01 System Notes Part - I
01 System Notes Part - I
01 System Notes Part - I
Topic Page No.
1. Raw and Domestic Water System 04
2. Demineralizers 10
3. Regeneration Facility 14
4. Make-up Demineralizer System 17
5. Condensate Service and Make up Water System 21
6. Condensate and Feed Water System 25
7. Condensate Demineralizers 31
8. Steam Extraction and Feed Water Heating 34
9. Sea Water Intake 40
10. Circulating Water System 43
11. Chlorination System 46
12. Travelling Screen and Screen wash System 50
13. Plant Cooling Water System 53
14. Ventilation and Air Conditioning System 63
15. Compressed Air System 80
16. Turbine Generator 90
17. Turbine Lube Oil System 99
18. Turbine Shaft Sealing System 104
19. Generator Cooling System 108
20. Hydrogen Seal Oil System 114
21. Steam jet Air Ejector System 119
22. Reactor Vessel 123
23. Nuclear Steam Supply System 130
24. Reactor Recirculation System 137
25. Emergency Condenser System 143
26. CRD and CRD Hydraulic System 146
27. Liquid Poison system 159
Raw and Domestic Water System
The raw water system is provided to meet the entire fresh water
requirements of the power station. The raw water from Sakhre Dam is received in
an underground raw water storage tank T-5 of 78 ft. dia and 20 ft. height. The
capacity of tank is 6,00,000 gallons (22,70,000 litters) which is enough to meet the
entire requirement for 5 days. The tank is located on East side of workshop
building. The initial treatment of water i.e. alum injection, settling, filtering and
chlorination is done at the site of Sakhre Dam from where water is supplied.
The inflow to tank T-5 is controlled by LS-832 and CV-832. The CV opens
when T-5 level falls to 18 feet and closes when T-5 level rises to 19 feet. T-5 high
level alarm is provided at 19 feet 6 inch and low level alarm is provided at 16 feet
6 inch level. A flow integrator is provided on raw water inlet line to measure the
water consumption. A pressure gauge and a wire mesh strainer is provided
upstream of CV-832 in the inlet pipe.
Two raw water booster pumps P-17A and B (10 HP, 455 lpm) are provided
for pumping water from T-5 to domestic water head tank T-6 and to supply all raw
water requirements. Two sand filters F-8A and B are provided on the discharge of
the pumps P-17A/B/C. The pumps P-17A/B/C, Filters F-8A/B are located near
Raw water tank (T-5) itself. Domestic water head Tank T-6 is located on the top of
service building at South Side. Each sand filter is a 7 feet dia. and 4 feet high
carbon steel tank containing 23 CFT of sand and gravel. Normally both the
filters are kept in service.
The filter is backwashed when ∆ P (Diff. Press) across filter reaches 5 psi
(0.35 Kg/cm2). An additional pump P-17C (10 HP, 455 lpm) is provided on the T-
5 Tank as a spare pump which can be used manually whenever required, no auto
controls are provided for this pump (P-17C). Normally One Pump out of P-17A/B
is kept on Auto and other one on Manual. P-17C is used when ever any of the P-
17A/B becomes unavailable.
When on auto, the operation of raw water booster pump P-17A/B is
controlled by level in domestic water head tank T-6. The pump starts when T-6
level falls to 230 cms. and stops when T-6 level rises to 312 cms. The T-6 high
level alarm is provided at 335 cms. level and low level alarm is provided at
200cms. level. The raw water booster pump P-17A/B also trip automatically when,
Whenever pump trips on discharge high pressure or T-5 low level, a reset
button on local panel must be pressed for restarting the pump. An alarm is
provided to know the tripping of P-17A/B on discharge high pressure or on T-5
low level.
The raw water for Cooling Tower Pump House (CTPH) is taken from the
upstream of the F-8A/B filters to avoid additional load on the raw water filters.
The raw water system supplies the following loads
When P17-A/B is not running, the above requirements are supplied by tank
Domestic head tank (T-6) except supply to CTPH. When P-17A/B is running, it
supplies requirements of 1 through 6 and also builds up level in the Domestic
water head tank T-6.
Domestic Water System
The system consists of 60,000 gallons capacity Domestic water head tank T-
6 located at 148’ service building, booster pumps P-28A/B, hydro pneumatic tank
T-7, instrumentation and controls. Main purpose of system is to cater filtered
domestic water at essentially constant pressure to various utility points.
Pumps P-28A/B are 7.5 HP, 100 gpm flow, 60 psig TDH horizontal,
centrifugal pumps. The pumps take suction from T-6 tank and discharges in to
hydro pneumatic tank T-7. Pump is controlled by control switch having three
positions AUTO-OFF-RUN.
When the control switch of the pump are in RUN position, the pumps will
start and run irrespective of any automatic start devices. The pump will be
automatically tripped by LS-327H on high level.
Domestic water system supplies to the following loads.
1) Evaporators of Chlorination system.
2) Lube water to SSW pumps.
3) Alternate cooling water to Screen Wash pumps.
4) Chemical addition tank in Radwaste.
5) Hot water tank T-9
6) Water coolers, showers, wash basins, lavatories in various areas.
Demineralizing is a process of purifying water by ion exchange process.
This is an excellent process of removing dissolved salts from water. The treated
water, obtained by this ion-exchange process is more than the equivalent of
distilled water and is free from all salts but for traces.
In the first step the positive metallic ions (Ca, Na, and Mg) are removed by
cation exchanger H2 Z as per typical reactions given below:
2NaCl + H2 Z = Na 2 Z + 2HCl.
MgSO4 + H2 Z = MgZ + H2 SO4
In the second step the remaining negative ions are removed by anion
exchanger R(OH)2 as per typical reactions given below:
RCl2 or RS04 represent used or depleted anion exchanger. The other product
of reaction is pure water.
Thus the cation exchanger removes the cations to form acids and then the
anion exchanger removes acids to leave pure water.
Normally after passing the water through cation exchanger (cation bed) and
anion exchanger (anion bed), it is passed through a mixed bed. The mixed bed
contains both cation and anion exchangers. As the water flows through closely
mixed cation and anion resins almost all the dissolved impurities are removed. The
resulting water is extremely pure.
The demineralizer plant thus normally consists of cation bed, anion bed and
mixed bed. In processes where the water to be processed is already of good
quality, only mixed beds are used for polishing the water and to improve the water
The demineralizer beds are contained in a carbon steel tanks which are
rubber lined. On inlet to the bed a water distributor is provided so that water is
uniformly spread over resins. At outlet of demineralizer a fine-mesh screen is
provided to prevent escape of resins.
The ion exchange reaction can continue only as long as the exchangeable
hydrogen or hydroxyl ions are available to replace cations and anions present in
water. Once the exchangeable ions are exhausted the exchanger resins must be
regenerated periodically to replenish exchangeable ions.
When cation resins are exhausted by capturing cations the resins are returned
to original state by regenerating them with dilute acid. The typical reactions during
regeneration are given below assuming that sulphuric acid is used for regeneration.
Similarly anion resins are regenerated using dilute caustic. The typical
reaction during anion regeneration is given below:
The separation of resins is achieved by back washing the mixed bed with
controlled flow rate. The lighter anion resins separate from heavier cation resins
and rise to the top of bed. When the bed is allowed to settle there is a distinct line
of separation between resins with anions at the top and cations underneath.
Accurately placed distributors make it possible to regenerate the cation and anion
resins one by one without affecting each other. After the regeneration the bed is
rinsed, air mixed and rinsed again before returning to service.
1) Make up demineralizers
2) Condensate demineralizers.
3) Clean up demineralizer.
4) Radwaste demineralizer.
Make up demineralizers consist of a cation bed, anion bed and a mixed bed.
The regeneration of these beds is done in situ.
All other demineralizers in the plant are identical mixed beds. For
regeneration, the bed is transferred to common regeneration facility, where cations
and anions are separated and regenerated separately in separate tanks and then
mixed in storage tank and regeneration is completed by giving final rinse. Clean up
demineralizer resins pick up lot of reactor water activity and becomes highly
radioactive .Hence these resins are not regenerated and they are transferred to
Spent resin tank in Radwate 87’ elevation. The resins from Spent resin tanks are
disposed off separately.
Regeneration Facility
T-17 is a rubber lined carbon steel tank of 4 ft. dia. and 12 ft. height. It can
receive full 84 cft of resins (56 cft cations and 28 cft anions). The tank has three
view ports. The resins are seen in the top port when the tank contains full resin
bed. From bottom port, it can be seen whether the tank is empty or not. Middle port
is used to see the proper separation of cation and anion resins. When the cation and
anion resins are separated the cation resins settle at bottom and anion resins settle
at top and a distinct line of separation is seen in the middle port.
The tank has three connections for resin transfer. The resins are received in
the tank from top line, the middle line is used for transfer of anion resins to anion
tank and bottom line is used for transfer of cation resins from T-17. Also, there is
provision for adding fresh resins in T-17 from the roof of the facility through a
hopper. A conductivity cell and sample point is provided on water outlet line.
The depleted resins are received in T-17 for regeneration. The resins are
cleaned and separated in T-17, and the anion resins are then transferred to anion
tank for regeneration. The cation resins are regenerated in T-17 by injecting 120
liters of sulphuric acid of 4% to 5% concentration. The cation resins are then rinsed
to conductivity of less than 20 umho/cm to washout regeneration products and
excess left over acid.
T-18 is a rubber lined carbon steel tank of 3 ft. dia and 12 ft. height. It is
used for regeneration of anion resins. The tank has two view ports. Resins are seen
in the top port when the quantity of anion resins is correct. From bottom port it is
seen whether the tank is empty or not. The tank has two resin transfer connections.
The resins are received in the tank from top line and the bottom line is used for
transfer of resins from T-18. Also, there is provision for adding fresh resins in T-18
from the roof of the facility through a hopper. A conductivity cell is provided on
rinse water outlet line. The depleted anion resins are regenerated in T-18 by
injecting 240 liters of caustic of 4% to 5% concentration. The resins are then rinsed
to conductivity less than 100 umho/cm to washout regeneration products and
excess caustic left over.
The hot water tank is provided for supplying hot water for diluting the
caustic for regeneration of anion resins. Hot water helps in better silica removal.
An electric heater with thermostat control is provided to maintain hot water tank
temperature around 140oF–150oF. A three-way blending valve adjusts the hot
water supply such that temperature of caustic dilution water is 120oF.
The T-19 in a rubber lined carbon steel tank of 4ft. dia. and 12 ft. height and
it can receive full resin bed. The tank has two view ports. The resins are seen in top
port when the tank contains full resin bed. From bottom port, it can be seen
whether the tank is empty or not. The tank has two resin transfer connections. The
resins are received in tank from top line and bottom line is used to transfer resins
from T-19. A conductivity cell and sample point is provided on rinse water outlet
After individual regeneration and rinsing the cation and anion resins from T-
17 and T-18 respectively are transferred to mixed bed storage tank T-19. The
resins are mixed in storage tank and final rinsing is done to conductivity less than 1
umho/cm. This completes the regeneration of bed.
