Eindhoven University of Technology: Van Der Helm, P
Eindhoven University of Technology: Van Der Helm, P
Eindhoven University of Technology: Van Der Helm, P
Competitiveness of logistics service centers in the high volume parcel delivery market
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Eindhoven, March 2015
Competitiveness of
Logistics Service Centers
in the High Volume
Parcel Delivery Market
Master of Science
Subject headings: city logistics, urban consolidation centers, logistics service centers, operations
research, parcel delivery, high frequency stores, nanostores
This research compares the costs of parcel delivery channels from a shipper’s point of view. Apart
from traditional parcel delivery carriers and the use of an own distribution network, the use of
logistics service centers is considered as an opportunity for city distribution. For each distribution
channel a costs calculation model is presented and applied to a wide range of shipper profiles;
differentiating for shipping volume, average parcel weight and volumetric weight. It is shown that
using logistics service centers can be financially feasible for a wide range of B2C shippers.
Furthermore a scenario analysis is performed on the hypothetical case of Procter & Gamble
supplying high frequency stores in a megacity. This analysis confirms the viability of logistics service
centers for such activities.
Management summary
Logistics service centers are a promising concept in the field of city logistics. Due to urbanization,
population growth and an increase in online shopping, city streets become more crowded with
delivery vehicles every day. The nuisance that these trucks cause, together with the inefficiency of
last-mile logistics induced the inception of the logistics service center concept. A logistics service
center (LSC) is located at the edge of a city and consolidates goods heading into the city, delivered to
the LSC by different carriers from different shippers. In the LSC goods are transshipped and
delivered in the city center to their respective consignees. By sending fully loaded vehicles
specialized for city distribution on their delivery rounds, LSCs reduce vehicle kilometers driven in
their city. This benefits both the city inhabitants by increasing livability and carriers that are spared
from costly last-mile deliveries. But LSCs can offer more benefits, for shops in their city they can
offer pre-retail services like labeling, packaging and sorting products. Other value adding activities
can be stock keeping, extra storage capacity, waste and mail collection services as well as taking in
parcels that the shops in the city center want to send by themselves.
So far benefits for carriers, consignees and residents were identified. However, the potential benefits
for shippers were not studied yet. This master thesis presents a model to compare distribution
strategies for parcels that are bigger than mailbox-size and weigh less than 30 kilogram. Four
distribution scenarios are compared to one another that all take care of parcel distribution from the
shipper’s warehouse to the customer’s doorstep. The model was applied to two case studies for
companies in different corners of the parcel distribution spectrum. Both companies share the
question of how efficient logistics service centers can be when delivering parcel sized shipments to
multiple consignees.
Binnenstadservice (BSS) is a LSC franchise with around 15 operating LSCs in the Netherlands.
Since the company expanded their business from doing just business to business (B2B) deliveries to
also business to customer (B2C) deliveries they became curious about the potential in this market.
The LSCs receive parcels for consumers during the daytime and employ local bike delivery carriers
for the last-mile delivery in the evening hours. For this case study the different distribution
scenarios were compared to see if strategies employing LSCs can compete with traditional
distribution channels, and to what kind of shippers it can be beneficial to use LSCs.
Procter & Gamble: The Parisian high frequency store case study
Procter & Gamble (P&G) is one of the largest multinational producers of consumer goods today. P&G
has shown interest in LSCs to distribute their products to high frequency stores in emerging
markets. High frequency stores (HFS) are small outlets such as bodegas, kiosks and small
neighborhoods shops that sell consumer goods to neighboring people, generally no more than a few
hundred. There are an estimated 50 million HFSs operational in emerging markets, and P&G wants
a firmer grip on them. One of the approaches for a better relation with HFS owners and more shelf
space for P&G products is a direct-to-HFS distribution channel. Currently P&G sells through
distributors and wholesalers, but they think a direct distribution channels can be beneficial. For this
case study Parisian HFSs were chosen as consignees for which all four distribution scenarios were
Four scenarios were identified for the parcel delivery operations. They are presented below with a
concise description of their costs structure.
The use of parcel delivery carriers are favored by most high volume parcel shippers. The carriers,
such as DHL, UPS and GLS, pick up the parcels at the shipper’s distribution center, perform some
sorting and transshipment steps and deliver the parcels the next day for a fixed price per parcel.
This price depends on the total yearly shipping volume of the shipper.
The first tier consists of consolidated containers sent from the shipper’s distribution center to
logistics service centers by third party logistics providers (3PL). The second tier is the delivery from
the LSCs to the customers by local carriers. The costs of the first tier are not based on total shipping
volume, but volume per city. If a particular city has a high throughput volume in its LSC, more
parcels can be consolidated in the shipment to that city, which means a lower price per parcel. The
costs of the second tier are handling costs of the LSC and last-mile delivery costs of the local carrier.
The handling costs are fixed, whereas the delivery costs depend on the shipping volume per city.
The first tier consists of parcels being shipped from the central DC to the LSCs by vehicles
owned/leased by the shipper, the second tier is delivery from the LSCs to the customers by local
carriers The costs of the first tier rely on a lot of factors such as but not limited to number of cities,
demand per city, distance between cities and central DC, vehicle types of the shipper, vehicle speed,
driver wage etcetera. A vehicle routing problem needs to be solved for every distinct situation, which
is needed to calculate the costs. The second tier is again a function of the shipping volume per city.
The distribution from shipper to customer is entirely managed and carried out by the shipper, now
also fulfilling the role of carrier. The costs of this scenario are again a function of a lot of factors that
are put into the vehicle routing problem. Because the vehicles of the shipper now also have to enter
the city to fulfill deliveries, the costs function is extended and also depends on drop off times, city
surface area and local road networks.
Results of the Dutch e-commerce case study
It was shown that LSCs can be of great benefit to high volume parcel shippers. For shippers that
send out more than 10.000 parcels per year to cities with a LSC in the Netherlands, using the
strategy of third party logistics and logistics service centers is the cheapest option. Only when the
total shipping volume supersedes 350.000 parcels per year using a combination of own vehicles and
LSCs, or only own vehicles becomes more cost efficient for the shipper. Strategies using LSCs work
better for light weight parcels and parcels that have a high weight-to-volume ratio. For parcels that
take up a lot of space in delivery vans or are very heavy, LSC strategies start to work less efficient
than parcel delivery carriers or insourced delivery.
The next step for Binnenstadservice is to identify e-tailers that fit in the profile delineated in this
thesis and convince them to use logistics service centers in their supply chain towards consumers.
Furthermore is it advisable to explore different pricing strategies, since the costs in this thesis were
completely allocated to the shipper, whereas other stakeholders such as residents and carriers also
benefit from the use of LSCs in the supply chain.
Under the assumptions made for this case study using own vehicles and logistics service centers is
the best strategy for P&G to supply HFSs in Paris. Not only does this strategy beat the other three
in terms of costs, it also outperforms wholesalers by more than 10% of the supply chain costs.
Sensitivity analyses show that this is the cheapest strategy for a wide range of variables and
therefore not only works well in Paris, but is also very likely to perform well in other megacities.
Procter & Gamble would do well by pursuing their incentive to distribute to high frequency stores
via logistics service centers and continue their research in this direction.
This research has yielded not only a model to compare different distribution scenarios for parcel-
sized goods, but also convincing results on the benefits of using logistics service centers as part of a
parcel distribution channel. For both the B2B and B2C markets, the results of the case studies show
positive results that contribute to more efficient distribution and livability in cities.
This report presents the master’s thesis I performed on the competitiveness of logistics service
centers for parcel delivery operations. This thesis serves as the final proof of proficiency in the field
of Operations Management and Logistics, as it is being taught at the Eindhoven University of
Technology. This section is dedicated to those that helped make this thesis possible, but most off all
made it fun.
Contributing to academic knowledge and at the same time solving relevant problems is a great way
to finally make use of everything that my time at the TU/e has taught me. However, doing this in the
correct academic way can at times be a tad bit tedious when getting results it what you want, but
writing an academic paper is what you have to do. There are a couple of reasons, but most of all a
couple of people that made the past few months into a very interesting experience.
Birgit Hendriks, thank you for introducing me into the interesting world of city logistics. But most of
all thank you for the freedom and support you offered me during the writing of this thesis. The fact
that you trusted me with the complete formulation and interpretation of my own assignment was a
bit overwhelming at first, but essentially gave me the freedom to perform this thesis in my own way.
Tom Van Woensel, you inspired to not look down into the details, but up and out to possibilities and
to see this thesis in the big picture. Thank you for involving me in the CONCOORD project and help
me to not only create correctly engineered models, but to apply them to the real world as well.
Remco Dijkman, our meetings didn’t come in great numbers but where nonetheless fruitful. You
were a great second assessor, since Tom made me dream big but you kept my feet on the ground.
Your remarks were always constructive and genuine and helped me to a great extent to convey my
thesis clearly.
Stefan Bottu, it was great to have the opportunity to make my research more meaningful by being
able to apply it to Procter & Gamble’s relevant problems. You offered an extra challenge and at the
same time safeguarded the relevance and applicability of my models.
Jos, Mary, Eric, Inge & HDP. A master thesis can be quite life-absorbent. Thank you for being the
balance that a man needs to not loose himself in writing a thesis. Thank you all for being the
breathing affirmation over the last six months that there is more to life than costs models, vehicle
routing problems and electric delivery bikes.
Table of contents
Abstract .................................................................................................................................. II
Management summary....................................................................................................... III
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. VI
Table of contents ................................................................................................................ VII
List of figures ......................................................................................................................... X
List of tables ......................................................................................................................... XI
Chapter 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction to the research environment ................................................................. 1
1.2 Company descriptions ................................................................................................ 1
1.2.1 Binnenstadservice ............................................................................................... 1
1.2.2 Procter & Gamble ................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Problem definition ...................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Methodology ............................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Research questions ..................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Scope ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Research design .......................................................................................................... 6
1.8 Report structure ......................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 2 Literature review ............................................................................................. 9
2.1 Logistics service centers ............................................................................................. 9
2.1.1 Urban consolidation centers................................................................................ 9
2.1.2 Logistics service centers .....................................................................................10
2.1.3 Core operations at logistics service centers and their costs ..............................10
2.1.4 Additional services at logistics service centers ..................................................11
2.2 High frequency parcel shipping ................................................................................12
2.2.1 Parcel shipping in general .................................................................................12
2.2.2 B2C e-commerce .................................................................................................12
2.2.3 High volume parcel shipping in the B2B market ..............................................13
2.3 Logistics of e-commerce .............................................................................................13
2.3.1 Logistic implementations of opening a web shop ..............................................14
2.3.2 Traditional distribution channels in the B2C market .......................................14
2.3.3 Delivery charges .................................................................................................16
2.3.4 Return management in e-commerce ..................................................................16
2.4 High frequency stores................................................................................................17
Chapter 3 Analysis ............................................................................................................ 19
3.1 Logistics service centers in the Netherlands ............................................................19
3.2 Logistics service centers in Paris ..............................................................................20
3.3 High frequency stores in Paris ..................................................................................21
3.4 Distribution in practice .............................................................................................22
3.4.1 B2C parcel distribution ......................................................................................22
3.4.2 HFS distribution ................................................................................................22
3.5 Costs of parcel delivery carriers ................................................................................23
Chapter 4 Model design ................................................................................................... 24
4.1 Selection of the distribution channels.......................................................................24
4.2 Scenario I: Parcel delivery service ............................................................................25
4.3 Scenario II: Third party logistics and logistics service centers ................................25
4.4 Scenario III: Own transportation and logistics service centers ...............................29
4.5 Scenario IV: completely insourced distribution ........................................................31
4.6 Application to the Dutch e-commerce case study .....................................................32
4.7 Application to Parisian HFS case study ...................................................................33
Chapter 5 Results .............................................................................................................. 34
5.1 Results of Dutch e-commerce case study ..................................................................34
5.1.1 Costs of scenario I: parcel delivery services.......................................................34
5.1.2 Costs of scenario II: 3PL & LSC.........................................................................34
5.1.3 Costs of scenario III: Own vehicles & LSC ........................................................35
5.1.4 Costs of scenario IV: insourced distribution ......................................................36
5.1.5 Comparing the scenario costs ............................................................................37
5.1.6 Sensitivity analysis ............................................................................................38
5.1.7 Conclusion ..........................................................................................................40
5.2 Results of Parisian HFS case study ..........................................................................43
5.2.1 Costs under assumed situation ..........................................................................43
5.2.2 Sensitivity analysis ............................................................................................43
5.2.3 Profitability of setting up a direct-to-HFS channel ...........................................46
5.2.4 Conclusion ..........................................................................................................46
Chapter 6 Conclusions and recommendations ........................................................... 48
6.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................................48
6.2 Relevance & recommendations for Binnenstadservice ............................................49
6.3 Relevance & recommendations for Procter & Gamble .............................................49
6.4 Academic relevance ...................................................................................................49
6.5 Limitations to this research ......................................................................................49
6.6 Recommendations for further research ....................................................................50
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 52
Appendices ........................................................................................................................... 57
A Abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 57
B Online retailers’ distribution channel..................................................................... 58
C Estimates with respect to warehouse operations ................................................. 59
D Data and numerical assumptions of the vehicle routing problem .................... 60
E Estimates with respect to LSCs in Paris ................................................................. 61
F Estimates with respect to HFSs in Paris ................................................................ 61
G Model variables ............................................................................................................ 62
H Integration of e-commerce activities in distribution centers ............................ 63
I Vehicle routing problem ............................................................................................ 64
J Daganzo’s estimation method for city distribution tours ................................... 69
List of figures
Figure 1: The city distribution of parcels without (top) and with a LSC (bottom) .................................. 2
Figure 2: six logistics strategies for e-commerce retailers ...................................................................... 14
Figure 3: B2C distribution strategies ....................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4: service areas of the 5 fictional LSCs in Paris .......................................................................... 21
Figure 5: schematic depiction of scenario I .............................................................................................. 25
Figure 6: Schematic depiction of scenario II ............................................................................................ 25
Figure 7: Estimated distribution price per parcel for distribution from a LSC to the consumer: ....... 29
Figure 8: schematic depiction of scenario III ........................................................................................... 29
Figure 9: schematic depiction of scenario IV ........................................................................................... 31
Figure 10: Costs per parcel of parcel delivery services ........................................................................... 34
Figure 11: Costs per parcel of scenario II ................................................................................................ 35
Figure 12: Costs per parcel of scenario III, tier 1 .................................................................................... 36
Figure 13: Costs of scenario III ................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 14: Costs per parcel of the shipper distributing the parcels by its own means ......................... 37
Figure 15: distribution costs of the four scenarios for 5 kg parcels with a volumetric weight of 150
kg/m3 ........................................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 16: Costs change when increasing the average parcel value from 5 to 10 kg ............................ 38
Figure 17: Costs change when decreasing the average parcel value from 5 to 2,5 kg .......................... 39
Figure 18: Costs change when lowering the volumetric weight to 75 kg/m3 ......................................... 39
Figure 19: Costs change when increasing the volumetric weight to 300 kg/m 3 .................................... 40
Figure 20: cheapest distribution scenario per average parcel weight and shipping volume for 75
kg/m3 .......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 21: cheapest distribution scenario per average parcel weight and shipping volume for 150
kg/m3 ........................................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 22: cheapest distribution scenario per average parcel weight and shipping volume for 300
kg/m3 .......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 23: Scenario costs of supplying HFSs under changing total demand ........................................ 44
Figure 24: Scenario costs of supplying HFSs under changing number of stores .................................. 44
Figure 25: Scenario costs of supplying HFSs under changing delivery frequency ............................... 45
Figure 26: Scenario costs of supplying HFSs under changing LSC handling costs .............................. 45
Figure 27: Scenario costs of supplying HFSs under changing number of logistics service centers in
Paris............................................................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 28: costs of distribution scenarios for different shipping volumes ............................................. 48
Figure 29: the costs of a delivery tour in a city with an area of 200 m 2, as a function of the number of
delivery addresses...................................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 30: price per parcel of city distribution by a carrier that uses electric delivery bikes .............. 71
List of tables
This chapter provides an introduction to the research environment, the key players in this research
and their problems. A methodology is proposed along with the research design that provides a clear
insight in research questions, research scope and execution of this thesis.
