View a catalog of magick at: BecomeALivingGod.com.
Consider this adult knowledge, and not legal or medical advice. Use this
book at your own risk. If any emergency occurs, contact a doctor
immediately. Become A Living God is not responsible for consequences of
actions. This book is for readers of age 18 or older.
Authors: Enoch B. Petrucelly
Foreword: V.K. Jehannum
Editor: Timothy Donaghue
Publisher: Become A Living God
Foreword - V.K. Jehannum
Part 1 - My Life & the Qliphoth
Ch. 1 - My Redemption Story
Ch. 2 - Introduction
Ch. 3 - Preliminaries for Practice
Ch. 4 - Qliphothic Magick
Ch. 5 - Daemoic Tongue
Ch. 6 - Focus Rites
Ch. 7 - Tools & Methods
Ch. 8 - Lilith
Ch. 9 - Gamaliel
Ch. 10 - Samael
Ch. 11 - A'arab Zaraq
Ch. 12 - Thagirion
Ch. 13 - Golachab
Ch. 14 - Gha’agsheblah
Ch. 15 - Daath
Ch. 16 - Satariel
Ch. 17 - Ghagiel
Ch. 18 - Thaumiel
Part 2 - The Stellar Outlands
Ch. 19 - Introduction
Ch. 20 - The Outland Called Death
Ch. 21 - The Outland Called Teemhcsd
Ch. 22 - The Outland Called Zhvmv
Ch. 23 - The Outland Called Gaypg
Ch. 24 - The Outland Called Tsvuts
Ch. 25 - The Outland Called Rpty
Ch. 26 - The Outland Called Chws
Ch. 27 - The Outland Called Acd
Ch. 28 - The Outland Called Tbddwe
Part 3 - Rites of Daemonic Possession
Ch. 29 - Introduction
Ch. 30 - Preliminary Information
Ch. 31 - Possession With Baal
Ch. 32 - Possession With Belial
Ch. 33 - Possession With Naamah
Ch. 34 - Possession With Lilith
Ch. 35 - Possession With Astaroth
Ch. 36 - Possession With Babalon
Ch. 37 - Possession With Lucifuge
Ch. 38 - Possession With Dee
Ch. 39 - Possession With Wtadv
Ch. 40 - Possession With Sdahv
Ch. 41 - Possession With Daers
Ch. 42 - The Rite of Attainment
Part 4 - The Tunnels of Set
Ch. 43 - Introduction
Ch. 44 - Tunnel Twenty-Two Thantifaxath
Ch. 45 - Tunnel Twenty-One Shalicu
Ch. 46 - Tunnel Twenty Raflifu
Ch. 47 - Tunnel Nineteen Qulielfi
Ch. 48 - Tunnel Eighteen Tzuflifu
Ch. 49 - Tunnel Seventeen Parfaxitas
Ch. 50 - Tunnel Sixteen A'ano'nin
Ch. 51 - Tunnel Fifteen Saksaksalim
Ch. 52 - Tunnel Fourteen Niantiel
Ch. 53 - Tunnel Thirteen Malkunofat
Ch. 54 - Tunnel Twelve Lafcursiax
Ch. 55 - Tunnel Eleven Kurgasiax
Ch. 56 - Tunnel Ten Yamatu
Ch. 57 - The Greater Rite of Attainment
Ch. 58 - Tunnel Nine Temphioth
Ch. 59 - Tunnel Eight Characith
Ch. 60 - Tunnel Seven Zamradiel
Ch. 61 - Tunnel Six Uriens
Ch. 62 - Tunnel Five Hemethterith
Ch. 63 - Tunnel Four Dagdagiel
Ch. 64 - Tunnel Three Gargophias
Ch. 65 - Tunnel Two Baratchial
Ch. 66 - Tunnel One Amprodias
Author - Enoch B. Petrucelly
Publisher - Become A Living God
THE forces of the Tree of Death are so egregiously maligned that even
white magickians who work with the Goetic spirits shun the Qliphoth in
ignorance of the fact that most of the demons of the Ars Goetia and
Grimorium Verum are just as Qliphothic as those of the Tunnels of Set.
Among the number of the Black Lodge are countless inept philosophasters
determined the perpetuate the Judao-Christian bastardization of the Tree of
Death. Content to slurp greedily at the putrid udder of mediocrity, these
frauds blaspheme the very forces they seek to venerate.
Fortunately, there are black magickians who are willing to do the work to
channel the true nature of the Nightside and present the spheres and their
spirits as what they truly are, and Enoch B. Petrucelly is pre-eminent among
them. His rare and fantastic insights shed a much needed light on the
Qliphoth, or as Azagthoth calls it, the Black Plane of Chaos.
Daath is the gate to the Black Plane of Chaos, but gate in this context does
not mean entrance—it means barrier. The Qliphoth is only accessible to the
elect: those who are willing to transcend their limitations and transgress
against the orthodoxy presented by benighted Occultists. To all others, Daath
bars access, save to those who can fight their way through the Abyss and
thereby pass the test of Shugal and Choronzon. All those who can presence
the energy and experience the power of the Qliphoth without fighting their
way through Daath are able to do so because Choronzon and Shugal have
granted approval.
The energies of the Qliphoth foster physical, mental, and spiritual well-
being and growth to the celebrant, but not to the uninitiated, save for
children. The increasement of Qliphothic energy within the Cosmos renders
the universe more and more conducive to the manifestation of darksome
entities. When the gates to the Nightside are opened and its forces made
manifest, humanity itself benefits, even as its numbers are culled. Through
the power of the Tree of Death, the Veil will be made to break, such that none
will deny the existence of the Numinous again.
Emissaries of the Black Plane of Chaos guided me since my childhood.
Gargophias was the first demon I saw after I opened my third eye, and she
came to be the first spirit I evoked on my own. I led a coven dedicated to
Hecate which worked extensively with the Nightside, guided by Hecate’s
familiars and patron demons from the Tunnels of Set. The initiations, ordeals,
and permutations of the darksome side of the Numinous became defining
forces in our lives, molding us on every level. Were it not for the Infernal
Divine and the forces of Hecate, most of us would be dead, some of us many
times over.
Niantiel presided over every operation of our necromancy, and Gargophias
over my initiation into various magickal systems. Thantifaxath removed
countless maledictions placed upon my friends and I, and Qulielfi ravaged
my enemies. Temphioth revealed my covenmate’s true name to him in
dream, and Raflifu guided me in pursuing the love of my life. Sythrakor, the
metagod composed of the twenty-two archdemons of the Tunnels of Set,
protected me in a time of extreme danger and thereafter forever transmuted
my essence.
It is only the sorcerers of the Black Lodge who are capable of uncovering
the True Way which lies beyond all religion. As you read this, we work
tirelessly, opening powerful gateways and summoning ancient divinities to
transform ourselves, our societies, and our universe. We welcome the worthy
reader amongst our number, and we anticipate great accomplishments
working in tandem with you, even though you may not be known to us. The
chapters to follow relate the path to an incredible transformation. Once you
have initiated through the entirety of the Qliphoth, you will be an entirely
different person, and an entirely different kind of organism.
The magick of the following text is extraordinarily powerful, unique, and
authentic, and Petrucelly bears a great testament to the transformative power
of the Nightside. He carries a wise yet gentle demeanor alongside great
magickal insight and power, and he’s quite possibly the swollest black
magickian in the game. I hope you enjoy reading one of the best grimoires
I’ve ever studied, and I wish I could be there to watch you try to pronounce
A’ano’nin and Tzuflifu.
Part One
My Life & the Qliphoth
My Redemption Story
Chapter One
IN order for you to appreciate the knowledge found within this book, it is
my intention to describe how it came about that I should be someone who is
worthy of your time to listen to; how it is that my advice on the subject at
hand is worthy of note or veracity. I will start at the beginning and omit
details that are not important for the purpose intended. This is my story and it
is one of overcoming insurmountable obstacles with the power of my Spirit
and the love I had for my Self and for my family.
I will start at the beginning of my life. My name is Enoch B. Petrucelly.
This is my actual given name. I was born to Vincent Petrucelly and Rosanne
Petrucelly at my their home in the small spread out town of Palmyra, Maine.
I was the sixth of eight children born of the same parents. I have five sisters
and two brothers, of whom one is now past away into Spirit. My childhood
was one of isolation from the outside world until I was about twelve years
old. I was home-schooled until this age. My father Vincent was very religious
when it suited his desire to control and isolate myself, my mother Rosanne,
and my siblings. To me at the time, this seemed normal because I did not
know any better. He was a Bible believing man who was quite abusive in
every respect. We did have a lot of land (about sixty acres) that my siblings
and myself freely roamed during our adolescence. We raised our own veggies
and even had animals; goats, horses, chickens, etc. my siblings and I worked
very hard daily, doing gardening, chopping and stacking wood, shoveling
snow. We felt like slaves a lot of the time, but on the other hand we did learn
to work hard at an early age.
From as early as I can remember, I was plagued with nightmares as a child.
Almost every single night for years I would wake up very frightened, sensing
and knowing that I was not alone; I sensed the presence of others. Although
not all the dreams were meant to scare me, the majority of them did just that.
Many of my dreams as a child were warnings about the future, and warnings
about the immediate dangers that I faced daily, living with an abusive parent.
I resented my father as a boy. Even if only on an unconscious level, it was the
case. I experienced many strange things that I did not at all understand at the
time. I would scry at night not knowing what I was doing or what it was
called. I would just stare at the blackness of the open closet across from my
bed…I pretended that I was watching T.V. as visuals of people and events
played out before my eyes. I noticed that when I left my eyes open and
stopped thinking everything around me would turn black as if I were blind. I
asked my mother, "What is that stuff in the air?"
"What stuff?" she said. Not knowing that I was seeing energy and trying to
understand it. I think she wondered if I had eye problems when I asked.
My siblings and I were all sensitive to energy. Especially my sister Sara.
Sara is my older sister (about two years older) who was the most like me in
terms of having paranormal experiences. Even today she is very close to me
in Spiritual views, and in perspectives of the world we live in.
My brother Mike who was a year older also experienced many nightmares
the same as myself. As a child and into my adulthood, Mike was my closest
friend and most honest adviser. Although we were like typical brothers who
were around the same age (he picked on me constantly) we did not really get
along very well until we were in our teens. By the time we were into our late
teens and early twenties, Mike and I spent a lot of time together visiting
friends etc. We did not party much. We just smoked a lot of pot at the time,
as a way of connecting with people.
Let me back up a bit and describe one incident worthy of note. A series of
nights when I was around ten years old that my sister Sara and I had one of
our most intense paranormal experiences. I will describe what I clearly
remember happening. Early one morning myself and my older brother Mike
both stopped to talk to Sara. The three of us were gathered near her bedroom
door when Sara suddenly said to us emphatically "Guys…there is really,
really something in my room at night!"
"Oh, really?" we replied in a relaxed tone (we did not believe her, because
we all had nightmares often at that time). She kept insisting that she was
"serious" and that she was not kidding.
"Okay, okay, I believe you!" I said a little annoyed, but I still did not really
believe that she was being truthful.
Another night passed and I awoke and found that Sara was still lying in
bed when she would have normally gotten up by now. I approached her open
bedroom door and greeted her. She just stared at me with an expression of
fright in her eyes. She looked exhausted and kept looking toward her closet
across from her bed and saying "It's there, do you see it?" I looked at the spot
she was pointing at. There was nothing there.
On the third night of this experience I went to bed as usual, expecting to
wake at daylight, but instead I awoke at about three in the morning and
looked out of my open bedroom door, across the hall, into my sisters room. I
will never forget what I saw. There was grayish-blue light emanating from
her room and I could hear Sara whimpering and saying fearfully "daddy,
daddy, daddy" over and over, she was very frightened of something. I got out
of my bed to get a closer look. I looked into her room from a few feet away
and saw two short beings with pale, white skin, and long skinny necks,
wearing white outfits in her room with her! I stayed calm and watched for a
couple minutes as they walked around in her small bedroom, their footsteps
were audible to my ears. Then one of them looked toward me, his large black
eyes looked into mine. He had a small slit for a mouth and a very small nose.
I knew that they could read my thoughts…they telepathically assured me that
everything would be fine if I returned to my bed and went back to sleep,
which is exactly what I did. From that night forward I have had experiences
in the astral plane with what I call the Outlanders, usually at night I would
communicate and dream about them. Some of them are quite evil and seek to
harm and suppress humanities growth; I call these types "Controllers". They
are not aliens per say, but they are inter-dimensional beings who exist outside
of our Universe. These evil "Controllers" are the ones who work with the
secret governments of the world to slowly poison and dumb-down regular
people. The ones who visited me however were not evil, judging from the
fact that no harm came to us. They were there to protect us or so they have
Needless to say my childhood was not uneventful, but it was not at all the
usual or the norm either. My life became more normal in terms of having
friends other than my siblings after my father died of cancer in the early
nineteen-nineties (I was about 12 years old). Although this was a sad event
for the family, it was for the best. My younger sisters, Mary and Hosanna, my
brother Mike, and my sister Sara and I had all become enrolled in a private
Christian School the next town over because our mother was no longer forced
by our abusive father to home school us. This was an improvement for us
all…but still fucked in a lot of ways. The school shoved religion down our
throats every moment of the day. Literally everything was a "sin against
God" and the only way to go to Heaven was to grovel at God's feet and hate
ourselves for what we were, "dirty rotten sinners.” However, it was still nice
to have other kids as friends and life was better than before.
March 18, 2018
Chapter Two
LEFT Hand Path Magick is not something to delve into without serious
thought and consideration of one's readiness for such an undertaking. It is
some of the most transformative Magick available to people today. As we
(being human beings) well know, transformation is usually an extremely
difficult and often painful process, albeit a very rewarding one as well. This
particular work of Qlipothic Magick is not designed for those who have no
experience with Magickal practice. If you are new to LHP Magick, then I
suggest that you read and work through The Book Of Soul Retrieval by the
present author at the very least before proceeding with this most powerful
and intense work.
Although the end result of working with this Grimoire will be favorable for
you, the path toward the end result of this Magick can be very stressful and
difficult to master. After all, this is the nature of LHP Magick. It is dangerous
in some ways if you are not fully invested and able to keep faith in yourself
while making it through the potentially stressful times that come up.
This Grimoire is written in a way that allows you as a Magickian or Witch
to work with all the Qlipothic forces and Gates without having to necessarily
use any Ritual tools or implements at all. It is best and most effective to use
tools, but you are not required to do so.
A space to do the work is however required. This can be your bedroom or
any space where you are the only one present and no one else spends time in
the room. No disturbance is tolerated working with the Arch-daemons and
other entities. I'm not saying that you will get cursed or anger one of them, I
am saying that it is disrespectful to the Daemonic to allow anything within
your control to disturb your Rites, Evocations, or Journeys; your Magick will
be much more effective with an appropriate space.
You must memorize the Banishing Rite within this Grimoire or another
Banishing Rite of your Choosing before you proceed. I do not recommend
using the Lesser Banishing Rite of The Pentagram, it is an insult to the
Daemonic and to your immortal spirit to rely on such a being as the Hebrew
God. I recommend using a Banishing that is LHP oriented only for this
particular work.
This book is meant to be worked through step by step, chapter by chapter.
No skipping chapters or jumping ahead is permitted or do so at your own
risk. In order to work with this Grimoire correctly you must know how to
pronounce and read "Daemon Tongue".
Daemon Tongue is a Universal language that I received from Lucifer for
the purposes of doing Qlipothic Magick and more. It seems to work very well
for opening gates and for evokations, even without Ritual implements. Blood
is still needed however to open the gates fully and do the evokations properly
that are within this book. Once you open the gates of the Qliphoth, you will
need to be proficient in journeying and astral travel techniques in order to
gain the full benefits of working in these realms. I will detail ahead the
methods that seem to work best for me and for others whom I have talked to.
Astral travel is a term that is used to describe journeying outside of your
body and into various different places and realms/dimensions. I have in my
own personal experience found that there are different levels of astral travel
depending on how relaxed I am. If I am very relaxed and still conscious and
aware I am able to have very vivid and visually clear astral journeying
experiences. If I am only semi-relaxed, then the opposite is the case. This
does not mean that the benefits or purpose of the journey is not
accomplished, but I am simply not as attuned to what is going on in the astral
plain visually. You may find that this is the case for you as well. Astral travel
is an important tool to have if you are working with Qlipothic Magick in
order to get the full benefits and understanding of the system. Without astral
travel, you are kind of stuck on the outside looking in. You never really fully
immerse yourself in the Qlipothic realms.
In this chapter we will go over some methods of journeying or astral travel
that we will be using throughout this book to journey into the Qlipothic
realms. Rather than doing a visualization of a journey as in most other
Grimoires, the spheres of the Qliphoth will be made available to you to
explore at your own peril for empowerment and gaining different energies
and gnosis of each Qlipothic Shell/Sphere.
Before we get into the actual practice of astral projection we will go over a
couple preliminary meditations that are very helpful in constructing an astral
body/shadow body and even a body of light. We do this in order to use
different methods of travel. You will find the one that works best for you
among the methods ahead. Some methods are easier than others, but it
important to know how to do each kind of astral travel method described here
to some extent depending on your intention for the astral journey that you are
embarking on.
Step One
Get comfortable and relaxed in a seated position and begin by slow deep
breathing through the nose. All attention on the breath. Just watch your
breath. Slow inhale and slower exhale.
Step Two
Place your attention on the area of your upper chest where the thymus
gland is located or the Middle Dan-Tien and begin to visualize a Black Flame
here. It is black fire with green light emanating from its outer edges only. The
center is all black. It burns with intensity within your chest.
Step Three
Continue breathing as you focus on this center of energy. See it pulsing
and growing in intensity with each exhale. Continue this visualization for at
least ten minutes.
Step Four
See the center expand out with your exhale and immolate your entire
being with its purifying essence and power. You may see it expand to five to
ten feet in all directions around you, but not beyond this. Do not expand to
ten feet the first time you do it though. Take your time and build up the
density of the flame before doing so. Hold the flame in its expanded state,
make it more and more dense as you focus on the flames engulfing you. Feel
this flame unifying all parts of your Self. Feel yourself becoming more and
more powerful with each breath. Do this for another ten to twenty minutes
before closing the meditation.
The External Astral Shadow Body
Building an external astral body can be desirable for projecting without
having to do exit techniques that require a tremendous amount relaxation. It
is an easy way to journey consciously and even to remote view or gain
information about whatever you desire, without going through all the steps of
a full body projection. It allows the adept to gather energies or receive gnosis
the same as if they did a full body astral projection. The time will come when
these steps will not be needed; seeing and traveling will be instant and easy to
do, but until then this technique is a helpful step.
One can build an astral body out of black light/dark energy, or one can
make it appear as they look in their physical body. It can look however you
want it to look. You may even create a body that is shaped like that of your
favorite animal. For example a bird of some kind. It can even be made into
mythical or atavistic creatures as well, like a werewolf for example, but be
sure what you create for a body matches your intention. If you are going to a
plane or sphere where you are not worried about being attacked by astral
denizens, then you may use your normal human form. If you are entering a
plane where there are a lot of aggressive vampiric entities, then I would
advise something more suited to that particular venue. It is best to blend in to
some extent. But once again that may not be your intention. You may want to
get noticed in some cases.
Some Magickians advise that one should take a form to match exactly the
inhabitants of the plane you are entering, in order to show respect to them.
Personally I have found it better to be authentic and be what I am (a human
traveler) in most planes I have journeyed into, but this is entirely up to you.
Step One
Begin by lying down or being seated comfortably with your head
supported. If you tend to fall asleep lying down then do this in a seated
position. Breathe through the nose. Inhale slowly and exhale as slow as you
can without feeling suffocated or like you need to gasp for air. Just focus on
your breathing and get very relaxed. Make sure there is no tension in your
body. Mentally check each area of your body from your feet to your head for
tension and release that tension with your breathing.
Step Two
Begin to connect to the energies of the above. The Abyss energies high
above you. This is a watery energy and is connected to the Dark Goddess
and/or the Dragon. See a beacon or node that represents your connection to
the darkness of the above. Now see this node draw in the dark energies
around it with your inhale. And when you exhale the energies comes down
into the top of your head and into your upper chest area, where your thymus
gland is situated. Allow the energies to accumulate here until they are
substantial and overflowing.
Step Three
Now send the energy out of your chest to a point about five feet in front
of you and allow it to accumulate here into a formless mass.
Step Four
Shape the energy into the animal, combination of animals or animal-
human hybrid that you desire to appear as. You may also shape it into any
other form that you desire.
Step Five
Now you may project your awareness or mind into the vehicle. This can
be tricky, but practice makes perfect. See yourself as a ball of light or shadow
and enter the head of the shell you have created. You may also give the shell
that you have created, commands that it can fulfill without you having to be
present controlling it. Basically you can treat it as a familiar and gather
information or whatever it is you want to do. If you decide to do this, then do
not synchronize your consciousness with the shadow body.
Step Six
After you are done journeying, go back to your body or call the shell
back to you. Now it is important to reabsorb this energy or thought-form
you have created in order to prevent problems. Inhale deeply and draw
the shell back into your chest absorbing all the energy back into you. If
your intention was to charge your astral body with a specific energy then
allow that energy to be absorbed into the area of your body that you
desire. Open your eyes slowly and get reoriented with the physical
Creating a shadow body is done by doing a certain meditation that
has been circulating for many years; only here it is altered to suit our
LHP-oriented needs. You may have read of it before if you have been
into spiritual practice for a long time. It involves using the energies of
your Upper Dan-Tien to create a light body for travel and other psychic
activities. It is easily done and it should be done daily for a few months
to build your astral body up for easier travel. Use this technique along
with The Black Flame Meditation for a few months to develop your
projection skills. Do not forget to practice astral travel itself as well, at
least every other day to develop the skill fully. You do not need to do
this method if you are creating an external astral body, but I still
recommend it for overall development.
Step Two
Focus on the miniature Black Sun in the center of your brain as you
breathe, feel it grow in intensity, it shines brighter and brighter with a
radiance of light that is blinding, with utter darkness in its center. Do this for
ten minutes.
Step Three
See the miniature Black Sun grow to a size that encompasses your entire
head. Continue to visualize it growing in intensity.
Step Four
See the dark light energies come out the top of your head and shower
down onto your entire body as you take it all in and soak up this warm,
healing and empowering energy. Stay is this shower of black light last as
long as you like. I recommend that you do it for at least ten minutes before
closing the meditation.
Step Two
Continue to breathe and focus on sinking into a state of hypnosis or a
state in which you begin to see images in your mind's eye with clarity. This
state of being almost asleep is where projection is most easily or most
effectively done. Getting to this state is the trick that eludes most beginners
Step Three
Now once you are very relaxed, you may now attempt to roll out of your
body If you are lying down. If you are seated you may choose to become
aware of your astral hands and imagine a ladder hanging down in front of
you. Take the ladder with your hands and begin to climb it until you feel
yourself begin to get pulled out of your body. Continue to climb until you
achieve a good separation and you can see the room around you. It may be
very faint at first, but keep practicing until you get a clearer image. It may
never be as clear as when you are in your physical body, but as long as you
can see your surroundings you can project from here.
Step Four
Return to your body once your work is done. Do not get discouraged if
your first attempts fail. Keep practicing until you train your unconscious
mind to project on its own. This may happen in the middle of the night while
you are asleep for example. The more that you practice exiting, the more it
trains your unconscious mind to project from a dream state or even when you
lay down for a nap. Keep practicing until it happens involuntarily or
Another easy means of projecting is to use sigils. You can absorb a sigil
into your unconscious mind before bed for example. The sigil may have a
specific intention i.e. projecting from sleep into a specific Qlipothic Sphere.
