BR 821-068 BAUR Product Overview en

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Insulating oil testing

Insulating liquids are an important component of many electrical devices. Highly refined mineral oils, silicone oils, vegetable
oils (natural ester) and synthetic ester ensure smooth operation of transformers, medical devices, safety devices or even radar
equipment. Insulating materials lose their insulating and cooling properties due to impurities and ageing. This can result in
damage and failure of transformers and systems.

Testing of insulating liquids is regulated by national and international standards. You can achieve huge savings potential
through optimised use of insulating oils and regular testing to increase the service life of oil-insulated transformers and

Breakdown voltage test

Dissipation factor measure-
DPA 75 C and DTA 100 C ment
Oil breakdown voltage testers DTL C
The BAUR oil breakdown voltage tes- Oil tan delta and resistivity tester
ters are available as portable models The tan delta measurement is the most
with a max. voltage of 75  kV and for conclusive oil testing method. Tan delta
laboratory use with 100  kV. The combination of extremely measurements are performed around the globe for produc-
short switch-off times during breakdowns and easy oil sample ing and refining oil and in laboratories for determining the oil
handling facilitate high quality statements and conclusions quality in new and aged insulating liquids. The BAUR DTL C oil
on the insulating oil quality. tan delta and resistivity tester measures tan delta values of up
▪▪ Fully automatic testing of the breakdown strength in to 1 x 10 -6 according to a special measurement principle.
compliance with international and national standards ▪▪ Fully automatic measurement in compliance with
▪▪ Suitable for silicone oils and ester liquids international standards
▪▪ Reliable, reproducible measurement results using the ▪▪ Especially efficient for continuous use in the laboratory
latest measurement technology ▪▪ Multiple calibrators guarantee precision and reproducibili-
ty for decades

Oil breakdown voltage tester BAUR software
for inline applications
The BAUR DTA IL is a high performance ITS Lite
and reliable oil breakdown voltage tes- Software for measurement data
ter for continuous testing of the break- management
down strength of insulating oils during The BAUR ITS Lite software is used to
production and during preparation of read and archive measurement logs of
operating oils (inline tests). the BAUR oil breakdown voltage testers
DPA 75 C, DTA 100 C and DTL C.

Report Manager
BAUR Report Manager, the external
USB interface for oil testers, is used to
automatically export measurement
logs from BAUR oil testers to a USB

Cable fault location
Faults in cable systems should be detected quickly and precisely using efficient pre-location and pin-pointing methods. To
achieve this, BAUR offers robust, reliable, flexible devices that are equipped with the appropriate methods depending on the

Burn down transformers Cable sheath testing and fault location

ATG 2 and ATG 6000 shirla

Burn down transformer Sheath test and fault location device
The ATG allows conversion from a high-re- shirla is used for cable sheath testing up
sistive fault to a low-resistive fault. In this to 10 kV in compliance with IEC 60229, for
way, a time domain reflectometer can be used to pre-locate fault pre-location according to the Murray and Glaser mea-
a low-resistive fault. Owing to the varying voltage steps up suring bridge method and for pin-pointing with the help of
to 10 kVDC (15 kVDC in the ATG 6000), the power can also be the step voltage method. Moreover, the measuring bridge
adjusted under full load. An especially high burning capacity is the ideal complement to conventional cable fault location
is achieved through the adjustable output current of 32 A and systems. Various bridge applications even allow you to use
90 A. shirla for more complex fault location tasks on power cables
and control lines.

Cable and phase identification

KSG 200 Cable sheath fault receiver
Cable identifier The KMF 1 cable sheath fault receiver is
The KSG 200 is used to identify single- and used according to the step voltage meth-
multi-core cables in a cable bundle. The od. The cable route is scanned with two measurement probes
ATP analysis (Amplitude, Time, Phase) guarantees maximum that can be dismantled during transport. The cable sheath
safety during cable identification and even allows identifica- fault receiver is also suitable for locating multiple consecutive
tion of live cables up to 400 V. The KSG 200 is also available sheath faults.
with a rechargeable battery as an option.