However, in our world and society, these concepts are not only evaluated in terms of qualitative
factors, but they also need to be financially viable. This research explores the financial benefits
logistics service centers can offer when being used as part of the supply chain of high volume parcel
shippers. In other words: can shippers save money by shipping their parcels through logistics service
centers? Traditional means of distribution are compared to the use of logistics service centers in
terms of distribution costs. Two companies were confronted with this problem and hence serve as the
subjects of this thesis; Binnenstadservice from the supply side and Procter & Gamble from the
demand side.
1.2.1 Binnenstadservice
Binnenstadservice (BSS) is a franchise company that has rolled out the logistics service center (LSC)
concept throughout the Netherlands. These logistics service centers are a more evolved form of urban
consolidation centers (UCC). To start with UCCs, these are warehouses located at the edge of a city
or city center. Long-haul transportation vehicles from different shippers and carriers unload their
freight to be delivered in the city at the UCC. Form hereon the freight is redistributed over several
other vehicles to be consolidated with freight from other long-haul vehicles. These smaller vehicles
with consolidated freight drive into the city and deliver the freight to its assigned address, see Figure
1. Because the vehicles from the UCC that drive into the city are as fully loaded as possible and
especially suitable for inner-city travel this reduces not only the number of delivery trucks, but also
the nuisance per truck. LSCs also provide this service, but extended their operations with additional
services like stock keeping, pre-retail services and waste and mail collection. A more detailed
description of LSCs and their operations can be found in section 2.1
Figure 1: The city distribution of parcels without (top) and with a LSC (bottom)
A number of Dutch cities are currently fitted with a logistics service center, and this number is still
expanding. BSS is the biggest LSC-organization in the Netherlands and possibly the world in
number of cities that are being serviced. Nonetheless, BSS does not aim to supersede other players
in the LSC business, but instead tries to cooperate to expand awareness and support of institutions,
companies and policy makers. BSS recognizes that if they want more people to use the LSC concept
it makes no sense if LSCs from different cities compete instead of cooperate with one another. And
since no Dutch city has more than one LSC of a different organization, the different organizations
have no need to compete. Binnenstadservice aims to be a LSC and not a transport company, meaning
that they try to outsource the actual transportation of goods and parcels to local carriers. By taking
this position in the supply chain, they do not have to be a competitor to the carriers. This makes the
carriers less hostile to the idea of having goods not delivered at their actual consignee address, but
an intermediate consolidation center.
At the moment there are 14 cities where Binnenstadservice are setting up, or have a fully
operational LSC. These LSCs are franchise operated by entrepreneurs that want to open a LSC, or
transportation companies that use the Binnenstadservice franchise as horizontalization. All
branches pay a form of subscription fee to the main Binnenstadservice office. Because the first LSC
of Binnenstadservice has opened in 2008 in Nijmegen, both the concept and branches in different
cities are in continuous development. Branches of the BSS franchise can differ per city in services
they offer to the customers, depending on the maturation stage of the branch and possibilities in that
particular city.
Binnenstadservice earns its revenue from both transport companies, that pay for simplification of
their last-mile deliveries, and consignees, that pay for services offered by Binnenstadservice. Their
strategy for further growth is a multi-angle approach to maximize the volume of goods handled by
After a LSC has been set up, Binnenstadservice currently employs the following growth strategy, not
necessarily in this order.
1. Get as much shops as possible that want their goods delivered via Binnenstadservice;
2. Collaborate with shippers that ship big volumes in relatively small quantities to city centers,
to address their goods to be delivered at a Binnenstadservice LSC;
3. Collaborate with transport companies to leave the last mile logistics to Binnenstadservice;
4. Do research on expanding delivery services to citizens, and delivery addresses outside of city
Up until now BSS, and LSCs in general, only had shops and other businesses as consignees.
Deliveries to these consignees would only happen during the daytime and with the help of local
(small) truck carriers. Their latest innovation is to not only deliver to business customers, but also to
consumers. This latest is the so-called Heen & weer project, loosely translated as “there & back”. This
is a concept where an electric bike delivers parcels to customers at home, and at the same time takes
in valuable waste like batteries, printer toners and/or cartridges. This concept serves the same goal
as a normal LSC would for a city when servicing shops and businesses. The difference here is that
instead of companies, deliveries are being made to consumers, in smaller amounts, of small size and
during a different time. By distributing to businesses during the daytime, and to consumers after
working hours, BSS can make twice as much use of their facilities and infrastructure. For these
evening deliveries BSS makes use of a local parcel carrier distributing via electrical bikes for a price
of €2,00 per parcel.
Currently, consumers that like the concept for its convenience, sustainable character and/or service
pay for the Heen & weer project. The consumer side of the supply chain is also the side where the
initiative is currently coming from to use this service; participating consumers tell the delivery
service to deliver the parcel to the LSC address instead of their home address. To reach a market
growth from two sides, BSS is now looking for companies to send parcels addressed to consumers by
means of Heen & weer, and to develop a payment model to make using Heen & weer attractive for
both shippers and consignees and beneficial for BSS at the same time. BSS seeks for these shippers
in the e-commerce market, since these are the primary shippers of parcels to consumers.
The company generally is a B2B manufacturing company. However, they do have some experience in
the B2C e-commerce business, albeit a minor percentage of their revenue. P&G has set up online
stores in Germany, Great Britain and the USA (pgshop.de; pgeshop.com; pgproshop.co.uk), but P&G
claims that these stores are foremost a medium to gain insight in customer behavior
(internetretailer.com, 2010). Apart from that the company started an alliance with online retailer
Amazon to share warehouse space to save on stock keeping and transportation costs (Evigo.com,
2014), as a further investment in streamlining online sales. In the Netherlands, an alliance between
Wehkamp.nl and P&G has been formed in 2011 (ANP, 2011).
Recently, P&G has shown interest in two directions new for the company and relevant to city
Research in novel distribution channels. Within the supply chain innovation sector of P&G interest
has been shown in more efficient and sustainable ways of distributing products. One of which is the
concept of urban consolidation centers or logistics service centers.
On the agenda is also a firmer influence on high frequency stores (HFS). These stores are commonly
found in second and third world countries and are also known as nanostores. HFSs are kiosks, shops
and bodegas that sell everyday products in small portions to a small number of neighboring people.
HFSs typically have around 100-200 regular customers.(Blanco & Fransoo, 2013) Currently P&G
feels there is potential growth in the segment of HFSs. P&G expects that a better streamlined
distribution of the less-than-bulk supplies to HFSs will increase its market share in sales through
these shops. Currently, HFSs are mostly supplied through wholesalers and distributors, so P&G can
practically not influence its owners. This is a project that is not so much meant for the Dutch
market, but has a very high potential in emerging markets, where HFSs are more common than in
the Netherlands. P&G especially aims for an efficient distribution towards HFSs in megacities since
this is the environment where he distribution process is the most complicated, and therefore also the
environment with the highest potential to increase efficiency.
Within the CONCOORD project, which is an initiative researching consolidation and coordination in
urban areas where both BSS and P&G participate in, P&G stated that LSCs might play an
important role in their objective to improve logistics towards HFSs. In the spirit of the CONCOORD
initiative, P&G is investigating high frequency stores in Paris. Currently P&G is mapping locations
of HFSs and let HFS owners participate in surveys to get a better understanding of their
Binnenstadservice wants to know this to reach out to shippers and convince them of the benefits of
LSCs to the shippers’ supply chain. If there is a benefit of employing LSCs in a shipper’s distribution
channel, this can be used to convince these shippers to use the services of Binnenstadservice. If using
LSCs isn’t beneficial for the shippers, either Binnenstadservice has to abandon the parcel delivery
project or look for ways to make it more interesting. Furthermore is it in Binnenstadservice’s best
interest to know what kind of shippers to attract. The costs of distribution depends on a lot of factors,
and it is very likely that not all shippers benefit in the same amount. Hence Binnenstadservice
wants to know the profile of shippers that can benefit from using logistics service centers in their
supply chain.
Procter & Gamble can benefit from knowing the benefits of LSCs so that they can possibly use this
distribution method to supply high frequency stores. P&G can then possible use LSCs to set up a
direct-to-HFS supply chain and gain structural influence with the HFS owners. P&G’s research in
Paris with respect to high frequency stores has just started; to have an analysis of the possibilities in
that city with respect to different distribution channels can serve as a stepping stone for further
1.4 Methodology
In scientific research an adequate balance between rigor and relevance should be strived for (Van
Aken, 2005). This means that on the one hand scientific research should be scientifically well
grounded and an addition to the methods, models and knowledge of the current state of science. On
the other hand the research should contribute to a relevant problem, should be meaningful and
applicable. Rigor and relevance do not have to exclude each other, nonetheless is finding the right
balance something every researches has to look after.
The logistics service center is a relatively new concept, and a model to compare its costs with other
distribution channels was absent in scientific literature. However, calculation methods to determine
the costs of (parts of) distribution channels are commonly described and used throughout operations
research. The next step in determining the relative performance of logistics service centers was
finding the right models and methods to combine them in an aggregated model. This can therefore be
seen as the contribution to scientific literature.
The relevance of this research lies in the application of the model to the two cases; the case of
Binnenstadservice looking for shippers and the case of P&G looking for an efficient way of supplying
high frequency stores. For both cases reliable input for the model was needed. The data input for the
model was primarily sought after in scientific literature and where possible cross-referenced with
experts and manual field research. For the sake of reproducibility of the results only publicly
available data is used in this thesis. No confidential information is featured in the model design nor
the case studies.
1. Can, from a shipper’s point of view, logistics service centers compete with other distribution
channels when delivering parcels to consumers?
(a) What are the costs of currently used distribution channels?
(b) What are the costs of using logistics service centers as part of the distribution channel?
(c) What is the value of extra services offered by logistics service centers?
2. What is the profile of a high volume shipper for whom it is beneficial to use logistics service
3. Do logistics service centers form a viable alternative for supplying high frequency stores in
(a) How do the costs of traditional distribution channels compare to distribution channels
using LSCs?
(b) What are the circumstances for which LSCs are financially attractive to use as a
distribution channel to high frequency stores?
1.6 Scope
The scope of this research is limited to the distribution process of parcels from the door of the
shipper’s distribution center to the front door of the consignee. Some subjects such as return
management, delivery via pick-up points or warehouse operations of the shipper are covered in this
report to picture the whole context of parcel shipping, but are one featured in the model. Anything
but the delivery process from door-to-door is however omitted from the model.
Furthermore is the definition of a ‘parcel’ in this thesis the definition given by Dennis (2011), being
“larger than a single letter but small enough for one person to handle without support”. The shipped
parcels cannot contain perishable goods and/or goods that need refrigeration or otherwise
extraordinary measures. Products that fit through the mailbox and that are heavier than 30
kilograms are not taken into consideration, since these types of goods are not being shipped by
standard parcel delivery companies, nor by local carriers employed by the logistics service centers.