Making sigils is not hard to do. I will provide a Gateway sigil for each
different Qlipothic Shells ahead as well as the Gateway Sigils of the Stellar
Outlands. You may want to create a specific sigil for initiating astral travel
and combine it with each Gateway Sigil that you work with in later chapters
for travel into the specific sphere from dream for a rich astral travel
experience. You may even have good results doing the opening ritual of the
desired Gateway then going to bed right after and recording your dreams
when you awaken.
MY goal for this book is to give the reader new info regarding the
subject of Left Hand Path Magick and Qlipothic Magick rather than repeating
the same stuff from other books out there. With that said, I will do my best to
give you the info you need without repeating too much. I do however
recommend that you read other books on the subject if you are new to this
specific type of practice.
This book will focus on how this Magick can help a person in day to day
life as well as helping them grow spiritually. I feel that this is important
because day to day life is intimately connected to spiritual health and
conversely taking the right actions in day to day life affects spiritual health
very much so.
Cese To fight
Cuh To hear
De (dee) To let it be
Dah To show support
To speak
To write
To promise
To resist change
To resist
Heb (heeb)
To keep honor
J-15 To have good luck
To expect change
Key (kee) To run
Kah To put pressure on
To emphasize
K-16 To keep pressure on
To rephrase
To be in love
To redesign
To be reflective
To listen
To be sure
To journey
To feel growth
To feel guilty about something
To raise
Daef (day-ef) To be truthful
Oo-ay To fix mistakes
U-5 To do detail work
To ready
Ges (jes)
To think a thing into existence
V-11 To confuse
Daef (day-ef)
To restructure reality
To be subtle
Ede (eeday)
To see your ability
To journey
Daemon Tongue Alphabet
Second Wave
To remain
Debadi To wilt
A-275 Aeeah To heed
To polish
To understand
To write
Aya To know
Aiya To test
A-17 To hate
To speak
To protect oneself
To be afraid
To concede
To burn
Dib (Deeb) To wish
Dee To fantasize
D-75 To sear
To envenom
To defeat
Dee To reflect
Dee-ef To council
D-80 To refute
To be psychic
To weave
Vaf To understand change
Ded To underestimate
To be dependable
To use stealth
To be serious
Zae To exhaust
Dia To go without stopping
D-11 To lift
To understand why
To be more grateful
To playback without sound
Dis To manipulate
Die To squeeze
To think
To see
E-86 To be
To rest
To live amongst
Feed To be antisocial
Fee To regret nothing
F-23 To be sincere
To heal the soul
Zaea(Zayah) Fee-ah
Peace of mind
To rest
Jeu (Jew) To resolve
Jee To honor
G-93 To discover
To maintain balance
To enjoy time
H-79 To recover fully from sickness
To exercise
To beat
To flow
To meditate
To banish
K-99 To excuse
To resist the temptation to divide
Ki yourself
Kia To heal a wound
K-46 To resent the person who harmed you
To conquer fear
To Nay (horse nay)
To cope with indecision
To imprison
To strengthen through resistance
Ray To reign
Ree To rise or elevate
To get lucky
To substitute
To strengthen
To raid
To excel
To feed
Reah To build
Ree-ah To re-live
To see time changing
To take a layer off
S-89 To change one's outlook
To heed
To know more than you think
S-178 To believe
To be more resolute
Didz To breathe
Tes To serve
T-7 To loose (untie)
To clean
To take charge
V-2 To imitate
To be grumpy
To slay
To rave
Vee To Will
Vee-ess To desire
V-22 To know
To read
To improve upon
W-32 To ripen
To banish
To be unique
Z-78 To believe in Self
FOCUS Rites are needed to give your rituals a structure and allow you to
access the deep parts of your mind and make your Magick more effective as
well as allowing you to encircle yourself in the currents of the Daemonic.
This is helpful in this kind of Magickal practice for various reasons.
It can be hard to access specific vibrations or currents of energy if you are
not attuned to them. That being said, the following Rites will attune you to
the Qlipothic energies and help you to synchronize with them enough to have
an energetic communion with them.
The First two Rites in this chapter are designed to bring these energies in.
The third Rite called The Cleansing Rite Of The Goddess is for dispersing
these energies when you are finished. Of course some of the energies that you
evoke remain within you and change you depending on what your goals for
the specific Rite were, even after you use the Cleansing Rite Of The Goddess.
The last Rite we will learn in this chapter is the Cursing Rite. It is used if you
need to fight off astral spirits trying to interfere in your Magick that are not
easily removed by Banishing alone.
Step One
Take your Athame and point to the North. Intone the opening of the
Abyss in Enochian:
Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas
…or in Daemon Tongue
See Baal enter your Temple wearing his gold armor and horned
helmet. He is usually holding a spear in his left hand and He may also be
holding a shield in his other hand. He looks similar to depictions of the
legendary hero Achilles. Feel the buzzing, masculine energies
emanating from Baal. Feel his strength permeate your own aura and
energy. The strength to conquer any challenge in your life.
You may call the Tribe of A'arab-Zaraq (Ravens of Dispersion) by
chanting the following.
Step Two
Stand facing the West and begin to visualize and focus your mind on the
Daemoness Lilith as you intone the following words in Daemon Tongue.
See a dark, oval portal open in the West. Then see the ancient,
unbound Lilith emerge with a daemonic regality and grace about her.
Her life giving essence and richness of feminine sensuality and power
engulf you. Her eyes are pitch black and echo an ancient wisdom
unknown to mortal man.
Now call the Tribe of Gamaliel if desired.
Step Three
Stand facing the South focusing your mind on Samael as you intone the
See Samael come in a flash of bright light. In a instant he appears in
the South as fire itself. His form is not dense but rather a fiery essence
filling the Southern quarter. You feel your body temperature rising in his
presence as you stand facing him.
Now call his Tribe of Bairiron into your space.
Step Four
Turn to the East and call unto the Infernal Emperor Lucifer. Focus your
mind on him as you intone the words.
See Lucifer levitate through your walls and into your ritual space or
chamber as an astral wraith. Wearing his golden crown with emeralds
encircling its periphery. He holds his scepter in his right hand. Feel his
energies empower your mind and spirit with dark enlightenment.
Now you may call his Tribe of Thaumiel into your space.
Complete the Circle by turning again to the North.
Closing the Circle Of Leviathan:
(Name of Spirit)
Name of Baal in Daemon Tongue:
Name of Lilith in Daemon Tongue:
Name of Samael in Daemon Tongue:
Fay-Tee-Ah Eh-Vee-Zie
Name of Lucifer in Daemon Tongue:
Step One
Stand facing the East with your Athame in your right hand pointing
toward the East. Now trace the Inverted Cross in a burning red color in the air
before you and intone the following words in Daemon Tongue as you
visualize the Inverse Cross:
I lead you away from here. To lead away from.
This in an initiatory sense means to let go of that which is not serving
you. Now see yourself walking away from forces who wish to control you.
See yourself becoming free!
Step Two
Turn to the North and trace the Inverse Cross once again and intone the
following in Daemon Tongue:
To divide in two or to separate.
This means to separate yourself from the mundane world. To flip the coin
of manifestation and exist in a different place or state. See your world unwind
piece by piece and see the God or Goddess within emerge as you make a
gesture or sign of opening.
Step Three
Turn to the West and repeat the tracing of the Inverse Cross and intone
the words in Daemon Tongue:
To let it be/to let it go.
Now bring your individual perceived flaws to mind and let them go. Let
them be…
Step Four
Turn to the South and trace the Inverted Cross. Then intone the words in
Daemon Tongue:
To surrender your ego and become.
To become one with your Inter-Dimensional-Self.
See yourself stepping out of your own way and becoming powerful.
Doubt and fear fall away. Now face the East once again. While visualizing
the Inverted Cross burning in each direction and holding your hands out to
your sides state out loud.
I surround and encircle my being with the Infernal Powers of the
Qliphoth. That I may better myself and become the God/Goddess that is
within me. Lilith come! Attune me to the currents of the Qlipha of my
choosing. Lucifer come! Let the essence of the Dragon flow freely through
Step One
Face East with your Athame in your hand at the ready. Now trace the
First Inverse Pentagram visualizing it glowing before you like a flaming neon
sign. Let the color be whatever your imagination gravitates to. Now point to
the center of this shining Pentagram with your Athame as you intone the
words (vibrate your voice like you were saying a chant):
Zie-Tee-Ee-Ray x3
Then say:
By the light of Isis, Guardian of the Land Of Khem,
let my spirit, mind and body be defended from evil Will!
See Isis descend from above with her scepter in hand, her wings fully
outspread. She lands directly front of you and turns toward the East away
from you warding all Evil from you and your space with her Magick, her
wings, and her scepter. Feel her fierce presence fully deflecting your enemies
advance as bolts of lightning flash from the clouds above.
Step Two
Face the North and repeat the tracing of the Inverse Pentagram, point to
the center and intone:
Vee-Dah-Ee-Tee-Fie-Ooay-Ee x3
Then say:
Through the radiant essence of Hathor,
may my spirit be uplifted and made whole!
See a massive blue and gray whirlwind of Hathor's power come rushing
to you and encircle your aura. Her power uplifts you, removes negative
energies, heals you and restores your aura.
Step Three
Step Four
Face the South and trace the Inverse Pentagram once again, pointing to
the center intone:
Eh-Bah-Fie-Dah-Meh-Fay x3
Then say:
By the Will of Astarte, may my path be clear and my vision be sure!
See Astarte come from the South in a fiery flash of light enshrouded by
darkness. Take a moment to allow her to impart to you her blessings and
powers of clarity. She will often reveal obstacles and enemies in your path.
Step Five
Stand facing the East with arms raised out from your sides facing North
and South say:
Before me Auset-Sekhmet! Behind me Babalon-Hecate!
At my right Venus-Inanna!
At my left Het-Heru-Isis! For about me shines the Pentagram
and within me burns the heart the Goddess for all time!
Cursing Rite
The following Cursing Rite that is to be used as a preliminary before the
Rites ahead if needed, especially the Possession Rites in this Grimoire. It is
important because of certain entities known as archons, Controllers, reptilian
beings and astral parasites that often try to interfere in Rites of empowerment.
They are nasty fuckers that need to be kicked in the teeth, hard, every so
often in order to make real progress with spiritual growth. This Rite is not
usually a necessary step until Part Three, however I do highly recommend
that you perform it as needed during your trek through this Grimoire and if
you want the best results possible in performing the Magick ahead. For more
info on the specific entities that are being targeted by this Rite see The Book
Of Soul Retrieval. The Rite itself is very simple and does not always require
a deep trance state. Just follow the steps with a clear intention and it will
work well.
The Cursing Sigil of Babalon
Step One
Prepare your space for the Rite, keep it simple. Have your Altar setup
with the usual ritual tools and place the Cursing Sigil of Babalon centrally on
the Altar with the intention statement written on the reverse side of the paper:
It is my Will to Destroy, Curse, Devour, and Bind in all time, all my
spiritual or inter-dimensional enemies who intend to harm me or interfere
with my
Magick! So Be It!
Incense is not required, but you may use it if you want. One black or red
candle should be placed on the Altar. Before you begin, perform the
Cleansing Rite of The Goddess.
Step Two
Step Three
Once you feel her presence, state your intention, then begin to
vibrate/chant the curse word, again using the Numerical Formula if desired:
Continue to chant and concentrate on drawing in the pure vital chi
energies of your enemies as they are battered by your curse. Make sure your
intention is to make the energy your own, and be careful not to draw in
impurities. If you are unsure of how to do it, just focus on the cursing itself.
Step Four
When finished, state your Will again and then burn the Cursing Sigil of
Babalon, then meditate and devour for a few more minutes, and give Babalon
the Grateful Farewell:
Step Five
Now close The Circle of Leviathan and begin your other Rites as
soon as you are ready.
Tools & Methods
Chapter Seven
IN this chapter I will explain some tools and methods needed for this
kind of practice. I will not be going over the ritual tools such as the Athame
or Pentacle, but rather the tools needed for this specific kind of Magick.
One should place the point of the triangle in the direction which the
daemon is associated with for best results. Usually North and sometimes
West for this particular work. Place the Sigil of the Daemon in the center of
the Manifestation Triangle or if you are using a skull of some kind as a tool,
place the skull in the triangle and paint the sigil of the Daemon on the skull or
another option is to make the Manifestation Triangle large enough to contain
the paper sigil and the skull you are using. If the skull is outside the borders
of the circle in the triangle it will still work fine.
THE realm or shell/husk of Lilith is the first gateway one should open
when tapping into this kind of Magickal Practice. It is the averse
manifestation of the Sephirah Malkuth on the Tree of Life. Malkuth is the
associated with Earth (the center of the Circle Of Nine). The translation of
Malkuth is "kingdom". Lilith translates to mean "The Evil Woman" This is
where it all begins. It is considered the gateway to all Qliphoth of the Averse
Tree. It is the Gateway to Sitra Ahra, or the "other side". This means the evil
side of the Kabalistic Tree of Life. Here you will likely meet Naamah/
Nehemoth the ruling Arch-Daemoness of the realm or her sister Lilith.
Naamah and/or Lilith will guide you through the realm and aid you in
understanding the work that you will be doing. The realm of Lilith usually
looks like a large dark cave with jagged rocky walls. It can appear to be a
large cave or more like a tunnel at times. The cave is alive and constantly
morphing into different manifestations of itself. It changes as the you, the
Initiate, also change.
You may run into very erotic looking female succubae, within this cave.
Their skin is a pale white and covered with sweat and moisture like they just
had sex. They all have dark black hair. These beings are referred to as the
children of Lilith and they are usually harmless as long as you do not cross
them. They may desire to have sex with you in dream or in astral form. It is
up to you to do so or not, but it is advisable only if you want to and also if
you need the release. It is an energy exchange that will require some of your
life-force or Chi in order to be done. One does however usually receive
energy and often gets empowered in return.
Within the Qlipha of Lilith, the Demon King Azazel is sometimes present
sitting on his black throne. He is there as a guide for the Initiate of his
choosing or he may just be present as you explore the realm.
The primary benefits of exploring the realm of Lilith are the experience of
gaining clarity about what you want in your life and the release of doubt is
felt as well. The Initiate realizes that they have no reason to follow the lead of
others. They realize that they must build themselves up and become defiant in
their approach to life. Here in the realm of Lilith one meets and realizes or in
some cases, confronts (if they fear it) their true lusts and desires. The things
that they keep repressed come to the surface here. Their dark and hidden
secrets are revealed and must be understood before one moves to next realm.
Ahead you will find two different techniques or ways of doing the work of
this and the other Qliphoth. The first technique that I will describe requires
minimal tools. All you will need is a space, the Chant of Opening Lilith and
also a means of extracting a drop of blood from your finger in a clean and
safe way. The second method is for those who prefer to use a full ritual
setting and who have the tools to do so. I wanted to include the method that
requires almost no tools for those who have less available to them, but still
want to learn this important gnosis. Also, you will find the method of doing a
full evokation of Naamah in last part of this chapter. This is the format that
will be followed for the remaining ten Qliphah and beyond. The focus Rites
can be used whether you are using a full ritual setting or not. It is important to
use the Cleansing Rite Of The Goddess either way in order to clear your
space before and after the Rites or journeys.
The Chant of Opening the Gate of Lilith evokes a certain feeling and
image into the mind of the Initiate or Witch. The image shown below is a
general symbolic representation of the image evoked or called from the Void
when one intones the Chant of Opening. You will find other images of each
Opening Chant in later chapters as well. The image below represents the
rending of the veil as an inner change rather than an outer one; which opens
the way to rest of the Qliphothic Tree.
Step Two
Prick your finger with the needle or lancet and place a few drops into the
offering receptacle. You may also write your intention on a small piece of
paper and drop your blood on the intention instead or in addition.
Step Three
Make sure that you have a specific location within your space where you
choose to open the Gate Of Lilith and then proceed with intention,
sing/vibrate the Chant of Opening the Gate of Lilith. Intone the Chant in
Daemon Tongue:
Visualize the Gate opening now as you chant. Continue chanting as you
see the Gate or portal open in you place you choose. It appears as a oval
shaped black hole, large enough for you to fit through.
Step Four
Lay down or sit in a very comfortable chair that will support your head as
well as the rest of your body. I prefer to lay on my couch for this method, feet
facing East. Begin the astral projection procedure of your choice. Pick the
one that works best for you.
Step Five
Once you have exited your body enter the Gate of Lilith and respectfully
call Lilith or Naamah to guide you unless they are already present when you
enter. To call Lilith or Naamah just chant their names rhythmically until they
come. Allow the journey to take place and go with the flow. Do not try to
control it too much. For now just try to remember the symbols you see and
the different sensations and feelings that you get. Visions may come during
the journey as well. Feel what these mean while you see them and after when
you contemplate them.
Step Six
After you are done journeying through the realm of Lilith, return to the
portal and back to your body. Make sure you reintegrate the energy of your
astral body completely before opening your eyes and getting up.
Step Seven
Be sure to thank the guides that worked with you. Then close the Circle
of Leviathan and banish with the Cleansing Rite of the Goddess. It is
important to banish after doing this Rite and the Rites ahead because you are
dealing an open astral gateway by which other spirits could potentially come
through that are not wanted. Be sure to write down everything you remember
about the journey because this information may be important later on.
Step One
Set up your altar and place the Gateway sigil in the center or leaning
directly against the Pyramid shaped stone in the center (assuming you
are using one). If you are using an obsidian/black mirror then place the
Sigil against it.
Light any candles you have for lighting, and also light any incense
sticks or the charcoal tablet if you are using resin incense.
Step Two
Begin by banishing/clearing your dedicated space with the Cleansing Rite
Of The Goddess and then Cast The Circle Of Leviathan, and proceed to do
the Rite Of Rebellion. All should be done with the Athame.
Step Three
Prick your finger and place your blood directly on the Gateway Sigil Of
Lilith. Gazing at the Gateway begin the Chant of Opening.
Continue to chant over and over until you feel a shift in the energy of the
room. You should feel a change if you are sensitive enough.
Step Four
Be seated or lay down if you prefer. Whisper over and over:
Naamah and Lilith, daemonic and beautiful Queens Of The Night,
guide me into your Gateway allow me to embrace the splendor of your
...rhythmically as you enter a trance from which you can journey or
project into the Gateway Of Lilith with the method of your choosing (usually
projecting with a created external shadow body works best in a ritual
Step Five
Once you are inside the realm of Lilith, you should see or sense Lilith or
Naamah there waiting for you. Ask her to encircle you in her gnosis and
guide you to the power you seek.
Step Six
Upon your return to your body, thank all the daemons present including
she who guided you and then close the circle and banish. Remember to write
down what you experienced within the realm of Lilith.
Evokation of Namaah
The following Rite is for Evoking Naamah who is the ruling Arch-
Daemoness of the Qlipha Lilith. Namaah usually manifests as a very
therionick or beastial type woman. In my experience of evoking her she often
appears to be similar to the Spider Goddess known as Arachne, but she is not
the same entity. When she takes this form she appears to have many spider-
like arms and legs as well as what appear to be horns on her forehead. Her
skin is a dark scarlet red color. She is very animated and active in her
gestures. She speaks with a hissing tone of voice, jagged and raspy.
According to Asenath Mason in Qliphothic Meditations Naamah will usually
appear in a luxury outfit, her hair is black and she has pale skin. Personally I
have never seen Naamah appearing this way, but she does take on many
forms. For that reason keep an open mind as to what comes through when
you do this evokation.
Naamah is evoked for help, knowledge or advice regarding things
associated with the first Qlipha Lilith. The Qlipha Lilith of course
corresponds with the physical plain, therefore she is a good Daemoness to
evoke when one has a desire to manifest what they want into the physical
reality. Tangible, measurable things and achievements. Most importantly,
Naamah is evoked to access the Qliphoth on all levels. She is the Gatekeeper
of the Qliphoth. Naamah is the Dark Goddess in a primal form and is very
connected to the Earth as well as to the Qlipha of Sathariel which is the
averse of the Sephirah Binah, which corresponds to the planet Saturn. There
seems to be a deep connection between the Earth and Saturn in many ways.
The Qlipha of Lilith and the Qlipha of Sathariel are also subsequently
Sigil of Naamah/Nahemoth
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed. It is
advisable to use a quality incense for this evokation, but it is however not
necessary. Have a needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The
Manifestation Triangle of Lilith should be placed on the Altar pointed to the
North. Place the Sigil of Naamah in the circle within the Triangle. The Sigil
should be drawn on a blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy from this
book. Write an intention statement on the back of the sigil if desired. Use
black candles on the Altar. One on each side of the triangle. When you are
ready, light any candles in the room for lighting, then light the charcoal if you
are using Resin incense. Now pick up your Athame and do the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess.
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Naamah, chanting her name as you do so (which is written on the sigil in
Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant Of Evokation for Naamah.
Say the chant until you feel a change in the atmosphere of the room. You
should start to feel the presence of Naamah. Now as you gaze at the Sigil
begin to say rhythmically:
Naamah! Sister of Cain, Daughter of Darkness,
appear before me and lead me away from God!
...continue chanting as you gaze, feel your third eye pulse with the
energies of Naamah's presence and then be seated and commune with her.
Step Five
When you are finished you may thank Naamah and burn her Sigil with
the intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and keep
it in a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it.
Step Six
Now say the following Gratitude statement to Naamah.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Bah-Fuh-Ohay-Dah-Ooay--Ah
Close the circle and banish the space. Be sure to record any visions
that you receive as well as any other psychic impressions. Record the
whole interaction the best that you can.
Chapter Nine
Step Two
Prick your finger with the needle or lancet and place a few drops into the
offering receptacle. You may also write your intention on a small piece of
paper and drop your blood on the intention instead or in addition.
Step Three
Make sure that you know the specific location within your room that
faces the Moon or the Overworld and hold this space in your mind. Proceed
with intention to open the Gate in this position, sing/vibrate the Chant Of
Opening for the Gate of Gamaliel. Intone The Chant in Daemon Tongue.
Visualize the gate opening now as you chant. Continue chanting as you
see/visualize the gate or portal open in the place of your choosing. It appears
as a oval shaped black hole, large enough for your astral body to fit through.
Step Four
Lay down or sit in a very comfortable chair that will support your head as
well as the rest of your body, feet facing East, or facing the Gate itself. Begin
the astral projection procedure of your choice. Pick the one that works best
for you. I recommend creating an external shadow body as described in
Chapter One.
Step Five
Once you have exited your body, enter the Gate of Gamaliel and
respectfully call Lilith to guide you unless she is already present when you
enter. To call Lilith just chant her name rhythmically until she comes. Allow
the journey to take place and go with the flow. Do not try to control it too
much. For now just try to remember the symbols you see and the different
sensations and feelings that you get. Visions may come during the journey as
well. Feel what these mean while you see them and after when you
contemplate them.
Step Six
After you are done journeying through the realm of Gamaliel, return to
the portal and back to your body. Make sure you reintegrate the energy of
your astral body completely before opening your eyes and getting up.
Step Seven
Be sure to thank the guides that worked with you. Then close the Circle
of Leviathan and banish with the Cleansing Rite of the Goddess. Be sure to
write down everything you remember about the journey because this
information may be important later on.
