A Role-Playing Game: Bravery
A Role-Playing Game: Bravery
A Role-Playing Game: Bravery
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A HARRY POTTER RPG You are free to share and adapt the material as long as you attribute the original author(s), do not use the material
for commercial purposes, and distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
W elcome to Hogwarts! You’re about to weave a story of mystery, friendship, danger, and
magic. This guide will teach you how to play the game by walking you through the first
session of a story. Only one player, the Narrator, needs to read the guide. Everyone else can learn as
stand in the face of danger”, you should say, “Great, how do you do that?”
If you’d like, you can quickly go over the Basic Moves and Magic Moves with the players.
YOU WILL NEED... negative for weaknesses. The five traits are Bravery, Cunning, Intellect, Loyalty, and Magic.
Bravery describes a witch or wizard’s courage, integrity, honesty, and nerve.
• Yourself and 2-5 other players Cunning describes a witch or wizard’s ability to trick, hide, deceive, or manipulate.
• At least two 6-sided dice Intellect describes a witch or wizard’s wit, knowledge, memory, and ability to gather information.
• One copy of each “PLAYER” sheet for each player Loyalty describes a witch or wizard’s helpfulness and dedication to their friends & classmates.
• One copy of each “NARRATOR” sheet for yourself Magic describes a witch or wizard’s skill with casting spells, making potions, or using magical objects.
• One copy of each “GROUP” sheet for the whole group When a move tells a player to roll, it will almost always ask them to add a trait to the result.
1 EXPLAIN THE RULES any relevant traits or bonuses. If the total is 10 or above, they succeed. If it's between 7 and 9, they
succeed, but there's a cost. If it's 6 or below, they fail, but they get to mark a point of Experience.
Players get to say how they succeed, but you tell them what happens when they fail.
Start the first session by explaining to everyone that you're getting together to create an original,
collaborative story in the world of Harry Potter.
Each of the players will play one of the main characters in this story. You will be the Narrator, who
plays everyone and everything else. You’ll do this by describing the world and portraying non-play- Sometimes, a witch or wizard will become scared when facing a monster, or stressed from too much
er characters, like teachers and other students. You're also there to guide the story by asking schoolwork, or jealous of a friend’s crush. They might have a broken an arm after falling off a
questions, introducing threats & mysterious events, and helping everyone with the rules. broomstick or find themselves vomiting slugs after getting hit by a curse. These negative states are
called Conditions. Conditions can be emotional or physical. When a someone fails a roll, they
Then, go over the following basic rules:
might take a Condition as a consequence.
The eight possible Conditions are Scared, Angry, Stressed, Jealous, Embarrassed, Injured, Hexed,
and Unconscious.
Whenever a player wants to do something – like casting a spell, impressing a teacher, or facing
Emotional Conditions like Scared, Angry, Stressed, Jealous, and Embarrassed go away when a witch
down a monster – they’ll make a move. Moves are all the different actions the players can take in
or wizard gives in to their negative feelings. They can also be cleared if another witch or wizard
the story. Player moves say, “Whenever this happens, then this other thing happens.”
comforts or supports them, or shifted to another Condition if they spend time with their pet.
Players have three kinds of moves. Basic Moves happen when players roll to see how something Physical Conditions like Injured, Hexed, and Unconscious must be healed with medicine or magic.
goes. Magic Moves happen when players cast spells. Quidditch Moves happen when you play a
Quidditch match. You have moves too, but they work a little differently.
If something in the story prompts a move, the player must make that move. When someone makes a
Every witch or wizard has a small store of Luck they can call on in a pinch. When a player wants to
move, the outcome must happen in the story.
do something they normally couldn't, like cast a spell they don't know or make an impossible
You can call for moves, but everyone should be paying attention for when they happen. Quidditch catch, they can mark a point of Luck to make it happen. Every witch or wizard has 3
Remember, moves only happen when something happens in the story. If someone says, “I want to points of Luck.
AGENDA You can start on the Hogwarts Express, at the Welcoming Feast, or even during a regular class.
Finally, everyone has a shared agenda. This is a list of three goals you're all trying to achieve while The group’s answer to this question will be your opening scene.
playing through the story. Your group’s agenda is:
1) Portray a magical boarding school.