The scope for research question 1 and 2 is different from the scope of question 3 on a few points. First
of all the shippers in questions 1 and 2 can be any party in the Netherlands shipping to consumers,
for question 3 the shipper is Procter & Gamble. The consignees for research question 1 and 2 are
consumers that have their parcels delivered at home in the Netherlands, for question 3 the
consignees are high frequency stores in Paris. This city was chosen because of the running research
of P&G in this region. Placing the scope on another city would decrease the impact and applicability
of this research.
1. Can, from a shipper’s point of view, logistics service centers compete with other distribution
channels when delivering parcels to consumers?
a. What are the costs of currently used distribution channels?
b. What are the costs of using logistics service centers as part of the distribution
c. What is the value of extra services offered by logistics service centers?
To compare the traditional with the LSC employing distribution channels, we first need to know
what the channels are, and we need a model to compare them. The following steps provide these
requisites: Distinguish the main distribution channels that are being used at the moment by parcel
shippers, these are found in literature on operations research. Add potential distribution channels
using logistics service centers to this list. This is done by inspecting the current distribution
channels and redesigning them in such a way LSCs fit in. To what extend this integration in
traditional distribution channels is possible is checked with LSC operators. With traditional and new
distribution channels known, a costs model is constructed for each channel. These models are based
on existing calculation methods from scientific literature.
With the calculation model at hand the right data needs to be inserted to be able to determine the
costs of each distribution channel. Here, data are parameters that serve as constants in de model
and variables that are altered to represent different types of shippers. The parameters are numbers
such as fuel costs per liter, driver wage per hour and fuel consumption of a truck. Variables are the
average shipping volume or the average parcel weight of a shipper. These data are first and foremost
drawn from scientific literature. Additional data is gathered by consulting freight carriers,
intermediaries and consultants. This data is, where possible, cross-referenced with experts in the
field and contacts at BSS and P&G.
Inserting the parameters and variables in the model yields an overview of costs of each distribution
channel for different shipper types.
Apart from the quantitative part of this research question, a qualitative inquiry provides insight in
the extra services LSCs can offer to shippers. To discover the value added services of LSCs, operators
of Binnenstadservice are surveyed and cross-referenced with scientific literature. Shortcomings of
LSC employing distribution channels with respect to traditional channels are also reviewed.
2. What is the profile of a high volume shipper for whom it is beneficial to use logistics service
Determine the type of shipper that can profit from using LSCs in its supply chain when distributing
parcels to consumers in the Netherlands.
Under the fixed parameters determined for RQ1, alter the variables over a range so that the costs of
each distribution channel is simulated for different types of shippers. These simulations show what
values, or combinations of values, contribute to a profitable collaboration with LSCs.
3. Do logistics service centers form a viable alternative for supplying high frequency stores in
a. How do the costs of traditional distribution channels compare to distribution
channels using LSCs?
b. What are the circumstances for which LSCs are financially attractive to use as a
distribution channel to high frequency stores?
Determine if LSCs form a viable alternative for supplying HFSs a megacity, and under what
The model as constructed for RC1 is used for costs calculations. The parameters and variables for
this case study can be quite different from the Dutch case. Therefore, using the same method as for
RC1, data is collected to serve as input for the model.
The execution and simulation of the model are different than under RC1, since the shipper is now
fixed as being P&G, whereas parameters that where fixed in the Dutch case study (such as number
of LSCs) can now be variables. Inserting the data again yields an overview of the costs of the
different distribution channels. Also by altering variables different situational cases are simulated to
determine under what circumstances LSCs perform better than other distribution channels.
This chapter gives an overview of the findings in scientific literature on the concepts relevant to this
thesis. It provides the required information for the construction of the costs calculation model, as
well as the conceptual context of the parcel distribution market.
The concept works as follows. Long-haul transportation vehicles possibly from different shippers and
carriers unload their freight to be delivered in the city at the UCC. Form hereon the freight is
redistributed over several other vehicles to be consolidated with freight from other long-haul
vehicles. These smaller vehicles with consolidated freight drive either to their assigned zone to
deliver the goods at the customer(single-tiered) or to the satellite location for further separation of
the load (two-tiered) (Crainic et al., 2009).
Carrier companies can save valuable time and money on last-mile logistics by using UCCs. City
centers are usually highly congested, especially during morning delivery hours. Also access
regulations, time windows and delivery preferences of customers are difficulties transport companies
face when making deliveries within city centers. Using UCCs can save transport companies a
considerable amount of time and money (Quak, 2008; Van Duin, Quak, & Munuzuri, 2010).
Consignees can also benefit from using the services of a UCC. Businesses don’t have to schedule
employees outside of business hours to receive delivered goods, can save on stock space and can save
time by receiving all their goods of the day in one or two instances.
The reduction of vehicle kilometers also leads to a less crowded city center, a reduction of congestion
due to double parking/lane use by unloading vehicles, higher safety and therefore a better livability
in the city center. These results are caused by the fact that UCCs make transportation trips to the
city center more efficient and because of the employment of dedicated vehicles that are used solely
for trips between delivery addresses in the city center and the UCC; therefore it is more
advantageous to use relatively smaller and cleaner vehicles than the ones used by the regular
2.1.2 Logistics service centers
Logistics service centers are a more extended version of urban consolidation centers. As opposed to a
‘simple’ UCC, LSCs can offer pre-retail services like labeling, packaging and sorting products. Other
value adding activities can be stock keeping, extra storage capacity, waste and mail collection
services as well as taking in parcels that the shops in the city center want to send by themselves.
Since UCC have a history of not being very profitable, these extra offered services can provide the
needed income to be remunerative(Allen, Browne, Woodburn, & Leonardi, 2012; Van Rooijen &
Quak, 2010; Ville, Gonzalez-Feliu, & Dablanc, 2013). Since this thesis is specifically aimed at
logistics service centers, it is the term that is used for the remainder of this report. Note that
statements made with respect to LSC can also apply to some UCCs, but not all UCCs in general.
The peak hours at a LSC are during the morning. This is when long-haul trucks deliver the goods
that need to be delivered to businesses throughout the city. When the products are unloaded,
workers at the LSC start to sort the goods and relocate them to their assigned docks. When all the
goods have been transshipped the drivers load their vehicles and start their day delivery tour.
Throughout the day several carriers unload goods for the evening delivery tours or the next day’s
delivery tours. These are then temporarily kept for sorting and consolidation. In the afternoon
parcels are sorted for the evening delivery route and subsequently loaded onto the delivery bikes.
When all the bikes have left the warehouse the LSC closes for the night.
Unloading 1a. unload goods from truck
1b. checking and signing off
Cross-docking 2a. sorting
2b. moving
Loading 3a. load goods onto delivery vehicle
3b. checking and signing off
Table 1: LSC handling operations for parcel transshipments
(Gray, Karmarkar, & Seidman, 1992)
Actions 1a and 3a can also be performed by the truck driver, which is generally not a LSC employee,
and are in that case redundant. However, it is not excluded that LSC employees are needed during
these actions which makes them valid factors for the cost structure.
On top of that there are costs for stock keeping if the goods are not immediately transported from
one vehicle to another, which is mostly the case. These costs are calculated as
𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠 = 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 ∗ 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 ∗ 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
When average times of the actions described above are added up to the stock keeping costs this
results in the total transshipment costs for the LSC. These estimated times can be found in appendix
C. The values are drawn from scientific literature and validated by the author in an operational
LSCs can handle both goods streams towards businesses and consumers. Both business to business
(B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) distribution processes have the same costs function for LSCs.
The reason the actual costs may eventually still differ, is because B2B goods usually take up more
space in the LSC and therefor have higher stock keeping costs. Also B2C are usually shipped in
during the daytime and shipped out in the evening, whereas B2B goods may stay overnight in the
LSC. This may influence the stock keeping costs.
Generally these services rather complement than substitute operations of both shipper and
consignee. Instead of renting/buying/building more storage space or hiring more personnel, the
companies can make use of the flexibility of the LSC. This flexibility can be of great benefit to
customers at both sides of the supply chain, but is too intricate to express monetarily in general.
Therefore no general quantitative answer can be provided for research question 1.c What is the value
of extra services offered by logistics service centers?
In electronic commerce (or e-commerce), companies can either use just the online medium (single
channel) or employ click-and-brick retailing (multi-channel) by selling both online and in offline
stores. Each strategy entails a number of tactical considerations that result in a multitude of supply
chain varieties.
Delivery time, one of the downsides of online shopping, has become shorter in Dutch e-commerce
business over the last years. Where you usually had to wait at least a couple of days before your
order would be delivered, nowadays it is possible to place your order at 23:00 and still have it
delivered the next day. The lion’s share of online retailers outsources their deliveries to parcel
delivery shippers like DHL, UPS or PostNL, where some other companies have their own delivery
service. Both of these options make up for a completely different supply chain strategy. And even
within these two strategies it is possible to distinguish a multiplicity of sub-strategies when it comes
to warehouse placement, partnerships, fleet shape and size, offered delivery services, return policies
and track & trace options. Each strategy has its own costs structure and mean of financing. Some
strategies need of investments for long term use, where others require no investment at all and can
easily be changed according to growth and decline in the market.
As much as is known about the B2C parcel shipping market, so little is known about the B2B
market. Multiple causes for this fact can be suggested; the vast amount of differentiation in shippers
and consignees makes the B2B much harder to overlook than the B2C market. Furthermore do B2C
online retailers normally make use of only one channel, the parcel delivery carrier, where B2B
companies mix couriers with parcel delivery carriers and their own vehicles. This makes it harder to
point out what share is being shipped as parcels and what part isn’t. On top of that are B2C
retailers far more transparent towards the public since these are also their customers, whereas B2B
companies seem to be more secretive with respect to their company’s figures.
Despite the lack of information and transparency in the B2B market, these companies can still
benefit from the explorations of new distribution alternatives. Especially when they expand their
businesses to the B2C market, which is starting to become a trend (WIK-Consult, 2013), a
consolidation of both outputs can yield synergetic advantages.
2.3.1 Logistic implementations of opening a web shop
To start operating via the e-commerce channel, a retailer obviously needs a web site with operating
online retail functions, web-servers, and a sales and marketing team to increase the amount of sales
to the desired quantity. An electronic retailer or e-tailer furthermore needs a specialized distribution
center to ship out its products to the consumers. It is not possible to turn any regular distribution
center into an e-commerce distribution center. Normal distribution centers ship out high volumes to
relatively few consignees, whereas e-commerce distribution centers ship out very small volumes to a
high number of consignees (Hobkirk, 2012). Appendix H gives a more elaborate overview of the
difference in logistics operations of normal distribution centers compared to e-commerce distribution
Ghezzi et al. categorize the delivery policy by in- or outsourced, and whether the products are
delivered at home or at a pick-up point. In the latter case the customer has to go to this pick-up point
to collect his or her ordered products. The research states that electronic stores that have to provide
a high customer service level (e.g. high amount of returns, punctual delivery, high flexibility and
short order cycle) such as grocery stores, are the only stores that may not benefit from outsourcing
delivery services, and hence organize their own distribution network. Outsourcing all of the delivery
operations to parcel delivery carriers is popular due to the flexibility, speed, and low or absent
investment costs. Most carriers use customized computer software and labels for intensive
cooperation with the shipper, this optimizes the flow of information and goods from the shipper to
the carrier and thus speeds up the supply chain. For this integration virtually no investments are
needed for the shipper apart from a computer and a printer. Insourcing distribution operations on
the other hand entails less flexibility, high investments but also more control. The shipper needs his
own vehicles, drivers and delivery planners.
In a research conducted for the OECD, distribution from producer to customer is differentiated into 5
strategies that are depicted in Figure 3 (Hultkrantz & Kumsden, 2001).
1. “Conventional distribution” is the standard producer, DC, shop and shopping customer set-
up that is being used for centuries. Consumers go out and buy products of their liking from a
2. For the second alternative, the customer can stay at home and a local representative delivers
the product. In this strategy the product is assembled or finished at a local store or
workshop. An example is a florist that creates and delivers bouquets on demand, or a
supermarket that does home deliveries with products from its shelves.
3. The third alternative is quite common among e-commerce companies. A national or regional
DC packs the products that are then sent by postal (not parcel) service to the customer. This
is only possible for lightweight and small packages; if these constraints aren’t met the
shipper has to use alternative 4.
4. The products are shipped from the same sort of DC as in the third strategy, but cannot be
delivered by the mailman. A national distributer (or parcel delivery carrier) such as PostNL,
DHL or UPS takes the parcels in and distributes them using their own distribution network.
5. The fifth alternative does not make use of a local or regional distribution center, but ships
directly from the production site. An international carrier takes complete care of distribution.
This strategy appears to work well for tailor-made products and products with a low regional
demand, making stock keeping in a local DC too costly.
A strategy containing characteristics of multiple of the above mentioned strategies is the pick-up
point strategy. Consumers can order a products online, which is then sent to a shop/pick-up location
of their liking, but the consumer still has to go collect it by himself.
When it comes to delivery preferences, a recent questionnaire shows that customers prefer home
delivery (80%) over collecting in a store or at a pick-up point (10%) (Deloitte, 2014). This research
also shows that 54% of the consumers would like their products to be delivered in the evening (17:00
– 20:00). The report of Hultkrantz & Kumsden (2001) shows corresponding results when it comes to
customers attitudes towards home delivery vs. pick-up points. Almost 90% of the surveyed customers
are willing to have their products delivered at home. A much smaller number, around 30%, would be
willing to use a pick-up point. Note that the willingness for the one option doesn’t exclude the other.