Step One
Set up your altar in the North or the West (it does not have to face the
Moon when using the Gateway Sigil) and place the Gateway sigil in the
center or leaning directly against the Pyramid shaped stone in the center
(assuming you are using one). If you are using an obsidian or black mirror
then place the Sigil against the front of the mirror and remove the pyramid
from the altar. Light any candles that you have for lighting, and also light any
incense sticks or the charcoal tablet if you are using resin incense.
Step Two
Begin by banishing/clearing your dedicated space with the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess and then Cast the Circle of Leviathan, and proceed to do the
Rite of Rebellion. All should be done with the Athame.
Step Three
Step Four
Be seated or lay down if you prefer. Whisper over and over:
May the nourishing darkness of Gamaliel envelope and sustain me. Lilith!
Regal Daemoness come and grant me entrance into your realm!
Chant rhythmically as you enter a trance from which you can journey or
project into the Gateway of Gamaliel with the method of your choosing. I
have found projecting with a created external shadow body works best in a
ritual setting.
Step Five
Once you are inside the realm of Lilith, you should see or sense Lilith
there waiting for you. Ask her to encircle you in her gnosis and guide you to
the power that you seek or state whatever your intention for this journey is.
Step Six
Upon your return to your body, thank all the daemons present including
Lilith who guided you and then make sure your energies are completely
reintegrated before opening your eyes. Now close the circle and banish. Write
down everything you can remember about the journey.
Evokation of Lilith
The Evokation of Lilith is done for all things pertaining to the Qlipha of
Gamaliel. This includes anything involving the astral plane, dream plane,
feminine energies and knowledge of the feminine life giving Goddess
currents, the discovery and use of latent sexual energies, lust, and Witchcraft
in itself to name some reasons.
One may evoke Lilith in order to gain a lover or romantic partner, to end a
relationship, to create a new life (as in conceiving a child or creating a
servitor). She is a life giving force as well as a destructive force when need
be. She is a good Daemoness to evoke for dream gnosis or inducing lucid
dreams. One may ask her for a succubus or incubus to have sexual congress
in the dream plane if desired as well. These are only some suggestions. Use
your own discretion and intuition when deciding why you are evoking Lilith.
It may be for a completely different reason than the ones I mention. Always
be clear with your intention when you ask her for her help. Never ask her for
help without respectfully giving her a gift either when you ask or afterward.
A gift being a few drops of your blood or some incense for example, but once
again use your discretion. Some situations may come when you need to
evoke her in a more impromptu manner without worrying about offering
blood. This is true for all the Arch-daemons once you start working with
them in a closer way.
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed. Use a
quality incense for this evokation, but it is however not necessary. Blood is
the most important gift you can give to your intention. Have a needle or
diabetes test lancet ready for use. The Manifestation Triangle Of Lilith should
be placed on the Altar pointed to the North or West. Place the Sigil Of Lilith
in the circle within the Traingle. The Sigil should be drawn on a blank piece
of paper, or you may scan a copy from this book. Write an intention
statement on the back of the sigil if desired. Use black candles on the Altar.
One on each side of the triangle. When you are ready, light any candles in the
room for lighting, then light the charcoal if you are using Resin incense. Pick
up your Athame and do The Cleansing Rite Of The Goddess.
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Lilith, chanting her name as you do so (which is written on the sigil in
Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant of Evokation.
Say the chant until you feel a change in the atmosphere of the room. You
will feel the presence of Lilith. Now as you gaze at the Sigil begin to say
Darkling of the Night! Lilith! Arise and coil your venomous serpents
about me! May your gnosis and power envelop my being!
…continue chanting as you gaze, feel your body and mind's eye pulse
with the energies of Lilith's presence and then be seated and commune with
her. Lilith is a very sensuous being and her presence may cause you to feel
sexually aroused. You may invite her to join you sexually if you desire to do
Step Five
When you are finished be sure to thank Lilith and burn her Sigil with the
intention of your wish manifesting, or you may fold the sigil up and keep it in
a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once it is done. Keep
the Sigil if it is a continuing goal, like self-growth and progress for example.
Step Six
Now say the following Gratitude statement to Lilith.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Vee-Zie-Eh-Yee
Close the circle and banish the space. Be sure to record any visions
that you receive as well as any other psychic impressions. Record the
communications and results.
Chapter Ten
THE Qlipha of Samael, meaning the "Poison of God" is the third Qlipha
of the Tree of Daath that we will explore. It is the Averse sphere to the
Sephiroth Hod (meaning "Glory") on the dayside Tree Of Life. The
corresponding planet is Mercury. Things may start to get difficult to handle
once you reach this particular stage of your Magickial initiation. You will
likely begin to experience many life altering challenges that emerge from
within. You will grow extremely discontent with certain aspects of your life.
You may experience a lot of psychological stress that pushes you to make
changes to your life that are in alignment with who you really are. For me
that was letting go of working a mundane job that that was not rewarding for
me or challenging me in the ways that I needed to progress. This particular
Qlipha is one that will usually push you to stand up and face your fears
whatever they may be. Not just any fear, but specifically fears that are
holding you back. Things like fear of change or fear that you are not good
enough for this or that reason. The fears that matter and keep you stuck in a
state of stagnation will be dissolved. If you become overwhelmed by the
work of this Qlipha, it is recommended that you take a week long break and
approach it again when you are ready. There is no shame in taking your time.
It would do you no good to push yourself too hard and have a breakdown.
Take your time and fully integrate the lessons of this Qlipha. They are in my
opinion some of the most important and life changing lessons on the Tree of
Daath. If you become too overwhelmed simply ask Adrammelech to give you
a reprieve. He will usually oblige without question, unless it is in your
greatest good to continue without a break.
Adrammelech is the ruling Arch-Daemon of this Qlipha. He is very open
and forthcoming compared to many of the other Arch-Daemons. He is
friendly, yet stern. Adrammelech is usually face value in how he
communicates, which is a relief, because many times the Arch-Daemons
speak in parable or abstracts ways that will often confuse a person who is not
good with riddles. Adrammelech appears as a man with the head of a donkey,
the body of a man and a feathered tail of a peacock. Another form that I have
seen him appear as is a smoky black winged Devil that looks similar to a
Gargoyle, horned and bat like with the face and body of a man. He is
connected to the number thirteen, which is a number of reversal of the way
things "are". When working with Adrammelech if you see the number
thirteen repeatedly, it is a sure sign that he is present in your daily life making
changes for the better. It also shows an upheaval of the norm and integration
of opposite perspectives on your perceived reality. This can be very stressful
at times, but you must go with the flow and no matter what, stay positive in
your thinking, and keep the faith. Make sure you are connected to your Inter-
Dimensional-Self (inner voice) at all times and do the work needed to keep
that connection. Do not go further in this work without it.
The primary benefits of doing the work of the Samael Qlipha are initiating
major shifts in perspective in your life, the energy causes situations that are
more conducive to making big changes, they are easier to do. Basically it
flips your life upside down so you can release what you choose to and then
keep what you want to keep. Upheaval is a key word of this energy and
experience along with the word reversal. Be ready to release old perspectives
and ways of life before delving into this particular Qlipha. You may
experience backwards thinking and backwards logic at times. The
experiences although difficult will prove beneficial in the end if you are
patient and able to endure the path. Taking risks is another theme in this
work. You will be more apt to take big risks, but be cautious and make sure
you are ready for what you decide to do. Do grounding daily to keep your
centeredness. Surrender to the changes gracefully and within reason.
The image evoked by intoning the Chant of Opening is shown below. This
one is pretty straight forward, showing the exchange of energies between the
Initiate and the Daemonic. The Initiate drinks the upside down or reversed
currents of Samael.
The Exchange
Step Two
Prick your finger with the needle or lancet and place a few drops into the
offering receptacle. You may also write your intention on a small piece of
paper and drop your blood on the intention instead or in addition.
Step Three
Make sure that you know the specific location (facing the planet
Mercury) within your room/space where you choose to open the Gate of
Samael and then proceed with intention, sing/vibrate the Chant of Opening
for the Gate of Samael. Intone The Chant in Daemon Tongue.
Visualize the Gate Of Samael opening now as you chant. Continue
chanting as you see the gate or portal open in the place of your choosing. It
appears as a oval shaped black hole, large enough for your astral body to fit
Step Four
Lay down or sit in a very comfortable chair that will support your head as
well as the rest of your body, feet facing East, or toward the Gate itself. Begin
the astral projection procedure of your choice. As always pick the one that
works best for you.
Step Five
Once you have exited your body enter the Gate of Samael and
respectfully call Adrammelech to guide you unless he is already present. To
call Adrammelech just chant his name rhythmically until he comes. Allow the
journey to take place and go with the flow. Do not try to control it too much.
For now just try to remember the symbols you see and the different
sensations and feelings that you get. Visions may come during the journey as
well. Feel what these mean while you see them and after when you
contemplate them.
Step Six
After you are done journeying through the realm of Samael, return to the
portal and back to your body. Always make sure you reintegrate the energy
of your astral body completely before opening your eyes and getting up.
Step Seven
Be sure to thank the guides that worked with you. Then close the Circle
of Leviathan and banish with the Cleansing Rite of the Goddess. Always
write down everything you remember about the journey.
Step Two
Begin by banishing/clearing your dedicated space with the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess and then Cast the Circle of Leviathan, and proceed to do the
Rite Of Rebellion. All should be done with the Athame.
Step Three
Prick your finger and place your blood directly on the Gateway Sigil Of
Samael. Gazing at the Gateway, begin the Chant Of Opening.
Meh-Luh-Fay-Yee-Fuh-Zie-Vey-Tee-Meh-Vee !
Continue to chant until you sense a change in the feel of the room you are
in. You should feel the energy of Samael fill the room as the Gateway opens.
Step Four
Now be seated or lay down if you prefer. Whisper over and over:
Adrammelech! Infernal Lord of Samael, grant me access to the
backwards currents of change, I surrender to you willingly!
Chant rhythmically as you enter a trance from which you can journey or
project into the Gateway Of Samael with the method of your choosing.
Step Five
Once you are inside the realm of Samael, you should see or sense the
presence of Adrammelech there waiting for you. Ask him to encircle you in
his gnosis and guide you to the power you seek or state whatever your
intention for this journey is.
Step Six
Upon your return to your body, thank all the daemons present including
Adrammelech who guided you and then close the circle and banish. Write
down everything you can remember about the journey.
The Gate of Samael
Evokation of Adrammelech
Evoke Adrammelech for all things associated with the sphere of Samael
and gnosis realated to the Arch-daemon himself, or if you have a particular
tasks/problem that he may be willing to help you with. If evoking in
accordance to things that correspond to the sphere Samael then it would
include, but is not limited to gaining power to express your true desires,
wants and needs to those around you, in action and in word. Gaining a higher
respect for oneself and carrying yourself well around others is goal that is
attainable with Adrammelech's help. His Sigil is given below.
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed. Use a
quality incense for this evokation, but it is however not necessary. Blood is
the most important gift you can give to your intention and to Adrammelech.
Have a needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The Manifestation
Triangle of Lilith should be placed on the Altar pointed to the North. Place
the Sigil of Adrammelech in the circle within the Triangle. The Sigil should
be drawn on a blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy from this book.
Write an intention statement on the back of the sigil if desired. Use black
candles on the Altar. One on each side of the Triangle. When you are ready,
light any candles in the room for lighting, then light the charcoal if you are
using resin incense. Now pick up your Athame and do the Cleansing Rite of
the Goddess.
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle Of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Adrammelech, chanting his name as you do so (which is written on the
sigil in Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant Of Evokation.
Say the chant until you feel a change in the atmosphere of the room. You
will feel the presence of Adrammelech. Now as you gaze at the Sigil begin to
imagine that you hear a great crowd chanting "Adrammelech!" over and over.
Envision him in all his Glory as a King with a bright Sun above him, his
peacock feathers fanned out fully and his head upturned to the sky as you
continue to chant his name:
Adrammelech, Adrammelech, Adrammelech!
...continue chanting as you gaze, feel your body and mind's eye pulse
with the power of his presence and now be seated and commune with
Step Five
When you are finished be sure to thank him and burn his Sigil with the
intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and keep it in
a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your Will is
done. Keep the Sigil if it is a goal such as continual progress in Self-growth
for example.
Step Six
Now say the following Gratitude statement to Adrammelech.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Tee-Ooay-Vee-Jay-Vee-Bah
Then close the circle and Banish.
A'arab Zaraq
Chapter Eleven
NEXT on the Averse Tree is the Qlipha of A'arab Zaraq which means
"Ravens of Dispersion". This realm is the Averse of Netzach (meaning
"Victory") on the Tree of Life and corresponds to the planet Venus. The
energy of this realm is very watery and emotional and also, at the same time
it exudes a quality of great strength. It is a balance of Power and Lust, Love
and War and the initiate will face challenges that revolve around mastering
these ideas or qualities. In my experience it manifested as becoming a
stronger fighter and overcoming doubts about myself as well. The
development of stronger Will is also a primary theme as it is in all of the
Qliphoth and it applies to life circumstances in positive transformative ways
in my experience. You may experience something that is similar, but tailored
to what is needed in your personal growth. As in the previous Qlipha Samael,
you will be challenged by inner struggles and life circumstances that reflect
your inner state. This certainly includes relationship growth or release of any
relationships are not in your best interest, usually, but not limited to romantic
relationships. Your Inter-Dimensional-Self, or Holy-Guardian-Angel as it is
often referred to is the factor/aspect of yourself that knows what is in your
best interest and depending on how in tune you are to your Self you may
already know what is needed. The energies of A'arab Zaraq will push the
Initiate into relationship growth e.g. honesty or in some cases it may cause
the relationship/relationships to end in order to make room for more of what
is needed for you.
The ruling Arch-Daemon of this particular realm is Baal in his mighty
warrior form. He usually appears as a man in Greek style armor, wearing a
helmet and holding a spear in his right hand and shield in his left hand. He
looks similar to statues of the great Greek warrior Achilles. He has glowing
electric blue eyes and exudes a Powerful aura that is almost palpable. His
voice sounds electric and clear, as if lightning were passing into you as he
speaks, you feel the communication enter your inner mind space as a dense
energy. As always be respectful and cautious in your approach to the entity
Baal. Do not try to command him to do things for you, but rather ask and
give him the appropriate offering toward your intention (blood, incense or
both). Baal is a very Powerful Daemon, make no mistake. He is as real as any
embodied man or woman, and can hurt you if you if cross him. I have heard
stories of Magicians who have tried to bind him and make him do their Will
by force; it ended badly for them. Conversely if Baal likes you then he may
bless you with some incredible experiences and power.
According to Asenath Mason in Qlipothic Meditations, the Dark Venus or
Venus Illegitima is another ruler of this sphere that you may work with or
you may encounter her as a guide in your journey through the sphere of
A'arab Zaraq. I agree with Asenath's ideas and ahead will provide Dark
Venus's Sigil that I received from her in addition to that of Baal. The Dark
Venus according to Asenath Mason is the consort of Baal. She is the watery
feminine currents of A'arab Zaraq and Baal seems to be or correspond to the
fiery masculine lightning currents of the realm. Both Baal and Dark Venus
cannot be put into a one sided spectrum of dark unstable attributes or
balanced attributes. Meaning that they manifest to the Initiate as what is
needed for their growth and empowerment. It is better not to have any
absolute expectations when working with Baal and Dark Venus, but to accept
the lessons that come from them and the Qlipha for what they are. For
example if you are a total prude and are afraid of embracing lust or love, you
may face discomfort in the area of losing control of your own desires and
feeling out of line with what you are comfortable with and the opposite may
also be true. To reiterate, the primary benefits of opening and working in the
sphere of A'arab Zaraq are the mastery of one's emotions, achieving balance
between Power and Love, Lust and War and overcoming feelings of
loneliness. Also doing the self-work that you need to do to have a healthy
relationship or relationships.
The image evoked into the mind of the Initiate is the Tiger stalking it's
prey through the blades of grass. It is symbolic of the different aspects of
struggle, survival and reward that is deeply imbedded in our minds. For
example having a goal or something we desire and then waiting patiently for
the right time to manifest that goal fully.
The Opening of A'arab Zaraq
Step Two
Prick your finger with the needle or lancet and place a few drops of blood
into the offering receptacle. You may also write your intention on a small
piece of paper and drop your blood on the intention instead or in addition.
The intention may read "It is my Will to enter and explore A'arab Zaraq to
gain self-knowledge and power." or something to this effect.
Step Three
Make sure that you know the specific location within your room/space
where you choose to open the Gate Of A'arab Zaraq and then proceed with
intention, sing/vibrate the Chant Of Opening for the Gate. Intone The Chant
in Daemon Tongue.
Vee-Hah-Yee-Ee-Ah-Enn-Eh-Bah-Way-Zie Ee-Ah-Tee-Hah--Fay--Dah!
Visualize the Gate Of A'arab Zaraq opening now in the specific location
that is in alignment with the planet Venus as you chant. Continue chanting as
you see the gate or portal open in the place of your choosing. It appears as an
oval shaped black hole, large enough for your astral body to fit through.
Step Four
Lay down or sit in a very comfortable chair that will support your head as
well as the rest of your body, feet facing the Portal itself ,or East if preferred.
Begin the astral projection procedure of your choice. As always pick the one
that works best for you.
Step Five
Once you have exited your body enter the Gate of A'arab Zaraq and
respectfully call Baal and/or Dark Venus to guide you unless he/she is
already present. To call either Baal or Dark Venus just say their name
rhythmically until they come. Allow the journey to take place and go with the
flow. Do not try to control it too much. For now just try to remember the
symbols you see and the different sensations and feelings that you get.
Visions may come during the journey as well. Feel what these mean while
you see them and after when you contemplate them. If you feel inclined to
journey into the Gateway more than once then alternate Baal and Dark Venus
to experience them both. Also, they may both come together during the
opening depending on what your need is.
Step Six
After you are done journeying through the realm of A'arab Zaraq, return
to the portal and back to your body. As always make sure you reintegrate the
energy of your astral body completely before opening your eyes and getting
Step Seven
Be sure to thank the guides that worked with you. Then close the Circle
of Leviathan and banish with the Cleansing Rite Of The Goddess. Always
write down everything you remember about the journey.
Step One
Set up your altar and place the Gateway sigil in the center or leaning
directly against the Pyramid shaped stone in the center. If you are using an
obsidian or black mirror then place the Sigil against the front of the mirror.
Light any candles you have for lighting, and also light any incense sticks or
the charcoal tablet if you are using resin incense.
Step Two
Begin by banishing/clearing your dedicated space with the Cleansing Rite
Of The Goddess and then Cast The Circle Of Leviathan, and proceed to do
the Rite Of Rebellion. All should be done with the Athame.
Step Three
Prick your finger and place your blood directly on the Gateway Sigil Of
A'arab Zaraq. Gazing at the Gateway, begin the Chant of Opening.
Vee-Hah-Yee-Ee-Ah-Enn-Eh-Bah-Way-Zie Ee-Ah-Tee-Hah--Fay--Dah!
Continue to chant until you sense a change in the feel of the room you are
in. You should feel the energy of A'arab Zaraq fill the room as the Gateway
Step Four
Be seated or lay down if you prefer. Whisper the following chant over
and over.
Baal! Lord of A'arab Zaraq! Let the realm of passions and storms open to
me! Dark Venus! Come! Let the Gates open and envelop me!
Chant rhythmically as you enter a trance from which you can journey or
project into the Gateway Of A'arab Zaraq with the method of your choosing.
Step Five
Once you are inside the realm of A'arab Zaraq, you should see or sense
the presence of Baal and/or Dark Venus waiting for you there. Ask him or her
to encircle you in their gnosis and guide you to the power you seek or state
whatever your intention for this journey is. Do not be surprised if they are
both present during your journey.
Step Six
Upon your return to your body, thank all the daemons present including
Baal and Dark Venus, whichever one guided you and then close the circle
and banish. Write down everything you can remember about the journey.
Evokation of Baal
The Sigil of Baal
Evoke Baal for things that are related to the Qlipha of A'arab Zaraq. As
stated earlier in this chapter, A'arab Zaraq is about war and passion,
overcoming your enemies (whether the enemy is your own weaknesses or an
external problem). The sphere is also all about mastering emotions in your
relationships and developing strength and self-discipline in these areas. If
matters of love and lust, it is better to evoke the Dark Venus. Baal is more
helpful for the masculine war like aspects of the sphere.
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed.
Remember, blood is the most important gift you can give to your intention
and to Baal. Have a needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The
Manifestation Triangle Of Lilith should be placed on the Altar pointed to the
North. Place the Sigil Of Baal in the circle within the Triangle. The Sigil
should be drawn on a blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy from this
book. Write an intention statement on the back of the sigil if desired. Use
black candles on the Altar. One on each side of the triangle. When you are
ready, light any candles in the room for lighting, then light the charcoal if you
are using Resin incense. Now pick up your Athame and do the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess.
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle Of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense, or put incense on the
charcoal if using resin. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood
on the Sigil of Baal, chanting his name as you do so (which is written on his
sigil in Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant Of Evokation.
Say the chant until you feel a change in the atmosphere of the room. You
will feel the presence of Baal. Now as you gaze at the Sigil say over and
Infernal and revered Dark Lord of Tyre, consort of Venus, imbibe me
with your conquering powers and allow me to be an emissary of your might!
Feel Baal's presence immolate you as you chant and then commune your
intentions and gratitude to him. Feel and visualize your Will being done
whatever it may be.
Step Five
When you are finished be sure to thank him and burn his Sigil with the
intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and keep it in
a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your Will is
Step Six
Now say the Grateful Farewell to Baal.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Meh-Cuh-Sah-Ah-Vee-Luh
Then close the circle and Banish.
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed.
Remember, blood is the most important gift you can give to your intention
and to the Daemonic. Have a needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The
Manifestation Triangle of Lilith should be placed on the Altar pointed to the
North. Place the Sigil of Dark Venus in the circle within the Triangle. The
Sigil should be drawn on a blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy
from this book. Write an intention statement on the back of the sigil if
desired. Use black candles on the Altar. One on each side of the triangle.
When you are ready, light any candles in the room for lighting, then light the
charcoal if you are using resin incense. Now pick up your Athame and do the
Cleansing Rite of the Goddess.
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Dark Venus, chanting her name as you do so (which is written on the sigil
in Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant Of Evokation.
Say the chant until you feel a change in the atmosphere of the room. You
will feel the presence of Dark Venus. Now as you gaze at the Sigil say over
and over:
Dark Venus, beautiful and terrible consort of Baal! Come and
immerse me in the torrents of your awareness.
Feel Dark Venus's presence engulf you as you chant, and then commune
your intentions and gratitude to her. Feel and visualize your Will being done
whatever it may be.
Step Five
When you are finished be sure to thank her and burn her Sigil with the
intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and keep it in
a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your Will is
Step Six
Now say the grateful farewell to Dark Venus.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Vee-Way-Dah--Hah
Then close the circle and Banish.
Chapter Twelve
THE Qlipha Thagirion is the realm of the Black Sun on the Tree of
Daath. It is the averse sphere of the Sephirah Tiphereth (meaning "Beauty" or
"Harmony") on the Tree of Life. Thagirion meaning Disputers or Hagglers, is
a force in opposition to the established structures and rules. Where Tiphereth
is the white Sun on this side of our Earth plane, Thagirion is a Sun of
destruction and manifestation on the other side. It is in direct opposition of
what the dayside static orders stand for and is needed to balance the world we
live in. Picture it this way, if the Tree of Life were an actual tree in the center
of the Earth plane that reached into the different levels of the Overworld, then
the Tree of Daath is the same Tree except it is in the Lowerworld below us.