The valves used in regeneration facility are air operated CV’s and most of
the operations in regeneration facility are done remotely from local panel. A
conductivity recorder is provided on local panel for recording conductivity of rinse
outlet water from T-17, T-18 and T-19. The liquid waste arising from regeneration
goes to radwaste for processing. The high conductivity waste generated during acid
and caustic injection and individual rinsing is sent to waste neutralizer tanks T-
48A/B. The low conductivity waste (generally conductivity below 20 umho/cm)
generated during cleaning of resins, separation of resins and final rinsing is sent to
waste collector tank T-38.
Makeup Demineralizer System
The purpose of the system is to supply required quantity of highly pure
water required for the operation of boiling water reactors. The system mainly
supplies to make up the losses of primary coolant system. It also supplies to make
up losses in other auxiliary cooling water systems. The system consists of two
independent water processing units, a demin. Water storage tank, demin. water
transfer pumps, piping, valves and controls etc.
Each inlet booster pump has 58 gpm capacity at 60’ TDH and is driven by 3
HP motor. The pump takes suction from raw water line going up to domestic water
head tank and delivers water to cation bed.
Cation bed is a rubber lined steel tank of 3½’ dia. and 7 feet height
containing 37 cft. of cation resins. The water enters into tank from top, flows
through the resin bed where cations are exchanged and flows out from bottom. The
cation bed is generally regenerated after it has processed 230 M3 of water. A flow
integrator is provided at cation bed inlet to measure quantity of water passing
through the cation bed.
After cation bed, the water passes through a degassifier where CO2 is
removed by breaking the water stream and passing a counter flow of air through
the water. The removal of CO2 by degassifier reduces load on anion bed.
The degassifier is a rubber lined steel tank of 2½ feet dia. and 9 feet height,
filled with rasching rings of 2 inch dia. and 2 inch length, through which water
passes from top towards bottom. A centrifugal blower of 300 CFM capacity and
driven by 1 HP Motor is provided to blow a counter current of air through the
down coming water. The effluent water collects into a degassifier sump. The level
in degassifier sump is controlled by a level controller which adjusts the inlet CV to
Anion bed is a rubber lined steel tank of 3 feet dia. and 7 feet height
containing 25 cft. of anion resins. The water enter into the tank from top, flows
through the resin bed where anions are exchanged and flows out from bottom. The
anion bed is generally regenerated after it has passed 450 m3 of water.
Caustic soda is used for regeneration of anion bed. A caustic dilution tank is
provided in which dilute caustic is prepared by taking predetermined quantities of
water and caustic soda. 30 liters of caustic of 48% concentration is mixed with
water in dilution tank.
The dilute caustic is then injected to anion bed by water eductor. 5% caustic
concentration is used for regeneration. The anion bed is generally regenerated after
it has processed 450 M3 of water. A flow integrator is provided at the outlet of
anion bed to measure the quantity of water processed by anion bed and by mixed
bed. After anion bed the water goes to mixed bed.
The mixed bed is a rubber lined steel tank of 3 feet dia. and 7 feet height
containing 9 cft of cation resins and 13 cft of anion resins. The water enters into
the tank from top, flows through mixed resins bed where anions and cations are
exchanged to remove remaining impurities, and flows out from bottom. A basket
strainer is provided at mixed bed outlet to prevent resin fines from going to demin.
water storage tank. The mixed bed is generally regenerated after it has processed
6000 M3 of water.
For regeneration of mixed bed, the resins are first separated and then
regenerated one after another. Acid and Caustic dilution tanks mentioned earlier
are used to prepare dilute acid or dilute caustic solution. For acid injection 27 liters
of 98% H2SO4 is taken in the acid dilution tank. 5% concentration dilute acid is
injected through the cation resins. 32 liters of caustic of 48% concentration is taken
in dilution tank. 5% concentration NaOH is injected through the anion resins. The
dilute acid is injected to the cation resins (settling at bottom) through a distributor
located at interface of resins. The effluents drain from normal outlet of bed. The
dilute caustic is injected to anion resins (settling at top) from top and the effluents
drain out from a distributor located at interface of resins.
The effluent from mixed bed is transferred to demin. water storage tank T-2.
The tank is made of aluminum and has a capacity of 30,000 gallons (1,13,400
liter). The tank high level and low level conditions are annunciated in Main
Control Room. From T-2, the demin. water is transferred to the various plant
services by demin. water transfer pumps. P-7A/B are two pumps, each of 75
gpm capacity and driven by 30 H.P. motor are provided. Normally one pump is in
service with other available as standby. A minimum recirculation line of 3 gpm
capacity is provided to prevent overheating of pump during periods of low
Condensate Service and Make up Water System
i) provide a surge reservoir for the main power loop consisting of feed water
and steam systems i.e. hot well, makeup and reject system
ii) Provide condensate service water to various plant processes i.e. condensate
service water system.
There are two condensate storage tanks T-1A and T-1B. The tanks are made
of aluminium to minimize contamination of water by corrosion products. Each
tank is of 20 feet dia, 28 feet height and has a capacity of 60,000 gallons (2,28,000
liters). Each tank receives water from demin. water storage tank T-2 and the
reprocessed clean radwaste from tank T-50. The tanks are vented to reactor
building exhaust system to prevent spread of radioactive contamination. Level
indicators and high-low level alarm are provided for each tank. The overflow lines
from both tanks discharge into a overflow seal chamber which is a 27 cft concrete
tank with a water seal and the water collected is drained to stack basement sump.
Condensate System
The hot well is of 23,500 gallons (88920 liters) capacity and is in two
halves. Each half has three conductivity cells to monitor sea water leakage from
inlet tube sheet, condenser tubes and the outlet tube sheet. All conductivity
readings are recorded continuously in control room and an alarm is annunciated if
any conductivity reading exceeds 0.5 umho/cm. The outlet from each half of hot
well connects to the suction header of condensate pumps.
There are three condensate pumps provided (1P-1A./B/C) each of 900 HP,
3150 gpm (198LPS) capacity at 826’ TDH (25 Kg/cm2). Each pump is a 5 stage
vertical pump. The pumps discharge into a common discharge header. Normally
two pumps are in service and third pump is kept on standby. Two pressure
switches are provided on discharge header. PS-1021 automatically starts the
standby condensate pump at 21.4 Kg/cm2 and PS-1025 gives low header
pressure alarm at 21.1 Kg/cm .
Two tapping are taken from the discharge header for supplying the sealing
water and the turbine exhaust hood spray. For sealing water supply the pressure is
reduced to 1.8 Kg/cm2 by two pressure reducers. Sealing water is supplied to valve
stems, pumps shafts and condenser neck joint to prevent air in leakage into the
condensate system. For turbine exhaust hood spray the pressure is reduced to 3.5
Kg/cm2 by one pressure reducer. The actual spray is controlled by turbine control
system. The condensate then flows through tubes of air ejector condensers and
gland seal condenser and goes to demineralizers.
A minimum recirculation line is provided from the outlet of gland seal
condenser to the hot well, to ensure sufficient coolant flow to air ejector
condensers and gland seal condenser, when the feed water demand is low.
Differential pressure across air ejector condensers is used to measure the
condensate flow and also to control the position of minimum recirculation CV-
1029. If the feed water demand falls below the set value, the CV-1029 opens
(partly or fully) and maintains the minimum required flow. PS-1029 has an over-
riding action. It prevents opening of CV-1029 if the condensate discharge header
pressure is low. Opening of CV-1029 is made slow by providing needle valve on
air supply line. The feed for CRD hydraulic system is tapped off from outlet header
of demineralizers.
The hot well rejects line is tapped off from outlet header of demineralizers.
The reject CV-1011 rejects the water to make up reject header in case hot well
level is high. PS-1011 has an overriding action. It prevents opening of CV-1011, if
the pressure at feed pump suction header is low. The make up water for hot well is
taken from condensate storage tank. The make up CV-1010 admits water to hot
well as per signal from hot well level controller.
The Primary Feed Water System consists of three low pressure feed water
heaters 1E4A, 1E3A and 1E2A, two drain coolers 1E5 and 1E6, one high pressure
feed water heater 1E1A, primary feed pumps 1P2A, 1P2B and level control
system. From the outlet of condenser condensate water is pumped out by
condensate pumps 1P-1A/B/C. The water flows through 1E-9 (Air ejector off gas
condenser and 1E-8 (Gland Seal Condenser). Then water passes through the
Demineraliser beds for removing impurities.
From the outlet of condensate demineralizers, the primary feed water is
progressively heated as it flows through the tubes of 1E6, 1E4A, 1E5, 1E3A and
1E2A. Steam extracted and moisture removed from turbine is used to heat the feed
water. After 1E2A the feed water pressure is increased from around 20 Kg/cm2 to
84 Kg/cm2 by primary feed pumps.
There are two primary feed pumps provided for each unit and a fifth spare
pump P-2 is provided which can be connected to either unit by swing elbows. Each
primary feed pump is a 5 stage horizontal centrifugal pump with mechanical shaft
seals. The pump is driven by 2000 HP, 3000 rpm motor and has a capacity of 2730
gpm (172lps) at TDH of 84 Kg/cm2. A recirculation line from each pump discharge
to the main condenser is provided to ensure minimum flow of 325 gpm (20lps)
through the pump and thus prevent overheating of the pumps during periods of low
feed water demand.
The feed pump discharge check valve is provided with a bypass line to
permit a small back flow through the idle pump so that the idle pump can be
warmed up to system temperature before it is taken in service.
Each pump has its own lubrication oil system consisting of lube oil tank, oil
cooler, a shaft driven oil pump, motor driven auxiliary oil pump and oil filter. The
oil is cooled by TBCW system. The motor winding and bearings temperature is
monitored in control room. Pressure switches are provided on lube oil header for
the purpose of alarms and interlocks. Suction and discharge header pressure of
primary feed pumps are recorded in control room.
From primary feed pumps discharge header the feed water goes through
tubes of high pressure feed water heater 1E1A and then to reactor through level
control valves. There are two LCVs namely main LCV and bypass LCV. Main
LCV is in service during normal operation and bypass LCV is used during periods
of low demand such as startup or shutdown. The reactor level control loop senses
the reactor level, primary feed flow and primary steam flow and adjusts the
position of LCV.
The Secondary Feed Water System consists of three low pressure feed water
heaters 1E4B, 1E3B & 1E2B, one high pressure feed water heater 1E1B,
secondary feed pump 1P3 & level control system. From the outlet of condensate
demineralizers the secondary feed water is progressively heated as it passes
through the tubes of 1E4B, 1E3B & 1E2B. Steam extracted from turbine is used
for heating the feed water. After 1E2B the secondary feed water pressure is
increased from 20 Kg/cm2 to 52 Kg/cm2 by secondary feed pump. One secondary
feed pump is provided for each unit and a third spare pump is provided which can
be connected to either unit by swing elbows.
Each pump has its own lubrication oil system consisting of lube oil tank, oil
cooler, a shaft driven oil pump, a motor driven oil pump and oil filter. The oil is
cooled by TBCW system. The temperature of each bearing is monitored
continuously. Three pressure switches are provided on lube oil header for purpose
of alarms and interlocks.
Suction and discharge header pressures of secondary feed pump are recorded
in control room.