This report confirms the claim of Deloitte (2014) that most of the people would like their parcels
delivered in the evening. Here, more than 70% would like their packages delivered between 18:00
and 20:00 on weekdays.
It is not expected that home delivery or pick-up points will supplant one another. So-called search
goods, where the quality can be determined by online inspection are more popular to be delivered at
home, whereas so-called experience goods that need to be touched and seen for thorough inspection
are preferred to be collected at a pick-up point (Littooij, 2012).
Note that none of the above articles have taken a logistic service centers into consideration as a
serious alternative; customer preferences with respect to this concept have yet to be inquired.
The amount of returned goods is highly dependent on the type of products sold. This ranges from
10% for furniture, to 59% for women’s clothing. Of these returned goods, 78% can be sold again as
new, but 12% has to be sold with a discount, and 10% isn’t even suitable for sale anymore
(Paazl.com, 2015)(IBI-research, 2013). Well organized return management is highly valued by
customers. For 56% of the customers a free return policy has a positive impact on the likelihood to
purchase, even 76% of the customers are more likely to buy when they can also return the products
in a physical shop (ComScore, 2013).
The return flow of products can be handled in a number of ways, just like the delivery. And since
most of the times the online retailer has to pay for the returned products, it is of vital importance for
the retailer that the return flow is as efficient as possible. However, since the return flow quantity is
much smaller the most efficient delivery flow is not necessarily the same channel as the return flow.
It is also the case that the distribution channels are primarily optimized for delivering parcels,
rather than picking them up. This means that delivering a parcel can attribute to the same amount
of driven vehicle kilometers as returning one, but can still be way cheaper(Accenture, 2011).
2.4 High frequency stores
High frequency stores are a common appearance city streets in second and third world countries but
are less frequently seen in western cities. An estimated 50 million HFSs are currently located in
emerging markets. They are seldom unified under one brand or franchise and hence lack notoriety.
It is a term that is (probably for the reason mentioned above) not very prevalent in scientific
literature. HFSs are kiosks, shops and bodegas that sell everyday products in small portions to a
small number of neighboring people. HFSs typically have around 100-200 regular customers(Blanco
& Fransoo, 2013). Because mostly local people visit these stores multiple times per day or week for
small purchases these shops are referred to as high frequency stores. Other terms used for such
outlets are nanostore and small traditional retailer. It should be noted however that the definitions
of these terms can differ per research but especially per region. A typical high frequency store in
India can for instance be somewhat different from one in Mexico when it comes to surface area,
number of stock keeping units, opening hours, supply strategy and revenue. Some generalized
figures are given below.
The stores normally consist of not more than a couple of square meters (10-50) of shop floor and are
usually packed from the floor to the ceiling with products. The stores lack storage space, and since
the shop keepers try to stow as many different types of products into their stores, stocks are always
at a minimum, meaning that frequent replenishment in relatively small quantities is a must.(Byron,
2014). HFSs seldom employ more than 4 people, with an average of 2, and is mostly family operated.
(Boulaksil, Fransoo, & Blanco, 2014) The opening hours are extended beyond regular office hours.
Table 2 gives an overview of some key characteristics, compared to regular supermarkets.
In the Netherlands, although more uncommon, high frequency stores can be seen on train and bus
stations, airfields, business districts or function as night shops in cities. They are generally
positioned in areas where supplies are hard to bring in due to an ever present crowd and
infrastructure that is not built for goods delivery. Nonetheless, most of these shops are part of a
franchise, such as Kiosk, AH to go or AKO. Their distribution channels are quite streamlined since
consolidation of all of the different goods usually happens at a main warehouse. For non-franchise
HFSs replenishment is an overall challenging operation. The lack of stock keeping space, variable
demand, and reachability require frequent replenishment. This fact combined with the crowded
locations HFSs are generally located in, makes the replenishment operations costly. Despite the total
size of the HFS market and the significance of the prevalent supply chain problem, scientific
research with respect to this subject is very scarce, so there is not a lot of reliable information
available on the logistics of these stores(Boulaksil et al., 2014). There are generally five ways
recognized to supply high frequency stores (Blanco & Fransoo, 2013)
1. On-board sales: a salesman visits the HFS and handles both the sales and delivery, meaning
the salesman can only sell what he carries with him.
2. Pre –sales + direct store delivery: A salesman first pays a sales-visit to the HFS, after which
he has to return for a second visit to deliver the products.
3. Pre-sales + distributor: The salesman visits the HFS solely to take in orders, the products
are subsequently delivered by a separate distributor
4. Distributor: the whole process is outsourced to a distributor
5. Wholesaler: the products are sold through a wholesaler.
The supplier usually contacts the store owner by means of a sales representative that regularly visits
or calls the store. Because shelf space is limited HFSs usually do not carry more than a one or two
different products of one product type. Suppliers therefore go through a lot of effort to secure as
many sales outlets as possible. Another function of the representative is to take in orders, receive
payments and optionally deliver the shipments by themselves(Blanco & Fransoo, 2013). For HFS
that are not equipped with any form of electronics for placing orders, direct personal contact trough a
salesperson is inevitable.
There are drivers that influence the distribution channel of choice to HFSs (Garza Ramírez, 2011)
- When the demand per visit is high and the need for intimate sales are of vital importance
the supplier more likely chooses for on-board sales.
- When the market share of the supplier is low, and stores are much dispersed it is more
likely the supplier uses wholesalers to distribute its products.
- Distribution channels are generally adapted to the local environment, e.g. rural areas are
supplied by wholesalers, and cities with a high HFS density are supplied via direct
Due to the number of locations a manufacturer has to distribute to and the small delivery size, the
physical distribution of the products might very well by comparable to the distribution of e-commerce
products to consumers. This is a very generalized statement, that is further refined throughout this
With the conceptual background in mind, practical implementations of these concept in the research
environment are discussed in this chapter.
It is assumed that e-commerce customers are homogeneously spread throughout the country. This
implies that the amount of customers per region is calculated by multiplying the total amount of
customer in the country by the fraction of people that live in that particular region with respect to
the whole country. Intuitively one might think that people in rural areas tend to do more online
shopping than people living in cities, but studies from Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (2014)
show that both groups do their comparable share of online shopping, and thus justify this
Table 3 on the next page shows a list of Dutch cities that either have an operational LSC or expect to
have one operational on short term. The table also shows the percentage of the Dutch population
that lives in the agglomerated area of that city. This percentage is assumed to represent the share of
total customers of the online retailer. Furthermore it shows the surface area of the agglomeration.
This is the operating area of the local LSC (Centraal bureau voor de statistiek, 2014). Accumulating
the demographic data in Table 3, we see that 26,29% of the customers live in cities with a LSC. The
remaining 73,71% of the customers can therefore not be serviced by a logistics service center now or
in the very near future.
The current LSCs are built for growth and find themselves in industrial areas with room for
expansion. Therefore the LSCs are assumed to be able to handle all deliveries addressed to their
respective cities; i.e. the LSCs have no capacity constraint.
Alkmaar 0,88% 50,26548
Amsterdam 5,21% 206,9
Arnhem 0,99% 89,36086
Breda 1,07% 50,26548
Den Bosch 0,85% 68,41691
Dordrecht 1,17% 46,16396
Eindhoven 1,56% 89,36086
Gouda 0,57% 19,63495
Groningen 1,16% 126,0128
Haarlem 0,91% 29,32
Maastricht 1,48% 118,6824
Nijmegen 1,70% 113,0973
Rotterdam 5,11% 235,9685
Tilburg 1,37% 89,36086
Utrecht 2,25% 119,39
Table 3: cities with a LSC, their share of the national population and surface area
(Centraal bureau voor de statistiek, 2014)
The urban area within the Periferique (the beltway around Paris’ center) is divided in 5 areas equal
in surface area, that are all serviced by one LSC each; Every LSC is assigned an equal surface area
to cover. Because the exact locations of the HFSs are not (yet) known it is assumed that the stores
are equally distributed over the service areas of the LSCs. Each LSC is assigned a set of
arrondisements (neighborhoods), hence the particular shapes of the service areas shown in Figure 4.
Just like the Dutch LSCs, the Parisian ones are assumed to receive goods any time of the day, and
start distributing the next morning; this leaves P&G no particular time restrictions when delivering
their parcels to the LSCs. However, due to maneuverability in the city, P&G can only transport
goods towards LSCs through vehicles with a maximum size of a ‘regular truck’ as described in
Appendix D. The municipality of Paris does not impose other time window or vehicle restrictions
that influence distribution operations (“urban access regulations EU,” 2015). Furthermore is it
assumed in this case study that Parisian LSCs offer the same operational services for the same
prices as the Dutch LSCs do.
Figure 4: service areas of the 5 fictional LSCs in Paris
In this research two types of shops fall under the definition of high frequency stores: kiosks and
epiciers. Kiosk are newsstands that also sell various small convenience items. The so-called epiceries
or epiciers are small convenience stores and by definition not larger than 120 m 2(APUR, 2011). Since
research with respect to the amount and locations of high frequency stores in Paris is still ongoing,
the numbers used in this report are estimates drawn from several sources. The complete list of
estimates and indicators is listed in appendix F.
France has a number of outlets for grocery shopping. Hypermarches (2500+ m 2), supermarches (400
– 2500 m2), superettes (120 – 400 m2) and epiciers (1-120 m2) (APUR, 2011). Of these categories, the
epicerie fits the definition from section 2.4 the best. They have an average surface area of 78 m2, and
employ 0 to 4 staff members. The total market share of general consumption goods through epiciers
is estimated to be 7,3% (GCCRF, 2013). The estimations on the amount of epiciers within the
Periferique highway of Paris reach from 600 to 1000 (GCCRF, 2013)(APUR, 2011)(APCE, 2005).
Apart from that there are some 340 kiosk in Paris, selling not only newspapers and magazines, but
also small amounts of consumer goods(Paris.fr, 2011).
For this research it is assumed that these two shop types are the high frequency stores that P&G
directly wants to distribute to. The shops types combined add up to 940 to 1340 shops, with an
estimated 7,5% of P&G sales in Paris. Since it is P&G’s mission to supply all high frequency stores
through their new distribution channel, all HFSs are included in the research. Due to their lack of
storage space it is also assumed that they need to be restocked once or twice a week during business
hours. That the order frequency of HFSs is higher than 1 per week on average is confirmed by Garza
Ramírez (2011)
3.4 Distribution in practice
This section gives insight in the status quo of parcel delivery in practice for both the case studies.
3.5 Costs of parcel delivery carriers
The costs of using a 3PL for parcel delivery operations differ per carrier and also come with different
services. None of the companies that offer parcel delivery services are transparent about their prices.
Only prices are published for individual shipments; benefits as a result of economies of scale are not
released by any of the official sources. However, discussions on internet forums on this subject, as
well was intermediary companies that offer collective buying services for parcel delivery make it
possible to make a fair estimation of the delivery costs. These prices are furthermore validated with
professionals in e-tailing. The price per parcel of an overnight delivery is a function of the total
yearly or monthly shipping volume. 3PL generally apply a weight limit of 30 kg and volume limit of
150 liter. Table 4 gives an overview of the prices, that range from €5,40 for low volumes to €4,00 for
high volume shippers (Pakketdeal, 2015; Sendcloud, 2015). Prices for parcel delivery within the
Netherlands appear to cost the same as parcel shipping within the Parisian region(Upela, 2015);
therefore the prices presented in Table 4 are used in both case studies. These prices apply to both
B2C and B2B deliveries.
0-150 € 5,40
150-300 € 5,20
300-500 € 4,95
500-1000 € 4,65
1000-2000 € 4,30
2000-∞ € 4,00
Table 4: Price per parcel of delivery via parcel delivery carriers
(Pakketdeal, 2015; Sendcloud, 2015; Upela, 2015)
An important note to these price quotes is the bargaining power large volume shippers have on
carriers. These delivery operators deal with high fixed costs, and the efficiency of their networks
depends on the high volumes that flow through them. Subsequently the carriers almost need large
shippers as much as the shippers need them. Very high volume shippers can therefore negotiate
prices that are lower than expressed above, and can even be lower than the actual costs for the
carrier. In this case the large shipper secures economies of scale for the carrier and small shippers
pay a higher price to supply the income(European Commission, 2012; FTI, 2011)
This chapter contains the model that was created to compare different parcel distribution channels.
The purpose of the model is to compare traditional parcel distribution channels with distribution
channels that incorporate logistics service centers. First the selection of the distribution channels for
the model is explained, then for each distribution channel the costs model is presented, followed up
by the application of the total model to the two case studies.
Logistics service centers cannot operate on their own as a parcel distribution channel. LSCs receive
goods in their respective city and get them delivered by local carriers but do not have the means to
carry goods from a shipper’s distribution center to LSCs. A distribution strategy containing LSCs
must therefore also contain a mode of transport between the shipper’s DC and all the LSCs. A
shipper can do this by himself, using its own vehicles, or can outsource it to a third party logistics
provider. Thus we can add two distribution channels to the list, being a combination of own delivery
vehicles and LSCs, and a combination of 3PL and LSCs. Here, all sorts of third party logistics
providers are aggregated. Those that transport pallets, roll cages and parcels all fall within this one
distribution strategy. This should not be a problem because it is possible to ship goods to one LSC on
pallets, whereas another LSC is supplied via roll cages. In chapter 4.3 it is shown that
differentiating in 3PLs does not have any negative implications.
This all leaves us with four different parcel distribution channels. As a potential shipper of parcels,
there are four scenarios to choose from to get your parcels delivered to your customer. Hence, each
channel is from here on referred to as a scenario.
