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An Extension of the Electre I Method for Group Decision-Making under a

Fuzzy Environment

Article  in  Omega · January 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.omega.2010.09.001


164 310

2 authors:

Adel Hatami-Marbini Madjid Tavana

De Montfort University La Salle University


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Omega 39 (2011) 373–386

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An extension of the Electre I method for group decision-making

under a fuzzy environment
Adel Hatami-Marbini a,1, Madjid Tavana b,n
Louvain School of Management, Center of Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE), Universite Catholique de Louvain, 34 Voie du Roman Pays,
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Management Information Systems and Decision Sciences, La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USA

a r t i c l e in fo abstract

Article history: Many real-world decision problems involve conflicting systems of criteria, uncertainty and imprecise
Received 6 September 2009 information. Some also involve a group of decision makers (DMs) where a reduction of different
Accepted 1 September 2010 individual preferences on a given set to a single collective preference is required. Multi-criteria decision
Processed by Triantaphyllou
analysis (MCDA) is a widely used decision methodology that can improve the quality of group multiple
Available online 8 September 2010
criteria decisions by making the process more explicit, rational and efficient. One family of MCDA
Keywords: models uses what is known as ‘‘outranking relations’’ to rank a set of actions. The Electre method and its
Multi-criteria decision-making derivatives are prominent outranking methods in MCDA. In this study, we propose an alternative fuzzy
Electre I outranking method by extending the Electre I method to take into account the uncertain, imprecise and
Fuzzy preference modeling
linguistic assessments provided by a group of DMs. The contribution of this paper is fivefold: (1) we
Ranking problem
address the gap in the Electre literature for problems involving conflicting systems of criteria,
uncertainty and imprecise information; (2) we extend the Electre I method to take into account the
uncertain, imprecise and linguistic assessments; (3) we define outranking relations by pairwise
comparisons and use decision graphs to determine which action is preferable, incomparable or
indifferent in the fuzzy environment; (4) we show that contrary to the TOPSIS rankings, the Electre
approach reveals more useful information including the incomparability among the actions; and (5) we
provide a numerical example to elucidate the details of the proposed method.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction actions. Outranking methods usually involve two steps [11,12].

First, the actions are compared pairwise in order to build an
Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a general term for outranking relation. In the second step, this outranking relation
methods providing a systematic quantitative approach to support is exploited in order to propose a recommendation to the DM.
decision making in problems involving multiple criteria and The most widely used method in this group is Electre [12].
actions [1]. The aim is to help the decision maker (DM) take all Other similar methods have been proposed by Belacel [13],
important objective and subjective criteria of the problem into Doumpos and Zopounidis [14] and Perny [15]. Recently, some
consideration using a more explicit, rational and efficient decision metaheuristics have been proposed for outranking methods.
process [2,3]. Each of these criteria is used to evaluate any Belacel et al. [16] used the reduced variable neighborhood
potential action on an appropriate quantitative or qualitative search metaheuristic to deduce the parameters of a fuzzy
scale [4]. The principle ingredients of MCDA are very simple: at multi-criteria classification method, called PROAFTN, from a set
least one DM, two criteria and two actions [5]. The classical MCDA of reference examples. Goletsis et al. [17] used a genetic
methods can be grouped into three major categories [6–10]: algorithm for the development of an outranking model in a
two-group problem involving ischemic beat classification. The
(i) Outranking is a MCDA approach in which actions are system- outranking methods as a special subgroup of MCDA methods
atically compared to one another on each criterion. The are particularly suitable for integral decision making through
comparisons between the actions lead to numerical results the notion of weak preference and incomparability, which
that show the concordance and/or the discordance between the better represent the real decision situation [18,19]. Vincke [20]
provides an excellent review of the best known outranking
methods; see also Figueira et al. [7] for state-of-art surveys.
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 215 951 1129; fax: + 1 267 295 2854. (ii) Multi-attribute value theory (MAVT) [21] is a MCDA approach
E-mail addresses: adel.hatamimarbini@uclouvain.be, adel_hatami@yahoo.com
(A. Hatami-Marbini), tavana@lasalle.edu (M. Tavana).
in which the problem is constructed into a hierarchical
URL: http://tavana.us (M. Tavana). structure of objectives with the overall goal on the top and
Tel.: +32 486 707387; fax: +32 10 47 4301. the criteria on the lowest level. The actions are measured with

0305-0483/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
374 A. Hatami-Marbini, M. Tavana / Omega 39 (2011) 373–386