If the Lowerworld had a sun then it would be the Black Sun as seen above
left. The realm within or corresponding to this Black Sun is Thagirion.
The ruling Arch-Daemon of Thagirion is Belphegor. Belphegor is
considered the Lord of The Dead or Lord of Life and Death. He appears very
demon like, sinewy, with horns and a goatee. He has large clawed feet and
hands. At times he may present as a very pretty young woman. Most authors
or sources say he originated from Baal-Peor an Assyrian god. When I evoke
him and talk to him, he claims that this is not the case however. He insist that
he is "German" or that he comes from that region of land. He is also
considered the "Lord of the Opening". He invokes in the Initiate an
understanding of how to proceed into the other Qlipha on the Tree.
The primary experiences and things you will learn in Thagirion are
according to Belphegor are the further unlocking of spiritual powers,
specifically control of time and space or manipulation of time-space, this is
done by journeying into wormholes with your astral body. The ability to
reverse the polarity of your subtle and physical bodies is also something you
may learn. The development or strengthening of gifts of clairvoyance or
seeing is also attainable here. The less esoteric experience of Thagirion in a
word is "stress". Specifically as related to managing time and worrying about
not having enough time. You may find that time becomes less of an objective
experience and more subjective. You may feel like there is not enough time,
but you will learn that this is an illusion of your mind. This Qlipha or Realm
seems to have a deep connection to the Qlipha of Saterial or Saturn as well as
with the Black Sun itself.
The image evoked into the Initiate's mind is a representation of the Black
Sun itself.
Step Two
Prick your finger with the needle or lancet and place a few drops into the
offering receptacle. You may also write your intention on a small piece of
paper and drop your blood on the intention instead or in addition. The
intention may read:
It is my Will to enter and explore Thagirion to gain self-knowledge and
Step Three
Make sure that you know the specific location within your room/space
where you choose to open the Gate Of Thagirion and then proceed with
intention, sing/vibrate the Chant Of Opening for the Gate. Intone The Chant
in Daemon Tongue.
Visualize the Gate of Thagirion opening now as you chant. Continue
chanting as you see the gate or portal open in the place of your choosing. It
appears as a oval shaped black hole, large enough for your astral body to fit
Step Four
Lay down or sit in a very comfortable chair that will support your head as
well as the rest of your body, feet facing East or facing the portal itself. Begin
the astral projection procedure of your choice. As always pick the one that
works best for you.
Step Five
Once you have exited your body, enter the Gate of Thagirion and
respectfully call Belphegor to guide you unless he is already present. To call
Belphegor just say his name rhythmically over and over until he comes.
Allow the journey to take place and go with the flow. Do not try to control it
too much. For now just try to remember the symbols you see and the different
sensations and feelings that you get. Visions may come during the journey as
well. Feel what these mean while you see them and after when you
contemplate them.
Step Six
After you are done journeying through the realm of Thagirion, return to
the portal and back to your body. As always make sure you reintegrate the
energy of your astral body completely before opening your eyes and getting
Step Seven
Be sure to thank the guides that worked with you. Then close the Circle
of Leviathan and banish with the Cleansing Rite of the Goddess. Always
write down everything you remember about the journey.
Step Two
Begin by banishing/clearing your dedicated space with the Cleansing Rite
Of The Goddess and then Cast The Circle Of Leviathan, and proceed to do
the Rite Of Rebellion. All should be done with the Athame.
Step Three
Prick your finger and place your blood directly on the Gateway Sigil of
Thagirion. Gazing at the Gateway, begin the Chant of Opening.
Continue to chant until you sense a change in the feel of the room you are
in. You should feel the energy of Thagirion and the Black Sun fill the room
as the Gateway opens.
Step Four
Be seated or lay down if you prefer. Whisper the following chant over
and over.
"Belphegor! Belphegor! Belphegor! Lord of Life and Death, let the Gate of
The Black Sun open unto me! Allow the gnosis of time and non-time, space
and non-space to envelop me!"
Chant rhythmically as you enter a trance from which you can journey or
project into the Gateway Of Thagirion with the method of your choosing.
Projecting with a created external shadow body works best in a ritual
Step Five
Once you are inside the realm of Thagirion, you should see or sense the
presence of Belphegor waiting for you there. Ask him to encircle you in his
gnosis and guide you to the power you seek or state whatever your intention
for this journey is.
Step Six
Upon your return to your body, thank all the daemons present including
Belphegor and then close the circle and banish. Write down everything you
can remember about the journey.
The Gate of Thagirion
Evokation Of Belphegor
Evoke Belphegor for things related to the Sun and the Black Sun, to
understand how time works and how to manipulate time, for developing
strong psychic gifts, to open portals into different times and spaces or to learn
how to do this on your own and to realize the power of seeing into near future
events. Yes, you may ask for financial gain or any type of gambling, but you
must consider carefully what you are ready for. You can only do one thing at
a time. Remember each new thing that you get causes a new amount of stress
that can be potentially harmful if you ask for too much at once from any spirit
that you evoke. Take things slow, one step at a time until you reach your
goals. Belphegor will likely do as you ask, so just be ready if you evoke him.
Do not ask for too much or it may backfire as a setbat.
The Sigil of Belphegor
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed.
Remember, blood is the most important gift you can give to your intention
and to the Daemonic. Have a needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The
Manifestation Triangle Of Lilith should be placed on the Altar pointed to the
North. Place the Sigil of Belphegor in the circle within the Triangle. The Sigil
should be drawn on a blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy from this
book. Write an intention statement on the back of the sigil if desired. Use
black candles on the Altar. One on each side of the triangle. When you are
ready, light any candles in the room for lighting, then light the charcoal if you
are using Resin incense. Now pick up your Athame and do The Cleansing
Rite of the Goddess.
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle Of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Belphegor, chanting his name as you do so (which is written on the sigil in
Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Now begin to intone the following Chant Of Evokation for Belphegor.
Say the chant until you feel the presence of Belphegor.As you gaze at the
Sigil say over and over:
Dark Lord of the Opening, Belphegor, I call you now into my space.
Come and ensorcel my being with your powers!
Feel Belphegor's presence engulf you as you chant, and then commune
your intentions and gratitude to him. Feel and visualize your Will being done
whatever it may be, and allow any visions to come to you.
Step Five
When you are finished be sure to thank Belphegor and burn his Sigil with
the intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and keep
it in a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your Will
is done.
Step Six
Now say the Grateful Farewell to Belphegor.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Ee-Vee--Pah-Hah-Vee-Ah
Then close the circle and Banish.
Chapter Thirteen
Step Two
Prick your finger with the needle or lancet and place a few drops of blood
into the offering receptacle. You may also write your intention on a small
piece of paper and drop your blood on the intention instead or in addition.
The intention may read
"It is my Will to be initiated into the gnosis of Golachab, to gain self-
knowledge and power."
or something to this effect.
Step Three
As always make sure that you know the specific location within your
room/space where you choose to open the Gate Of Golachab and then
proceed with intention, sing/vibrate the Chant Of Opening for the Gate.
Intone the Chant in Daemon Tongue.
Visualize the Gate of Golachab opening now as you chant. Continue
chanting as you see the gate or portal open in the place of your choosing. It
appears as a oval shaped black hole, large enough for your astral body to fit
Step Four
Lay down or sit in a very comfortable chair that will support your head as
well as the rest of your body, feet facing East or facing the portal itself. Begin
the astral projection procedure of your choice. As always pick the one that
works best for you.
Step Five
Once you have exited your body, enter the Gate of Golachab and
respectfully call Asmodeus to guide you unless he is already present. To call
him is simple as usual, just say his name rhythmically over and over until he
comes. As with the previous journeys in earlier chapters, allow the journey to
take place and go with the flow. Do not try to control it too much. For now
just try to remember the symbols you see and the different sensations and
feelings that you get. Visions may come during the journey as well. Feel what
these mean while you see them and after when you contemplate them.
Step Six
After you are done journeying through the realm of Golachab, return to
the portal and back to your body. As always make sure you reintegrate the
energy of your astral body completely before opening your eyes and getting
Step Seven
Be sure to thank the guides that worked with you as well as Asmodeus.
Then close the Circle of Leviathan and banish with the Cleansing Rite of the
Goddess. Always write down everything you remember about the journey.
Step One
Set up your altar and place the Gateway sigil in the center or leaning
directly against the Pyramid shaped stone in the center. If you are using an
obsidian mirror then place the Sigil against the front of the mirror instead.
Light any candles you have for lighting, and also light any incense sticks or
the charcoal tablet if you are using resin incense.
Step Two
Begin by banishing/clearing your dedicated space with the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess and then Cast the Circle of Leviathan, and proceed to do the
Rite of Rebellion. All should be done with the Athame.
Step Three
Prick your finger and place your blood directly on the Gateway Sigil Of
Golachab. Gazing at the Gateway, begin the Chant Of Opening.
Continue to chant until you sense a change in the feel of the room you are
in. You should feel the fiery energy of Golachab fill the room as the Gateway
Step Four
Now be seated or lay down if you prefer. Whisper the following chant
over and over:
Great Deamon King Of Golachab! Asmodai! Throw open the Gates of the
Infernal Lake of Fire before me, I Sacrifice myself to be born anew!
Chant rhythmically as you enter a trance from which you can journey or
project into the Gateway Of Golachab with the method of your choosing.
Projecting with a created external shadow body works best in a ritual setting I
have found, but you may do it whatever way works best for you.
Step Five
Once you are inside the realm of Golachab, you should see or sense the
presence of Asmodeus waiting for you there. Ask him to encircle you in his
gnosis and guide you to the power you seek or state whatever your intention
for this journey is.
Step Six
Upon your return to your body, thank all the daemons present including
Asmodeus and then close the circle and banish. Write down everything you
can remember about the journey.
Evokation of Asmodeus
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed.
Remember, blood is the most important gift you can give to your intention
and to the Daemonic. Have a needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The
Manifestation Triangle of Lilith should be placed on the Altar and pointed to
the North. Place the Sigil of Asmodeus in the circle within the Triangle. The
Sigil should be drawn on a blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy
from this book. Write an intention statement on the back of the sigil if
desired. Use black candles on the Altar. One on each side of the triangle.
When you are ready, light any candles in the room for lighting, then light the
charcoal if you are using Resin incense. Now pick up your Athame and do
the Cleansing Rite of the Goddess.
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Asmodeus, chanting his name as you do so (which is written on the sigil in
Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Now begin to intone the following Chant Of Evokation used for
Say the chant until you feel the presence of Asmodeus. Now as you gaze
at the Sigil say over and over:
God of Sorcery and Witchcraft who is born of Cain!
Asmodeus be present and let my Will be done!
Now feel Asmodeus's presence engulf you as you chant, and then
commune your intentions and gratitude to him. Feel and visualize your Will
being done whatever it may be and allow any visions or communication to
come to you.
Step Five
When you are finished be sure to thank Asmodeus and burn his Sigil with
the intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and keep
it in a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your Will
is done.
Step Six
Now say the Grateful Farewell to Asmodeus.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Luh-Ah-Gahee-Ee-Hah.
Then close the circle and Banish.
Chapter Fourteen
Step Two
Prick your finger with the needle or lancet and place a few drops of blood
into the offering receptacle. You may also write your intention on a small
piece of paper and drop your blood on the intention instead or in addition.
The intention may read "It is my Will to enter and explore Gha’agsheblah to
gain self-knowledge and power.
Step Three
Make sure that you know the specific location within your room/space
where you choose to open the Gate Of Gha'agsheblah and then proceed with
intention, sing/vibrate the Chant Of Opening for the Gate. Intone The Chant
in Daemon Tongue.
Visualize the Gate of Gah'agsheblah opening now as you chant. Continue
chanting as you see the gate or portal open in the place of your choosing. It
appears as a oval shaped black hole, large enough for your astral body to fit
Step Four
Lay down or sit in a very comfortable chair that will support your head as
well as the rest of your body, feet facing East or facing the portal itself. Begin
the astral projection procedure of your choice. As always pick the one that
works best for you.
Step Five
Once you have exited your body, enter the Gate of Gha'agsheblah and
respectfully call Astaroth to guide you unless he is already present. Say his
name rhythmically over and over until you feel or see him present. As with
the previous journeys in earlier chapters, allow the journey to take place and
go with the flow. Do not try to control it too much. For now just try to
remember the symbols you see and the different sensations and feelings that
you get. Visions may come during the journey as well. Feel what these mean
while you see them and after when you contemplate them.
Step Six
After you are done journeying through the realm of Gha'agsheblah, return
to the portal and back to your body. As always make sure you reintegrate the
energy of your astral body completely before opening your eyes and getting
Step Seven
Be sure to thank the guides that worked with you as well as Astaroth.
Then close The Circle of Leviathan and banish with the Cleansing Rite of the
Goddess. Always write down everything you remember about the journey.
Step One
Be sure to do this Rite at night and not during hours of daylight. Set
up your altar and place the Gateway sigil in the center or leaning directly
against the Pyramid shaped stone in the center. If you are using an
obsidian or black mirror then place the Sigil against the front of the
Light any candles you have for lighting, and also light any incense
sticks or the charcoal tablet if you are using resin incense.
Step Two
Begin by banishing/clearing your dedicated space with the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess and then Cast the Circle of Leviathan, and proceed to do the
Rite of Rebellion. All should be done with the Athame.
Step Three
Prick your finger and place your blood directly on the Gateway Sigil Of
Gha'agsheblah. Gazing at the Gateway, begin intoning the Chant of Opening.
Continue to chant until you sense a change in the feel of the room you are
in. You should feel the energy of Gha'agsheblah fill the room as the Gateway
Step Four
Be seated or lay down if you prefer. Whisper the following chant over
and over.
Astaroth! Infernal Arch-Daemon, usher me forward into the
Great Void from which I am born anew with knowledge of my true Self!
Chant rhythmically as you enter a trance from which you can journey or
project into the Gateway Of Gha'agsheblah with the method of your
Step Five
Once you are inside the realm of Gha'agsheblah, you should see or sense
the presence of Astaroth waiting for you there. Ask him to encircle you in his
gnosis and guide you to the power you seek or state whatever your intention
for this journey is.
Step Six
Upon your return to your body, thank all the daemons present including
Astaroth and then close the circle and banish. Write down everything you can
remember about the journey.
Evokation of Astaroth
The Sigil of Astaroth
Evoke Astaroth for all things related to Gha'agshebah or to Jupiter. Evoke
him to strengthen your realization or connection to your Godhood or to your
Inter-Dimensional-Self, to become balanced between your higher and lower
selves, to receive dark enlightenment and understanding. All of this of course
usurps the negative ego hold on your mind. It allows you to dominate your
ego and be the leader not the servant. The more mundane reasons to evoke
Astaroth are to draw new friends and lovers to you as well as divination of
the past, present and future. Astaroth is also able to draw a soul-mate or even
a twin flame to you if you are seeking a longer lasting relationship. Also it is
said he can lead you to hidden treasures, this for example can mean that he
will allow you to notice opportunities that others may miss.
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed. Have a
needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The Manifestation Triangle of
Lilith should be placed on the Altar and pointed to the North. Place the Sigil
of Astaroth in the circle within the Triangle. The Sigil should be drawn on a
blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy from this book. Write an
intention statement on the back of Astaroth's sigil if desired. Use black
candles on the Altar. One on each side of the triangle. When you are ready,
light any candles in the room for lighting, then light the charcoal if you are
using Resin incense. Now pick up your Athame and do The Cleansing Rite of
the Goddess.
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Astaroth, chanting his name as you do so (which is written on the sigil).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant of Evokation used for Astaroth.
Say the chant until you feel the presence of Astaroth. Now as you gaze at
the Sigil say over and over:
He who rides upon the dragon with outstretched wings in the Abyss;
Astaroth, Astaroth, Astaroth, allow me your dark knowledge!.
Now feel Astaroth's presence as you chant, he may cut himself and allow
you to sip his blood from a goblet. Do not be nervous, do so with gratitude
toward him. Drink deep his gift to you. Now commune your intention to him.
Feel and visualize your Will being done whatever it may be, and allow any
visions or communication to come to you.
Step Five
When you are finished be sure to thank Astaroth and burn his Sigil with
the intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and keep
it in a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your Will
is done.
Step Six
Now say the Grateful Farewell to Astaroth.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Ah-Vee-Meh-Yee-Tee.
Then close the circle and Banish.
Chapter Fifteen
Step Two
Now prick your finger with the needle or lancet and place a few drops
into the offering receptacle. You may also write your intention on a small
piece of paper and drop your blood on the intention instead or in addition.
The intention may read:
It is my Will to enter and explore Daath to gain self-knowledge and
Step Three
It does not matter where in the room that you choose to open this
particular Gate, but still make sure that you have a specific location within
your room/space where you choose to open the Gate Of Daath. Then proceed
with intention, sing/vibrate the Chant Of Opening for the Gate. Intone The
Chant in Daemon Tongue.
Visualize the Gate of Daath opening now as you chant. Continue chanting
as you see the gate or portal open in the place of your choosing. It appears as
a oval shaped black hole, large enough for your astral body to fit through.
Step Four
Lay down or sit in a very comfortable chair that will support your head as
well as the rest of your body, feet facing East or facing the portal itself. Begin
the astral projection procedure of your choice. As always pick the one that
works best for you. At this point you may not need to actively project
yourself into the Gate as the Void will likely come to you in a sense and
absorb your consciousness. Just meditate, relax, and breathe.
Step Five
Once you have exited your body, enter the Gate of Daath and respectfully
call Choronzon and/or Lam to guide you unless they are already present
which is usually the case. Say their names rhythmically over and over until
you feel or see them present. You may call one or both depending on who
you feel most drawn to, but if it is your first time opening the Gate it is better
to call Choronzon. As with the previous journeys in earlier chapters, allow
the journey to take place and go with the flow. Do not try to control it too
much. For now just try to remember the symbols you see and the different
sensations and feelings that you get. Visions may come during the journey as
well. Feel what these mean while you see them and after when you
contemplate them.
Step Six
After you are done journeying through the realm of Daath, return to the
portal and back to your body. As always make sure you reintegrate the
energy of your astral body completely before opening your eyes and getting
Step Seven
Be sure to thank the guides that worked with you. Then close the Circle
of Leviathan and banish with the Cleansing Rite of the Goddess. Always
write down everything you remember about the journey.
Step One
Be sure to do this Rite at Night not during hours of daylight for best
results. Set up your altar facing North and place the Gateway Sigil in the
center or leaning directly against the Pyramid shaped stone in the center. If
you are using an obsidian or black mirror then place the Sigil against the
front of the mirror. Light any candles you have for lighting, and also light any
incense sticks or the charcoal tablet if you are using resin incense.
Step Two
Begin by banishing/clearing your dedicated space with the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess and then Cast the Circle of Leviathan, and proceed to do the
Rite Of Rebellion. All should be done with the Athame.
Step Three
Prick your finger and place your blood directly on the Gateway Sigil Of
Daath. Gazing at the Gateway, begin the Chant Of Opening.
Another chant you may use is the traditional opening of the Abyss from
Aleister Crowley's The Vision and The Voice. This Enochian chant is "Zazas
Zazas Nasatanada Zazas and when transliterated into Daemon tongue it is:
Continue to chant until you sense a change in the feel of the room you are
in. You should feel the entire chamber become engulfed in dark energy as the
Gateway opens. If you use the Enochian transliterated version of the chant,
the energy will be more intense or less gentle and gradual.
Step Four
Be seated or lay down if you prefer. Whisper the following chant over
and over.
Guardian of The Void, Guardian of The Abyss!
Choronzon come and guide through this!
Chant rhythmically as you enter a trance from which you can journey or
project into the Gateway Of Daath with the method of your choosing or allow
the energies to envelop you as you enter stillness.
Step Five
Once you are inside the realm of Daath, you should see or sense the
presence of Choronzon or Lam awaiting you. Ask the guide to help you cross
the gulf of the Void and to grant you the initiation and power you seek, or
state whatever your intention for this journey is.
Step Six
Upon your return to your body, thank all the daemons present including
Choronzon and Lam. Then close the circle and banish. Write down
everything you can remember about the journey.
Evokation of Choronzon
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed. Have a
needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The Manifestation Triangle Of
Lilith should be placed on the Altar and pointed to the North. Place the Sigil
of Choronzon in the circle within the Triangle. The Sigil should be drawn on
a blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy from this book. Write an
intention statement on the back of the sigil if desired. Use black candles on
the Altar. One on each side of the triangle. When you are ready, light any
candles in the room for lighting, then light the charcoal if you are using resin
incense. Now pick up your Athame and do the Cleansing Rite of the
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Choronzon, chanting his name as you do so (which is written on the sigil
in Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant of Evokation used for Choronzon.
Say the chant until you feel the presence of Choronzon. Now as you gaze
at the Sigil say over and over:
Daemon of the Void, Lord of all forms!
Choronzon come and manifest according to my Will!.
Now feel Choronzon's presence as you chant. Communicate your
intention and Will to him. Then Feel and visualize your Will being done,
whatever it may be and allow any visions or communication to come to you.
Step Five
When you are finished, be sure to thank Choronzon and burn his Sigil
with the intention of your wish manifesting, or you may fold the sigil up and
keep it in a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your
Will is done.
Step Six
Now say the Grateful Farewell to Choronzon.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Gahee-Er-Meh-Ee-Eh-Fay"
Then close the circle and Banish.
Evokation of Lam
Evoke Lam for matters similar to that of Choronzon. Lam may be an
easier or safer being to work with if you have difficulty understanding or
working with Choronzon. Evoke him for matters concerning the Outer Void
or Daath, for contacting the those beings beyond known time and space or
those who stand outside of time. These "Outer Ones" are working with
humanity in ways that cannot be understood in a one-direction perspective or
vantage point. They have access to the big picture or the entire spectrum of
human history. In fact some humans are the Old Ones embodied to help
humanity. They have come to open the Gates on this side in order for the Old
Ones or Outer Ones to access our world. Lam can help you understand this
further and if you are one who is chosen for this work of bridging our world
with the realms outside of time he will guide you in this process.
The Sigil of Lam
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed. Have a
needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The Manifestation Triangle of
Lilith should be placed on the Altar pointed to the North. Place the Sigil of
Lam in the circle within the Triangle. The Sigil should be drawn on a clean,
unused, blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy from this book. Write
an intention statement on the back of the sigil if desired. Use black candles on
the Altar. One on each side of the Triangle. When you are ready, light any
candles in the room for lighting, then light the charcoal if you are using resin
incense. Now pick up your Athame and do the Cleansing Rite of the
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle Of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Lam within the Triangle of Lilith, chanting his name as you do so (which
is written on the sigil in Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant Of Evokation used for Lam.
Say the chant until you feel the presence of Lam. Now as you gaze at his
Sigil say over and over:
Lam, Inter-dimensional being of the Outlands and
High Lama of the Cult of Zain! Come now and manifest before me!
Now feel Lam's presence as you chant. Communicate your intention and
Will to him. Then Feel and visualize your Will being done whatever it may
be and allow any visions or communication to come to you.
Step Five
When you are finished be sure to thank Lam and burn his Sigil with the
intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and keep it in
a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your Will is
Step Six
Now say the Grateful Farewell to Lam.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Kwa-Bah-Vee-Gahee!
Then close the circle and Banish.
Chapter Sixteen
Step Two
Prick your finger with the needle or lancet and place a few drops into the
offering receptacle or write your intention on a small piece of paper and drop
your blood on the intention instead or in addition. The intention may read:
It is my Will to enter and explore Satariel to gain self-knowledge and
Step Three
Make sure that you know the specific location within your room/space
(facing Saturn) where you choose to open the Gate Of Satariel and then
proceed with intention, sing/vibrate the Chant Of Opening for the Gate.