4.2 Scenario I: Parcel delivery service
This scenario makes sole use of parcel delivery services such as PostNL, UPS, GLS and DHL. The
whole delivery process is outsourced to a parcel delivery carrier. This carrier picks up the parcels at
the central DC and drops off the parcel at the delivery addresses. What the carrier does with the
parcel between pick-up and delivery is entirely up to the carrier, and is not controlled by the shipper
in any way.
Of all the scenarios discussed in this research this one is, as seen from the shipper, the easiest
implementable, and can be applied to companies of any size. There are no initial investments
required, since the parcels are collected at the shipper’s warehouse. To make the most efficient use of
this service, one can make use of customized software and labels that are being provided by the
carrier. But since this only requires standard computers and printers and these are commonly used
in any e-commerce company, it is safe to state that no investments are required for this strategy.
Within the used scope it is assumed that the parcel delivery company picks the parcels up at the DC
and delivers them to the customer; regardless the number of parcels and without additional costs. If
a customer is not at home during the time of the delivery, and the deliverer has to return, the
shipper nor the customer has to pay a surcharge.
As stated in section 3.5, is the price per parcel a function of the total yearly shipping volume. High
volume shippers receive a discount on the price per parcel which can have a significant impact on the
total costs of this scenario.
The total costs of this scenario 𝑇𝐶𝐼 therefore consist of the price per parcel multiplied by the total
number of parcels.
𝑇𝐶𝐼 = 𝑝𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑙,𝐷 ∗ 𝐷
Where 𝑝𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑙,𝐷 is the price per parcel charged by the carrier, which is the product of total yearly
demand 𝐷.
The first tier consists of consolidated containers sent from the central DC to logistics service centers
by third party logistics providers. The second tier is the delivery from the LSCs to the customers by
local carriers. Although all distribution operations are carried out by third parties, the shipper still
has to arrange the shipments and transferal.
Combining the efforts of third party logistics providers and logistics service centers can be a very
strong combination. 3PL providers have the benefit of an efficient network to transport the goods
from the distribution center to the cities, where the LSCs can provide for optimal last mile deliveries.
The 3PL provider still picks up the goods at the DC as he would have in the ‘traditional’ situation;
but instead of delivering it all the way to the consignee, it drops the goods off at a logistics service
center. In between the pickup and delivery, the carrier might perform some transshipment and
consolidation steps, depending on the shipment volume, container type and the carrier’s distribution
network. The LSC then transships and consolidates the goods, so that the products can eventually be
delivered by a local last-mile carrier.
The parcel delivery is now cut up in two tiers and so are the costs. Tier 1: From DC to LSC. 3PL
picks up goods at the distribution center and ships them to the logistics service centers. Tier 2: From
LSC to customer. The goods are taken in at the logistics service center, where possibly some logistics
operations take place such as repacking or sorting, before the parcels are consolidated and sent off to
the customers or shops.
3PL providers mostly charge per container, being a package, roll cage or pallet. Note that parcel and
package are synonyms in English, whereas they have a slightly different meaning in this report. A
parcel is a unit that has to be delivered from the shipper to the consignee; a package is a container
type of a third party logistics provider. A package can contain parcels but not the other way around.
For packages we use the same prices and limitations as mentioned in paragraph 3.5. Container
shipping prices are non-increasingly related to shipping quantity. The costs are estimates based on
quotes on 3PL provider websites, internet forums and collective buying sites. The parcels that are
meant to be distributed in the cities with LSCs can be consolidated, stated that multiple parcels fit
in one container. This means that three parcels of 10 kg each have to be sent in the first scenario by
themselves, and cost three times the price per parcel. In this scenario the three parcels fit in one
package of 30 kg so that the shipment to the LSC only costs one time the price per parcel for
shipment. Note that the costs for the second tier of scenario II have to be added to this price for the
total costs of this scenario.
The container types - package, roll cage or pallet- are denoted as 𝑙. They all have their own weight
restriction 𝑞𝑙 and volume restriction 𝑣𝑙 , as presented in Table 9. The maximum number of parcels
that fit in a container is determined by their average weight 𝑤 and volumetric weight 𝑧. Both 𝑤 and
𝑧 are factual characteristics of the shipper. Since parcels are indivisible, the ratio of parcels to
containers is rounded down. The number of parcels per container 𝑃𝑃𝐶 is calculated as:
𝑞𝑙 𝑣𝑙
𝑃𝑃𝐶𝑙 = 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛(min ( , ))
𝑤 𝑤∗𝑧
The price of delivering one container 𝑝𝑙 is determined differently per container. For packages the
price depends on the total amount of packages sent per year; a higher amount leads to a lower price.
For roll cages and pallets the price depends on the number of containers sent from the DC to a single
location 𝑑𝑖 . Due to the carriers pricing strategy it is for none of the containers assumed that distance
is an influential factor. The price per package can be found in Table 4, the prices of shipping roll
cages and pallets can be found in Table 6.
The daily demand 𝑑𝑖 per city with a LSC is calculated as the total average daily demand 𝐷
multiplied by the fraction of the total population that lives in that particular city. This fraction can
be found in Table 3. The amount of containers needed to send the parcels to a city are computed and
multiplied by the corresponding delivery costs using the formula below. Given the average daily
demand 𝑑𝑖 and number of parcels per container 𝑃𝑃𝐶𝑙 it calculates the average number of container
type 𝑙 that is needed to deliver the parcels to the LSC in that city. That number is also used to
compute the costs per container, since that is related to the shipping volume. The formulas
expressing these calculations are shown below. Note that the package costs formula differs in
determining the price per container. Where the roll cage and pallet prices depend on the demand in
the city they are headed to, the package price is a function of the total shipping volume of the
𝐶𝑖,𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑎𝑔𝑒 = ∗ 𝑝𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑙,𝐷
𝐶𝑖,𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑐𝑎𝑔𝑒 = ∗𝑝 𝑑𝑖
𝑃𝑃𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑐𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑙,
𝐶𝑖,𝑝𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑡 = ∗𝑝 𝑑𝑖
𝑃𝑃𝐶𝑝𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑙,
Each city has a different customer pool size and therefore an expected different demand. A
dissimilarity in demand volume per city may result in different optimal container types. It may
therefore occur that the shipper uses pallets to supply and LSC in Amsterdam but consolidates
through a roll cage shipper for deliveries to an LSC in Eindhoven. The following formula minimizes
the total costs by optimizing the delivery costs per city.
The costs of the last tier consist of delivery costs and warehousing/transshipment costs. The delivery
costs are given by a current price of €2 per parcel, see section 1.2.1. This price is expected to drop
according to the advantages that the economies of scale offer when a high volume shipper starts to
use this channel. Calculation show that given the status quo price, the added addresses to delivery
tours in the given cities will have such a significant impact on the length and efficiency of the
delivery routes that the delivery price can be lowered. The estimation method for the delivery price
can be found in appendix J. Figure 7 shows the price course over the increase of shipped parcels.
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000
Parcels per year
Figure 7: Estimated distribution price per parcel for distribution from a LSC to the consumer:
The LSC handling costs, the other costs component of tier 2, depend on the costs and pricing strategy
of the LSC operators. Section 2.1.3 gives an overview of the activities performed at LSCs for
transshipments. Appendix C shows an estimation of the time each activity takes. The sections about
the application of the model to the case studies elaborates further on the pricing of LSC handling
operations in both case studies.
The total costs of the second tier 𝑇𝐶2 are thus dependent on the LSC handling costs per parcel and
the city distribution costs that decrease with an increase in shipping volume.
The third scenario again consists of two tiers. The first tier contains the routes driven from the
central DC to the LSCs and is completely under control of the shipper, who now also partially plays a
role of carrier. The second tier is no different than as described in scenario II. In this scenario the
shipper no longer completely transfers its responsibility for the parcels to a third party, but
maintains this until the goods have been dropped at a LSC.
An advantage of this scenario for the shipper is a relative high level of control on the distribution
process as compared to the previous two scenarios. Apart from that, this scenario can lead to lower
costs. But if demand is volatile this scenario can turn out to be more costly than complete
outsourcing of distribution.
The costs function is no longer only dependent on the amount of packages, their weight and size.
The number of delivery locations, type of vehicles in the fleet, external costs (such as petrol prices)
and delivery requirements (such as time windows) also influence the distribution costs. Control over
this distribution channel can possibly be seen as a burden, for instance when the shipper would
rather not spend valuable time and resources on managing its logistics operations. On the other
hand is this a scenario that makes the shipper less reliable on other companies and their price
To calculate the minimum costs of the first echelon, a vehicle routing problem (VRP) has to be
solved. The vehicle routing problems is one of the most well-known mathematical problems in
logistics due to its potential high complexity and consequently the reliance on heuristics to compute
near-optimal solutions. Below the costs calculation method is briefly explained. Appendix I gives a
more detailed insight in the variables, objective functions, constraints and assumptions of the vehicle
routing problem. Furthermore, the heuristics used to solve the problem are comprehensively
described in the appendix.
To solve a vehicle routing problem, two steps are usually taken; an initiation and an improvement
step. Both of these steps can be performed using a variety of heuristics, each with their own
complexity, accuracy and calculation time. In this research the savings algorithm is used for
initiation, and the swap and relocate algorithms are used for the improvement step(Clarke &
Wright, 1964)(Du, Li, & Chou, 2005) . The heuristics try to minimize the amount of kilometers
driven and consequently the driver, fuel and vehicle costs.
The input for the heuristics are the locations of the distribution center, the locations of the LSCs and
their demand. The distance between these points is retrieved from Google Maps. The problem is
constrained by the vehicle characteristics with respect to volume and weight boundaries, and time
restrictions of the driver. Influential parameters in the problem are vehicle speed, (un)loading times,
fuel consumption and volumetric weight of the parcels. All these restrictions and parameters are
drawn from actual vehicle characteristics and regulations in practice. The heuristics try to minimize
the number of driven kilometers to consequently minimize the driver, fuel and vehicle costs. The
output of the VRP is a set of routes that have been assigned to their respective vehicles, as well as
the costs of fuel, driver wage and vehicles.
All the practical assumptions made to solve the VRP can be found in appendix D.
A simplified formula of the total costs of distribution by own vehicles to the LSCs is given below. A
precise and elaborate formula can be found in appendix I.
+ 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠 ∗ 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ∗ 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 + 𝑣𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠 ∗ # 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑
The second tier of this scenario is calculated just as in scenario II, since the costs of the LSC and last
mile delivery are not different. So adding the total costs of tier 1 in scenario III with the costs of the
second tier yields the total costs of scenario III.
4.5 Scenario IV: completely insourced distribution
The distribution from DC to customer is entirely managed and carried out by the shipper, now also
fulfilling the role of carrier. The shipper is completely responsible for a safe and flawless delivery to
the doorstep of the customer. The shipper gains in control over the distribution, but also has to deal
with more uncertainty and risk. The costs of this scenario are again a function of a lot of factors that
are put into the vehicle routing problem. Because the vehicles of the shipper now also have to enter
the city to fulfill deliveries, the costs function is extended and also depends on drop off times, city
surface area and local road networks.
This scenario is one that only few e-commerce companies employ, since investment costs are high
and the strategy is not as flexible as using 3PL providers. The benefit of this option is that the
distribution channel can be better integrated with the production process and the shipper can save
on profit margins of the carriers. Shippers that use this distribution channel are generally not only
high volume shippers, but also ship goods that have large measurements or are very heavy which
makes them unsuitable for parcel delivery services. Apart from that is this distribution channel used
by shippers that provide a high customer service level, or have to deal with perishable goods.
Companies such as Ikea, Albert Heijn and Mediamarkt have implemented this strategy in direct-to-
consumer deliveries.
To solve this problem, an adaptation of the vehicle routing problem of scenario III has been made.
Where the delivery vehicle had a stable stopping time in each city at the LSC in scenario III, the
time spent per city is now heavily dependent on the amount of delivery addresses and size of the city.
Also the vehicle fleet no longer contains vehicles larger than delivery vans, because of their
ineffectiveness for urban deliveries. This scenario does no longer contain LSC costs, but the shipper
has new factors to consider. The people that are not at home during delivery hours and also have no
neighbors at home to accept the parcel for them -an estimated 10%- result in an increase of daily
deliveries that have to be done over the next day(Essen, 2013).
To estimate the time and kilometers spent in a city to deliver the products to the consumers, a
method by Daganzo (2005) is used. This method uses the surface area of the city, number of
deliveries and structure of the city streets to calculate the estimated shortest delivery route to cover
all the delivery addresses in that city. The starting point of each route is the first address in the city
and the endpoint is the last address. If this distance is divided by the average speed a delivery truck
drives through a city and added to the expected time the driver needs to hand over the parcels to the
consumers, the total time in that particular city can be calculated. Hence, the output of this method
is an estimated time needed for delivery in a particular city or area. An elaborate description of the
method that is used is given in appendix J.
The output of the estimation described above serves as input to the vehicle routing problem as used
for scenario III, with the exception that only delivery van type vehicles can be used. The total costs in
this scenario consist of fuel, driver and vehicle costs. Which gives us the simplified formula for total
costs of scenario IV.