respect to each criterion, and the criteria are weighted performance assessment [60], energy planning [61], material
according to their importance. As a result, an overall value for selection [62], outsourcing contract selection [63] and solid waste
each action is attained. Such methods have been proposed, management [64], among others.
among others, by Bugera et al. [22], Dembczynski et al. [23], An important pitfall of the Electre method is the need for
Geldermann et al. [24], Köksalan and Ulu [25], and Zopounidis precise measurement of the performance ratings and criteria
and Doumpos [26]. See Belton and Stewart [27] and Von weights [7]. However, in many real-world problems, ratings and
Winterfeldt and Edwards [28] for a comprehensive review of weights cannot be measured precisely as some DMs may express
the MAVT methods. their judgments using linguistic terms such as low, medium and
(iii) Multiple objective mathematical programming is a MCDA high [65–67]. The fuzzy sets theory is ideally suited for handling
approach in which solution methods based on aspiration points this ambiguity encountered in solving MCDA problems [68]. Since
can generate non-dominated solutions using a variety of Zadeh [69] introduced fuzzy set theory, and Bellman and Zadeh
scalarizing functions [29–31]. These reference point solution [70] described the decision making method in fuzzy environ-
methods commonly use a scalarizing function that reaches ments, an increasing number of studies have dealt with uncertain
down from the ideal solution, in a direction specified by the fuzzy problems by applying fuzzy set theory [71,72]. According to
aspiration point. On the contrary, a similar scalarizing function Zadeh [67], it is very difficult for conventional quantification to
can push out from the nadir point toward a specified aspiration reasonably express complex situations and it is necessary to use
point. These scalarizing functions are similar in structure but linguistic variables whose values are words or sentences in a
diametrically opposed in their reference points [32]. natural or artificial language.
The fuzzy outranking methods are developed to deal with the
The outranking methods compare all couples of actions and imprecise measurement of the performance ratings and criteria
determine which actions are being preferred to the others by weights [73]. Roy [74] and Siskos et al. [75] effectively used fuzzy
systematically comparing them on each criterion. The compar- outranking relations and introduced the fuzzy concordance and
isons between the actions lead to numerical results that show the fuzzy discordance relations. In fuzzy outranking methods, fuzzy
concordance and/or the discordance between the actions. The numbers are compared based on a-cuts [76], possibility and
outranking relation is the most widely used criteria aggregation necessity measures [77–79] and the comparison of areas fuzzy
method in the MCDA context [10]. An outranking relation is a numbers [80,81].
binary relation S defined on the set of actions A indicating the Wang [78] proposed a fuzzy outranking approach to select the
degree of dominance of one action over another (e.g. [33]). All critical design requirements for product development in an
outranking approaches permit incomparability and intransitivity imprecise and uncertain design environment. Güngör and Arikan
of preferences [11]; however, methods may differ in the way they [81] used an outranking approach to model the imprecise
formalize mathematical approaches [34]. preference structure in a project selection problem. Büyüközkan
The first outranking method called Electre I was developed by and Feyzioglu [82] applied the outranking concept into the
Roy [35]. Since then, several other outranking methods were pseudo-order fuzzy preference model to discriminate the set of
developed mainly during the 1970s and 1980s (i.e., Electre II [36], actions. There are several other fuzzy outranking approaches in
Electre III [37], QUALIFLES [38], ORESTE [39,40], Electre IV [41], the literature (e.g., [18,83–88], among others). See Roy [74] for
MELCHIOR [42], PROMETHEE I and II [43], PRAGMA [44], MAPPACC further details on the outranking relation, Bouyssou [89] for
[44], and TACTIC [45]). outranking methods, Fernandez and Leyva [90] for some recent
An important advantage of the outranking methods (e.g., developments in outranking methods, and Ertay and Kahraman
Electre methods) is their ability to take ordinal scales into account [91] for an interesting comparison of different outranking
without converting the original scales into abstract ones with an methods.
arbitrary imposed range [46] and at the same time maintain the Complex business problems, characterized by the presence of
original verbal meaning (see [47] for an example of a methodol- conflict of values, require the inclusion of some form of decision
ogy considering purely ordinal scales). Such conversions are used making process to deal with the multiple and often opposing
in many MCDA models including: AHP [48,49], MACBETH [50,51], perspectives. In this context, the Electre methods with participa-
MAUT [21,52], SMART [28,53], TOPSIS [5,54] and methods based tory approaches have not fully emerged in the MCDA literature as
on fuzzy integrals [55,56]. A second advantage of the outranking many outranking methods and applications assume a single DM
methods is that indifference and preference thresholds can be for simplicity [92]. Due to the unavoidable existence of multiple
considered when modeling imperfect knowledge, which is and often conflicting interest and values in decision making, this
impossible in the previous mentioned methods. reductionist approach is insufficient to tackle many contemporary
The Electre method and its derivatives such as Electre I, II, III real-world problems.
and IV have played a prominent role in the group of outranking In this study, we extend the Electre I method to take into
methods. The main objective in Electre is the proper utilization of account the uncertain, imprecise and linguistic assessments
the outranking relations. The outranking methods enable the provided by a group of DMs. The proposed method is designed
utilization of incomplete value information and, for example, for choice problematic rather than for ranking of the actions. The
judgments on ordinal measurement scale (e.g. [33]). The Electre I hybrid fuzzy Electre I approach considers the fuzziness in the
method is used to construct a partial prioritization and choose decision data and group decision-making process. Linguistic
a set of promising actions. The Electre II is used for ranking variables are used to assess the weights of all criteria and the
the actions. In Electre III an outranking degree is established, performance ratings of each action with respect to each criterion.
representing an outranking creditability between two actions The proposed method allows a group of DMs to make their
which makes this method more sophisticated and difficult to opinion independently with linguistic terms and use the fuzzy
interpret. Other variations of the Electre methods include Electre decision matrix and criteria weights to aggregate their opinions.
IV, Electre IS and Electre TRI, to mention a few. See Figueira et al. We determine the concordance matrix and the discordance
[7] for more details and further members of the Electre family. matrix for each action. Consequently, two different fuzzy assess-
The Electre methods have been widely used in civil and ments for each action are obtained and aggregated. Based on the
environmental engineering [57], optimization of decentralized aggregate matrix, we depict a decision graph to determine which
energy systems [58], electric project selection [59], economic action is preferable, incomparable or indifferent. The paper is
A. Hatami-Marbini, M. Tavana / Omega 39 (2011) 373–386 375

organized as follows: In Section 2, we review some of the basic decision-making problems involve multiple DMs that could be
definitions of the fuzzy sets and Electre I method. In Section 3, we described by means of the following sets:
introduce our method and algorithms. In Section 4, we present a
numerical example to elucidate the details of the proposed  A set of K DMs calledE ¼ fe1 ,e2 ,. . .,eK g;
method and in Section 5 we interpret our results. In Section 6 we  A set of m actions calledA ¼ fA1 ,A2 ,. . .,Am g;
present our conclusions and future research directions.  A set of n criteria calledC ¼ fC1 ,C2 ,:::,Cn g;
 A set of performance ratings of Ai (i¼1, 2,y, m) on criteria Cj
(j ¼1, 2,y,n) called X ¼{ xij9i¼1, 2,y,m, j ¼1, 2,y,n }.
2. Preliminary definitions
Suppose that K DMs participate in the decision-making
In this section, some basic definitions of fuzzy sets and the process, and the fuzzy performance ratings and weights of each
Electre I method are reviewed [7,71,93,94]. DM ek(k¼1, 2,y,K) can be represented with linguistic terms. The
linguistic terms used for performance ratings are Very Poor (VP),
Definition 1. If U is a collection of objects denoted generically by x,
Poor (P), Medium Poor (MP), Fair (F), Medium Good (MG), Good
then, a fuzzy set A~ in U is a set of ordered pairs A~ ¼ fðx, mA~ ðxÞÞ9x A Ug.
(G) and Very Good (VG). The linguistic terms used for criteria
mA~ ðxÞ is called the membership function or the grade of membership
weights are Very Low (VL), Low (L), Medium Low (ML), Medium
which associates a real number [0, 1] with each element x in U.
(M), Medium High (MH), High (H) and Very High (VH).
Definition 2. A fuzzy subset A~ of the universe set U is convex if In the proposed method, trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are used
mA~ ðlx1 þ ð1lÞx2 Þ ZðmA~ ðx1 Þ4mA~ ðx2 ÞÞ, 8 x1, x2 A U, lA[0, 1], where 4 to capture and convert the individual DM’s fuzzy information and
denotes the minimum operator. subjective judgments as a group judgment. Hence, fuzzy numbers
are generated for aggregating individual performance ratings of
Definition 3. For any fuzzy numbers A~ and B, ~ the Hamming
an action with respect to a qualitative criterion into a group
~ B)
distance (A, ~ is defined by the formula [95]:
performance rating for the action. Among the various types of
Z fuzzy numbers, trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are used most often for
~ BÞ
dðA, ~ ¼ 9m ~ ðxÞm ~ ðxÞ9 dx ð2Þ
A B characterizing linguistic information in practical applications
[94,96]. The common use of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers is mainly
where R is the set of real numbers.
attributed to their simplicity in both concept and computation.
Definition 4. Preference in Electre I method is modeled by using In the sequel, we assume that the fuzzy performance ratings of
binary outranking relations, S, whose meaning is ‘‘at least as good all the DMs be trapezoidal fuzzy numbers R~ k ¼ ðrkl ,rkp ,rkq ,rku Þ,
as.’’ Considering two actions x and y, four situations may arise: k¼1,2,y,K. Therefore, the aggregated fuzzy performance ratings
can be formulated as follows:
(i) x S y and not ySx, i.e., x P y (x is strictly preferred to y), R~ ¼ ðr l ,r p ,r q ,r u Þ ð3Þ
(ii) y S x and not xSy, i.e., y P x (y is strictly preferred to x),
(iii) xS y and ySx, i.e., x I y (x is indifferent to y), and
(iv) Not xSy and not y S x (x is incomparable to y). n o 1XK
r l ¼ min rkl , rp ¼ rp , rq ¼ r q and r u ¼ max rku ð4Þ
k Kk¼1 k Kk¼1 k k