Phase identification set
The paula phase identification set is used
for clear phase identification in earthed
and shorted medium and high-voltage
cables. With the help of the tried and tested measurement
procedure, paula delivers a precise phase allocation without
scope for interpretation in cable lengths up to 40  km and
with regard to carrying out tasks on electrical installations,
conforms to the strictest standards and safety standards (EN
50110-1, DIN VDE 0105-100).
Pre-location and pin-pointing cable routes Surge voltage generators

CL 20 STG 600
Cable locator Surge and test generator
Long and short cables are easy to locate The STG 600 cable fault location system is
with the CL 20 cable locator. The device a surge voltage generator; a high voltage
supports different location methods and in addition allows source for testing and locating cable faults in the cable insula-
you to determine the laying depth. The CL 20 is the ideal tion. The multi-functional STG 600 system was designed spe-
device for the precise locating of cable routes before under- cifically for low-voltage networks.
taking any excavation activity.

SSG 500
Locator Set/UL 30 Surge voltage generator
Cable tracing and fault location system The SSG 500 surge voltage generator with
The Locator Set with the high performance voltage steps up to 16  kV is ideal for low
audio frequency generator (50 VA) is used and medium-voltage networks. It can be used in combination
for tracing and determining the laying depth of cables. By us- with an IRG for pre-locating faults with the ICM method. To-
ing various accessories, the pin-pointing can be carried out gether with a pin-pointing unit, the SSG 500 forms a portable
acoustically with the help of the step voltage method, the solution for cable fault location.
twist method or with the acoustic propagation time measure-
ment. The system comprises an audio frequency transmitter,
a digital, menu-controlled receiver (UL 30), headphones, SSG 1100 - 3000
ground microphone (option), search coil and various connec- Surge voltage generator
tion accessories. Surge voltage generators enable precise
location of high-resistive, low-resistive and
intermittent faults in high, medium and low voltage cables.
TG 600 and TG 20/50 The robust, powerful surge voltage generators SSG 1100
Audio frequency transmitter (1100 J), SSG 1500 (1536 J), SSG 2100 (2048 J) and SSG 3000
The TG 600 audio frequency transmitter (3000 J) are used in Syscompact and Transcable fault location
is designed specifically for the precise lo- systems, and also in standalone devices.
cation of cable faults and joints using the twist method, as
well as for tracing and determining laying depths of cables.
An audio frequency based signal with up to 600 VA and two
selectable frequencies (2 kHz; 10 kHz) is fed into the cable and
detected with a search coil.
Time domain reflectometers

IRG 2000
Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR)
The IRG 2000 time domain reflectometer
is a portable, user-friendly device for cable
fault pre-location using time domain reflectometry and other
methods (e.g. SIM/MIM) on low-, medium- and high-voltage
cables. With this compact device, you can measure cables
with a length of up to 65 m. The fault distance is displayed.

IRG 3000
Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR)
The IRG 3000 is the best choice for complex

requirements in cable fault location. The
user-friendly, computer-supported device offers unique func-

consultation and
tions for intelligent, automated cable fault location, e.g. with
the SIM/MIM method (in combination with a surge voltage

service worldwide
generator). With a measuring range of over 1000 km, you can
locate faults automatically even in very long cables. The IRG
3000 is primarily integrated as a single-phase or three-phase
system in cable fault location solutions (Syscompact or cable
test vans). It can also be used for controlling VLF test and di-
agnostics systems.

TDR 500 / TDR 510

Portable time domain reflectometer ▪▪
The TDR 500 is used for length determina-
tion and fault location in all cables. It en- ▪▪
ables tests for breaks, short-circuits, contacts, inadmissible ▪▪
deviation, water ingress and other cable faults. The device ▪▪
determines the cable length and displays the distance to the
fault. The BAUR TDR 510 comes with a device memory for 50
measurements and the option to compare the trace of an ac-
tive TDR measurement with a saved trace.
For further information or
▪▪ Configurable for various measuring ranges and cable types competent consultation, contact
▪▪ Standard-compliant, safe measurements on live cables us at:
through the measurement category CAT IV / 600 V (with
optional separation filter)

Status: 12/16
Cable testing and diagnostics
Cable networks are expensive. Condition-based maintenance is gaining importance for power cable network companies.
Precise information about the condition of cable routes enhances the competitive edge.