Intone the Chant in Daemon Tongue.
Visualize the Gate of Satariel opening now as you chant. Continue
chanting as you see the gate or portal open in the place of your choosing. It
appears as a oval shaped black hole, large enough for your astral body to fit
Step Four
Lay down or sit in a very comfortable chair that will support your head as
well as the rest of your body, feet facing East or facing the portal itself. Begin
the astral projection procedure of your choice. As always pick the one that
works best for you. You may have noticed by this point that you do not
necessarily need to consciously exit your body when working with many of
the Qlipha; because when they are opened, they seem to fill the room with
their energy and the journey occurs automatically when you are very relaxed
in a meditative state. This is the easiest way of working with this Qlipha so
just sit back and breathe until you are in an altered state.
Step Five
Once you have exited your body or are in an altered state respectfully call
Lucifuge, Arachne or Babalon to guide you unless they are already present
which is usually the case. Say their names rhythmically over and over until
you feel or see them present. You may call one or two, or all three depending
on who you feel most drawn to, but if it is your first time opening the Gate it
is better to call Lucifuge I feel. As with the previous journeys in earlier
chapters, allow the journey to take place and go with the flow. Do not try to
control it too much. For now just try to remember the symbols you see and
the different sensations and feelings that you get. Visions of course may
come during the journey as well. Feel what these mean while you see them
without overthinking it. Wait until after you are done to contemplate them.
Step Six
When you are done journeying through the realm of Satariel, return to the
portal and back to your body. As always make sure you reintegrate the
energy of your astral body completely before opening your eyes and getting
up. If you are unsure that all your energies have reintegrated make a
statement of intention:
It is my Will that all my subtle bodies that I have sent out, return to me
Then feel yourself drawing in your astral body or bodies back to you as
you inhale and reintegrate your energies.
Step Seven
Be sure to thank the guides that worked with you. Then close the Circle
of Leviathan and banish with the Cleansing Rite of the Goddess. Always
write down everything you remember about the journey.
Step One
Set up your altar and place the Gateway sigil in the center or leaning
directly against the Pyramid shaped stone in the center. If you are using an
obsidian or black mirror then place the Gateway Sigil against the front of the
mirror. Light any candles you have for lighting, and also light any incense
sticks or the charcoal tablet if you are using resin incense.
Step Two
Begin by banishing/clearing your dedicated space with the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess and then Cast the Circle of Leviathan, and proceed to do the
Rite of Rebellion. All should be done with the Athame.
Step Three
Prick your finger and place your blood directly on the Gateway Sigil of
Satariel. Gazing at the Gateway, begin the Chant of Opening.
Continue to chant until you sense a change in the feel of the room you are
in. You should feel the entire chamber become engulfed in the dark energies
of Satariel as the Gateway opens.
Step Four
Now be seated or lay down if you prefer. Whisper the following chant
over and over.
Dark One Who Fleas From the Light! Lucifuge bring me into Satariel
and let me be encircled by the darkness of the Dragon!
Chant rhythmically as you enter a trance from which you can journey or
project into the Gateway Of Satariel with the method of your choosing or just
be still and allow the currents of Satariel to take you.
Step Five
Once you are inside the realm of Satariel, you should see or sense the
presence of Lucifuge, Arachne or Babalon awaiting you. Ask the guide to
guide you to the power you seek, or state whatever your intention for this
journey is.
Step Six
Upon your return to your body, thank all the daemons present including
Lucifuge, Arachne and Babalon. Then close the circle and banish. Write
down everything you can remember about the journey.
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed. Have a
needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The Manifestation Triangle Of
Lilith should be placed on the Altar pointed to the North. Place the Sigil of
Lucifuge in the circle within the Triangle. The Sigil should be drawn on a
clean, unused, blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy from this book.
Write an intention statement on the back of the sigil if desired. Use black
candles on the Altar. One on each side of the triangle. When you are ready,
light any candles in the room for lighting, then light the charcoal if you are
using resin incense. Now pick up your Athame and do the Cleansing Rite of
the Goddess.
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Lucifuge within the Triangle of Lilith, chanting his name as you do so
(which is written on the sigil in Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant Of Evokation used for Lucifuge.
Say the chant until you feel the presence of Lucifuge. As you gaze at the
Sigil say over and over:
Infernal Arch-daemon of Satariel, Lucifuge come and enflame me with
your Spirit of darkness!
Feel Lucifuge's presence as you chant. Communicate your intention and
Will to him. Then Feel and visualize your Will being done whatever it may
be and allow any visions or communication to come to you.
Step Five
When you are finished be sure to thank Lucifuge and burn his Sigil with
the intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and keep
it in a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your Will
is done.
Step Six
Now say the Grateful Farewell to Lucifuge.
Then close the circle and Banish.
Evokation of Babalon
Evoke Babalon to curse your enemies or anything you want to destroy or
eliminate. Babalon is helpful for removing obstacles on your path and
perceiving what those obstacles are. She removes illusions and allows a
person to see things as they are, no matter how harsh the reality is. Evoke her
to help you break free of the negative Ego mind as well. Evoke her to
increase the feeling of gratitude for the good things in your life whatever they
may be. She allows a person to see the things they may be taking for granted
in their lives. She is a good entity to evoke to understand human history
better as well, specifically the hidden history. Babalon presents as a hooded
female Goddess with dark black hair. Her face is dark and undefined until she
pulls back her hood. Her cloak is usually a dark green or blue color, almost
gray. She creates in the Witch a sharp eye that may endure intense realism.
The Sigil of Babalon
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed. Have a
needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The Manifestation Triangle of
Lilith should be placed on the Altar pointed to the North. Place the Sigil of
Babalon in the circle within the Triangle. The Sigil should be drawn on a
clean, unused, blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy from this book.
Write an intention statement on the back of the sigil if desired. Use black or
red candles on the Altar. One on each side of the triangle. When you are
ready, light any candles in the room for lighting, then light the charcoal if you
are using resin incense. Now pick up your Athame and do the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess.
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and light the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Babalon within the Triangle Of Lilith, chanting her name as you do so
(which is written on the sigil in Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant Of Evokation used for Babalon.
Say the chant until you feel the presence of Babalon. Now as you gaze at
the Sigil say over and over:
"Dark Goddess who is of Nuit and Horus! Babalon come! And open my
eyes to see things as they are!"
Feel and see Babalon as you chant. Communicate your intention and Will
to her. Then Feel and visualize your Will being done whatever it may be and
allow any visions or communications to come to you.
Step Five
When you are finished be sure to thank Babalon and burn her Sigil with
the intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and keep
it in a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your Will
is done.
Step Six
Now say the Grateful Farewell to Babalon.
Then close the circle and Banish.
Chapter Seventeen
Step Two
Prick your finger with the needle or lancet and place a few drops of your
blood into the offering receptacle or write your intention on a small piece of
paper and drop your blood on the intention instead or in addition. The
intention may read:
It is my Will to enter and explore Ghagiel to gain self-knowledge and
Step Three
Make sure that you have a specific location within your room/space
where you choose to open the Gate Of Ghagiel and then proceed with
intention, sing/vibrate the Chant Of Opening for the Gate. Intone The Chant
in Daemon Tongue.
Visualize the Gate of Ghagiel opening now as you chant. Continue
chanting as you see the gate or portal open in the place of your choosing. It
appears as a oval shaped black hole, large enough for your astral body to fit
Step Four
Lay down or sit in a very comfortable chair that will support your head as
well as the rest of your body, feet facing East or facing the portal itself. Begin
the astral projection procedure of your choice. As always pick the one that
works best for you. You will by this point notice that you do not necessarily
need to consciously exit your body when working with this Qlipha, because
when it is opened the energy seems to fill the room and the journey occurs
automatically when you are very relaxed in a meditative state. This is the
easiest way of working with the Qlipha of Ghagiel so just sit back and
breathe until you are in an altered state.
Step Five
Once you have exited your body or are in an altered state respectfully call
Baal-Zebub or Belial to guide you unless they are already present, which is
usually the case. Say their names rhythmically over and over until you feel or
see them present. You may call one or both depending on who you feel most
drawn to. If it is your first time opening the Gate it may be better to call
Belial first. As with the previous journeys in earlier chapters, allow the
journey to take place and go with the flow. Do not try to control it too much.
For now just try to remember the symbols you see and the different
sensations and feelings that you get. Visions may come during the journey as
well. Do not over think them, relax and reflect on them after the journey is
over. If you do not understand the visions even after contemplation,
researching the symbols presented is recommended.
Step Six
After you are done journeying through Ghagiel, return to the portal and
back to your body or call your energy back into yourself. As always make
sure you reintegrate the energy of your astral body completely before opening
your eyes and getting up. If you are unsure that all your energies have
reintegrated make a statement of intention
"It is my Will that all my subtle bodies that I have sent out, return to me
Then feel yourself drawing in your astral body or bodies back to you as
you inhale and reintegrate your energies.
Step Seven
Be sure to thank the guides that worked with you. Then close the Circle
of Leviathan and banish with the Cleansing Rite of the Goddess. Always
write down everything you remember about the journey.
Step One
Set up your Altar with your ritual tools and place the Gateway sigil in the
center or leaning directly against the pyramid shaped stone in the center. If
you are using an obsidian or black mirror then place the Sigil against the
front of the mirror. Light any candles you have for lighting, and also light any
incense sticks or the charcoal tablet if you are using resin incense.
Step Two
Begin by banishing/clearing your dedicated space with the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess and then Cast the Circle of Leviathan, and then proceed to do
the Rite of Rebellion. All should be done with the Athame.
Step Three
Prick your finger and place your blood directly on the Gateway Sigil Of
Ghagiel. Gazing at the Gateway, begin the Chant Of Opening.
Continue to chant until you sense a change in the feel of the room you are
in. You should feel the entire chamber become engulfed in the intense
energies of Ghagiel as the Gateway opens.
Step Four
Be seated or lay down if you prefer. Whisper the following chant over
and over.
Dark Prince of Hell and Lord of Ghagiel,
Baal-Zebub come and attune me to forces of your domain!
Chant rhythmically as you enter a trance from which you can journey or
project into the Gateway Of Ghagiel with the method of your choosing or just
be still and allow the currents of Ghagiel to take you.
Step Five
Once you are inside the realm of Ghagiel, you should see or sense the
presence of Baal-Zebub or Belial awaiting you. Ask them to guide you and
grant you the power you seek, or state whatever your intention for this
journey is.
Step Six
Upon your return to your body, thank all the daemons present, including
Baal-Zebub and Belial. Then close the circle and banish. Write down
everything you can remember about the journey.
Evokation of Baal-Zebub
The Sigil of Baal-Zebub
Evoke Baal-Zebub for things pertaining to Ghagiel and the sphere of
Pluto. Also, evoke Baal-Zebub to curse and destroy your enemies, to realize
your freedom (whether spiritual or physical freedom), to be a better speaker
and orator, to see your patterns of negative behavior and overcome them, and
to strengthen your Self-belief and resist doubt.
Step One
Start by setting up your altar with all the usual ritual tools needed. Have a
needle or diabetes test lancet ready for use. The Manifestation Triangle Of
Lilith should be placed on the altar pointed to the North. Place the Sigil of
Baal-Zebub in the circle within the Triangle. The Sigil should be drawn on a
clean, unused, blank piece of paper, or you may scan a copy from this book.
Write an intention statement on the back of the sigil if desired. Use black or
red candles on the Altar. One on each side of the triangle. When you are
ready, light any candles in the room for lighting, then light the charcoal if you
are using resin incense. Now pick up your Athame and do the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess.
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle Of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired, in order to attune to the Qliphothic energies.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Baal-Zebub within the Triangle Of Lilith, chanting his name as you do so
(which is written on the sigil in Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant of Evokation used for Baal-Zebub.
Say the chant until you feel the presence of Baal-Zebub. Now as you gaze
at the Sigil say over and over:
Great Daemon of Darkness, Lord of The Flies!
Baal-Zebub come open my eyes!
Feel and see Baal-Zebub as you chant. Communicate your intention and
Will to him. Then Feel and visualize your Will being done whatever it may
be and allow any visions or communications to come to you.
Step Five
When you are finished, be sure to thank Baal-Zebub and burn his Sigil
with the intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and
keep it in a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your
Will is done.
Step Six
Say the Grateful Farewell to Baal-Zebub.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Vee-Jay-Way-Bah-Zie-Jay-Ee-
Then close the circle and Banish.
Evokation of Belial
When I asked Belial for reasons why the Witch or Initiate would evoke
him he stated the following, “To recognize himself or herself within me, to
see into the future, to test, to disrobe and to gain a position of power and
respect.” When he said “to test,” I felt that he was implying that he can help
in high stress situations that require a person to be calm and centered. When
he said "to disrobe" I felt that he was saying that he can allow a person to
become aware of their formless limitless Self and use that Self knowledge for
Sigil of Belial
Alternate Sigil of Belial
Step One
Set up with the usual ritual tools and the Manifestation Triangle of Lilith.
Diabetes test lancet or other means of extracting a few drops of blood (in a
clean and sterile way) should be at the ready. The Manifestation Triangle of
Lilith should be pointed toward the North. If you are using a Black Mirror to
scry Belial then place the Black Mirror directly behind the Manifestation
Triangle and place his sigil (with your intention written on it if desired)
within the Manifestation Triangle. Now perform the Cleansing Rite of the
Step Two
Use your Athame to Cast the Circle of Leviathan, then perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired in order to attune to the Qliphothic energies.
Step Three
Light the candles on the altar and light the incense or put incense on the
charcoal. Prick your finger then place a few drops of your blood on the Sigil
of Belial within the Manifestation Triangle Of Lilith, chanting his name as
you do so (which is written on the sigil in Daemon Tongue).
Step Four
Begin to intone the following Chant of Evokation used for Belial.
Say the chant until you feel the presence of Belial. Now as you gaze at his
Sigil say over and over:
Immortal Lord of Darkness and the Earth, He who yields to none!
Grant me your initiations!
Feel and see Belial as you chant. If you are using the Black Mirror take
your time and project your Will into it as you chant Belial's name over and
over let your eyes adjust to energies of the Mirror and then Communicate
your intention and Will to Belial once you see him. Feel and visualize your
Will being done whatever it may be and allow any visions or
communications to come to you.
Step Five
Do not forget to thank Belial When you are finished and burn his Sigil
with the intention of your wish manifesting or you may fold the sigil up and
keep it in a safe place until your desire is manifested. Then burn it once your
Will is done.
Step Six
Now say the Grateful Farewell to Belial.
Then close the circle and Banish.
Chapter Eighteen
THAUMIEL is the First Qlipha on the Tree of Daath and the final sphere
we will be exploring on the Averse Tree. Thaumiel meaning "Twin Gods" or
"Dual Contending Forces" corresponds to the sphere of Neptune and it is the
Averse of the Sephirah Kether meaning "Crown" on the dayside Tree of Life.
Thaumiel is viewed as the final step in entering the Void and becoming your
own creator in a sense. In my opinion it is the experience of the "Mauve
Zone" as described in the books of Kenneth Grant. The Mauve Zone is a the
buffer zone between our planes or dimensional spaces where time and form
exist to those where time and space do not exist. It can be compared to a
swampland because it is a combination of watery fluidity and solid dry land.
When one journeys into Thaumiel, he or she may experience outlines of
forms without density. The Qlipha appears dark and the beings within the
realm as well as the structures are see-through and fluid in my experience.
The realm usually does not have any harsh ordeals that come up when
working within it. For the most part it is a good, and at times blissful
experience of dark enlightenment.
Although the traditional ruling Arch-Daemons of this Qlipha are Satan and
Moloch, I have found that Lucifer himself seems to be the primary Daemon
who works within this Qlipha and I will offer his Chant of Evokation and a
new, original Sigil for evoking him in this chapter as I have with all of the
other Arch-daemons. Lucifer presents as a tall darkly angelic being with
wings, often like a silhouette showing only an outline of a shadow or some
see him as a handsome angel with blond hair. At other times he may appear
as The Dragon himself and when you see him within the realm of Thaumiel
he usually has more than one head. Lucifer is the Light Bringer and he is
responsible for revealing things that are hidden to the Initiate or Witch. He is
found in many famous Grimoires and is most definitely one of the most
powerful forces the Witch may work with. Lucifer will often say to me,
“Don't look down,” and this is to say, do not take his gnosis for granted and
go back to being ignorant. Once he reveals secrets to you it is not impossible
for him to make you forget them if you are not respectful and appreciative of
what he gives you; actually it happens more often than we think. The world
we live in is backwards in many ways and Lucifer can show you this pretty
clearly. You will never be the same once you work with him.
The primary experiences of Thaumiel are elevation of your mind and spirit
to a higher state, having clarity of mind and experiences of enlightenment
from a Left Hand Path perspective meaning you are not trying to completely
dissolve yourself as in the Right Hand Path, but rather to realize what you
really are. As you journey through the realm of Thaumiel you may
experience the thoughts of others, usually only those thoughts that are about
you or that concern you. These may be positive or negative, but you must not
take any of it personally though. It's really a reflection of the values of others,
not what or who you are.
The primary things you will learn within Thaumiel are the unlocking of
increases in psychic awareness, specifically around seeing or clairvoyance.
Also, psychic skills such as thought reading or receiving will be enhanced
while working in this realm or they will be unlocked if you do not already
have these gifts. another noteworthy skill that may potentially be developed
is the power of levitation.
The image evoked by using the Chant of Opening Thaumiel is the eye of
Lucifer or the Dragon with his rays of dark light emanating down to the other
realms of the Qliphoth.
The Eye of Lucifer
Step Two
Prick your finger and place a few drops of blood into the offering
receptacle or write your intention on a small piece of paper and drop your
blood on the intention instead or in addition. The intention may read:
"It is my Will to enter and explore Thaumiel to gain self-knowledge and
or you may write something more specific to your need or desire.
Step Three
Make sure that you know the specific location within your room/space
where you choose to open the Gate of Thaumiel and then proceed with
intention, sing/vibrate the Chant of Opening for the Gate. Intone The Chant
in Daemon Tongue.
Visualize the Gate of Thaumiel opening now as you chant. Continue
chanting as you see the gate or portal open in the place of your choosing. It
appears as a oval shaped black hole, large enough for your astral body to fit
Step Four
Lay down or sit in a very comfortable chair that will support your head as
well as the rest of your body, feet facing East or facing the portal itself. Begin
the astral projection procedure of your choice. Sit back and breathe without
any thoughts. Just be and breathe. All of your focus on your breath.
Step Five
Once you have exited your body or are in an altered state, respectfully
call Lucifer to guide you; unless He is already present. Say his name
rhythmically over and over until you feel or see his presence. As with the
previous journeys in earlier chapters, allow the journey to take place and go
with the flow. Do not try to control it. For now just try to remember the
symbols you see and the different sensations and feelings that you get. When
visions come during the journey do not try to figure them out right away, just
try to remember them. Feel what they mean later on when you contemplate
Step Six
After you are done journeying through Thaumiel, return to the portal and
back to your body or call your energy back into yourself. As always make
sure you reintegrate the energy of your astral body completely before opening
your eyes and getting up. If you are unsure that all your energies have
reintegrated make a statement of intention:
It is my Will that all my subtle bodies that I have sent out return to me
Then feel yourself drawing in your astral body or bodies back to you as
you inhale and reintegrate your energies.
Step Seven
Be sure to thank Lucifer and any other guides who worked with you.
Then close The Circle of Leviathan and banish with the Cleansing Rite of the
Goddess. Write down everything you remember about the journey to go over
it later.
Step One
After your Altar is all set up facing North or West and with the usual
Tools begin by banishing/clearing your dedicated space with The Cleansing
Rite Of The Goddess and then cast The Circle Of Leviathan, and proceed to
do the Rite Of Rebellion. All should be done with the Athame.
Step Two
Prick your finger and place your blood directly on the Gateway Sigil of
Thaumiel. Gazing at the Gateway, begin the Chant of Opening.
Continue to chant until you sense a change in the feel of the room you are
in. You should feel the atmosphere of the room change as the Gateway opens.
Step Three
Be seated or lay down if you prefer. Whisper the following chant over
and over.
Lucifer! Dark Lord of Thaumiel,
Guide me through my darkness to find the Light within!
Chant rhythmically with your eyes closed as you enter a trance from
which you can journey or project into the Gateway of Thaumiel with the
method of your choosing or just be still and allow the currents of Thaumiel to
take you.
Step Four
Once inside the Gateway, call for Lucifer if he is not already present
when you enter. Ask Lucifer to guide you through the realm and lead you to
power and gnosis that you seek, or something to this effect.
Step Five
Upon your return to your body, thank all the daemons who guided you
including Lucifer. Make sure your energies are fully reintegrated before you
open your eyes and close the Rite. Remember to close the circle and banish.
Write down everything you can remember about the journey.
Evokation of Lucifer
Step One
Start by setting up your Altar with your tools and adding any images or
even a statue of Lucifer if desired as long as it does not look cluttered. You
may want to have your Altar facing East for this Evokation because Lucifer is
a spirit of the Air, but it will work facing North or West as well. Make sure
the point of the Manifestation Triangle of Lilith is facing East and place
Lucifers Sigil within the Triangle. Black, red or sometimes blue
candle/candles work best for evoking Lucifer depending on your intention for
the Rite. You may write your intention on the back of the Sigil of Lucifer if
desired. Banish your space with the Cleansing Rite of the Goddess, then light
any candles in your room that you are using for lighting and light the
charcoal tablet if you are using resin incense.
Step Two
Cast the Circle of Leviathan and then perform the Rite of Rebellion to
attune you to the dark currents.
Step Three
Make your offering of blood to Lucifer and your intention by placing a
few drops of your blood on his sigil, chanting his name as you do so. Now
vibrate the chant of Evokation for Lucifer over and over in Daemon Tongue.
Continue to chant until the presence of Lucifer is strongly felt then say
over and over while gazing at the Sigil:
Lucifer! Infernal Emperor of Hell and Initiator of Darkness and Light,
appear before me, illuminate my spirit and exalt my mind with your
Step Four
Once you establish an energetic connection with Lucifer and you can
communicate in your own way, commune your Will to him and visualize
your Will being done. Take your time with this step and meditate for a bit.
Step Five
Burn the Sigil of Lucifer and focus on the outcome you would like as it
burns. You may keep the sigil until your Will is accomplished if desired and
burn it later.
Step Six
Now say the Grateful Farewell to Lucifer.
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh Fay-Eh-Vee-Dah!
Then close the circle and Banish.