Note that the incomparability preference is a useful relation to

account for situations in which DMs are not able to compare two
The lower bound (rl), the most possible values (rpand rq) and the
actions. upper bound (ru) of the fuzzy group performance rating of the action
Definition 5. According to Electre I method, given two actions x on the criterion are given by the smallest value, the mean values and
and y, an outranking relation is based on two major concepts: the the largest value of the individual performance ratings, respectively.
concordance and the discordance. The following statements As a measure of central tendency, the mean values of all k DMs
provide insights into these concepts: properly represent the most possible values of a trapezoidal fuzzy
number. In addition to its usefulness in aggregating the opinions of
the DMs, the mean values are also a significant way of dealing with
 The concordance concept: For an outranking xSy to be
cases where a group agreement cannot be obtained and the group is
validated, a sufficient majority of the criteria should be in
not acquiescent to compromise on a judgment [97].
favor of this assertion.
Let the fuzzy performance ratings and importance weights of
 The discordance concept: When the concordance condition
holds, none of the criteria in the minority should oppose too the kth DM be x~ ijk ¼ ðxl ,xp ,xq ,xu Þ and W ~ jk ¼ ðwl ,wp ,wq ,wu Þ,
ijk ijk ijk ijk jk jk jk jk
strongly to the assertion x S y. respectively (i¼1,2,y,m, j ¼1,2,y,n and k¼1,2,y,K). Hence, the
aggregation of the fuzzy ratings x~ ij on each criterion can be
These two circumstances must be implemented for validating calculated as
the assertion x S y. x~ ij ¼ ðxlij ,xpij ,xqij ,xuij Þ, i ¼ 1,2,. . .,m, j ¼ 1,2,. . .,n ð5Þ

3. Fuzzy Electre I method where

n o 1X K
1X K

It is often difficult for a DM to assign precise weights or precise xlij ¼ min xlijk , xpij ¼ xp , xqij ¼ xq and
k K k ¼ 1 ijk K k ¼ 1 ijk
performance ratings in MCDA. The merit of using a fuzzy
xuij ¼ maxfxuijk g, i ¼ 1,2,. . .,m, j ¼ 1,2,. . .,n ð6Þ
approach is its contemplation of ambiguity and the imprecision k
in the decision making process. Therefore, the DM is not required
to assign specific weights to the criteria or specific performance ~ j (j¼ 1,2,y,n) for
In addition, the aggregated fuzzy weights W
ratings to the actions under consideration. each criterion can be calculated as
In this section we propose a hybrid and systematic approach
~ j ¼ ðwl ,wp ,wq ,wu Þ,
W j ¼ 1,2,. . .,n ð7Þ
for using the Electre I method under a fuzzy environment. Most j j j j
376 A. Hatami-Marbini, M. Tavana / Omega 39 (2011) 373–386

where The concordance matrix for each pairwise comparison of the

o n actions is defined as
1 X
1 X
wlj ¼ min wljk , wpj ¼ wp , wqj ¼ wq and 2 3
k K k ¼ 1 jk K k ¼ 1 jk  . . . c~ 1f . . . c~ 1ðm1Þ c~ 1m
6 ^ & ^ & ^ ^ 7
wuj ¼ minfwujk g, j ¼ 1,2,. . .,n: ð8Þ 6 7
6 7
k C~ ¼ 6
c~ g1 . . . c~ gf . . . c~ gðm1Þ c~ gm 7
7 ð13Þ
6 ^ & ^ & ^ ^ 7
4 5
c~ m1 . . . c~ mf . . . c~ mðm1Þ 
Ultimately, the fuzzy performance ratings and weights can be
aggregated as where
2 3 0 1
x~ 11 x~ 12 . . . x~ 1n p q
6~ 7 l
c~ gf ¼ ðcgf ,cgf ,cgf u
,cgf Þ¼ ~ j ¼@
W wlj , wpj , wqj , wuj A
6 x 21 x~ 22 . . . x~ 2n 7 j A JC
U~ ¼ 6
6 ^
~ ¼ ½W
7, W ~ 2 ,. . ., W
~ 1,W ~ n ð9Þ j A JC j A JC j A JC j A JC
4 ^ & ^ 7 5 ð14Þ
x~ m1 x~ m2 . . . x~ mn

In other words, the elements of concordance matrix are

To avoid complex operations in the decision process, a linear determined as the fuzzy summation of the fuzzy weights of all
transformation scale is used to convert the different criteria scales criteria in the concordance set. The discordance matrix is defined as
into comparable scales. The normalized fuzzy decision matrix can 2 3
 . . . d1f . . . d1ðm1Þ d1m
be represented as 6 ^
6 & ^ & ^ ^ 77
R~ ¼ ½r~ ij mn ð10Þ 6 7
D¼6 d
6 g1
. . . dgf . . . dgðm1Þ dgm 7
7 ð15Þ
6 ^ & ^ & ^ ^ 7
where 4 5
p q ! dm1 . . . dmf . . . dmðm1Þ 
xlij xij xij xuij
r~ ij ¼ ðrijl ,rijp ,rijq ,riju Þ ¼ , , , , i ¼ 1,2,. . .,m; j A OB
dj dj dj dj where
aj a
j a
j a
j max9n~ gj n~ fj 9 max9dðmaxðv~ gj , v~ fj Þ, v~ fj Þ9
r~ ij ¼ ðrijl ,rijp ,rijq ,riju Þ ¼ , , , , i ¼ 1,2,. . .,m; j A OC ð11Þ j A JD j A JD
xuij xqij xpij xlij dgf ¼ ¼ ð16Þ
max9n~ gj n~ fj 9 max9dðmaxðv~ gj , v~ fj Þ, v~ fj Þ9
j j