AC and DC voltage testing Portable VLF testing and tan δ diagnostics

PGK HB frida TD
High-voltage test set High-voltage testing and
There are hardly any other longer-lasting, diagnostics device
more robust and cost-effective test sets Many cable routes are in the voltage
than the PGK HB series. The test sets generate continuously range of up to 20 kV. These cables can be tested with frida
adjustable test voltages for DC voltage testing with select- TD easily and quickly. Even the ageing condition of the cable
able polarity or for AC voltage tests. can be determined automatically and very precisely thanks
▪▪ DC voltage testing of medium- and high-voltage cables to the integrated tan delta measuring unit.
up to 260 kV ▪▪ VLF cable testing, tan δ diagnostics and cable sheath
▪▪ AC voltage testing (60 Hz) of switchgear and bus bars up testing in one device
to 190 kVrms ▪▪ Max. test voltage: 24 kVrms / 34 kVpeak
▪▪ User-friendly, maintenance-free two-part setup ▪▪ Highly precise tan δ measurement with an accuracy of
(1 * 10 -4) based on the VLF truesinus® technology
PGK 25 ▪▪ Fully automatic diagnostic measurement and interpreta-
High-voltage tester tion of measurement results.
The portable cable tester is used for DC
voltage testing in low- and medium-volt- viola TD
age cables. It is characterised by its low weight, easy opera- High-voltage testing and
tion and solid construction for onsite use. diagnostics device
▪▪ Two continuously adjustable output voltage ranges: viola TD offers high performance in
0-5 kV and 0-25 kV DC a compact design. With an output voltage of 42.5 kVrms
▪▪ Power supply through rechargeable battery or power (60 kVpeak), the device is suitable for testing and diagnostics
network on cables with a nominal voltage of up to 35 kV.
▪▪ Integrated rechargeable battery with 12 V and 6.5 Ah ▪▪ VLF cable testing, tan δ diagnostics and cable sheath
allows an operating time of approx. 30-60 min. testing in one device
▪▪ Integrated discharge unit, max. discharge energy: ▪▪ Max. test voltage: 42 kVrms / 60 kVpeak
5000 Ws (16 μF/25 kV) ▪▪ Highly precise tan δ measurement with an accuracy of
(1 * 10 -4) based on the VLF truesinus® technology
PGK 50 and PGK 80 ▪▪ Fully automatic diagnostic measurement and interpreta-
High-voltage tester tion of measurement results.
The PGK 50 and PGK 80 cable testers of-
fer test voltages of up to 50 kV and 80 kV
for DC voltage testing of medium-voltage cables.
▪▪ Integrated discharge unit, max. discharge energy: 8000 Ws
▪▪ Voltage measurement at HV output

BAUR GmbH · Raiffeisenstrasse 8 · 6832 Sulz · Austria · T +43 55 22 49 41-0 · F +43 55 22 49 41-3 · ·
Subject to modifications. 12/2016 Item No. 821-068
VLF testing and diagnostics systems PD-SGS
Handheld online PD detector
PHG 70 and PHG 80 portable The PD-SGS tests live switchgear (wheth-
VLF cable testing and diagnostics er air or SF6 gas-insulated) for partial discharges. Potential
system weak points are immediately signalled acoustically and
Fully automatic high voltage generator numerically. The device can be extended with a parabolic
▪▪ VLF truesinus®, VLF square wave and DC voltage in one device sensor for safe and efficient measurement of high-voltage
▪▪ Max. test voltage PHG 70: 38 kVrms / 54 kVpeak components.
Max. test voltage PHG 80: 57 kVrms / 80 kVpeak