There are many stories to be told about the wider wizarding world. However, this one is about
young witches & wizards at school. It‘s your job to tell that story and bring it to life.
2) Fill the students’ lives with mystery, wonder, danger, & hope. Now it's time to make the main characters! Players should follow the steps on the sheets titled
“CREATE YOUR WITCH OR WIZARD”. Be ready to answer any questions players might have.
A young witch or wizard’s time at school is about much more than going to class and sitting for
exams. There are wonders to experience, questions to answer, and threats to face. When you're not answering player questions, start thinking about the opening scene. Who could be
in that scene with the main characters? What details will bring the scene to life? What will everyone
3) Play to find out what happens.
expect to happen in this scene? What are some unexpected things that could happen? Think about
This game is about surprise and collaboration. You’re building the story together, scene by scene possibilities, but don't plan too much. Remember, you're playing to find out what happens!
and session by session. It’s fine to plan out things you’d like to happen. But in the end, all the
When everyone has finished making their witch/wizard, collect their “CREATE YOUR WITCH OR
outcomes are up to the main characters and the dice.
WIZARD” sheets.
The Harry Potter stories generally begin during the summer holiday, but yours can begin anywhere. It's okay if you don't know why the strange or unexpected thing is happening right now. You and
the players are playing to find out!
avoid alerting a teacher, ask them to roll to hide & sneak. If they need to cast a spell quickly
because there’s a dementor coming at them, ask them to them roll to stand in the face of danger.
Think about the situation and get creative!
If you’re playing a story that goes for more than one session, take some time after each session to
organize your thoughts. Write a few notes about the session you just played, so you can remember what
happened. Then think of some characters, scenes, or problems you could introduce in the next session.
As the scene ends, ask the group if they've come across any Mysteries. A Mystery is a question the
Like before, don’t plan too much! And definitely don’t plan further than the next session. The
main characters want to answer, like “Who put Harry’s name in the Goblet of Fire?” or “Why was
players, the rules, and the dice will always take the story in unexpected directions. Besides, most of
Snape walking with a limp?” Good Mystery questions ask who, what, when, where, why, or how.
the story should happen in real time with all the players.
Anyone can suggest a Mystery at any time, though the end of a scene or session is best. When someone
suggests a Mystery, write it down on your “STORY” sheet. Make sure everyone can see the “STORY”
sheet! Most of your story will be about the main characters trying to answer the Mystery questions.
When planning the next session, pay special attention to your “STORY” sheet. Go through the
Mystery questions and try to think of some possible answers for them. It's good to come up with
more than one answer to each question. If one of your Mysteries is “What's in Professor Moody’s
It should be obvious when it's time to move on to a new scene in the story. Usually the players will flask?”, you could say “It’s a healing draught, to help with his old wounds”, or you could say “It’s
tell you, “Okay, we’d like to go here now.” At that point, you can cut to the next location. If it's not Polyjuice Potion, because he's someone else.”
obvious, pay attention for a moment where nobody’s doing anything and ask, “Are we ready to
If you can't think of any answers to a Mystery question, that's fine too! You and the players are
move on?”
smart enough to figure it out by the end of the story.
You can also suggest a time or place and ask if everyone is ready to go there. When in doubt, move
Don't get too attached to any of your answers. You might answer the question “Why was Snape
to a different part of the school day, like a class, a meal, or free time in the common room. Or you
muttering an incantation at the Quidditch match?” by saying “Because he was cursing Harry’s
can go to the next big Yearly Event.
broom.” But if the players answer “Because he was blocking someone else from cursing Harry’s
broom,” you should go with that answer.
5 PLAY ADDITIONAL SCENES However, if they say “Because he was cursing a Bludger,” and there were no rogue Bludgers in the
game, that can't be the answer. Always go with the players’ answer unless it goes against something
that already happened in the story.
The rest of the scenes in your story work just like the first scene. The only real difference is that
you don't need to introduce the main characters or ask about new Mysteries every time.
Make sure to include something strange or unexpected in every scene! It can be something as big as
Lastly, you should write down some Threats. Threats are things like “Voldemort is returning”,
a dementor attack or something as small as one character passing another an odd note. There's no
“Students are being petrified”, or “Everyone needs a date for the Yule Ball”. They're how you track
such thing as a “normal” class or meal or sporting match at Hogwarts.
the problems that the main characters face in the story.