Note that there are prominent differences between the
dj ¼ maxfxuij g, j A OB elements of C~ and D. The concordance matrix C~ reflects weights
of the concordance criteria and the asymmetric discordance
j ¼ minfxij g, j A OC matrix D reflects most relative differences according to the
discordance criteria. Both concordance and discordance indices
and OB and OC are the benefit and cost criteria index sets, have to be calculated for every pair of actions (g, f), where g af.
respectively. Then, the weighted normalized fuzzy decision Now, we evaluate the value of the concordance matrix elements
matrix is constructed as ~
2 3 according to the concordance level. The concordance level, C ¼
v~ 11 v~ 12 . . . v~ 1n ðcl ,cp ,cq ,cu Þ, can be defined as the average of the elements in the
6 ~ 7 P Pm
6 v 21 v~ 22 . . . v~ 2n 7 concordance matrix, represented by cl ¼ m l
g ¼ 1 cgf =mðm1Þ,
V~ ¼ 6
6 ^
7 ð12Þ P P P P
f ¼1
4 ^ & ^ 7 5 p m m p q m m q
c ¼ f ¼ 1 g ¼ 1 cgf =mðm1Þ, c ¼ f ¼ 1 g ¼ 1 cgf =mðm1Þ and
v~ m1 v~ m2 . . . v~ mn P Pm
cu ¼ m f ¼1
g ¼ 1 cgf =mðm1Þ. It is most desirable that the DMs
where v~ ij ¼ ðvlij ,vpij ,vqij ,vuij Þ ¼ ðwlj xlij ,wpj xpij ,wqj xqij ,wuj xuij Þ, i ¼ 1,2,. . .,m, achieve a consensus on the definition of the concordance level. If
j ¼ 1,2,. . .,n. there is a disagreement among the DMs, then, the average value
Next, the concordance and discordance matrices are calculated should be used for the definition.
using the weighted normalized fuzzy decision matrixðV~ Þ and the Next, the Boolean matrix B is formed according to the
pairwise comparison among the actions. Considering two actions minimum concordance level, C, as
Ag and Af, the concordance set can be defined as JC ¼ fj9v~ gj Z v~ fj g 2 3
 . . . b1f . . . b1ðm1Þ b1m
where JC is the index of all criteria belonging to the concordance 6 ^
6 & ^ & ^ ^ 77
coalition with the outranking relation AgS Af. 6 7
We use the Hamming distance method [95] for comparing B¼6 b
6 g1
. . . bgf . . . bgðm1Þ bgm 7
7 ð17Þ
6 ^ & ^ & ^ ^ 7
any two actions g and f on each criterion. We first determine their 4 5
least upper bound, maxðv~ gj , v~ fj Þ, in the lattice. Then, we calculate the bm1 . . . bmf . . . bmðm1Þ 
Hamming distances dðmaxðv~ gj , v~ fj Þ, v~ gj Þ and dðmaxðv~ gj , v~ fj Þ, v~ fj Þ. There-
fore, v~ gj Z v~ fj if and only if dðmaxðv~ gj , v~ fj Þ, v~ fj Þ Z dðmaxðv~ gj , v~ fj Þ, v~ gj Þ.
The discordance set can be defined as JD ¼ fj9v~ gj r v~ fj g where JD < c~ gf Z C~ 3bgf ¼ 1
is the index of all criteria belonging to the discordance coalition ð18Þ
: c~ o C~ 3bgf ¼ 0
and it is against the assertion ‘‘Ag is at least as good as Af.’’
Similarly, for comparing each criterion of action g and f, the
Hamming distance method [95] is used which assumes that Similar to Electre I, (18) is used in fuzzy Electre I for achieving a
v~ gj r v~ fj if and only if dðmaxðv~ gj , v~ fj Þ, v~ fj Þ r dðmaxðv~ gj , v~ fj Þ, v~ gj Þ . Boolean matrix. Since their parameters are fuzzy sets, in the first
The concordance and discordance matrices are determined relation of (18) c~ gf is ‘‘approximately greater than or equal to C’’
based on the obtained Hamming distances in the previous step. and in the second relation c~ gf is ‘‘approximately less than C.’’ Here,
A. Hatami-Marbini, M. Tavana / Omega 39 (2011) 373–386 377

the Hamming distance method [95] is used for comparing c~ gf and

~ Preference
C. In the matrix B, if bgf ¼1, we say that action g dominates action f. Ag Af
Similarly, the elements of the discordance matrix are mea- Ag > Af or Ag>-1 Af
sured by a discordance level. The discordance level, D ¼
Pm Pm
f ¼1 g ¼ 1 dgf =mðm1Þ, can be defined as the average of the
elements in discordance matrix. The Boolean matrix H is
measured by a minimum discordance level as Ag Af
2 3 Ag ≈ Af
 . . . h1f . . . h1ðm1Þ h1m
6 ^ & ^ & ^ ^ 7
6 7
6 7
H ¼ 6 g1h . . . hgf . . . hgðm1Þ h gm 7 ð19Þ
7 Incomparability
6 ^ & ^ & ^ ^ 7
4 5 Ag Af
Ag ? A f
hm1 . . . hmf . . . hmðm1Þ 

where Fig. 1. A graphical representation of the binary relations ( 4, 4  1,E , ?) used in

( the decision graph.
dgf o D3hgf ¼ 1
dgf Z D3hgf ¼ 0

Step 8: Construct the weighted normalized fuzzy decision

The elements of this matrix measures the power of the matrix ðV~ Þ.
discordant coalition, meaning that if its element value surpasses Step 9: Identify the distance between actions Ag and Af related
a given level, D, the assertion is no longer valid. Discordant to criterion j using the Hamming distance method.
coalition exerts no power whenever dgf oD. In other words, the Step 10: Construct the concordance matrix ðC~ Þ.
elements of matrix H with the value of 1 show the dominance Step 11: Construct the discordance matrix (D).
relations among the actions. Step 12: Identify the Boolean matrices B and H based on the
Next, the global matrix Z is calculated by peer to peer minimum concordance level ðCÞ and the minimum
multiplication of the elements of the matrices B and H as follows: discordance level ðDÞ, respectively.
Step 13: Construct the global matrix Z.
Z¼BH ð21Þ Step 14: Depict a decision graph.
where each element (zgf) of matrix Z is obtained as
zgf ¼ bgf hgf
4. Numerical example