𝑇𝐶𝐼𝑉 ≈ 𝐷𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑔𝑒 ∗ (𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 + (𝑢𝑛)𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒)
+ 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠 ∗ 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ∗ 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 + 𝑣𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑠 ∗ # 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑
The locations and demand distribution of logistics service centers from Table 3 are used. This means
73,71% of the Dutch population cannot be supplied by logistics service centers. Currently, LSCs in
the Netherlands do not ship parcels to consumers outside of their operating area, which is the
agglomeration or municipality they are located in. So in the case study, only 26,29% of the Dutch
population is included in the simulation. The shipper therefore has to use the traditional distribution
channel, being the parcel delivery carrier, for distribution to the other 73,71% of the Dutch
population. This entails some implications. First of all the discount on parcel delivery services for
high volumes is calculated over the number of parcels sent to cities with and without LSCs. So if in
the simulation the shipper sends 1000 parcels to consumers in cities with a LSC, it also sends about
3000 parcels to the consumers in the rest of the country, meaning the price per parcel is calculated
over a total of 4000 parcels. It also means that if the shipper chooses another scenario than scenario
I to distribute its parcels, it will use two separate strategies for consumers living in LSC cities and
consumers living outside of them.
The LSC handling costs are set by the Dutch LSC consortium to €0,50 cents. Although one might
argue that the handling costs for the LSCs drop when the parcel throughput rate increases due to a
high volume shipper, this pricing strategy is based on the idea that the threshold for using LSCs
should not be too high but LSCs eventually need to make a small profit out of their transshipment
activities. The time window in which the bike deliveries in the evening take place is 5 currently
Apart from the implications stated above there are no differences or adaptations for this case study
that differ from the model presented in this chapter.
A notable difference between scenario I and the other scenarios is that in the first scenario, the
parcels are collected the night before delivery at the customer. The other scenarios provide the option
to start shipping out the parcels the morning of the delivery. The delivery takes place during the day
by the shippers own vehicles or the ensuing evening by local carriers that are commissioned by
LSCs. This does not influence the outcome of the costs model, but is definitely an advantage for
online retailers that want to offer consumers the option to place their orders until late at night.
The purpose of this case study is to examine the competiveness of LSCs in the Netherlands as a
parcel distribution channels to consumers. For this purpose a range of shipper profiles needs to be
tested to see how the costs of each scenario react to different types of shippers. For logistics service
centers shipper profiles are a construct of the parcels they ship. From a LSC point of view the parcels
can differ in size, weight and quantity. Characteristics with respect to special handling prerequisites
were excluded, as well as heavy weight parcels that need more than one person to handle, see section
1.6. Shippers can differ in the time of the day they drop off the parcels at the LSCs, but this does not
make any difference since LSCs are opened from the early morning until the evening. Hence there
are three shipper characteristics that can be subject to analysis: shipping volume, average parcel
weight and average parcel size. The size (or volume) of a parcel is a direct result of multiplying the
parcel weight with its volumetric weight. To calculate the driving distance from the shippers DC to
the LSCs it is assumed that the shipper has distribution center in Driebergen, the Netherlands,
which is the weighted geographical center of all logistics service centers.
The locations of the LSCs proposed in section 3.2 are used in this case study. So are the number of
high frequency stores and their characteristics as discussed in section 3.3. The combined demand of
these stores is assumed to be 7,5% percent of the total sales volume of P&G in Paris. Interpolation of
published revenue figures of Procter & Gamble for first world countries gives us an estimate of the
sales per head of the Parisian population(Cincinnati Enquirer, 2014). These numbers combined
result in a little over €7,2 million sales through Parisian high frequency stores per year. Using the
prices and weights from P&G’s German web shop the average price of one kilo of P&G products was
calculated as €11,21. This was used to calculate the average demand in kilos per HFS. The closest
P&G distribution center to Paris is located in Amiens, France. The distance between Amiens and
Paris is quite similar to the distances between Driebergen (the assumed DC in the Dutch case) and
the Dutch LSCs, therefore the assumption is made that the 3PL prices for goods shipping mentioned
in sections 3.5 and 4.3 also apply to this case study. Again a fixed price of €0,50 for LSC handling is
used in this case and variable last-mile delivery costs starting at €2,00, after the Dutch pricing
strategy of the LSCs. The deliveries need to be made during daytime in this case, hence the time
window width for delivery to the HFSs is 8 hours. The fact that the LSCs both receive the goods and
ship them out during office hours means that if the shipper is too late with delivering the goods to
the LSC, the products have to wait for the next day to be delivered to the high frequency stores. This
does not affect the outcome of the costs calculation, but can imply a longer lead time to the HFS.
The purpose of this case study is to examine the competitiveness of LSCs in a direct-to-HFS supply
chain under current assumptions. Furthermore it is investigated to what extent the assumed
parameter values can alter before the recommendations form this analysis start to change. So the
initial analysis tells which distribution channel is the cheapest under current assumptions; the
sensitivity analyses show the range of parameter values for which this stays correct. An overview of
the specified parameters for this case study can be found in appendices E & F, all other parameters
are similar to that defined in appendix D.
In this chapter the results of both case studies are presented. The results show for both cases
whether or not LSCs form a viable alternative for parcel distribution.
Price per parcel
0 100000 200000 300000 400000
Parcels per year
The costs of tier 1 drop as the shipping volume increases. Due to economies of scale the shipper can
use bigger containers and send more containers to a single location, so that the price per single sent
item drops. There appears to be an asymptote around €0,65 per parcel; at this point full truck loads
(FTL) are shipped to each LSC, reaching the capacity of parcels per vehicle and thus having reached
and optimum.
Tier 2 has two main cost components. LSC costs and delivery costs. The LSC costs are calculated as
a function of time used to unload, transship and load one parcel at the LSC plus storage costs for the
space needed to keep the parcels in between shipments. These costs with an added margin for the
LSC form the price the LSC charges for one transshipment. And although pricing strategies can be
varied, these costs are not very sensitive to economies of scale, and are therefore fixed by the LSCs.
The costs per delivery however do drop when the shipping volume increases. As expected does an
increase in delivery addresses decrease the vehicle kilometers per delivery and therefore the delivery
costs for the carrier. With a status quo price of €2 per parcel, a high volume shipper can at one point
become so influential on the daily delivery routes that the costs for the carrier drop. Assumed that
the carrier bases his price on his operations costs plus a margin, the price per parcel also drops once
the volume increases.
It is just as remarkable as it is typical for a distribution channel costs function that the last mile
distribution accounts for the largest part of the total costs. From around 50.000 parcels per year the
LSC and last mile delivery costs take up about 75% of the total costs.
Costs per parcel
€4,00 LSC delivery costs
€3,00 II-tier 1
€1,00 II
€- LSC handling
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000
Parcels per year
The costs of tier 1 consist of vehicle, driver wage and fuel costs. The number of vehicles is determined
by the routing, and is dependent on its weight, vehicle characteristics, (un)loading times, volume and
time restrictions. Once one of these restrictions has been met a new vehicle is needed, which is
visible as a small spike in the costs graph. Fuel costs depend on the number of trucks, type of trucks
and kilometers travelled. And the wage costs are determined by travelling time and number of
The graph below shows how the price per parcel delivered drops gradually until one of the vehicle
restrictions is met. At this point three things can happen:
The vehicle routing changes. This is mostly the result of reaching the volume or weight
restriction of a vehicle. Lowering the number of cities in one delivery round tackles this
problem. Less cities in one delivery round mean more delivery rounds in total, this increases
fuel and driver costs since more kilometers are needed to do all the deliveries
An extra vehicle is added to the fleet. This can be the result of reaching volume or weight
restrictions and having no time left in the vehicle scheduling to let one of the vehicles drive
an extra route; an extra vehicle is needed to deliver all the goods. This increases vehicle,
driver and fuel costs.
Another type of vehicle is needed. Due to the same reasons as mentioned in point 2, a
planner can choose to not add a vehicle to the fleet, but upgrade to a higher capacity vehicle.
Vehicle costs increase, but depending on the vehicle types and new routing fuel and driver
costs can increase, decrease or stay the same.
If any of the three occurrences happen, an increase in price per parcel is manifested. The graph
below shows this as little bumps in the graph. This is a very common sight in VRP cost graphs
(Daganzo, 2005)
Costs per parcel
Driver wage
Fuel costs
vehicle costs
Total costs
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000
Parcels per year
The total costs graph of scenario III is shown below. For the first 55.000 parcels per year, tier 1
makes up for more than half of the total costs. However, when the costs function stabilizes, tier 1
only contributes 15% to the total costs of this scenario. So again the last-mile distribution is
responsible for the biggest share of the distribution channel.
Costs per parcel
€4,00 LSC delivery costs
€3,00 III-tier1
€- LSC handling
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000
Figure 14: Costs per parcel of the shipper distributing the parcels by its own means
The figure below provides the answer to the following research questions.
1.b.What are the costs of using logistics service centers as part of the distribution
Costs per parcel
€3,00 III
€2,50 IV
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000
Parcels per year
Figure 15: distribution costs of the four scenarios for 5 kg parcels with a volumetric weight of 150 kg/m3
€4,50 I
Costs per parcel
€4,00 II
€3,50 III
€3,00 IV
€2,50 II - 2,5 kg
€2,00 III - 2,5 kg
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 IV - 2,5 kg
Parcels per year
Figure 16: Costs change when increasing the average parcel value from 5 to 10 kg
€4,50 I
€2,00 III - 10 kg
0 100000 200000 300000 400000 IV -10 kg
Parcels per year
Figure 17: Costs change when decreasing the average parcel value from 5 to 2,5 kg
The parcel delivery carrier prices do not change due to the assumption that they are only a product
of the number of parcels and not their weight or volume.
Scenario II, where 3PL providers and LSCs are employed is quite sensitive to changes in average
parcel weight. For light parcels, with an average weight of 2,5 kilograms, scenario II is unbeaten by
any other distribution strategy after a shipping volume of 10.000 per year has been reached. On the
other side however, when the average parcel weight increases this scenario increases in delivery
costs, and is surpassed in cost efficiency by scenario’s III and IV at around 100.000 parcels per year.
Scenario III, where the shipper uses its own vehicles for tier 1 and LSCs for tier 2, is somewhat
sensitive to weight changes. Because it’s reaction to the parcel weight, the costs of this scenario for
parcels of an average 10 kg rise well above that of scenario IV.
The costs of scenario IV do not get influenced by average parcel weight at all. This can be attributed
to the fact that in the VRP the routes al limited by the time constraints of the drivers, rather than
weight or volume constraints of the vehicles. This insensibility makes scenario IV the most appealing
scenario for heavier parcels form a shipping rate of 100.000 to cities with a LSC.
Volumetric weight
The current volumetric weight is set to 150 kilograms per cubic meter. The following graphs show
the effects of halving and doubling the volumetric weight.
€ 5,00
€ 4,50 I
Costs per parcel
€ 4,00 II
€ 3,50 III
€ 3,00 IV
Figure 18: Costs change when lowering the volumetric weight to 75 kg/m3
€ 5,00
€ 4,50 I
Costs per parcel € 4,00 II
€ 3,50 III
€ 3,00 IV
Figure 19: Costs change when increasing the volumetric weight to 300 kg/m3
Again scenarios II and III react to this parameter, albeit less strong than to the weight change. A
decrease in volumetric weight, which equals an increase in average volume measurements, makes
both scenario II and III more expensive; thus decreasing the viability window for LSC containing
scenarios. An increase in volumetric weight makes the parcel more compact, which makes scenario II
more efficient, but does not change the costs of strategy III. Apparently the volume of goods
distributed is not anymore the restricting factor in the vehicle routing problem for scenario III, but is
replaced by time and weight restrictions. The costs of scenario IV are not affected by a change in
volumetric weight.
The great amount of sensitivity of scenario II to parcel weight, and in a lesser extent to parcel
volume, can be attributed to the fact the benefits of this scenario are gained from consolidating many
parcels in a container. If more parcels can be fit into one container (being a package, roll cage or
pallet) the cheaper it becomes to send these parcels to a LSC.
5.1.7 Conclusion
Table 7 shows the shipping volume ranges for which using certain scenarios is the cheapest option
for the shipper. The table is differentiated with respect to volumetric weight and average parcel
weight, since the sensitivity analyses showed that the optimal scenario can differ on these
parameters. Some examples of product types are mentioned for each volumetric weight
characteristic. The shipping volume in this table represents the volume shipped to cities with a LSC,
which is expected to be 26,29% of the total shipping volume. Note that this table is purely based on
costs, whereas a shipper will also consider differences in service, control, operations, responsibility
and other factors.
So if a shipper expects to sell for instance products with a volumetric weight of 300 kg/m 3 and an
average weight of 5 kg, it should use scenario I when shipping under 95.000 parcels per year,
scenario III between 95.000 and 140.000 and scenario IV for over 140.000 parcels.
Scenario Average 2,5 kg 5 kg 10 kg
Vol. Weight.
I 75 kg/m3 0 - 9.000 0 - 12.000 0 - 95.000
II (clothing, 9.000 – 370.000 12.000 - 190.000 -
III shoes) - 190.000 - 250.000 95.000 - 140.000
IV 370.000-∞ 250.000 - ∞ 140.000 - ∞
For Binnenstadservice and the LSC consortium as a whole this table shows what type of shippers
should be addressed when searching customers. In general it is not profitable for shippers with a
shipping volume below 9.000 parcels per year to LSC cities to send their products through logistics
service centers. Depending on the average weight of the shipped parcels, higher volume shippers
should consider, from a financial point of view, to employ LSCs in their supply chains in combination
with either a third party logistics provider or their own vehicle fleet. For all shipper types there is a
threshold in shipping volume where employing an own vehicle fleet is the cheapest option.
Figure 20, Figure 21Figure 22 show for each of the three volumetric weight categories, under
conditions of average parcel weight and shipping volume, what distribution channels is the cheapest.
