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Humanities Test_Paperpedia
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Humanities Test_Paperpedia
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Humanities Test_Paperpedia
The discrimination based on colour caused many
lives and families. The sufferings of Aboriginal
people can never be paid off. Creating
supremacy of any community in the society is
harmful for the others because it can disturb the
balance of the society. The whole idea of
discrimination and assimilation of Aboriginals
into white people in name of civilising them was
never a truth. In 1997 a government
commissioned enquiry recommended
compensation and unreserved apology to the
“Stolen Generations”. By 2001 all State &
territory government had followed. In 2007 after
the events of ‘Sorry Movement’ across the
Australia, the government finally reached bi-
partisan consensus. A new Prime Minister-
Kevin Rudd issued a formal apology on the
behalf of the Parliament and the nation and it is
screened continuously in Indigenous Galleries of
the National Museum of Australia. The Kinchela
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Humanities Test_Paperpedia
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Humanities Test_Paperpedia
1. ( 07: The Stolen Generations)
2. A guide to Australia’s Stolen Generations
- Creative Spirits.
3. The Stolen Generations, a Narrative of
Removal, Displacement and Recovery-
Martin Renes.
4. Kevin Gilbert 1984 [1978]
5. Anna Haebich 2008
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