From secondary feed pump discharge the feed water goes through tubes of
high pressure feed water heater 1E1B. After 1E1B the feed line splits into two
branches, one for each SSG. The feed to each SSG is regulated through individual
LCV. The SSG level control loop senses level, feed flow, steam flow of SSG and
adjusts position of LCV.
A small inter tie line is provided to connect the primary and secondary feed
lines. This line is used for supplying feed water to SSGs. from primary feed water
system when SSGs are supplying only the requirements of steam jet air ejectors
and turbine gland seal system.
The system consists of five identical mixed beds, recycle pump, local control
panel, piping, instrumentation and controls etc.
A flow sensor is provided on inlet line for measuring flow rate through the
bed and the total flow passed through the bed. A flow distributor is provided on the
inlet to bed for distributing flow uniformly over the resin bed. On condensate
outlet end an under drain system is provided to prevent escape of resins from the
bed. Also a basket strainer is provided in outlet line to trap any resin particles
escaping under drain system. A conductivity cell is provided on outlet of individual
bed for monitoring the conductivity of effluent. Also two conductivity cells are
provided to monitor conductivity of gross inlet and gross outlet from condensate
Each bed is rated for 5500 lpm flow. Normally four beds are kept in service
to meet the requirement during full power operation. The fifth bed is transferred to
regeneration facility if the outlet conductivity reaches 0.1umho/cm or when the bed
has processed 20 x 107 liters or for cleaning the resins.
After receiving regenerated bed it is first recycled for one hour. The recycle
pump takes the suction from outlet of bed and returns into inlet header. The bed is
thus rinsed and compacted to service conditions. During recycle, it is ensured that
the bed outlet water quality is acceptable. The bed is then kept on standby. Apart
from regeneration the resins sometime require cleaning. The differential pressure
across the condensate demineralizers is monitored continuously. When the
differential pressure reaches limit 3.5 Kg/cm2) the bed having least flow rate
(i.e. the dirtiest) is transferred to regeneration facility for cleaning. After cleaning,
the bed is transferred back, recycled and taken in service. Sometimes, the cleaning
of resins is done locally when the regeneration facility is not available. The water
from demin. tank vents and drains goes to the Condensate Drip tanks at Turbine
bldg 87 elevation.
The extraction steam for feed water heating is taken from 6th, 10th, 15th and
19th stages of turbine. Extracted steam from 6th stage goes to heater 1E-1A,
th th
Steam from 10 stage goes to heater 1E-2A, Steam from 15 stage goes to heater
1E-3A and Steam from 19th stages goes to heaters 1E-4A and B. Moisture removed
from 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages goes to heater 1E-1A, Moisture from 13th stage goes to
1E-3A and Moisture from 18th, 20th and 21st stages goes to 1E-4A and B. Moisture
separator drains also goes to 1E-4A and B.
Extraction steam lines from 6th, 10th & 15th stages are provided with power
(air) assisted bleeder trip valves (BTVs). The BTVs normally allow steam flow
from turbine to feed water heater. When the turbine trips, the BTVs go close to
prevent backflow of steam from heaters to turbine and thus prevent over-speeding
of turbine. The air operators of BTVs ensure that BTVs are positively closed in
case of turbine trip. The 6th stage extraction line going to high pressure feed water
heaters has two BTVs in series to ensure stoppage of reverse flow to turbine. 19th
stage extraction lines have spring loaded check valves instead of BTVs. MOVs are
provided on extraction feed water heaters.
All the drain lines from turbine moisture removal stages are orificed at the
turbine to limit the flow from the turbine and to permit use of heat contained in a
lower pressure heater. The moisture drain lines carry high percentage of moisture,
so to minimize erosion of piping at the Tee connections these lines are not
connected to extraction steam lines but are run separately up to feed water heaters.
MOVs are provided on moisture drain lines going to heaters 1E-1A and 1E-3A.
Train A of feed water heaters heat primary feed water going to the reactor
and it consists of heaters 1E-1A, 1E-2A, 1E-3A, drain cooler 1E-5, heater 1E-4A
and drain cooler 1E-6 in the decreasing order of pressures. Train B of feed water
heaters heat secondary feed water going to SSGs and consist of heaters 1E-1B, 1E-
2B, 1E-3B & 1E-4B in the decreasing order of pressures. Due to tube leaks in
SSGs, Train B of feed water heaters are not kept in service.
All heaters and drain coolers except 1E-4A & B are vertical, U tube type
heat exchangers. Heaters 1E-1A and 1E-2A have integral drain coolers. Heaters
1E-4A and B consist of two horizontal U tube bundles in a common horizontal
shell which is located inside main condenser.
Drains from 1E-1B, 1E-2B & 1E-3B go to 1E-1A, 1E-2A & 1E-5
respectively. Drains cooled in integral drain cooler of 1E-1A go to 1E-2A through
cascade drain CV-1086. All drains cooled in integral drain cooler of 1E-2A go to
1E-3A through cascade drain CV-1070. Drains from 1E-3A and 1E-3B are cooled
in drain cooler 1E-5 and then go to heater drain tank 1T-30 through cascade
drain CV-1063. The low pressure heaters 1E-4A/B also drain into heater drain tank
1T-30. Heater drain pumps 1P-5A/B take suction from heater drain tank and pump
the drains through the final drain cooler 1E-6 to the condenser through CV-1040.
Each feed water heater has a normal drain control system to control the level
in the shell and allow the drains to cascade to the next low pressure heater shell.
Feed Moisture Steam Outlet Steam
Water Type Extraction Extraction Temp. Pressure Material
Heaters Stages Stages of & Temp.
Tube 304 SS
Vertical U tube 157oC 13.5Kg/
1E-1A 2nd, 3rd & 6th stage Shell-A-
with integral 190oC cm2
4th stages 212B Carbon
drain cooler 195.9 oC
Tube 304 SS
Vertical U tube
103 oC 5.5 Kg/cm2 Shell-A-
1E-2A with integral - 10th stage
157 oC 161.4 oC 212B Carbon
drain cooler
Tube 304 SS
Vertical U tube
81 oC 0.6 Kg/ cm2 Shell-ASTM
1E-3A with separate 13th stage 15th stage
103 oC 113.3 oC SA-285
drain cooler
Carbon steel
Heater Tube 304 SS
74 oC
1E-5 Vertical U tube 1E-3A - - Shell-ASTM
81 oC
drain SA-285C
Horizontal U
tube having Tube 304 SS
45 cm of
common shell Outlet Shell-ASTM
1E-4A 18th stage 19th stage Hg
with 1E4B with 74 oC SA-285
76.7 oC
separate drain Carbon steel
Heater Inlet Tube 304 SS
1E-6 Vertical U tube drain pump - 48 oC Shell-ASTM
discharge SA-285-C
Gland Seal
Horizontal U 47 oC
Condenser - - - -
tube 48 oC
Tube SS 304
Steam Air
Steam nozzle
ejector Horizontal U 45 oC -
- - SS air
condenser tube 47 oC
CM above bottom Instrument Tap CM above lower Instrument Tap
Heater 1A & 1B Levels
22.2 Starts open
LS 1086 HCS LI
56.0 Alarm Hi level
1087A Fully CV- 1086 1086
Opens 1086
CV-1113 1A & LS
Closes ALARM
BTV 1601 STARTS 1B 1113
1087B CV- 1113
CV-1087 38.0 Starts Open
1113 LI
Fully CV- 1113
CV-1413 53.0
Opens 1113
Heater 2A & 2B Levels
25.0 Starts open CV-1070
56.0 Alarm Hi level Fully
1071A 40.0 CV-1070 1070 1070
Closes BBTV- Alarm
1071 WHEN heaters
CV-1103 2A/2B LS
90% Drain Inlet HCS
LS OPEN Closed
50.8 1103
1071B (CV-1086)
41.0 Starts Open CV-1103
Opens Fully
CV-1071 56.0 CV-1103 1103
Heater 3A & 3B Levels
22.4 Starts open CV-1086
52.1 Alarm Hi level Fully
1064A 38.0 CV-1086 1063 1063
WHEN heater
Closes LS CV-1097 3A/3B HCS LS
27.9 1064
1064B 90% Drain inlet 1097 1097
OPEN closed
37.5 Starts Open CV-1097
1064 LI
CV- Fully 1097
37.5 CV-1097
1414 Opens
Sea Water Intake
Sea water is used to meet all the cooling requirements of the Power Station.
The sea water required is taken in from the Arabian Sea through an intake canal
and the intake structure. The intake canal extends west wardly approximately 1
km. into the Arabian Sea. The protective Jetties on either side extend to a distance
of about 400 meters. The width of canal is 100 feet (30.5 meters) at the mouth and
60 feet (18 meters) at the intake structure. The canal is sized to provide 2500
cu.ft./sec. of water at the minimum tide level of 74 feet. Present requirement of
cooling water is 1000 cu.ft./sec. (28.32 M3/sec.) The design temp. difference
between incoming water and discharge water is 8oC.
The intake structure is divided into 5 bays of 13 feet width each. Each bay
1) Its individual trash rack that traps large size trash coming along with
2) Its stop log gate for isolation and dewatering of the bay for
maintenance work.
3) A travelling screen to screen out small size trash, sea weeds, Jelly
fishes etc.
The water level within tidal zone varies from elevation 72 ft. to 96 ft. The
elevation of intake canal bottom is 50 feet and it rises to 55 feet at the inlet of
circulating water pump.
The spare pump P8 can be used to serve either half of either condenser. It
has four discharge MOVs, two for feeding Unit #1 condenser and two for feeding
Unit #2 condenser. The pump cannot be used to feed both the condensers
simultaneously. An electrical interlock prevents opening of any MOV towards Unit
#2 if any MOV towards Unit #1 is open and vice versa. The pump can feed both
halves of one condenser simultaneously.
A bypass control system is provided for each half of the condenser to limit
the water velocity in condenser tubes to a maximum of 7 ft./sec. (2.43 M/sec.),
irrespective of tide level and the pump discharge flow. The system consists of 42
inch dia. (107 cms.) bypass line, bypass CV and DP controller. The DP controller
senses DP between inlet and outlet water boxes and positions bypass CV so as to
bypass excess flow.
The outlets from two outlet water boxes are connected by backwash MOV.
This MOV facilitates backwashing of either half of condenser.
Water box vacuum pump is provided for each unit. It can suck out air from
any water boxes of the condenser. The pump is run to fill the system before
starting of the CW system. During normal operation, the pump is run to remove the
trapped air and non-condensible gases from water boxes, particularly during low
tide period.
Rubber bearings of CW pump are cooled and lubricated by water. This lube
water requirement is supplied by raw water system. 30 lpm of lube water flow is
required for each pump. Lube water from SSW system is available as alternate
supply. An electrical interlock in starting circuit of pump prevents pump starting if
lube water flow is below 26 lpm. Also low lube water flow gives alarm in the
control room if lube water flow is below 24 lpm during normal C.W. pump
running. High discharge pressure protection trip is provided to the pump. Pressure
switch trips the pump at a discharge pressure of 25 psig. to protect the pump from
running on shut off.
Chlorination System
Chlorination of sea water is done to prevent algae growth on heat transfer
surfaces of various cooling water systems using sea water. Liquid chlorine supply
is obtained in one-ton containers and is used for chlorination purpose.