The final step of this procedure consists of exploitation of the In this section, we consider the numerical example used by
above outranking relation (matrix Z) in order to identify as small Chen et al. [98] to demonstrate the details of the proposed fuzzy
as possible a subset of actions, from which the best compromise Electre I method. In Chen et al.’s [98] example, a high-technology
action could be selected. Consequently, it is extremely useful to manufacturing company desires to select a suitable material
build a simple graph G ¼(V,J), where V is the set of vertices and J supplier among five candidates, A1, A2 , A3 , A4 and A5, who are
the set of arcs. For each action, we associate a vertex and for each evaluated by a committee of three DMs against five benefit
pair of actions Ag and Af, an arc exists between them if either Ag is criteria, namely, profitability of supplier (C1), relationship close-
preferred to Af or Ag is indifferent to Af. An action Ag outranks Af if ness (C2), technology capability (C3), conformance quality (C4) and
an arc exists between Ag and Af and the arrow points from Ag to Af conflict resolution (C5). Supplier selection in industry is a cross-
(for this case, zgf ¼1). Ag and Af are incomparable if no arc exists functional, group MCDA problem, frequently solved by a non-
between Ag and Af (for this case, zgf ¼0). Ag and Af are indifferent if programmed decision making process [99]. The hierarchical
an arc exists between Ag and Af and an arrow exists in both structure of this decision-making problem is shown in Fig. 3.
directions (for this case, zgf ¼1 and zfg ¼1). A graphical representa- The importance weights of the five criteria are described using
tion of the binary relations (4, 4  1, E, ?) is presented in Fig. 1. the following linguistic terms: very low, low, medium low,
In summary, the fuzzy Electre I method proposed here can be medium, medium high, high and very high; which are shown in
described in 14 steps depicted in Fig. 2: Fig. 4 and defined in Table 1.
The performance ratings (i.e. criteria values) are characterized
Step 1: Form a group of DMs and determine the evaluation by the following linguistic terms: very poor, poor, medium poor,
criteria. fair, medium good, good and very good; which are shown in Fig. 5
Step 2: Determine the performance ratings (x~ ijk , i¼1,2,y,m, and defined in Table 2.
j¼1,2,y,n, k¼1,2,y,K) for actions with respect to The three DMs express their opinions on the importance
criteria by the kth DM using predetermined linguistic weights of the five criteria and the ratings of each candidate with
variables. respect to the five criteria independently. The proposed method is
Step 3: Choose criteria importance (W~ jk , j ¼1,2,y,n, k¼1,2,y,K) applied to solve this problem and the computational procedure is
by the kth DM using predetermined linguistic variables. summarized as follows:
Step 4: Convert linguistic evaluations into trapezoidal fuzzy Steps 1–3: The three DMs use the linguistic variables shown in
numbers. Figs. 4 and 5 to determine the importance weights of criteria and
Step 5: Aggregate the performance ratings of the DMs (x~ ij ) and rating of actions under various criteria. These importance weights
the criteria importance of the DMs (W ~ j ) using Eqs. (5) and ratings are shown in Tables 3 and 4, respectively.
and (7), respectively. Steps 4–6: The linguistic evaluations shown in Tables 3 and 4
Step 6: Construct the fuzzy decision matrix ðU~ Þ. are transformed into trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Then, the criteria
Step 7: Construct the normalized fuzzy decision matrix ðRÞ. ~ weights and the DMs’ ratings are used to get the aggregated fuzzy
378 A. Hatami-Marbini, M. Tavana / Omega 39 (2011) 373–386

Step 1
Determine the evaluation criteria

Step 2
Determine the performance ratings

Step 3
Choose criteria importance using predetermined linguistic variables

Step 4
Convert linguistic evaluations into trapezoidal fuzzy numbers

Step 5
Aggregate the performance ratings and the criteria importance

Step 6
Construct the fuzzy decision matrix

Step 7
Construct the normalized fuzzy decision matrix

Step 8
Construct the weighted normalized fuzzy decision matrix

Step 9
Identify the distance between actions using the Hamming distance method

Step 10
Construct the concordance matrix

Step 11
Construct the discordance matrix

Step 12
Identify the Boolean matrices B and H

Step 13
Construct the global matrix

Step 14
Depict a decision graph and rank the actions

Fig. 2. The fuzzy Electre I procedure.

weight of criteria and fuzzy ratings of supplier with respect to matrix using Eq. (11). The normalized fuzzy decision matrix is
each criterion. Consequently, we can construct the fuzzy decision presented in Table 6.
matrix and determine the fuzzy weight of each criterion, as Step 8: Next, we obtain the weighted normalized fuzzy
shown in Table 5. decision matrix presented in Table 7.
Step 7: The fuzzy decision matrix developed in Step 6 may Step 9: In this step, we use the weighted normalized fuzzy
include elements with different scales or units. Therefore, it is decision matrix to construct Table 8. This table shows the distance
necessary to normalize all the elements in the fuzzy decision between two actions g and f with respect to each criterion
A. Hatami-Marbini, M. Tavana / Omega 39 (2011) 373–386 379

Supplier Selection

Profitability of Supplier Relationship Closeness Technology Capability Conformance Quality Conflict Resolution
(C1) (C2) (C3) (C4) (C5)

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

Fig. 3. The supplier selection hierarchical structure.


Fig. 4. The seven levels of the linguistic scale used for the importance weights. Fig. 5. The seven levels of the linguistic scale used for the ratings.

Table 1 Table 2
The linguistic variables for the importance weights of the five criteria. The linguistic variables for the performance ratings.

Linguistic variable Fuzzy number Linguistic variable Fuzzy number

Very low (VL) (0, 0, 0.1, 0.2) Very poor (VP) (0, 0, 1, 2)
Low (L) (0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3) Poor (P) (1, 2, 2, 3)
Medium low (ML) (0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) Medium poor (MP) (2, 3, 4, 5)
Medium (M) (0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6) Fair (F) (4, 5, 5, 6)
Medium high (MH) (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8) Medium good (MG) (5, 6, 7, 8)
High (H) (0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.9) Good (G) (7, 8, 8, 9)
Very high (VH) (0.8, 0.9, 1, 1) Very good (VG) (8, 9, 10, 10)

Table 3
The importance weights of the five criteria by three DMs.
calculated using the Hamming distance method. Note that in
Table 8, the first number and the second in each cell represent Criteria DMs
dðmaxðv~ gj , v~ fj Þ, v~ gj Þ and dðmaxðv~ gj , v~ fj Þ, v~ fj Þ, respectively.
e1 e2 e3
Steps 10 and 11: Next, we use Eq. (13) to obtain the
concordance matrix. This matrix exhibits the preference value C1 H H H
between two given actions regarding each criterion. For example, C2 VH VH VH
consider two actions A1 and A4. We can assert that action A1 C3 VH VH H
C4 H H H
outranks action A4 (that is, A1 is at least as good as A4) denoted by
C5 H H H
A1SA4. According to Table 9, three criteria,C1, C4 and C5; belong to
the concordant coalition with the outranking relation A1SA4 and
its value of (2.1, 2.4, 2.4, 2.7). Similarly, we obtain the discordance Step 12: Tables 11 and 12 present the Boolean matrices B and H
matrix using Eq. (14). The concordance and discordance matrices based on the minimum concordance level and minimum
are presented in Tables 9 and 10, respectively. discordance level, respectively. Note that the minimum concordance
380 A. Hatami-Marbini, M. Tavana / Omega 39 (2011) 373–386

