Main and Backup Loaders
Main and Backup Loaders
Main and Backup Loaders
By default, the main loader is used, but RouterBOARD devices also have a secondary (backup)
bootloader, which can be used in case the main doesn't work. It is possible to call the backup
loader with a configuration setting in RouterOS:
system routerboard settings set force-backup-booter=yes
it is also possible to use the backup booter by turning on the device, with the RESET button
pushed. Sometimes the RouterBOOT receives firmware upgrades (see Changelog). It is only
possible to upgrade the main RouterBOOT, so in case of failure, you can use the backup booter
to start the device and downgrade the main loader. For upgrade instructions, follow the separate
instructions in Manual:Bootloader upgrade
● Hold this button during boot time until LED light starts flashing, release the button to
reset RouterOS configuration (total 5 seconds)
● Keep holding for 5 more seconds, LED turns solid, release now to turn on CAPs mode
(total 10 seconds)
● Or Keep holding the button for 5 more seconds until until LED turns off, then release it to
make the RouterBOARD look for Netinstall servers (total 15 seconds)
Note: If you hold the button before applying power, backup RouterBOOT will be used in addition
to all the above actions. To do the above actions without loading the backup loader, push the
button right after applying power to the device.
For RouterBOARD devices that feature a serial console connector, it is possible to access the
RouterBOOT loader configuration menu. The required cable is described in the Serial console
manual. RouterBOARD serial port is configured to 115200bit/s, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
We suggest to disable the hardware flow control.
This example shows the menu which is available in RouterBOOT 3.19:
RouterBOOT booter 3.19
What do you want to configure?
d - boot delay
k - boot key
s - serial console
n - silent boot
o - boot device
f - cpu frequency
r - reset booter configuration
e - format nand
w - repartition nand
y - active partition
g - upgrade firmware
i - board info
p - boot protocol
b - booter options
t - do memory testing
k boot key The button that will open the configuration menu
y active partition Choose active partition from which to try to load RouterOS
i board info
p boot protocol
Hitting the appropriate keyboard letter will give you a list of further options, they are shown
# d - boot delay:
# k - boot key:
# s - serial console:
# n - silent boot:
Silent boot:
0 - off
* 1 - on
# o - boot device:
# f - cpu frequency:
# e - format nand:
# w - repartition nand:
# y - active partition:
# g - upgrade firmware:
# i - board info:
Board Info:
Board type: CCR1009-8G-1S-1S+
Serial number: 48FF01DDE6FD
Firmware version: 3.19
CPU frequency: 1200 MHz
Memory size: 2048 MiB
NAND size: 128 MiB
Build time: 2014-09-23 15:02:34
eth1 MAC address: 00:0C:42:00:BE:4A
eth2 MAC address: 00:0C:42:00:BE:4B
eth3 MAC address: 00:0C:42:00:BE:4C
eth4 MAC address: 00:0C:42:00:BE:4D
eth5 MAC address: 00:0C:42:00:BE:4E
eth6 MAC address: 00:0C:42:00:BE:4F
eth7 MAC address: 00:0C:42:00:BE:50
eth8 MAC address: 00:0C:42:00:BE:51
eth9 MAC address: 00:0C:42:00:BE:52
eth10 MAC address: 00:0C:42:00:BE:53
# p - boot protocol:
# b - booter options:
#t - do memory testing:
# x - exit setup:
Simple Upgrade
RouterBOOT can be upgraded from RouterOS by:
● Run command /system routerboard upgrade
● Reboot your router to apply the upgrade (/system reboot)]
Note: If you need to install a different version than included in your "routerboard.npk - Upload
the latest RouterBOOT firmware to your router's FTP, the latest firmware is available on and then follow above steps.
In this case you see, that there is a newer version of the Bootloader firmware available already
inside your current RouterOS version.
Note: Downgrade is also possible by uploading *.FWF file with older version
Xmodem Method
If there is no IP connectivity with your RouterBOARD, you can also use the Serial Console
XMODEM transfer to send the FWF file to the router, while connected via Serial Console. From
the Bootloader menu it's possible to upgrade the firmware with this method. This method is the
last resort, and should be used only if the first two methods are not available.