) to convert to the
geopotential altitude, and then go into the tables (or equations) and determine the temperature,
pressure, and density for that altitude. We can note, however, that at about 45,000 ft, the
difference between the tapeline (geometric) altitude (45,000 ft) and the geopotential altitude
(44,903) is approximately 100 ft. 100 out of 45000 is about 0.22 percent. Consequently, at low
altitudes we can generally neglect the difference. However there is another way that we can
standardize our performance results and that is to define Pressure Altitude.
Definition: Pressure Altitude - The pressure altitude is the altitude associated with a given
pressure assuming a standard atmosphere.
Hence we are at a pressure altitude of 8944 meters. (Geopotential).
Virtually all flight testing is done at a selected pressure altitude. Then temperature
corrections are made to the data (beyond the scope of this work), and the results are thus reduced
to standard atmosphere results. Differences between the pressure altitude and the actual altitude
can be quite large on any given day!
Definition: Density Altitude - The density altitude is the altitude associated with a given density
assuming a standard atmosphere. To establish the density, generally the pressure and temperature
are measured, and the perfect gas law used to calculate the density.
The variation of pressure with altitude can be used to estimate the altitude of a vehicle.
The instrument consists of a pressure source (usually a small hole in the fuselage of the aircraft
positioned so that it reads static pressure (not effected by the motion of the aircraft), a corrugated
box containing a vacuum, and linkage to a dial. As the pressure increases or decreases, the box
contracts or expands, and these motions amplified by mechanical or electronic means to move the
dial on the face of the altimeter. Hence for a given pressure, the dial will record a given altitude
according to the standard atmosphere.
Unfortunately, on any given day, the atmosphere is not standard. In order to account for
differences, altimeters are equipped with an adjustment knob. This knob can be used to set the
sea-level atmospheric pressure in a window on the face of the altimeter called the Kollsman
window. All weather reports deliver the barometric pressure corrected to sea-level. This
information is given in terms of inches of mercury or millimeters of mercury. The value that is
used for a standard atmosphere it is 29.92 inches of mercury or 1013 mm mercury (hg). For all
flights above 10,000 ft, the altimeter is set at the standard value of 29.92 and the altitude is
designated as a “flight level.” For altitudes below that, the altimeter is set to the local (sea-level)
barometric pressure. If that is not available, the altimeter can be set before takeoff by turning the
knob until the altitude reads the altitude of the airport. Setting the altimeter is an item on the
check list! Altimeters set in this manner estimate the altitude within 50 ft or better. For flight
testing, the altimeter is set to the standard 29.92 inches of mercury, and the altitude read of the
altimeter is then the pressure altitude at which the test is performed.