and discordance levels are (2.12, 2.45, 2.54, 2.76) and 0.56, effects of the Boolean matrices B and H separately. This signifies
respectively. that matrix Z is the aggregation matrix that includes all the
Step 13: Next, we construct the global matrix Z presented in necessary data for constructing the decision graph from matrices
Table 13 by multiplying matrices B and G in order to disregard the B and H.
Step 14: Finally, we construct the decision graph presented in
Table 4 Fig. 6. This decision graph, derived from a great deal of imprecise
The rating of the five actions with respect to the five criteria by three DMs. data, shows which action is preferable, incomparable or indifferent.
In Fig. 6 we see that there are a total of eight relationships
Criteria Suppliers DM
between A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5. A1 is preferred to A5; A2 is preferred
D1 D2 D3
to A1, A4 and A5; A3 is preferred to A1, A4 and A5; and A4 is
preferred to A5. There actually are only six basic relationships
C1 A1 MG MG MG provided by this graph since two of the relationships can be
A2 G G G derived by using the concept of transitivity. The fact that the
relationship A2 is preferred to A5 can be inferred from the
A4 G G G
A5 MG MG MG following two relationships: A2 is preferred to A1 and A1 is
preferred to A5. Moreover, the fact that the relationship A3 is
A2 VG VG VG preferred to A5 can be inferred from the following two relation-
A3 VG G G ships: A3 is preferred to A4 and A4 is preferred to A5.

C3 A1 G G G 5. Discussion
A3 VG VG G The purpose of this paper is to propose an alternative
outranking method by extending the Electre I method for group
decision-making under a fuzzy environment. We considered the
C4 A1 G G G
numerical example used by Chen et al. [98] to demonstrate the
A3 VG VG VG details of the proposed fuzzy Electre I method in the previous
A4 G G G section. This step by step demonstration of the proposed method
A5 MG MG G was not intended to compare our results with those of Chen et al.
C5 A1 G G G [98]. Such a comparison may be pointless as different multi-
A2 VG VG VG criteria decision making methods may yield inconsistent results
A3 G VG G when applied to the same problem. Zanakis et al. [100] explain
that the inconsistency in results occurs because (1) the techniques
use weights differently; (2) algorithms differ in their approach to

Table 5
The fuzzy decision matrix and the fuzzy weight of each criterion.

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

A1 (5, 6, 7, 8) (5, 7, 8, 10) (7, 8, 8,9) (7, 8, 8, 9) (7, 8, 8, 9)

A2 (7, 8, 8, 9) (8, 9, 10, 10) (8, 9, 10, 10) (7, 8.7, 9.3, 10) (8, 9, 10, 10)
A3 (7, 8.7, 9.3, 10) (7, 8.3, 8.7, 10) (7, 8.7, 9.3, 10) (8, 9, 10, 10) (7, 8.3, 8.7, 10)
A4 (7, 8, 8, 9) (5, 7.3, 7.7, 9) (5, 6.7, 7.3, 9) (7, 8, 8, 9) (7, 8.3, 8.7, 10)
A5 (5, 6, 7, 8) (5, 7.3, 7.7, 9) (5, 6, 7, 8) (5, 6.7, 7.3, 9) (5, 6, 7, 8)
Weight (0.7, 0.8, 0.8,0.9) (0.8, 0.9, 1,1) (0.7, 0.87, 0.93,1) (0.7, 0.8, 0.8,0.9) (0.7, 0.8, 0.8,0.9)

Table 6
The normalized fuzzy decision matrix.

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

A1 (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8) (0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 1) (0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.9) (0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.9) (0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.9)
A2 (0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.9) (0.8, 0.9, 1, 1) (0.8, 0.9, 1, 1) (0.7, 0.87, 0.93, 1) (0.8, 0.9, 1, 1)
A3 (0.7, 0.87, 0.93, 1) (0.7, 0.83, 0.87, 1) (0.7, 0.87, 0.93, 1) (0.8, 0.9, 1, 1) (0.7, 0.83, 0.87, 1)
A4 (0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.9) (0.5, 0.73, 0.77, 0.9) (0.5, 0.67, 0.73, 0.9) (0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.9) (0.7, 0.83, 0.87, 1)
A5 (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8) (0.5, 0.73, 0.77, 0.9) (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8) (0.5, 0.67, 0.73, 0.9) (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8)

Table 7
The weighted normalized fuzzy decision matrix.

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

A1 (0.35,0.48,0.56,0.72) (0.4,0.63,0.8,1) (0.49,0.7,0.74,0.9) (0.49,0.64,0.64,0.81) (0.49,0.64,0.64,0.81)

A2 (0.49,0.64,0.64,0.81) (0.64,0.81,1,1) (0.56,0.78,0.93,1) (0.49,0.7,0.74,0.9) (0.56,0.72,0.8,0.9)
A3 (0.49,0.7,0.74,0.9) (0.56,0.75,0.87,1) (0.49,0.76,0.86,1) (0.56,0.72,0.8,0.9) (0.49,0.66,0.7,0.9)
A4 (0.49,0.64,0.64,0.81) (0.4,0.66,0.77,0.9) (0.35,0.58,0.68,0.9) (0.49,0.64,0.64,0.81) (0.49,0.66,0.7,0.9)
A5 (0.35,0.48,0.56,0.72) (0.4,0.66,0.77,0.9) (0.35,0.52,0.65,0.8) (0.35,0.54,0.58,0.81) (0.35,0.48,0.56,0.72)
A. Hatami-Marbini, M. Tavana / Omega 39 (2011) 373–386 381

Table 8
The distances between two actions g and f with respect to each criterion.

x11 x21 x31 x41 x51 x12 x22 x32 x42 x52

x11 – (0.065,0) (0,0) (0.065,0) (0,0) x12 – (0.205,0) (0.105,0) (0.035,0.065) (0.035,0.065)
x21 – – (0.065,0) (0,0) (0,0.065) x22 – – (0,0.1) (0,0.105) (0,0.105)
x31 – – – (0,0.065) (0,0) x32 – – – (0,0.005) (0,0.005)
x41 – – – – (0,0.065) x42 – – – – (0,0)
x51 – – – – – x52 – – – – –

x13 x23 x33 x43 x53 x14 x24 x34 x44 x54

x13 – (0.07,0) (0.08,0) (0,0.1) (0,0.065) x14 – (0.065,0) (0.05,0) (0,0) (0,0.09)
x23 – – (0,0.1) (0,0.03) (0,0.005) x24 – – (0.015,0) (0,0.065) (0,0.025)
x33 – – – (0,0.02) (0,0.015) x34 – – – (0,0.05) (0,0.04)
x43 – – – – (0,0.039) x44 – – – – (0,0.09)
x53 – – – – – x54 – – – – –

x15 x25 x35 x45 x55

x15 – (0.05,0) (0.065,0) (0.065,0) (0,0.065)

x25 – – (0,0.015) (0,0.015) (0,0.015)
x35 – – – (0,0) (0,0)
x45 – – – – (0,0)
x55 – – – – –

Table 9
The concordance matrix.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

A1 – (0,0,0,0) (0.7,0.8,0.8,0.9) (2.2,2.57,2.73,2.9) (3.6,4.17,4.33,4.7)

