This document contains two tables listing student assessment scores from MTs Thoyyib Hasyim. The first table lists scores for student knowledge in an unspecified subject for class 9-putri. It includes student IDs and names along with scores on weekly assessments from N-1 to N-8. The second table similarly lists student skill scores in the same class and includes codes for different assessment types like practices, portfolios and projects. Both tables leave space to include assessment indicators and materials below.
This document contains two tables listing student assessment scores from MTs Thoyyib Hasyim. The first table lists scores for student knowledge in an unspecified subject for class 9-putri. It includes student IDs and names along with scores on weekly assessments from N-1 to N-8. The second table similarly lists student skill scores in the same class and includes codes for different assessment types like practices, portfolios and projects. Both tables leave space to include assessment indicators and materials below.
This document contains two tables listing student assessment scores from MTs Thoyyib Hasyim. The first table lists scores for student knowledge in an unspecified subject for class 9-putri. It includes student IDs and names along with scores on weekly assessments from N-1 to N-8. The second table similarly lists student skill scores in the same class and includes codes for different assessment types like practices, portfolios and projects. Both tables leave space to include assessment indicators and materials below.
This document contains two tables listing student assessment scores from MTs Thoyyib Hasyim. The first table lists scores for student knowledge in an unspecified subject for class 9-putri. It includes student IDs and names along with scores on weekly assessments from N-1 to N-8. The second table similarly lists student skill scores in the same class and includes codes for different assessment types like practices, portfolios and projects. Both tables leave space to include assessment indicators and materials below.
N-1 N-2 N-3 N-4 N-5 N-6 N-7 N-8 1 P - Nilai 0-100 2 P - Semakin bnyk 3 P NH, deskripsi 4 P nilai semakin 5 P variatif 6 P 7 P 8 P 9 P 10 P 11 P 12 P 13 P 14 P 15 P 16 P 17 P 18 P 19 P 20 P 21 P 22 P 23 24 25 NO Kode KD / Indikator KD / materi pengetahuan yang dinilai (maksimal 65 huruf) N-0 Contoh: mengidentifikasi gambar ilustrasi N-1 N-2 N-3 N-4 N-5 N-6 N-7 N-8 DAFTAR NILAI MTs THOYYIB HASYIM
Mata Pelajaran : ......................................Kelas : IX-putri Wali Kls.
NO NIS/NISN NAMA LP N.Praktik-N.Portofolio-N.Proyek Tdk
HP Wajib HP KET TS AS 1 P - Nilai 0-100 2 P - Tulis kode nilai 3 P dikolom nilai 4 P paling atas. 5 P Kode nilai terdiri 6 P Pt = Praktik 7 P Pf = Portofolio 8 P Py = Proyek 9 P 10 P 11 P 12 P 13 P 14 P 15 P 16 P 17 P 18 P 19 P 20 P 21 P 22 P 23 24 25 No Kode KD / Indikator KD / materi keterampilan yang dinilai (maksimal 65 huruf) 0 Py-0 Contoh: menggambar ilustrasi 1 : KETERAMPILAN
- Nilai 0-100 - Tulis kode nilai dikolom nilai paling atas. Kode nilai terdiri Pt = Praktik Pf = Portofolio Py = Proyek