There are two booster pumps P-81A and B, each of 250 gpm, 85’ TDH
capacity and driven by 10 H.P. Motor. The pump takes suction from salt service
water system and provide high pressure water supply to chlorine ejectors.
Normally one pump is required. The other pump starts automatically if the running
pump does not develop adequate pressure.
A level switch is provided to give alarm in case of low water level. A relief
valve is provided to prevent over pressurization of evaporator above 200 psi. The
liquid chlorine coming to evaporator is evaporated and superheated to some extent.
The chlorine solution from the outlet of ejector is fed to different bays of
intake structure. Flow to individual bay is controlled by a manual valve.
The system is operated manually. The various control switches required for
operation are mounted on control panel C-37. The sequence of operation to be
done is as below:
Now, turn the on-off switch (S-1) to “ON” position. The booster pump
starts. Open PCV-3058 (3059) by valving in air to PCV. Adjust the chlorine flow
rate and continue chlorination for specified time. After chlorination is over, close
PCV-3058 (or 3059) by isolating and bleeding off air. Continue flushing for
specified time. This completes chlorination of one bay.
Bays No.1 to 5 are chlorinated for 20 minutes at a chlorine flow rate of 104
Kg/hour. Bays No.6 and 7 are chlorinated for 20 minutes at a chlorine flow rate of
20 Kg/hour. After chlorination of each bay the flushing is done for 10 minutes. The
rates of chlorination are chosen to give a free chlorine concentration of 2 to 3 ppm.
Chlorine gas being heavier than air settles at the floor level. Exhaust fan V-
42G is provided to exhaust air from the plant. The fan takes suction at the floor
level. Fresh air line respirator is provided at Chlorination plant which can be used
during chlorine leak. Self contained breathing apparatus is also available at the
chlorination plant. Safety shower and eye washer is provided near the chlorination
The System is provided for collection and removal of debris from incoming
sea water at the intake structure. This screened water is used for circulating water
system, salt service water system, screen wash system, fire protection system and
chlorination system.
The system consists of 5 travelling screens (one for each bay) 1F-1A, 1F-1B,
F-1, 2F-1A & 2F-1B, three screen wash pumps, piping, control valves,
instrumentation etc.
Each screen consists of a series of 10 ft. wide, 3/8 inch mesh wire covered
baskets attached to motor driven chain drive system. The driving motor is of 3 HP
capacity. Speed of the screen is 2.5 ft./min.
Each screen wash pump is a vertical turbine type, rated at 1200 gpm. at a
TDH of 249 ft. It is driven by 100 HP, 1500 RPM motor. Three screen wash
pumps discharge into a common header. The common discharge header branches
into two headers. One header connects to fire protection system and other serves
screen washing. The screen wash water header has five branches for serving five
screens. At the end of each branch there are 18 spray nozzles for washing the
screen. The water flow to spray nozzles is controlled by CV which open only when
the screen is rotating.
The flow towards fire protection system or towards screen wash system is
controlled by CVs 257 A and B. (Only one CV will remain open at any time).
Normally all screens are kept on “Manual Jog” and controlled by the local
Toggle switch provided near screen. Two screen wash pumps are kept on auto. The
third screen wash pump is kept on standby. One of the pump which is on auto is
selected for fire system. Five differential level instruments are provided to sense
the differential level across each screen. The dirtiness of screen is sensed in terms
of differential level. Differential level of 10 cms gives alarm. The screens are
rotated continuously to manually remove collected plastic, sea weeds, jelly fishes.
Lot of plastic and jelly fishes arrives during monsoon.
If the pressure in screen wash pumps discharge header is low, the standby
pump starts automatically. As P-10A pump is supplied by 1MVA sub-station, it
can be used during station blackout condition also. P-10B and P-10C pumps are
supplied by BO7 and BO8 buses respectively.
Screen wash pumps provide the water supply for fire fighting. Fire
protection system pressure is monitored by a pressure switch PS-257. When the
pressure in fire protection system drops, the PS-257 trips and,
Bearings of screen wash pumps are cooled and lubricated by water. The
lube water supply is from SSW system. Alternate lube water supply is from raw
water system.
Plant Cooling Water Systems
The plant cooling water systems are provided to pick up waste heat from
plant processes (other than Main Condensers) and dispose it off to the external
environment. Due to decay heat of fission process, the cooling water systems are
necessary even after complete shutdown of plant.
The plant cooling water systems actually consists of three separate systems:
The SSW System cools RBCW system and TBCW system by circulating sea
water through tubes of RBCW heat exchangers (E-10A, E-10B, E-10C) and
TBCW heat exchangers (E-11A, E-11B, E-11C). The RBCW system is a separate
closed loop cooling water system that uses demineralized water (mixed with
Potassium Dichromate and Caustic Soda to protect piping from corrosion) to cool
the processes and equipments located inside Drywell, Reactor building,
Containment cooling building and Radwaste building. The TBCW system is also a
separate closed loop cooling water system that uses demineralized water mixed
with Potassium Dichromate and Caustic Soda (to protect the piping from
corrosion) to cool the processes and equipments located in Turbine building. Air
compressors located in Service building are cooled by RBCW system. The feed
pumps located in Service building are cooled by TBCW system.
The use of two closed loop cooling water system (using chromated demin.
water) cooled by one sea water system has following main advantages.
SSW System
The five SSW pumps are located in the intake structure building at elev.97
ft. The pumps take suction from bay No.6 and 7 and discharge into common
header. Each pump is rated to deliver 5500 gpm at 54 ft. head and is driven by 100
HP motor. Pumps P-11A, P-11B and P11C are supplied from emergency power
supply bus BO4, BO5 and BO9 respectively. After passing through service water
basket strainer, the SSW serves following loads:
During total loss of power (TLOP) only one SSW pump is automatically
started to supply the essential cooling requirements. In such situation SSW is
supplied only to RBCW heat exchangers and all other loads i.e. non-essential loads
are isolated. PS-303 located at SSW inlet to RBCW heat exchangers performs the
auto actions during emergency operation to isolate non-essential loads.
When total loss of power occurs, all running SSW pumps trip and PS-303
also trips on low pressure. When PS-303 trips, CVs 384 and CV-700 go close and
isolate SSW to TBCW heat exchangers, turbine building area coolers and
chlorination system. SSW to transformers has to be isolated manually. After
emergency diesel generators have started P-11A or P-11B is started automatically
and SSW to RBCW heat exchangers is resumed. Pump P-11C can be started
manually if required.
Epoxy coating and sacrificial anodes are provided to protect the system
piping and equipment from corrosion.
TBCW System
The pumps, heat exchangers and chemical feeder are located in Turbine
Building at 87 ft. elev. The surge tank is located in Turbine building at 156 ft. elev.
on top of the regeneration facility. Each pump is rated to deliver 2800 gpm at 70 ft.
TDH and is driven by 75 HP motor. Pump P-14C is supplied from emergency
power supply bus BO9.
The TBCW system supplies following loads:
The system is initially filled by demin. water via Surge tank. During
operation, any losses of water from system are made up by filling the surge tank
whenever the low level alarm comes.
During normal operation of the system, two TBCW pumps are running with
two heat exchangers are in service. Third pump is kept as standby. Two pressure
switches PS-165 and PS-166 are provided on discharge header after heat
exchangers. PS-165 gives low header pressure alarm when pressure goes below
3.25 Kg/cm2.
PS-166 starts standby pump when pressure goes below 3.2 Kg/cm2. TS-168
is provided to give header high temp. alarm at 100oF (38oC). Manual corrective
action is necessary to bring down TBCW header temperature.
During total loss of power (TLOP) the TBCW system shuts down
completely. Usually the system is not required during total loss of power incident.
However, the pump P-14C is connected to emergency power supply bus and can
be taken in service manually if necessary.
RBCW System:
The RBCW system consists of three RBCW pumps P-13A, B and C, three
RBCW heat exchangers E-10A, B and C, a chemical feeder T-52, a surge tank T-3,
necessary piping, valves, instrumentation and controls etc.
The pumps, heat exchangers and chemical feeder are located in Turbine
building at 118’ elev. on South side. The Surge tank is located in Reactor building
at 184’ elev. Each pump is rated to deliver 3000 gpm at 100 ft. TDH and is driven
by 100 HP motor.
All RBCW pumps P-13A/B/C are supplied from emergency power supply
buses BO4/BO5/BO9 respectively.
The system is initially filled by demin. water via surge tank. During
operation, any losses of water from system are made up by filling the surge tank
whenever the low level alarm comes on CO2 panel in Main Control Room. Surge
tank high level alarm is usually an indication of tube leak in either C/U non-
regenerative heat exchangers or in fuel pool cooling heat exchangers.
During normal operation, two RBCW pumps are running and two heat
exchangers are in service. The third pump is kept as standby. Four pressure
switches are provided on discharge header after heat exchangers. PS-293 gives
header low pressure alarm when pressure goes below 4.05 Kg/cm2. PS-294 starts
standby pump when pressure goes below 3.9 Kg/cm2. Function of PS-295 and PS-
511 is described later. TS-196 is provided to give header high temperature alarm at
102oF (39oC). Manual corrective action is required to bring down RBCW header
During total loss of power (TLOP) only one RBCW pump is started
automatically to supply the essential cooling requirements. In such situation
RBCW is made available only to following essential loads: (Refer to the list of
loads supplied by RBCW system).
All other loads i.e. non-essential loads are isolated as described below:
Plant equipment spaces and spaces of limited occupancy are ventilated and
cooled with outside ambient air. The maximum design ambient air temperature
being 35oC, the maximum space temperature varies from 40 to 49oC. Turbine
building, radwaste building, part of service building etc. are ventilated and cooled
by ambient air.
All air entering the plant buildings is filtered by high velocity washable
filters, except the transformer vaults.
The plant spaces requiring more cooling than that can be accomplished by
ambient air are supplied with cooled and dehumidified air. The air conditioning
chillers and common chilled water system is provided to cool and dehumidify the
air. The reactor building is supplied with cool and dehumidified air to limit
maximum space temperature of 36oC to 38oC. In places like main control room,
offices, cable spreading room etc. the space temperature is controlled at 25 + 2oC
and the relative humidity is controlled at 50 + 5%.
The equipments having high heat rejection rate are hooded and exhausted
through ducts to prevent spreading and build up of heat in surrounding areas.
Similarly, spot cooling of equipments by supplying cool air through ducts is
adapted where it is impractical to cool the entire space.
The systems used for ventilation are mainly of induced draft and forced draft
type with the use of fans and supply/exhaust through the ducts. Use of natural draft
is made only for transformer vaults.
To prevent spread of air borne contamination, the air flow is maintained
from low radiation area towards high radiation area. Differential static pressure
regulators are used to maintain negative pressures in equipment compartments and
between controlled and non-controlled spaces to maintain air flow in desired
direction. Exhaust from the equipment compartments is discharged at high altitude
through the stack exhaust from some of the compartments is filtered by High
Efficiency Particulate Filters (HEPA) before releasing through stack.