Whenever the main characters answer a Mystery question, cross it off the “STORY” sheet.
The main characters might already know about a Threat, or they might discover it in a future
Remember that list of things players want to see in the story, too! Look for places to include them session. When something strange or unexpected happens, it's usually because of a Threat. Threats
as you go from scene to scene. can also be the answers to Mystery questions.
Threats can be big things, like “Dementors are loose in Hogwarts”, or small things, like “There’s a If you can’t do either, you can ask the players, “What do you think the answers to those questions
Potions exam next week”. As long as it puts something the characters care about at risk, it's a Threat. are?” Then try to quickly talk out some solutions to the unsolved Mysteries.
Threats have four parts. First, a title. This is a short sentence that describes what the threat is, like
“Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban”. We don’t know what a spell does?
Second, a short list of the characters who are threatened and the characters who are doing the The “SPELLS” sheet only includes spell names and incantations. This is deliberate. When someone
threatening. This usually includes all the main characters, but not always. casts a spell, they get to describe its effect. As long as that effect fits the name of the spell and feels
Third, what's at stake. This is what the main characters will lose if the threat wins, like “Harry’s life”. fair to everyone playing, go with it.
And fourth, the threat’s next steps. You should always show signs that a Threat’s next steps are The “SPELLS” sheet has some suggestions about how some kinds of spells might lead to or prevent
about to happen and give the main characters a chance to stop it. However, if they don't stop it, the Conditions. However, most spells just do something in the story, like make things levitate or give
Threat’s next steps will happen. someone the hiccups.
Make sure you update your Threats after every session. Any one of the four parts could have Remember, to cast a spell, a witch or wizard must correctly say the incantation and wave their wand!
changed, depending on what happened in the story.
That’s it! You know everything you need to play the game and create your Hogwarts story. Make My group doesn't feel like using all the rules?
your moves, stick to your agenda and principles, and have fun! No problem! You can use as many or as few of the game rules as you want. If your group wants to
play a game without Conditions, don't give anyone a Condition. If you don't want to write down
and cross off Mysteries, don't ask for Mysteries. It's up to you!
I don't know something about Harry Potter, or someone knows more than I do?
Someone is talking too much, or not enough? That's fine. This is your group’s story, not anybody else’s. It's okay to make things up to suit your
story. You don't have to follow the books and films perfectly.
Usually, you can fix this by asking the quieter players a question. Questions like “How do you feel
about this?” or “What are you up to right now?” are always good. Make sure you use their witch or If someone corrects you on something about the world, go with it – but only if it makes sense for
wizard's name! your story! If someone is holding up the story by correcting people all the time, gently remind them
that you’re all creating an original story. Even the films changed or left out things from the books,
Keep in mind that sometimes, quiet players are happy to sit back and watch the story. Don't force
and they're still great!
them to participate, just offer them the chance to do so.
If you really need to know something, you can always pause the story for a few seconds and look it
If you're the one talking too much, ask everyone more questions. You can even ask things like “What
up online.
does the room look like?” or “How is the ghost acting right now?” It's your job to describe the
world, but it's completely okay to hand it over to the players now and then.
We're at the Sorting Ceremony and the Sorting Hat needs to sing a song!
Everyone is looking at me but I don't know what to say? You should sing the song.
Don't panic! Now is a good time to make a Narrator move. Introduce something new to the story,
like a new student or an undiscovered room. Have something unexpected happen. Or, ask a
question. Then, see how the main characters react.
If the story really has you stumped, it's okay to say, “I'm not really sure what happens next!” You
can then take a short break to figure it out. You can also ask the players what they think should
happen. Remember, this is a collaborative story!
MAIN CHARACTERS Narrator. When you introduce a new Narrator character, write down
their name, their role in the story (like “Harry’s Rival” or “Charms
Professor”), and a feature that helps you portray them (like “nervous”
or “deep voice”).
To create your witch or wizard, follow the steps below. You may roll a d6 for each table and take a random option, or pick the option you like best, or do a combination of both.