Parcels per year
250000 IV
200000 III
50000 I
2,5 5 10
average parcel weight(kg)
Figure 20: cheapest distribution scenario per average parcel weight and shipping volume for 75 kg/m3
Figure 21: cheapest distribution scenario per average parcel weight and shipping volume for 150 kg/m 3
parcels per year
200000 III
50000 I
2,5 5 10
average parcel weight (kg)
Figure 22: cheapest distribution scenario per average parcel weight and shipping volume for 300 kg/m3
The scenarios that use LSCs have a decreasing degree of amenity for heavier parcels. The bandwidth
of scenarios II & III is very wide for light parcels, but gets increasingly narrow with an increase in
average parcel weight.
Scenario I is the distribution channel of choice for low volume shippers, and gains appeal with an
increase in weight. Scenario IV is the cheapest option for very high volume shippers and also gains
ground on the LSC scenarios with an increase in parcel weight.
What is the optimal profile of a high volume shipper to collaborate with the LSC consortium?
It can be concluded that the LSC consortium should focus on shippers with a volume of at least
10.000 parcels per year to cities with LSCs, or a total shipping volume of more than 40.000 parcels
per year. Shippers with low weight parcels (2,5 kg) can benefit more when using LSCs in their
supply chain than shippers of higher weight parcels (5 and 10 kg). The volumetric weight is of less
importance than average parcel weight, but a higher volumetric weight results in higher
performance of LSC employing strategies than low volumetric weight.
5.2 Results of Parisian HFS case study
With the model applied to the conceptual case of a LSC consortium in Paris, P&G as shipper and
local high frequency stores as consignees, each distribution scenario is calculated. This section gives
insight in the results of this simulation and the comparison of the scenarios. Since some parameters
are rough estimates, a number of variables are subjected to a sensitivity analysis.
Scenario III is clearly the cheapest option, and is more than 10% cheaper than the second in line,
scenario II. Because the LSCs are relatively close together, as compared to the Dutch case, using
own vehicles to supply the LSCs is cheaper than contracting a 3PL. In this case, only one truck is
needed to supply all Parisian LSCs. To use only own vehicles to distribute the HFSs would require
10 delivery vans, but is still cheaper than sending all products by parcel carriers. Scenario I is by far
the most expensive scenario, under an assumed price of €4,00 per parcel. This price would have to
drop below €2,20 per parcel for this scenario to become competitive.
The weekly demand in kilograms under current assumptions is around 10000. This is an estimation
that depends on number of high frequency stores, P&G’s sales volume and the share that is being
sold through HFSs. Changing the demand weight yields the following graph of scenario costs
€1.500,00 I
€1.000,00 II
3289 6941 10594 14246 17899 21551 25204 28856 32509 36161 39814
kilos of P&G products sold through Parisian HFSs
Figure 23: Scenario costs of supplying HFSs under changing total demand
Scenario I remains constant, because every HFS still receives the same amount of parcels. They only
get heavier, but under current assumptions not more expensive to deliver. The costs of scenario II
rise every time the weight or volume restrictions of a container headed to a LSC is met, so that a
larger container or a new container of the same sort is needed to carry the extra goods to the LSC.
Scenario III reacts to a higher shipping volume by an increase in vehicles needed to distribute the
goods to LSCs. The costs function of scenario IV is constant, this is because the number of vehicles
needed for direct-to-customer distribution is not dependent on weight of volume restrictions, but
rather on driving time restrictions of the driver. In the baseline situation, the delivery vans only use
13,9% of their weight capacity when driving their delivery rounds. Scenario III remains the cheapest
option throughout this analysis, only when demand in kilograms per week falls under 2600, scenario
II is cheaper.
dailty distribution costs
100 350 600 850 1100 1350 1600 1850 2100
number of HFSs
Figure 24: Scenario costs of supplying HFSs under changing number of stores
All scenarios have a more or less linear reaction to an increase in high frequency stores. The stepped
line of scenario IV is a manifestation of the increase in fixed vehicle costs every time the driver’s
time restriction is met and a new vehicle has to be added to the route. Scenario III remains the
cheapest option above 250 high frequency stores. Below that number it is cheaper to use scenario I.
Number of deliveries per store
Under current assumptions, each store is restocked with P&G products twice a week. The following
graph shows what happens when the restock frequency changes.
Daily distribution costs
€- IV
0,25 0,5 1 2 3
Deliveries per week to every HFS
Figure 25: Scenario costs of supplying HFSs under changing delivery frequency
Scenario I reacts to this change because for every extra parcel, an extra price per parcel has to be
paid. Scenario II and III are also subject to the per parcel handling fee of the LSC but profit from the
decreasing price for delivery due to the high shipping volumes. The baseline price of one parcel
delivery from the LSC is €2,00, but the additional addresses added to the delivery tours of the bike
delivery carriers can drive the price down to €1,21 per parcel. Scenario IV requires more trucks
every day when the number of delivery addresses rise. When HFSs receive more than one delivery
per 2 weeks, scenario III is the most cost efficient. When P&G supplies only once per four weeks,
scenario I becomes the cheapest option.
Daily distribution costs
€1.500,00 I
€1.000,00 II
Figure 26: Scenario costs of supplying HFSs under changing LSC handling costs
The change in LSC costs only affects scenarios II and III. When the LSC handling costs supersede
€1,75 per parcel, scenario IV outperforms the other distribution scenarios. This would be a price
increase of 250% of the baseline situation.
€500,00 III
€- IV
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of Logistics service centers
Figure 27: Scenario costs of supplying HFSs under changing number of logistics service centers in Paris
In the baseline situation total yearly sales through HFSs in Paris add up to € 7.283.917,88. The
yearly costs of distributing under scenario III accumulate to €260.246,78, which is 3,57% of sales.
This means P&G can have a possible mark-up of more than 10% on the original sales price to
wholesalers. This can for instance be invested in sales & marketing activities towards high frequency
store owners to make sure all of these 1140 stores become actual customers of P&G. Also P&G’s
current distribution center is not built for low-volume order picking; some investments will be
required to make a direct-to-HFS distribution channel run smoothly.
5.2.4 Conclusion
If P&G wants to implement a distribution channel directly to high frequency stores it is from a
financial point of view the cheapest option to use own vehicles to supply LSCs from whereon last-
mile distribution is arranged for a fixed price. Sensitivity analyses show that only if the price of the
LSC handling rises above €1,75 insourcing the complete distribution towards HFSs starts being
costs efficient. Only when the number of Parisian HFSs drops below 250 or HFSs are supplied less
than once every two weeks it is cheaper to use a parcel delivery carrier.
The costs of this potential distribution channel undercut the markup of grocery product wholesalers.
This not only makes the distribution channel more convenient for HFS owners and gives P&G a
greater impact in the HFS market but also makes the whole supply chain more cost efficient.
This chapter concludes this master thesis by summarizing the results of the case studies, listing the
recommendations to the involved parties and discussing the limitations to this research and further
research recommendations.
6.1 Conclusions
Logistics service centers do not only promise to increase livability and comfort for city inhabitants,
but according to this research also form a viable alternative to traditional distribution channels for
high volume parcel shippers. For B2C electronic retailers, sending parcels through logistics service
centers in the Netherlands can prove to be very beneficial from a financial point of view. For certain
shippers employing LSCs in their parcel delivery channels can be very beneficial, either in
combination with third party logistics providers or own vehicles to deliver the goods to logistics
service centers. Especially shippers of light weight parcels benefit the most from using LSCs, but
only over a threshold of 10.000 parcels per year through LSCs. In any case, low volume shippers
should use parcel delivery carriers and very high volume shippers should set up their own
distribution network. Scenario II & III in Figure 28 are both scenarios that make use of LSCs and
outperform the other scenarios from 10.000 to 350.000 parcels per year.
Costs per parcel
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000
Parcels per year
LSCs work especially well for low weight parcels, and thus strategies using LSCs become less
efficient when the average parcel weight rises as compared to other scenarios. LSCs can not only
make a shipper’s supply chain cheaper, but can also offer extra services that other distribution
channels cannot.
In this report it is also shown that not only B2C, but also B2B companies can benefit from LSCs. A
conceptual scenario of P&G supplying high frequency stores in Paris shows that also in this case
LSCs can be a fructuous part of the supply chain. Companies like P&G, with more than 250 delivery
addresses in a city like Paris, can save more than 10% on distribution costs when employing LSCs in
their supply chain.
6.2 Relevance & recommendations for Binnenstadservice
Binnentadservice is, together with other LSCs in the Netherlands, in its early growing phase.
Developing new initiatives such as the Heen & Weer project can, according to this research, be of
great value to both shipper and consignee. There is a vast amount of shippers that can benefit from
sending parcels through LSCs, and using the profiles sketched in section 5.1.7 Dutch LSCs can
target potential customers of the LSC consortium. Not only by price, but also the additional services
LSCs can offer make LSCs a very competitive alternative to the traditional distribution methods.
The next step would be to create awareness and exposure regarding these advantages of using LSCs,
so that the Dutch LSCs can increase their throughput volume. This will not only improve the
financial position of the LSCs, but will also pass on the qualitative benefits to city inhabitants due to
the consolidation of supply chains.
For other LSCs than the ones located in the Netherlands this report can serve as an inspiration to
set up LSC consortia or networks covering larger regions or countries. It is shown that by
aggregating multiple consolidation centers great benefits can be achieved for large volume shippers.
This prospect alone already should be an incentive for cooperation.
distribution scenarios are so significant that conclusions regarding the viability of LSCs will not be
affected if in fact these assumptions appear to alter from reality.
Some of the scenario costs are based on assumed pricing methods; elasticity is assumed for last-mile
deliveries from the LSC, and a fixed price is assumed for LSC handling. Real life alterations with
respect to this assumptions can adjust the costs curve given in this report. However, again these
alterations cannot possibly affect any conclusions past some minor margin changes or customer
Return management
Briefly mentioned in this report, return management of e-commerce products plays a major role in
the logistics of online retailers. It would be very interesting to investigate how the scenarios
researched in this report perform for returned products. Can different scenarios be mixed? And if so,
what would be the ultimate mix of supply- and return chains for high volume shippers? Dutch LSCs
are already set up for both goods streams in and out of the city and can hence play an important role
in efficient return streams of online retailers.
program, but could be of service for overcrowded megacities that are in dire need of a more efficient
inner-city distribution policy. Also the practical applicability of using LSCs when supplying HFSs
should be further researched. Issues with respect to the order placing by HFSs or money collecting
by the manufacturer are issues entailed with a LSC employing strategy.
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A Abbreviations
UCC: urban consolidation center
BSS: Binnenstadservice
B Online retailers’ distribution channel
Company Product category Means of distribution Estimated
shipping volume
in number of
parcels per year
Mediamartk & Electronics & household Parcel delivery carrier, pick- 4.200.000
Saturn appliances up points & own delivery
HelloFresh Groceries Own delivery fleet 4.000.000
Zalando Fashion Parcel delivery carrier 3.700.000
Albert Heijn Groceries Own delivery fleet 3.200.000
Wehkamp Various Parcel delivery carrier 2.400.000
Hema Non-perishable Parcel delivery carrier 2.000.000
consumer goods
H&M Fashion Parcel delivery carrier & 1.700.000
pick-up points
Coolblue Electronics Parcel delivery carrier & 1.100.000
pick-up points
DeOnlineDrogist.nl Pharmacy Parcel delivery carrier 300.000
Bobshop Electronics & household Parcel delivery carrier & 208.000
appliances Own delivery fleet
123Inkt.nl Office supplies Parcel delivery carrier 200.000
BCC Electronics & household Parcel delivery carrier, pick- 128.000
appliances up points & own delivery
Score/Chasin’ Fashion Parcel delivery carrier 67.000
Table 9: Online retailers operating in the Netherlands and their estimated shipping volume based on sales
revenue and average parcel value in their product category
(Deloitte, 2014; Levensmiddelenkrant, 2014; Statista, 2014; Twinkle Magazine, 2014)
C Estimates with respect to warehouse
D Data and numerical assumptions of the
vehicle routing problem
1. The distances between nodes are extracted from Google Maps. With this data a directed
distance matrix is created.
2. The customers are all (soon to be) existing logistic service centers and the depot is the
fictional e-commerce distribution center in Driebergen, which is the geographic center of all
Dutch LSCs.
3. Loading a vehicle at the depot takes 35 minutes
4. Unloading a vehicle at a customer takes 11 minutes
5. Monthly costs of a delivery van are €300, including taxes and insurance
6. Monthly costs of a truck are €950, including taxes and insurance
7. The use of a liter of diesel results in the emission of 2,9 kg of CO2
8. A liter of diesel costs €1,35
9. A driver costs €16,25 per hour
10. During a normal delivery, 10% of the time no one is home at the delivery address or the
neighbor’s house, so that the parcel has to be taken back to the depot
11. During an evening delivery, 5% of the time no one is home at the delivery address or the
neighbor’s house, so that the parcel has to be taken back to the depot
12. Daytime distribution and delivery happens in a time window of 8 hours
13. Evening deliveries happen in a time window of 5 hours
(Essen, 2013; Google Maps, 2015; Jochen, Sys, & Vanelslander, 2011; Kuijpers Trading, 2015; Liong
& Loo, 2009; Nellestijn, 2015; Nieman, 2012)
E Estimates with respect to LSCs in Paris
G Model variables
H Integration of e-commerce activities in
distribution centers
Whether a retailer already owns a distribution center or is completely new to the market,
investments are needed in a specialized e-commerce distribution center. Work in e-commerce
distribution centers (EDCs) differs from normal distribution center (DC) operations by a number of
factors. (Bayles & Bhatia, 2000; Hobkirk, 2012; Reiche, 2014)
First of all the shipment sizes are drastically different. Where in normal DCs pallets and/or
multi-item cartons are picked for a shipment, employees in EDCs have to pick separate items
to bundle them into a single small sized shipment. This has several effects; DCs need to keep
a higher stock since their total demand is generally higher. Also DCs need wider pathways to
make them traversable for forklifts and handlers, where EDCs only need path wide enough
for a person or trolley. And since picking is mostly done by hand (when the EDC is not fully
automated) the items have to be on reach height, which means the picking shelves cannot be
higher than a man’s height. Some e-commerce companies try to integrate their e-fulfillment
operations in their already operational DC, later in this paragraph the disadvantages of this
strategy are shown(Castelein, 2012).