A2 (3.6,4.17,4.33,4.7) – (2.2,2.57,2.73,2.9) (3.6,4.17,4.33,4.7) (3.6,4.17,4.33,4.7)
A3 (3.6,4.17,4.33,4.7) (1.4,1.6,1.6,1.8) – (3.6,4.17,4.33,4.7) (3.6,4.17,4.33,4.7)
A4 (2.1,2.4,2.4,2.7) (0.7,0.8,0.8,0.9) (0.7,0.8,0.8,0.9) – (3.6,4.17,4.33,4.7)
A5 (0.7,0.8,0.8,0.9) (0,0,0,0) (1.4,1.6,1.6,1.8) (1.5,1.7,1.8,1.9) –

Table 10 Table 13
The discordance matrix. The global matrix Z.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

A1 – 1 1 0.65 0 A1 – 0 0 0 1
A2 0 – 0.65 0 0 A2 1 – 0 1 1
A3 0 1 – 0 0 A3 1 0 – 1 1
A4 1 1 1 – 0 A4 0 0 0 – 1
A5 1 1 1 1 – A5 0 0 0 0 –

Table 11
Boolean matrix B based on the minimum concordance level. A2

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

A1 – 0 0 1 1
A1 A3
A2 1 – 1 1 1
A3 1 0 – 1 1
A4 0 0 0 – 1
A5 0 0 0 0 –

A4 A5

Fig. 6. The decision graph for the numerical example.

Table 12
Boolean matrix H based on the minimum discordance level.
selecting the ‘best’ solution; (3) many algorithms attempt to scale
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
the objective; and (4) some algorithms introduce additional
A1 – 0 0 0 1 parameters that affect which solution will be chosen.
A2 1 – 0 1 1 The Electre I method is often comprised of two steps: (1) the
A3 1 0 – 1 1 construction of one or several outranking relations and (2) the
A4 0 0 0 – 1
A5 0 0 0 0 –
derivation of a recommendation based on the outranking relations
[101]. The TOPSIS method consists of three steps: (1) the
382 A. Hatami-Marbini, M. Tavana / Omega 39 (2011) 373–386

construction of the normalized decision matrices; (2) the determi- solution aim is oriented towards the selection of a small set of
nation of the closeness coefficient to the ideal solution; and (3) the ‘‘good’’ actions in such a way that a single action may finally be
derivation of a preference rank order based on the separation chosen. In contrast, the solution aim in ranking problematic is
measures [5]. Generally speaking, the concordance and discordance oriented towards the selection of a complete or partial order of
indices in Electre are analogous to the Euclidean distances of each the actions [4].
action to the ideal solution and the nadir ideal solution in TOPSIS.  The concordance and discordance indices in Electre are
Accordingly, the preferred actions by Electre and TOPSIS are analogous to the Euclidean distances of each action to the ideal
normally in agreement for a given problem, particularly for solution and the nadir ideal solution in TOPSIS ([100], p. 511).
problems with few criteria ([100], p. 511).  Electre is an outranking method and TOPSIS is based on an
Cheng et al. [102] used Electre and TOPSIS to evaluate the aggregating function representing ‘closeness to the ideal’,
landfill site actions considered in solid waste management and which originated in the compromise programming method.
compared the results from the two approaches. They argue that  Both Electre I and TOPSIS use normalized scales [5,111].
since each method reflects different characteristics and assump-  As the number of actions increases, Electre and TOPSIS tend to
tions, using a single method may not give satisfactory results produce similar final weights, but dissimilar rankings, and
([102], p. 553). Amiri et al. [103] also applied Electre and TOPSIS more rank reversals (fewer reversals for Electre). As the
to a portfolio selection problem and compared results from the number of criteria increases, Electre exhibits more rank
two methods. They also advocated using multiple MCDA methods reversals compared with TOPSIS [100].
to solve the same problem. In spite of that, Gershon and Duckstein
[104] warn that different MCDA techniques may yield different According to Kim et al. [113] and Shih et al. [114], at least three
results when applied to the same problem, apparently under the TOPSIS advantages can be identified: (1) a sound logic that
same assumptions and by a single DM. Other researchers have simulates the rationale of human choice; (2) a scalar value that
argued the opposite; namely that, given different types of accounts for both the best and worst actions simultaneously; and
problems, the solutions obtained by different MCDA methods (3) a simple computation process that can be easily programmed
are essentially the same [105–109]. into a spreadsheet. In spite of that, Roghanian et al. [115] have
There is no one optimal method for a given MCDA problem and reported that the aggregating function of the TOPSIS method does
the numerical comparison is not usually enough to determine not produce results such that the highest ranked action is
which method is the most appropriate. However, it is worthwhile simultaneously the closest to the ideal solution and the furthest
to examine different models from different perspectives. Deng from the nadir solution since these criteria can be conflicting. This
and Wibowo [110] have provided guidelines for choosing issue is dealt with arbitrarily by the original TOPSIS method
between the Electre and TOPSIS methods on the basis of the through the use of the notion of closeness coefficient which is a
criteria weights, the performance ratings, the criteria information measure of the relative distance between a certain action and the
processing, features, solution aims and the common scale. In ideal and the nadir solutions.
Table 14, we expand the guidelines provided by Deng and Chen et al. [98] proposed a new fuzzy TOPSIS method. They
Wibowo [110] and present a side-by-side comparison of the demonstrated the details of their method in a MCDA problem
Electre and TOPSIS methods. where a high-technology manufacturing company desires to
As shown in Table 14: select a suitable material supplier among five candidates. Their
results are presented in Table 15.
 The fuzzy Electre I model proposed in this study and the fuzzy The closeness coefficient (CC) for the five suppliers are 0.5 for A1,
TOPSIS model used by Chen et al. [98] both used fuzzy criteria 0.64 for A2, 0.62 for A3, 0.51 for A4 and 0.4 for A5 which results in
weights and fuzzy performance ratings. the ranking of A2 gA3 gA4 gA1 gA5 , where the symbol ‘g’ means
 The criteria information processing is partially compensatory ‘is superior’. Next, Chen et al. [98] divide the [0,1] interval into five
in Electre I and fully compensatory in TOPSIS [5,111]. Unlike sub-intervals (classes) to state the evaluation status of the
the compensatory method of TOPSIS, an advantage of the suppliers as linguistic variables presented in Table 16. According
Electre method is that a significantly weak criterion value of an to this classification scheme, if multiple suppliers fall in the same
action cannot directly be compensated for by other good class, their CC values are used to rank them within that class. As
criteria values. On the other hand, the solution mechanism in shown in Table 15, suppliers A2 and A3 are classified in class V and
Electre method is not as extreme as purely non-compensatory suppliers A1, A4 and A5 are classified in class III based on their CC
methods [112]. values and the classification scheme proposed in Table 16. With
 The solution aim is ‘‘choice problematic’’ for Electre I and respect to the CC values, the five suppliers are ranked as follows:
‘‘ranking problematic’’ for TOPSIS. In choice problematic, the fA2 gA3 ggfA4 gA1 gA5 g. Furthermore, Chen et al. [98] translate

Table 14
Problem requirements and characteristics of the Electre and TOPSIS methods.