Your witch/wizard may be a 1st-7th Year student, or a graduate like a Assign the following set of numbers to your Bravery, Cunning,
teacher or staff member. Players should decide together if everyone is
1-2 Muggle-born (Start with 1 spell and 3 Experience) Intellect, Loyalty, and Magic:
in the same Year or different Years. 3-4 Half-blood (Start with 2 spells and 2 Experience) -1, 0, +1, +1, +2
4 Covered 5 Dyed 6 Red Ahmad, Arthur, Aurora, Chiwetel, Cormac, Daniel, Dev, Dimitrios,
1 Charms 2 Defence Against the Dark Arts
Eleni, Emma, Fatima, Gabriela, Genevieve, James, Jing, Joanne,
Arame 3 Herbology 4 History of Magic Lorenzo, Maggie, Nnedi, Pablo, Penelope, Richard, Riya, Rupert,
Scarlett, Sean, Susan, Terry, Wei, Zoe
1 Athletic 2 Big 3 Short
5 Potions 6 Transfiguration
4 Stout 5 Tall 6 Thin
If you’re starting at Year 3 or above, you can pick your one favourite
subject from either the Core Classes list or the Electives list below. Alecto, Andromeda, Arabella, Argus, Ariana, Arsenius, Augusta,
3 WHAT’S YOUR WAND & AMBITION? Roll 2d6. The 1st result is Core or Elective, the 2nd is the subject.
4-6 Electives
Cuthbert, Dedalus, Eldred, Elphias, Emeric, Emmeline, Filius, Griselda,
Helena, Imelda, Ludo, Mafalda, Merope, Newt, Phyllida, Rodolphus,
Rolanda, Septima, Silvanus, Sybill, Thorfinn, Wilbert, Wilhelmina
Your ambition is what you want to get from your time at Hogwarts.
Certain wand woods work best for witches/wizards with certain 1 Arithmancy 2 Astronomy
ambitions. You can also choose a look for your wand.
3 Care of Magical Creatures 4 Divination
Ambition/Wood 5 Muggle Studies 6 Quidditch
Adebayo, Ali, Bagshot, Chowdhry, Davies, Diaz, Dubois, Finnigan,
Goldstein, Grint, Johnson, Kazinsky, Khan, Leung, Macmillan,
1 Achievement – Maple 2 Knowledge – Walnut Mwangi, Ogden, Okafor, Patel, Quinn, Radcliffe, Santos, Schmidt,
Spinnet, Tarkowski, Thomas, Valentini, Warren, Watson, Wong
Look over the Spell Sheet on the back of your Character Sheet. From DO YOU HAVE A PET? (OPTIONAL)
your starting Year, mark 1 spell you know if you’re Muggle-born, 2 if
1 Flexible 2 Long 3 Ornate you’re half-blood, and 3 if you’re pure-blood. 1-2 Owl (Can send and receive mail)
You know all spells from every Year you’ve completed (2nd Years
4 Plain 5 Second-hand 6 Short know all 1st Year spells, for example). Graduates know all spells. 3-4 Rat (Cannot send or receive mail)
5 [Re-roll] 6 [Re-roll] 6 Which one of you am I upset with for cheating on an 2 OTHER BIRDS
assignment? (Rival)
After you have your House, give yourself +1 to that House’s trait. 1 Blackbird 2 Crow 3 Hummingbird
4 Pheasant 5 Robin 6 Sparrow
1 Which one of you did I once help to find your missing pet? 3 CARNIVORES
If you don’t have a House yet, skip this part. Otherwise, roll 2d6 to
pick 2 questions from your House’s list. If everyone is in the same
1 Badger 2 Bear 3 Boar
2 Which one of you snuck into the kitchens with me before the
House, you can pick your 2 questions from any House’s list. When you 4 Lion 5 Snake 6 Wolf
Halloween feast? (Friend)
have your questions, go around the group 3 times:
• The 1st time, introduce your witch or wizard to the group. 3 Which one of you likes to spend weekend afternoons in the 4 HERBIVORES
greenhouses with me? (Friend)
• The 2nd time, ask the group one of the questions you picked.
1 Aardvark 2 Deer 3 Hedgehog
Write the name of the witch/wizard who answers in the Friends 4 Which one of you sat with me on our first trip on the
& Rivals section on your Character Sheet. Hogwarts Express? (Friend) 4 Mouse 5 Salmon 6 Squirrel
• The 3rd time, ask the group the other question you picked.