Shipments in EDCs require more labor intensive handling per volume shipped. Each
shipment needs to be assembled, packed, weighed, labelled and invoiced separately.
Furthermore, each pack in the warehouse is being ‘touched’ more intensively. In normal DCs
each pallet or carton is touched twice; one time to put it there, and one time to pick it for an
order. In EDCs it is touched one time to place it in the warehouse, and then every time a
product needs to be taken out of it. This entails the need for a larger packing/handling area,
more employees per sales volume and more administrative work.
Where a normal DC ships out fully loaded trucks, EDCs might have to cope with less than
full trucks or delivery vans. This not only increases the kilometer cost per shipping volume,
but also requires a larger vehicle fleet. The online retailer can choose to outsource
distribution, but this reduced the retailers control on distribution, and he will obviously has
to contribute to the carriers profit margins.
An EDC has to handle returned goods. Depending on the company’s policy, handling returns
can be a time consuming business. Unpacking, checking, photographing, administrating,
discarding or re-adding it to the stock, and then possible picking a new product to be sent to
the customer are activities that are related to returns management in the EDC.
As mentioned there are differences between the characteristics of DCs and EDCs when it comes to
picking sizes, shelve sizes, labor intensity, and delivery efficiency. If a worker has to pick individual
items from a normal DC, he has to travel great distances to collect different products for one order,
since products are stored in great volumes and paths are wide. The worker is also unable to reach
some products if pallets are stacked or if boxes are stacked too high. On the other hand, normal DC
operations are hindered by the EDC activities; if a single product has been taken out of a box on a
pallet, the whole box or pallet is immediately unusable for full-box and full-pallet shipment. This
leaves the box standing in the way for regular DC operations and thus renders a whole pallet
location useless for this purpose. Then there is the hassle of dealing with empty boxes that need to
be removed and also require a long route to the dumpster when compared to an optimal EDC facility.
In short, performing e-fulfillment in a regular DC leads to longer picking times, but also hinders the
regular DC operations. It is hence no surprise that a lot of online retailers choose to outsource their
e-fulfillment operations, construct a separate ordering picking area for e-fulfillment activities or
choose to set up a separate warehouse for their online retail customers.
I Vehicle routing problem
To determine the costs of delivery from the e-commerce distribution center to all the logistic service
centers throughout the country by means of own vehicles a vehicle routing problem has to be solved.
This vehicles routing problem is an adaptation of the VRPs as described by Cordeau et al. (1997) and
Desaulniers et al (2005). The parameters, objective function and constraints are described below.
General form
Fleet V contains vehicles denoted as 𝑘. Each vehicle has a weight capacity 𝑞𝑘 and volume capacity 𝑦𝑘
The fleet is heterogeneous, which means that it can contain multiple types of vehicles. In this case a
delivery van and a truck are used, their characteristics are described further on in this chapter.
The graph 𝐺 contains |𝐶| + 2 vertices. The customers are denoted as (1,2, … 𝑛) and the depot is both
node 0 and 𝑛 + 1. Both nodes 0 and 𝑛 + 1 are phisically the same e-commerce distribution center, but
function in this model as the start and end point of any route.
The set of arcs 𝐴, each with their own length 𝑎𝑖𝑗 connects all nodes in 𝑁 to one another.
𝑡𝑖𝑗 is the time it takes to unload the goods at node 𝑖 and to travel from 𝑖 to 𝑗. The unloading time is
constant, where the driving time depends on the nodes as well as on the type of vehicle.
The fixed costs per vehicle are denoted as 𝑝𝑘 and differ per vehicle type.
The costs of using arc (𝑖, 𝑗) are 𝑐𝑖𝑗 and depend on the distance, unloading time, vehicle type and
possibly loading time if 𝑖 = 0. The costs are further elaborated upon in the costs paragraph.
The following objective function minimizes total vehicle and travel costs
The following assumptions have been made in order to not overcomplicate the VRP
Constraints of the VRP
𝑥𝑖𝑗𝑘 ∈ {0,1} ∀ 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 𝑁, ∀ 𝑘 ∈ 𝑉
∑ 𝑥0𝑗𝑘 = 1 ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝑉
∑ 𝑥𝑖,𝑛+1,𝑘 = 1 ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝑉
𝑗 ≠0
𝑖 ≠𝑛+1
None of the arcs can start and end in the same node:
∑ ∑ 𝑥𝑖𝑗𝑘 = 1 ∀ 𝑖 ∈ 𝐶
𝑘∈𝑉 𝑗∈𝑁
If a vehicle arrives at a customer, it also has to leave for the next node:
∑ 𝑥𝑖ℎ𝑘 − ∑ 𝑥ℎ𝑗𝑘 = 0 ∀ ℎ ∈ 𝐶, ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝑉
𝑖∈𝑁 𝑗∈𝑁
∑ 𝑑𝑖 ∑ 𝑥𝑖𝑗𝑘 ≤ 𝑞𝑘 ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝑉
𝑖∈𝐶 𝑗∈𝑁
∑ 𝑧 ∗ 𝑑𝑖 ∑ 𝑥𝑖𝑗𝑘 ≤ 𝑦𝑘 ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝑉
𝑖∈𝐶 𝑗∈𝑁
The vehicle may not be longer away from the depot than is legally allowed:
∑ t ij ∑ 𝑥𝑖𝑗𝑘 ≤ 𝑇 ∀𝑘 ∈ 𝑉
𝑖∈𝑁 𝑗∈𝑁
𝑞𝑘 , 𝑦𝑘 , 𝑐𝑖𝑗 , 𝑑𝑖 , 𝑞𝑘 ≥ 0
𝑡𝑖𝑗 > 0
As a construction heuristic the Savings method (Clarke & Wright, 1964) is used. The heuristic starts
with a single route for each customer, leading from the depot to the customer and back. A savings
matrix is created with each ‘saving’ being the number of kilometers that is driven less by combining
the routes from row i and column j. The heuristic searches for the highest saving in the matrix and
combines the corresponding routes, given feasibility under time and capacity constraints. Once the
routes have been combined the heuristic looks for the next highest saving to be performed. The
heuristic comes to and end when combining routes yields no more savings, all routes have been
combined or there are no savings possible under the given constraints. The Savings heuristic has a
complexity of 𝑂(𝑛2 ∗ log 𝑛 )
Savings algorithm
1. 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑡 𝑎𝑛 𝑖 𝑥 𝑗 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑖𝑗 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑖,𝑛+1 + 𝑑0𝑗 – 𝑑𝑖𝑗
6. 𝐼𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑠 𝑖 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑗 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑎 𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑛𝑦
8. 𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑠 (0, 𝑗)𝑎𝑛𝑑 (𝑖, 𝑛 + 1)𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑣𝑖𝑎 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑟𝑐 (𝑖, 𝑗)
9. 𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑛 𝑗 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝑖 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥, 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑗𝑖 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒
𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥
The improvement heuristic used is a greedy relocate algorithm. One by one it deletes all nodes from
all routes to determine what the cheapest place in any route is to relocate it. Once the cheapest place
in a route is found, the node is placed in that route. Once this node is placed, the cheapest location
for the next node is calculated and so on. The complexity of this improvement algorithm is (𝑛2 ) .
3. 𝑆𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑚 = ∞ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚. 𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ∅
5. 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒 𝑗, 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑐 (𝑗 − 1, 𝑗), 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑐 (𝑗 − 1, 𝑖) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑐 (𝑖, 𝑗)
11. 𝐴𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒 𝑗, 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑐 (𝑗 − 1, 𝑗), 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑐 (𝑗 − 1, 𝑖) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑐 (𝑖, 𝑗)
13. 𝑔𝑜 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝 2
Once the routes have been created, they have to be assigned to vehicles. Routes are assigned to a
vehicle one by one up until the point that a vehicle’s time capacity has been reached or no other
routes can be added without violating the constraint. The unassigned routes are assigned to the next
vehicle and so on.
As stated the costs of using arc (𝑖, 𝑗) depends on a couple of factors. The following formula is used for
this calculation
, with
The same formula is used to compute the costs of scenario IV. Only 𝑡𝑖𝑗 is computed differently, since
it also depends on the time needed for the delivery tour in city 𝑗. 𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑,𝑖 is hence a function of the
time and distance needed for all the deliveries in city 𝑖. Daganzo’s estimation method for city
distribution tours will provide a precise definition of this time function.
J Daganzo’s estimation method for city
distribution tours
This method is used to estimate the costs of one or multiple vehicle tours in a vehicle routing
problem (VRP) without the need for heuristics such as shown in the previous appendix. This
appendix shows the calculation method, and the applications to city delivery using a delivery van
and an electric bike.
Calculation method
In the original method by Daganzo, the delivery area is divided in sub-regions so that vehicle
constraints are not exceeded (Daganzo, 2005). The distance from these sub-regions to the
distribution center, the surface area of these sub-regions and the number of customers are then used
as input for the following formulas.
First of all the total tour distance in a region is calculated by Daganzo as follows
|𝑅𝑖 |
𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖 = ℎ ∗ √ (𝑒𝑖 − 1)
Where |𝑅𝑖 | is the surface area of the region, 𝑒𝑖 the demand in number of addresses and ℎ a
dimensionless scaling factor depending on the metric. However, this formula assumes a Euclidean
metric, which means that the distance between point a and b is a direct function of the coordinates
and does not depend on the roads network that lies between the points. Therefore a weighted
Euclidean norm factor 𝜏 is introduced to correct for the local road network. The Euclidean norm
factor, also known as detour factor, is subject to transportation type and distance. This factor
represents the relation between the Euclidean (or crow-fly) distance between two points, and the
actual distance one needs to travel between those points.(Chalasani & Engebretsen, 2005)
Dividing this by the vehicle speed on delivery tours, and adding up the time it takes for the driver to
get out of his vehicle and drop off the parcel at the address will yield the total time needed for a
delivery tour in a city. This time estimation can be used in the VRP as a substitute for the unloading
time at a LSC in the same city.
|𝑅𝑖 |
𝜏∗ℎ∗√ (𝑒𝑖 − 1)
𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑,𝑖 = + 𝑒𝑖 ∗ 𝑡𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑝
When the fuel, hourly driver and hourly vehicle costs are inserted in the formula, the costs of a
delivery tour in a city can be calculated as follows
|𝑅𝑖 | 𝑐𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟 + 𝑐𝑘
𝜏∗ℎ∗√ (𝑒𝑖 − 1) ∗ (𝑐𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 + ) + 𝑒𝑖 ∗ 𝑡𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑝 ∗ (𝑐𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟 + 𝑐𝑘 )
𝑒𝑖 𝑠𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦
Note that this formula does not include the costs of driving to the city and back to the depot. The
tour length is the distance travelled between the first and last address of the delivery tour in the
This graph does tell us that, unless LSC costs are lower than €1 per parcel, if only one delivery has
to be made in a city, it pays off to do the delivery by your own, instead of using a LSC.
costs per parcel
0 20 40 60 80 100
number of delivery addresses
Figure 29: the costs of a delivery tour in a city with an area of 200 m2, as a function of the number of delivery
Bike delivery pricing
The same method can be applied on the electric bike delivery rounds that run deliveries from LSCs.
These vehicles do the evening delivery routes at consumers’ homes, but do not work exclusively for
these LSCs. This can work as an advantage for the LSCs because even if their delivery volume is
low, this does not necessarily entail a high delivery price, since deliveries are prices by the parcel
rather than distance or time. The costs of bike delivery tours is calculated in the same way as the
truck delivery tours, only the variables are altered. These can also be found in appendix J.
The current price of one parcel delivery in Nijmegen is €2, so delivery costs are assumed to start at
€2 per parcel in every city. It is also assumed that if a high volume shipper starts to use this delivery
channel, the costs for the bike operator drops so significantly that he can also lower his prices. In
order for a bike delivery company to make a 10% markup margin on its expenses, he needs around
0,8 customer per square kilometer, so this is assumed to be the baseline in every city with a LSC;
every bike delivery company has enough customers to guarantee a price of €2, and maintain a 10%
markup margin.
Of course the delivery price eventually depends on the pricing strategy of the electric bike carrier. At
the current rate of €2 per parcel it is also quite possible that the carrier runs at a loss, or is heavily
subsidized. The method used, however, is the most rational way to model the economies of scale that
affect the delivery price.
When the parcels of a high volume shipper are then added to the delivery tours in all the cities, the
delivery tours costs drop. Since the distance between addresses become shorter, less time is spent on
travelling and delivery costs will automatically decrease. They do not decrease in the same rate in
every city, because of the quadratic factor in Daganzo’s formula. The following graph shows the price
reduction due to an increase in efficiency throughout all LSC cities. The price in the graph is a
weighted average. Similar results using a different model are found in a research by Gevaers, Van de
Voorde, & Vanelslander (2014).
Price per parcel
0 100000 200000 300000 400000
Parcels per year
Figure 30: price per parcel of city distribution by a carrier that uses electric delivery bikes
It should be noted that the original graph of the delivery costs by electric bikes has the same shape
as Figure 29, but since the carriers are assumed to have a certain number of customers the ‘peak’ is
not visible on this graph.