The 103 ft., 125 ft., 143 ft., and 160 ft. elev. floors of reactor building
are provided with space cooling units consisting of fans, filters and cooling
coils supplied with chilled water. The fan sucks air from the space, filters it,
cools it and delivers it through distribution duct. The discharge air
temperature is controlled by TCVs. Each space cooling unit consists of two
fans, associated filters and cooling coils. One of the fan is normally in
service and the other is available as standby. The containment cooling
building is also provided with one identical space cooling unit. These space
cooling units are controlled from Exhaust system panel C-80 at stack
The single exhaust duct (i.e. the reactor building exhaust duct) leads
the reactor building exhaust to exhaust plenum. The reactor building exhaust
duct has two air operated dampers PO-9184 and PO-9185 in series, one
DPC-9188 and PO-9188 to control the exhaust flow to exhaust plenum such
that the reactor building is at slight vacuum with respect to outside
environment. The air from exhaust plenum is discharged through stack by
main exhaust fans V-24A or V-24B. The exhaust from reactor building is
continuously monitored by two radiation monitors and is indicated and
recorded in control room.
The system is designed for auto operation and comes in service on following
The fan V-25A/B and associated filters can be used for clean-up of
drywells also. The operation is controlled manually.
2) Drywell Ventilation System:
The drywell has been provided with ventilation and cooling system as
there are equipments requiring cooling during normal operation and persons
enter drywell during shutdown for works. The fresh cooled air supply to
drywell is supplied by fans V-15A/B through two air operated purge inlet
dampers (CV-1735 and CV- 1736 for Unit #1 and CV-2735 and CV-2736
for Unit#2) and one flow controller damper (PO-9160 for Unit #1 and PO-
9163 for Unit #2) all three in series. The exhaust from drywell is controlled
by two air operated purge outlet dampers in series. (CV-1737 and CV-1738
for Unit #1 and CV-2737and CV-2738 for Unit#2). The exhaust from
drywells, suppression pools and common chamber form a common
discharge duct. The exhaust is continuously monitored by radiation
monitors, and can be exhausted either to V-24A/B exhaust plenum through
CV-9171 or through emergency ventilation and clean-up system through
The purge inlet and purge outlet dampers of both drywells go close if
exhaust duct show high radiation. These dampers also go close if the
associated reactor scrams on high drywell pressure.
The exhaust CV-9171 closes automatically on.
Three drywell cooler units are provided inside each drywell to cool
the drywell space and equipments inside drywell. The cooling unit consists
of fan, cooling coil and damper. RBCW system supplies the cooling water to
cooling coils. The fans are controlled from push buttons located in cable
spreading room. When the fan is started, the cooling water is turned on and
damper is opened automatically. The inlet and outlet air temperatures for fan
are indicated on T1-9144 on Exhaust system panel C-80 at stack basement.
c) Purge Mode: This mode is used to cool down drywell at a faster rate
during shutting down. During this mode cool air of 6000 SCFM (from
V-15A/B) is supplied to drywell and exhaust plenum through CV-
9171. When the DPS switches are in “Purge” the standby V-15 fan
also starts automatically to meet the extra flow demand and the
CV-9171 opens. Purge inlet CVs and Purge outlet CVs of the
concerned drywell are opened manually.
The radwaste building is supplied with filtered ambient air and the
exhaust is led to the plant main exhaust plenum. The system consists of
supply system, exhaust system, associated ducts and instrumentation.
The normal exhaust from containment cooling building also joins the
radwaste exhaust header through dampers.
4. Turbine Building Ventilation System and Service Building (Non-air
conditioned areas) Ventilation System:
The air supply system consists of two 100% capacity fans V-4A
and B, filters, flow controllers and dampers. The fans are controlled
by a local selector switch. The selected fan runs and supplies air to
make-up demin. area, lube oil area, TBCW heat exchanger area and
instrument vaults 1A and 2A through the ducts. The flow controller is
provided to give uniform flow rate irrespective of wind pressure at
supply louver. The flow is controlled automatically by adjusting
position of suction damper of fan.
c) Switchgear Areas
e) Condenser Compartments
The fan sucks air through filter over cooling coil and distributes
it through ducts over condenser compartment area. The fans are
controlled by control switch located on Ventilation Panel C-36 at
Service building 148’ elevation. The fan selected by control switches
starts and the cooling water supply CV and discharge damper open
automatically. Temperatures of inlet and outlet air from fan are
indicated on T1-9054 located on panel C-36.
There are two 100% capacity air supply units. Each unit consists of
two fans (V6A/B and V6C/D), cooling coil, discharge dampers etc.
The outside ambient air is first filtered and cooled to approx. 21°C by
pre cooling coil. The pre cooling coil is supplied with chilled water and
chilled water flow is controlled by TIC/TCV- 9071 to pre cool air up to
21°C. The pre cooled ambient air and return air from various air conditioned
areas mix together and go to suction of fans V6A/B and V6C/D.
The discharge air from V6A/B and V6C/D flow over after cooler
cooling coil in cooler section of air supply unit. Fourteen outlet ducts from
cooler section join together in fourteen distribution headers. Each header
supplies air to one zone of multi zone air conditioning system. The
modulating dampers (one for each zone) at outlet of cooler section maintain
cooled air supply to the various zones.
The fans V6A/B and V6C/D are controlled by the control switch
located on panel C-36. The selected pair of fans runs and their performance
is monitored by PS- 9245. The standby pair of fan starts automatically if
running pair of fans fails.
When control switch selects fans V-6A/B, the selected fans start and
solenoid valves SV-9074A and SV-9075 energize. SV-9075 admits air of 20
psi and open supply dampers PO 9075-1 thru’ PO 9075-14 for 14
zones. It also admits air and close chilled water CV-9079 associated with
cooling coil of V-6C/D fans. SV-9074A admits output of dew point
controller DS/DC 9074 to PE 9427 and Pre 9077 also receives output of TIC
The most of the conditioned air (about 75%) supplied to the above zones is
recycled for economical reasons. The areas from where the air cannot be recycled
are exhausted to atmosphere as described below:
a) Exhaust from Compressor room, RBCW heat exchanger area, Both units
exciter cubicles, Chiller area, Both Units Condensate demin. Operating area,
NMS battery chargers #1, ROE room, Locker room, 118’ ele. And 133’ ele.
Toilets are connected to exhaust fan V-13A/B.
b) Exhaust from hot lab, cold lab and counting room is exhausted by separate
fan V-9A/B. The fan material is corrosion resistant. High efficiency filters
are provided at suction of fans. The fans V-9 A/B are controlled by control
switch located at panel C-36. The fan selected by control switch runs and its
performance is monitored by PS-9024. The standby fan starts automatically
if running fan fails.
d) New change room is provided with two exhaust fans V-53A/B, out of two
exhaust fans one will be in service which takes outside air through louvers.
One exhaust fan V-54 is provided for above fan room.
The original compressed air system consisting of suction air filter, silencer,
three air compressors K1A, K1B, K1C, three after cooler E12A, E12B, E12C, four
air receivers T11A, T11B, T11C, T11D, pre-filters F2A/B, after filters F7A/B, air
dryers S-27A/B, piping, instrumentation and controls etc. To augment the system
capacity an additional compressor K-1D, after cooler, air receiver T-11E and
filter E-18 has been installed in year 1979 and one more new instrument air dryer
installed in year 2009.
Two separate air supplies, the instrument air supply and the service air
supply are taken from the common outlet header of the air receivers. Instrument air
is processed through pre filters, after filters and instrument air dryer. Service air is
distributed in the plant without further processing. Service air is normally supplied
by K-1D but in case of K-1D unavailability it is supplied by K-1A/B/C.
A back pressure regulator PCV-220 is provided on service air header to
maintain the upstream pressure. In case the compressed air system pressure is
falling the PCV 220 cuts down service air supply and helps to maintain instrument
air supply.
PS-222 is provided to give service air header low pressure alarm in control
room. The fourth air receiver T-11D is provided to take care of large service air
requirement of Radwaste in radwaste building at 87’ elevation.
The instrument air supply is filtered and dried before distribution in the plant
so as to meet the requirement of clean and dry instrument air supply. Two sets of
filters (pre filters and after filters) are provided to remove particulate matters of 0.3
micron and larger and air dryers are provided to remove moisture. There are two
instrument air dryers which are twin tower, regenerative, desiccant type using
silica gel for moisture removal. The old air dryer is located between pre-filters and
after filters and new air dryer is located in front of Compressors K-1A/B/C.It
reduces the instrument air dew point to – 50oF (– 45oC) at 105 psig.
Out of two air dryer chambers, one will be in service and other will be under
regeneration. Regeneration of air dryer chamber is done by passing hot air through
the silica gel. A blower and electric heater is provided for regeneration of air
chambers. The regeneration cycle is automatically carried out by timer. The cycle
time of old instrument air dryer is 5 hours and the new air dryer is 8 hours. Dew
point temperature indicator is provided at the outlet of after filters. PS-224 is
provided on instrument air header to give “instrument air header low pressure”
alarm in control room. PS-229 is provided to automatically bypass filters and
instrument air dryers in case instrument air header pressure falls down to 80 psig.
Compressors K-1A, K-1B, K-1C have an automatic three step load control.
In this method of control, the compressors run continuously but, they deliver 0%,
50% or 100% of their capacity depending on demand of the compressed air.
Normally two compressors are kept running and third is on standby.
The running compressors run on no load if system pressure reaches 105 psig.
The compressors start delivering 50% if the system pressure falls to 100 psig. and
they start delivering 100% if the system pressure falls to 98 psig. The standby
compressor starts automatically if system pressure falls to 95 psig.
Compressor K-1B and C are supplied from emergency bus BO4 and BO5
respectively. In case of total loss of power incident, K-1B or K1C can be started
manually to meet the instrument air requirement. Compressors K-1A/B/C are
provided with” Discharge air high temperature” alarm in Main Control room.
As per new FCN K-1D air supply is connected across PCV-220 with non-
return valve and manual valve, so that in case air supply for instrument air is not
sufficient from compressors K-1A/B/C then air supply for instrument air can be
obtained from K-1D air compressor. K-1D is provided with Discharge air high
temperature, Low lube oil pressure protection. If there is any alarm on K-1D
annunciation control panel, Main control room will receive “K-1D trouble alarm”.
Relief valves are provided on all the air receivers to protect them from over
New Instrument Air Dryer
Drier has 320 CFM capacity with operating pressure of 7.0 kg/cm2. The
dryer has two desiccant bed towers or chambers. One chamber will be under
Adsorption mode and the second chamber will be under regeneration mode. Drier
has two parallel pre-filters at inlet and two parallel after-filters at outlet along with
one number of electric heaters and two number of blowers. The heaters and
blowers of air dryers are supplied by 415 V AC, class-IV electric power supply.
Each drier bed is provided with RV set at 8.2 kg/cm2.
Four way ball valve with double air ports are used for tower isolation.
Desiccant used in Drier beds is silica gel with operating life of 36 months.
These units remove all particulate matter of size 3 microns and larger and
reduce the instrument air dew point to – 50 o F (– 45.56 o C) at 105 psig (7.38
New Instrument Air Dryer Chambers and its associated control panels are all
installed in service building 103’ ele. air compressor room.