Again, write down the name of the witch/wizard who answers.
5 Which one of you did I get into a row with after you insulted 5 TAME ANIMALS
my pet? (Rival)
You should end with one blank Friend or Rival slot. You can fill in the 1 Cat 2 Dog 3 Horse
blank slot at the end of the 1st session. 6 Which one of you do I dislike for spending too much time with
my best friend? (Rival) 4 Rabbit 5 Rat 6 Swan
Gryffindor 6 RARE ANIMALS
1 Which one of you did I stand up for when some older students Slytherin
were picking on you? (Friend) 1 Which one of you found an undiscovered room in the castle 1 Dragon 2 Hippogriff 3 Owl
2 Which one of you had detention with me after we spoke out with me? (Friend) 4 Phoenix 5 Unicorn 6 Winged Horse
against an unfair teacher? (Friend) 2 Which one of you owes me for not telling on you when you
3 Which one of you is my best mate on the Quidditch team? snuck out after curfew? (Friend)
(Friend) 3 Which one of you always sits with me at meals? (Friend) YOU’RE READY!
4 Which one of you is my go-to person when I need to find 4 Which one of your families has been close to my family for Hand this sheet back to the Narrator and get ready to begin your new
something in the library? (Friend) generations? (Friend) Hogwarts story!
5 Which one of you plays the same position as me on another 5 Which one of you do I think is a big show-off? (Rival)
House’s Quidditch team? (Rival)
6 Which one of you publicly doubts my academic or athletic
6 Which one of you did I challenge to a duel for insulting a
skills? (Rival)
friend? (Rival)
Look Wand
Hide & Sneak Angry (-2 to Cunning Hexed (-1 to 1 trait of you may mark a point of Luck to do it. When you get to 4 Experience, you
until you hurt someone the Narrator’s choice You regain all your marked Luck when you may take an Advancement! Then,
Get What You Seek or break something.) until cured.) complete a school year. clear your marked Experience.
Help or Hinder Someone Jealous (-2 to Loyalty You can also clear someone else’s
until you betray a Scared, Angry, Stressed, Jealous, or
When you’ve marked 4 Experience or when you complete a school
Approach a Magical Creature friend.) Embarrassed Condition by
year, take one of the following Advancements:
comforting or supporting them.
Cast a Spell / Duel Embarrassed (-2 to Upgrade a trait by +1. You may do this twice. No
The Injured, Hexed, or Unconscious
Concoct a Potion Magic until you take a Conditions can always be cleared in trait can ever be more than +3.
Use a Magical Object comment the wrong way.) the hospital wing. Gain a second Favourite Subject. You may do this
When all 8 Conditions are marked, roll +your highest trait to see if you exit the once.
story. Learn a new spell from your Year. You may do this
FRIENDS & RIVALS On a 10+, you come back with all Conditions cleared. as many times as you’d like.
On a 7-9, you come back with only Unconscious cleared.
Aquire a magical object. You may do this as many
On a 6-, you exit the story. Create a new witch/wizard. times as you’d like.
Ariend If you come back, you now have a physical or mental scar. Write it here:
Regain 1 marked point of Luck. You may do this as
many times as you’d like.
When someone is your Friend or Rival, you may add +1 to a roll to help or
hinder them. You can be Friends or Rivals with other players or with Narrator
characters. You may only add or remove a Friend or Rival at the end of a session.
You can have up to 2 Friends and 1 Rival at a time.
Rind Name You may add +1 to any roll related to a Favourite Subject.
When you spend time with your pet, you can shift one marked Condition to another one.
HELP OR HINDER SOMEONE something and you get what you seek with
…honesty, negotiation, charisma, or humility, roll +Bravery.
don’t have to give you a full answer.
On a 6-, mark a point of Experience. You’re not sure if you got the
When you assist, defend, or otherwise help someone, or when you …trickery, cheating, underhandedness, or theft, roll +Cunning. knowledge you wanted. You may ask the Narrator a question, but
trip up, interfere with, or otherwise hinder someone, roll +Loyalty. If On a 10+, you get what you wanted, no problem. they don’t have to give you a full answer, or a true one. The Narrator
the person is a Friend or a Rival, you may add +1 to your roll. On a 7-9, you get what you wanted, but (pick one)... may also tell you a Serious Consequence that happens as a result.