The Stellar Outlands
Part Two
Chapter Nineteen
IN this book, when I say or talk about the Stellar Outlands I am referring
to the realms outside of the Qliphothic spheres or husks. The Stellar Outlands
are boundless and are found outside of the time and space realms of this
Universe, however they can be accessed through the same planetary
Gateways through which their currents flow into our Universe. They are the
in-between spaces on the Circle of Nine Sigil and they are essentially all part
of the Qlipha of Daath itself, because Daath contains all of the unmanifest
Universe within itself. The Stellar Outlands are divided into nine different
spaces in this book and are not the same as discussed in other books about
Necronomicon gnosis. Although I am sure they have parallels with other
systems and info out there. All of the following information is channeled or
received by the present author, from Spirit and does not come from any other
books out there that I am aware of. The names of each of the Nine divisions
of the Stellar Outlands were provided by a primary power or ruler in
Lovecraftian lore, Azathoth and another being who serves him, whom I will
not name here. They also provided the Keys/Chants of opening each of the
Stellar Outland Gates in the Luciferian Daemon Tongue Language. The
Structure of this section will be done basically the same way as the previous
section about the Qliphoth themselves, but with less detailed instructions. If
you are able to make it to this point in this Grimoire without getting stuck,
then you will no doubt be able to navigate the following gateways without me
holding your hand. I will provide the Chants of Opening as well as the
Gateway sigils as I did in the previous section. The sigils of the Ruling
Entities or Gatekeepers of each Stellar Outland will also be provided as well
as their names and some general info about them. Evoke them in your own
way, as I do not feel it is necessary for me to walk you through the process of
evoking them here after doing so in the last section of this Grimoire. The
process of evoking the Ruling Entities of the Stellar Outlands is basically the
same as it is to evoke an Arch-Daemon.
To evoke the spirits of the Stellar Outlands it is not necessary to worry too
much about trivial details such as what incense to use etc. Blood is the most
important thing to use I have found. Blood dedicated to your intention, your
intention being the evokation of the spirit. If you have incense and candles, it
is of course advisable and an effective way to enhance evokations. I will not
however go into details such as candle and incense in this section, if you have
paid attention thus far, then you should know that it does not matter too much
as long as you use the appropriate candle colors and incense toward your
specific intent of the evokations. Black and red colors and candles are of
course the most useful for this particular Left Hand Path Draconian Magick.
Dragon's Blood incense is best for most of the evokations or gate openings
ahead, but I do advise you to go with your intuition and listen to your guides
in this work. Do not do this work without an attitude of dedication to your
own growth and betterment. All of this work is ultimately designed to
awaken you to your true reality and become a being who can consciously
stand outside of time and manipulate time and space for your highest good.
Aleister Crowley writes in Liber Al (The Book Of The Law) chapter 1,verse
3, that "Every man and every woman is a star." This means that even when
you are completely liberated from the enslavement of time and space that you
will still do what is best for you and walk according to your own path like a
star (stars do not ordinarily collide with each other). If you are walking
according to your True Will, which will be revealed through this work (if it
has not been already) then your path will not interfere with the paths of
others, nor will you want to mess with the lives of others unless they initiate
reason for you to do so…e.g. trying to control or enslave you in some way.
Perhaps it may be that you are to help others with the power that you gain
when it is asked for.
The opening of the Stellar Outland Gateways ahead will be more effective
in most cases using a consecrated black mirror. The Gateway sigils provided
will however work without a black mirror, but not as well. I suggest investing
in and consecrating a black Obsidian Mirror at this point if you have not
already done so. It does not have to be an Obsidian mirror though; you may
make a mirror inexpensively using a picture frame and painting one side of
the glass with several coats of glossy black paint.
The Divisions of the Nine Stellar Outlands
The names of the Stellar Outlands that I received came through mostly in
the Enochian language and one other in what appeared to be pronounced the
same as in English i.e. the Ninth Outland known as Death is in English, but
the remaining eight gates are in the Enochian language. Accurate
pronunciations for each name are provided, they are somewhat difficult to
pronounce, unless you have experience with Enochian Magick.
The Outland Called Death
Chapter Twenty
7. Project into the Gate and call to Enli either using his name in
Daemon Tongue or in English. Enli in Deamon Tongue is:
8. Talk to Enli and ask him to guide you through the Work of the
9. When the journey is over thank Enli and any other guides who
helped then return to your body.
10. Close the Gate, close the Circle and then Banish.
11. Write down all your experiences and what you learned in the
5. Project into the Gateway and call to Enli to guide you. You may
call him in Daemon Tongue or English.
6. Return to your body when the journey ends, then close the
7. Close the Circle and Banish your space. Record all that you
Evokation of Enli
Evokation of Tuh-Rid
1. Set up your Altar with the appropriate items and the sigil of
2. Banish your space before you begin.
3. Cast the Circle of Leviathan.
4. Perform the Rite of Rebellion.
5. Now place your blood on the sigil of Tuh-Rid.
6. Now intone the chant of evoking Tuh-Rid.
Evokation of Dee
Dee is a warrior spirit and has an energy of absolute fearlessness. He
literally feels no fear. It is not possible for him. He does not run or back
down. Dee can help the Initiate to overcome his own inner insecurities and
fears. Evoke Dee in a separate Ritual before opening Teemhcsd in order to
deal with any fears that you may have before entering the Gate of Teemhcsd.
Dee may also help the Initiate or Witch to crush his most nagging enemies
with finality. He is helpful in accessing your own warrior's spirit within you
to overcome day to day challenges and beyond.
The Sigil of Dee
1. Set up your Altar with the appropriate items and the sigil of
2. Banish your space before you begin.
3. Cast the Circle of Leviathan.
4. Perform the Rite of Rebellion.
5. Place your blood on the Sigil of Dee.
6. Now intone the chant of evoking Dee.
10. When finished close the Circle of Leviathan and Banish.
11. Record results and communications.
Evokation of Ess
1. Set up your Altar with the appropriate items and the sigil of
2. Banish your space before you begin.
3. Cast the Circle Of Leviathan.
4. Perform the Rite of Rebellion.
5. Place your blood on the Ess's Sigil.
6. Now intone the chant of evoking Ess:
The image evoked by using the Chant of Opening ahead is the butterfly
leaving its cocoon. It is symbolic of a the transformation that occurs in the
work of Zhvmv. The Initiate must be patient and do the work before they can
rise from their cocoon.
The Opening of Zhvmv
7. Project into the Gate and call to Arzsmu. When the journey is
over thank him and any other guides who helped you, then return to
your body.
Daemon tongue:
Daemon tongue:
6. Close the Circle and Banish your space. Record all that you
Evoaktion of Arzsmu
1. Set up your Altar with the appropriate items and the sigil of
2. Banish your space before you begin.
3. Cast the Circle of Leviathan.
4. Perform the Rite of Rebellion.
5. Place your blood on the Arzsmu Sigil and present any food
offering now.
6. Now intone the chant of evoking Arzsmu:
Ka-Re-Set-Opar Meditation
If you are able, it is best to use the Circle of Leviathan when doing this
meditation, and it is best to do it in your ritual space. One black candle on the
Altar and your pyramid shaped stone (if you have one) centered on the Altar
as well. If you choose, you may do this meditation without the Circle of
Leviathan, but make sure your space is clear and protected from intrusion or
it will not work well. Dragon's Blood incense is best for this meditation or
any kind that puts you in a good state of relaxation. Trance meditation music
is good as well, as long as the volume is low. Open the Gateway of Gaypg
before doing the meditation for enhanced results and greater power to shifts
dimensions, to peer anywhere in time and space and even to alter events
energetically. It is best to explore the Stellar Outland of Gaypg a few times
before using it's currents for the Ka-Re-Set-Opar Meditation or for the full
Attainment Rite.
Step One
When you are ready, perform the Cleansing Rite of The Goddess and then
light your Candle and incense.
Step Two
Cast the Circle of Leviathan and make a small blood offering to those
Daemons who hold the Circle if you desire. Now be seated and close your
eyes, get very relaxed, breathing slowly through your nose as you go deeper
and deeper into trance.
Step Three
Now begin to visualize a pyramid of electric blue light surrounding your
whole body with only your head exposed above the peak. See a round ring of
light surrounding your head right at the apex of the pyramid.
Step Four
See the pyramid begin to spin counterclockwise as the ring of light above
it stays still and begins to glow with power and energy drawn from the
pyramid. See it continue to grow in bright intensity like a sun as the pyramid
spins faster and faster while you are chanting "Ka-Re-Set-Opar", either out
loud or silently within your mind.
Step Five
Continue the visualization and chanting until you achieve a state of trance
and communion with the those in the realms of non-time. Write down all that
you learn, feel, and see during this meditation as it may be important later.
When finished, close the Magick Circle and clear your space with the
Cleansing Rite of the Goddess.
7. Project into the Gate and call to Gsgd. His name in Daemon
Tongue is:
When the journey is over thank him and any other guides who helped you,
then return to your body.
Return to your body when the journey ends, then close the Gate.
6. Close the Circle and Banish your space. Record all that you
Evokation of Gsgd
Evoke Gsgd for all things and matters pertaining to the Stellar Outland of
Gaypg and for help and understanding the work of Gaypg. Evoke him to
detect any bindings, hexes and curses that may be on you or someone whom
you are close to. He may help with release and healing from all negativity as
well as detecting any intrusive energies that may attached to you or your
auric field. He may help in detecting and healing all diseases of the body or
mind. He is also able to strengthen the Initiate in any way he may desire or
need, e.g. stronger psychic or clairvoyant abilities. His power to help the
Initiate in altering himself or the world around him is only limited by the
True Will of the Initiate or Witch.
The Sigil of Gsgd
1. Set up your Altar with the appropriate items and the Sigil of
2. Banish your space before you begin.
3. Cast the Circle of Leviathan.
4. Perform the Rite of Rebellion.
5. Place your blood on Gsgd's Sigil now.
6. Now intone the chant of evoking Gsgd:
When the journey is over thank Wtadv and any other guides who
helped you, then return to your body.
5. Project into the Gateway and call to Wtadv to guide you in your
journey. His name in Daemon Tongue is:
Return to your body when you feel the journey has ended, then close
the Gateway.
6. Close the Circle and Banish your space. Record all that you
Evokation of Wtadv
Evoke Wtadv for all things related to the Stellar Outland of Tsvuts. You
may also evoke him for help with past life research, exploration, and healing.
He will help you to see yourself as you really are. He de-conditions the lies
that you may believe about yourself and gives you clarity. He is also very
helpful in clearing your space of negativity.
1. Set up your Altar with the appropriate items and the Sigil of
2. Banish your space before you begin.
3. Cast the Circle of Leviathan.
4. Perform the Rite of Rebellion.
5. Place your blood on Wtadv's Sigil now.
6. Now intone the chant of evoking Wtadv:
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh-- Gahee-Dah-Eh-Cuh-Eh.
7. Project into the Gate and call to Xmhtc. His name in Daemon
Tongue is:
When the journey is over thank Xmhtc and any other guides who
helped you, then return to your body.
5. Project into the Gateway and call to Xmhtc to guide you in your
journey. His name in Daemon Tongue is:
Return to your body when you feel the journey has ended, then close
the Gateway.
6. Close the Circle and Banish your space. Record all that you
Evokation Of Xmhtc
Xmhtc as mentioned earlier is a spirit who presents as a dark hooded,
cloaked male figure sometimes riding a camel. His presence is intense and
noticeable even for the un-initiated. He is a powerful daemon of Death and is
able to curse and destroy enemies as well as dissolve things in your life that
you do not want any more. He is a guide who may help you defy the rules of
the Matrix we live in by dismantling the false Self. He emphasizes the
falseness of this reality we humans live in. He is a bringer of powerful
internal change. He may be evoked to prepare for physical death; to have a
successful death without falling into soul traps that erase your subconscious
memory and put you right back in a body without a clue of your former lives.
He guides the Initiate or Witch in how to die properly, without becoming
stuck in the lies of the Matrix that ask a person to return over and over to
"learn their soul lessons,". The new age attitude of reincarnation to learn soul
lessons is incorrect. We have a choice, don't be fooled into coming back here
if you do not want to. Lastly Xmhtc may be evoked in order to cause an Ego
death without drugs or substances of any kind.
Sigil of Xmhtc
1. Set up your Altar with the appropriate items and the Sigil of
2. Banish your space before you begin.
3. Cast the Circle of Leviathan.
4. Perform the Rite of Rebellion.
5. Place your blood on Xmhtc’s Sigil now.
6. Now intone the chant of evoking Xmhtc:
She presents as a tall female Goddess and will be guiding you on your
initial journeys into the Stellar Outland of Chws.
Using the Chant of Opening Chws Evokes the image of two roses,
revealing some of the deeper meanings of the Stellar Outland Chws. The
roses are showing the crossing of paths between individuals for love and
growth which occurs in many lifetimes.
7. Project into the Gate and call to Sdahv. Her name in Daemon
Tongue is:
When the journey is over thank Sdahv and any other guides who
helped you, then return to your body.
5. Project into the Gateway and call to Sdahv to guide you in your
journey. Her name in Daemon Tongue is:
Return to your body when you feel the journey has ended. Thank
those who guided you, then close the Gateway.
6. Close the Circle and Banish. Record all that you remember.
Evokation of Sdahv
1. Set up your Altar with the appropriate items and the Sigil of
2. Banish your space before you begin.
3. Cast the Circle of Leviathan.
4. Perform the Rite of Rebellion.
5. Place your blood on Sdahv's Sigil now.
6. Now intone the chant of evoking Sdahv:
7. As you gaze at her Sigil Chant her name rhythmically until you
feel her essence manifest and grow strong.
8. Meditate and commune with Sdahv.
9. Be sure to express your respect and gratitude to Sdahv by
giving the Grateful farewell when finished:
7. Project into the Gate and call to Daers. His name in Daemon
Tongue is:
When the journey is over thank Daers and any other guides who helped
you, then return to your body.
Return to your body when you feel the journey has ended. Thank
those who guided you, then close the Gateway.
6. Close the Circle and Banish your space. Record all that you
Evokation Of Daers
Daers Presents as a Native American Aztec Warrior with red war paint on
his face. He is a wise spirit of honesty and truth who may reveal any secret
that you seek to know. He can reveal all the deceptions of others as well the
deceptions of the self. Evoke Daers to unlock the knowledge and power to
achieve results in whatever you may be trying to accomplish, which is the
same as the primary theme of the Stellar Outland of Acd. He offers helpful
and powerful advice to the Initiate. He is a mate or complement of
Sigil of Daers
1. Set up your Altar with the appropriate items and the Sigil of
2. Banish your space before you begin.
3. Cast the Circle of Leviathan.
4. Perform the Rite of Rebellion.
5. Place your blood on the Sigil of Daers Sigil now.
6. Now intone the chant of evoking Daers:
...is a strong female spirit who usually comes wearing all black and has
most of her body and face covered. Her presence is strong and gives the
Initiate feelings of euphoria. She is a positive and feel-good spirit who's
presence I personally enjoyed above many of the other Gatekeepers.
Other experiences and visions of the Stellar Outland of Tbddwe include
masses of flat land covered in protective domes floating next to each other.
These smaller realms hold large castle like buildings and mansions as well as
lush green forests and plant life. One may journey into these different realms
if they desire in future journeys.
The image evoked into the Initiates mind when using the Chant of Opening
Tbddwe found ahead is that of Neptune/Poseidon awaiting the
Initiate who will receive his gnosis.
7. Project into the Gate and call to Aef. Her name in Daemon
Tongue is:
When the journey is over thank Aef and any other guides who helped you,
then return to your body.
Return to your body when you feel the journey has ended. Thank
those who guided you, then close the Gateway.
6. Close the Circle and Banish your space. Record all that you
Evokation Of Aef
Evoke Aef for anything related to the Stellar Outland of Tbddwe. She
may be evoked for help in vivid out of body travels or any kind of journeys in
which you need to shed the bindings of embodiment to a greater extent. Aef
is helpful in finding treasures or valuables. She can help the Initiate or Witch
gain great wealth and abundance; whether material abundance or even
spiritual abundance. Aef has seven-hundred and twelve subordinate spirits
that serve her.
Aef's appearance is that of a young woman clothed in all black with her
mouth and head covered. She wears various black head coverings.
Sigil of Aef
1. Set up your Altar with the appropriate items and the Sigil of
2. Banish your space before you begin.
3. Cast the Circle Of Leviathan.
4. Perform the Rite of Rebellion.
5. Place your blood on Aef's Sigil now.
6. Intone the chant of evoking Aef:
Eh-Ah-Ohay-Fay-Eh-Enn-Yee-Key-Eh-Sah Ah-Cuh-Ohay-Sah!
Evokation of Neptune/Poseidon
1. Set up your Altar with the appropriate items and the Sigil of
2. Banish your space before you begin.
3. Cast the Circle of Leviathan.
4. Perform the Rite of Rebellion if desired.
5. Place your blood on Neptune's Sigil now.
6. Now intone the chant of evoking Neptune:
THIS third part of the Grimoire is for those who have completed the
former chapters or for those who have already evoked and worked with the
Arch-daemons and Stellar Outland Gatekeepers.
After careful deliberation with the Daemons/Spirits of this Grimoire, I
have selected a handful of them specifically suited for this section who are
willing to participate in Possession Rites, but only for those who are willing
to accept the honor, and those who are ready for this particularly intense
experience with Spirit. The order in which you perform these possessions is
entirely up to your own discretion, because they did not come through in a
way that suggests any particular order should be followed.
Do not perform these Possession Rites with Daemons whom you do not
already have a good relationship with. If you do, it probably just will not
work anyway, because it is up to the Spirit you are working with to
participate or not. If the Daemon or Spirit does not care for you or they just
do not think you are ready for their energies yet, then they will probably just
ignore you or worse. The reason for this is that possession is a very intimate
experience for both of the beings involved. No one wants someone that they
do not even like completely joined with them. It would be awkward and
uncomfortable for both. For these reasons please choose a Daemon or
Outlander whom you already have a good connection with, or create a good
relationship with the Daemon or Outlander whom you intend to have a
possession experience with by communing with them often.
If you follow these suggestions and are thoughtful and cautious, and are
using your intuition to decide who is best to work with, then you have
nothing to fear when participating in a Possession Rite. Do keep in mind that
there is a risk of the Spirit or Daemon possessing you longer than your
original intention, but again this is unlikely if you have a good relationship
with the entity working with you.
I will not be giving the Possession Chants for all of the Daemons within
this Grimoire, but nothing is stopping you from asking the Daemonic for a
Possession Chant of your own. If you feel more comfortable asking me to
receive a particular Possession Chant for you, then you may contact me if
you wish.
I advise that you select three to four entities to do Possession with. Create a
relationship with one at a time and then move to the next while maintaining
the relationships/connections that you create. Use common sense and do not
overburden yourself with too much at once.
Preliminary Information
Chapter Thirty
FOR those who are new to the practice allow me to define what I mean
when I say "Possession" in this Grimoire, starting by talking about what
possession is not. It is not what you see in the movies…unless you are just
plain being attacked by an entity, being taken over completely and being
harmed by the entity is not how the process works. The Possession that I am
describing in this Grimoire more of a union between two Beings, usually for
a short, temporary, period of time and only for purposes that benefit both
Spirits, specifically you and the entity who is Possessing you. It is true that
you can be "taken over" but usually only if you allow it. If a spirit is
controlling you, even when you are telling it "No" then this is not what the
goal is in this Grimoire. The Goal is a temporary union between you and the
Daemon/Outlander you are working with in order to see things from the
perspective of that entity and open your eyes to who you really are in so
doing. It is a deeper level of gnosis and teaching from the Spirit. It is more of
specified focus, rather than superficially working with many spirits. One
becomes focused on the single spirit they are allowing to possess them for a
specified duration of time. The duration of time that you work with a spirit
depends on you, your goals and needs, as well as those of the Daemonic or
Outlander Spirit with whom you are working.
Frequency of Possession
I recommend working with only one daemon at a time for a period of at
least a month before doing possession work with another daemon, in order to
reap the greatest benefits and results. Do at least one Possession Rite per
week, but two a week for best results, if you can. You will find that the
possession experience grows deeper and greater with each Rite performed.
The first possession that you participate in with a spirit will likely only be a
light possession. It will take several Possession Rites before a full possession
state can occur in most cases, but this is not an absolute. If you have a strong
pre-existing relationship with the Spirit, a full possession may occur the first
time that you do the Rite.
Keep in mind, the Spirit that you are working with will likely still be with
you to some degree even if you intend for them to leave after the Possession
Rite. This of course does vary according to your written intention and the
Spirit you are working with. They become your teacher or mentor for the
time that you intend to work with them, whether you realize it or not. Sexual
union is also a good way to learn from the spirit you are working with, but
only if you are both comfortable with it. Clarity and honesty about your
intentions with the Spirit or Daemon is a must.
Baal’s Five Rules for a Successful
The following are the result of a conversation I had with Baal about
possession and the general rules that apply. These are not absolutes
necessarily, but I do not recommend deviating from them for your own safety
if you are a beginner.
I would like to add that The Cursing Rite from Chapter Four is available as
a preliminary to be performed if necessary immediately before each of these
Possession Rites ahead. The Cursing Rite is to be modified for these Rites in
the following way. Instead of using The Circle Of Leviathan you will use the
Circle of Daemonic Possession given ahead during the cursing and for the
Possession Rite itself. Additionally, make doubly sure your space is
absolutely clear of all intrusive energies by performing cleansing, clearing
and protection Rites. If something is binding you and interfering with your
Rites, the Possession will likely fail. Keep in mind that the more powerful the
Spirit you are evoking and doing possession with, the more likely it is that
something will try to interfere and stop you from accessing their power.
Step One
Begin by facing the North. Pointing your Athame toward the North,
intone the opening of the Abyss "Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas" or the
opening in Daemon Tongue:
Then intone the following in Daemon Tongue with intention and emotion,
focusing on Baal as you do so.
See Baal enter your temple in his gold armor and horned helmet. He is
usually holding a spear in his left hand and He may also be holding a shield
in his other hand. He looks similar to depictions of the legendary hero
Achilles. Feel the buzzing, masculine energies emanating from Baal. Feel his
strength permeate your own aura and energy. The strength to conquer any
challenge in your life.
Now call the Qliphothic Order of Daemons that Baal rules by intoning:
See the A’arab Zaraq fill the Southern portion of your temple.
Step Two
Turn toward the North-West and intone the following chant to call
Lucifuge into the Temple with the intention that he hold your space.
See Lucifuge enter your space; his outer aura shines brightly, but his
core emanates darkness which extinguishes the bright exterior. To the
untrained psychic eye he looks light, but he is actually dark.
Step Three
Now turn toward the West focusing on Baal-Zebub intone his calling in
the Daemon Tongue language.
Envision Baal-Zebub materializing from beyond time and space into
your chamber. His face is pitch-black and featureless, and he holds a
long staff in his right hand. His power is present and undeniable.
Now call the Tribe of Ghagiel into the Temple by intoning.
Step Four
Turning to the South-West, focus now on Astaroth as you begin the
following intonation.
Astaroth will usually present as Astarte in this particular Magick Circle.
See her step into your temple, a tall, Goddess wearing regal, blue, garments
with an unmistakably deep and ancient presence, even more powerful than
that of her male form of Astaroth.
Now intone the following to call the Gha'agsheblah.
Step Five
Now turn to the South and begin the calling of Belphegor focusing on
your intention for him to hold your space.
Now see the tall, dark, daemonic looking Belphegor step into your
temple with a large staff in his right hand. His staff has a round black
disc on its apex. Which is symbolic of his Powers of the Black Sun.
Intone the following to call his Qliphothic Tribe, the Thagirion.
Step Six
Step Seven
Now turn toward the South-East and intone the chant of calling Lucifer to
hold your space. Focus your mind on him as you intone the words.
See Lucifer levitate through your walls and into your ritual space or
chamber as an astral wraith. Wearing his golden crown with emeralds
encircling its periphery. He holds his scepter in his right hand. Feel his
energies empower your mind and spirit with dark enlightenment.
Now call the Order of winged two-headed demons known as the
Step Eight
Facing the East begin to visualize and focus your mind on the Daemoness
Lilith as you intone the following words in Daemon Tongue.