Problem requirements and characteristics MCDA method

Electre TOPSIS

Criteria weights Crisp, interval or fuzzy Crisp, interval or fuzzy

Performance ratings Crisp, interval or fuzzy Crisp, interval or fuzzy
Criteria information processing Partially compensatory Fully compensatory
Solution aims Choice problematic Ranking problematic
Features Outranking Ideal solution
Orientation Outranking Compromise programming
Common scale Normalized scale Normalized scale
Rank reversal (Actions) More actions—small rank reversal More actions—large rank reversal
Rank reversal (Criteria) More criteria—large rank reversal More criteria—small rank Reversal
A. Hatami-Marbini, M. Tavana / Omega 39 (2011) 373–386 383

Table 15 Table 17
The results of Chen et al.’s [98] TOPSIS method. The results of the proposed Electre I method.

Suppliers CCi Ranking Class Action Incomparable Submissive Ranking

action action
A1 0.5 4 III
A2 0.64 1 IV A1 A4 A5 3
A3 0.62 2 IV A2 A3 A1,A4,A5 1
A4 0.51 3 III A3 A2 A1,A4,A5 1
A5 0.4 5 III A4 A1 A5 3
A5 – – 5

Table 16
The decision rules of Chen et al.’s [98] TOPSIS method.

Class Closeness coefficient Assessment status

I [0, 0.2] Do not recommend

II [0.2, 0.4] Recommend with high risk
III [0.4, 0.6] Recommend with low risk
IV [0.6, 0.8] Approved
V [0.8, 1] Approved and preferred

these rankings into linguistic terms such as ‘‘Do not recommend’’

or ‘‘Recommend with high risk’’. While linguistic terms are easy to
understand, they do not express the outranking relations.
The ranking methods are frequently used in multi-criteria
decision making to rank order the potential actions based on the
DM’s preferences where ties among various actions are also allowed.
Although the ranking methods are simple to use, they do not capture Fig. 7. The pictorial representation of the Electre I and TOPSIS rankings.
the preference intensity of the DMs and the numerical values
obtained from the ranking of the actions are non-intuitive to the DM, closeness coefficient of each action. However, our approach
especially for visual representations. As shown in Table 15, A2 is overcomes this shortcoming by using a logical outranking relation.
ranked ahead of A3 and only 0.02 points separate their CC values. In other words, our approach provides more meaningful and useful
This could be problematic, especially, in a fuzzy environment where information by revealing which supplier is preferable, incompar-
the values are not necessarily precise. Furthermore, the difference able or indifferent, whereas their approach only provides a simple
between the CCvalues for A1 and A4 is only 0.01 points in the fuzzy ranking of the suppliers.
TOPSIS method proposed by Chen et al. [98]. It does not seem logical In summary, the Electre and TOPSIS methods produce similar
to rank A1 and A4 differently because of the potential variations in results [116]. However, the outranking result obtained from the
the imprecise data. Contrary to the TOPSIS rankings, suppliers A1 and Electre I method reveals more useful information such as the
A4 are categorized in class III in the proposed fuzzy Electre I method. preferability, incomparability or indifference among the actions. This
Although the fuzzy Electre I does not rank order the actions similar advantage is especially more valuable in problems with a large
to the fuzzy TOPSIS method proposed by Chen et al. [98], it does number of actions [117]. In addition, Electre is the preferred method
provide insightful information about the relationship among the for problems with a large set of actions and few criteria [118].
actions especially in cases where no action outranks the others and
no decision can be made.
We used the fuzzy Electre I method in the previous section and
derived the decision graph presented in Fig. 6. As shown in this 6. Conclusions and future research directions
figure, suppliers A2 and A3 are categorized in the first rank,
because three arcs derive from the nodes A2 and A3. It means that Many real-world decision problems take place in a complex
A2 and A3 are preferred to A1, A4 and A5. A2 and A3 are also not environment and involve conflicting systems of criteria, uncer-
comparable because there is no arc between them. Furthermore, tainty and imprecise information. Numerous methods have been
suppliers A1 and A4 are categorized in the second rank. In fact, A1 developed to solve multi-criteria problems when available
and A4 are preferred to A5, but they are also incomparable. The last information is precise. However, uncertainty and fuzziness
prioritization belongs to supplier A5, because all actions are inherent in the structure of information make rigorous mathe-
dominated on A5. The results of our fuzzy Electre I method are matical models unsuitable for solving multi-criteria problems
presented in Table 17. with imprecise information [3,67,70,71].
A comparison between Tables 15 and 17 shows that there is a MCDA forms an important part of the decision process for
similarity between our prioritization and the rankings provided complex problems and the theory of fuzzy set is well-suited to
by Chen et al. [98]. This similarity was further validated from the handle the ambiguity and impreciseness inherent in multi-criteria
pictorial representation of the results provided in Fig. 7. In decision problems. Electre is a well-established MCDA method
addition, we applied the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient that has a history of successful real-world applications [99]. In
to measure the correlation between the two results. The Spear- this paper, we proposed a methodological and computational
man’s rank correlation coefficient of 0.80 also supported the enhancement of the Electre I decision aid method for processing
similarity of the results. fuzzy preferential information as is common in the context of
In the approach proposed by Chen et al. [98], the Euclidean multi-criteria preference modeling. We utilized a decision graph
distances of each action to the ideal solution and nadir solution are to identify preferable, incomparable or indifferent actions. The
both crisp values. This leads to a crisp point estimate for the proposed algorithm for group decision-making under fuzzy
384 A. Hatami-Marbini, M. Tavana / Omega 39 (2011) 373–386

environments is flexible and could be applied easily to other A stream of future research can extend our algorithms to other
managerial decision-making problems. variations of the Electre methods such as Electre II, III, IV, Electre
The contribution of this paper is fivefold: (1) we addressed the IS and Electre TRI. It would also be interesting to develop hybrid
gap in the Electre literature for problems involving conflicting approaches for the integrated use of our algorithms, not only
systems of criteria, uncertainty and imprecise information; (2) we hybrids of different outranking methods but also hybrids of MAVT
extended the Electre I method to take into account the uncertain, and numerical optimization.
imprecise and linguistic assessments; (3) we defined outranking
relations by pairwise comparisons and used decision graphs to
determine which action is preferable, incomparable or indifferent Acknowledgement
in the fuzzy environment; (4) we showed that contrary to the
TOPSIS rankings, the Electre approach reveals more useful The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and
information including the incomparability among the actions; the editor for their insightful comments and suggestions.
and (5) we provided a numerical example to elucidate the details
of the proposed method.
When compared with the other fuzzy outranking methods,
some of the features of the alternative fuzzy outranking method
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