The new air dryer is installed parallel to existing air dryer and one of the two
is acting as a stand by unit. The Drier is of heat convection blower regeneration
The regeneration system is completely independent of adsorption system and
uses air drawn from atmosphere by an external blower. The air is heated in an
external electric heater and made to pass through the tower under regeneration. The
hot air regenerates the desiccant and removes the moisture absorbed by the
Almost dry saturated (0.23% moisture) steam from reactor at the rate of 904
MT/Hr. at 68.5 Kg/cm2 pressure is used. The generator is rated for 248 MVA at
0.85 lagging power factor and 12 KV voltage.
1) Description
2) Turbine Control
It can over-ride the speed/load changer signal and call for lesser
steam flow to the turbine than that desired by speed/load
It can over ride the signal V-1 and call for lesser opening of
primary control valves than that desired by compound control
It can over ride the signal P-1 and call for higher opening of
bypass valves or primary control valves than that desired by
mechanical pressure regulator.
3) Turbine Protections
5) Turning Gear
1) Description :
The exciter is air cooled, 685 KW, 375V, self excited D.C.
generator driven by the main shaft through an insulated flexible steel
coupling and a reduction gear. The exciter output is controlled by an
amplidyne in its field circuit, which in turn is controlled by a solid
state voltage regulator connected to main generator potential
transformers. Increase or decrease in generator voltage is sensed by
the voltage regulator which changes the excitation of amplidyne
control field windings. This action causes the amplidyne to Buck or
Boost the excitation of the exciter, so that exciter output (i.e. main
generators field current) decreases or increases to adjust the generator
terminal voltage.
2) Generator Protection :
The actuation of any one of the above protection relays trips the
generator lockout relay which isolates the generator by carrying out
following actions.
The Main shaft pump is backed up by two 150 hp A.C. motor driven
auxiliary oil pumps. These can be manually started or automatically by low
pressure in the Main shaft pump discharge header. These auxiliary oil pumps are
used in the initial start-up of the turbine when main shaft pump is turning too
slowly to develop sufficient pressure as well as providing back up, should the main
shaft pump fail during normal speed operation. Backing up the auxiliary oil pumps
and to protect the bearings for an orderly shutdown is the Turning Gear Oil Pump,
which will start automatically on low pressure in the bearing oil header. This pump
operates when the unit is on turning gear and supplies only the bearing lube oil, not
the operating oil.
An auxiliary power failure could render the turning gear oil pump and
Auxiliary oil pumps useless, so they are further backed up by a small D.C. motor
driven Emergency Bearing oil pump. This unit is automatically started upon
abnormally low pressure in the bearing oil header.
Before oil is fed to the bearing oil header it is pass through one of two oil
coolers. These coolers are cooled by TBCW. A small motor driven blower is
mounted on the Turbine lube oil reservoir to extract any moisture laden air or
traces of hydrogen that might be present in the tank. This small motor driven
blower keeps the tank at a slight vacuum (approx. 1.5” W.G.) and runs
Turbine lube oil can be continuously extracted from either of the turbine
lube oil reservoirs and passed through the lube oil conditioner. This unit can
process 2600 gallons of lube oil per hour.
The storage capacities of the Turbine lube Oil Reservoirs are backed up by a
6200 gallons clean lube oil tank and 6200 gallons Dirty Lube oil tank. These tanks
along with the lube oil pumps and lube oil conditioner are located at 103’ elevation
in the Turbine Building Make-up demin area.
Each turbine has a motor driven turning gear which will revolve the turbine
shaft at 2 rpm. The turning gear should be engaged before start-up and after
shutdown to prevent temperature gradients from bowing the shaft.
Here, the filtered oil is stored and also provides suction for the
filter pump. The polishing cartridge type filters are housed in this
compartment. The filter pump, pumps oil through the cartridge type
filter before delivering it into the reservoirs.
Turbine Shaft Sealing System
The steam seals are provided at each point where the turbine shaft penetrates
the turbine casing. These seals prevent escape of steam or inhalation of air from
these shaft penetrations and allow full vacuum to be drawn in condenser while the
turbine is on turning gear. There is a steam seal at each end of H.P. and L.P.
turbine, total four shaft seals are there in all.
The seals are of labyrinth type which provides series of throttling paths that
limit steam or air leakage along the rotating shaft to a minimum as it is throttled
from the high pressure space to low pressure space. The seals consist of stationary
and rotating teeth arranged concentrically with small radial clearances, thus
presenting a high resistance to the flow of steam/air and greatly reducing the
amount of leakage.
Pressure packing are those that seal against steam leakage at full load. At
light loads, when vacuum exists throughout the turbine, they seal against air in
leakage into the turbine. The pressure packing have a so called “atmospheric leak
off” which is held at 3 to 4 psig. by supplying seal steam. Steam is fed into the
packing through this leak off line at light loads. At higher loads when turbine stage
pressures build-up, steam flows from the packing into the atmospheric leak off.
Pressure packing also has one (or more) pressure leak off which discharges
steam to high pressure extraction points.
Beyond the atmospheric leak off, there is a vent annulus which is held at
slight vacuum (3” to 5” of water gauge) by steam seal exhauster. The steam seal
exhauster takes steam from vent annulus and air pulled from the atmosphere.
Vacuum packing are those which always seal against air in leakage into
turbine. The vacuum packing have atmospheric leak off. It is always maintained at
3 to 4 psig, by supplying steam from seal steam header.
The steam requirements of steam seal system depend on the load of turbine.
At low loads, there is little or no steam leaking into atmospheric leak off from
pressure packing and therefore steam is supplied to seal steam header to maintain
the seal steam header pressure. At high loads the steam leaking into atmospheric
leak from pressure packing is in excess of steam required by vacuum packing and
therefore steam is unloaded from seal steam header so as to maintain seal steam
header pressure. The steam unloaded is led to low pressure extraction points.
The steam supply for steam seal system is taken from primary steam line
before turbine stop valves. A seal steam pressure regulator is provided to maintain
seal steam header pressure at 4 psig. The seal steam pressure regulator is a
hydraulic device operated by turbine operating oil. The regulator operates two
valves namely steam admission valve and steam unloading valve. The regulator
maintains seal steam header pressure by admitting the steam or unloading steam
from seal steam header depending on pressure.
During start-up, when the supply steam pressure is low, seal steam header
pressure is maintained by opening regulator bypass valve (MOV-1212) from
control room. The regulator starts functioning when supply steam pressure is
around 350 psig. The bypass valve is then closed. Another valve (MO-1214) is
provided to unload seal steam header manually, in case the regulator is not
working. The regulator is provided with isolation valves which permits its isolation
while turbine is in operation.
A pressure switch is provided to give alarm in main control room, when seal
steam pressure falls below set value.
The condensed steam is drained to condensate drip tank through a loop seal.
The exhausted gases go through a 20 inch dia hold up line to the plant stack.
The gland seal condenser is a shell and tube type condenser. The cooling is
provided by main condensate system. Two exhausters, each driven by 5 H.P. motor
are provided. Normally one exhauster is in service and other is available as
standby. A hold-up line is provided to give decay time for radioactive gases. It
gives decay time of 1.75 minutes.
Generator Cooling System
Hydrogen gas is used for cooling the generator because of its low density
and high thermal conductivity results in low windage losses and cooler operation.
The other advantages are cleaner operation and longer insulation life. The high
purity hydrogen does not support combustion so that fire danger is eliminated in
properly sealed machine.
Hydrogen Control
1) Hydrogen Supply
Oil is fed through the seal housing then between the rings, at a pressure that
is greater than gas pressure within the generator. The oil then flows between the
rings and the shaft in both directions. The oil fill in constricted area between
generator shaft and the rings form a seal which prevents the gas in the generator
from leaking out along the shaft. After flowing past the sealing rings, the oil is
drained from the seal housing. The oil which flows towards generator passes into
seal oil drain, while the oil which passes towards the bearing mixes with the oil
discharged from generator bearings.
The hydrogen seal oil system consists of seal oil vacuum tank, vacuum
pump, main seal oil pump, Emergency seal oil pump, differential pressure
regulator, hydrogen detraining section, air detraining section, float trap, liquid
detector, Instrumentation and piping. During normal operation, the seal oil supply
is taken from bearing oil system of turbine generator and seal oil drain is returned
to turbine lube oil reservoir.
Vacuum Tank
During normal operation, oil from lube oil system enters the vacuum
tank through spray nozzles and float valve (H-10). The incoming oil is
vacuum treated so that a minimum of moisture or air is released into the
generator casing. The float valve (H-10) regulates the oil level in the seal oil
vacuum tank. The inlet spray nozzles are directed upward and separate some
of gases from the oil as it enters the tank. Most of the gases remaining in oil
are separated by recirculation through a second set of spray nozzle directed
upwards. A float switch is provided on vacuum tank to give an alarm on H2
control panel if the oil level in tank goes more or below normal level by 3
The seal oil vacuum tank gets bypassed when the main seal oil pump
is not in service.
Vaccum Pump
Oil from vacuum tank is pumped to shaft seals by a rotary, gear type
pump. The pump is driven by 10 H.P. Motor and has 66 gpm. capacity at a
speed of 1000 RPM. A relief valve H-12 is provided to recirculate the excess
oil back to vacuum tank through spray nozzles. The pump suction has a
strainer in the vacuum tank. The pump shaft has mechanical seals.
Emergency seal oil pump is provided to supply seal oil in case the
main seal oil pump is not available. It is a gear type pump driven by 3
H.P.DC motor. The pump has 36 gpm capacity and speed of 1750 RPM.
This pump starts automatically when the pressure at discharge of Main seal
oil pump falls below 80 psi. A relief valve H-15 is provided to recirculate
the excess oil back to the pump suction. An alarm comes on H2 control panel
whenever emergency seal oil pump starts.
Differential Pressure Regulator
The seal oil detraining from hydrogen side of shaft seals is received in
H2 detraining section. H2 detraining section is an enlarged horizontal length
of pipe just below the generator. The section provides large surface area for
oil so that large H2 bubbles get released from oil. A transverse partition
divides the section into two parts which are connected through a loop seal.
This arrangement prevents circulation of oil vapors through the seal drain
piping resulting from the difference in pressure between the two ends of
The oil from H2 detraining section flows out through the float valve
H-58. The valve maintains oil level in the float trap and prevents escape of
hydrogen. During normal operation, the oil from float trap goes to air
detraining section and then to bearing oil drain header. During non-
availability of oil supply, the same oil recirculates through the seal oil
The drain trap system is provided to isolate generator bearing drains from
the turbine lube oil tank and rest of the oil system. It is designed to protect against
entry of Hydrogen into the turbine lube oil tank. Protection is accomplished by
placing an air detraining section and a loop seal between generator bearings and
turbine oil tank.
The oil from air side of generator shaft seals and from generator bearings
flows to an enlarged section of pipe designated as air detraining section, which
serves to detrain air from the oil before it passes into main bearing oil drain header.
This air detraining section also serves to detrain hydrogen which would be present
if the H2 seal is not functioning properly. In the event, H2 escapes into the air
detraining section, it is diverted from the turbine oil tank by the loop seal which
connects the air detraining section to the bearing oil header. The detrained air and
hydrogen pass to the atmosphere through a vent in the top of detraining section.
If both main seal oil pump and emergency seal oil pump are not available,
the oil from bearing oil header can supply seal oil up to limited pressure of
hydrogen in generator casing.
