Essay 1
Essay 1
Essay 1
Kamie Young
The text we are studying ends just after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. If you had an opportunity to
write the final chapter of the text, how would you write the history?
If I could rewrite the last chapter of the text I would expand on how the United States
handled the attack of 9/11. Expanding on the legislation that would follow the attack led by the
Bush administration and how political moves after that time would have affected the people.
Including how those of the same racial origin were treated at this time and how their lives were
changed in America by the terrorism. This would be important as a comparison of how the
American people acted with what had happened to the Japanese Americans and other groups that
had been affected by their origin countries actions. This would show the changes made in the
culture of the American people over time and so many reforms were supposed to help find racism
at home.
Using the year 2010 as a starting point, construct a timeline essay of 6 successive, related events
culminating with a current event that you believe has shaped the nation into what it is today.
Include a reflection on how these events have shaped your perception about your surroundings
1.) The move back to patriotism with the crash of the planes into the twin towers.
After the terrorist act on 9/11 American rallied together to create relief for those affected
by the loss. Many people came together to donate goods immediately after the broadcast by news
channels showed the towers collapse. On the other end, Americans also rallied to bring justice to
the ones who caused the planes to crash into the towers. This sparked the togetherness of being
an “American” that allowed the people to unify behind one event to create new legislation at
“December 15, 2011 - The war in Iraq is declared over when President Obama orders the
last combat troops to leave the country.” (America’s Best History) During Obama’s first term he
was able to finish the war in Afghanistan and agreed to pull out troops from these occupied areas.
Though troops still remained in the area there were significantly less there. This half-promise led
to a further divide among people politically. Later Obama would again enter into battles in Syria
“The Paris climate agreement, otherwise known as COP21, was the first global agreement
for tackling climate change ever enacted.”( 7 Ways Obama Helped Protect the Planet From
Climate Change.) Global Citizen says that in a modest move this should help with carbon gas
emissions globally. He also helped to clean up different industries such as power plants and put
new restrictions on car emissions. Through the changes made with the environmental shift new
jobs were also created which helped to ease some of the discomfort growing in America over the
loss of wages and the lack of jobs. While not a complete fix to the growing unrest it did provide
some relief to those in need while also helping the concerns of environmentalists.
“President Barack Obama wins a significant victory, 332 electoral votes to 206, for his
second term in office against Republican challenger and businessman Mitt Romney. Congress
remained status quo with divided government as the House of Representatives remained in
Republican hands and the Senate in Democratic hands.” For a while in politics there has been a
constant divide among Democrats and Republicans with few things they can both agree on.
“We are the 99%" slogan, referring to income inequality.”(The Year of 2011) Though
this movement of peaceful protests didn’t come to anything it did spark the movement to regain
wealth for the middle class. “Since 2000, the middle class has shrunk in size, fallen backward in
income and wealth, and shed some—but by no means all—of its characteristic faith in the
future.”(The Lost Decade of The Middle Class) With the shrinking of the middle class, a large
majority of the people are becoming restless with the political climate surrounding taxes and job
security. The next presidential elections between Obama and Romney, according to Pew
Research, states that the future looks “muted” for the most part and that neither Obama or
Romney really offer much for the middle class which suffered greatly during the 2000’s.
Obama had his own scandals, “The Obama Administration was buffeted by a surveillance
scandal and its own failure to smoothly implement the Affordable Care Act.” (The Biggest
Political Stories of 2013, The Editors, Dec. 13th 2013.) In the end, Obama largely “got nothing
done” as is stated in The Atlantic in 2013 which left people frustrated as money was wasted on a
Along with the failure of Obamacare ,Trump ended the requirement of having insurance
or paying a hefty fine that doubled every year. Which among an already divided political
spectrum helped the majority of Americans to move away from a career politician as their
president and elect Donald Trump for president in 2016. Someone who spoke for the middle
class and was willing to negotiate in forgein affairs to create jobs in America and better the
economy at home while reducing the debt. Working theoretical wars rather than expensive real
These events tie together what concerns are arising through the political spectrum now in
2019. Unwilling to go into a costly war, most people are concerned with the effects of policies on
daily life. Whether it’s their jobs, income, equality for all races/genders, or the increase of
political transparency there is a voice for it. The global “war” has calmed enough to fight the
unrest that has been growing in America over the last 2 decades. Something my generation will
have to battle for years to come is how to balance all these things in a way that keeps true to the
constitution and improve the wealth of the middle and lower class.
(The Biggest Political Stories of 2013, The Editors, Dec. 13th 2013.)
(The Lost Decade of The Middle Class, Pew Research Center, Aug. 22nd, 2012.)
(7 Ways Obama Helped Protect the Planet From Climate Change, Global Citizen)