See a dark, oval portal open in the West. Then see the ancient, unbound
Lilith emerge with a daemonic regality and grace about her. Her life giving
essence and richness of feminine power engulf you. Her eyes are pitch black
and echo an ancient wisdom unknown to mortal man.
Now call her Army of Gamaliel into your space.
Step Nine
Turn toward the North-East and focus your attention on Asmodeus as you
intone his calling.
Now see Asmodeus appear before you, a massive daemon of fire and
fury ready to destroy your enemies.
Now call the Tribe of Golachab into your temple.
Step Ten
Now turn back to the North, completing the Circle Of Possession, before
moving to the Center and pointing your Athame above and focusing on the
Daemoness Naamah/Nahemoth as you intone her calling.
Feel the dark, maternal presence of Naamah descend from above, linking
the entire circle to you. Standing in the center the energies of the Arch-
daemons surrounding you cause you to feel centered and powerful as you
now call the Tribe of Lilith into your temple.
To close the Circle when you are done, give the Grateful Farewell to each
Daemon in the reversed order of the opening. Each spirit name may be found
in the Circle Casting Rite. It is the first part of each directional chant and if
you feel it is necessary, you may give the Grateful Farewell to each Tribe as
Dah-Fay-Gahee-Zie-Sah-Fay-Yee-Fuh •
Possession With Baal
Chapter Thirty-One
Step Two
Cast the Circle of Daemonic Possession and then Perform the Rite Of
Rebellion. Then prick your finger and place your Blood in the offering
receptacle, as a gift to the Daemonic. Begin to use your finger, Wand, or
Athame if preferred to open the your black mirror (point at the mirror and
move in a counterclockwise spiral to open it). You may now anoint the Sigil
of Baal with your blood as well. Chanting his name as you do so, either in
English or his name in Daemon tongue:
Step Three
Now be seated comfortably and gaze at Baal's Sigil as you continue
chanting his name, bringing him into your reality. Now begin to sing his
Chant of Evokation:
Once you feel that he is fully present, close your eyes and begin to intone
his Possession Chant:
Relax and allow yourself to go into an egoless state of trance with no
thoughts; just be. Continue singing the Possession Chant until you feel Baal's
energy envelop you from the inside out. You should feel his presence enter
you while you are chanting.
Step Four
Now enjoy the union/state of possession with Baal for as long as desired.
Keep in mind that the first time that you do this Rite it may not last very long,
but the more you better your relationship with Baal, the better or longer your
results will be. Do not force the connection, it has to happen naturally. Baal
cannot really be forced to possess you, he has to agree to possess you.
Step Five
When you are ready to end the Rite, communicate your intention to Baal
that you wish for him to leave you. If you are linked, all that you will have to
do is think this intention and intone the Grateful Farewell to him:
Now take a few deep breaths, exhaling Baal's energy as you do so, or you
may prefer to keep a light connection with Baal for the remainder of the day.
If so, communicate this intention instead and then begin to close the Rite.
Step Six
When you are ready, thank the Daemons who are holding your space one
by one. Giving them the Grateful Farewell in Daemon Tongue or in English
if you prefer.
Step Seven
Perform the Banishing Rite now, then proceed to write down all that you
learned, felt, and did magickally through this Rite of Possession.
Possession With Belial
Chapter Thirty-Two
Step Two
After casting The Circle of Daemonic Possession, perform The Rite Of
Rebellion, then prick your finger and place a few drops of your blood in the
offering receptacle and on the Sigil of Belial while whispering his name in
English or Daemon Tongue:
Now begin to open the black mirror with your finger or your wand
circling counterclockwise as you point at it. You may place a drop of blood
on the edge of the black mirror as well, to help open it.
Step Three
Now be seated comfortably and gaze gently at the sigil of Belial
continuing to whisper his name. Now intone his Chant of Evokation to bring
him further into your reality:
Once you feel that Belial is very present, close your eyes and begin to
sing/intone his Possession Chant over and over:
As you chant, allow yourself to enter an egoless state of trance. Sink into
emptiness and allow Belial to fill you with his spirit. Do not force it, only
allow it. If you feel compelled to do so, you may now use the Karezza
method (masturbation without climax) to intensify the experience.
Step Four
Now allow the full communion to take place, no effort or worry, just let it
happen. Allow yourself to see things from Belial's perspective and feel his
powers within you. Enjoy the connectedness with Belial for as long as
desired by both you and he.
Step Five
When you are ready, you may end the Possession and close the circle by
giving Belial the Grateful Farewell:
Or if you and Belial desire to stay joined for a longer period, do not give
the Grateful Farewell. Just close the Circle and Banish the space, keeping
your union for a longer period outside of the Rite. Record your results and
experiences in your journal.
Possession With Naamah
Chapter Thirty-Three
Step Two
Cast the Circle of Daemonic Possession and then perform The Rite Of
Rebellion. Prick your finger and place a few drops of your blood in the
offering receptacle and onto the Sigil of Naamah as you chant her name. You
may place a drop on the black mirror as well, to help open it.
Step Three
Pick up your Wand or Athame and point it at the black mirror. Move the
wand in counterclockwise circles as you see the black mirror begin to open,
allowing Naamah to manifest into your reality with greater intensity. be
seated and begin Naamah's Chant of evokation as you gaze at her Sigil:
Continue to chant until you feel Naamah's presence and power grow with
enough intensity that you can clearly talk to her.
Step Four
After communicating your intention clearly to Naamah by stating out
loud your Will, close your eyes and begin to recite her Possession Chant:
Chant over and over until you feel Naamah's spirit fill you and empower
you. Enjoy the union and accomplish your magickal Will, then you may give
Naamah the Grateful Farewell. Take a few deep breaths and exhale Naamah's
essence. If you both choose, you may continue the possession outside of the
Rite instead of breaking the union.
Step Five
Now close the Circle of Daemonic Possession and Banish the Ritual area
with the Cleansing Rite of The Goddess. Write down your results and
experience in your journal •
Possession With Lilith
Chapter Thirty-Four
Step Two
Step Three
Now point your Wand or Athame at the black bowl or dish and make
counterclockwise circles focusing on opening the Gateway through which
Lilith may manifest. Now be seated and intone Lilith's Chant of Evokation:
Continue chanting until you feel Lilith's presence strongly.
Step Four
Communicate your intention to be temporarily possessed by her before
you begin singing her Possession Chant:
Sing the chant until you feel her energy/Spirit fill you and well up inside
you. Enjoy the union as long as you desire and perform any magickal works
and tasks now. You may be inclined to do sex magick with Lilith at this time
as well, but only if she desires you. When you are finished, give Lilith the
Grateful Farewell, take a deep breath and exhale her energy, or you may
continue with the possession outside of the Rite if Lilith agrees to it.
Step Five
Close the Circle and Banish your space. Record your results and
experiences in your Journal. Do not be surprised if you have dream
gnosis from Lilith when you go to sleep; record these dreams as well.
Possession With Astaroth
Chapter Thirty-Five
THE Rite of Being Possessed By Astaroth is for those who have already
worked with Astaroth for a good length of time. She/He will not join with
you unless he or she is inclined to do so. In this particular Rite of Possession
Astaroth seemed to morph back and forth between his male version and her
female manifestation known as Astarte. Astarte's/Astaroth's energy was and
has always been very affectionate toward me, for this reason he would
usually manifest in his female form whenever I called. The form Astaroth
takes depends on what you need or prefer. Do not fight which form appears,
go with the flow. Astaroth, in my experience is not at all scary or intimidating
toward those whom she respects. Approach her with an attitude of knowing
that you know her already, as if you are old friends. It is ok to be
presumptuous with her considering you are in part, a being who is outside of
time, thus you have known her for millennia already. She is a form of the
Dark Goddess, and you are her son/daughter and in a spiritual sense, her
My possession experience with Astaroth was not what I at first expected. I
was intending it to be mostly business, not a hugely pleasurable experience,
but it was actually the opposite. Astaroth immediately took his female-
Astarte-form and began to flirt with me once I had called him into visible
appearance before me. I communicated my intention, trying to maintain
composure and a stern attitude as I did so, but she would not have it. She did
possess me but it felt very sexual and affectionate compared to a normal
possession. I being a little bewildered just went with it and asked questions
about what powers she potentially offered the Witch who did possession with
her. As she surrounded me in her energy and powers I felt her presence
within grow stronger and stronger. Astarte touched and caressed me as she
deliberately took her time answering my inquiries; her touch felt like a static
electric energy, giving me chills as it pulsed against my shoulders, neck and
the back of my head. I will hold off on sharing further details about Astarte's
sexually charged affections toward me. I will say that she or he is not shy in
the least. I do not think your experience will necessarily be similar, it really
depends on the nature of your own relationship with Astarte/Astaroth.
The benefits and potential powers accessed through possession with
Astaroth are an understanding of numbers, a better understanding of life, the
obtainment of hidden knowledge, the power of seeing into any and all
dimensions, the potential power to love or have sex with whom you desire,
the power to cause disease/illness in others or to heal them, and lastly, the
power to change your appearance.
Step Two
Cast The Circle Of Daemonic Possession and perform the Rite Of
Rebellion if desired to attune yourself to the energies of Astaroth. Give
your gift of blood to the Daemons who hold the Circle, then cover the
Sigil of Astaroth with your blood as you begin to chant his/her name
over and over in English or Daemon Tongue:
You may place a drop on the mirror itself as you
point your Athame at it and move it in counterclockwise circles to open
Step Three
Be seated and as you gaze at the Sigil intone the Chant of Evokation used
for Astaroth:
Continue to sing the chant until you feel Astaroth's presence grow very
strong. Now communicate your intention to be possessed by him or her.
Step Five
When you and Astaroth are ready, begin to intone the Possession Chant
as you gaze at his/her Sigil on the Altar:
Sing the Chant for a few minutes, then close your eyes and enter a trance
state as you continue to whisper the chant and feel Astaroth enshroud you and
fill you with his/her spirit.
Step Six
Enjoy the Union with Astaroth as long as you both desire. Now when you
are ready to part with Astaroth, give the Grateful Farewell as you take a deep
breath and exhale Astaroth's energy, or you may keep a light Possession with
Astaroth outside of the Rite, as long as he/she agrees to do so. Close the
Circle of Daemonic Possession now and perform The Cleansing Rite of the
Goddess. Write down all that you received for visions and experiences.
Possession With Babalon
Chapter Thirty-Six
LET me start off by saying that Babalon is not a Goddess that you may
ask to possess you without giving up to her some serious dedication and
sacrifice. She is a demanding Goddess who does not accept half-hearted
effort, especially if you are asking for union with her. If you are intending to
have her possess you once and then forget about her, then I advise that you
turn back now. Remember those who have come before you asking Babalon
to be part of their life and how it ended for them. Jack Parsons for example
being of a man who dedicated himself to her work and ended up sacrificing
his very life for what he wanted from her. Let me make it very clear that you
may not dable with Babalon. If you do choose to work with her, then you
must be patient and give a lot of focus and attention to her to be successful.
She may not possess you fully right away, even if you believe yourself to be
dedicated to her. She may require you to take your time and be sure that you
realize the consequences of your intentions. Be patient with yourself and be
prepared to be changed in big ways should you take the time to be a vessel of
her gnosis. I'm not saying that anything bad will happen to you if you do
work with her. She is actually a patient Goddess in most cases.
Babalon in my experience requires longer term periods of time focused on
her for a full possession to occur. I recommend a couple months of focus on
her assuming that you can work with her at least a couple times per week, if
not then use your discretion and increase the length of time that you focus on
her. Be honest with her and do not move forward with this particular
Possession Rite if you are not willing to follow through fully with time and
Babalon does seem to require an offering or gift of a sexual nature. This
can be Karezza, or an offering of sexual union with her to completion. She
will likely give you cues as to what she desires from you before she will
possess you. Often times she will join you later outside of the Rite if you give
her permission.
The benefits and powers of being possessed by Babalon are as follows. She
will often bring a lover into your life who is intensely gratifying sexually, as
well as emotionally and spiritually. She becomes a very powerful female
mentor in one's life. She brings a lot of overwhelming pleasure that must not
be taken to an obsessive extreme if you can help it. Babalon will also often
remove old lingering curse energies that may be stuck on you or your aura
from years past, she will heal the Initiate inside and out. She frees a person
from sexual inhibitions and lies about sex that they may have been taught by
their parents or the society that they live in. In my experience I had an
increased sex drive and a lot less self-judgment about what pleased me.
Babalon will gratify the Witch or Initiate all he or she desires, but on her
terms only. She increases the seductive qualities and charms of the Initiate as
well, in a way similar to Astaroth. There is much more that could be said
about Babalon's power, but it is up to her how much she reveals to you.
Overall, she seems to be an energy of renewal and passion.
My personal experiences with Babalon were relatively light states of
Possession (only compared to the intense possessions like that of Belial for
example) in which I would go on journeys and have visions of the distant
future, to a utopian city she called "New Babalon" or Nu Babalon. In my
Possession Rites with her she was always the dominant force. She said to me
"I work with you, not the other way around." when I would be demanding in
any way. I personally enjoyed her working with me so much so that I will
continue my relationship with her for future works. Working with Babalon is
a very intimate experience for a male or female Witch just the same.
Another important theme that came up when allowing Babalon to Possess
me is a group of ancient or timeless entities that I call the Hidden Ones.
These are very Daemonic and Draconian beings who are ruled by Babalon as
the Queen of Dragons if you will. I call her this because she often appears as
a humanoid Dragon wearing a crown. During several of my Possession Rites
with Babalon, these Hidden Ones would tear and rip their way through the
Veil…I could see clearly with my astral vision an inky black dragon being
and his rider come through the tear in the Veil…I received their gnosis and
empowerment without hesitation. It seems that to be possessed by Babalon is
to sometimes be possessed by these Hidden Ones as well. As I said earlier,
please be sure that you wish to work with Babalon before you begin…the
Hidden Ones will change you and change is never easy. If you are
comfortable with a struggle and attaining some real empowerment then by all
means move forward without delay.
Step Two
You may cast The Circle of Daemonic Possession, and perform the Rite
of Rebellion if desired.
Step Three
Pick up your lancet or bloodletting device and prick your finger. Place a
few drops of blood in the offering bowl for the Daemons who hold your
Circle and then a drop on the black mirror, on the Sigil of Babalon, and lastly
on the Gateway Sigil. Now pick up your wand and point at the mirror as you
say the Chant of Opening for Tsvuts, waving the wand in a counterclockwise
motion as you sing the chant.
Continue singing the chant until you feel the intense energies of Tsvuts
fill your ritual chamber. Now be seated and intone the Chant of Evokation for
Babalon, calling her forth from Tsvuts. Gaze at her sigil while you sing her
Chant of Evokation.
Step Four
Once you feel or see her standing before you, communicate your
intention for her to temporarily possess you. Remember do not force it, let it
happen or not. She will likely be with you after the Rite and be working with
you from this point on whether she possesses you or not. When you are
ready, recite her Possession Chant over and over, increasing the volume of
your voice as you chant.
Close your eyes and continue to whisper the Possession chant until you
feel her move into you. She may require a sexual offering now but, do not
climax until you are done with the Union or follow your instincts.
Step Five
Stay in a trance state and enjoy the Union for as long as you wish or as
long as it lasts. When you feel it is done, give Babalon the Grateful Farewell
in Daemon Tongue and then close the Gateway of Tsvuts. You may ask her
to stay with you after the Rite is over if you desire. She will if she wants to
either way, even if you do not ask her to.
Step Six
Close the Circle of Daemonic Possession and perform the Cleansing Rite
of the Goddess to end the Rite. Write down all that you experienced during
the Possession Rite and any important gnosis that occurs outside of the Rite
as well. Babalon tends to be present and work with the Initiate more outside
of the Possession Rite itself in my experience. Be patient and take it as it
Possession With Lucifuge
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Step Two
Cast the Circle Of Daemonic Possession and perform The Rite of
Rebellion now. Only one participant should lead the Rituals, preferably the
dominant participant, but you may do it how you wish, as long as one person
leads in the Rite in order to prevent confusion and clunkiness.
Step Three
Now both participants must place a few drops of blood in the offering
bowl for the Daemons holding the space, on the Sigil of Lucifuge, and a drop
on the black mirror as well before beginning the evokation of Lucifuge.
When you are both ready, evoke Lucifuge into your space by opening the
black mirror with your Wand or Athame and then intoning his Chant of
Continue chanting as you gaze at his Sigil, make sure his Sigil is
activated and his presence is strong before you stop chanting.
Step Four
Now before you begin to recite his Possession Chant, both you and your
partner (or just you, if you are doing it alone) commune your intention to
Lucifuge. Then you may do your BDSM play or sex play for as long as you
wish. The goal being to build up a good amount of sexual energy without
climaxing. Take your time and enjoy yourselves. Lucifuge and his energy
will likely enhance your pleasure. Once you feel a good amount of sexual
tension…stop and gaze at Lucifuge's Sigil and one or both participants can
now begin to intone his Possession Chant.
Get comfortable and continue to chant as you both stimulate each other or
yourselves lightly (not so much that it breaks your trance state).
Step Five
Once the intended participant achieves a Possession State (one at a time is
best) the other may write down his or her experiences and gnosis for them.
Continue with the Possession for as long as desired or as long as it lasts.
When done, you both may continue your sex until you climax if you want,
with intention to gift the energies released to Lucifuge; that he would fulfill
your intention and Will. Then give Lucifuge the Grateful Farewell, or you
may keep a light state of Possession outside of the Rite if desired. Be sure to
take a deep breath and exhale all of Lucifuge's energy if you want to end the
Step Six
Thank all the Daemons present as you close the Circle and Banish the
space if desired. Keep track of your results within the Rite and after the Rite
by writing them down. Repeat the Rite with roles reversed so that both
partners may experience being possessed by Lucifuge.
Possession With Dee
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Step Two
Cast the Circle of Daemonic Possession, and then perform the Rite of
Rebellion if desired to attune to the energies of the Outlands.
Step Three
You may make your blood offering to the Arch-Daemons who hold your
Circle and to Dee; place a few drops of blood on Dee's Sigil and in the
Offering bowl set aside for the Daemons who hold your Circle. The fruit
offering should already be on the Altar if you are using it in addition (simply
placing a clean, fresh apple on the Altar for him will suffice). Now be seated
and open the black mirror with your Athame or Wand by pointing at it and
making counterclockwise circles before intoning Dee's Chant of Evokation as
you gaze at his sigil.
Chant over and over until you feel his presence grow dense and strong.
Now communicate your intentions to him respectfully.
Step Four
When you are both ready begin to sing the Possession Chant out loud at
first, reading off Dee's Sigil if you want.
Then close your eyes and continue to chant in a whispering tone until you
feel Dee's electric energy fill your body. Make sure you are very relaxed and
empty your mind, allowing Dee to commune with you directly. Once you
achieve the possession state, perform your Magickal Will and take your time
enjoying the union.
Step Five
When the union ends or when you are ready for it to end, you may give
Dee the Grateful Farewell or just let him know that you would like to
continue the union outside of the Rite. He will however be around you and
working in your life regardless of whether or not you dismiss him.
Step Six
You may close the Circle and perform the Banishing Rite. Record all of
your results and experiences during and after the Rite in your Magickal
Possession With Wtadv
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Step Two
Perform the Rite of Rebellion now if desired. Then you may make your
blood offering to the Daemonic by pricking your finger and placing a few
good drops of blood in the offering receptacle and on the sigil of Wtadv,
covering/tracing the lines of the sigil. Begin to chant his name as you do so.
Open the black mirror by pointing your Athame or Wand at it and making
counterclockwise circles, then be seated and intone his Chant of Evokation
now as you gaze at his sigil.
Continue chanting until you feel the presence of Wtadv grow very strong.
You may feel his buzzing energy inside your face and head once he is fully
manifest. Now communicate your Will or intention to him.
Step Three
When ready intone his Possession Chant outloud at first then close your
eyes and continue chanting as you feel his presence move into you.
Perform your Magkical intention and receive his possession gnosis now.
When finished, he will likely leave on his own or you may give him the
Grateful Farewell in Daemon Tongue. Make sure you exhale all of his energy
if you intend to end the possession. He will still likely be present after the
Rite for a few days even if you do give him the Grateful Farewell.
Step Four
Now you may close the Circle and perform the Banishing Rite. Be sure to
write down all that you remember about the Possession and record the results
and changes that occur in the days that follow.
Possession With Sdahv
Chapter Forty
Step Two
You may now cast the Circle of Daemonic Possession and perform
the Rite of Rebellion to align with the currents of the Stellar Outlands.
Now prick your finger and place a few drops of blood into the
offering receptacle for the Daemonic holding your Circle and on the
Sigil of Sdahv, chanting her name as you do so. Now pick up your
Athame and use it to open your black mirror before being seated and
intoning Sdahv's Chant of Evokation as you gaze at her sigil.
Sing the Chant over and over until you feel Sdahv's presence grow
Step Three
Communicate your intention to Sdahv, before beginning to sing her
Possession Chant over and over. Put out all of the lighting in the chamber and
then continue chanting until you feel her presence move into you.
Once you feel her within you, commune with her and do the Magickal
work that you intend to accomplish.
Step Four
When you are finished, you may give Sdahv the Grateful Farewell and
exhale her energy if necessary, or you may keep a light possession state after
the Rite is over.
Step Five
Close the Circle now, thanking all of the Daemons present and write
down all that you remember from the Rite and any results later on. •
Possession With Daers
Chapter Forty-One
THE Possession Rite with Daers is excellent for those who are seeking
hidden knowledge. Knowledge that when revealed can be used to the
Initiate's advantage. He gives information on the activities and maneuvers of
one's enemies, not only the physical enemies, but spirit enemies as well. The
Rite is usually very high energy and enlightening in a way that allows a
person a new level of awareness. It is performed in the same way as the Rites
in earlier chapters. The thoughts of others will come to you clearly during
this Rite, but usually only those thoughts that are about you or that concern
you. It is a good idea for anybody who is serious about being successful in
their endeavors to perform this particular Possession Rite once a month just
to stay a step ahead of what is going on around them.
In my personal experience being possessed by Daers, I felt his ample,
buzzingly powerful energy flow into my being by the time I had intoned his
Possession Chant the third time. It reminded me of my the Rite of Being
Possessed By Belial. The strong masculine energies had a similar feel, almost
like a static electricity flowing through my body. Once Daers had possessed
me, I began to have visions of Arachne or Naamah. She communicated to me
nonverbally that she and Daers were in fact companions or lovers. Then
Daers began to talk to me in his intense daemonic voice, "I am not a God,
there are no Gods…only freedom." he said. He then talked to me about
specific details regarding pitfalls and dangers that threatened my path in life.
He also gave me details about moves my spirit enemies were making, which
allowed me to affectively counter their strategies. His gnosis was very on
point and helpful. During the Rite I also found that I travelled astrally to the
Egyptian Underworld know as Amenti or Amenta and stood before an
ancient one, who claimed to be part of me. He made statements about
changes that would take place in my level of awareness and power that
manifested the same day. My experience and impressions of Daers is that he
is a well-rounded powerful Stellar Outlander Spirit who is certainly worth
taking time to work with, and being possessed by him allows a much greater
degree of his power to flow into the Initiate's life. He like most Daemonic
entities, enjoys sexual union and sexual energies as an offering, but like the
others, he does not require it of you.