Steam Jet Air Ejector System
A Steam Jet Air Ejector consists of two stages. One stage is called Inter
Condenser and second is After Condenser. A driving steam at 150 psig. (10
Kg/cm2) is taken from pressure reducing control station (PCV) and passed through
the nozzles of Inter-Condenser and After-Condenser. (presently primary steam is
used as driving steam). The steam and water vapour is condensed by cooling water
condensate passing through the tube side of the Inter and after condenser. The
condensed steam and water vapour is drained from inter-condenser through loop
seal drain to main condenser and from after-condenser through loop seal drain to
Clean Radwaste (CRW) sump.
The steam requirement for driving steam at 150 psig. (10 Kg/cm2) is about
1700 lbs/hr. (770 Kg/hr.) and the gases/air removal capacity of each set is 35
lbs/hr. (15.87 Kg/hr.) O2, 4.5 lbs/hr. (2.2 Kg/hr.) H2, 56.25 lbs/hr (25.5 Kg/hr.) Air
and 325 lbs/hr. (147.3 Kg/hr.) of water vapour.
There are two sets of Air Ejectors (Top set and Bottom set) out of which one
set will be on line continuously and the other is a spare which is changed over
whenever necessary. There are two steam pressure reducing valves (PCV), out of
which one will be on line and the other as a spare which is changed whenever
necessary. The nozzle of the air ejector are of stainless steel and condenser tubes
are of SS-304 and shell is carbon steel.
Off Gas System
Basic source of the radioactive gases is the reactor. In the reactor, certain
gaseous activation products are continuously formed by irradiation of reactor water
(Radiolysis). The major ones are the Nitrogen and Oxygen isotopes such as N-13,
N-16, N-17 and O-19. Also, in the reactor the coolant water under goes some
decomposition to form gaseous hydrogen and oxygen. These non-condensible
gases are carried to the main condenser along with the steam via turbine. Very
small fraction i.e. 0.1 percent of radioactive gases leave the turbine via. turbine
gland seal system and rest along with non-condensible gases through air ejector
There are two types of gaseous waste from the primary system in addition to
non condensable gases i.e. normal gaseous activation product viz N13, N16, N17 and
O19 and fission products noble gases like Xenons and Kryptons and their daughter
There are two filters in series for each Off gas filter after delay loop of 30
minutes. The filter elements consists of particulate filters stacked one over the
other in the same filter holder. The particulate removal efficiency of the filter is
99.97% of 0.5 micron and larger size particulates. In the event of failure of
particular unit filter set the other unit filter set can be valved in for the affected unit
without disturbing the plant operation. Generally filter elements are replaced
during unit refueling outage or any maintenance outage.
The temperature and pressure switches are provided down stream of air
ejector to close inlet CV to air ejector to cut off source of Hydrogen and Oxygen
from the condenser in event of temperature rise or pressure rise or due to explosion
in the delay loop piping.
One CV is also provided before filters which closes if the off gas radiation
monitors show rise in radiation level than the preset value, indicating fuel failure in
the reactor. This CV is having time delay of 15 minutes in closing after the
radiation monitors have tripped.
The radiation levels after air ejector and from the ventilation stack is
continuously monitored in the control room for the gases released to environment
through the ventilation stack. Sampling arrangements is provided for verification
of the radiation levels indicated by the monitors. In short, the functions of off gas
system are:
ii) To filter air ejector gases and remove radioactive particulates formed
by decay.
iii) To dilute and disperse gases into the atmosphere and thus minimize
the radiation dose rate from the released gases.
iv) To provide the operator with time for decision and corrective action if
the monitors indicate fission gases release rate approaching the
instantaneous rate limit.
Reactor Vessel
The reactor vessel is the main part of the nuclear steam supply system. It
contains the reactor core consisting of nuclear fuel, control rods, nuclear
instruments and other associated components. The nuclear fission reaction takes
place in the reactor core and the energy released is utilized for generating steam in
the reactor vessel.
The reactor vessel is mounted vertically and consists of shell, lower head
and top closure head. The shell is cylindrical and heads are hemispherical in shape.
The lower head is permanently welded to shell, whereas the top head is bolted to
the shell. The top head is made removable to facilitate refueling and servicing of
vessel internals. The reactor vessel and the closure heads are all welded high
strength low alloy manganese-molybdenum steel plates and forged construction.
The minimum thickness of the shell base metal is 4 7/8 inch and the all internal
surface of the vessel is clad with 7/32” thick corrosion resistant stainless steel. The
vessel is supported on a continuous skirt welded to the lower head. The flanged
lower part of support skirt is bolted to a ring girder of vessel foundation. Also, four
stabilizer brackets are welded to vessel shell. These stabilizer brackets engage with
spring loaded tension bars to provide lateral support to the vessel while permitting
thermal expansion.
a) Dimensions:
Vessel Connections:
The lower head of vessel has 120 nozzles for different purposes as below:
a) Steam outlet - 4
b) Instrument lines (Level & pressure) - 6
c) Feed water inlet - 2
d) Core spray - 3
e) Reactor coolant recirc. outlet - 2
f) Cleanup system return - 1
The top of vessel is formed into a flange over which the top head is bolted.
Cylindrical skirt is welded to the outside of shell flange. This forms the part
of metallic below seal between reactor vessel and the drywell.
A conical skirt is welded to the lower end of vessel shell between coolant
inlet and outlet nozzles. The bigger end of skirt is welded to vessel shell. A
stainless steel support ring is welded to other end of the skirt. This support ring
supports all reactor internals.
The closure head has a mating flange and is fixed over shell flange by 54
studs of 4 ¾ inch dia. Centering sleeves are provided on two studs for aligning the
head over the shell flange in a fixed lateral position. A hydraulic tensioner is used
for tensioning the studs during removal/fixing of vessel head. Leakage of the
water/steam from mating surface of flange is prevented by two concentric inconel
`O’ ring seals of ½ inch dia. cross section. The area between two concentric `O’
rings is vented and monitored to provide indication of leakage from the inner `O’
a) Vent - 1
b) Head spray - 1
c) Instrument - 1 (Blind flanged)
a) Diffuser :
h) CRD Housing:
i) Guide Tube:
The function of guide tube is to support and guide the control rod
drive and the control blade. The casting welded to the top of guide tube has a
cruciform opening at centre for control blade and has four cups to support
the bottom end of fuel assembly. The top casting is supported by bottom
core plate. The bottom of guide tube is supported by mating surface of CRD
j) Fuel Orifices:
The fuel orifice is used to fix the coolant flow through the fuel
assembly. Earlier these were fixed on vertical pin fixed in the cup of guide
tube. Now-a-days the orifices are modified and most of them are welded to
fuel bundles itself in the peripheral locations adaptor orifices are used in
addition to welded orifice.
k) Fuel Spacers:
l) Reactor Core:
The locations of core components like fuel assembly, control blade, in core
monitor etc. are designated by X and Y co-ordinates of reactor core. The X co-
ordinate number ranges from 00 to 44 increasing from west towards east. The Y
co-ordinate number ranges from 01 to 45, increasing from south towards north.
DRG 101A
Nuclear Steam Supply System
The steam which is generated in the reactor and is directly obtained from the
reactor is known as primary steam. The pressure of the primary steam will be same
as reactor operating pressure and the steam will be slightly radioactive. Presently
SSG A/B are kept isolated due to tube leaks on both the units.
The reactor has internal steam separator unit. The steam leaving reactor is
more than 99.9% dry. The primary steam gives 160 Mwe power.
Primary Steam:
Four 10 inch lines come out of the reactor vessel and join into two 14 inch
lines namely line A and line B. These two primary steam lines go to turbine
through the vertical and horizontal pipe tunnels connecting reactor building and
turbine building. Between the reactor and turbine there are equipments/instruments
provided on primary steam lines for protection and control. These are described
briefly below (starting from reactor end).
f) Sample Lines:
i) Steam Traps:
The primary steam coming from the reactor either goes to turbine through
turbine primary control valves or to main condenser through bypass valves. The
opening of primary control valve/bypass valves is controlled by pressure regulator
which control the reactor pressure. There are two Mechanical Pressure Regulators
(MPR) provided for each unit.
One MPR is in service and second is kept as back up. Depending on primary
steam generation rate and primary steam demand by turbine the MPR will position
primary control valves/bypass valves so as to keep steady reactor pressure.
The rate of generation of primary steam in reactor is controlled by
withdrawing/inserting control rods in the reactor.
As the secondary steam is not expected to be radioactive and the fact that
secondary steam pressure cannot be higher than the primary steam pressure the
secondary steam lines do not have elaborate controls and instruments.
Each SSG has a motor operated steam outlet valve in vertical pipe tunnel.
Each secondary steam line has sample line, flow and pressure measuring
instruments and steam trap similar to primary steam lines.
The secondary steam is fed to turbine at 5th stage. Being non active, the
secondary steam is used for turbine gland seals and steam jet air ejectors. Tappings
on secondary steam line for these services are from upstream of secondary stop
In dual cycle operation of nuclear steam supply system, the reactor power
(over a limited range) automatically adjusts to the turbine demand. This feature is
known as automatic load following and is described below.
When the demand increases the turbine governor opens secondary control
valves more. This increases the Sec. Steam flow to turbine and causes decrease in
sec. Steam pressure. The decreased Sec. Steam pressure decreases the temperature
on shell side of SSG. This decreased temperature on SSG shell side increases heat
transfer rate as primary side temperature is essentially constant.
The system consists of reactor vessel and two recirculation loops. Each
recirculation loop contains a vertical recirculation pump, a secondary steam
generator (SSG), interconnecting piping and motor operated valves.
Recirculation Pump:
The pump is designed for 1310 psi (92.1 Kg/cm2) and is rated for 5215
MT/hr. flow and 50 meter head. The pump bearing is a self aligning water
lubricated radial bearing.
The pump and motor are coupled by a precision spacer coupling which
provides proper alignment of pump and motor shafts and transmits the pump axial
thrust to the motor shaft and thrust bearing. The mechanical seal is a replaceable,
two stage, face type seal system. There are two Byron-Jackson pressure balanced
mechanical seals in tandem on the pump shaft above the casing. Each seal has one-
half of the system pressure across its face.
The rotating seal is tungsten carbide and the stationary seal seat is a carbon
ring. Each seal chamber is practically a closed chamber which is cooled by
circulating the chamber water with an integral auxiliary impeller through an
external cooling system. RBCW is used for providing the cooling.
There are two SSGs, one in each recirculation loop and presently they are
not used for generating secondary steam due to excessive tube leaks. SSGs are
isolated on steam side and are used for recirculation path only.
SSG Data:
i) Orientation - Vertical
The recirculation piping is fabricated from stainless steel and is designed for
1210 psi. (85 Kg/cm2) at 575oF (301oC). The I.D. of piping is 24.75 inch and the
wall thickness is 1.055 inch. The piping is supported by constant support hangers
to reduce the thermal expansion stresses.
For both the units each recirculation loops has three motor operated valves
namely suction MOV discharge MOV and discharge bypass MOV, provided for
isolation of recirculation pumps and SSG together. The recirculation pump has
adequate interlocks in respect of position of these MOVs to protect the pump from
damage. Position of MOVs is also interlocked with Rx. Protection system so as to
scram the reactor if both the recirculation loops are isolated.