PHG 70/80 TD and PHG 70/80 TD PD Partial discharge pin-pointing

VLF test and diagnostics system
The multi-functional test and diagnostics tracy
systems enable reliable determination of Partial discharge inductor
the cable condition. The systems allow VLF voltage tests, tracy induces a HF pulse at the pre-locat-
tan δ dissipation factor measurements and location and ed fault. With the help of a PD measure-
measurement of partial discharges. ment system, e.g. the PHG TD PD, the signal can be located
▪▪ For medium-voltage cables of up to 50 kV and compared with the result of the PD pre-location.
▪▪ Max. test voltage PGH 70 TD/PD: 38 kVrms / 54 kVpeak ▪▪ Very easy to handle, precise confirmation of the PD source
Max. test voltage PGH 80 TD/PD: 57 kVrms / 80 kVpeak ▪▪ Degree of protection IP 54
▪▪ Powerful VLF testing and diagnostics system for long
cable routes
▪▪ Highly precise tan δ measurement and automatic pro- Portable partial discharge diagnostics
gram sequences with individual programming
▪▪ Partial discharge diagnostics acc. to IEC 60270 PD-TaD 60
Portable PD diagnostics system
The PD-TaD 60 is used together with the
Online partial discharge diagnostics BAUR VLF generators frida TD and viola
TD for PD testing and location.
liona ▪▪ Full MWT: Comprehensive cable analysis with simultane-
Online PD Spot Tester ous PD and dissipation factor measurement* in compli-
liona measures and locates partial dis- ance with IEEE 400.2
charges (PD) in cables and switchgear ▪▪ Time-optimised and safe determination of the cable
during mains operation. condition
▪▪ With DeCIFer® technology: Expert system for PD iden- ▪▪ Lightest and most compact PD measuring device up to
tification based on 500 million analysed measurement 60 kVpeak, developed for portable use on site
▪▪ Precise online PD mapping with iPD transponder (option)
*with VLF generator with tan δ measurement function
Cable test vans and fault location systems
Precise and quick cable fault location, testing and diagnostics of new and aged cable routes – the BAUR cable test vans are
suitable for any operation. Fast and reliable. Exactly adapted to individual requirements and cable networks.

Cable test vans Syscompact 2000 portable

Cable fault location system
titron The Syscompact 2000 portable
Cable test van cable fault location system is used for
The titron is a fully automatic cable precise location of high-resistive and intermittent faults in
test van for cable fault location and cable testing. The new low- and medium-voltage cables.
generation high-performance cable test van is based on ▪▪ Fast, reliable, precise cable fault location
state-of-the-art technology and provides efficient, safe and ▪▪ High performance high voltage unit up to 32 kV/2100 J
reliable cable fault location and cable testing. ▪▪ Various cable fault location methods integrated
▪▪ New intuitive operational concept, most modern fault
location system in the world Syscompact 2000
▪▪ Central, automatic system control Cable fault location system
▪▪ Top reliability and quality standard The Syscompact 2000 is a multifunctional
▪▪ Flexible in terms of technology and equipment cable fault location system designed for
▪▪ BAUR Remote App for remote control of the cable fault modular 19" rack technology. The Syscompact combines a
pin-pointing process TDR IRG 2000, a coupling system for SIM/MIM, ICM fault
pre-location methods and a powerful SSG surge voltage
Transcable 3000 generator. It is available as a portable solution or for instal-
Cable test van lation in a van with cable drums of 25 m and 50 m. Portable
Cable fault location, testing and diag- solutions are primarily equipped with the 1100 J 8/16/32 kV
nostics are possible based on the area surge generator. The vehicle model is available with up to
of use and the customer’s wishes. Even voltage levels and 3000 J, 8/16/32 kV and an optional voltage range of 4 kV.
power classes can be selected based on the mains. Available
as single-phase or three-phase model. Syscompact 3000
Cable fault location system
Cable fault location systems The Syscompact 3000 is a multifunction-
al cable fault location system. It com-
Syscompact 2000 M pro bines a computer-aided TDR IRG 3000, a coupling system
Portable cable fault location system for SIM/MIM and ICM fault pre-location methods, as well
Lightweight, modern, multi-functional as a high-performance SSG surge voltage generator up to
cable fault location system with a max. 3000 J, 32 kV, three voltage steps 8/16/32 kV and expand-
voltage of 16 kV. The integrated surge and test generator is able with 4 kV.
used for cable and sheath testing as well as for the precise
location of high-resistive and intermittent faults.
▪▪ Fault location on low- and medium-voltage cables up to
65 km
▪▪ For location of high-resistive and low-resistive as well as
intermittent faults
▪▪ Latest methods for fault pre-location (SIM/MIM, impulse
current method)
BAUR Product overview
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