The Powers and benefits of being possessed by Daers are firstly
discovering the hidden intentions and moves of your enemies, knowing the
minds of others, attainment of monetary wealth, he gives good guidance and
advice in general, he increases intelligence, mental sharpness and mental
toughness, and he increases one's ability to fight or struggle against
opposition. Lastly he amplifies telepathic abilities between the Initiate and
spirit as well as between you and other physically embodied individuals and
Step Two
Cast The Circle of Daemonic Possession and then perform the Rite of
Rebellion now. With your lancet or bloodletting device prick your finger and
place a few drops of blood in the offering receptacle for the Daemons holding
your space, and place another few drops on the Sigil of Daers while chanting
his name in English or Daemon Tongue. Be seated now and while gazing at
the Sigil of Daers intone his Chant of Evokation over and over.
Continue to chant until you feel his presence grow strong within your
ritual space.
Step Three
Communicate to him your intention for him to possess you now. Then
when you are ready sing/intone his Possession Chant over and over.
Continue chanting over and over until you feel his buzzing powerful
energy fill you fully. Make sure you are very relaxed and in a trance state
while you are chanting. Once you are fully Possessed perform your magickal
Will and receive the desired gnosis. Listen carefully to what he has to say; his
advice has always been spot on and excellent in my own experience.
Step Four
When the Possession has ended or when you wish it to end, you may give
Daers the Grateful Farewell, or if you desire a light possession outside of the
Rite, ask him to remain with you. Now close the Circle, (thanking all the
Daemons for their help) and perform the Banishing Rite now.
Step Five
Lastly make sure you record all your experiences during the Rite and
your results in the days that follow.
The Rite of Attainment
Chapter Forty-Two
Step Two
Cast the Circle of Daemonic Possession, and perform the Rite of
Rebellion if you feel the need. Then prick your finger and gift a few drops of
your blood to those who hold the Circle, and place a few drops on the
Gateway of Gaypg leaning against the black mirror as well.
Step Three
Be seated and relax with your Altar in front of you. As you gaze at the
Gateway of Gaypg, pick up your Wand or Athame and point it at the
Gateway, circling the Wand/Athame counterclockwise as you intone the
Chant of Opening over and over until you feel the currents of Gaypg fill your
ritual space.
Step Four
Find a comfortable and relaxed seated meditation posture and close your
eyes, going deep into a trance state as you begin to visualize, state your
intention to your guides and the energies of Gaypg:
It is my Will to Perform the Rite of Attainment!
When you are ready, see the electric blue pyramid around your entire
body up to your neck. About two feet above the pyramid is the ring shaped
Eye of the Dragon; which is connected to the apex of the pyramid by a beam
of light. After a few minutes the pyramid begins to spin counterclockwise
around your body and the Eye above the pyramid, staying still, glows with
intense energy, growing brighter and brighter. Now holding this visual begin
to chant out loud if you can, "Ankh-Nu-Xhnsu" (Ank-New-Konsue).
Continue to chant over and over as you breathe slowly and visualize the
pyramid spinning and the Eye above your head growing brighter and
brighter. Hold this visual and mantra for a few minutes until you feel a
shifting of your consciousness; a change will occur.
Step Five
Now the ring-shaped Eye above you will lower to the level of your head
and engulf your head in it’s light. Once this occurs change your mantra to:
Ka-Re-Set-Opar (Ka-Ree-Set-Oh-par)
Keep breathing and chanting, feeding your attention to the pyramid
spinning, but staying very relaxed at the same time. Allow it to happen. Now
allow the Eye to start spinning in synchronicity with the pyramid. After a few
minutes the Eye will burst outward with intense light in all directions, and
then the light will shoot straight up toward the Overworld, connecting you
with the Dragon and all of the Daemonic Kingdom. Spend as long as you
wish meditating and receiving gnosis and union with the Daemonic and your
Daimon. Soak the experience in and enjoy it. You have earned it!
Step Six
When you are done and ready to close the Rite, express gratitude to all
those who have come to greet you, and to those who hold the Circle for you.
Then close the Circle and Banish with the Cleansing Rite of the Goddess.
Write down all of your experiences and all that you saw, felt, and heard.
Repeat the Rite once a week for three weeks for best results and once every
few months after that.
The Tunnels of Set
Part Four
Chapter Forty-Three
THE Tunnels of Set are the connecting bridges between the different
cells of the Qliphoth. There are Twenty-Two of them in all, creating 32 total
cells of the Qliphoth if one leaves out the newly received Stellar Outlands as
separate realms in themselves and the two hidden Tunnels of Set. They may
be viewed as part of Daath or separate realms altogether, either way is correct
from a certain view. If one includes the Stellar Outlands, it could be said that
there are 41 cells of Qliphoth, or if the hidden Tunnels were included and the
Hidden Sphere known as the Vaults of Zin we would say 45 cells. I will be
describing the Tunnels from 22 to 1 for the following chapters ahead to avoid
confusion. The Tunnels of Set at first glance may not seem all that powerful
or important in comparison to the Stellar Outlands and the Qliphothic Shells
themselves, but this view is a beginners mistake in working with Tree of
Daath Magick. The Tunnels of Set are indeed extremely important for the full
development of the Initiate or Witch. To do the work of the Tree of Daath
and leave out the Tunnels of Set is like creating a powerful computer and
then leaving out all of the wiring that links it together and allow it to
function. It is like a brain that that is fully empowered and developed but has
no nervous system connecting it to the body and spinal cord. One may even
say that the Tunnels of Set are what make your newly developed powers
more effective and usable in the dayside reality and/or the physical plane
This particular section will not include step by step instructions in the same
way as the previous sections. For the most part the steps are the same as those
of the Stellar Outlands and Qlipothic Shells in Parts One and Two. I do
recommend using a Black Mirror as a Gateway for the Tunnels of Set;
however it is okay to open and explore them without ritual tools if you do not
have them available or if you just want to try methods that are free of
physical ritual tools for whatever reason. Also, it is a good idea to use the
Sigil of the ruling sentinel (which are borrowed from Crowley's Liber 231) of
each tunnel as Gateways into the currents in themselves, evoking each entity
as a guide when working in the Tunnels themselves. This section gives
general info about the Tunnels of Set along with the Daemon Tongue Chants
to allow an easier opening of them. I do not go too in dept or in detail about
all of the meanings and correspondences of each Tunnel of Set or their
sentinels. The gnosis you receive may be quite different than the short
examples I provide in this section of my own gnosis. Take your time and
work through each of these Gateways/Tunnels with an attitude of seriousness.
The trials and challenges that come up during these workings will likely be
difficult to handle depending on your approach and attitude.
If you have not read Kenneth Grant's book Nightside of Eden, I do
recommend that you do so before or during this work if you can. Found
within his book are important pieces of info that he has already elucidated
about the Tunnels of Set. My intention is to complement his work with some
new info, (primarily the Chants of Evoking the Sentinels and the Chants of
Opening each Tunnel) not to repeat what is already written. However I will
reference his work when it is needed or important to do so. It is however ok
to use this section of the Grimoire as a stand alone guide to the Tunnels of
Set if you do not have access to Grant's work. Grant gives more details about
the Sigils of the Sentinels of each Tunnel found. I present them in this book
as they originally appear in Liber 231. Another good body of work about the
Tunnels is V.K. Jehannum's work on the subject. His material can be found
online on his website at the time that I am writing this.
The Tunnels of Set
Tunnel Twenty-Two Thantifaxath
Chapter Forty-Four
Sigil of Lafcursiax
Chant of Evoking Lafcursiax
Chant of Evokation
AT this juncture in your Initiation you are ready for the Greater Rite of
Attainment. This Rite is only for those who have worked through all of the
material up to this point. Do not skip any of the previous Tunnels of Set. Go
back to any Tunnels that you do not feel you have been fully initiated
through. If you try to do this Rite when you are not ready it may fuck you up
with headaches, nosebleeds and other health issues. This is a powerful Rite
that will altar you in ways that are very desired and beneficial if you are
seeking to maximize your potential as a Witch, Magickian or whatever your
goals in life may be. You will be amplified and able to handle greater
challenges. The results of the Rite are not instant, they may take some time to
fully manifest (about two months). Do the Rite once a week for three weeks
and then every few months after that. A preliminary Banishing Rite of the
Hexagram is provided ahead for you to use along with the Cleansing Rite of
the Goddess before and after you perform The Greater Rite of Attainment.
This Rite requires that you have the name, sigil and Evokation Chants and if
possible the Possession Chant of your Daimon for it to be done. If you do not
have this info already channeled and written down from your use of the
original Rite of Attainment, then now is a good time. If you need to repeat
The Rite of Attainment to connect with your Daimon and get this info, do so
before you attempt this Rite. If you are not psychic enough to get the name,
sigil and evokation words of your Daimon, then perhaps seek out another
Initiate who has these specific gifts. The Greater Rite of Attainment is
basically the same meditation and visualization as the original Rite. The
primary differences are that you will be doing full evokations and possessions
of Ankh-Nu-Xhnsu, Ka-Re-Sth-Opar, and your Daimon before doing the
usual visualization procedures of the Rite.
As in the regular or lesser Rite of Attainment, please prepare your space by
making sure all of your spiritual enemies are at bay and perform a powerful
curse if you need to. Additionally, cleanse, clear and protect your space from
any intruders before as well before you begin.
Step One
Begin by facing the East, holding your Wand in your Right Hand. Bring
your wand directly above your head as you look up at it, trace the Algol Star
Constellation as shown above. Vizualize this clearly once it is traced. With
both arms reaching toward the Stars, see the Algol Star itself begin to
brighten and grow larger and larger. Black Fire falls from it into the top of
your head and then down your entire body, inside and out, filling you with
Black Flame. The Flames concentrate at your upper chest center. Here they
grow in intensity until they burst forth and immolate your whole body with
darkness and power, pushing outward to your outer auric field. Now say:
Nu, the hiding of Hadit!
Step Two
Bring your hands down to your cheeks thumbs facing away, press the
sides of your palms into your cheeks. This is a Mudra or Gesture that Aleister
Crowley uses in a famous photo of him in which he is wearing a pyramid hat
on his head. Now bring your arms down and then bring your Wand straight
out in front of you. Using your Wand, trace the Hexagram of Fire as shown
below in the air in front of you.
Now point to the center with your Wand and Vibrate the Name of MEGA
THERION in the Daemon Tongue Language:
Step Three
Turning to the North, trace the Hexagram of Water with your wand in the
air in front of you, pointing at the Center and Vibrating MEGA THERION in
Daemon Tongue Once again.
Step Four
Turn to the West Trace the Hexagram of Air and again vibrate the name
Now Turning to the South Trace the Hexagram of Earth in front of you
and vibrate MEGA THERION once again.
Step Five
Returning to the East, hold your arms straight out away from your sides
and say:
Before me Baphomet! Behind me Ereshkigal! At my right hand
At my left hand Medusa! For about me shines the Hexagram and
within me burns the Eternal Black Flame of Algol!
Sigil of Ankh-Nu-Xhnsu
Sigil of Ka-Re-Set-Opar
Step One
Prepare your Altar with your Ritual Tools, bloodletting device, black
mirror with the Gate of Gaypg (found in Chapter Twenty) leaning against it's
front, and your offering bowl/receptacle for gifts to those who hold the
Circle. One to two black candles should placed on the Altar (one on each side
of the black mirror) and other candles for lighting may be placed around the
dedicated space. Place the Sigils of Ankh-Nu-Xhnsu, Ka-Re-Set-Opar (found
above) and the sigil of your Daimon on the Altar directly in front of the black
mirror and Gate of Gaypg. You may use a separate black mirror to evoke
these entities if desired. Make sure the Possession Chant of your Daimon is
written on their sigil if you were given one. Use Dragon's Blood resin
incense or sticks for this Rite. When you are all set up and ready (with your
cursing-if necessary-and cleansing completed beforehand) you may light
your candles and incense now.
Step Two
Start by Banishing with both the Cleansing Rite of the Goddess and The
Rite of Algol. It is important to do both of these steps for this particular Rite.
Cast the Circle of Daemonic Possession and do the Rite of Rebellion if
Step Three
Prick your finger with your lancet and place your blood on the Gateway
of Gaypg and a few drops into the offering receptacle for those who are
holding your space. Be seated and then begin to intone the Opening Chant as
you wave your wand in counterclockwise circles pointing it towards the Gate.
Say the Chant over and over until you feel the Gate is fully opened.
Step Four
Prick your finger with your lancet once again and place your blood on the
Sigils of Ankh-Nu-Xhnsu, Ka-Re-Set-Opar and that of your Daimon. Then
begin to fully evoke them with their Chants of Evokation, starting with your
Daimon then Ankh-Nu-Xhnsu and Ka-Re-Set-Opar. The Chants of Evokation
for Ankh-Nu-Xhnsu and Ka-Re-Set-Opar are:
Step Five
Once you have fully evoked all three entities, begin to Chant their
Possession Chants in the same order as the three were evoked. Start with the
Chant for your Daimon if you have one, then Ankh-Nu-Xhnsu and Ka-Re-
Set-Opar. Their Possession chants are written on their sigils for your use and
found below.
Step Six
Find a comfortable and relaxed seated meditation posture and close your
eyes, going deep into a trance state as you state your intention to your guides
and the energies of Gaypg:
It is my Will to Perform the Greater Rite of Attainment!
Continue chanting the Possession chants a few more times then begin the
visualizations that follow. When you are ready, see the electric blue pyramid
around your entire body up to your neck. About two feet above the pyramid
is the ring shaped Eye of The Dragon; which is connected to the apex of the
pyramid by a beam of light. After a few minutes the pyramid begins to spin
counterclockwise around your body and the Eye above the Pyramid, staying
still, glows with intense energy, growing brighter and brighter. Now holding
this visual begin to chant out loud if you can, "Ankh-Nu-Xhnsu" (Ank-New-
Konsue). Continue to chant over and over as you breathe slowly and visualize
the Pyramid spinning and the Eye above your head growing brighter and
brighter. Hold this visual and mantra for a few minutes until you feel a
shifting of your consciousness; a change will occur.
Step Seven
Now the Ring shaped Eye above you will lower to the level of your head
and engulf your head in it's light. Once this occurs change your mantra to
"Ka-Re-Set-Opar" (Ka-Ree-Set-Oh-par). Keep breathing and chanting,
feeding your attention to the pyramid spinning, but staying very relaxed at the
same time. Allow it to happen. Allow the Eye to start spinning in
synchronicity with the pyramid. After a few minutes the Eye will burst
outward with intense light in all directions, and then the light will shoot
straight up toward the Overworld, connecting you with the Dragon and all of
the Daemonic Kingdom. Spend as long as you wish meditating and receiving
gnosis and union with the Daemonic and your Daimon. Soak the experience
in and enjoy it. You will likely have out of body journeys in this version of
the Rite so take your time and go with it.
Step Eight
When your meditation and Initiation comes to an end, thank all those
spirits and guides who have assisted you, close the Circle and Banish with
both Banishing Rites provided. Write down all of your experiences and all
that you saw, felt, and heard. Repeat the Rite once a week for three weeks for
best results and once every few months after that.
Tunnel Nine Temphioth
Chapter Fifty-Eight
The entity or Spectral Hyena known as Bultu presents as beast with a the
body of a man and the head or face of a Hyena. He has male characteristics
and is fully clothed with a hooded outfit. He has burning red eyes and has the
mouth of a Hyena, but with what appear to be long fangs protruding from the
sides of his mouth. Although he looks aggressive and scary, he has a passive
personality. According to Bultu, some of his powers and abilities include
helping the Initiate take a step back from life in order to be free of worry or
stress, he can cause the Initiate or Witch to receive honor or to be honored in
some way, he can help the initiate with astral shapeshifting, he may help a
person master technology, he can help one gain a greater understanding of
death. Bultu's Name in Daemon Tongue is:
Sigil of Bultu
TUNNEL Six, which is ruled by Uriens is the path between Ghagiel and
Gha'agsheblah. The Tribe or Order of the Qliphoth who inhabit this tunnel
are the Adimiron (the Bloody Ones) and according to Grant the Gorgons and
the Minotaurs may also be found here. The Magickal Siddhi of the Tunnel is
Physical strength which goes along with the traits and qualities of Uriens.
Other potential uses and benefits of working in this path (according to
Uriens) are "Learning to respond to different events, physical healing
(increasing vitality and overall health), finding or achieving peace, finding
resources, achieving honor, glory and power, the power to defend the mind
from thought reading and other intrusions." In my own journeys through the
path of Uriens I found myself in a mountainous area that looked like Tibet. I
was exploring high, jagged, cold mountain tops. Seeking warmth, shelter and
food, yet surprisingly I found myself in a deep state of peace, calm and
clarity; freedom from the ego. I thought about my life and the harsh ordeals
that I had faced, then Uriens spoke "your luck will improve, I promise." she
said. I feel that path 6 is excellent at achieving inner peace in times of
struggle and harsh circumstances and also at pushing an individual to conquer
fears. I had visions of myself walking through a cold blizzard without
flinching from difficulty. This Tunnel seemed similar to the Stellar Outland
of Tsvuts.
The Ruler of Tunnel Six, Uriens often presents as a male entity, but is in
fact predominantly female in true form. She describes herself as a "simple"
Goddess with green eyes and brown hair. She "likes to please men" and
enjoys offerings of an intimate nature. Uriens is helpful in matters of
destruction and war, she can make men friendly unto another (meaning that
she can reconcile conflicts and cause friendship between enemies), and she
can help one push themselves to the limit.
Sigil of Uriens
THE Tunnel ruled by Gargophias, Tunnel Three or the 13th Kala, is the
pathway between Thagirion and Thaumiel. The pathway's power zone is the
Moon and it's powers or siddhi are of course clairvoyance and divination
(specifically divination from dreams). The Gamaliel (the Obscene Ones) are
the Qliphothic Order present here. According to Grant, the magickal formula
of Kala 13 is ALIM; the number of which is 81. 81 is the number of the
Goddess Hecate. Hecate is very connected to the Tunnel Three and is
represented by the Frog Atavism. The Frog here is "an early symbol of the
transformer from aquatic to terrestrial life" according to Grant. I think of it as
a symbol of beings who are able to cross between non-being (the Stellar
Outlands) and our dayside reality or vice versa. Allow me to paraphrase
Grant's words: "The name Hecate means one-hundred, which is the same
value of the Hebrew letter Qoph. Qoph means the back of the head or
cerebellum, where as Crowley notes 'the creative or reproductive force is
primarily situated'." I mention this because at times the path itself looks
similar to a cluster of neurons and neuropathways inside of a brain. It also
looks similar to spider's web, only it is a three dimensional web. I describe
the work of Tunnel Three as a new beginning or rebirth of the Initiate's
perspective on their Magickal practice itself. He or she may also rediscover
gifts that may have become latent (for purposes of teaching you) during the
initiations of the earlier pathways. Greater ability to astral travel is gained
during the pathworking through a process of conditioning the Initiate. He or
she will experience life altering benefits; specifically the resolving of inner
conflicts and resisting the temptation to divide oneself. They will find that
their path is simplified with less confusion and internal division. The Witch
or Initiate gains greater access to the reflex Universe.
The entity who rules Tunnel 3, Gargophias presented to me as a male
entity, but he is no doubt both male and female. He wore all black, flowing
clothing and had tendrils that emerged from all over his upper body and head.
He had very pale skin. Gargophias, being an entity connected to the Moon
and Hecate is able to help the Initiate in matters of Witchcraft and Magick
related to the Moon.
In my own pathworking or journeys through Tunnel 3, I found myself
experiencing symbolic visions of my personal life is the forms of ships at sea.
I also had visions of Atlas with the Earth on his back. I had vision of Atlas in
the past when he appeared to be struggling to hold the weight upon his
shoulders. In this current vision the weight was not overburdening him. This
was a reflection of my own Self and life. When I journeyed into the Tunnel, I
saw double doors that looked like a kteis. I entered, here I was walking in at
upward slant through a hallway into more doors until I reached an astral
Moon level. I was inside the Moon in a certain astral level (there are many).
Here I met Gargophias and other Moon entities who blessed me and gave me
more gnosis about my Magickal work.
Sigil of Gargophias
Daemonic Names
Dark Venus
Mega Therion
Calling Baal
To make it rain
Calling for the Satariel
To force release
Calling for the Ghagiel
To see past the ego
Calling for Astaroth/Astarte
To open windows
Calling for the Samael
To envenom me, lest I stay the same, to heal in ways that are undetectable
Calling for Asmodeus
Chants of Opening
For opening the Gate of Lilith
To be without hope
To dematerialize
To cross lines
For opening the Gate of Gha'agshebleh
To purify
To run water around
Exaltation and purification of consciousness
Alternate (Crowley) chant for opening the Gate of Daath transliterated
from Enochian
To be freed
For opening the Gate of Satariel
To feed
To make stronger
For opening the Gate of Ghagiel
To succeed
To supplant yourself
To clarify your state of being
For opening the Gate of Death
To change form
To transform and to test
For opening the Gate of Gaypg
To be innocent
To be free of guilt
For opening the Gate of Rpty
To seek company
To gift
To be transformed or changed by the company of another
For opening the Gate of Acd
To cut
To extract
To reap
To miss this
To stress
For opening the Gate of Tbddwe
To honor me
To be blue
To take one's time
For opening Tunnel 22 (Thantifaxath)
To reestablish
to relearn
For opening Tunnel 20 (Raflifu)
To burn inside
to receive gnosis
to change
For opening Tunnel 19 (Qulielfi)
To relieve pain,
to understand the changes that are occurring
For opening Tunnel 17 (Parfaxitas)
To journey
to be still
For opening Tunnel 16 (A'ano'nin)
To receive profits,
to benefit from
For opening Tunnel 15 (Saksaksalim)
To begin to understand us
For opening Tunnel 11 (Kurgasiax)
To pass through me
For opening Tunnel 9 (Temphioth)
To rediscover,
to meet Spirit
For opening Tunnel 8 (Characith)
To restrain,
to divide,
to clear the way
For opening Tunnel 6 (Uriens)
To hide the secrets of the past, choosing between good and evil the right
For opening Tunnel 3 (Gargophias)
To escape time
Chants of Evokation
Chant of Evokation for Naamah
To see everything
to be feared
to lose
or, Belial, allow me to see everything, and to be feared, even if it cost me
Chant of Evokation for Lucifer
To shine bright
Chant of Evokation for Enli
To lift above
to release stress,
or, Tah-Rid, help me to rise above my stress
Chant of Evokation for Dee
To set free
To disrupt the negative ego, or Dee, free me and disrupt my negative ego.
Chant of Evokation for Ess
To be still
To sustain, or Ess, sustain me through stillness.
Chant of Evokation for Arzsmu
To demonstrate
to let go of, or Arzsmu, help me demonstrate
concern for the needs of the other.
Chant of Evokation for Gsgd
To oversee it
To make change, or Xmhtc, help me to oversee my changes
Chant of Evokation for Sdahv
To see it
To see what is behind, or Daers, allow me to see the truth.
Chant of Evokation for Aef
To welcome me
Chant of Evokation for Raflifu
To be called, to feed
Chant of Evokation for Qulielfi
To journey, to be still
Chant of Evokation for A'ano'nin
To release me (Temphioth)
Chant of Evokation for Characith
To relate to me (Characith)
Chant of Evokation for Bultu
To respect me (Amprodias)
Chants of Possession
Possession Chant for Baal
To make entry
Possession Chant for Belial
To open up to me
Possession Chant for Naamah
I invite you in
Possession Chant for Lilith
To embrace darkness
Possession Chant for Dee
To infuse
to enhance
Possession Chant for Wtadv
To combine
To rearrange
Possession Chant for Ankh-Nu-Xhonsu
Actual change is in me
Miscellaneous Words
Cursing Word from Babalon
Enoch B. Petrucelly