FOR OTHER MAIN CHARACTERS • The person you got it from is suspicious.
On a 10+, pick one:
• Give them +/-1 to their roll.
• You must give or promise something in return.
• The person you got it from changes their attitude towards you.
• Prevent them from taking a Condition. On a 6-, mark a point of Experience. You don’t get what you wanted, When you do something that has a chance of failing, and there’s
and the Narrator may tell you a Serious Consequence that happens as absolutely no move that applies, you can always roll +one of your
• Offer them 1 Experience to stop what they’re doing.
a result. traits. Use the trait that best matches what you’re doing.
On a 7-9, pick one of the above options, but take a Condition as a
On a 10+ you do it without a problem. Wicked!
result of your efforts.
On a 6-, mark a point of Experience. You aren’t able to help or hinder
them, and the Narrator may tell you a Serious Consequence that
APPROACH A MAGICAL CREATURE On a 7-9 you do it, but there’s a cost.
On a 6- you don’t manage it and the Narrator tells you how things get
happens as a result. When you try to tame, help, get help from, or otherwise approach a worse, but you get to mark a point of Experience.
magical creature, roll +Loyalty.
On a 10+, the creature acts as you want.
On a 10+, you help or hinder them as you want.
On a 7-9, pick one:
On a 7-9, you help or hinder them, but (pick one)...
• The creature acts as you want, but you take a Condition for your
• You take a Condition in the process.
• They’re accidentally hurt in the process.
• The creature acts as you want, but it attracts unwanted attention.
• They are upset with you for doing so.
• The creature doesn't act as you want, but it does something else
• They are suspicious of your motives. helpful.
On a 6-, mark a point of Experience. You aren’t able to help or On a 6-, mark a point of Experience. The creature goes wild, and the
hinder them, and the Narrator may tell you a Serious Consequence Narrator may tell you a Serious Consequence that happens as a result.
that happens as a result.
Name Role
Name Role
Name Role
Name Role
Name Role
Name Role
On a 6-, mark a point of Experience and pass control & this sheet to
the person to your left. Your team doesn’t score, and the Narrator
A match must be played on a Quidditch pitch, with two sets of three describes how the other team scores 10 points. They may also tell you
goal posts at each end. The oval-shaped pitch is generally surrounded
Slytherin vs Gryffindor Mufflepuff vs Ravenclaw
a Serious Consequence that occurs as a result of your attempt.
by stands for spectators.
Each House has its own Quidditch team, with one game against each
of the other Houses during the school year. At the end of the school CATCH THE GOLDEN SNITCH
year, the Quidditch Cup is awarded to the House whose team scored
the most points during all of their games that year. Winning a
At some point during the match, the Narrator will announce that
someone has spotted the Golden Snitch. If you have control of the
Quidditch match also gains a House 50 points towards the House
match, your team’s Seeker can try to catch the Golden Snitch.
Work with anyone playing a Seeker to describe the match up until
Remember, lots of things besides Quidditch happen during a
your team’s Seeker is about to catch the Golden Snitch, then roll…
Quidditch match! You might be trying to solve a mystery in the
+Bravery if your Seeker makes a daring maneuver to catch the Snitch.
stands, or settle a personal rivalry on the pitch. You can do anything
+Cunning if your team sabotages the other Seeker to catch the Snitch.
and make any move that you could make elsewhere in the story.
+Intellect if your team outwits the other Seeker to catch the Snitch.
+Loyalty if a teammate helps your Seeker catch the Snitch.
On a 10+, you do it! Your team catches the Golden Snitch and ends
the match, giving your team 150 points.
On a 7-9, your team isn’t able to catch the Golden Snitch, but neither
is the other team. Pass control of the match & this sheet to the person
to your left.
On a 6-, mark a point of Experience. Your team fails to catch the
Golden Snitch, and the other team gets it for 150 points. The
Narrator may also tell you a Serious Consequence that occurs as a Last Year’s Winner*
result of your attempt. *If you started your story this year, roll on the House table for last year’s winner.