The tapings for the shutdown cooling system and reactor water cleanup
system are taken from recirculation loop `B’, such that isolation of loop does not
affect operation of these systems.
From the discharge of each recirculation pump the water flows through the
tubes of SSG and then enters the lower head of reactor vessel through two 28 inch
size nozzle.
Formed vanes are provided in front of each recirculation inlet nozzles for
diverting the inlet water flow to the annular space between the vessel walls and the
perforated diffuser. The water then flows in through perforations of diffuser and
comes under the bottom grid. It then enters the guide tube cups from underside
and flows up around the fuel rods within fuel channel where bulk boiling takes
The guide tube cup has an orifice for adjusting the flow of coolant through
individual fuel bundle. A portion of coolant flows outside the fuel channel through
some leakage paths for cooling control blades, in core instruments and structural
Steam water mixture emerging from fuel channel passes into plenum and
mixes with leakage flow and the total flow enters the steam separators.
Steam centrifugally separated from the mixture flows upward through the
dryer and leaves reactor vessel through steam nozzles. The water flows downward
from the separators over the top of shroud where it mixes with incoming primary
feed water injected through feed water sparger. The water then flows down the
annuli between vessel wall and thermal shield and the thermal shield and shroud. It
then flows out through two 28” size nozzles and go to suction of recirculation
DWG 111A
DWG 111B
Emergency Condenser System
Emergency condenser is a tank of 4.88m (16 ft.) dia., and 10.67m. (35 ft.)
length. Two full capacity parallel condensing coils are located inside this tank and
are connected to reactor primary system by MOVs and piping. Each condensing
coil is a U tube type heat exchanger with 18 tubes of 2 inch dia., submerged in the
water. Each condensing coil has capacity of 3 percent heat removal. Steam lines
from reactor are connected to inlet end of condensing coil and the outlet ends are
connected to recirculation loop-A suction. The steam inlet piping to the condensing
coil have a elevation higher than condensing coils so that the condensing coils
remain full of water and do not get heated during normal operation of the reactor.
Eight temperature switches (two groups of 4 temp. Switches) are provided in
the emergency condenser pipe way to monitor any steam leakage from the pipes.
The emergency condenser is automatically isolated if two temperature switches,
one each from group of 4 temp. Switches sense high temperature.
The emergency condenser is the highest point in the Primary System and can
trap non-condensible gases. To preclude such possibility, the inlet lines are
continuously vented to main steam lines through solenoid operated vent valves.
This continuous venting also keeps the inlet line in hot condition. The vent valves
provide a path around primary steam isolation valves and are closed automatically
whenever primary steam isolation valves are closed. The vent valves also close
automatically when the emergency condenser gets isolated automatically. Pressure
and temperature of inlet lines are monitored in control room.
The shell side water level and water temperature are monitored in control
room. High level and low level alarms are provided to ensure that shell side water
level is normal. The shell side temperature gives indication of tube leak or return
valve passing through during normal operation. During emergency cooling
operation the steam generated on shell side is vented to the atmosphere. A
radiation monitor is provided on vent line to ensure that there is no radioactivity
released to environment. The radiation monitor gives indication of tube leak should
one occur.
There are seven motor operated valve MOVs-1375, 1378, 1376, 1379, 1388,
1389 and 1390. MOVs-1375, 1378 and 1390 are A.C. operated and others are
D.C. operated. Further, MOVs-1388 and 1389 are of throttle type. Normally MO-
1388 and MO-1389 are closed and all others are kept open.
The emergency condenser comes in service automatically if the reactor
pressure is persisting above 1050 psi. (73.8 Kg/cm2) for more than 10 seconds.
Return line MOVs-1388 and 1389 automatically opens under such conditions. The
time delay of 10 seconds is provided to avoid emergency condenser operation
during short time pressure transients.
DWG 114A
CRD and CRD Hydraulic System
The system consists of CRD feed pump, CRD booster pump, CRD
main filters, strainers, pressure control valves, pressure headers, piping
instrumentation etc.
Each unit has two CRD feed pumps 1P4A, 1P4B (2P4A, 2P4B) and
two CRD booster pump 1P78A, 1P78B (2P78A, 2P78B). All these pumps
are supplied from the emergency buses. CRD feed pump is rated for 110
gpm (415 lpm) at 2665 ft (812.5 M) TDH and is driven by 150 HP motor.
During normal operation it takes suction from condensate system after
condensate demineralizers and delivers water at 105 to 110 kg/cm2.
CRD booster pump is rated for 110 gpm (415 lpm) at 790 ft (240.8
M) TDH and is driven by 40 HP motor. This pump takes suction from
condensate storage tank (T1A/T1B). The pump is started automatically by
PS-1636 when suction pressure for CRD feed pump falls below 17.5 kg/cm2.
CRD feed and booster pump then run in series. The CRD feed pump is
automatically tripped by PS-1637 if the suction pressure falls below 3.5
kg/cm2. During the periods of low flow demand, the CRD feed pump is
protected from over heating by providing a minimum recirculation line and
After CV-1640, the discharge of CRD feed pump splits into three
braches namely,
As CRD feed pumps have high discharge pressure, they are used to provide
emergency feed to reactor in case of emergency situations like total loss of power.
All CRD feed pumps and booster pumps are supplied from emergency supply
buses so that, they are available during total loss of power also. CRD feed pumps
are also used for providing cooling water spray to reactor vessel head during
shutting down of the unit. CRD hydraulic system is described further below.
Three filters (NC-06 A, B, C) are provided to filter the water going to CRDs.
The filters remove foreign material greater than 25 microns. Normally two filters
are in service while third filter is on standby in clean back washed condition. A DP
instrument DPIS-NC61 is provided to monitor filter DP. It gives high DP alarm if
DP exceeds 1.7 kg/cm2. A flow indicator, FI-NC72 is provided upstream of filters
to monitor total system flow. Strainers NC-07 A, B & C are provided downstream
of filters NC-06 A, B & C respectively in order to protect the CRD hydraulic
system from large particles in case the filter element fails.
After filters and strainers the water passes through three stages of pressure
control. The first stage of pressure control consists of pressure controllers PIC-
NC112A & B and pressure control valves NC-30 A & B.
Normally about 1 lpm cooling water goes to each CRD. A minimum flow
line branches from PR+30 header and goes to reactor through MOV-1383. The
minimum flow required for smooth operation of controllers is adjusted by
throttling MOV-1383.
All pressure controllers are air operated. Individual air PRVs supply air at 20
psi to controllers. The pressure control valves go open on loss of air supply.
2) CRDs:
As the CRDs are mounted at bottom of reactor vessel and the control
blades enter the core from bottom, raising or inserting a rod decreases the
reactivity and lowering or withdrawing a rod increases the reactivity.
The CRD mainly consists of piston tube, stop piston, Drive piston,
index tube latching mechanism, outer cylinder, coupling spud, CRD flange
and position indication system.
The drive piston and index tube form the main moving assembly of
drive. The drive piston is mounted at the lower end of index tube. The drive
piston operates between positive end stops with a hydraulic cushion at the
upper end only. The piston has both inside and outside seals and it operates
in the annular space between piston tube and outer cylinder. The effective
under-piston area used during “Insert” or “Scram” is 4.1 Sq. in. The
effective over-piston area used during “Withdraw” is 1.2 Sq. in.
The index tube is a long hollow shaft. This tube has locking grooves
spaced at every 6” along the outer surface. The upper end of index-tube is
threaded to receive the coupling spud. The coupling spud has six spring-
fingers which enter the mating socket at the bottom of control blade. A lock
plug then enters the spud and prevents uncoupling.
3) CRD Operation:
a) Normal Operation :
Normal drive operation is done by connecting the hydraulic
ports of CRD to PR+200 and PR+30 headers. For inserting the drive
the PR+200 header pressure is supplied to under piston area and over
piston area is exhausted to PR+30 header. For withdrawing the drive
the PR+200 header pressure is applied to over piston area and under
piston area is exhausted to PR+30 header. Before any withdrawing of
CRD, it must be slightly inserted for unlatching.
The operation of connecting hydraulic ports of CRD to the
required headers is accomplished by a “hydraulic control unit” or
“combination selector valve NC-20”. This unit consists of four
solenoid operated normally de-energised solenoid valves V1, V2, V3
& V4, two no. of flow control valves V5 & V6, two check valve V7 &
V8, and two mini-filters to protect the valves. Four solenoid operated
valves are used for connecting the proper headers to the two hydraulic
ports of CRD.
By energizing and opening two solenoid valves at a time, the
PR+200 header can be connected to under or over piston area and the
opposite side to the exhaust header. Insert motion of drive is obtained
by opening V1 & V3. This pair of valve is also opened for about 1
sec. for unlatching the CRD during withdraw operation. Withdraw
motion of drive is obtained by opening V2 & V4. The opening of
appropriate valves and duration of opening is accomplished by an
electrical sequence timer and occurs automatically when CRD control
switch is operated. V5 & V6 are speed control valves. These valves
are adjusted to get drive insert/withdraw speed of about 3 inch / sec.
V5 is used to adjust insert speed and V6 is used to adjust withdraw
speed. Check valve V7 prevents PR+30 header pressure from going to
over piston area in case V3 is passing through. Normally check valve
V8 provides the path for drive cooling water. During scram action V8
prevents loss of water going to CRD.
b) Scram Operation:
The poison tank is stainless steel tank of 4000 gallons capacity. It contains
normally 3400 gallons of sodium pentaborate. The tank has an immersion type
electric heater. The heater is used to heat tank contents during addition of
chemicals for making up the losses. The heater is not normally required as ambient
temperature is generally higher than required temperature. The tank has an air
sparger. The air sparging is done while adding the chemicals. A demineralized
water connection is provided to tank, which is used for making up solution level
and temperature monitoring instruments are provided for the tank. Level switch
IL01 is provided to give high level alarm at 3500 gallons and low level alarm at
2967 gallons. Another level switch LS-IL10 is provided to give poison tank mid-
level alarm. This alarm, sounds when 1350 gallons of solution is remaining in tank.
The low temperature alarm is provided by TIS-IL09 at 25°C. The pumps
provided are of high pressure positive displacement type. There are two pumps,
each of 50 gpm capacity and driven by 50 HP motor. The motors are supplied from
emergency busses. Normally one pump is sufficient for injecting poison. The other
pump is on standby and starts automatically if the selected pump fails to develop
the pressure. Relief valves are provided on pump discharge lines to prevent
dangerous over pressurization of system in case the pumps operate against closed
discharge valves.
Test tank is a stainless steel tank of 200 gallons capacity. The tank is filled
with demineralized water and is used for routine testing of poison injection pumps
and the Squibb valves. During test firing of Squibb valves, the demineralized water
is injected into the reactor. Monthly pump operability is tested by circulating
demineralized water from test tank to test tank. Normally all piping of poison
system is kept filled with demineralized water to prevent crystallization of poison
solution into pipe lines.
All drains and vents from poison system are routed to a portable container.
The solution coming into container is disposed off separately to eliminate its
mixing with other plant drains and possible entrance into primary system.
Two control switches are provided in control room which must be operated
simultaneously to initiate poison injection into reactor. This provision prevents
inadvertent injection of poison.
DRG 125A
DRG 125B